Introduction to Data Assimilation: Lecture 1

Introduction to Data Assimilation: Lecture 1 Saroja Polavarapu Meteorological Research Division Environment Canada PIMS Summer School, Victoria. July 14-18, 2008


Introduction to Data Assimilation: Lecture 1. Saroja Polavarapu Meteorological Research Division Environment Canada. PIMS Summer School, Victoria. July 14-18, 2008. Goals of these lectures. Basic idea of data assimilation (combining measurements and models) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to Data Assimilation: Lecture 1

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Introduction to Data Assimilation: Lecture 1

Saroja Polavarapu

Meteorological Research Division Environment Canada

PIMS Summer School, Victoria. July 14-18, 2008

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Goals of these lectures

• Basic idea of data assimilation (combining measurements and models)

• Basic processes of assimilation (interpolation and filtering)

• How a weather forecasting system works

• Some common schemes (OI, 3D, 4D-Var)

• Progress over the past few decades

• Assumptions, drawbacks of schemes

• Advantages and limitations of DA

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• Can’t avoid equations– but there are only a few (repeated many times)

• Deriving equations is important to understanding key assumptions

• Introduce standard equations using common notation in meteorological DA literature

• Introduce concepts and terminology used by assimilators (e.g. forward model, adjoint model, tangent linear model…)

• Introduce topics using a historical timeline

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Outline of lectures 1-2• General idea

• Numerical weather prediction context

• Fundamental issues in atmospheric DA

• Simple examples of data assimilation

• Optimal Interpolation

• Covariance Modelling

• Initialization (Filtering of analyses)

• Basic estimation theory

• 3D-Variational Assimilation (3Dvar)

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Atmospheric Data AnalysisGoal: To produce a regular, physically consistent,

four-dimensional representation of the state of the atmosphere from a heterogeneous array of in-situ and remote instruments which sample imperfectly and irregularly in space and time. (Daley, 1991)


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• Approach: Combine information from past observations, brought forward in time by a model, with information from new observations, using – statistical information on model and observation errors– the physics captured in the model

• Observation errors– Instrument, calibration, coding, telecommunication errors

• Model errors– “representativeness”, numerical truncation, incorrect or missing

physical processes

Analysis = Interpolation + Filtering

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Why do people do data assimilation?

1. To obtain an initial state for launching NWP forecasts

2. To make consistent estimates of the atmospheric state for diagnostic studies.

• reanalyses (eg. ERA-15, ERA-40, NCEP, etc.)

3. For an increasingly wide range of applications (e.g. atmospheric chemistry)

4. To challenge models with data and vice versa

• UKMO analyses during UARS (1991-5) period

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Producing a Numerical Weather Forecast

1. Observation• Collect, receive, format and process the data• quality control the data

2. Analysis• Use data to obtain a spatial representation of the atmosphere

3. Initialization• Filter noise from analysis

4. Forecast • Integrate initial state in time with full PE model and

parameterized physical processes


a A




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Data Assimilation Cycles

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The Global Observing System

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Observations currently in use at CMC

Maps of data used in assimilation onJuly 1, 2008 12Z

Canadian Meteorological Centre – Centre Météorologique Canadien

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Radiosonde observations used

U,V,T,P,ES profiles at 27 levels

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Pilot balloon observations used

U,V profiles at 15 levels

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Wind profiler obs used

U,V (speed, dir) profiles at 20 levels

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SYNOP and SHIP obs used

U,V,T,P,ES at surface

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Buoy observations used

U,V,T,P,ES at surface

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Aircraft observations used

T,U,V single level (AIREP,ADS) or up to 18 levels (BUFR,AMDAR)

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Cloud motion wind obs used

U,V (speed, dir) cloud level

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AMSU-A observations used

Brightness temperatures ch. 3-10

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AMSU-B observations used

Brightness temperatures ch. 2-5

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GOES radiances used

Brightness temperature 1 vis, 4 IR

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Quikscat used

U,V surface

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SSM/I observations used

Related to integrated water vapour, sfc wind speed, cloud liquid water

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• Cannot do X=f(Y), must do Y=f(X)• Problem is underdetermined, always will be• Need more information: prior knowledge, time evolution, nonlinear


Data Reports x items x levels

Sondes,pibal 720x5x27

AMSU-A,B 14000x12

SM, ships, buoys 7000x5

aircraft 19000x3x18

GOES 5000x1

Scatterometer 7000x2

Sat. winds 21000x2

TOTAL 1.3x106

Model Lat x long x lev x variables

CMC global oper. 800x600x58x4


CMC meso-strato 800x600x80x4


X = state vector Z = observation vector

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Optimal Interpolation

)( bba H xzKxx Analysis vector

Background or model forecast

Observation vector

Observation operator

Weight matrix

N×1 N×1 M×1N×M M×N N×1



Can’t invert!


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Bvxx ba

Analysis increments (xa – xb) must lie in the subspace spanned by the columns of B

Properties of B determine filtering properties of assimilation scheme!

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The fundamental issues in atmospheric data assimilation

• Problem is under-determined: not enough observations to define the state

• Forecast error covariances cannot be determined from observations. They must be stat. modelled using only a few parameters.

• Forecast error covariances cannot be known exactly yet analysis increments are composed of linear combination of columns of this matrix

• Very large scale problem. State ~ O(108)• Nonlinear chaotic dynamics

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Simple examples of data assimilation

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Analysis errorBackground errorObservation error

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Obs 1 analysis

Daley (1991)

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m x 1n x 1

n x m

n x 1 m x 1

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representativeness measurement

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n x 1

m x 1n x 1

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OI was the standard assimilation method at weather centres from the early 1970’s to the early 1990’s.

Canada was the first to implement a multivariateOI scheme.

Gustafsson (1981)

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Summary (Lecture 1)• Data assimilation combines information of

observations and models and their errors to get a best estimate of atmospheric state (or other parameters)

• The atmospheric DA problem is underdetermined. There are far fewer observations than is needed to define a model state.

• Optimal Interpolation is a variance minimizing scheme which combines obs with a background field to obtain an analysis