Introduction to Leg Spin Bowling Leg Spin bowling Is one of the most exciting arts in cricket.It is...

Introduction to Leg Spin Bowling Leg Spin bowling Is one of the most exciting arts in cricket.It is also one of the most difficult to master and the least understood by both players and coaches alike. There have been a number of geat leg spinners over the ages .In recent times Richie Benaud of Australia and the great Pakistani leg spinner Abdul Quadir are two who readily come to mind. However it is only since Shane Warne appeared on the scene that leg spin bowling has really captured the imagination of the cricketing public.His amazing spin, flight, control and mastery of different deliveries has enabled him to take over 700 Test wickets and have success in many different conditions. Leg spin bowling has always been a passion of mine and I bowled leg spin as a part time bowler in the Transvaal Premier League without much success.For many years I tried to assist in coaching young leg spinners .It wasn’t until 1996 when I met the great Austalian leg spin coach Terry Jenner that I really came to understand the true art of leg spin bowling and the best teaching methods. During the last ten years I have been fortunate to have worked with Terry at several clinics and with his help I have continued to improve my knowledge. In this CD I have endeavoured to pass on as much of this knowledge as possible . I hope that it will assist bowlers and coaches . Remember that however much knowledge you gain you can only succeed if you put in many hours of hard work in improving your skills.

Transcript of Introduction to Leg Spin Bowling Leg Spin bowling Is one of the most exciting arts in cricket.It is...

Introduction to Leg Spin BowlingLeg Spin bowling Is one of the most exciting arts in cricket.It is also one of the most difficult to master and the least understood by both players and coaches alike.

There have been a number of geat leg spinners over the ages .In recent times Richie Benaud of Australia and the great Pakistani leg spinner Abdul Quadir are two who readily come to mind. However it is only since Shane Warne appeared on the scene that leg spin bowling has really captured the imagination of the cricketing public.His amazing spin, flight, control and mastery of different deliveries has enabled him to take over 700 Test wickets and have success in many different conditions.

Leg spin bowling has always been a passion of mine and I bowled leg spin as a part time bowler in the Transvaal Premier League without much success.For many years I tried to assist in coaching young leg spinners .It wasn’t until 1996 when I met the great Austalian leg spin coach Terry Jenner that I really came to understand the true art of leg spin bowling and the best teaching methods. During the last ten years I have been fortunate to have worked with Terry at several clinics and with his help I have continued to improve my knowledge. In this CD I have endeavoured to pass on as much of this knowledge as possible . I hope that it will assist bowlers and coaches .

Remember that however much knowledge you gain you can only succeed if you put in many hours of hard work in improving your skills.

Leg Spin Bowling1.What is leg spin

2. The Grip

6.The back foot landing

5.The gather

9. The Release

3.Building the action

8. The front foot landing

10. The follow-through

4.The approach

12. Where to Bowl

7.The delivery stride

13. Leg Spin Drills

14.Basic Field Placing

15. Variations

11. The complete action

End Program

16. Common faults and Correction

The Gather

Both arms should be about head height and slightly forward.

Lead with your head

This will ensure that the body weight is beginning to move forward

The trunk is starting to to turn side on.

The wrist of the bowling hand is cocked

Back Foot Landing

The back foot lands parallel to the bowling crease.

The hips and shoulders are aligned towards the target

The non bowling arm is pushing out towards the target with the palm of the hand facing the target

The front knee is pushing forward with the heel of the front foot pointing in the direction of mid off

The wrist of the bowling hand is cocked

The Delivery Stride

A longish delivery stride is towards the target.

The powerful front arm continues pushing out towards the target with the palm of the hand facing the target.

The shoulders begin to rotate towards the target

The wrist of the bowling hand remains cocked.