Introduction NL-HUG (April)

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Transcript of Introduction NL-HUG (April)

Evert LammertsApril 12, 2012

Data science:
How to get value from your data

Where you are...

Science Park Amsterdam: 98 Soccer fields

4.5 meter below sea level

Where you are...

Nikhef: 5Th website ever in the world

Large Hadron Collider research

Nobelprize in Physics:Martinus Veldman (NIKHEF)

Gerard 't Hooft (UU)

Linear accelerator till 1998

Our hosts!

Where you are...

SARA & Vancis: 40 years of computing

National supercomputer Huygens

+10k cores

Maintaining SURFNet

SARA & Nikhef: AMS-IX:Since 1994, with CERN

1997: 4.5 Tbyte total traffic

1998: first IPv6 tests

1998: 26.3 Tbyte total traffic

2003: 22Gbps speed

2006: 1.5 PB per day traffic

2008: 500Gbps speed

2010: +1Tbps speed

Tier 1 center for CERN's LHC

Where you are...

CWI: One of SARA's founding fathers

Guido van Rossum (inventor of Python, now Google)

Piet Beertema:Connected Netherlands as second country in the world to the internet

Registered the first ever TLD, .nl, and administred it for ~10 years

and the message from our sponsor:

BiG Grid

National Grid Infrastructure +7k cores ~10PB disk storage Who knows how much tape storage? ~20PB?Umbrella for NIKHEF & SARA to act as tier 1

Sponsor of our Hadoop cluster!Sponsor of our Cloud cluster!

First off...

Who am I?

Consultant for SARA's eScience & Cloud ServicesLead Hadoop infrastructure@eevrt

Who are you?

Why are you here and what do you expect?Anybody going to Hadoop Summit?

And then...

How about tonight?

Can I eat that pizza and drink that beer now please?The gates close at 7. Can I ever leave again?Do I really have to put this shirt on?Tweet @ #nlhug

Who is talking?

Joaquin Vanschoren, on sensor dataEdgar Meij, on Information Retrieval

What's more...

Why data science?

So lets hear them

...tell us what you think

...and if you're inspired,come play with our new cluster!

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