Introducing Twitter

e-Business Assignment Dima Jaas, Fatima Qadi, Jack Rabah The Tweets Must Flow


Introducing Twitter class assignment

Transcript of Introducing Twitter

Page 1: Introducing Twitter

e-Business AssignmentDima Jaas, Fatima Qadi, Jack Rabah

The Tweets Must Flow

Page 2: Introducing Twitter

About twitter Case StudyTwitter for business?

What we will cover today…

Page 3: Introducing Twitter

Tweet tweet.. What’s up?

is an online social networking service that enables its users to send and read text- based posts of up to 140 characters, known as


Twitter Now Available in Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and Urdu (28 languages)Tuesday, March 06, 2012

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Established in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July.

Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco, with additional servers and offices in New York City

The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 300 million users as of 2011, generating over 300 million tweets and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day, It has been described as "the SMS of the Internet."

As per twitter blog – 1 billion tweets every 4 days

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First Person to join twitter Jack Dorsey (Founder)

Initial income of Twitter as a company $1,000,000,000 within first 3 years.

Frequency of tweets in Twitter 750 Tweets per Second

Original name twttr wasinspired by the 5 characters codes used in America for SMS at the time.

Women constitute over 55% of the Twitter users where men lies in an area of 45%

"...we came across the word 'twitter', and it was just perfect. The definition was 'a short burst of inconsequential information,' and 'chirps from birds'. And that's exactly what the product was." – – Jack Dorsey

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Roughly , 7% of Americans are currently using Twitter

The average Twitter users has 27 follower

Twitter users tend to be “early adopters”

Twitter plays an active role on purchasing decisions

67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy brands that they follow

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• Life time of status update vs. tweet. Status update is longer than a tweet (its ok to tweet more 1-4 / hour vs. 0.5 /day for facebook).

• Friends vs. Followers: A Twitter following can be strictly interest based on topics the person is tweeting about. Friending someone might show a deeper social interest in the person that comes into play with Facebook.

• Speed: If you are aiming to create an instant viral effect for news or an important update, Twitter proves to be more effective. For less time sensitive content Facebook can be a powerful distribution channel.

• Optimal posting times: The peak at work days (Wed) for Twitter indicates the strong business and news side of things on Twitter. A strong Saturday for Facebook might show us that the entertainment factor on Facebook is higher.

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Avoid the Twitter blacklist

Daily Update Limits: 1,000 total updates per day from all devices

Daily Direct Message Limits: 250 total per day on all devices

Daily API Requests: up to 150 API (application programming interface) requests to Twitter per hour. Follower Limits: You can follow 2,000 people (or 10% above # of people following you)

Age: 18+ years.

Do not post illegal content or SPAM

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Twitter Now Able To Censor Tweets, If Required By Law, On A Country-By-Country Basis


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Advertisers are looking beyond Google, Facebook and Yahoo.

Twitter has become a popular way for politicians, celebrities and executives to spread their messages.

Global expansion increases sales for twitter, but forces them to adopt censorship regulations.

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Our goal is to instantly connect people everywhere to what is most meaningful to them. For this to happen, freedom of expression is essential. (It is a human right)

We don't always agree with the things people choose to tweet, but we keep the information flowing irrespective of any view we may have about the content.

The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.

There are Tweets that we do remove, such as illegal Tweets and spam.

twitter official blog

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Jan 26, 2012 – Twitter Blog

Until now, the only way we could take account of those countries’ limits was to remove content globally. Starting today, we give ourselves the ability to reactively withhold content from users in a specific country — while keeping it available in the rest of the world. We have also built in a way to communicate transparently to users when content is withheld, and why.

We haven’t yet used this ability, but if and when we are required to withhold a Tweet in a specific country, we will attempt to let the user know, and we will clearly mark when the content has been withheld. (

With this new feature, we are going to be reactive only: that is, we will withhold specific content only when required to do so in response to what we believe to be a valid and applicable legal request.

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Jan 31, 2012

Google has quietly announced changes to its Blogger free-blogging platform that will enable the blocking of content only in countries where censorship is required

Facebook is censoring the news. While Facebook, a privately owned company, has every legal right — technically — to choose to publish or not publish anything it wants to, it has a moral obligation as the largest provider of the 21st century public square to not censor.

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