Introducing the Extended Essay - Mercyhurst Prep...What makes up the Extended Essay? •An academic...

Introducing the Extended Essay By Mrs. Wojciechowski

Transcript of Introducing the Extended Essay - Mercyhurst Prep...What makes up the Extended Essay? •An academic...

Introducing the Extended Essay

By Mrs. Wojciechowski

What makes up the Extended Essay?

• An academic piece of writing within a subject you are already studying as part of your IB program

• Maximum word count: 4,000 words

• “Researcher’s Reflection Space” – no more than 500 words based on three meetings with Wojciechowski

• Will take about 40 hours between now and next January

General timeline – now through August

• Before summer: Familiarize yourself with the assignment.

• Before summer: Choose a Diploma subject for your essay and begin developing a workable research question.

• Before and during summer: Conduct your preliminary reading in your topic area; compile an annotated bibliography.*

• During summer: Meet with Wojciechowski for the 1st of three 30-minute reflection sessions.

• Before you return in the fall: Read and confirm the sources you intend to include in your essay.

*Annotated bibliography

• For each source you review:

• Provide the MLA works cited citation with date of access included.

• Write a 1-3 sentence summary of the source.

• Write 1-3 sentences about how this might be useful for your essay.

• Will be due during your first reflection session with Wojciechowski

General timeline – Term 1

• Develop your argument from your notes on your source materials.

• Compose a (working) formal outline with a works cited page.

• Conduct the 2nd of your three reflection sessions with Wojciechowski.

• Develop the outline to determine your argument, evidence, and overall organization.

• Revise and refine the outline to prepare for drafting.

General timeline – Term 2

• Develop your rough draft from the formal outline.

• Continue drafting, revising, and reevaluating sources as you prepare your final draft, which will be due near the end of January.

• Conduct the third reflection session (10-15 minute viva voce) with Wojciechowski.

1st: Subject and topic

• Which subjects have you really enjoyed?• For example: Literature, History, World Religions

• Which topic areas or central ideas or periods have intrigued you within these subject areas?• For example: 19th c. novels, love and marriage, Ancient Greece

2nd: Designing a research question

• This is an on-going process that will be shaped by your preliminary reading within your subject and topic areas.

• Workable research question: question with clear focus that can be successfully answered within the given word limit• Apply “limiting factors” to the broad topic you initially select.

• Limiting factors: relevant sub-areas for investigation that help limit the scope of the research question

2nd: Designing a research question (cont.)

• You will change your research question as your interest shifts or as you encounter obstacles.

• You should set yourself the deadline of school beginning in August as the cut-off point at which no more changes are permissible so that you do not fall behind in your preparation.

• Your research question should, ultimately:

A. Reflect what your essay is about

B. Be the question your conclusion responds to

Question starters

Limiting factors with examples

Limiting factors with examples (cont.)

Narrowing the scope of the subject

3rd: Locating sources

•At first, try to locate at least 5-10 sources • to prove that your topic is feasible

• to provide a starting basis for your investigation

• to situate your work in a wider body of research

By the next time we meet: Tuesday, 5/7

• Through the session with Mrs. Ganger, familiarize yourself with best practices in conducting research and locating academic sources.

• Narrow down the Diploma subject you want as the focus of your Extended Essay.

• Begin background reading in your subject area.

Work cited

Lekanides, Kosta. Extended Essay Course Companion, Oxford UP, 2016, pp. 2-23.