Introduction to Ayurveda - · Introduction to Ayurveda The science of life intended...

Compiled by SonelalSah 1 Introduction to Ayurveda The science of life intended by Ayurveda is much more than mere skill treatment or diagnosis of diseased condition. It is meant for the total concept of life, which includes both man and environment. As we all know, Man is a biological entity. He needs to adjust to the physical environment and as a social and spiritual entity , he needs to adjust and react to the society in which he lives and to the spiritual ideas upheld by it. Such wellbeing alone is real and a man is his entirely and such is the object of science of life achieved by ayurveda. Hence it is called the “science of life”. Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life. Ayurvedic medicines are based on the principle that every individual has unique constitution that related to his vital energies translated into ayurvedic nosology as dosha or humors. Ayurveda mainly composed of eight clinical specialities. They are as follow: General medicine( Kaaya Chikitsa) Pediatrics( Kaumarbhritya) Psychiatry( Graha Chikitsa) Treatment of head and throat( Saalakya Tantra) Surgery ( Shalya Tantra) Toxicology (Agada Tantra) Rejuvenation (Rasayan Tantra) Reproductive The main aims of ayurvada are To prevent the health To treat and cure health And both these are aimes towards the promotion of health on three levels: Mentally Physically Spiritually

Transcript of Introduction to Ayurveda - · Introduction to Ayurveda The science of life intended...

Compiled by SonelalSah


Introduction to Ayurveda

The science of life intended by Ayurveda is much more than mere skill treatment or

diagnosis of diseased condition. It is meant for the total concept of life, which

includes both man and environment.

As we all know,

Man is a biological entity.

He needs to adjust to the physical environment and as a social and spiritual

entity , he needs to adjust and react to the society in which he lives and to

the spiritual ideas upheld by it.

Such wellbeing alone is real and a man is his entirely and such is the object of science

of life achieved by ayurveda. Hence it is called the “science of life”.

Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life. Ayurvedic medicines are based on the

principle that every individual has unique constitution that related to his vital energies

translated into ayurvedic nosology as dosha or humors.

Ayurveda mainly composed of eight clinical specialities. They are as follow:

General medicine( Kaaya Chikitsa)

Pediatrics( Kaumarbhritya)

Psychiatry( Graha Chikitsa)

Treatment of head and throat( Saalakya Tantra)

Surgery ( Shalya Tantra)

Toxicology (Agada Tantra)

Rejuvenation (Rasayan Tantra)


The main aims of ayurvada are

To prevent the health

To treat and cure health

And both these are aimes towards the promotion of health on three levels:




Compiled by SonelalSah


As we refer Ayurveda as a holistic system of medicine and native to ancient India and

Nepal. Ayurveda has not restricted itself to a path, which treat disease, but being the

science of life has covered all the aspects necessary to maintain health and to restore it

when inflicted with a disease. There are certain rules and regulations of Ayurveda ,

which are nothing but the guidelines, which are followed to remain fit. refrain from

disease and healthy life.

Ayurveda was thus discovered and developed as a mean to secure the four pursuits of

purusharthas of living for all which health is indispensable and where dharma is the

most cardinal engagement. It is for the sake of dharma that the science of Ayurveda

was brought to light by the sages and for fulfilling personal desires and lust of

individuals. It is the basic ethicality where in the science if medicine is but incidental

to assure it and the sweep of is thinking that to attend all the activities of man that

Ayurveda becomes the most praise worthy. It is this framework of thinking that has

made it through, all sufficient and holistic. However it is not merely a stance of

philosophy or rules or ethics but also abounds in meticulous detail of dietetics,

healthful living and diagnosis of disease therapy measures for their prevention and

ever elixiration of whereby an individual attains an all-round excellence, vitality and

total resistance to disease.

Besides, the sages has adopted two means : deep contemplation, almost a mistic state

of heighted and expanded consciousness far beyond the normal state of mind and an

inherent observation coupled with attention to meticulous details. The former gave

them not merely an intimate experience of the divine Atma and capacity to arrive at a

really astounding world vision and infallible knowledge, within where framework and

further detail can be worked out without altering the basic even now. The later gave

them the means of exploring objective world as much as needed. Infact Ayurveda

intellect never made any hard line distinction between objective science and

subjective philosophy. It is contradictory to scientific development but it may give

modern science something to which it is just missing.

The strength and uniqueness of Ayurveda lies in its philosophical breadth of thinking.

The later insists on the view of Dharma nad recognition of an order and regulation

everywhere need to confirm ourselves to its percepts for our own sustenance when

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insures the all-important ethical framework. It enters into dealing extremely

analytically with such details of what we should eat in order to keep our balance of

mind and so on. Ayurveda traces the origin and evolution of sectional begins i.e.

biology and not a inorganic world of physics or the 5 mahabhutas:-

The use of plant and animals as source of food and medicine is as old as humanity.

One can find abundant reference of use of plants as healing agents both in the work of

indian medicine and other works of antiquity like papyrus Ebers(1550 B.C). works of

Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.), Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) in Historia plantarum,

Dioscoorides (1st century) in De Materia Medica(78 A.D.) , Galen(131-200 A.D.)

According to Ayurveda the best drug are found in himalya i.e. Nepal . according to

JADAN (2059) Nepal compromises about 6000 species of flowering plants, 380

species of pteridophyta, 1037 species of Bryophyta, 465 species of Lichens, 687

species of Algae and over 1600 species of fungi.

Herbs occupy a very important place in all ages and in all civilizations unconcerned

with the development of synthetic and chemotherapeutic agents.

Herbs are being used since ancient time to maintain health, to treat disease and regain

the healthy state of mind and body. All the above mentioned Vedas have described

herbs (medicinal plants) in different ways but the concept of pran( life) is common to


Treatment by dravya or herbs of plant origin is given more emphasis than by animal

source. The panchabautic composition of herbs, their rasas vipak, veerya etc:

classified on the basis of their action. Though medicinal classification is action based.

It is done on morphological basis in relation to diet.

The drug Kumāri or Ghritakumāri is better, cathartic, anathelmintic, aphrodisiac,

cloling, emmenagogue, hepatic stimulant, purgative and vermituge. It is used in

indigenous medicine in haemophilic, skin and uterine disorders. Locally it is applied

on burns. It is also used in cosmetics for applying over face and skin. Hence this

review was carried out to explore the hidden potential and its uses, towards the benefit

of mankind.

Compiled by SonelalSah


s'df/Lsf] j}1flgs Oltxf;

j[xTqoLdf o;sf] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5}g . To;y{ j[xTqoL kl5 o;sf] k|j]z ePsf] xf] .

;j{k|yd of] ci6fª\ulg306' / To;kl5 ef]hs[t /fhdft{08df -k|of]u dfq_ of] b|Jo

b[li6uf]r/ ePsf] xf] . cEofGt/ k|of]usf] nflu o;sf] k|rlnt of]u s'dfof{;j ;f]9ns[t

ublgu|x -!@ cf}F ztflAb_ df j0f{g ul/Psf] 5 . wGjGtl/lg306'df / x]drGb| lg306'df klg

o;sf] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5}g . ;DejtM nueu !) cf}F ztfAbLdf ef/tdf o;sf] cfoft

ePsf] xf] . !! cf}F ztfAbLdf of] afXo k|of]u / k"0f{ kl/1fg ePkl5 o;sf] c? cf}iflw

lgdf{0fdf / cEofGt/ k|of]udf klg k|rlnt eof] .

of] b|Jo d"ntM clk|msfsf] kfzj{tL{ åLkdf kfOG5 . k"j{ kfZj{df l:yt ;sf]t/f / klZrdf

kfZj{ s'df/LåLk ;d"x k|r'/tfdf kfOG5 hxfF o;sf] hª\un g} 5 . l;sGb/sf] g]t[Tjdf

o'gfgL ha ;sf]t/fåLksf] :jfdL ag] ta jxfFnfO{ o;sf] af/]df 1fg eof] . o'gfgL

lrlsT;sn] o;sf] k|of]usf] k|f/De u/]/ tbGt/ c/aL lrlsT;sn] o;nfO{ ckgfPsf x'g\

t/ la|6]g / ef/tf !) cf}F ztfAbLdf o;sf] af/]df yfxf lyPg . ha cd]l/sfnfO{ yfxf eof]

ta hdfosf, af/a]8f]; cflb låkdf klg w]/} x'G5 . ;DejtM lsgf/L åLk;d"xaf6 o;sf]

lgof{t ePsf] xf] .

Compiled by SonelalSah


1) Charak Samhitaa (1000 B.C.)

JofVofsf/M k+l8t sflzgfy zf:qL

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

2) Shushrutra Samhitaa (1000 B.C.)

n]vsM dxlif{ ;'> 't]g lj/lrtf

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

3) Astaang Sangraha (6th century A.D.)

n]vsM cfrfo{ – jfUd6

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

4) Astanga Hridaya (7th century)

n]vsM cfrfo{ – jfUd6

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

5) Kaashyapsamhitaa (6th century A.D.)

n]vsM k+= x ]d/fh zd{0ff

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

6) Bhela Samhitaa (7th century A.D.)

;+:stf{M >L lu/Lhfbfofn z'Snf

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

7) Chakradatta (11th century A.D.)

xl/k|;fb, euL/yhL

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

8) Shaarańgádhara Samhitā (13th century)

Prof K.R. Shrikantha Murthy

Leaves of kumārī are washed well, lightly cooked and juice extracted from its

pulp. One drone of this juice is poured into a stone vessel of mud pot. To it are

added one tulā (jiggery); half tulā each of honey and pakwaloha (Loha bhasma)

powder of half pala each of katutrika, lavanga, chaturjataka, chitraka, pippalīmūla,

vidanga, gajapipplī, chavikā, hapusa, dhānya, karmuka, katurohini, musta,

phalatrika, rāsnā, devadāru, the two nishas, mūrvā, madhurasa, dhantī,

puskaramula, bala, atibalā, kapikachu, trikantaka, satapuspā, hingupatrī, akallaka,

mutingana, the two punarnavās, lodhra and makshika dhātu and eight palas of

dhātakī puspa are mixed and filled into a pot smeared in side with ghee, its mouth

is sealed air tight and kept undistur bed for a month. Later on used in doses of one,

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one and half or two palas according to age and constitution this recipe increases

strength, colour, digestive capacity, weight and taste, acts as an aphrodisiac,

relieves pain of indigestion, eight kinds of udara (abdominal enlargement), severs

kshaya (consumption), twenty kinds of prameha (diabetes), udāvarta (reserve

peristalsis), apasmāra (epilepsy), sukra dosas (disorders of semen), ashmarī

(urinary calculus) krim(parasites) and raktapitta (purpura) without doubt 918-27).

Purified loha cūrna (iron filings) are macerated with the juice of pātālagarudī ;

made into thin discs, kept inside mud plates, sealed and subjected to gajaputa. three

such putas are given first. Next six putas with juice of kumārī , kuthāra (kind of

kulatha) and kutaja two in each juice separately is given. By so doing, iron

(magnetic iron also) gets killed 944-45).

Manis (semi precious stones; gems) muktā (pearls) and pravāla (corals),

become purified by boiling them in dolauantra for one yāma using juice of jayanti.

All the ratnas (gems) become killed (gets into bhasma) if heated strongly and

immersed in each of the juice of kumārī, tāndlīyaka and stanya (breast milk) for

seven times. Pravāla and muktā are converted into bhasma in the same way as that

of māksika described earlier. Purification and killing of all ratnas (gems) are

similar to that described for vajra (88-92).

Rājī and rasona are made into a paste and a cruicible prepared out of it. Rasa is

kept inside this and covered all over with the paste. The ball is then tied in a cloth

and cooked in dolāyantra method using kañjika for three days.

Next it is macerated with the juice of kumāari, decoction of citraka, juice of

kākamācī and decoction of triphalā, one day in each, it is later washed well with

warm water, put in a stoe pestle and morter; half it's quantity of saindhava is added

and macerated with juice of nimbu (lemom) continuously for one day.

Next it is macerated with equal quantities of rājī, rasona and navasādara along

with tusāmbu (gruel prepared with husk of paddy and other grains) made into

round discs and covered over with hingu.

These dices are than kept inside a pot containing lavana (salt bath), another

empty pot kept inverted over and the mouths of both sealed with mud plaster. The

pot containing salt is kept over the oven, and mild fire is given, for three hours, all

the time keeping a thick pad of wet cloth over the top of the upper pot, frequently

sprinkling water over it. Later on the pots are separated carefully and the mercury

Compiled by SonelalSah


adhering inside the upper pot is collected; pārada is by now , purified and fit to be

used for further procedures (4-13).

Paste of rasāñjana; pathya and leaves of visva (sunthī), kumārī and leaves of

agni (citraka); tender leaves of dādima; vaca, haridrā and nimbi or nāgara and

gairika acts similarly (32-33).

9) Yoga ratnākara (17th century)

Vidya Laxsmipati Sāstrī

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

10) Madanpāl Nighantu (14th century)

;Dkfbs Pjd \ efiosf/M k+= xl/k|;fb lqkf7L

s'df/L d08nf dftf u[xsGof ˜ ltlkR5nf .

/;fogL sl6lsgL ;j/f˜Gof jg]Ebjf .. ##! ..

s'df/L e]bgL zLtf od[tnLxskmHj/fg\ .

lgxlGt u|lGylj:kmf]6lkQ/StTjufdofg\ .. #@# ..

kof{ojfrs zAbM d+8nf, dftf, u[xsGof, cltlkR5nf, /;fogL, sl6lsgL, ;j/f jgf]Ebjf cflb

zAb o;sf] kof{ojfrL zAb xf] .

u'0fStfM of] e]bs, zLtn, os[t, KnLxf, skm, Hj/, ufF7, lj:kmf]6, /StlkQ cf}/ rd{/f]u–ljgfzs

x'G5 .

ljz]ifM o;sf] af]6 ;fgf] tyf u'b]bf/ x'G5 . of] 3[ts'df/Lsf] gfdn] klg lrlgG5 . o;sf] t]n

lgdf{0f ul/G5 h'g z'Ltn / l;/bb{df pkof]uL x'G5 .

11) Kaiyadevanighantu (15th century)

n]vsM k+= s }ob ]j , ;Dkfbs Pj + JofVofsf/ M cfrfo{ lk|oj |t zdf {

Family: Lilliaceaee, lx+– 3Ls'Fcf/\

s'df/L d08nf dftf kmndT:oflIfsL/;f .

s'df/L 3[xsGof r sGof 3[ts'df/Lsf . . !^#* . .

s'df/L zLtnf ltItf dw'/f e]bgL ho]t\ .

u'NdfnLxos[b\j[l4 skmHjx/L x/]t\ . .

u|GyoflUgbUwlj:kmf]6 lkQ/StTjufdofg\ . . !^!(

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rIf'iof ljkjft£gL aNof, j[iof /;fogL .

aftlkQ s[dx/+ s'df/L s';'d+ u'? . . !^$) . .

kof{oM d08n, dftf, kmNdT:of, clIsL/;f, u[xsGof, sGof tyf 3[ts'dfl/sf s'df/Lsf] kof{o xf ]


u'0sd{M 3Ls'cfF/, zLtn, ltQm–dw'/, tyf e]bg xf] . of] u'Nd, KnLxf, os[tj[l4 skm tyf Hj/sf]

gi6 ug'{sf] ;fy} u|lGy, clUgbUw, lj:kmf]6s\, kQ, /Qmljsf/, tyf rd{ /f]udf pkof]uL x'G5 . of]

g]q/f]udf lxtsf/L, ansf/s\, j[io, z'qmjw{s Pjd\ /;fog xf] .

3Ls'cfF/sf] km"nM u'?, jft lkt Pjd\ s[ldsf] gi6 ub{5 .

cfrfo{ lk|ojt zdf{ Pjd\ 8f= u'?k|;fb zdf{–@))(

12) Bhava Prakash Nighantu (16th century)

n]vsM efjld>, klG8t >L ljZjgfy lb |j ]bL

Ghrit Kumari (Aloe india Royle)

s'df/ u[xsGof r sGof 3[ts'dfl/sf s'df/L e]bgL zLtf ltQmf g]œof /;fogL ..

dw'/fj[x0fL aNof jftjlifk|0f't\ u'NdKnLxos[j[l4skmHj/x/L x/]t\ .. @## ..

kof{oM s'df/L, 3[XsGof, sGof, 3[ \[ts'dfl/sf, Ujf/kf7] ;+:s[t gfd xf] .

efiffe]b ; gfde]b–lx+–3Lu'jf/, 3Ls'jf/, Ujf/kf7f .

a+= – 3[ts'df/L .

d+= – sf]/km8 sf]/s+6f

u'+= – s'jf+/

s+= – nf]lx;/

t}= – lkGg uf]l/06sNjGb

c – d':Aa/

u'0fM– 3[tsdf/L b:t]j/, zLtn, ltQm g]qsf] nflu lxtsf/L, /;fogL, dw'/ k'li6sf/s, jLo{jw{s/

jft, ljif, u'Nd, KnLxf, c08j[l4, skmHj/, u|lGy, clUgbfx, lj:kmf]6s, lkQ, ?lw/ljsf/ tyf Tjrf

/f]u gfzs xf] ,.

j0f{gM £o"s'df/Lsf] If'k\, /]tLnL e"ld jf pk/ e"ld / gbLsf] glhs a9L kfOg] u5{ . o;df w]/}

kftx? x'G5 h'g df]6f] / nfdf] x'G5 . o;df ltvf] sfF8fx? x'G5 . o;sf] kftsf] lardf l3p h:tf]

lrKnf] ;]tf] /ªsf] u'bf lgl:sG5 . o;nfO{ lgsfn]/ 3fddf ;'sfpFbf kx]nf] /ªsf] x'G5 . o;df /ftf]

km"n x'G5 . o;sf] /;aftf d';Aa/ aG5 . r/s / wGjGt/Ln] d';Aa/sf] af/]df pNn]v u/]sf lyPg

., To;kl5sf] ;u|xsf/n] To;sf] af/]df pNn]v u/]sf x'g\ . t/ d';Aaf/sf] k|of]u cem} e]6]sf] 5}g .

Compiled by SonelalSah


klZrd k|fGtsf] dflg; d';Aa/ 5fndf afFw]/ cfpF5 . To;}n] o;sf] Jojxf/n] dflg; 3[0ff u5{ .

o:tf] klg elgG5 ls d';Aa/ uwLsf] gjlzz'sf] dn kbfy{ xf] . To;}n] o;nfO{ 3[0ff ul/G5 / of]

l7s xf]Og . Ujf/kf7f]sf] /;nfO{ uf9f agfP/ d';Aa/ agfOG5 .

dfqfM 3[ts'df/L z:o !@ u|fd – @$ u|fd

;Tj -d';Aa/_M !*=&% ldlnu|fd–#&=% ldlnu|fd

d';Aa/ s] k|wfgTof $ e]b x'G5 .

!_ ;qmf]6fOg

@_ c/]laog

#_ hflkm/jfb

$_ d};'/L

!_ ;qmf]6fOg d';Aa/ lgdf{0f ljlwM

3[ts'df/L glhssf] df6f]nfO{ uf]nf]uf]nf] l5b| ul/G5 . To;dfly afv|sf] 5fnf km}nfOG5 . To;kl5

kl/kSj k'i6 bnf]sf] 6'qmf ul/G5 . o;af6 /; au]/ To; vfN6f]df hDdf x'G5 . /; aUg #

306faf6 ;'? x'G5 . To;sf] /; xNsf kx]Fnf] /ªsf] x'G5 . ;f] hDdf /;nfO{ 5fnfsf] y}nLdf /flvG5

. of] t/n cj:yfdf ljb]zlt/ lgof{t ul/G5 . nueu Ps dlxgfkl5 of] ;'s]/ hfG5 / uf9f

e}xfN5 . Psflt/ eg] ;'s]/ hfG5 . 5fnfdf j[4 :qmf]l6g d';Aa/ h+lhaf/ tyf nfn;fu/sf]

aGbuf{xaf6 d'DaO{df laqmLsf] nflu nufOG5 . o; d';Aa/df 5fnfsf] 6'qmf y'k|} kfOG5 . d'DaO{

k'u]kl5 To; 6'qmfnfO{ d';Aa/af6 cnu ul/G5 / o'/f]k b]zx?df k7fOG5 .

pTs[i6 :qmf]l6gsf] :j?kM ;f]xgn] /ªsf] dfly sf8f / leq sf]dn jf Ps ljlrq ;'uGw o'Qm x'G5

. o;sf] s0f jf r"0f{ gf/ËL /ªsf] h:tf] b]lvG5 . sxLF sxLF of] t/n klg x'G5 .

c/laog\ M c/a b]z hftsf] d';Aa/M cbg gfds aGb/ufxaf6 cfPsf] x'gfn] o; b]zsf dflg;n]

o;nfO{ c/laog eG5g\ .

lgdf{0f ljlwM 3[ts'df/Lsf] df]6f] df]6f] kftx?nfO{ /; lgsfNg] u/L lkl;G5 . /; hDdf ePkl5

5fnfsf] y}nLdf hDdf ul/G5 / o;nfO{ uf9f x'Gh]n 3fddf lg/Gt/ ;'sfOG5 . o; tl/sfn]

agfOPsf] x'gfn] o;nfO{ cz'4 dflgG5 . t/ c/laog kf/;Lo u|Gysf/n] o;nfO{ g} pQd dfG5g \ .

clxn] klg ef/tdf o;sf] k|of]usf] rng 5 . o;df e}ifHo u'0f klg pknAw x'G5 . 6'qmf 6'qmf

k/]sf c/lao d';Aa/ s[i0f j0f{sf] x'G5 . o;sf] ;fgf] ;fgf] 6'qmf kx]nf] /ªsf] x'G5 . o;df tLI0f

uGw pknAw x'G5 . :qmf]l6g jf hflkm/jfbsf] h:tf] o;df uGw x'Fb}g . ;f]/]sf] t]hfasf] (Nitric

Acid) sf] ;fy ldn]/ of] /ftf] /ªsf] x'G5 .

hflkm/jfbLM hflkm/jfbaf6 cfPsf] d';Daf/fsf] cfsf/ uf]nf]sf/, lki6sfs[lt, s[i0f j0f{ / rdsbf/

x'G5 . 5f]6f] 6'qmf kLtfe uf9f /ªsf] tyf r"0f{ xNsf kx]Fnf] /ªsf] x'G5 .

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uGwM o;df d';Aa/sf] uGw x'G5 . Nitric Acid nfu]kl5 of] /ftf] /ªsf] x'G5 .

kfZrTodM ljZn]zg– o;df PnLg, uf]+b #)–%)Ü Pp6f p8gzLn t]n, Iff/ !Ü tyf s'df/L

s[;lds Pl;8 x'G5 . o;df ePsf] p8gzLn t]nsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ o;df ;'uGw cfpF5 .

sfo{ jf k|of]uM d';Aa/ os[tsf] lqmofjw{s, d[b'/]rs, cft{j/hM;|fjsf/L Pjd\ s[ldlgM;f/s xf] .

yf]/} dfqdf kfrs\, os[t, anaj4{s x'G5 . d';Aa/sf] ;]jgn] :tg, os[t, OlGb|o, ;'t/f, ue{>fj,

cwf]u /Qmk|j[lQ tyf k?iff]lGb|odf b[9 pQ]hgf pTkGg ub{5 . d';Aa/sf] ;]jgn] :qLd b'w / /]rgL

zlQm a9\5 . clwsf dfqfdf ;]jg ugf{n] clQj>fjsf/L jf /]rs x'G5 . d';Aa/ a[xb+q cfwfef]u

ljz]iftM u'Xob]z (rectum) sf] lqmofdf k|sfz u5{ Pjd\ s'hg;Fu k|r'/ csl7g dn lgsfN5 .

elIft d';Aa/ /Qmdf ldl>t jf ;+rflnt eP/ c+qsf] Zn]Zdn snfåf/f kl/Tofu x'G5 .

aRrfx?sf] k|lz4 t]n P/08t]nsf] ;fy dlb{t d';Aa/ sf]i7 kl/:sf/ ul/G5 . ;wf]hft lzz'sf]

dw'sf] ;fy d';Aa/ n]xg ugf{n] ue{dn rfF8} aflx/ cfpF5 . j[4df bf}j{Nof]Tkfbs kL8f

Jofofdjh{gk"j{s ;'vzog, /ftL tyf k'gM k'gM ue{wf/0f x'g] sf]i7sl7Godf o;sf] ;]jg plrt

x'G5 . o; :yndf olb d';Aa/sf] lqmof Tjl/t geP lglZrt kmnfnfe x'G5 . cz{ /f]usf]

/Qm;|fjdf of] nfesf/L x'G5 . nf}x OToflbsf] ;fy o;sf] ;]jg ugf{n] cft{j, /hf]/w, /hMs[R5,

ljdiff{Tds dgf]ljsf/ u[x0fL Pjd sf]i7j4 /f]udf ljz]if lxts/ x'G5 . o;sf] k|n]k rd{lj/fs

gfzs x'G5 . Iff}l/ låtLo v+8

13) Bhava Prakash Nighantu

n]vsM xl/bf;

L.N. Aloe indica Royle

E.N. Barbedols Aloes

lx+=–lwu'jf/, lws'jf/, Ujf/kf7f

u[xsGof s'df/L r sGosf bL3{klqsf .

:yn]?xf d[b'M sGof ax'kqf ˜ d/f ˜ h/f ..$&..

si6sk|fj[tf jL/f e[Ou]:6f ljk'n;|jf ..

j|0f£gL t?0fL /fdf slknf cDa'lw;|jf ..

;'s06sf :ynbn]t\o]slj+zlt gfdsf ..$*..

u[xsGof, s'df/Lo, sGosf, bL3{klqsf, :yn]?xf,

d[b'sGof, ax'kqf, ch/f, cd/f, si6sk|fj[Qf, jL/f, e[Ë]i6f,

ljk'n;|fjf, j|0f£gL t?0fL, /fdf, slknf, cDa'lw;|jf ..

;'s06sf tyf :ynbnf of] ;a} 3[ts'df/Lsf] PsfO; j6f gfd xf] .

3[ts'df/Lsf] u'0fM

Compiled by SonelalSah


u[xsGof lxdf ltQmf dbulGw skmfkxf .

lkQsf;ljifZjf; s'i7£gL r /;fogL ..$(..

3[Ts'df/L– zLtn, ltQm/;jfnL, db;§;\–uGwjfnL tyf skmgfzs xf] . of] lkQhGoljsf/, sf;\,

ljif ljsf/ tyf Zjf;gf;s xf] tyf /;fog xf] .

k|of]Ho c+uM kq

dfqfM :j/; !) u|fd–@) u|fd

;Tj -d';Aa/–Pn'jf_–@–$–u|f= ..$(..

14) Rajnighantu (17th century)

n]vsM g/xl/ kl08t, JofVofsf/ M OGb |b ]j lqkf7L


s'df/L u[xsGof r sGof 3[ts'dfl/sf ..@#@..


s'df/L e]bgL ;Ltf ltQmf g]q\of /;fogL .

dw'/ a[+x0fL aNof a[:of jftljifk|0f't\ .. @## ..

u'NdKnLxos[b\j[l4skmHj/x/L ej]t\ .

u|GYoflUgbUwljikmf]6kLt/StTjufdofg\ .. @#$ ..

;+–s'df/L, 3[ts'dfl/sf, u[xsGof

lx– l3s'jf/, 3Lu'cf/\, s'df/kf7f

a\– 3[ts'df/L

n]– Aloe barbedense

pTklQaf]lwsf ;+1f–æ:y"n?xfÆ æ:y"nbnfÆ æbL3{klqsfÆ æs06sk|fj[QfÆ æljk'n;|jfÆ

kl/ro1flksf ;+1f– æ:y'NbnfÆ æbL3{klqsfÆ æsT6sk|j[tfÆ ælak'n;|jfÆ


;'s0f6sf :y'nbnf bL3{kqf d/f ˜ h/f .

:y'n]?xf d[b'jL/f sGbsk|j[tf :d[tf .. /f=lg= ..

s'df/L Iff/e"b]z] klÍsGbbnf anf .

la:tf/L jf9slGbgL ljzfnf lkR5;De[tf ..

WjhfedWob08f ;f ˜ ?0f/lho'tf k[y'M .. lzjM ..

ljz]ifu'0ffM u[xsGof lxdf ltQmf dbulGwM skmfkxf ..

lkQsf;lgiZjf;s'i7£gL r /;fogL .. z=\lg=..

cfdlos k|of]uM

Compiled by SonelalSah


!_ sfdnfod\–ckx/lt g:o]g s'dfl/sfhn+ ;BM ..

sfdnflrlsT;fof+ -efjk|sfzM_

@_ u'Nd]–u'NdL s'dfl/sfdf+;siff]{w]{ uf]3[tflGjtd\ ..


#_:tg /f]u]– ckTogfzk|ejf+ lgxlGt :tgJoyfdfz's[t] k|n]k] ..

:t[0ff+ xl/b|f;lxt+ s'df/L d"nd\ .. :tg/f]uflwsf/] zf]9n ..

$_ lKnlxg–lgzfr'0f{o'QmM sGof/; KnLxf˜krLx/M .. zfË{w/M

%_ Hj/]if'd"qs[R5«] r Hj/]if' d"qs'R5] r s'df/L:j/;+ lka]t\ . j}Bdgf];f ..

^_ j|0f]–ltnf/gfnf lslytf s'df/L kfro]b\ j|0ffg\ .

s]jnf ˜ y s'df/L jf kSsfkSjljzlÍstfg \ .

l:jggf+ ljlgu{tfGqf+ r lglIfk]t\ ; k|0Zolt . . . . j}wdgf]/df . .

15) Amarkoshā (1959 A.D.)

6Lsfsf/M :j= k+= s 'nrGb | zdf { uf }td

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

16) Nepali Nighantu: -cg]s efiff–;+u|x;lxtM_ (1968 A.D.)

n]vsM sf ]i fgfy b ]jsf ]6f

!$# £o's'df/L

;+M s'df/L, u[xsGof, sGosf, bL3{klqsf, :yn]?xf, sGof, ax'kqf, cd/f, ch/f, s06sk|fj[tf, jL/f,

t?0fL, /fdf, :y"nbnf .

lxM 3Ls'jf/, Ujf/kf7f, s'jf/kf7f

aM 3[ts'df/L

n}M Aloe bardadensis

:jefjM lr;f], tLtf] dbuGwL 5 . skm, lkQ, ljifbf]if, sf;, Zjf;, s'i7, u'Nd, ==== os[t, jdg,

skmHj/, u|lGy, kmf]8f, cfuf]n] kf]n]sf] 3fp / /QmlkQnfO{ zfGt ub{5 .

17) b |Jo u'0f rGb |lg306' k|yd efu (2012 A.D.)

k|sfzsM l;+xb/af/ j }Bvfgf ljsf; ;ldlt

;+:s[t kof{ox?M u[xsGof, s'df/L sGosf bL3{klqsf

g]=gfM l3ps'df/L

lx=gfM Ujf/kf7f Pn'jf

Compiled by SonelalSah


Latin name: Aloe barbaenis Mill

g]jf/L gfdM s'5"

English Name Common Indian aloe, curacaoAloe, Barbados Aloe

Family: Liliaceae

;fdfGo kl/ro

of] g]kfn ef/tdf w]/} 7fpFdf kfOG5 . o;sf] If'k ;fgf] jx'jiff{o' df+;n Pj+ !–@ lkm6 prfO{ ePsf]

x'G5 . kft df+;n df]6f], xl/of], enfsf/ x'G5 . o;sf] kftleq £o"sf] h:t} cln kx]Fnf] kbfy{ kfOG5

. k'ik kftsf] aLraf6 nfdf] k'ikb08 lg:sG5 h;df /Ste kLt k'ik cfpF5 . o;sf b'O{ tLg e]b

kfOG5g\ .

General Introduction

Perennial herb leavesthick, fleshy, sessile, crowded, lanceolate, spiny toolthed at the

margin, flowers in raceme pendulous and yellow.

pTklt :yfg (Distribution): Cultivitated in Nepal

Parts used: leaves

Macroscopic Description (of the used part): Reddish black to brownish black opaque

and glistening masses. It is broken into pieces with sharp edges.

Microscopic Discription (of used part): Powdered drug in bark brown in color,

brownish angular or irregular massed few prism of calcium oxalate crystal

Guna Karma:

Rasa: Tikta

Guna: Guru, snighdha, pichhile

Vipaka: Tikta

Veerya: Sheet

Dosharkrma: Kaphapittahara

Main Chemical Constituents:

Pn'jfdf Pnf]Og gfds Pp6f sfo{sf/L tTj x'G5, h'g w]/} Un'sf];fO8 (Glucoside) sf] ld>0f xf]

. Pnf]Ogsf] dfqf s'/fsfcf] hfltdf #)Ü / bf]>f]df ;sf]t/fL tyf t]>f] e]bdf cGt/LkLo To;eGbf

sd / rf}yf]df !)Ü x'G5 . Pnf]Ogsf] d'Vo efu jfjf{nf]Og (Barbaloin) gfds xNsf kx]Fnf]

Un'sf];fO8 xf] h'g hndf ljno eO{ xfN5 . o;sf] cltl/St cfO;f]jfj{nf]Og h'g s'/fsfcf] Pnf]df

Compiled by SonelalSah


x'G5 . jL6fjf/j]nf]Og–Beta barbaloin) Pnf] Pdf]6Lg (Ale Aotion) /fn tyf hndf 3'ngzLn

s]xL kbfy{ klg kfOG5 .

d'Vo sd{M Main Action:

e]bg, g]qo, /;fog, j[x0f jNo /]rg, sldxg, k'ikhgg, ue{kfgt, ljifxg, Bhedana, Netrya,

Rasayana, Brimhana, Balya, Rechana, Krimighna, Puspajanana, Garphapatan,


pkk|of]uM Indications:

External Use: Jeernavrana, shotha, pleehavidradhi, Abhishanda

Internal Use: Agnimandya, udararoga, Gulma, Pleehodara, yakrivridhi, udarashoola,

Vibandha, Krimiroga, Mutrakrichchha, Sukradarbalya, Rajorodha, Jeernajyavara,

Daurabalya, Granthi, Agnidagdha, Visphota, Raktapitta.

Plant is reputed remedy for intestinal worms in children. It is phrodisic hepatic

stumalant, stomachic, purgative and used in haemophilia, skin and uterine disorder,

liver and spleen enlargement, chronic ulcers and catarrhal and purulent opthalmia

lgif]w (Contraindications if any) /Stfz{, /Stk|b/ /f]udf, ue{jtL / /h:jnf dlxnfdf k|of]u

ug'{x'Fb}g .

Form and common dose:

Musavar: 0.1 gm-0.3 gm

Swarash: 10-20 ml.

d'Voof]ux? (common preparation): Kumaryashav, Kumari Kavati, Raja Prawatani vat;

!_ u[xsGof s'df/Lr sGosf bL3{klqsf .

:yn]?xf d[b'M sGof ax'kqf ˜ d/f ˜ h/f . .

s06sk|fj[tf jL/f e[ª\u]i6f ljk'n:qjf .

j|0f£gL, t?0fL /fdf slknf rfDa'lw:qjf . .

;'s06sf :y'nbn]To]slj+zltgfds . . .

/fhgl306'M kk{6flbju{, $&–$*

@_ s'df/L u[xsGof r sGof w[ts'dfl/sf .

s'df/L e]bgL zLtf ltStf g]q\of /;fogL . .

dw'/f j[+x0fL aNof j[iof jftljifk|0f't\

u'NdKnLxo, s[b\j[l4skmHjx/L x/]t\ . .

u|GyoflUgsbUwljikmf]6lkQTjufdofg\ .

Compiled by SonelalSah


efjk|sfzlg306'M u'8"Roflbjuf{ @@(–@#)

#_ s'df/L d08nf dftf kmndT:oflIfsL/;f .

s'df/L 3[xsGof r sGof 3[ts'df/Lsf . .

s'df/L zLtnf ltItf dw'/f e]bgL ho]t\ .

u'NdfnLxos[b\j[l4 skmHjx/L x/]t\ . .

u|GyoflUgbUwlj:kmf]6 lkQ/StTjufdofg\ . .

rIf'iof ljkjft£gL aNof, j[iof /;fogL .

aftlkQ s[dx/+ s'df/L s';'d+ u'? . .

s}ob]jlg306'M cf}iflw juf{M !^#*–!^$)

18) Medicinal plants of India & Pakistan (1970 A.D.)

D.B. Taraporevala Sons and Co. Private Ltd.

Aloe barbedensis Mill

Family: Liliaceae

Local Names: ghrita kumara, ghee kunvar, musabbar.

English Name: Indian Aloe

Description: Plant erect, 2-3 ft high, cespitose. Leaves fleshy, convex below, 1½ -2 ft.

Long, tapering to a blunt point, smooth, pale green, irregularly white blotched, horny

prickles on the margins. Flowers yellow or orange coloured, cylindrical, about 1 inch


Distribution: Throughout India and Pakistan.

Uses: The leaves are alternative, stomachic, aphrodisiac, cathartic, emmenagogic,

arstringent, antidotal, anthelmintic and hepatic stimulant; after removing their skin

they are given in fevers, skin diseases, gonorrhea, constipation, menstrual

suppression, piles, jaundice and rheumatic affections, in diseases of the liver and

spleen the pulp of one leaf is administered with black salt and ginger every morning

for 10 days, the juice of a roasted leaf is given with honey for cough and cola, the

pulp of one leaf is given daily in abdominal tumors, dropsy, carbuncles, piles, sciatica,

lumbago, rheumatism and retention of urine in fevers, in indigestion, constipation and

flatulence a salad of the leaves is eaten.

Compiled by SonelalSah


As substitute for the fresh leaves the inspissated leaf juice, locally known as elio, is

used in small doses of two or four grains, it is a household remedy for intestinal

worms in children, in large doses elio is a purgative, emmenagogue and authelmintic,

it is to be taken continuously for many days.

The fresh juice and elio are efficacious local application for painful inflammations of

the body and chronic ulcers, the stained mixture of the juice and rose water is a useful

eye wash for catarrhal and purulent oplthalmia and other eye diseases, a poulmmed

parts, burns and scalds.

19) b|Jou'0f lj1fg Vol II (Vegetable drugs) (1978 A.D.) (Reprint 2011 A.D.)

Dr. Gyanendra Pandey



family: Lilliaceae

L.N.: Aloe vera (Tourn. Exlinn)

;+M s'df/L, u[xsGof, 3[Ts'dfl/sf -3[tjt\ lklR5n kqdHhf x'g] ePsf]n]_

lx+M 3Ls'cfF/, Ujf/kf7f, 9]sjf/

k+M s'jf/u+bn

a+M 3[ts'df/L

dM sf]/km8

u'+M s'+jf/, kf7

tfM lr?nL

t]+M lrGgs6 afFbf

sGg\M nf]ln;f/

dnM s'df/L

c+M ;Aaf/t

kmf+ b/Vt] l;a|

Eng: Indian aloe

:j?kM o;sf] If'k 1-2 ft sf] x'G5 .

Leaf: 15" nfdf], 4" rf}8f, ¾ " df]6f] df+;fn s+6lst bGt'/ \, r'qmfsf/ jf b'O{j6f k+lQmdf ;3g

?kn] Jojl:yt x'G5 .

Compiled by SonelalSah


kftsf] leq 3Lsf] ;dfg lklR5n dHhf x'G5 . If'ksf] dWo af6 k'ikWjh lgl:sG5 . h;df /Qmfe

/Ësf] k'ik km'N5 . zLt sfnsf] cGTodf k'ik / kmn nfUg] u5{ . kl/k'ik cjoj ldn]/ Pp6f

a]ngfsf/ jf 3lG6sf/ glnsf agfpF5, k'+s]z/–kl/k'ik sf] a/afa/ cyjf Tof] eGbf a9L nfdf],

s]z/;"q ;+of]hssf] Pp6f vftfdf lglj6 /xG5 .


sf[]i7:kmf]6L (loculicidal) x'G5 . o;sf] kqsf] sf6]kl5 kx]Fnf] /Ësf] /; lgl:sG5 . h'g lr;f]

ePkl5 hldxfN5 . To;}nfO{ s'df/L;f/ elgG5 .

o;sf] ljleGg gfd lgDgf+lst 5

;+M s'df/L;f/, sGof;f/, ;xf;f/

lx+M d';Aa/, Pn'cf

d+M Plnof, sfnfaf]n,

u'+M Plnof]

cM l;a|

kmfM zaof/

c+M Aloes

k|foM b'O{ k|sf/n] o;sf] lgdf{0f ul/G5 . ha /;nfO{ w"k of dGb cfuf]df tftf] u/]kl5 Ps

ckf/bz{s ;f]djt ;Tj k|fKt x'G5 . h;nfO{ os[b \jt s'df/L;f/ (Hepatic Aloes) elgG5 . t/

ha /;nfO{ tLa| cfuf]df l56f] -rf8f]_ ;'sfof] eg] cw{kf/bz{s ;Tj k|fKt x'G5 h;nfO{ sfrjt\

s'df/L;f/ (Glassy Aloes) elgG5 . of] Alcohol df lalng x'G5 / o;df %Ü eGTbf al9 /fv'

x'g'x'Fb}g .


ef/tLo kmfdf{sf]lkofdf # k|sf/sf] d';Aa/ :jLs[t ul/Psf] 5 .

!_ s'/fsfof] (Curaccao Aloes)M of] Aloevera sf] -?v_ af]6af6 k|fKt x'G5 tyf ckf/ bz{s

e"/]–sfnf] /ªsf] x'G5 .

@_ ;sf]t/L (Socotrinealoes): of] Pnf] k}/L af]6af6 k|fKt x'G5 tyf /Qmtfe–sfnf] of e"/f–sfnf],

ckf/bz{s tyf rdlsnf] x'G5 .

#_ cGt/LkLo (Cape aloes): of] Pnf] km]/f]S; (A. ferox Mil) tyf To;sf] ;+s/ af]6af6 k|fKt

x'G5 . of] ulx/f] tyf xl/tfe e'/] /Ësf] r"0f{ x'G5 . Glycerine df ldnfP/ x]¥of}F eg] o;df e"/]

dWodf c;+Vo :km6sLo s0f b]lvG5 .

o;sf] cltl/Qm g]6fn, df]sf, hfkm/fjfb> cfbL cg]s hfFlt x'G5 . ef/tLo k|hfltsf] klg @–#

k|sf kfOG5 . Var. chinesis Baker blIf0f ef/t tyf dWoef/tdf x'G5 . o;sf] kqfwf/ a}ugL

/Ësf] x'G5 tyf sfF8f tLI0f x'Fb}g . Var. littoralis koeing ex Baker db|f; b]lv /fd]Zj/;Dd

Compiled by SonelalSah


;d'Gb|t6jtL{ If]qdf x'G5 . h;sf] kft -kq_ ;fgf] bGt'/wf/ x'G5 . Ps k|sf/sf] sl7ofjf8 If]qdf

x'G5 . h;af6 hkm/fjfbL d';Aa/ k|fKt x'G5 . Pp6f same af]6 A. Variegata Linn. dxf/fi6«df

kfOG5 h;sf] kq 7"nf], tLI0fs+6s tyf kqfwf/df wAafo'Qm x'G5 .


o;sf] d"n :yfg pQ/L clk|msf, sgf/L åLk;d"x tyf :k]g xf] hxfFaf6 klZrdL åLk;d"x, ef/t,

rLg cflb b]zdf km}lnPsf] 5 . ;+k|lt ef/tdf ;j{q kfOG5 . klxnf lk|msf tyf hd{gLaf6 cfoft

lgof{t ul/GYof] . t/ clxn] aGb e};s]sf] 5 .

/f;folgs ;+u7g

Pn'cfdf (Aloin) gfds Un'sf];fO8 ;d"x x'G5, h;sf] sf/0f o;sf] lqmof x'G5 . s'/fsfcf]

hfltdf of] #)Ü ;sf]t/Ldf sd tyf cGt/LkLo hfltdf !)Ü dfq x'G5 . Aloin sfd d'Vo e6s

afj]{nfOg gfds xnsf kx]nf] /Ësf] :kl6sLo x'G5 . o;sf] cltl/Qm s]xL /fn cyjf ;'ulGwt t]n

x'G5 .

u'0fM u'?, l:gUw, lklR5n

/;M s6'

jLkfsM ltQm

ljo{M zLt

Pn'cfM n3', ?If\, tLI0f tyf pi0f x'G5 .

bf]ifsd{M of] ltSt ePsf]n] skmlkQx? x'G5 .

;+:yflgs sd{M afXoM of] zf]wx/ a]bgf:yfkg tyf a|0f/f]k0f x'G5 .


kfrg;+:yfgM sd dfqfdf of] bLkg, kfrg, e]bg\, os[b'Q]hs tyf w]/} dfqfdf j]/]rg tyf s[ld£g

x'G5 . o;sf] lqmofdf If'b|fGqdf x'g] ePsf]n] lkQsf] k|jfx a9\b yfN5 . lsGt' ljlzi6 lqmof

j[xbGqsf] k]lzdf x'g] ePsf]n] k|an ;+sf]r x'g yfN5 . s]lx u|lGysf] >fj a9 \g yfN5 . o;sf]

lqmof dGb x'G5 tyf b:t (Diarrohoea) x'g'df !)–!@ 306f nfluxfN5 . w]/} dfqfdf lbof}F eg]

;do Tolt g} nfU5 tyf b:sf] ;fy d/f]8, s'Gyg tyf slxn]sfxLF /Qm cfpg yfN5 . ;fdfGo

dfqfdf lbof}F eg] afFlwPsf], d'nfod tyf ulx/f] /Ësf] x'G5 . lsGt' a9L dfqfdf lbof}F eg] kftnf]

lb;f -b:t_ cfpg yfN5 . o;sf] lqmofdf l9nf] x'g'sf] sf/0f of] 5 ls If'b|fGq uPkl5 ha lkQsf]

;fy ldN5 ta clws lqmofzLn x'G5 . o;sf] u'bdf /QmlwSo klg x'G5 h;sf] sf/0f o;sf] a9L

dfqfdf k|of]u u¥of}F eg] cz{ x'g] cfzÍsf x'G5 .

/Qmjx;+:yfg (C.S.): /Qmzf]ws tyf zf]wx/

d"qjx;+:yfg (U.S.): d"qn

Compiled by SonelalSah


k|hgg;+:yfgM of] l:gUw–lklR5n x'g] ePsf]n] j[io xf] . pi0f x'g] ePsf]n] uef{zout

/St;+jxgnfO{ a9fOlbG5 tyf uef{zosf] k]zLnfO{ pQ]lht u/fO{ ;+sf]r a9fOlbG5 . To;sf/0f of ]

cft{jhgg / ue{;|fjs/ xf] .

TjrfM of] TjUbf]ifx/ xf] .

tfkqmdM Hj/xg

;fTdLs/0fM kqdHhf l:gUw–lklR5n ePsf]n] aNo tyf j[x0f x'G5 .

pT;u{M of] :tgsf] åf/f s]xL d"qsf] åf/f aflx/ lgsfNb5 .

zf]if0fM Ift Tjrfsf] åf/f o;sf] zf]if0f x'G5 tyf To;}n] /]rg x'g;S5 .


bf]ifk|of]uM of] skmk}lts lasf/df k|o'Qm x'G5 .

;+:yflgs k|of]uM

afXoM zf]yj]bgfo'Qm ljsf/d d';Aa/sf] n]k nufOG5 . hL0f{ j|0fdf o;sf] ojr"0f{g ul/G5 .

s'df/Lsf] dHhf dfly xn]bf]sf] r"0f { 5s]{/ tftf] kf/L zf]y–j]bfg tyf KnLxfj[l5df afFlwlbG5 .

o;sf] :j/; g]qfleioGbdf xfNg] u5{ . kq dHhf bfxkL8fo'Qm lz/f]/f]u tyf g]q/f]udf afFlwG5 .


kfrg;+:yfgM clUgdf+B, pb//f]u, KnLxf, os[tj[l4, pb/z"n, ljjgw tyf s[ld /f]udf :j/;sf]

k|of]u -s[ld/f]u ljz]iftM tGt's[lddf Pn'cfsf] jl:t klg lbOG5 .

/Qmjx;+:yfgM /Qmljsf/ tyf zf]ydf pkof]uL

d"qjx ;+:yfgM d"qj[R5 s'df/L :j/; lbOG5 .

k|hgg;+:yfgM z'qmbf}j{Nodf o;sf] :j/; tyf /hf]/f]wdf Pn'cf k|o'Qm x'G5 . /hf]/f]wdf Pn'cfsf]

jlt{ of]gLdf /flvG5 .

TorfM rd{ /f]udf pkof]uL

tfkqmdM hL0f{Hj/df nfesf/L

;fTdLs/0fM ;fdfGo bf}a{Nodf kqdHhf kfs agfP/ lbOG5 .

k|of]Ho cËM kq

dfqM kq:j/;M 10-20 ml

Pn'cf r"0f{M 0.1-0.3 gm

ljlzi6 of]uM s'dfof{;g, s'dfl/sfj6L, /hM k|jt{gLj6L, s'df/Lkfs

k|of]u ljlwM !_ /]rgsf] nflu o;sf] ;fy Iff/ tyf cGo aftx/ b|Josf] ldnfpg] h;n] ubf{ d/f]8

x'g kfpFb}g .

@_ cft{jhgsf] nfluM /hMsfnsf] ! xKtf cufl8b]lv vfg'kb{5 .

s'df/L If/d"b]z] =========================================================== lkR5;+e[tf . .

Compiled by SonelalSah


WjhfedWob08f;f?0f/flho'tf k[y'M . -lz=_

æs'df/ u[xsGofr ============================================ x/]t . .Æ

k|GYolUgbUwljikmf]6lkt/StTjufdofg\ . -ef=k|=_

20) The Materia Medica of the Hindus (1989 A.D.)

Publisher: K.M. Mittal

Aloeindica; Royle,

Sans, Ghritakumāri, Kanyā

Vern. Ghritakumāri Beng, Ghikuāmari, Hind.

Aloes (Called Mushabbar in the vernacular), though now used in native medicine, was

unknown to the Sanskrit writers. They mention only the fresh juice of the leaves

which is regarded as cathartic, cooling, tonic and useful in fevers, enlarged lymphatic,

glands, spleen and liver, eye diseases etc. The fresh juice is much used in making up

various sorts of pill-masses and more particularly those of a purgative characters, as

for example the preparation called Taruna Jvarāri rasa, described uder Mercury. In

glandular enlargements and spleen disease, the juice of the leaves is given with the

addiction of powdered turmeric.

21) b |Jou'0f lj1fg rt'y{efu (Vol IV) (1993 A.D)

n]vsM cfrfo{ lk|oj |t

s'df/L Aloe sp: a[xTqoLdf o;sf] pNn]v ul/Psf] kfOFb}g . To;kl5 o;sf] k|j]z ePsf] xf] .

;j{k|yd ci6fËlg306' / To;kl5 ef]hs[t /fhdft}08 -dfq afXo k|of]u_ of] b|Jo b[li6uf]rf/ xf] .

cEofGt/ k|of]usf] nflu o;nfO{ k|rlnt s'dfof{;j ;f]9ns[t ublgu|x -!@ ztfAbL_ df j0f{g

ul/Psf] 5 . wGjGtl/lg3G6'df o;sf] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5}g . x]drGb|s[t lg3G6'z]ifdf klg 5}g .

;DejtM nueu !) jL ztfAbLdf ef/tdf o;sf] cfoft ePsf] xf], !! ztfAbLdf afXo k|of]u

k|f/De ePsf] xf] eg] !@ ztfAbLdf of] cGo cf}iflwdf lgdf{0f tyf k|of]u x'g yfn]sf] xf] .

of] b|Jo d"ntM lk|msfsf] kfZj{jtL{ åLkdf o;sf] lgjf; 5 . k"jf{Zj{ / klZrd kfZj{sf] lsgf/L

åfk;d"xdf clws dfqfdf kfOG5 hxfF o;sf] h+un 5 . l;sGb/sf] g]t[Tjdf o"gfgL ha ;sf]t/f

åLksf] :jfdL aGg'eof] ta jxfFnfO{ o;sf] af/]df 1fg eof] . o"gfgL lrlsT;sn] o;sf] k|of]usf]

cf/De u/] / tbGt/ c/aL lrlsT;sn] o;sf] k|of]usf] cf/De u/] / tbgGt/ c/aL lrlsG;sn]

ckgfof] lsGt' la|6]g / ef/tdf !) jL ztfAbL;Dd o;sf] kQf lyPg . ha cd]l/sfdf kQf nfUof]

Compiled by SonelalSah


ta a'‰of] ls hdfosf, af/a]8f]; cflb åLkdf of] w]/} kfOG5 . ;DejtM sgf/L åLk;d"xaf6 o;sf]

lgof{t ToxfF x'G5 .,


(A compendium of 500 species)

Illutration: Ravsudvan Nair

L.N.: Aloe barbadensis Mill

Family: Liliaceae

English: Indian aloe, curacoe aloe, barbadosaloe, jaffarabad aloe

Hindi: Ghīkumār, Ghīkumārī

San: Kumā, Ghritakumārī

Distribution: Cultivatedor, seen wild in Ldege-rows in the drier parts of India

The plant:-

A coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system. Leaves are fleshy in

rosettes , sessile often crowded with horny prickles on the margins, convex below 45-

60 cm, tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green without irregular white blotches,

flowers yellow or orange in racemes, fruit loculicidal capsule.

Parts used:-

Leaf- juice elio

Properties and uses:-

The plant is bitter, sweet, cooling , anthelmintic , aperient, carminative, deobstruent,

depurative, diuretic, stomachic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic and alexeteric. The juice

is used in dyspepsia, amenorrhoea , burns, colic, hyperadenosis, , hepatopathy,

spleenopathy, skin disease, constipation, spanomenorrhoea, vitiated condition of vata

and pitta, abdominal tumours, ,dropsy, carbuncles, sciatic, lumbago, and flatulence.

The elio is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic and

emmenagogue. It is used for rlocaal application in painful inflammation chronic

ulcers and catarrhal and purulent opthalmia.

“kumara grhakanyā, ca kanya ghrtakumārikā” (

“grhakanyā hima tiktā madagandhī kaphapāhā

Pittakāsavisasvāsakusthaghnī ca rasāyani” (


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“Tanmadhyadandō madhurah kumarīsadrsō gunaih visēsātkrimipittaghnah

puspamasya guru smrtam vātam pittam krmīmscaiva nāsayediti


( saligramanighantu)

“kumārībhēdani sītā tikta nētrya rasāyani madhurā brimhanī balyā vrsyā

vātavisapranut Gulmaplihayakrddhikaphajvarahari bhavēt

Granthyagnidagdhavisphotapittaraktatvagamayan” (Bha.pra)

(Bha.pra= Bhavaprakasam)

“kumārī sītala tiktā madhurā bhēdini, jayēt Gulmaplihayakrddhim kaphajvarahari

haret Granthyagnidagdhavisphotapittaraktatvagamayān Caksusyā visavatghni balyā

vryā rasā yanī vatapittakrmiharam kumārikusumam guru” (


23) b |Jou'0f lj1fg Vol-II (2004 A.D.)

Dr. Gyanedra Pandey

Botanical Name: Aloevera Tourn. Ex. Linn

Syn. Aloe barbadensis Mill

Family: Lilianceae

Classical name: Kumārī

Sanskrit Names:

Kumari, Ghritakumārī, ghrta-Kumiārikā, Grhakanyā, Visālā, Virāsrāva, Sahāsārā,

Kumārīsambhava, Picchasambhrtā, Panktikandadalā, Balā, Dhvajāmadhyadandā,


Regional names:

Ghikunwar, Ghaikunwar, Gvaratatha, Dekvra (Hindi), Patkvar (U.P. hills),

Kuvargondal (Marathi), Kunwar, Path (Guj), Chiruli (Tam), Chomakatbanda

(Telugu), Liosar (Kann), Kumari (Mal.), Sabbarat (Arabic), Sarakhte Sibra (Persian),

India Aloe, Curacoo Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Jaffarabad Aloe (Eng.)

Compiled by SonelalSah



A coarse-looking plant is a short steam, 1-2 feet high. The fleshy leaves (about 15

inches long, 4 inches broad and ¾ inc thick) are densely crowded. Large fleshy green

leaves sharp spines and white speckrs at the bases of the leaves.

Perennial herbs of abot 30 cm to 60 cm high. Dwarf succulent plants upto 30-60 cm.

in height, leaves thick, glaucous, aregaed, ensiform, 30-61×5-10 cm. horny pickles

perpendicular or margin. Fls on the scope 61-91.5 periansh reddish yellow and green,

cylindrical, 1.9-2.5 cm fruit a loculicidal capsule

leaf drug:

leaf epidermis full of stomata on both the surfaces (as transverse section) parenchyma

rich in chlorophyll cells show starch and bundles of needles of calcium oxalate.

Central portion consists of mucilage containing parenchyma. A double row of

vascular bundles located at the junction of the two preceeding areas and with well

marked pericycle and endodermis.

Dried Juice (Leaves):

It varies in colour from yellow-brown to cholate brown. It breaks a wasxy fracture

giving a row odour. Taste is bitter. Drug shows (examined in lactophenol

microscopically) crystals of aloin embedded in masses of resin, purity of drug is

tested chemically (schontetus reaction etc. and other methods)

Flowering and fruiting time:

Plant in flowering stage during winter spring reasons.


Plant grows widely throughout India ascending to 1500 meters elevation in

Himalayan region. It is found in Africa, Arab, India and China. Plant occurs in a

semi-wild state in all parts from the dry west ward valleys of the Himalayas upto cape

comorin. Plants are generally propogated by suckers. many of the forsms of this

species are naturalized.

Chemical compositions:

Aloes (Musabbar) contains choef active principle is mixture of clucosides and

collectively called 'aloon' regarded main active constitutent of the drug Aloes.

Proportion of aloin varied (in different samples of crude drug belonging to various

areas from 10% to 30%.Alonin contains barbaloin. Isobarbaloin, aloe emodin etc.

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Ras: Katu

Guna: Guru, Snigdha, Picchila

Vīrya: Sīta

Vipāka: Tikta

Dosakarma: Kaphapittahara

Properties and action:



:- Dipana-pācana-bhedan.

:- Yakrduttejaka (lower close)

:- Virecana-krinighna (high close)

:- Raktaisodhaka- Sothahara

:- Mūtrala

:- Vrsya

:- Garbhāsayottejaka-Ārtavajana-garbhāsrāvakara.

:- Tvagdosahara.

:- Jvaraghna.

:- Balya-brinhana.


:- Medhya.

:- Rasāyana.

:- Vranaropana.

:- Kesya.

:- Krmighna.

:- Kandūghna-kusthaghna.

:- Caksusya

:- Vātaghna.

:- Varnya.


:- Yakrtplīhāvikārā-Vrddhi

:- Pāndu-Kāmalā

:- Carma- Varnavikāra

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:- Ŝothavedananāyukta Vikāra.

:- Udararogo- gulma-agnimāndya- udarsūla- vibandha.

:- Raktavikāra- sotha.


:- Rajorodha- ārtavavikāra

:- Stanvyatha.

:- Carmaruga

:- Jirnajvara.

:- Dourbalya.

:- Krmiroga- tantukrmi

:- Netraaroga-netrābhisyanda.


:- Vrana- Visphota.

:- Agnidagdha.

:- Apasmāra.

:- Lingārsā

:- Sītapitta.

Therapiutic uses:-

(The dring Kumāri or Ghrtakumāri is better, cathartic, anathelmintic,

aphrodrisiac, cooling emmenagogue, hepatic stimulant, purgative and vermifuge. It us

used in indigenous medicine in haemophilic, skin and uterine disorders. Locally it is

applied on burns. It is also used in cosmetics for applying over face and skin. Drug is

topically applied to ulcers, wounds erruptions ot eruptive boils. It is used in anaemia,

jaundice, liver and spleenic disorders, menstrual troubles, worms, chroic fever,

dysuria, oedema, abdomen disorders, inflammatory and painful complaints (organs),

colin, posions and general debility. It is blood purifier, tonic and wholesome to eyes.

Drug is restrorative (rasāyana), and it is useful in urticaria, headache, and kapha

besides its cholagogus action. Drug is frequently recommended in gynaecological

complaints. It is used as single drug, receipes and compound formulations. Besides as

an ingredient of several pharmaceutica preparations (compounds), the plant drug is

employed in some processe of pharmacy (rasāsāstra and bhaisajya kalpanā) in Indian

medicines. It is utilized in sodhana and māarana methods (process) of certain

Compiled by SonelalSah


processes and preparations. In addition to pharmaceutical formulations of classical

group (sāstrīya) as well as new herbomineral products indicated in treatment of

various diseases.

The plant drug kumārī is major ingredient of kumaryēsana, rajahpravartani

vati, kumārikā vati, kumarī taila, kumāripāka etc. incorporater in Indian medicine.

Some other drug preparations are made in unām medicine kanyāsāra or aloes (extract)

or musabbar is used in medicine for threating different ailments and it is also an

ingredient of medicinal preparation used in externally and internally in therapeusis.

Kumāri has been important and potent drug in ancient medicine and

therapeutics finding its uses in several diseases as mentioned in different classical

texts dealing clinical management.

The juice of kumārī leaves (pulp) is taken as snuff which is useful to relieye

from jaundice or kāmalā. Kumari nasya is referred by bhācamisra (bhāva prakāsā

cikitsa 8-44). Kumāri is used in jaundice and anaemia (kāmalā and pandu) in other

forms also since its pharmacological action on lives and spleen function kumārī leaves

are used in enlargements and other disorders of liver and spleen in body. Kumāri is

potent cholagogue drug (pittan nirharana pittarechana). The juice of kumāri mixed

Haridrā (turmeric) powder is given in spleen enlargement or pliha vradhi

(sarangadhara samlita 2-1-15)

In therapeutic management amenorrhoea (rajorodha), the extract of kumāri

leaves juice or kanyāsāra (aloe) is chief ingredient of two components viz which are

frequently prescriber in menstrual problems as emmenagogue drugs (bhaisajya

ratmāvati, p-1182-1183) kumāryāsava is another prominent classical formulation is

generally recommended in female disease and also offer ailments.

Kumāri is mixed tila and sour gruel or alone applied to ripens the abscess.

Kumārī leaves or juice is recommended to apply over abcess and wounds in āma and

pacyamāna stages for attaining pakva conditions of vidradhi and vrana (vaidya

manoramā 16-101-102). Leaves pulp of kumāri are prescribed to externally apply

over or by covering up the steamed leaves devoid pf pulp, in all stages of abscess as

indicated in medical texts (vidradhi cikitsā contexts) kumaari is recommended in

other several diseases in texts and medical practice.

Compiled by SonelalSah


Parts uses:- leaves, root, extract (powder) kanyāsāraa.

Dose:- juice 10-20 ml. powder (extract) 0.1-0.3 gm






24) Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal (2007 A.D.)

Author: Ishwar Chandra Dutta

(Identificationm, classification, ethnic uses & cultivation)

Nep: Ghritkumari, Gheukumari

SawM Ghrita-kumari

Eng: Indian aloe

Hindi: Ghee-kanwar

Syn: Aloe barbadensis

Family: Liliaceae

Habit: Perrenial Herb

Flowering Perio: September-January

Chemical Constituent:

Glycosidase, Aloesin, Malin Citric Acid, and Tartaric Acids. Leaves contain

barbaloin, chrysophanol Glycoside and Aglycone, aloe0emodine.


Mediterrraneean (cultivated)


A coarse-looking perennial plant without a short stem, found in a semi wild state in

many parts of country. Leaves 30-60 cm long, erectl of jui, crowded in a basal rosette,

full of juice, glaucous-green, narrow-lanceolate, long acuminate, smooth, except for

the spiny teeth on the margins, scale, longer than leaves, scaly, branched, flowers

yellow in dense racemoses terminating the scales.

Compiled by SonelalSah



The plant is sweet, bitter and cooling,. Plant is taken as purgative , alternative,

fattening , tonic, aphrodisiac.

Leaves are used in tumors, eye problem, bronchitis, skin disease, leprosy, asthma,

jaundice, ulcer, and liver complain.

Fresh juice of the leaves is cathartic and cooling. It is used in eye troubles and spleen,

liver aliments. It has been found useful for x-ray bushes, dermatitis, cutaneous

leishmaniasis and other disorders of skin.

The leaves juice forms a important constituents of large number of Ayurvedic

preparation. It is also used in veterinary medicine.

Flowers are anesthetic and useful in biliousness. Leaves are used for menstrual

suppression. Fresh juice is used in cathartatic, cooling and used in fever, spleen and

liver trouble. Cooling oil is produced by extracting the plant.

The leaves and flower stalks are pickled. The leaves yield fibres. A dye prepared from

this species forms purple color to silk. Black to wool and pinktolinen. The leaves

pulp is said to be eaten in times of extreme scarcity.

25) Medicinal plants of Nepal (Bulletin of the department of plant resources

No.-28) (2007 A.D.)

Dr. M.K. Adhikari, Dr. D.M. Shakya, Mrs. M. Kahastya, Dr. M.N. Subedi

l3ps'df/L (Ghiukumaaree)

Scientific name: Aloe vera (Linn.) Burn & Aloe barbadensis Mill.

Family: Liliaceae.

other names: Barbados Aloe, Indian aloe (Eng), Ghikunwar, Ghrit Kumari (Hind.),

Kumari, Ghirt Kumari (Sand.)


A perennial rosette herb leaves large, sessile and crowded, thick fleshy, spiny teeth at

the margin, lanceolate 45-60 cm long, tapering to a blunt end, surface pale green with

irregular white blotehce, flowers yellow or orange in terminal racemes. Plat is bitter.

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Flowering and Fruiting: June-August

Part used: whole plant

Uses: Plant is cooling, anthelmintic, and purgative, the gell of leaves is used in the

form of cream to soothe, heal and moisturize the skin. It is used to get relief from

burning sensation.

Chemical constituents:

Leaves afford catharticanthraquinone glycosides as active principles, mainly

barbaloin, a glucoside of aloe-emodin, othersare aloesin and aloesone (Husain et al. ;


Distribution in Nepal: cultivated

26) cfo'j ]{b h8La'6L /x:o (2008 A.D.)

cfrfo{ afns[i0f

s'ngfd –Family_ – Lilliaceae

Latin Name :- Aloevera tourn Ex Inn

Aloe barbadensis mill

English name:- Indian Aloe

;+:s[t gfd M 3[ts'dfl/sf, u[xsGof, :y"nbnf

lxGbL M 3Ls'+cf/, Ujf/kf7f

u'h/ftL M s'af/

d/f7L M sf]/km8

a+ufnL M 3[ts'df/L

k+hfaL M s'+jf/ u+bn

t]nu' M snab'+

b«flj8L M stfn}

sgf{6sL M tf}n;/}

c/aL M ;Aal/t

kmf/;L M b/Vt] l;j|

kl/roM of] ef/t / g]kfndf ;j{q kfO{G5 . k|fo o;nfO{ dfG5] 3/sf] udnfdf nufP/ /flvG5.

Afx\o:j?k M o;sf] sf+8 x'b}g, h8sf] dflyaf6 g} rf/}lt/ df]6f]df]6f] df+;n kft, uF'bfFn] kl/k"0f{ !–

@ kmL6 nfdf], @ OGr rf}8f x'G5, o;sf] lsgf/fdf ;fgf] ;fgf] sf8fF x'G5 h;n] ubf{ of] cf/L

Compiled by SonelalSah


h:tf] b]lvG5 . If'ksf] dWoaf6 nfdf] k'ikfWjh lgl:sG5 h;df /Stfe k'ik zLtsfnsf] c+tdf

nfU5 . o;sf] kft sf6]kl5 kLtfd j0f{sf] lklR5 b«Jo lgl:sG5 hf] lr;f] ePkl5 hldxfN5

h;nfO{ s'df/L;f/ elgG5 .

/f;folgs ;+u7g M

s'df/L;f/ Aloin, Glucoside ;d'x x'G5 . Aloin s]f d'Vo 36s alanf]Og gfds xNsf kx]nf]

/+usf] :kml6sLo Un"sf];fO8 x'G5 . o;sf] cltl/St s]xL /fn tyf Pp6f ;'ulGwt t]n x 'G5 .

u'0fwd{ M of] kfrgdf ef/L, l:gUw, lklR5n, s6', zLt tyf ljkfsdf ltSt x'G5 . Pn'cf M nw',

?If, tLI0f tyf pi0f x'G5 . 3[ts'df/L b:tfj/, zLt, ltSt, cfvfFsf] nflu lxtsf/L, /;fog,

dw'/, k'li6sf/s, jLo{jw{s tyf jft, ljif, u'Ndf, KnLxf, os[t, c+8a[l4, skm, Hj/, u|lGy,

clUgbfx, ljikmf]6s, lkt, ?lw/–ljsf/ tyf 5fnf /f]u gfzs x'G5 . cNkdfqfdf of] bLkg,

kfrg,e]bg, os[t pQ]hs, tyf a9L dfqfdf lj/]rg, s[ld£g x'G5 . of] l:gUw,lkR5n tyf pi0f

x'g]ePsfn] uef{zout /St;+jfxg, sf] a9fOlbG5 tyf uef{zosf] k]lznfO{ pQ]lht u/ L ;+sf]rg

a9fO{lbG5 . To;sf/0f of] cft{jhgg / ue{>fjs/ x'G5 .

cf}iflwo k|of]u M

lz/f]j]bgf M lz/f]j]bgfdf s'df/Lsf] u'bdf yf]/} dfqfdf bf?xl/bfsf] r"0f{ ld;fP/ tftf] kf/L b'v]sf]

7fFpmdf afFWof] eg] afth tyf skmh lz/z"ndf nfe x'G5 .

OGb«n'Kt M /St w[t s'df/L -h;df gf+/uL tyf s]xL /ftf] /+usf] k'ik nfU5_ sf] u'+bLnfO{ l:k|6df

unfP/ 6fpsf]df n]k nufPdf skfn sfnf] x'G5, vflnTodf 6fpsf]df nufPdf skfn pld|xfN5 .

g]q/f]u M

!_ o;sf] u'bL cfFvfdf nufPdf /ftf]kg ld6\5, /ftf]kg b'/ x'G5 . Viral conjunctivitis df of]

kmfO{bf x'G5 .

@_ s'df/Lsf] ! u|fd u'bLdf #&% mg clkmd ldnfP/ kf]6nL afFwL kfgLdf lehfP/ cfFvfdf xNsf

3'dfPdf / !–@ a'Fbf cfFvfdf xfn]df g]qkL8f sd x'G5 .

#_ o;sf] u'bLdf a];f/ xfn]/ yf]/} dgtftf] u/L cfFvfdf afFw]df cfFvfsf] kL8f jf g]qz"n ld6 \5 .

s0f{;"nM o;sf] /;sf] tftf]u/]/ h'gsfgdf bb{ x'G5, To;sf] csf]{ sfgdf @–@ a'+b xfn]df

s0f{;"n gfz x'G5 .

sfgsf] sL8f M udL{sf] sf/0f sfgdf sL8f k;]df Pn'cf kfgLdf lk+w]/ sfgdf @–@ a'+b xfn]df

sfgsf] sL8f dl/xfN5 .

sf;M s'df/Lsf] u'bL tyf ;}Gwj nj0f b'j}sf] eid agfP/ !@ u|fd d'gSsfsf] ;fy laxfg, a]n'sf

;]jg u/]df sf; tyf hL0f{sf+z tyf skhZjf; gi6 x'G5 .

Compiled by SonelalSah


jfo'uf]nf M s'df/Lsf] u'bL ^ u|fd, ufO{sf] l3pm ^ u|fd, xl/tsL r"0f{ ! u|fd, ;}Gwjnj0f ! u|fd

;a}nfO{ ld;fP/ laxfg a]n'sf vfPdf jfo'uf]nf ldl6xfN5 .

pb/ufF7 M o;sf] u'bL k]6sf] dfyL afFw]df k]6sf] ufF7 gi6 x'G5 . sl7g k]6 d'nfod x'G5 . tyf

cfGb«fdf hd]sf] dn aflx/ lgl:sxfN5 .

u'Nd M 3L s'+jf/sf u'bf lgsfns/ ;defu 3[t ldnfP/ -^)–^) u|fd_ To;df xl/tsL r'0f{ tyf

;}wjnj0f !) –!) u|fd sf] dfq ld;fP/ ;a}nfO{ ld;fO{lbg] . To;kl5 !) –!% u|fd laxfg

a]n'sf ;]jg u/]df jfth u'Nd cflb pb/ tyf jfthGo ljsf/df -u'gu'g]_ dgtftf] kfgLsf] ;fy

k|of]u u/]df nfe x'G5 .

dfl;s wd{ M s'df/Lsf] !) u|fd u'bLdf %)) mg knfzsf] Iff/ - a'/s s/_ ld;fP/ lbgdf @

k6s ;]jg u/]df dfl;s >fj z'4 x'gyfN5 .

d"qs[R5 M s'df/Lsf] tfhf %–!) u|fd u'bLdf zVv/ ld;fP/ vfPdf d"qs[R5 tyf bfx ld6\5 .

u'b:y /Stfz{ M u'b:y cfzf{s'/df s'df/Lsf] %) u|fd u'bLdf @ u|fd lklwPSf] u]? ld;fP/ o;sf]

l6lsof agfP/ ?O{sf] kmfx]dfly /flv km}nfP/ u'bf :yfgdf /fv]/ nuf ]6sf] ;dfg k6\6L afFlw

lbg'k5{ . o;sf] d:;f]sf] hng tyf bb{sf] zdg x'G5 Pj+ d:;f] l;s8s/ ;'sL xfN5 . o;sf]

k|fof]u /Stfz{df klg kmfO{bfhgs x'G5 .

aRrfsf] alAhotM ;fgf] aRrfsf] gfledf ;fa'gsf] ;fy o;sf] u'bLsf] n]k nufPdf slAhot

b"/ x'G5 .

pkb+z M pkb+zhlgt j|0fdf 3[ts'df/Lsf] u'bLsf] afx\o n]k nfesf/L x'G5 .

dw'd]x M dw'd]xdf 3Ls'+jf/sf] % u|fd u'bLsf] ;fydf @%)–%)) mg u'8'rL;Tjsf] ;fydf lbO{G5 .

!_ sfdnf M sfdnfdf s'df/Lsf] !) –@) ml /; lbgdf @–# k6s v'jfPdf lktgnLsf] cj/f]w

b"/ eP/ nfe x'G5 . o;sf] k|of]un] g]qsf] kx]nf]kg tyf slAhot b"/ x'G5 . o;sf] /; /f]uLsf]

gfsdf g:o lbPdf gf;f>fj kLtj0f{sf] df nfe x'G5 .

Compiled by SonelalSah


@_ s'df/L nj0fsf] #–^ u|fd ;Dd dxLsf] ;fy lbPdf KnLxfj[4L, os[tj[l4, cfWdfg;"n tyf cGo

kfrg ;+:yfgut ljsf/df nfe x'G5 . s'df/Lsf] u'FbL lgsfn]/ z]if af]s|fsf] 3}6fdf e/]/ a/fa/

dfqfdf g"g ld;fP/ d'v aGb u/L s+8f]sL clUgdf /fVg] . ha leqsf] b«Jo 89]/ sfnf] eO{xfN5

ta kLw]/ zLzLdf e/]/ /fVg] . o;}nfO{ cf}iflwsf] ?kdf k|of]u ug]{ .

ctM k|l;4 cf}iflwof]u s'dfo{T;j sf] cltl/Qm 3[ts'df/Lsf] cf;j ;/ntfsf] ;fy agfpg

;lsG5 . s'df/Lsf] kftsf] /; @ efu tyf dx ! efu bf]gf] b«Josf] rLgL ld§Lsf] kfqdf d'v aGb

u/]/ ! xKtf;Dd 3fddf /fVg] . ttkZrft o;nfO{ 5fGg] . of] cf}iflw of]u !) –@) u|fd sf] dfqf

laxfg a]n'sf ;]jg u/]df os[tljsf/df nfe x'G5 . o;sf] a9Ldfqf lj/]rs x'G5 . t/ plrt

dfqfdf ;]jg u/]df dn Pj+ jftsf] k|j[lt l7s ug{ yfN5, os[t alnof] tyf To;sf] ls|of

;fdfGo x'g yfN5 .

ltNnL M s'df/Lsf] uF'bLdf ;'xfuf a'/s s/ ld;fP/ v'jfPdf ltNnL sl6 xfN5 .

ul7of M o;sf] sf]dn u'bL lgoldt ?kdf !) u|fdsf] dfqf laxfg, a]n'sf v'jfPdf ul7of l7s

x'G5 .

a+b M o;sf] kQLsf] 6's|fsf] Psflt/sf] l5Nsf x6fP/ To;df /;f]t tyf a];f/ a'/ss/, tftkfl/

afw]df a+w xl6xfN5 .

s'6LkL8g M u]x'Fsf] lk7f], 3L tyf s'df/Lsf] u'bL Tolt /fVg'k5{ hltn] lk7f] u+'yg ;sf];, lk7f]sf]

u'bLdf u'y]/ /f]6L agfpg' k5{, agfPsf] /f]6Lsf] r"0f{ zVv/ tyf l3pF ld;fP/ n8\8' agfP/ vfPdf

sDd/sf] b'vfO{ ldl6xfN5 .

:gfo"sM Pn'cfsf] n]k nufPdf :gfo's ulnxfN5 .

Hj/ M 3Ls'df/Lsf] h8sf] !)–@) u|fd Sjfy lbgdf # k6s v'jfPdf Hj/ lgsf] x'G5 .

j|0f, rf]6 cflb ufF7 M !_ olb j|0f kfs]sf] 5}g jf ckSj 5 eg] 3[ts'df/L sf] u'FbLdf ;hL{sIff/

tyf xl/b«f r"0f{ ld;fP/ j|0f zf]ydf afFw]df j|0f l56f] kfs]/ km'l6xfN5 .

@_ olb kmf]8f kfSg]sf] glhs 5 eg] 3[ts'df/Lsf] uFbf tftf] u/]/ afFwL lbPdf kmf]8f rfF8} kfs]/

km'l6 xfN5 . ha a|0f km'l6xfN5 ta u'FbLDf clnslt xl/b«f r"0f{ ld;fP/ afFwL lbPdf j|0f zf]wg

eP/ 3fp rf8}F k'l/xfN5 .

#_ ufF7f]sf] ;"hgdf klg s'dfl/sf] kftsf] Psflt/af6 l5n]/ tyf To;df clnslt xl/b«f r"0f{

a'/ss/ tyf s]xL dgtftf] kfl/ afFlwlbPdf nfe x'G5 .

$_ rf]6nfu]df ds]{df, s'rln uPdf a]bgfo'Qm zf]y ePdf 3[ts'df/Lsf] u'FbLdf clkmd tyf xNbL

r"0f{ ld;fP/ afFw]df cf/fd x'G5 .

Compiled by SonelalSah


%_ :qLsf] :tgdf rf]6 cflb sf/0faf6 jf cGo s'g} sf/0faf6 ufF7 jf ;'lgPdf o;sf] h8fsf]

sNs agfP/ To;df clnslt xl/b«f r"0f{ ld;fP/ dgtftf] kf/L afFw]df nfe x'G5 . of] k|s[of

lbgdf @–# k6s ug'{k5{ .

clUgbUw M s'df/Lsf] u'FbL cfuf]n] kf]n]]sf] 7fpFdf nufPDff bfx zfGt x'G5 tyf kmf]sf p7b}g .

gf8Lj|0f M Pn'cf tyf sTyf b'O6} a/fa/ dfqfdf lkw]/ n]k nufPdf gf8Lj|0f 7Ls x'G5 .

j|0f M 3[ts'df/Lsf] uF'bL j|0fsf 3fp k"0f{sf] nflu pko'Qm x'G5 . /]l8o]zgsf] sf/0f c;fWo j|0fdf

o;sf] k|of]un] /fd|f] ub{5 .

s'df/L cf;j M o;sf] kftsf] b'j} lt/sf] sfF8f /fd|/L ;kmf u/]/ ;fgf] ;fgf] 6'qmf kfg]{ . ;kmf

u/]sf] % s]hL 6's|f cfwf s]lh g"g xfn]/ d'vaGb u/]/ @–# lbg 3fddf /fv]/ larlardf xnfpb }

ug'{k5{ . # lbg kl5 o;df !)) u|fd xNbL, !)) u|fd wlgofF, !)) u|fd ;km]b hL/f, %) u|fd

/ftf] v';f{gL, ̂ ) u|fd e'6]sf] lx+u, #)) u|fd chjfog, !)) u|fd ;"7f], ^) u|fd sfnf] dl/r, ^)

u|fd lkKknL, %) u|fd nf}Fu, %) u|fd bfnlrgL, %) u|fd ;'xfuf, %) u|fd cs/s/f, !)) u|fd

sfnf]hL/f, %) u|fd 7"nf] O{nfO{rL, #)) u|fd /fO{sf] dl;gf] lkw]/ xfNg] .

/f]uLsf] an cg';f/ #–^ u|fd sf] dfqfdf laxfg, a]n'sf lbPdf k]6sf] jft skm ;DalGw

;a} ljsf/ gi6 x'G5 . ;'ls;s]kl5 crf/, bfn, ;fu cflbdf xfn]/ k|of]u ug]{ .

!_ s'df/L e]bgL, zLtf, ltStf g]qof /;fogL

dw'/ a[x0fL aNof a[ifof aftljifk|0f't\ .

u'Nd/nLxos[bj[l4skmHj/x/L x/]t ..

u|GYolUgbUwlj:kmf]6lkQ/StTjufdofg\ .. -ef=k|=_

@_ u[xsGof lxdfltStf dbulGw skmf kxf

lkQsf;ljifZjf;s'i6£gL r /;fogL .. -/f=lg_

#_ jL/f;|fjM ;xf;f/M s'df/L/;;+Dej M

;x;f/f] ˜lUghggM lkQlgx{/0ff]dt \ ..

$_ ans[b]rgM k'0ohggf] ue{kftgM .

lj6\;°] s[ld/f]u] r ;Gof;]b'k:d[tf}tyf . .

n'Kt] /fhl; gf/L0f+ zLtlklQ lz/f]?lh .

Compiled by SonelalSah


Hj/] Zn]idf]Ebj] km\nLlx|dGb\] ˜ Ugf} r k|o'Hot] ..

cz{;:t+ g ;]j]t gfGtj{TdL g k'lik0fL .

g rf;[Uubl/0fL gflk os[b\j[Ssflb /f]ufg . -cf=lj_

%_ os[ts[ldKnLx ljjGw u'Ndz"nflbs]0j}nd'zflGt j}BfM ..


27) Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses Of Medicinal Plants.

(Dravyaguna vigyan) (2009 A.D.)

Vidya V.M. Gogle

Kula :- Rasonakula Family :- Liliaceae

Latin Name: - Aloe – ( Alloch Arabic through alosGK vera – India.)

English Name: - Indian Aloe

Sanskrit Name: - kumara , Ghritkumari, Gruhakanya, Deerghapatrica, Ajara, veera ,

Taruni, , Rama, Kapila, Atipittate.

Botanical Description:- Its shrub are 30-60 cm high, leaves –thick, filled, without

juice, 3-4 fingers in circumference and 1-2 feet in length. The margins of the leaves

have spikes. Leaves contain a thick and mucilaginous juice. Once the shrub becomes

old, a straight stalk emerges from its Centre which bears red flowers in cluster. The

plant flowers and fruits at the end of winter.

The solid gum obtained after boiling the juice of kumara is called Alia bol, kala bol,

kumarisar. Busabbar etc. it is called Aloe in English.

Varieties: kala bol is available in four varities:-

1. Sacrotine

2. Arachin

3. Jaffarabadi

4. Maisuri

Habitat: - kumara is predominantly found in Africa, Arabica and India in India it is

abundantly seen in the south. Its name may be related to name of place called


Chemical composition: - korphad has Aloin, Barbaloin as crystalline. Glucosides ,

Aloe, Amodine , resins and water soluble substances.

Properties: Guna : Snigdha, Pichchil

Compiled by SonelalSah


Rasa: bitter, sweet,

Vipak: katu,

Veerya: sheeta,

Prabhav: Bhedan

Kala Bol :- laghu, ruksha, tikshna and ushna.


Dosha: useful in diseases caused by all three doshas.

External use: poultice: anti-inflammatory can be applied on inflamed parts. Kala bol

powder can be applied over swollen, painful and enlarged spleen. Juice can be used in

eyes for conjunctivitis. In headache and eye problems, the pulp can be applied locally.

The juice is refrigerant.

Internal use:

Digestive system: in small doses, kumara has deepan, bhedan, panchan and uttejak

properties. in large doses it, has virechaka and krimighna. Juice of kumari is used in

loss of apetite, ascites, tumors, spleen and liver enlargement and colic. It is laxative,

antiflatuent and anthelminthic.

Cardiovascular system: it is yatritagami and raktavasrotogami useful in purification of

blood and affection of liver. It is used in splenomegaly in combination with haridra.

Urinogenital system: it is known diuretic. By virtue of being snigdha and pichchil, it

promotes the secretion of semen and acts as an aphrodisiac. Being ushna, it increases

the flow of blood to the uterus and promotes contraction as a result of which it leads

to uterine bleeding. Hence kala Bol is used locally in treatment of Amenorrhea.

Skin: useful in common conditions of skin. It promotes hair growth.

Temperature: it is useful in chronic fevers.

Satmikaran: kumara juice or kala bol can be used as a restorative in generalized

weakness. It is a tonic. The juice is anabolic and increases strength.

Parts used: leaves, juice from leaves, kala bol.

Dosages: juice of leaves- 2 to 4 spoons

Kala Bol 125 mg to 500mg

Excretion: kumara is excreted through breast milk and small amount through urine.

Compiled by SonelalSah


Absorption: if kala bol is applied over fresh skin wounds, it can result in absorption

and hence result in loose motion.

Administration: for purgation, if kumara is used along with keshar or scented herbs,

there is no colicky pain. For good menstrual period kala bol can be started 7 days

before periods.

28) Medicinal Plants of India (2009 A.D.)

Dr. Satish Narain Lal, Dr. Meenakshi Singh

This text has no description regarding the plant 'kumārī'

29) :yfgLo h8La'6Låf/f :jf:Yo /Iff (B.S. 2055)

8f= Zofdl0f clwsf/L

g]kfnL gfdM l3psdf/L

;+ gfdM 3[ts'df/L, s'df/L, u[xsGof

L.N: Aloe barbadensis Mill

E.N. Aloe

;fdfGo kl/roM o;sf] !–@ lkm6 cUnf] lj?jf x'G5 . kft !% OGr ;Dd nfdf, @–# OGr rf}8f, !

OGr;Dd afSnf tyf lrKnf] u'bL ePsf / 5]pdf sfF8fx? ePsf x'G5 . kft sf6 \bf jf efFRbf

lgl:sg] kx]Fnf] rf]k lr;f] x'gf;fy hD5 . To;nfO{ s'df/L;f/ -Pn'cf jf d';Aa/_ elgG5 .

cf}ifwLsf] pkof]uL efuM kq -kftsf] u'bL_

/;M ltQm u'0fM u'?, l:gUw, lkR5n

ljkfsM s6' ljo{M zLt

bf]ifsd{M skmlktx/

d'Vo pkof]uM cfuf]n] kf]n]sf]df, dlxgfjf/L x'Fbf b'v]df, sn]hf]sf] /f]u, 6fpsf] b'v]df .

cf}ifwLsf] :j?k / dfqM kftsf] u'bL %–!) u|fd vfg]

emf]n agP/ !)–@) ld=ln-

s'df/L;f/M ½ - 1 gm

n]k ubf{ jf nufpFbf cfjZostf cg';f/ .

pkof]u ug]{ tl/sfM 6fpsf] b'v]sf]df / cfuf]n] kf]n]sf]df kftsf] u'bLsf] n]k ug]{ . hd]sf] s'df/L;f/

jf To;sf] w"nf] lrgL kfgL;Fu vfg] .

Compiled by SonelalSah


30) l3ps'df/ (Indian Aloe) Ayurveda Class - 9 (B.S. 2058)

n]vsM 8f= 7fs '/ fh clwsf/L, 8f= sfzL/fh ;'j ]bL, 8f= Zofddl0f clwsf/L

zf:qLo gfdM 3[ts'df/L, s'df/, u[xsGof

g]= gfdM l3ps'df/L

a}= gfdM Aloevera Tourn ex. Linn.

Family: Liliaceae

;fdfGo kl/ro

o;sf] !Ú-@’ cUnf] ax'jiff{o' If'k x'G5 . o;sf kft afSnf, leq lrKnf] u'bL w]/} ePsf, !%

OGr;Dd nfdf, @Æ–#” rf}8f 6'Kkflt/ ;fF3'l/b} uP/ tLvf] ePsf, b'O{tkm{ 5]p5fpdf s/f}FtLsf]

wf/h:tf]u/L k|Z:t sf8fFx? ePSf / k|fo ;]tf jf lkmSsf kx]Fnf] /Ësf l5s]{lds]{ cg]sf}F bfuo'Qm

x'G5g\ . o;sf] aLraf6 Pp6f k'ikbG8 lgl:sG5 . o;sf] kftsf] u'bL x'gf;fy hDb5 . To;nfO{

s'df/L;f/, d';Aa/, Pn'jf elgG5 .


of] g]kfnsf] t/fO{b]lv %))) lkm6;Ddsf] prfO{df kfO{G5 . o;nfO{ k|fo 3/sf] udnf of

pwfgdf nufpg] rng ePsfn] u[xsGof elgPsf] xf] . s'df/L;f/ ahf/df lsGg kfO{G5 .

cf }i fwLkof ]uL efu M

kq -tfhf kqdHhf tyf s'df/L;f/_

l3ps'df/Lsf] l5lKkPsf] kftsf] rf]k Pj+ /;nfO{ 3fddf ;'sfP/ jf cfuf]df

ksfP/ kfgLsf] efu ;'sfO{ uf9f agfPkl5 s'df/L;f/ tof/ x'G5 .

d'Vo pkof]u clUgbUw, j|0fzf]y, lz/Mz"n, os[tKnLxfljsf/, ljjGw, Pjd \ /hMsi6 -s'i6ft{j_ df

pkof]uL 5 . 5fnfsf] j0f{ /fd|f] agfpg / rd{/f]udf klg o;sf] pkof]u ul/G5 . o;af6

s'dfof{;j, /fhk|jt{gLa6L cflb cf}iflwx? agfO{G5 . /Stfz{ t /Stk|b/sf /f]uL / ue{jtLn] o;sf]

;]jg ug'{x'b}g .

;]jg ug]{ tl/sf

clUgbUw, rd{/f]u, lz/Mz"ndf / 5fnfsf] j0f{ /fd|f] agfpg kqdHhf jf :j/; nufpg] .

j|0fzf]ydf kqdHhf jf d';Aa/ lbgdf @ k6s :yflgs ?kdf cfjZoStf cg';f/ n]k ug]{


hL0f{Hj/ / os[tMKnLxf;DaGwL /f]udf kq:j/; %–!) ml, kqdHhf %–!) u|fd cyjf

Pn'jf @%)–%)) ld=u|f= vfg] . si6ft{jdf /hMsfn eGbf ! ;ftf klxnfb]lv ;]jg ug]{ .

ljaGwdf s'df/L;f/ jf To;sf] r"0f{ %)) ld=u|f=–! u|fd lrgL–kfgL;Fu jf c? cf}iflw;Fu vfg]

Compiled by SonelalSah


31) :yfgLo h8La'6L tyf vfBffGgx?åf/f :jf:Yo ;+/If0f / ;fdfGo /f ]ux?sf ] pkrf/ (B.S.


n]vsM 8f= sfzL/fh zdf { ;'j ]bL

o;sf ;fgf af]6x? x'G5g\ . kftx? Pp6} sf08af6 w]/} cfpF5g\ . tL df]6f x'G5g\ / ltgsf]

lsgf/fx?df sfF8f x'G5g\ . kftleq l3ph:t} n]l;nf] u'bL x'G5 . cf}iflwsf] ?kdf ToxL u'bL cyjf

To;nfO{ ;'sfP/ agfPsf] vf]6f] -d';Aa/_ k|of]u ul/G5 . u'bLsf] /; @–$ rDrf;Dd k|of]u ug{

;lsG5 . o;n] k]6sf /f]ux?M ufg'–uf]nf, z"n / dlxgfjf/L ;kmf gePsf] cj:yfdf lxt u5{ .

k|b//f]u nfu]sf / ue{jtL dlxnfx?n] o;sf] ;]jg ug{x'Fb}g .

Compiled by SonelalSah



Kumari (Aloe vera) is an important medicinal plant. Its description isn't fount in

Brithatrayi, thus it becomes clear theat it was introduced aftger the period of

Brihatyayi. According to the history, its introduction was in 10th century A.D. India. It

is a perennial herb, (1-2) feet in height. It belongs to the family Lilliaceae. Its Sanskrit

synonyms are Mātā, Grihakanya, Kanya etc. It has 'Tikta' rasa, "katu' Uipaka and

'Sheeta' veerya. Its main chemical constituent is 'Aloin', which is a glucoside. Its main

uses are in blood disorders, oedema, chronic fever, burns, skin diseases etc. Thus,

these must be further study and research on various properties of Aloe Vera.

Compiled by SonelalSah



1) Amarkoshā- 6Lsfsf/M :j+= k+= s'nrGb| zdf{ uf}td, k|sfzsM g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f k|lti7fg,

sf7df08", g]kfn, k|yd ;+:s/0fM lj=;+= @)@^, k]h g+= (!, !!%

2) Astaangahridaya Samhitaa- n]vsM cfrfo{ jfUd6

3) Astaangasangraha- k|sfzsM rf}vDaf ;+:s[t k|lti7fg, #* o" P, a+unf] /f]8, hjfx/gu/,

kf]i6 aS; g+= @!!#, lbNnL, !!)))&

4) Ayurveda Class -9, n]vsM 8f= 7fs'/fh clwsf/L, 8f= sfzL/fh ;'j]bL, 8f= Zofddl0f

clwsf/L, k|yd ;:s/0fM lj=;+= @)%*

5) Ayurveda Jadivuti Rahasya- cfrfo{ afns[i0f, k|sfzsM lbJo k|sfzg, kt+hnL of]ukL7,

dxlif{ bofgGb u|fd, lbNnL xl/åf/, /fli6«o /fhdfu{ axfb/fjfb, xl/åf/f–@$($)* pQ/v08

k+rd ;+:s/0f clk|n @))* A.D., Page no. 65

6) Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic uses of Medicinal Plants (Dv.)- Vaidya

V.M. Gogle, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan publishes and distributors of

oriented cultural literature, Post box no. 1139, K. 37/116, Gopal Mandir Lane,

Golghar (near Maidagin), varanasi-221001 (India), Edition: Reprint: 2009 A.D.,


7) Bhāvaprakāsh Nighantu- n]vsM efjld>, klG8t >L ljZjgfy lb|j]bL, k|sfzsM df]tLnfn

jgf/;L bf;, ef/tLo ;+:s[tsf] k|d'v k|sfzs Pj+ k':ts ljqm]tf, k|wfg sfof{no, a+ufnL /f]8,

hjfx/gfu/, lbNnL–&, k]h g+= @$@

8) Bhāvaprakāsh Nighantu: n]vsM xl/bf; ;+:s[t u|Gydfnf –!!^, 6Lsfsf/M cfo'j]{bfrfo{

kl08t clDasfbt zfl:q0f, rf}vDaf ;+:s[t ;Ll/h cflkm; agf/; l;6L, k]h g+= #)*

9) Bhela Samhitaa- ;+:stf{M Shree Girijadayalushukla, k|sfzsM The Chowkamba

Vidya Bhawan, Chowk, Varanasi, India, First Edition: 2016 A.D.

10) Chakradatta- xl/k|;fb euL/yhL, sfnafb]jL /f]8, /fdjf8L, d'+aO{, k|sfzsM B.R.

Ghanekar at the Nirnaya-Sagar Press, 23, Kolbhat Lane, Bombay, ;+= !(^*, ;g\


Compiled by SonelalSah


11) Chandra Nighantu- k|sfzsM l;+xb/af/, j}Bvfgf jsf; ;ldlt, :jf= tyf hg;+Vof

dGqfno, g]kfn ;/sf/, cgfdgu/, sf7df8f}F ., k|yd ;+:s/0f @)^(

lj=;+= , k]h g+= !#%

12) Charaka Samhitaa (1000 BC) – JofVofsf/M kl08t sflzgfy zf:qL, 8f= uf]/vgfy

rt'j]{bL, k|sfzsM rf}vDef ef/tL csfbdL, uf]s'n ejg, s] #&÷!)(, uf]kfn dlGb/ n]g, kf]i6

aS; g+= !)^%, j/f0f;L–@@!))! ef/t

13) Dravyaguna Vijħaa Vol-IV- n]vsM cfrfo{ lk|ok|t zdf{, k|sfzgM rf}vDaf

cf]l/oG6flnof, kf]=a=g= !)#@, uf]s'n ejg, s]= #&÷!)( uf]kfn dlGb/ n]g, jf/f0f;L–

@@!))! ef/t, k]h g+= @#^

14) Dravyaguna Vijnana -Vol II- Dr. Gyanedra Pandey, Publisher: Chowkhamba

Krishnadas academy, Post Box No: 1118, K 37/118, Gopal Mandir Lane, Near

Golghar (Maidagin), Varanasi-221001 (India), Edition: Reprint, 2004, Page: 313

15) Dsavyaguna Vijnāna Vol-II- k|sfzsM rf}vDaf ef/tL csfbdL j/f0f;L, kf]=a=g+= !)#@,

uf]kfn ejg s]= #&÷!)( uf]kfn dlGb/ n]g, jf/f0f;L–@@!))! -ef/t_, k|yd ;+:s/0fM 1978

AD, k'gd'lb|tM 2011 AD, page 446

16) Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol 1)- Illustrations: Ravsudvan Nair, Orient Longman

Private Limited, Registered Office, 3-6-752 Himayatnagar, Hyderabad, 500029

(A.P.)- India, e-mail: [email protected], First published- 1994,

Reprinted: 1994 A.D., 1996 A.D., 2003 A.D., 2005 A.D., 2007 A.D., page: 103

17) Kaashyapsamhitaa- n]vsM k+= x]d/fhzd{0ff, k|sfzsM rf}vDef ;+:s[t ;+:yfg, jf/f0f;L,

d'b|sM ljBfljnf; k|];, jf/f0f;L, ;+:s/0fM t[tLo, lj=;+= @)#(

18) Kaiyadevanighantu- n]vsM k+= s}ob]j ;+kfbs Pj+ JofVofsf/– cfrfo{ lk|oj|t zdf{,

k|sfzsM rf}vDaf cf]l/oG6flnof, kf]=aS; g+= !)#@, uf]s'n ejg, s]= #&÷!)(, uf]kfn dlGb/

n]g, uf]n3/, d}bflug, jf/f0f;LM @@!))! -p=k|=_ ef/tf, k'gd'lb|t ;+:s/0fM O= @))(, k]h g+=


19) Madanpāl Nighantu- ;Dkfbs Pj+ efiosf/M k+= xl/x/k|;fb lqkf7L, k|sfzsM rf}vDaf

s[i0fbf; csfbdL, jf/f0f;L, rf}vDaf k|];, jf/f0f;L, k|yd ;+:s/0fM lj=;+= @)^%, ;g\ @))(,

k]h g+= &!

Compiled by SonelalSah


20) Medicinal Plants in India- Dr. Satish Narain Lal, Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Publisher:

New Central Book Agency (p) Ltd., 8/1 Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata 700009,

1st Editioon: January 2009 A.D.

21) Medicinal plants of India & Pakistan- D.B. Taraporevala Sons and Co. Private

Ltd.. Treasure House of Books, 210, Dr. D. Naoraji Road, Bombay, Third Indian

Edition, 1970, page 16

22) Medicinal Plants of Nepal- Editors: Dr. M.K. Adhikari, Mr. D.M. Shakya, Mrs.

M. Kayastha, Dr. M.N. Subedi, Department of Plant Resources, Thapathali,

Kathmandu, Nepal, Revised Edition: June, 2007 A.D., Page No: 96

23) Nepali Nighantu- n]vsM sf]ifgfy b]jsf]6f, k|sfzsM g]kfn /fhsLo k|1f k|lti7fg,

sf7df08", g]kfn, k|yd ;+:s/0f–lj=;+= @)@$ (1968 A.D.), page no. 48

24) Non-timber forest products of Nepal- Author: Ishwar Chandra Dutta, P.O.Box:

369, Pokhara, Nepal, E-mail: [email protected] © 2007 A.D. All right reserved,

Page no. 32

25) Raj Nighantu- n]vsM g/xl/ kl08t, JofVofsf/M OGb|b]j lqkf7L cfo'j]{bforfo{, s]= #&÷!!*,

uf]kfndlGb/ n]g uf]n3/ -d}bflug_ s] kf;, kf]=a= g+= !!!*, jf/f0f;L–@@!))!, ;+:s/0f

k+rd, lj=;+= @)^^ ;g\ @)!), k]h g+= !!#

26) Saarangadhara Samhita- Prof K.R. Shrikantha Murthy, Chavkhambha Drientalia,

Post Box No. 1032, Gokul Bhawan, K. 37/109, Gopal Mandir Lane, Golghar,

Maidagin, Varanasi: 22 1001 (U.P.) India, Seventh Edition: 2007 A.D., page: 139

27) Sthaniya Jadibuti dwara Swastharaksha- 8f= Zofddl0f clwsf/L (MD, Ayu), k|sfzsM

dx]Gb| ;+:s[t ljZjljBfno, a]nem'08L, bfª, k|sfzgM k|yd ;+:s/0fM lj=;+= @)%% u'?k"l0f{df,

k]h g+= $@

28) Sthaniya Jadibuti tatha Khadyanna dwara Swastha Samarkshan ra Samanya

rogharuko upchār- n]vsM 8f= sflz/fh zdf{ ;'j]bL, k|sfzs d~rsf :d[lt cIfosf]if,

lqk'/]Zj/ sf7df8f}F, lj=;+= @)^#

Compiled by SonelalSah


29) Sushruta Samhitaa- n]vsM dxlif{0f ;'>'t]g lj/lrtf, k|sfzsM rf}vDef ;'/eftL{ k|sfzg\,

ef/lto ;+:s[t Pjd\ ljt/s, s] #&÷!!&, uf]kfn dlGb/ n]g, kf]i6 aS; g+= !!@(, j/f0f;L


30) The Materia Medica of the Hindus- Published by: K.M. Mittal, 4528/12, Jai Mata

Market, TriNagar, Delhi-110035, page 259

31) Yoga ratnākara: Vaidya Laksmipati Sāstrī, k|sfzsM The Chowkhamba Sanskrit

Series Office, Gopal Mandir Lane, P.O. Chowkhamba Post Box 8, Varanasi-1

(India), ;+:s/0fM låtLo lj=;+= @)@(