Introduction to Java 8 Date Time Date and Time API and... · How...

Introduction to Java 8 Date Time API Nadeesh T V ORACLE India Pvt Ltd 19 Dec 2015 Bangalore JUG Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Transcript of Introduction to Java 8 Date Time Date and Time API and... · How...

Page 1: Introduction to Java 8 Date Time Date and Time API and... · How to model Date without time component? eg: 19 Dec 2015 How to model Time without a

Introduction to Java 8 Date Time API

Nadeesh T V

ORACLE India Pvt Ltd

19 Dec 2015

Bangalore JUG Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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1 Why do we need a new API?

2 JSR 310

3 Chronology

4 TimeZone

5 Summary

6 What to look for in java 9

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Drawbacks of existing APIutil.Date, util.Calendar ..

What is the output of following code?

C a l e n d a r c a l = new G r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r (1970 , 12 , 19 , 11 , 3 0 ) ;

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ( ” yyyy−MM−dd HH:mm: s s ” ) ;

System . out . p r i n t l n ( dateFormat . fo rmat ( c a l . getTime ( ) ) ) ;

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Drawbacks of existing APIutil.Date, util.Calendar ..

What is the output of following code?

C a l e n d a r c a l = new G r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r (1970 , 12 , 19 , 11 , 3 0 ) ;

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ( ” yyyy−MM−dd HH:mm: s s ” ) ;

System . out . p r i n t l n ( dateFormat . fo rmat ( c a l . getTime ( ) ) ) ;

Expected: 1970-12-19 11:30:00 Actual : 1971-01-19 11:30:00

Months are zero indexed :)

How to model Date without time component? eg: 19 Dec 2015

How to model Time without a date? eg: 10.30

How to model Month without a day? eg: credit card expiry date

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Drawbacks of existing APIutil.Date, util.Calendar ..

How to model Duration? eg: 2H 15 minute

How to find number of days between 2 dates?

Both Date and Calendar are mutable

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JSR 310 : Date Time API

Started in 2007

Feature Completed in 2013

JSR 310 is not joda time

Adopted from joda time



Fluent and Clear

Pluggable or Extensible

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JSR 310 : LocalDate

Stores year-month-day

19 Dec 2015

Start day, End day etc

date1 = Loca lDate . now ( ) ;

date2 = Loca lDate . o f (2015 , 12 , 3 1 ) ;

date2 . i s A f t e r ( date1 ) ;

date2 . i s L e a p Y e a r ( ) ;

date2 . lengthOfMonth ( ) ;

Manipulation - yet immutable

date2 . p l u s D a y s ( 3 ) ;

date2 . minusMonths ( 2 ) ;

date2 . withDayOfMonth ( 1 2 ) ;

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JSR 310 : LocalDate

More complex alteration use TemporalAdjuster

Eg: Change to last day of month

Change to next Tuesday

Change to 3rdFriDay

TemporalAdjuster - yet immutable

date2 . w i t h ( T e m p o r a l A d j u s t e r s . f i r s tDayOfMonth ( ) ) ;

date2 . w i t h ( T e m p o r a l A d j u s t e r s . n e x t ( DayOfWeek .TUESDAY ) ) ;

date2 . w i t h ( T e m p o r a l A d j u s t e r s . n e x t (3 r d F r i d a y ) ;

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JSR 310 : LocalTime



Wall clock time, openingtime etc

t ime1 = LocalTime . now ( ) ;

t ime2 = LocalTime . o f (2015 , 12 , 3 1 ) ;

t ime2 . i s A f t e r ( t ime1 ) ;

t ime2 . getHour ( ) ;

Manipulation - yet immutable

t ime . withNano ( 0 ) ;

t ime . p l u s H o u r s ( 2 ) ;

t ime . t r u n c a t e d T o ( ChronoUnit . SECONDS)

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JSR 310 : LocalDateTime

Stores LocalDate and LocalTime

19 Dec 2015 10:30

Wall clock time, opening time etc

Manipulation - yet immutable

dateTime1 = LocalDateTime . now ( ) ;

dateTime2 = LocalDateTime . o f (2015 , 12 , 3 1 , 1 1 , 3 0 , 1 2 ) ;

dateTime1 . i s A f t e r ( dateTime12 ) ;

dateTime1 . p l u s D a y s ( 3 ) . p l u s H o u r s ( 2 ) ;

dateTime1 . w i t h ( T e m p o r a l A d j u s t e r s . f i r s tDayOfMonth ( ) ) ;

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Chronlogy - Calendar System

Currently support 5 Chronologies

ISo 8601, Hijrah, Japanese, Minguo, ThaiBudhist


ChronloLocalDate, ChronoLocalTime, ChronoLocalDateTime etc

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World is divided into different time zones

JSR 310 uses tzdb

To figure out TimeOffset, DST rules etc

3 Classes - ZoneOffset, ZoneId, ZoneRules

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JSR 310 : ZonedDateTime

Stores LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset, ZoneId

19 Dec 2015 10:30 +05:30[Asia/Calcutta]

Manipulation - yet immutable

ZonedDateTime . now ( ) ;

ZoneId zone= ZoneId . o f ( ” A s i a / C a l c u t t a ” ) ;

ZonedDateTime . o f ( l o c a l d a t e T i m e , zone ) ;

z d t . p l u s D a y s ( 3 ) . p l u s H o u r s ( 2 ) ;

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JSR 310 : Instant

Represent instantaneous point in time

Stores nano seconds from 1970-1-1Z

Equivalent to Machine Time

Manipulation - yet immutable

I n s t a n t i n s t a n t 1 = I n s t a n t . now ( ) ;

i n s t a n t 1 . p l u s M i l l i s ( 2 0 ) ;

i n s t a n t 1 . i s A f t e r ( i n s t a n t 2 ) ;

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JSR 310 : Duration

Represent amount of time

Stores seconds and nano seconds

Eg: 24.3 seconds

Manipulation - yet immutable

D u r a t i o n dur = D u r a t i o n . o f S e c o n d s ( 1 2 , 2 1 ) ;

dur . p l u s H o u r s ( 2 ) ;

dur . m u l t i p l i e d B y ( 1 0 ) ;

LocalDateTime . now ( ) . p l u s ( dur ) ;

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JSR 310 : Period

date based amount

years , months , days

Eg: 2 year 1 month

Manipulation - yet immutable

P e r i o d p e r i o d = P e r i o d . o f ( y e a r s , onths , days ) ;

p e r i o d . p l u s D a y s ( 2 ) ;

LocalDateTime . now ( ) . p l u s ( p e r i o d ) ;

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JSR 310 : Class Summary

LocalDate 2015-12-19

LocalTime 11:30

LocalDateTime 2015-12-19T11:30

ZonedDateTime 2015-12-19T11:30+5:30 Asia/Calcutta

Instant 12202 seconds

Duration PT24.3 seconds

Period PT1Y2M

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// Loca lDate / LocalTime <−> LocalDateTimeLoca lDate d a t e = Loca lDate . now ( ) ;

LocalTime t ime = LocalTime . now ( ) ;

LocalDateTime dateTimeFromDateAndTime = LocalDateTime . o f ( date , t ime ) ;

Loca lDate dateFromDateTime = LocalDateTime . now ( ) . t o L o c a l D a t e ( ) ;

LocalTime timeFromDateTime = LocalDateTime . now ( ) . toLoca lT ime ( ) ;

// I n s t a n t <−> LocalDateTimeI n s t a n t i n s t a n t = I n s t a n t . now ( ) ;

LocalDateTime dateTimeFromInstant = LocalDateTime .o f I n s t a n t ( i n s t a n t , ZoneId . o f ( ” America / L o s A n g e l e s ” ) ) ;

I n s t a n t instantFromDateTime = LocalDateTime . now ( ) .t o I n s t a n t ( Z o n e O f f s e t . o fHours ( −2));

// conv e r t o l d date / c a l e n d a r / t imezone c l a s s e sI n s t a n t i n s t a n t F r o m D a t e = new Date ( ) . t o I n s t a n t ( ) ;

I n s t a n t i n s t a n t F r o m C a l e n d a r = C a l e n d a r . g e t I n s t a n c e ( ) . t o I n s t a n t ( ) ;

ZoneId z o n e I d = TimeZone . g e t D e f a u l t ( ) . to Z on e Id ( ) ;

ZonedDateTime zonedDateTimeFromGregor ianCalendar = new G r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r ( ). toZonedDateTime ( ) ;

// conv e r t to o l d c l a s s e sDate d a t e F r o m I n s t a n t = Date . from ( I n s t a n t . now ( ) ) ;

TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone . getTimeZone ( ZoneId . o f ( ” America / L o s A n g e l e s ” ) ) ;

G r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r g r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r = G r e g o r i a n C a l e n d a r . from ( ZonedDateTime . now ( ) ) ;

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What to look for in java 9

Duration - toHourParts(),toMinutesPart(),dividedBY(Duarion)

LocalDate - ofInstant(Instant,Zone), toEpochSecond()

Julian Chronolgy(may be)

Additional patterns in DateTimeFormatter

Optimize implemenations of certain method implmentaion inLocalDate, LocalTime

etc ...

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