Introduction to humor in public speaking - Manu Melwin Joy

Introduction to Humor in Public speaking Public Speaking Skills

Transcript of Introduction to humor in public speaking - Manu Melwin Joy

Introduction to Humor in Public speaking Public Speaking Skills

Prepared By TM Manu Melwin Joy

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Humor in public speaking

• Some consider humor to be the Holy

Grail of public speaking. The old adage,

‘Always start with a joke’, endures like

no other. Behind this is the idea that a

well-timed gag will win over any

audience and open them up to your

message. But the role of comedy in

public speaking is far more complex and

subtle than this phrase would have you


Humor in public speaking

• For any person who must

speak in public or private,

to business or pleasure

groups, humor is an

invaluable indispensable

tool for getting your

message across.

'Business executives and political leaders have

embraced humor because humor works. Humor

has gone from being an admirable part of a

leader's character to a mandatory one.‘

– Bob Orben, Special Assistant to President Gerald Ford

and Former Director of the White House Speech writing


Why Use Humor?

• People will enjoy what you

have to say if it is presented

with humor.

• You will be appreciated for

providing heartfelt laughter;

laughter that has

therapeutic effects on


Why Use Humor?• If you are in a situation

where important and perhaps controversial ideas must be presented to less than open minds, humor allows those ideas to be presented in a non-threatening manner.

• Abraham Lincoln was famous for his ability to relate humorous stories to make a point.

Why Use Humor?

• You will be remembered,

talked about; your

reputation as a truly

great speaker will be

enhanced and spread
