
Plant propagation is an important facet of horticulture nursery management. It requires a lot of skill, knowledge and experience to propagate plants economically. Plant propagation is necessary for mass production of plants for sale, production of new and better varieties, improve the quality of plants. Cutting and grafting are tow major methods of asexually reproducing the horticultural plants. They are widely used in horticultural nurseries. Introduction:


Introduction:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction:

Plant propagation is an important facet of horticulture

nursery management. It requires a lot of skill, knowledge

and experience to propagate plants economically. Plant

propagation is necessary for mass production of plants for

sale, production of new and better varieties, improve the

quality of plants. Cutting and grafting are tow major

methods of asexually reproducing the horticultural plants.

They are widely used in horticultural nurseries.


Asexual propagation is any reproductive process such as

budding or stem cutting that does not involve the union of


Asexual Propagation:

• Production of new plant from various parent plant parts.

• No seed is required.

• Exact genetic duplication is possible as there is no fusion

of gametes.

• This technique is useful in plants difficult to propagate by


Characteristics of Asexual Propagation:

Stem Cuttings- a portion of the stem that contains a

terminal bud or lateral buds is cut and placed in growing

media to produce roots

Leaf Cuttings: consists of a leaf blade or leaf blade with

petiole attached

Leaf Bud Cutting: consists of a leaf, petiole, and a short

piece of stem with the lateral bud

Root Cutting: From root pieces of young plants during late

winter or early spring


• Softwood Cuttings: Cuttings of soft, succulent growth 3-

5” in length with 2 or 3 nodes. They are cut slanting at ¼ ”

below a node.

• Herbaceous Cuttings: It is a type of softwood cutting.

The cuttings are 3-4 inches long and contain several leaves.

• Semi-hard Cuttings: Cuttings are made of new shoots of

woody, broad-leaved plants.

• Hardwood Cuttings: From one-year-old growth, deciduous

or evergreens.

• Conifer Cuttings: A type of hardwood cuttings of narrow

leaf evergreens. The cuttings are taken in winter. May

require several months to produce adequate roots.

Types of Stem Cuttings

• Peat, Moss and Perlite mixture: Good moisture

retention and yet provides good aeration

• Vermiculite: Good moisture retention

• Sand: Good aeration

• Sand, Peat and Moss Mixture: Good mix of moisture

retention and aeration

Media used for Rooting the Cuttings