Introduction Motivation Linguistic Levels Types of MWEs Approaches to identify MWEs Limitations...

Multiword Expressions Presented by: Bhuban Seth (09305005) Somya Gupta (10305011) Advait Mohan Raut (09305923) Victor Chakraborty (09305903) Under the guidance of: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya.


Introduction Motivation Linguistic Levels Types of MWEs Approaches to identify MWEs Limitations Conclusion References. Put the sweater on Put the sweater on the table Put the light on. Put the sweater on Put the sweater on the table Put the light on Roughly defined as: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction Motivation Linguistic Levels Types of MWEs Approaches to identify MWEs Limitations...

Page 1: Introduction Motivation Linguistic Levels Types of MWEs Approaches to identify MWEs Limitations Conclusion References

Multiword Expressions

Presented by:

Bhuban Seth (09305005)

Somya Gupta (10305011)

Advait Mohan Raut (09305923)

Victor Chakraborty (09305903)

Under the guidance of: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya.

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Introduction Motivation Linguistic Levels Types of MWEs Approaches to identify MWEs Limitations Conclusion References

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Put the sweater on Put the sweater on the table Put the light on

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Put the sweater on Put the sweater on the table Put the light on

Roughly defined as: Idiosyncratic interpretations that cross word

boundaries (or spaces)

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His grandfather kicked the bucket. This job is a piece of cake Put the sweater on He is the dark horse of the match

Google Translations of above sentences:

अपने दादा बाल्टी लात मारी

इस काम के केक का एक टुकड़ा है

स्वेटर पर रखो

वह मैच के अंधेरे घोड़ा है

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Multiword expressions

•“Of the same order of magnitude as the number of single words” (Jakendoff 1977)•41% - WordNet 1.7 (Fellbaum 1999)

Resolution needed in:

•Machine Translation – Google translate Poor performance example•Information Retrieval•Tagging , Parsing , Question Answering System , WSD

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Linguistic Levels

•In short, Ad hocLexicology

•Put on weight, Put the sweater on

Morphology and Syntax

•Spill the BeansSemantics

•Kick the Bucket, Kick the bucket filled with waterPragmatics

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How to Handle These?

Variation in Flexibility

Syntactic Idiomaticity

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Types (Sag et al 2002)

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Types - Examples

Type ExampleFixed In Short , Ad hoc, Palo Alto, Alta

VistaCompound Nominals Congressman, Car park, Part of

SpeechProper Names Deccan Chargers, Delhi

DaredevilsNon Decomposable Idioms Kick the Bucket

Decomposable Idioms Spill the Beans, Let the Cat out Verb Particle Constructions Take off, Put on, Light Verb Constructions Give a Demo, Take a Shower

Institutionalized Phrases Black and White, Traffic Light, Telephone booth

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Knowledge Based Approach

1)Word with space : Fixed expression• Stemmer may be used to

detect MWEs.• But it fails .. Why???• Kicks the bucket MWE• Kick the buckets Not

MWE• Princeton Wordnet – Flaw

2)Circumscribed Constructions:• Consecutive

Nouns Most probably MWE

3) Inflection Head : Semi fixed expression• Ex : part of

speech parts of speech

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Statistical Approaches

Co-occurrence properties


Distributional Similarity

Semantic Similarity

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Co-occurrence properties

Example: Black and White

Scan a corpus and find probabilities of bigrams and tri-grams.

P(X|Y) = P(XY)/P(Y)

If P(X|Y) is high, then there is a chance that word sequence ‘YX’ is a MWE.

Demerit:• “I am “ Not MWE.

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Point-wise Mutual Information (PMI)

PMI(X,Y)= log {P(X,Y)/(P(X).P(Y))}

PMI(X,Y) of a word pair (X,Y) is measure of strength of their


Other methods like students-t test and Pearson chi-square can also be used.

Demerit:• Need to differentiate between

systematic & chance co-occurrence

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Pearson’s chi-square test

Based on assumption of normal distribution of word frequency, which

could be a limitation

Null hypothesis: the words are independent of each other.

Higher the value of the chi-square statistic, the stronger the association

between the words

Demerit:• For small data collections, assumptions

of normality and chi-square distribution do not hold. Hence, large corpus required

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The ability to replace parts of lexical items with alternatives.

Alternatives can be similar or opposite words with respect to tasks & approaches.

Mostly after the substitution the new phrase no longer remains MWE.

Can be used to remove possible Non-MWEs

Src: Kim, 2008

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Distributional Similarity

A method to extract the semantic similarity using the context

When two words are similar, then their context words are also similar

Src: Kim, 2008

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Semantic Similarity

Similar NCs could have same semantic relations

Src: Kim, 2008

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Src: Kim, 2008

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MWE Resources

•British National Corpus (BNC)•Brown CorpusCorpus•WordNet•Moby’s Thesaurus- contains 30K root words & 2.5M synonyms and related words

Lexical Resources

•WordNet::Similarity- gives measure of semantic similarity between two given wordsTools

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Limitations of current Approaches

Many NLP approaches treat MWEs according to the words-with-spaces method

Many approaches get commonly-attested MWE usages right, sometimes using “ad hoc” methods, e.g. preprocessing

However, most approaches handle variation badly, fail to generalize, and result in NLP systems that are difficult to maintain and extend

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MWEs have been classified in terms of lexicalized phrases (like fixed , semi fixed and syntactically flexible) and institutionalized phrases.

MWE analysis in NLP is equally important as any of the other domain like MT or WSD.

Hybrid approach is most probably the best method so far to extract MWE from corpus.

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Kim, S. N. (2008). Statistical modeling of multiword expressions.

Sag, I. A., Baldwin, T., Bond, F., Copestake, A., & Filckinger, D. (2001). Multiword Expression : A pain in the neck for the NLP. In the proceeding of the 3rd International conference on Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics.

Calzolari, N. a. (2002). Towards best practice for

multiword expressions in computational lexicons. Proc. of the 3rd International conference of language resources and evaluation, (pp. 1934--40).

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