INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created...

INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Project " Category B +" Construction of new kindergarten in the Municipality of June /July 2019

Transcript of INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created...

Page 1: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers



Project " Category B +"

Construction of new kindergarten in the

Municipality of Kavadarci

June /July 2019

Page 2: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers


Prepared by:

MSc. Slavjanka Pejchinovska-Andonova, Environmental Engineering

Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist

Page 3: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers



1. LOCATION DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................2

2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................4

2.1 Project activities..........................................................................................................................7

3. BASIC DATA....................................................................................................................................8

3.1 Sensitive receptors....................................................................................................................10

4. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND RISKS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND RISK ASSESSMENT.......................................................................................................................................11


Figure 1 Location of the new kindergarten in relation to RNM and the Municipality of Kavadarci.......2

Figure 2 Microlocation of the new kindergarten...................................................................................2

Figure 3 Photo of project location.........................................................................................................3

Figure 4 Access roads at a location for construction of the new kindergarten......................................3

Figure 5 Basement plan (left) and Plan from the ground floor (right)...................................................6

Figure 6 Plan from the first floor...........................................................................................................6

Figure 7 Seismology map RNM..............................................................................................................8

Figure 8 Alsar Violet...............................................................................................................................9

Figure 9 Carp.......................................................................................................................................10

Figure 10 The project location regarding the cultural heritage in Kavadarci.......................................14


Table 1 Planned activities in the construction phase.............................................................................7

Table 2 Potential impacts and risks.....................................................................................................11

Table 3 Impact assessment – Construction Phase...............................................................................16

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EIA Environmental Impact AssessmentESMF Environmental and Social Management FrameworkESS Environmental and Social StandardFP Fire ProtectionIEEES Institute of Earthquake Engineering &Engineering SeismologyMK Mercalli MoEPP Ministry of Environment and Physical PlanningMLSP Ministry ofLabor and Social PolicyOG Official GazetteOH$S Occupational Health Hand SafetyPCE Public Communal EnterprisePE Public EnterprisePM Particulate MatterRM Republic of MacedoniaRNM Republic of North MacedoniaSSIP Social Standard Implementation Plan

Page 5: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

INTRODUCTIONA large number of the municipalities in Republic of North Macedonia are facing the problem

of insufficient social facilities for childcare from preschool age. As a result of the overall development of the city of Kavadarci together with the increased employment, the problem of insufficient capacity for childcare in kindergartens has been significantly increased. In order to meet the needs of the population, the Municipality of Kavadarci plans to build a new kindergarten.

According to the legal requirements in the field of environment, when preparing projects of this type, it is necessary to submit a Notification Letter to start a project that is submitted to the MoEPP, which starts the procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment on Environment and Social aspects of the project. For this purpose, the Municipality of Kavadarci should prepare a Notification Letter to start a project and submit it to the MoEPP, after which the competent body will prepare an Opinion to determine whether the Project for construction of a kindergarten in Kavadarci with its features is in the Annex to the Decree for the actions and activities for which preparation of EIA Report/Elaborate is compulsory, and for which the mayor of the municipality is competent (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 32/12) or the Mayor of Skopje or the mayor of the municipality, Chapter X - Infrastructure projects, point 5 Social protection buildings.The EIA Report should be prepared in accordance with Article 24 of the Law on Environment ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No.53 / 05, 81/05, 24/07, 159/08, 83/09, 48/10, 124 / 10, 51/11, 123/12, 93/13, 187/13, 42/14, 44/15, 129/15, 192/15, 39/16 and 98/18) and the Rulebook on the form and content of The Environmental Protection Elaborate according to the types of actions or activities for which an elaborate is prepared, as well as in accordance with the providers of the activity and the scope of the actions and activities carried out by the legal entities and individuals, the procedure for their approval, as well as the manner of conducting registry for approved studies ("Official Gazette" no.44 / 13, 111/14. If the opinion of the MoEPP is that the municipality needs to prepare an EIA Report/Elaborate, the Municipality of Kavadarci will prepare the EIA Report/Elaborate and a copy of it together with the decision for its approval should be sent to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

Implementing the requirements of the World Bank, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was prepared as part of the project for "Improving social services" of the MLSP of RNM prepared in May 2018 by the consulting team of "EcoMosaic". ESMF is selected as the most appropriate tool for conducting an in-depth analysis of environmental and social aspects. ESMF is prepared in order to ensure that the proposed project is implemented in accordance with the World Bank standards for environmental and social aspects, protection policies and local environmental legislation that should be used as a practical tool during the period used for design, implementation and monitoring of Project activities. Taking into consideration the nature, size, location, as well as the characteristics of potential environmental impacts from the construction of kindergarten in Kavadarci, the project is classifiedin B + category / project with significant risk and it is necessary to be prepared an Initial Limited Environmental and Social Impact Assessment with Management Plan.

Page 6: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

1. LOCATION DESCRIPTIONThe territory of the Municipality of Kavadarci extends to the area of the middle Povardarie

and the part of Crnorecieto, from the dam "Tikves", to the confluence of the river Vardar, to the plateau of Vitacevo and occupying a significant part of the Tikvesh valley. According to the surface, with 1.132 km2, Kavadarci is the second largest municipality in the RNM and lies at an altitude between 230 and 270 meters. The selected location of the new kindergarten is on a state property on the street Resavska, located in the western part of the city in the central area. The pictures below show the macro and micro locations of the new kindergarten.

Figure 1Location of the new kindergarten in relation to RNM and the Municipality of Kavadarci

In the immediate vicinity of the planned location there are objects for individual housing, while in the wider surroundings (at a radius of 1 km) are located: elementary school “TodeHaziTefov” and the high school “DobriDaskalov”, sports hall, central area, river “Luda Mara”, hospital etc.

Central area

School Tode Hadzi-Tedov Hospital

Project location

Figure 2Microlocation of the new kindergarten

Page 7: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

From the site visit, the current condition of the location where the new kindergarten will be built is confirmed. No object has been built on the site, and the whole area is overgrown with grassland, which means there will be no need for further site clearance during the preparatory phase.

Figure 3Photo of project location

The newly built kindergarten will be connected to the city sewerage network through existing shafts at the project site. From Figure 4 it can be noted that the project site is located in an urban environment and has access road from three sides: the north exits on a dirt road, while in the east it exits to the street "Dime Turimanjov" and to the south exits to the street "Resavska". On the west side, the location is bordered by objects of individual housing.

Figure 4Access roads at a location for construction of the new kindergarten

Page 8: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

2. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe building plot on which the kindergarten will be built is with an area of 1.145 m 2, while

the total area of the kindergarten will be consisted of Basement, 1st floorand2nd floor with 2.180 m2.

The functional solution of the building is made in accordance with the Project program which envisions a capacity of 130 children. The kindergarten will have a part for childcare in a heterogeneous group between the ages of 6 months and 2 years (nurseries) and 4 groups for childcare in heterogeneous groups at the age of 2 to 6 years (kindergarten).

The lowest part of the building will consist of technical and utility rooms, mechanical room with pellet boiler, distribution kitchen with its own entrance and its own vertical communication, lift for food distribution to the entertaining rooms. On the ground floor and on the first floor there will be entertaining rooms, kitchen, common hall, offices and sanitary facilities.

An Elaborate for energy efficiency has been prepared for the facility and from it can be seen that according to energy consumption, will belong to the "B" class of energy efficiency with annual energy consumption per m2 of 49,94 kWh / (m2a), which is significantly better than the minimum requirements stated in the Rulebook for the energy performance of buildings of 100 kWh / (m2a).The total CO2 emission is calculated at 25,15 t CO2 / a, which is about 51% less compared to buildings constructed according to the minimum requirements according to the Rulebook.

The project documentation for the construction of the kindergarten, in the opinion issued by IEEES, meets the requirements for a projected degree of mechanical resistance, stability and seismic protection of the building in accordance with the existing legal regulations of the RNM.

For heating of the kindergarten, it is planned to install a hot water boiler that runs on biomass (pellets), with a power of 100 kW connected to an expansion vessel of 100 l and 236 radiators as well as a circulation pump. To heat water for sanitary purposes, solar collectors will be installed.

The facility will be equipped with fire protection appliances and a hydrant network for the same purpose. Fireproof construction coatings will be used, and fireproof FP doors will also be installed. In case of fire, an automatic detection and fire alarm system will be activated. The nearest fire brigade is 1,2 km away.

During the site research the level of underground water (4,5m) is low and will not be impacted during the excavation in the construction phase of the kindergarten.

The building will be connected to an existing street water supply network and for the drainage of the waste and fecal water from the building is projected to be connected to the city sewerage network.

The connection to the water supply system is from the existing street water supply network. The outdoor installation is provided by PE water pipes. The kindergarten is connected to the water supply network to a water meter shaft with a 110 mm diameter pipe and a manhole tube with a diameter of 40 mm with a required quantity of water of 4,043 l/s.

Page 9: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

The dimensioning of the plug from the street water supply network was carried out according to the required quantity of water for extinguishing the fire, i.e. simultaneous operation of 2 hydrants 5 l/s. Drainage ducts with a diameter of 200 mm.

For general lighting on the premises are planned to be installed LED, fluorescent and CFL lamps. At the entrances, terraces and toilets waterproof fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps will be installed where in the room for the caregivers, in the dairy kitchen that are on the ground floor, and at the machine room, kitchen entrance and distribution kitchen in the basement, waterproof fluorescent lamps for increased temperature will be used.

The graphical plans of the floors are presented in the following photos.

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PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci


Магацин и машинска соба

Остава за чиста и нечиста постелнина

Room for bedding

Room for inventory and hygiene

Warehouse and machine room


гардероби и тушеви

гардероби, тушеви и тоалети

занимална тоалет




просторија за негувателки тријажа



млечна кујна

Wardrobes and showers

Wardrobes, showers and toilets


Room for caretakers

Entertainment room




Toilet Entertainment room

Entertainment room




Figure 5Basement plan (left) and Plan from the ground floor (right)




Entertainment room

Figure 6Plan from the first floor


Page 11: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

2.1 Project activities

The project activities can be divided into two phases: preparatory (geodetic marking of the project location and preparation of the terrain for the construction of the building) and the construction of the kindergarten and activities related to the construction of the kindergarten.

The main project activities that will be implemented during the construction of the kindergarten in the settlement Kavadarci, municipality of Kavadarci, which could potentially have an impact on the environment, are given in Table 1.

Table 1Planned activities in the construction phase

Project activitiesI Preparatory works: geodetic marking of the project location and preparation of the terrain

for the construction of the building;II Activities related to the construction of the kindergarten

- Placing a protective fence on the construction site and signaling to ensure safe traffic on the access road;

- Earth works: Combined mechanical and manual excavation, land removing and geotextile installation;

- Procurement, transport, straightening, cutting, bending and fitting of reinforcing steel bars according to static calculation, structural details and reinforcement plans RA 400 / 500-2, MAR 500/600;

- Concrete works: making of MB30 walls, pillars, gravel walls, foundations and stairs; - Construction of partition and facade walls with different thicknesses from hollow

ceramic blocks; plastering of the interior walls;- Building of a roof construction with a protective fireproof layer with a degree of

protection according to Elaborate for Fire Protection; locksmith worksand metalwork;

- Isolation works, supply and installation of isolation materials;- Facade works, making of a thermal insulation facade with extruded polystyrene;- Purchase and installation of ordinary and FP doors as well as energy efficient

windows;- Water and sewage installation: supply, transport and placement of pipes and other

elements that are part of the water and sewage network in the building and external connection with the existing street sewage and water supply network;

- Electrical installation works: installation of low voltage installations (alarm installations (alarm siren) and automatic detection and fire alarm system, installation of panic lights, intercom, telephone and installation of light bulbs;

- Thermomechanical works: installation of pellet boiler, installation of a ventilation system in the toilets;

- Urban landscaping around the garden by placing paver tiles and grass.


Page 12: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

3. BASIC DATA• Climate characteristic

The Municipality of Kavadarciis characterized by a modification of the Mediterranean, mountain and continental climate. The average annual temperature is 13,5 ᵒC. The highest temperature in the summer period reaches 42 ᵒC. Kavadarci is characterized by hot summers and snowy winters.

• Seismology

The territory of the Municipality of Kavadarci, where the project is located, belongs to areas subject to frequent and strong earthquakes, caused by local and distant epicenter hotspots. In this area, shocks are possible with a magnitude of VIIIᵒ per MK scale.

Figure 7Seismology mapRNM

• Water

Significant rivers on the territory of the municipality are:CrnaReka, Boshavica, Doshnica and Luda Mara which flows through the city of Kavadarci. All these rivers belong to the watershed of the river Vardar.

Within the municipality, there are two lakes: the Tikveshlake - the largest artificial accumulation in RNM and the Moklishtsko - a small lake located in the locality of Mokliste.

Tikvesh Lake is an artificial lake created on the riverbed of CrnaReka. It covers an area of 1.400 ha with a different depth from 1 to 105 m, length 28,5 km and 475 million m3 of water.

The water used for drinking comes from the sources "Lukar I", "Lukar II" and "Kosmatets". PE "Komunalec - Kavadarci" has a filter station and reservoirs that have the purpose to balance the consumption and meet the required quantities of water. The total length of the city distribution network is 153.290,00 m. The quality of drinking water is daily controlled.


Page 13: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

• Air quality

In Kavadarci, the automatic monitoring station for air quality is located at about 1,5km from the location where the kindergarten will be built. As sources of air pollution in the city are considered the industry, traffic and heating of domestic and commercial buildings in the winter period.

According to the data from the monitoring station when measuring the average daily concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and suspended particles with a size of up to 10 micrometers (PM10), the maximum daily eight-hour mean values of carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) and mean hourly concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), the most frequent exceedances of the limit value are recorded for PM10 of total 141 days in the year of 2018.In addition, in Kavadarci, the target value for ozone has been exceeded 31 times.

• Waste

On the territory of the city of Kavadarci, PE "Komunalec" Kavadarcicollects, transports and disposes of waste in the city landfill "Melci". In addition to the quantities of waste, regular discharge of 380 containers of 1,1 m3 and 70 containers 5 m3 are installed throughout the city and the industrial zone in and around the city. The amount of garbage is generated by approximately 9.500 households and 250 companies, as well as all other commercial buildings in the city. At the landfill "Melci", about 130 m3 of waste is daily deposited and regularly covered with soil, the last year about 50.000 m3 of solid municipal waste and about 20.000 m3 of soil and construction waste were deposited.

As part of the implementation of the project and the construction of the kindergarten, it is expected that construction waste will be created, and it should be accordingly selected and disposed.

• Soil and geology

According to the engineering geological map of the RNM, the area of the city of Kavadarci and the wider valley, as a modern depression along the river Luda Marais an environment in which accumulation has been carried out and is a evenly consolidation of diluvial and eluvialdiluvial sediments represented by clays and sands. In the narrower area that is the subject of exploration, there are clay sandy dusts.

• Biodiversity

In the Municipality of Kavadarci the Tikvesh Lakeis located, which has the status of Strict Nature Reserve. The protected vegetation area "KlisuraRaec - Tikvesh Lake" is located at a distance of up to 13 km northeast of the project locations in the Municipality of Kavadarci. This protected place extends to an area of 28.914,28 ha. In this area are located xerothermophilous oak forests and dry hilly pastures on limestone base as well as limestone rocks and rocky stones. The main characteristic for this area is the existence of the so-called tree "A naked man"


Figure 8Alsar Violet

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Figure 9 Carp

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

(Arbutus andrachne - an endemic species, the only evergreen tree that changes its reddish and scaly crust twice a year), as well as the xerophilous forests and wildlife foxes.

For this municipality the most characteristic flower is the Alsar Violet (Viola allchariensis), which is a perennial bred plant, found only in the vicinity of the Alshar mine, 40 km south of Kavadarci. An exceptionally beautiful plant is the Kajmakchalan carnation (Dianthus Kajmaktzaianicus).

It is a perennial high-mountain plant adhering to the soil or standing slightly upright, forming numerous branches with flowers at the top. It is located on the mountain peaks of about 2.500 m, and this southern-Balkan endemite is known only for the peak Kajmakcalan on Mount Nidze.In the context of these rare plants we will mention Marijanino Tulip, Emovabreckland Thyme, Macedonian Muse and others.

The fauna encountered in this region is the game at the mountainous areas, as well as the large number of fish species like the carp.

3.1 Sensitive receptors

The construction of the new kindergarten will be performed in an urban settlement, in the city of Kavadarci in the Municipality of Kavadarci.

The main sensitive receptors in the environment will be residents who live in individual housing facilities, as well as primary school students in the immediate vicinity and the population who is working or visiting the hospital that is also nearby. As a result of the foregoing, it means that the main measures should be applied to them.


Page 15: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

4. POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND RISKS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND RISK ASSESSMENTThe project activities can be divided into two phases: preparatory (geodetic marking of the

location of the building and preparation of the terrain for the construction of the building) and activities related to the construction of the kindergarten. While potential impacts and risks are divided in three phases: preparatory, construction and operational phase.

The contractor should take into account and fulfill all the measures envisaged in the detailed environmental mitigation Plan and the Plan for monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures (shown below). The monitoring of the implementation of the proposed measures for environmental protection should be done by the Supervisor. Good communication between: Contractor, Supervisor, Environmental Inspector, Communal Inspector and other relevant persons from the municipality of Kavadarci (Consultant engineer, Mayor) is essential for the good and timely implementation of the project.

Table 2Potential impacts and risks

Phase Environmental aspectsOverall environmental risk


Preparation phaseHealth and safety at work and the population (especially residents in the closest environment)

Local, optimal, large intensity

Construction phase

Health and safety at work and the population (especially residents in the closest environment)

Local, optimal, large intensity

Air qualityRegional, short-term, medium intensity

Noise Local, long-term, medium intensity

Different waste types Local, optimal, medium intensity

Impacts on the water quality Local, short-term, medium intensity

Impacts on the biodiversity None

Impacts on the cultural heritage None

Operational phase

Different waste typesLocal, long-term, large intensity

Health and safety at work and the population (especially residents in the closest environment)

Local, long-term, large intensity


Page 16: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Potential impacts on the health and safety at work and the population (especially residents in the closest environment)

The Contractor needs to have a prepared Occupational Safety and Health Plan where a good construction practice is presented. The Plan requires that workers at the construction site be informed and the draft measures should be regularly implemented.

Before beginning of the construction, it is necessary to inform the local population (through the official web site of the Municipality of Kavadarci: and the informative board at the municipality) about the type of project activities, the start date of the activities, the dynamics of the their progress and the duration of the project activities.

To increase the safety of the people passing by the construction site, fences, tape and warning signs should be installed and during the construction of the facility to constantly monitor their condition and renew if necessary. Particular attention should be given to wastewater and electricity installations, and to not leave open manholes and unsafe electrical cables in order to avoid an accident.

The potential impact is supposed to be negative, direct, sure,irreversible, with large intensity on local level.

Potential impacts on air quality

Vehicles, construction equipment and machinery should be well maintained and comply with the relevant emission standards, and their speed needs to be adjusted accordingly at the construction site. During the excavation and transport of the excavated soil, dust is expected to be reduced or completely avoided by spraying water at the project site. Building materials should be stored in appropriate locations to reduce dust dispersion in the environment. Regular maintenance of vehicles (washing wheels) and construction machines in order to reduce emissions and increase the pollution. It is necessary to adequately cover the material transported by vehicles that can cause dust emissions to minimize and eliminate adverse impacts on the local population around the construction site.

The potential impact is supposed be negative, direct, possible, reversible, with medium intensity on regional level.

Potential impacts because of noise and vibration

The increased level of noise and vibration will be generated as a result of the use of construction machinery and equipment in open space during the duration of the project activities. According to the national legislation for protection against noise in the environment (OGof Republic of Macedonia no. 79/07, 124/10, 47/11 and 163/13 and 146/15), the project location is situated in a residential area belonging to the area of II degree of protection against noise (the limit values for this area are 45dB(A) for the night period and 55dB(A) per day and evening). In order to mitigate the adverse impacts on the sensitive receptors, the Contractor is obliged to respect the proposed preventive measures in the Plan for mitigation of the negative environmental impacts as well as the requirements in accordance with the national legislation for protection against noise.


Page 17: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

The potential impact is supposed be negative, direct, sure, irreversible, with large intensity on local level.

Potential impacts because of the different waste types

The main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers (food, drinks, plastic / glass bottles, etc.), contaminated soil from eventual leakage of engine oil from the use of construction machinery and mixed waste from soil removal from the project site.

In order to ensure proper management of the generated waste, the Contractor is obliged to comply with the national requirements for waste management and perform its categorization according to the List of Wastes (OG of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 100/05). Also, the Contractor is obliged to conclude a Contract with anauthorized legal entity for handling generated waste fractions. The final disposal of municipal and inert waste will be carried out by PE "Komunalec" from Kavadarci, and the waste will be deposited at the municipal landfill "Melci" located 3 km southwest of Kavadarci. The estimated amount of generated waste will be marked with code 17 05 06 with a total volume of 2.880 m3.

The potential impact is supposed be negative, direct, sure, irreversible, with medium intensity on local level.

Potential impacts on the water bodies and soils

According to the Decree for categorization of watercourses, lakes, accumulations and groundwater (OG of the Republic of Macedonia No. 18/99), water bodies near the project site are categorized as a second class watercourse (the artificial accumulation "Tikvesh lake" and CrnaReka) and a river of III class (the river Luda Mara). According to the legislation, the Contractor is obliged to prevent the disposal of generated waste (eg. soil contaminated with leakage of engine oil from

construction machinery, existing asphalt, etc.) near the water bodies during the duration of the project activities, as it can contribute for worsening the quality of water bodies.

If the mobile toilets and waste bins are not handled appropriately, leakage of liquid and solid waste into groundwater may occur.

The potential impact is supposed be negative, direct, possible, reversible, with medium intensity on local level.


Page 18: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Potential impacts on the biodiversity

The implementation of the project will not cause negative impacts on the flora and fauna because the protected areas are more than 6 km.

Potential impacts on the cultural heritage

In the Tikvesh region, near Kavadarci, many artifacts and structures dating from prehistoric times have been discovered. Bronze and ceramic artifacts were discovered at an archaeological site near the city of Stobi dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries BC.

The Stobi archaeological site is located 20 km from the project location, so the construction of the kindergarten will have no effect on it.

In Kavadarci there are two religion buildings - churches, the Church of St. Demetrius, located 600 m north of the project site and the Church of St. Petka, located 1.500 m north of the project location.

Church St. Petka

Church St. Demetrius


Project location

Figure 9The project location regarding the cultural heritage in Kavadarci

The implementation of the project will not cause negative impacts on the cultural heritage in Kavadarci.

A detailed description of the appropriate measures for each medium is individually given in the Plan for measures for prevention and mitigation of the negative impacts on the environment and social aspects of the project activities, as well as in the Plan for monitoring of the implementation of the measures.

All preventive/mitigation measures should be applied before and during the construction activities by the responsible institutions, the Contractor and all involved in the next Environmental Mitigation Plan. The monitoring should be carried out regularly by the Contractor / Project Manager and Supervisor.


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PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

The main responsibility lies with the Contractor who should consider and apply on daily basis all proposed preventive and mitigation measures. Supervision should oversee the implementation of mitigation measures by the subcontractor.

The main inspection responsibility is done by the municipal employees (Head of the Construction Project, Environmental Inspector and Communal Inspector), which should control the implementation of mitigation measures and the proposed monitoring plan.

The municipal employees should coordinate the work plan and the proposed measures with the representatives of the kindergarten (director, host and teacher) and sub-contractor for the smooth implementation of the project and minimizing the risks to the environment, health and safety.

It is necessary to have regular meetings before the start of the project activities, as well as during the construction activities in order to discuss the time, the status of the prepared documentation, the status / progress in the implementation of the project activities in order to provide good construction practice and safety the workers and the surrounding population, as well as minimal environmental impacts. The RegularReports should bepreparedtwo weekly period by the Project Manager from the Municipality of Kavadarci and submitted to the Ministry of labor and social politics Implementation Unit.


Page 20: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Table 3 Impact assessment – Construction Phase

Impact assessment – Construction Phase

Environmental and social aspects


of I




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Physical environmental aspectsUnderground water indirect (-) medium surface delayed short-term reversible possible localHydrological condition - quantities, flows or levels of rivers, small streams, etc.

indirect (-) small surface delayed optimal irreversible sure local

Landscape direct (-) largesurface/volume

promptly long-term irreversible sure local

Air quality direct (-) medium volume delayed short-term reversible possible regional

Water quality indirect (-) medium volume delayed short-term reversible possible local

Soil pollution direct (-) medium surface promptly short-term reversible possible local

Different waste types direct (-) medium volume promptly optimal irreversible sure local

Chemicals/motor oils direct (-) small surface delayed short-term reversible possible local

Biodiversity direct (-) medium surfaceimmediatel

yshort-term reversible small delayed

Noise and vibration direct (-) medium dispersion promptly long-term irreversible sure local

Social – economic aspectsNew employments direct (+) medium dispersion delayed long-term irreversible sure localHealth and safety at work direct (-) large dispersion promptly optimal irreversible sure localDevelopment of local economy direct (+) large dispersion delayed long-term irreversible sure localCommunity development direct (+) large dispersion delayed long-term irreversible sure regional


Page 21: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci


Potential impact Impact scale Proposed mitigation measures Implementation Cost


Project activity: Marking of the construction site for kindergarten in Municipality of KavadarciPossible adverse health impacts to the workers, facility users and general population in the community due to:- Non - compliance

with national requirements for health and safety at workplaces

Local / within the construction site

Short term during the construction of the kindergarten

Significance - major

Activities during marking the construction site: Preparation, approval and implementation of Health and safety management plan before

the start of the construction activities; Preparation of Traffic Management Planbefore the start of the construction activities; Setup information to local population about the type and time duration on project

activities on the municipal information board and the municipal web site of Municipality of Kavadarci:

Set up information to school management and education staff in order to inform children and their parents about the commencement of construction works and duration as well as the dangers that could be occurred;

Set up for the local population safe pathways to have a safe access to move around the construction site;

Implementation of good construction practice: Fencing and laying tape and warning signs around the construction site, Set the Information panel on project site with general information of the project,

the Contractor and Supervisor; Forbid entry for unemployed people within the project sites; Organize 24-hour guard watch of the site; Setting up mobile toilets and their regular cleaning, Full construction machinery and equipment should be handled only by experienced

and trained staff in order to reduce the risk of accidents; It is mandatory constant presence of firefighting devices in case of fire or other

damage; All workers must be aware of the dangers of fire and must implement measures for

fire protection and should be able to operate fire extinguishers, hydrants and other devices used for extinguishing fires;

150 Euro

200 Euro

700 Euro/monthly for safeguard

500 Euro/monthly maintenance – 100 Euro per emptying



Municipal staff from municipality of Kavadarci (Communal Inspector and Environmental Inspector)


Project activity: Construction of Kindergarten in Municipality of KavadarciAir quality impact as Local / near the Vehicles and construction machinery should be well maintained and comply with Contractor


Page 22: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Potential impact Impact scale Proposed mitigation measures Implementation Cost


result of emissions caused by transport vehicles and construction machinery within the construction site and local roads as result of:-exhaust and dust emissions from mobile sources

construction site

Short-term / Significance – major

relevant standards on emissions;

Limit the speed of vehicles on the locations where construction activities are performed;

Construction site, transport routes and locations where materials are handled should be sprinkled with water on dry and windy days;

Construction materials should be kept covered at appropriate locations to reduce the distribution of dust;

Regular maintenance of vehicles (washing of wheels) and construction machinery in order to reduce leakage of engine oil, emissions and the expansion of pollution;

Material transported by vehicles which emits dust should be covered;

In the event of dust emissions from the operation of construction machinery workers must use protective masks


Increase in noise level and vibration as a result of use of construction machinery and equipment on the construction site in Kavadarci- II Level of noise


Local / near the construction site Short-term / Significance – minor

The location for construction of kindergarten, according national legislation of noise protection belongs to the area of II degree of protection against noise limit values range from 45dBA for evening period night to 55dBA for day;

The noise level should not exceed the limit values under the existing legislation;

It is prohibited to execute construction activities at night;

Project activities to be conducted from 7.00 am to 19.00 pm;

Workers need to be equipped with protective devices for the ears (earplugs);

Avoiding simultaneous operation of several equipment that emit an increased level of noise.

The workers are going to wear regular noise protective devices



Potential adverse impact to environment and human health as a result of waste generation to different waste streams-Improper waste management,

Local / near the construction site

Short-term during the construction/

Significance – major

Identification of different types of waste at the construction site (excavated soil, municipal waste, packaging waste, metal, plastic etc.);

Waste classification according to the national list of waste (Official Gazette No.100 / 05) and waste selection on the site;

Preparation of the Waste Management Plan before the start of the construction activities;

The largest waste quantity will be classified under Chapter 17 Waste "Waste in construction and demolition (including excavated soil)" with the code 17 05 06- excavated soil not mentioned in 17 05 05;

500-700 Euro



Major of Municipality of Kavadarci and

PCE “Komunalec”


Page 23: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Potential impact Impact scale Proposed mitigation measures Implementation Cost


collection, transport and final disposal

Transport and final disposal of inert and non-hazardous waste on the appropriate place determined by the Municipality;

The possible hazardous waste (motor oils, vehicle fuels) should be collected separately as well and authorized collector and transporter should be sub-contracted to transport and finally dispose the hazardous waste;

Covering the waste during transport to avoid unintentional discharge of waste on the roads.

Burning of construction waste should be prohibited.Operational phase

Potential adverse impact to environment and human health as a result of waste generation to different waste streams-Improper waste management, collection, transport and final disposal

Local / in the kindergarten


Significance – major

Signing of a Contract with Public Enterprise "Komunalec" for the collection, transportation and disposal of municipal waste (according to the List of waste with waste code 20);

Waste classification according to the national list of waste (Official Gazette No.100 / 05);

Selection of waste (paper, plastic and organic) and signing a Contract with a Licensed handler for collecting and managing with the different waste streams

Kindergarten employees

Mayor of the Municipality of Kavadarci

PE Komunalec

Potentially negative impact on the safety of employees, children and parents when entering and leaving the kindergarten yard- Inadequate traffic signalization in the surrounding of the kindergarten and the

Local / in the kindergarten


Significance – major

Setting up appropriate traffic signalization in the surrounding of the new kindergarten / Mayor of the Municipality of Kavadarci


Page 24: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

Potential impact Impact scale Proposed mitigation measures Implementation Cost


entrance to the yardPreparation of the OHS management Plan for the new kindergaten

In order to deal with and identify the risks of fires and sources of fires, as well as the measures necessary to limit the rapid development of fires and smoke. The expected timeframe is before the opening the kindergarten.

/ Kindergarten director

Authorized OHS Company

Preparation of the Plan for regular and preventive maintenance

To ensure proper operation of all infrastructure components of the kindergarten (sewer system, storm-water system, water supply system, heating devices, etc.) and to ensure keep records on all technical documentation for the new kindergarten building.The expected timeframe is before the opening the kindergarten (at least 1 month period is needed).

Regular kindergarten maintenance

Kindergarten director

Kindergarten housekeeper


Page 25: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci


WhatParameter is to be monitored?

Where is the parameter to be monitored?

Howis the parameter to be monitored?

When is the parameter to be monitored (frequency of measurement)?

Why is the parameter to be monitored?

Cost ResponsibilityConstruction

Operations Construction of drinking water supply system

Operations of the drinking water supply system

Project activity: Preparatory works / clearance and mark up of the terrain for the construction of kindergarten In KavadarciImplementation of safety measures for citizens and workers at the construction site

On construction site

Visual inspection and notification of responsible persons from the Municipality of Kavadarci

Upon commencement of construction activities (the first day) with a focus on preliminary measures

To prevent risks to the health and safety of children, school staff and workers

Contractor - Bidder

SupervisorEnvironmental inspector

Time for beginning and end of construction work

On the project site

Visual checks and documents (time schedule) review

Every day To avoid the environmental, health and safety risks

Contractor - Bidder /Supervisor/

Municipal staff (Communal and Environmental Inspector)/

SSIP stuff The overall work of the Investor

On the project site and its surrounding

Visual checks Before starting of the construction activities

Determining the condition

SSIP stuff

Project activity: Construction of kindergarten in municipality of Kavadarci

Identification and separation of hazardous from non-hazardous waste

Near the project location

Visual inspection and notification of responsible persons from the Municipality of Kavadarci

During construction phase

Avoid deposition of hazardous waste at the local landfill

Contractor - Bidder

SupervisorMunicipal communal and


Page 26: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

WhatParameter is to be monitored?

Where is the parameter to be monitored?

Howis the parameter to be monitored?

When is the parameter to be monitored (frequency of measurement)?

Why is the parameter to be monitored?

Cost ResponsibilityConstruction

Operations Construction of drinking water supply system

Operations of the drinking water supply system

Environmental inspector

Completed Annual Report for the collection, transport and disposal of waste

Local government administration

Review of documentation - List of waste identification

Upon completion of the collection, transportation and temporary and final disposal of waste

To improve waste handling at the local and state level.To comply with national legal requirements

Mayor of municipality of KavadarciDirector of the PCE “ Komunalec"

Dust emission and exhaust gasses from the work of construction equipment

Around the construction site and transport routes

Monitoring of dust emissions and exhaust gas emissions with calibrated equipment for measuring dust and exhaust fumes

The frequency of measurements will be conducted in the manner proposed by national legislation

To determine whether the level of air emissions is in accordance with the proposed national limit values

Contractor - BidderMeasurements of air emissions should be conducted by accredited laboratory engaged by the Contractor

Noise level for the equipment and construction machinery

Around the construction site

By reviewing the technical documentation

Regularly during construction activities, through visits to project site in accordance with national legislation

To determine whether the noise level is above / below permissible sound level for the measurement site

Contractor - BidderCompany authorized to conduct measurements of noise levels engaged by the Contractor


Page 27: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

WhatParameter is to be monitored?

Where is the parameter to be monitored?

Howis the parameter to be monitored?

When is the parameter to be monitored (frequency of measurement)?

Why is the parameter to be monitored?

Cost ResponsibilityConstruction

Operations Construction of drinking water supply system

Operations of the drinking water supply system

Noise level in the environment

Around the construction site

By direct noise measurements with suitable instruments

Upon compliant or by regular check

To determine whether the noise level is above / below permissible sound level for the measurement site

Municipal Environmental Inspector

The overall work of the Investor

On the project site and its surrounding

Visual checks During the construction activities

Determining the condition

SSIP stuff and ESS Specialist

Project activity: Operational phase of the Kindergarten facility

Drinking water quality Before the distribution through the new water supply system, the water sample should be analyzed by the Authorized laboratories – Public Health institute Kavadarci /Accredited laboratories

Laboratory equipment for physical-chemical and microbiological water quality analysis

Before the start with kindergarten operation

To ensure the distribution of high quality drinking water to the kids minimizing the health risks of waterborne diseases

Municipal staff

Kindergarten officials

Public Enterprise “Komunalec”


Page 28: INTRODUCTION - 2019/SSIP/…  · Web viewThe main waste fractions that will be created during the project activities are small amount of municipal waste from workers

PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASPECTSProject “Category B+" Construction of new kindergarten in Municipality of Kavadarci

WhatParameter is to be monitored?

Where is the parameter to be monitored?

Howis the parameter to be monitored?

When is the parameter to be monitored (frequency of measurement)?

Why is the parameter to be monitored?

Cost ResponsibilityConstruction

Operations Construction of drinking water supply system

Operations of the drinking water supply system

Fire Protection Plan Before the start of kindergarten operation

Review of the Plan

At the beginning of kindergarten operation

To ensure that all fire protection measures are implemented

Municipal staff (Communal and Environmental Inspector)

Kindergarten staff

Plan for regular and preventive maintenance of the kindergarten

Before the start of kindergarten operation

Review of the Plan

At the beginning of kindergarten operation

To ensure proper implementation of actions refer to just on time preventive and regular maintenance, procurement of spare parts, replacements of worn parts reducing unplanned failures, extend equipment lifetime and to ensure proper and safety kindergarten operation

Municipal staff (Communal and Environmental Inspector)

Kindergarten staff