Introducing Your New Ministerial Government

13 Vol. 10, Issue 29 - Price: £1 Thursday 14 October 2021 “serving St Helena and her community worldwide” SENTINEL THE South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd. Governing Our Future “Truly a unique asset for us all to enjoy” “Number one goal of raising cyber security awareness” Introducing Your New Ministerial Government

Transcript of Introducing Your New Ministerial Government

Vol. 10, Issue 29 - Price: £1 Thursday 14 October 2021“serving St Helena and her community worldwide”

SENTINELTHE South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

Governing Our Future

“Truly a unique asset for us all to enjoy”

“Number one goal of raising cyber security


Introducing Your New Ministerial Government

2 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 3

ST HELENA NEWSwww.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

Donna Crowie, SAMS

October has always been the month on St Helena were we raise awareness for cancer.

This is a word we hear very often on this tiny island and not a nice word to hear either. I always refer to the word as the BIG C.

It’s difficult for family members to see a love one suffer with this illness, sometime we wish we could get rid of the pain and suffering.

Those who have cancer, or then think about those who have passed, think about these words “I’m going to beat this cancer or die trying”.

The cancer support and awareness charity organises different events during October to raise a few funds to help those who are suffering and it’s always good to see loads of people helping out this charity , if it’s attending a coffee morning or doing the pink walk.

I do believe Saints overseas are trying to raise some funds for the charity also.

It’s good to help with a charity such as this, because you never know who will need their help one day.

For a few years now we can say St Helena has stepped up for our cancer patients and it’s good to see that St Helena can now offer most patients chemotherapy on the Island.

Like a common quote says “Hope for the fighters, Peace for the survivors, prayers for the taken”.


South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.,The Media Centre, Castle Gardens, Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean, STHL 1ZZ. Tel: 22727E: [email protected], W:

St Helena’s Chevening Alumni group, as part of their ‘Governing Our Future’ project, organised and hosted a successful, interesting and engaging Q&A and debate session on Wednesday, 6 October, at the Council Chambers in the Castle, Jamestown.

The event was facilitated by Derek Richards and was led by senior students of Prince Andrew School, who asked a variety of questions, ranging across a wide array of current and historical island issues. These question were answered and debated by the candidates that stood in this year’s General Election 2021.

The event gave electoral candidates the chance to hear the concerns of the Island’s youth, as well as push some of their own agendas, opinions, and ideas. Out of the 29 candidates who stood in this year’s election, 21 attended and participated in the event.

Thanks to a collaboration

Governing Our Future

between South Atlantic Media Services and SURE South Atlantic Ltd, the session was made available live to listeners via SAMS Radio One, as well as live-streamed on Social Media and via Local TV Channel 31.

This gave everyone the chance to hear some of the interesting questions put forward by the Prince Andrew School students which ranged from topics such as opening up the Island, increasing the resident population, finding new revenue streams, and legalising cannabis.

“From what I have seen so far, I think everybody is doing really really well with some really good questions being asked of the electoral candidates,” said Kerry Lane, a spectator on the night. “Well done to the Chevening Alumni St Helena for organising the event, it’s a really great event.”

Chevening Alumni hosts successful Q&A debate session

RR Media Services, SAMS

St Helena, with a focus on the International Football Team that travelled to and competed in Ynys Mon, Wales, in 2019 has been featured on ‘The 94th Minute’ - an online blog setup and run by an avid football fan and follower named Clint from Flintshire in North East Wales.

In the blog post, Clint gives background on St Helena, it’s history and culture, before switching his focus to football and

‘Oh when the Saints go marching in’

the Island’s football association. The main context of the St Helena feature piece was an interview with Chairperson of the SHFA and Coach of the first International Team, Nick Stevens.

In the Q&A, Clint asks questions about some of the players that St Helena boasts, with Nick naming current Rovers Captain, Rico Benjamin, as our most outstanding player, before naming youngsters including

St Helena International Football Team featured on The 94th Minute

RR Media Services, SAMS

Harts Joey Thomas and Bellboys Matthias Young, among others, as exciting up and coming talent for the future.

The focal point then turned to the International Tournament in Ynys Mon, with Nick pinpointing the team’s pre-season friendly win over Holyhead Hotspurs reserves team as the Island team’s best performance. He then reminisced on a sad and disappointing day, when the team lost 2-1 to the Western Isles in the 9th place play-off match, a game which Nick said should have been won by Team St Helena. The pair also discussed the Saint team unofficial anthem of ‘Oh when the Saints go marching in.’

The final question put forward by Clint asked what are the hopes for the future of the St Helena team. “Our next mission is to raise £60,000 so that we can compete in the International Island Games in Guernsey, scheduled for June 2023,” replied Nick.



ST HELENA NEWSwww.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 20214 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL


Finalising legislation in St Helena can take years, sometimes spanning a whole council term. An early piece of legislation to go to the new council will be with regards to road traffic.

The case of seat belts, the wearing of which some members of the public remember being a contentious issue for years, was first consulted on in 2015/16. Some had felt St Helena should align herself with sister Island’s Ascension and the Falklands.

In the Road Traffic Ordinance (RTO) public consultation that commenced

Seat belts for St Helena

May 6, 2020, amendments to be considered were seat belt implementation; drink drive limit; fixed penalties for driving offences; and criteria to become Taxi Operators. The consultation was a mixture of surgeries and meetings led by the former Environment and Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and Police.

Overall, the attendance was very poor although valuable contributions were given by those who did attend. Seat belts and drink drive limit had been consulted previously over two rounds in Island districts, but the public’s current feelings were being sought and there was opportunity to make amendments if necessary. Concerns still for social distancing may have caused the low turnout but some may have been concerned their views were already expressed.

Eight members of the public

Will St Helena align regulations with Ascension and the Falklands where seat belts are compulsory? Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

attended the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre meeting on May 11, 2020. A show of hands on seat belt options preferred, indicated two favoured compulsory, three were in favour of optional and three abstained.

ENRC said the vote on seat belts (and drink drive) was very similar to 2015/16. According to the Police, World Health Organisation statistics showed that St Helena has the highest drink dive limits, and 184 police breath tests had been carried out over four years.

The Legislative Council (LegCo) was dissolved August 2, 2021, and LegCo had not, by then, finalised the Road Traffic legislation, which includes seat belt law. The Sentinel has been reliably informed it is envisaged seat belts in St Helena will become law. “There will be a grace period and so exemptions for users also.”

The Jamestown Swimming Pool recently reopened, after a temporary closure, under the new management of Elaine Bennett of Bennett’s Limited. “I’m pleased to have been awarded the contract for the management of the Jamestown Swimming Pool,” said Elaine. “This vital part of our Island’s community is truly a unique asset for us all to enjoy.”

The potential of the pool in serving

“Truly a unique asset for us all to enjoy”

residents of all ages on-Island was clear and Elaine says she is “very happy to be a part of providing this service” to the people of St Helena. “The swimming pool is essential to our Island,” she said. “Swimming is not only a way to have fun, it also plays an important part in healthy living and helping to develop social skills.” The setting of the large outdoor pool, just a few metres from James Bay, with the boats and coastal views, is “in itself a wonderful attraction in helping to promote the Island.”

Under the new management, there are plans to develop the look of the pool as well as introduce new activities and offers for people of all ages. This includes the start-up of healthy living programmes consisting of activities like water volleyball, baby and toddler splash time, swimming lessons for the elderly, and inflatable fun days for the children. “These are just a few things I hope to achieve,” explained Elaine, who said she “would be interested in hearing from local

Elaine Bennett takes over the management of the Jamestown Swimming PoolRR Media Services, SAMS

clubs and businesses, or anyone who would like to help promote healthy living, like aqua aerobics, yoga and dance-fit classes.”

Elaine’s father, Raymond ‘Buffalo’ Young, has been a loyal servant to the Jamestown Swimming Pool for many years and is somewhat of a local legend in terms of the number of people he has taught to swim over the years. He is a man who “loves the water” and is always friendly and welcoming. “We are a family that has been brought up around the water,” said Elaine. “When the opportunity became available, I felt I too would be able to give back to the community in the same way that he has.”

While she has her own ideas, Elaine is keen to hear from anyone who has any suggestions on what can be done to improve the offering of the pool. “ I am looking forward to meeting our community and hear what they would like to see at the pool,” she smiled, “so please come in to see us and we can have a chat over cold drink or a cuppa tea.”

Introducing Your New Ministerial GovernmentTwelve seats filled following a historic Election Day and night

RR Media Services, SAMS

After a long night of count-ing, spanning from the evening of Wednesday, 13 October, through to the early daylight hours of Thursday, 14 October, the twelve candidates who received the most votes on Poll-ing Day, becoming the Island’s new Legislative Council, are:

Julie Thomas (888 votes)Andrew Turner (834 votes)Corinda Essex (827 votes)Martin Henry (750 votes)Jeffrey Ellick (688 votes)Ronald Coleman (678 votes)Karl Thrower (611 votes)Gillian Brooks (561 votes)Mark Brooks (533 votes)Christine Scipio (532 votes)Robert Midwinter (485 votes)Rosemary Bargo (456 votes)

Prior to the count, each Ballot Box was carefully opened in alphabetical order, and the number of ballot pa-pers from each district was counted. A total of 1,301 ballot papers were counted as follows:Alarm Forest (127) Blue Hill (86) Half Tree Hollow (296), Jamestown (197) Levelwood (59) Longwood (173) San-dy Bay (77) and St Pauls (286)Out of the 1,301 ballot papers, five were found to be invalid, one because the voter had signed their name on the ballot paper, and four because they contained votes for more than 12 candidates. Once the validity of the papers were checked, the count got underway.Julie Thomas led the votes from the get-go, but was followed not far be-hind by Andrew Turner, Corinda Es-sex, Martin Henry, and Jeffrey El-lick, all who had a steady number of

votes tallying up throughout the en-tirety of the count in the Courthouse, Jamestown.These newly elected leaders will go down in history as the first St Helena Legislative Council to work under a Ministerial System of Governance. Therefore, their first big decision will be to elect a member to take on the role of Chief Minister. Whoever is chosen will then have the power to select four other members to fill the roles of Ministers. Each Minister will be allocated a Public Service port-folio, with the remaining portfolios coming under the remit of the Chief Minister. The residual seven mem-bers will be known as Legislators and each will be allocated a constituency and will be the first point of contact for people within their given district.It is yet to be seen how effective this new system of governance will be for St Helena, but it is now in the hands of our new Legislative Council to, under the new ministerial system, represent the people of St Helena and drive the Island forward over the next four years and beyond.


ST HELENA Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 7

ST HELENA NEWSwww.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

St Helena Government announced on 24 September that a Security Specialist from the UK Home Office, Wes Lewis, had arrived on-Island to support St Helena and SHG with cyber security provision as part of the UK Home Office National Cyber Risk Assessment (NCRA) process.

The visit also follows up the February 2021 Cyber Risk Assessment conducted by the UK Home Office and SHG, with a particular focus on preparation of the Equiano Cable going live.

“Cyber security is an important aspect of everybody’s life now, and has been for some time,” said Wes. “That is if you’re using any form of digital media, if your holding personal data on a mobile phone or a laptop, all the way through to businesses and then the government.”

“Number one goal of raising cyber security awareness”

To tackle the differing areas of digital use on St Helena, Wes, along with SHG’s IT Section Manager, Jeremy Roberts, and the Director of the Safety, Security and Home Affairs Portfolio, Alex Mitham, has identified three different approaches - Citizen Support, Operational Support, and Strategic Support.

“One will be at the general awareness level, so why is cyber security important for the average person on the street, what does it mean to them, and what we could do to better protect them,” explained Wes. “Then there’s one at the more operational level, which is everything from the airport, to energy production, to telecommunications. So working with those to implement cyber security at a larger scale.” The final of the three approaches is,

Wes Lewis from UK Home Office Supporting St Helena with Cyber SecurityRR Media Services, SAMS

“how we better manage cyber security and resilience risk on-Island and how we continue to improve that.”

Wes says that by then end, it is hoped that the result will be, “a better understanding of the risks, all the way from the government through to the average Saint who uses IT for any purpose, whether that be personal, like speaking to friends, or even for business.”

Wes is scheduled to leave the Island on 20 October, following which work will continue to raise awareness and educate St Helena on cyber security. “We will hopefully, following the conclusion of the visit, be able to go out into the public with the number one goal of raising cyber security awareness, not just in SHG but across the community” said Jeremy Roberts.

Christmas must be just around the corner as Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc have, as of 7 October, opened the popular Santa’s Den at the Greenlands store in Jamestown for those ready to get those special Christmas gifts early.

The theme for this year is ‘The magical, mystical land of the Dragons.’”The idea behind creating a ‘Santa’s Den’ is to have a purposely segregated area

‘The magical, mystical land of the Dragons’

within the outlet to showcase items that are available for children, specifically at Christmas time,” said Solomon’s Marketing & Communications Officer, Kylie Peters.

The first Santa’s Den was hosted back when Solomon’s department store was in a different premises and was known as The Bazaar, it later moved to Warren’s which was its home for many years before now forming part of

Santa’s Den opens in Greenlands for Christmas shoppersRR Media Services, SAMS

the relatively new Greenlands Department Store.

Staff always put a lot of effort into the setting up and décor of the annual Santa’s Den and “there are always a lot of positive comments received by customers on the décor,” which is pleasing to the staff who work hard to “make it a place where both children and adults feel enjoyment when entering the shop,” said Kylie.

Boasting a wide array of soft and hard toys for children of all ages, there is a gift for everyone within Santa’s Den, from popular Disney characters, to Lego models, princess dolls and dump trucks. “Christmas is sometimes viewed as a stressful period, shopping-wise, especially for those with children, so the aim of Santa’s Den has always been to include products that are suitable for gifting,” explained Kylie. “Customers also have the added opportunity of utilising offerings like the Company’s Hire Purchase (HP) Facility whereby they can purchase all of the presents on their list and pay in three or six equal monthly instalments, meaning they not only shop in an exciting environment but can do so whilst making their money go further.”

Alex Mitham, Jerry Roberts, and Wes Lewis

8 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 9www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

A batch of Astrazeneca COVID-19 vaccines have made the long journey 9,000 miles south from the UK to be delivered to British scientists working just 1,500 miles from the South Pole in the Rothera Research Station in Antarctica.

Ice-tra Zen-arctica

“This puts us in a great position ahead of a busy summer on-station and in the field,” said Station team leader, Matthew Phillips.

The batch of vaccines started their journey from Brize Norton on a Royal Air Force flight and travelled all the way across the North and South Atlantic to the Falkland Islands, via a refuelling stop in Senegal. From there, the vaccines were stored overnight before being loaded onto a British Antarctic Survey aircraft to be flown even further South to the British Antarctic Survey stations in Rothera Antarctica.

“I believe we are the final British Overseas territory to receive the vaccine,” said Matthew, “we must also represent the most complicated logistical challenge.”

Incidentally, the BAS Twin Otter

British scientists in Antarctica receive Astrazeneca COVID-19 vaccines RR Media Services, SAMS

plane was the first aircraft to reach the remote Rothera Research Station for 205 days.

It is the furthest south that the life-saving jabs have been flown, and is in readiness for the annual summer quadrupling of people on the station. Currently, there are 23 British Antarctic Survey scientists at the station, who have braved the Antarctic Winter in darkness on the ice cap from March to October where temperatures drop to as low as -30 degrees Celsius.

“There has been an incredible amount of work going on in the background to make this possible and to get the vaccine down here,” explained Matthew. “”Being able to vaccinate people will help keep the station population, and Antarctica, COVID-free.”

A limited number of CD’s featuring live recordings of the Silva Strings will be available to purchase from Friday, 15 October, for a price of just £6.00. All profits made

Silva Strings support Cancer Awareness

from the sale of these CD’s will be donated to the Cancer Support and Awareness Group here on St Helena in honour of Cancer Awareness month.

Stedson G Francis, Contributed

Who are the Silva Strings?The Silva Strings was formed in the

early seventies and played in just about all Island venues. They played for two House Weddings, one in Levelwood and one in Sandy Bay. One of the highlights of the Silva Strings time on the road, and of course a great privilege, was when they were given the opportunity to play in Plantation House in 1990, during the time when the late Governor Alan Hoole and his wife Delia lived there. This was to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Plantation House and was a memorable occasion for the band.

The Silva Strings was a seven-piece band made up of Jackie Stevens on violin, Eric Henry and Stedson Francis on piano accordions, Geoff Francis on the banjo, Ray Peters on drums and, sadly no longer with us, the late Harry Yon and Harold Graham on the guitars. There were other members who assisted on occasions over the years but more details about the history of the Silva Strings in the not too distant future.

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Vacancy for General Maintenance Assistant - (Facilities Maintenance Team) Encompass has a vacancy for a General Maintenance Assistant within the Facilities Maintenance Team (FM), at the BBC Atlantic Relay Station on Ascension Island. The post holder will form part of the team that is primarily responsible for the Building Maintenance aspect of Accommodation, Technical Buildings and other Facilities under the BBC Atlantic Relay Station’s portfolio. Specifically painting and refurbishment, carrying out minor repairs to fittings including windows and doors. This post will be offered either on a single or accompanied status, fixed-term contract, with single en-suite room and shared catering facilities or bungalow accommodation, depending on personal circumstances. Any offer of employment will be conditional on passing a medical examination. Essential Qualifications & Experience Competent in painting, decorating and corrosion control. Experience in carpentry, joinery and building maintenance. Able to work with concrete & plastering. Adequate understanding of safety procedures and safe working practices,

particularly in the Facilities Maintenance areas. Adequate knowledge of working with hazardous substances used as part of function. Trained in the use of hand tools, power tools and workshop machinery within the

facilities maintenance area. Strong self-motivation and ability to work with minimum supervision. Manual handling training and other statutory safety training specific to role. Possession of current driving licence up to B2 category. Use of Email, Microsoft Word and Excel at Basic Level.

Desirable Qualifications/Experience Building industry apprenticeship or equivalent craft certificate. Willing to work unsociable hours if required. Further Qualifications/Experience requirements are detailed in the job description. Please contact Jodi Joshua on + 247 66800 (Extn 100) or email [email protected] for a Job Application Form, Job Description and for further information regarding the post. Applications to be sent to: Jodi Joshua BBC Atlantic Relay Station English Bay Ascension Island (or email [email protected]) Applications must be submitted on our job application form, and received by 4.30pm Friday 22nd October 2021.


Credit © UK MOD Crown 2021


10 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 11www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

SATURDAY, 16 OCTOBER 2021A ceremony to commemorate and honour those of the West

Africa Squadron in 1839 -1843 and others of past and present naval operations of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy will take place at the Waterwitch Monument in the Castle Gardens, Jamestown, on Saturday, 16 October 2021, at 10am.

In attendance will be a five-man Naval Guard of Honour from the HMS Protector, who will march in to join the ceremony, and members of the St Helena Veterans Association and invited guests. The ceremony is also open to the public.

The programme includes a service conducted by the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of St Helena, Dale Bowers MBE, and various readings by HE Governor Dr Philip Rushbrook, HMS Protector Commanding Officer, Commander Tom Boeckx, and Chairman of the St Helena Veterans Association, Mike Durnford.

Wreaths will be laid by Governor Rushbrook, Commander Tom Boeckx, and Mr Hensil Beard from the St Helena Veterans Association.

At the end of the Ceremony there will be a ‘march off’ by the Naval Guard of Honour.

The Castle Gardens and Harbour View Car Park will be closed from 9am on Saturday up until the conclusion of the ceremony.

#StHelena #HMSProtector #RoyalNavy #StHelenaVeterans

SHG12 October 2021



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Our Lending team will be visiting different districts to deliver Lending Information Sessions. Whether you're thinking of a personal or commercial loan, you are invited to attend. You can register your interest using the information below or simply drop in during the session that works for you.

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Session 2:

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Session 3:

Tuesday, 23rd November. Harford Community Centre.

9:30am - 10:30am - Personal Lending Presentation followed by questions and answers.

10:30am - 11:30am - Commercial Lending Presentation followed by questions and answers.


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For the best place to advertise, contact SAMS today via 22727 or [email protected]


12 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 13www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021


The ‘She Cabbage’ (Lachanodes arborea) was once a common tree of the central ridge. It was thought to be lost to the Island until Norman Kerr discovered six old trees growing near the ridge above Grapevine Gut. When these subsequently disappeared the tree was again thought to be extinct until 1976 when George Benjamin discovered three old trees and some seedlings in a cattle pasture above Osborne’s Cottage, owned by W.A. Thorpe & Sons, growing in a hedge of Erythrina caffra.

The St Helena She Cabbage is one of our unique tree daisies that we call Cabbage Trees. The She Cabbage has beautiful purple velvet stems and can reach the height of 10m in favourable conditions.

When the She Cabbage was discovered in 1976 seedlings raised from these trees were planted in the Clifford Arboretum, Cason’s, Pouncey’s, Mount Pleasant, Pleasant Valley, Wranghams, Napoleon’s Tomb, and below Cabbage Tree Road. The trees planted below Cabbage Tree Road died of old age in 1995. The last tree growing at Pleasant Valley was blown down by heavy winds in 1998. The last old tree at the Tomb died in 2011. But young seedlings were planted to replace it and She Cabbages can still be found growing in this area and are being used as a living gene bank by the Terrestrial Conservation team supported by the French Consul and his team. Mount Pleasant’s old tree died in the 1990s. Dr Rebecca Cairns-Wicks has worked closely with the Conservation team since and has also secured and developed a living gene bank. The last tree at Clifford Arboretum, Cason’s, died in the early 2000s. The last wild trees at Osbornes died in 2012 and since then the She Cabbage has been classified as extinct in the wild.

Continuous effort to propagate the She Cabbage and maintain stocks in living gene has been carried out since the 1990s. However, it has not been possible to propagate the She Cabbages in large numbers because seed production has been very low despite profuse annual flowering. Most of the seeds were infertile which made it hard for the Terrestrial Conservation Team to secure and protect this fast growing and short lived tree species. A further conservation challenge is that the seed cannot be stored like other endemic species. Despite attempting many seed storage techniques over the years, only fresh collected seeds germinate.

Before the She Cabbage became extinct in the wild the Terrestrial Conservation Team at Scotland secured and developed a living gene bank at Cason’s planting a few hundred She Cabbage trees over the last 12 years when seedlings could be raised from seed collected.

Nurseries Officer (Species Team), Vanessa Thomas-Williams, commented:

“This year has been a year like no other as we have seen a massive difference in the production of fertile seed and between July and September collected a whopping 20,000 seeds. All of these seeds have now been sown and we are getting almost 100% germination success. The Scotland Nursery shade houses are currently filled with over 10,000 potted on She Cabbage seedlings and staff are working furiously to pot on the rest.

“We are not entirely sure why this year is different to others but we suspect that a number of factors have affected pollination success. The weather is likely to be one factor, and the availability of pollinators but we also suspect genetics has a key role to play. Continuous production to

maximise genetic variation over several generations could well have helped to break possible mechanisms causing incompatibility preventing seed development. But what we are confident about is that this year’s production of 20,000 seedlings hails a brighter future for the She Cabbage.”

Notes to Editor:

Please see below photo captions. Please don’t feel obligated to use all of the photos.

[1] The Species Team

[2] She Cabbage being watered

[3] She Cabbage seedling germinating

[4] Casons living gene bank

[5] She Cabbage seed pod ready to be collected

[6] Sorting She Cabbage seed

[7] Shade house which is full with She Cabbage seedlings

[8] She Cabbage seed developing

[9] She Cabbage seed ready for sowing


The Species Team

She Cabbage being watered Casons living gene bank

Sorting She Cabbage seed

She Cabbage seed developing

Shade house which is full with She Cabbage seedlings


SAMS RADIO 1 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 15www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021


N. O

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. Oct



D. O

ct 2



. Oct


9am-12noon Morning show with Luke Bennentt

12:30-2:30pm: 1548 with Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell

5:30 -7:00pm: Liz & Zac’s Mixed Bag 8-8:30pm: Comedy (The Goon Show)

5-7pm: Modern Country Chart with Donna Crowie

7:30-8:30pm: Sounds of the 80’s with John Turner

8-11am: Sunrise with Donna Crowie

12:30-2:30pm: Pop goes Classical with Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell

4-7pm: Afternoon Drive with Luke Bennett8-8:30pm: Comedy (The Goon Show)

7-10am: Sunrise with Luke Bennett

5-7pm: UK Chart Show with Donna Crowie

SAMS Radio 1

Reach us on 22727 or at [email protected]

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ct 1


I. O

ct 1

5 7am-10am Sunrise 1pm-4pm: Luke Bennentt 8-8:30pm: Comedy (Steptoe and Sons)


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ct 1


9am-12 noon: Saturday Show with Donna Crowie

3-5pm: Modern Country Chart with Donna Crowie

6-7pm: Sounds of the 80’s with John Turner

8-9:30pm: Comedy repeats (Steptoe and Sons)

8am-1pm: Sunday Show with Donna Crowie

3pm-5pm: UK Chart Show with Donna Crowie

7pm: Seventh Day Adventist Church Service

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Liz and Zac’s Mixed Bag is a podcast style show

where husband and wife duo Lizemarie and Zachary Cirone both discuss the things they learned from their last week, whether it’s deep diving into music, new cooking techniques, a new author they love, or anything in-between. Both currently live in Buffalo, New York, where Liz works in

the Research Institute on Addictions as a research technician, and where Zac is preparing for graduate school in Music Theory and Composition.



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Tel + (247) 66800 Fax + (247) 66117

610 Chiswick High Road, London, UK, W4 5RU |

Vacancy for Rigger or Trainee Rigger Encompass Digital Media has a vacancy for a Rigger or Trainee Rigger at the BBC Atlantic Relay Station on Ascension Island. The post holder will form part of the Rigging Team, primarily responsible for Antenna Maintenance of the Transmitting Station and other rigging & aerial maintenance related duties. This post will be offered either on a single or accompanied status, fixed-term contract, with single en-suite room and shared catering facilities or bungalow accommodation, depending on personal circumstances. Any offer of employment will be conditional on passing a medical examination. Candidates short-listed for interview will be expected to pass a mast climbing test. Essential Qualifications & Experience Good knowledge of Safe Working practices and Safety Procedures, especially relating to Working at Heights. Physically fit, able to pass a climbing medical and climbing test. An understanding of paint systems and preparation of surfaces. Good mechanical/electrical aptitude, with an understanding of basic mechanical/electrical Systems. Competent use and operation of hand, power tools and workshop machinery. Be industrious, proactive and work to a high standard. Able to prioritise tasks and work without supervision. Basic computer skills. Full Driving licence. Ability and willingness to work flexible hours

Further Qualifications/Experience requirements will be detailed in the Job Description. (If necessary, the successful candidates will receive complete training to fulfil the above requirements.) Please contact Jodi Joshua + 247 66800 (Extn 100) or email [email protected] for a Job Application Form, Job Description and for further information regarding the post. Applications to be sent to:

Jodi Joshua BBC Atlantic Relay Station English Bay Ascension Island (or email [email protected] )

Applications should be submitted on our job application form, and must be received by 4.30pm Friday 22nd October 2021.


16 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 17www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021


The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)invites interested persons to apply for positions of Commissioners. Commissioners work to influence law and policy makers, organisations, groups and individuals to protect and promote human rights in St Helena, allowing everyone an equal opportunity to reach their full potential.

The functions of the Commission include:

investigating complaints of human rights infringements, conducting inquiries and investigations

researching of laws, keeping up with human rights news, trends and thinking to keep St Helena on par with the UK and current best practice

raising awareness throughout the community about human rights, providing information to help people understand and assert their rights

help monitor the operation of the Constitution and Human Rights Instruments, and help produce reports for the UK and United Nations

Advocating for and empowering by raising awareness on equality and human rights across all parts of the community

Interested persons should possess: excellent communication skills and the ability to communicate at all levels, empathy and patience, be approachable and a good listener, have a flexible approach to the demands of the role, operate in strict confidence and be able to work independently as well as in a team. Interested persons with professional experience in the EHRC strategic priority areas are encouraged to apply.

Commissioner roles are currently part time with regular meetings and training.

For further details and a terms of reference please contact Carol on telephone 22133 or email [email protected] . A motivational letter and CV can be sent to Carol Thompson, Executive Manager, by Monday, 1 November 2021 at 16:00hrs.


The Roads Section has recently repainted the box junction on the road adjacent to the entrance of Ladder Hill Fort.The box junction is a yellow box filled with criss-crossed yellow lines painted on the road and is a traffic control measure designed to prevent congestion at junctions. The box junction allows easier access for Emergency Services, particularly the St Helena Fire & Rescue Service, and will maintain the correct distance between vehicles to allow motorists to turn at the junction safely and avoid congestion.The public is reminded of the following advice when approaching this box junction:• Drivers and pedestrians approaching the top of Ladder Hill Road from Half Tree Hollow are advised to keep the boxed area clear• Vehicles should not stop and pedestrians should not stand on the boxed area at any time in order to keep the entrance clear. This will allow drivers coming up Ladder Hill Road to safely turn into Ladder Hill Fort (Colonnade/Fire Station area). This will also allow emergency service vehicles to exit the Fire Station safely without delay.#StHelena #BoxJunction #AltogetherSafer

SHG11 October 2021


18 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 19www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures for Marine Vessels arriving to St Helena.

All passengers and crew who arrive to St Helena via a marine vessel are required to adhere to the COVID-19 protocols that are in place on St Helena.

Day 0 - MV Helena departs Cape Town

Day 1 - The day after the MV Helena departs Cape Town. This counts as the first day of


Day 6 - Arrival to St Helena. Passengers are required to quarantine for a further four days


Passengers are released from the requirement to quarantine if they test

negative for COVID-19 on Day 10.

All arriving vessels are required to provide their on-board records to the Island’s Port Authorities. The records are used to confirm their last port of call and their days at sea. All arrivals are tested for COVID-19.

If vessels have been at sea for less than 10 days, all persons on-board are required to quarantine for the remaining number of days, whether on-Island or on-board the vessel.

The day a vessel leaves its last port counts as Day 0: this is the last point that the vessel had contact with persons who are not on-board. The count of the 10-day quarantine period then begins the day after the vessel leaves port.

THE MV HELENA Passengers on the MV Helena are required to complete a 10-day quarantine period. A voyage from South Africa usually takes 6-7 days. The number of days at sea are counted towards the 10-day quarantine period.

Passengers and crew of arriving vessels are only released from the requirement to quarantine if they test negative for COVID-19 on Day 10.

VACANCY FOR FIELD ASSISTANT An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the St Helena National Trust’s team in a supporting role. We are looking for a

Field Assistant to join the team on the Darwin project ‘Community supported multispecies invasive invertebrate control’ and play a central role in delivering the Trust’s invertebrate project.

Applicants must have an interest in conserving St Helena’s valuable biodiversity and be willing to learn and ‘get stuck in’. Experience of working with, or knowledge of, invasive species or St Helena’s endemic species will be strongly favoured.

The Trust is an independent non-governmental organisation driven by a passion for St Helena and our built, cultural, and natural heritage. We have a strong emphasis on team-work and collaboration and believe that our staff are the greatest

asset that we have.

If you feel you could contribute to the Trust and would like to join a team passionate about seeing good things happen on St Helena then we want to hear from you.

For further information on these posts please contact Natasha Stevens, Invertebrate Project Manager on 22224 or email: [email protected]

A full job description can be obtained from Amanda Constantine at the St Helena National Trust office at Broadway House, Jamestown. Alternatively email [email protected] or call 22190. Applications should be in the form of a CV and Cover letter indicating how you meet the

requirements of the job description.



BIRTHDAY HONOURS 2022The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office invites nominations for the 2022 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Persons wishing to submit nominations for the 2022 Birthday Honours are reminded that the overriding principle is that Honours are awarded on merit for exceptional achievement or any service recently carried out over and above what normally is expected. This can include making a difference to their community or field of work, innovation and entrepreneurship, improving life for people less able to help themselves and displaying moral courage. Where possible, nominations should place emphasis on voluntary services and the service must be recent.

It should also be noted that age is not a factor in awarding Honours, and younger members of the community who have made an outstanding contribution or have given exceptional service should not be overlooked. It is important that nominations are kept confidential and that nominees are not made aware that they are being proposed for award of an Honour.

To find out more about the different types of Honours Awards please visit: Approved Birthday Honours Awards endorsed by Her Majesty The Queen will be announced in early 2022.

Nomination forms for the Birthday Honours are available from the Central Support Service at the Castle or can be requested via email: [email protected]

Completed forms should be returned to the Castle in a sealed envelope marked ‘Confidential’ addressed to ‘The Executive Secretary, Honours Committee’, by Monday, 25 October 2021.

SHG27 September 2021


20 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 21www.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

Reference: CS-1450-SHG

St Helena Government has issued an Invitation to Tender for the Side Path Road Base & Storm Water Management Installation.Full documentation and the specifications

can be found on the Saint Helena Government e-procurement system which can be accessed via: following registration on the system.User guides are available via the ‘Supplier

Information’ tab to assist prospective suppliers registering on the e-Procurement system.Any questions in the interim should be

addressed to the Procurement Office for the attention of Deputy Head of Procurement, Nicola Young: E-mail: [email protected] The deadline for submissions is 12 noon GMT

on Monday, 1 November 2021.SHG28 September 2021



“ The Public Solicitor Office is urgently in need of Lay Advocates to serve the people of St Helena. Lay Advocates are supported by the Public Solicitor‘s Office and receive a competitive monthly

payment. Training will be given in all aspects of the role and funding

for the role is currently being reviewed to align with that of a full

time role.

If you think you could be a Lay Advocate or would like some

more information please contact the Public Solicitor‘s Office, on Telephone 23008 or email

[email protected] by 22nd October 2021.”

Reference: CS-1547-SHG

St Helena Government has issued an Invitation to Tender for the R2 Side Path - Road Surfacing.

Full documentation and the specifications can be found on the Saint Helena Government e-procurement system which can be accessed via: following registration on the system.

User guides are available via the ‘Supplier Information’ tab to assist prospective suppliers registering on the e-Procurement system.

Any questions in the interim should be addressed to the Procurement Office for the attention of Nicola Young, Deputy Head of Procurement:

E-mail: [email protected]

The deadline for submissions is 12.00 GMT on Friday, 19 November 2021.

SHG11 October 2021


R2 SIDE PATH - ROAD SURFACING St Helena Government would like to invite suitably experienced contractors to submit tenders for the following contract:

Annual Grounds Maintenance Services at the Castle Gardens, Planted Areas at the Grand Parade and Bougainvillea Area at the Honeymoon Chair, Jamestown.

Copies of the tender document can be obtained from: Miss Tiffany LawrenceProcurement OfficerEssex HouseJamestownTelephone No: 22270 or email: tiffany.lawrence@ A site visit to view the works will take place on Tuesday,

19 October 2021, at 9.30am, meeting at the Castle Gardens Gate, Jamestown.

If you are unable to attend the site visit during this time, please contact the Procurement Officer to arrange another date and time.

Should you require any further details, please contact the Forestry Services Officer, Larry Stevens, or Maintenance Officer, Dalton George, on telephone: 24724 or email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Completed tenders should be placed in the Tender Box at Essex House by 12noon on Thursday, 28 October 2021.

Interested parties should note that this opportunity is not being advertised overseas.

SHG11 October 2021



Sunday Services17th October

Sandy Bay Chapel 08.45 am Head O’Wain Chapel 10.45 am

Jamestown Chapel 6.00 pm

Sunday school is available at all our chapel services, parents with children welcome.

Bible Studies Tuesday 19th October

Baptist School Room 7.00 pmThursday 21st October

Sandy Bay Chapel 5.30 pm Blue Hill Community Centre 7.30 pm

Kids Adventure Club:

Every Saturday Baptist School Room 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm (5 years old and above).


For further information contact:Tel No 22388 or 24644


Expressions of Interest are invited for the role of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Legislative Council, which became vacant on 2 August 2021, upon dissolution of Council.

The Speaker presides in meetings of Legislative Council and is responsible for the observance of the rules of order in the Council and his/her decision on any point of order is final. The Speaker also receives complaints made against Members under the Code of Conduct.

The Speaker is a non-voting Member of Legislative Council. In the absence of the Speaker the Deputy Speaker performs the role.

In accordance with Section 55 of the St Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Constitution, both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker are voted for by Elected Members from eligible members of the public who have put themselves forward. They need to be proposed and seconded by different Elected Members of Council. The Speaker will take up office immediately following his/her election.

Anyone interested in taking up these roles must be registered as an Elector on the Register of Electors which came into effect from 27 August 2021.

Interested persons are encouraged to contact the Councillor’s Office on tel: 22590 or via email: [email protected] or [email protected] by no later than 4pm on Wednesday, 20 October 2021.

SHG11 October 2021




Connect Saint Helena announces the departure of Mr Barry Hubbard who formerly served as the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. Mr Hubbard oversaw the establishment of Connect Saint Helena following the divestment of utilities from the Government of St Helena in 2013 as part of a divestment programme.

Under Mr Hubbard’s tenure, the subsidy paid to the Company has progressively reduced, and in tandem, the Company has seen improvements to the reliability of electricity and water services. Connect Saint Helena thanks Mr Hubbard for his services to the Company and wishes him well with his future endeavours.

Plans are in place to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer in the near future. In the interim, Clare Harris, Executive Director (Business Support) has been appointed Acting Chief Executive Officer.

Communication arrangements for the Company remain unchanged.

Elizabeth ClinghamChairperson, Connect Saint Helena

12 October 2021


22 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL 23

SPORTS ARENAwww.sams.shTHE SENTINEL | Thursday 14 October 2021

Property Auction

At 12:00pm December 11, 2021, at Pub Paradise, Longwood

1. Bar and restaurant with residential accommodation and car park formerly known as Pub Paradise, Longwood. Suitable for commercial or residential development subject to planning permission. Reserve Price £191,250.00

2. Large Residential property in the sort after area of Cleughs Plain with ocean views. 3 bedrooms including master with en-suite, large main bathroom, kitchen, dining room, lounge, garage within large garden. Reserve Price£109,225.00

3. WatertightResidential property at Gordon’s Post, Alarm Forrestoffers privacy with outstanding views. The property is unfinished 2 bedrooms, large open plan kitchen/dinerwith toilet and separate bathroom. Reserve Price £83,810.00

4. Partially constructed large residential property in Deadwoodwith large grounds. The property provides the opportunity to develop a large 3- or 4-bedroom property. Reserve Price £33,575.00

Open days to view the properties start November 2021 along with the sales pack for each property. All successful purchasers at the auction will need to pay a non-refundable 10% deposit on the day for each property purchased with the balance to be paid within 20working days (no exceptions). Deposit payments can be made by cash, local debit card or bank transfer.

For further detailsemail Derek Pedley at: [email protected]


Saturday 9 October 2021Axis 3 Saints 1

Bellboys 2 Wirebirds 2A Langham, S ClinghamD Young, A Yon

MoM: R Benjamin

C WilliamsYPoM: Cain John

J Naulaerts, A Benjamin, R BackhouseMoM: J Naulaerts

Sunday 17 October 2021Axis Harts1.30pmRovers Wirebirds3.30pm

Tuesday 19 October 2021Jamestown Rest 24.45pm




org: Ballezorg: Bellboys

org: Longwood


Golf Report for 10th October 2021SHGC, Contributed


Wednesday 20 October 2021Rest 1 HTH4.45pm org: Jamestown

Thursday 21 October 2021Longwood St Pauls4.45pm org: Rest 1

October 2021 monthly medal stroke play competition came early to give way to the Open Championship. Weather conditions were beautiful. A turnout of 22 players was quite good considering that some of our regular members were taking part in the tennis event at Plantation house which happened to be on the same day. Performance was impressive. If this is a show of what is to come in The SHGC Open 2021, then players must brace themselves for stiff competi-tion. 7 players returned scores in the 60s. Top on the leaderboard and winner of October monthly medal, playing off 10 handicap was the Vice-Captain Mr Martin Buckley with net 65. Five players tied in second place with net 67 namely, Paddo Johnson, Bramwell Bushuru, Keith Joshua, Arthur Francis and Leon Crowie. On a countback of the last 3 holes Mr Leon Crowie who finished with a bogey, birdie, eagle took second place. Seven players scored twos to grab some balls in the two-ball pool.Opening the floodgate of twos was Jeffrey Stevens on the 1st, Scott Crowie and Neil Joshua eagle on the 2nd, Martin Buck-ley birdie on the 7th, Tony Green and Bramwell the 16th and Leon Crowie eagle on the 18th. Prizes were presented by the Captain Bramwell Bushuru. Con-gra-tulations to the winners.Sunday 17th October 2021will be day one of the Open. There will be a morn-ing tee off at 9:30am with a morning group photo at 9am. Afternoon will tee off at 12:00 with an afternoon group photo session at 11:30am. See below table for the groups and tee times. Players are reminded to keep time and to familiarise themselves with the rules which are posted on the notice board. Followwhat we will be getting up to on our Facebook page swinging…

SPORTSARENA24 Thursday 14 October 2021 | THE SENTINEL

A GRANDSTAND FINALELeague Title to be Decided in Final League Game

RR Media Services SAMS

This year’s league campaign on St Helena will come to an end this weekend and the champions will only be decided following a mas-sive final game of the season be-tween reigning champions, Rov-ers, and this season’s most lethal attacking side, Wirebirds, in a grandstand finale on Sunday.The big match feel is in the air, and excitement is rife among the football community on St Hel-ena, with a true ‘clash of the ti-tans’ battle coming up in the last match of a 56-game league sea-son for the eight teams battling it out this year.Rovers were undefeated for most of the season, dropping three points for the first time against old rivals, Harts, last time out. They sit on 32 points on top of the table. Wirebirds, though suf-fering two losses over their cam-paign, have put in some of the most impressive displays this season, dismantling the Harts

by five goals to nil in the second round. They sit just a single point behind Rovers on 31 points, in second place, after failing to take top spot following a hard fought draw with Bellboys last weekend.A win for either side would see them crowned 2021 League Champions, though Rovers do

have a slight advantage as a draw would be enough for them to re-tain their title. While no one can predict what will happen over the 90minutes, one thing is certain - this will be, for sure, a fiery and entertaining affair between this year’s top two teams. Game on boys!