Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva


Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva. GSN and GUAN Stations In South America. GSN and GUAN. Stations Mostly Run by NMHS Should be your best stations Good Long Continuous Operational Record Quality Needed not Quantity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Page 1: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Introduction to GCOS

Richard K. Thigpen

Implementation Project Manager

GCOS Secretariat


Page 2: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

GSN and GUAN Stations

In South America

Page 3: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Stations Mostly Run by NMHS

Should be your best stations

Good Long Continuous Operational Record

Quality Needed not Quantity

Historical Record Available

Part of your Regional and National Responsibility

Not Something additional

Must be Important to You


Page 4: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Performance of Stations In SA

Most Stations are Working

See Report of last 5 years performance

Some Historical Data for most GSN Stations

Monthly (CLIMAT) data fairly complete

Daily data available for few stations

Several requests from WMO for Historical

NCDC may have more Historical Data

Page 5: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva
Page 6: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva
Page 7: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Some GCOS Initiatives

Regional Workshops have increased awareness

10 Regional Workshops

Recent Africa Strategy Meeting

Direct Renovation of stations

Upper Air Equipment and H2 generators

Surface Instruments

Supply of consumables

Page 8: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Technical Support ProjectsPacific, Caribbean, SADCActive Support to StationsImproved Station Meta data

Workshops for Improved Upper Air ObservingTraining by Experts on Upper Air TechniquesPrevious in South America, next in Africa

Established CBS Lead Centers for GCOS dataJapan, Iran, Morocco, US, Australia, British

Antarctic Survey, Chile, GermanyWork Together to Improve GSN and GUAN

GCOS Initiatives

Page 9: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Workshops for CLIMAT/CLIMAT TEMP PreparationPrevious in Africa, Next in South AmericaInstruction on Format and ContentSponsored by WWW, WCP, and GCOS

CLIREP Software DevelopedPrepares CLIMAT/ CLIMAT TEMP Reports

GCOS Cooperative MechanismAdditional Donors Permit these Activities

GCOS Initiatives

Page 10: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Some South American ActivitiesChile is CBS Lead Center for South America

Upper Air Workshop Completed

CLIMAT/CLIMAT TEMP Workshop in Buenos Aires 25-27 October

Improve quality of Monthly reports

Technical Support Project for South America

Invited all Met Services last year, No responses!

Again this year, perhaps inviting Private Sector

Possible South American Strategy Meeting?

Page 11: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

We Need Your Help

GSN Historical Daily Data

Requests for Historical Daily data Unanswered

Up Date and Correct



Pub 9 Vol A

National GCOS Focal Point List

Page 12: Introduction to GCOS Richard K. Thigpen Implementation Project Manager GCOS Secretariat Geneva

Muchas Gracias