Introducing a Holiday By Wei-Pong Chung. What should be included? The origin of the holiday. Why do...

Introducing a Holiday Introducing a Holiday By Wei-Pong Chung

Transcript of Introducing a Holiday By Wei-Pong Chung. What should be included? The origin of the holiday. Why do...

Introducing a HolidayIntroducing a Holiday

By Wei-Pong Chung

What should be included?What should be included?The origin of the holiday.Why do people celebrate the holiday?When is the holiday celebrated?How do people celebrate the holiday?What are the special events that are

held to celebrate the holiday?What are the traditions of the

holiday?What does your pen pal say about the


Things you can do to know Things you can do to know more…more…Google it.

◦Make sure your resource is reliable.◦Wikipedia is not always right. Please DO

NOT use it as reference.Look for some pictures to help you

understand how people celebrate a holiday.

Go on to find related clips.◦Make sure they are not too long so you can

share some of them to your classmates in your presentation.

Google is really useful when Google is really useful when it comes to presentationit comes to presentationGoogle.comGoogle picturesGoogle map


A Holiday Full of Thanks—A Holiday Full of Thanks—ThanksgivingThanksgiving

By Wei-Pong Chung

BackgroundBackgroundIn the early 17th century, the Pilgrims

came from England to the “New World” to look for religious freedom and all that other good stuff.

Their ship, the May Flower, landed in Massachusetts after a really long journey at sea.

The Pilgrim didn’t expect such a harsh weather in their dream land. Only half of them survived the first winter.

The First ThanksgivingThe First ThanksgivingWhen summer came, the Pilgrims

had a big harvest with some help from the Indians.

At the end of their first year, the Pilgrims held a big feast with the Indians to give thanks to God.

They ate corn, pumpkin, squash, and meat, most of which were the things they grow from their harvest.

They Give thanks to GodThey Give thanks to God

They share their food.They share their food.

Spirit of ThanksgivingSpirit of ThanksgivingThe original purpose of

celebrating Thanksgiving Day is to give thanks to God, and to share with your friends and family what you’ve got.

Recently, Thanksgiving Day has grown to be a holiday to share thanks with people you love and be thankful for what you have.

When is Thanksgiving When is Thanksgiving Celebrated?Celebrated?Thanksgiving is always celebrated

on the fourth Thursday of November.This year, it’s going to be on

November 24th.People in the United States usually

have Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving.

They don’t have to make up for the classes on Friday on the following Saturday.

Celebrating ThanksgivingCelebrating ThanksgivingThanksgiving is the time when

people have big gatherings. They invite family and friends over to eat.

The typical food for Thanksgiving is a turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, and stuffing.

However, some people use chicken instead but most eat turkey.

A Very Fancy A Very Fancy Thanksgiving MealThanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving MealThanksgiving Meal

Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and gravy Mashed potato and turkey

Macy’s Thanksgiving Macy’s Thanksgiving ParadeParade

Cartoon characters balloons will go on the street.

Many people stand on the streets while many others are in office buildings.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Macy’s Thanksgiving ParadeParade

Garfield SpongeBob

Macy’s Thanksgiving Macy’s Thanksgiving ParadeParade

Me @ Thanksgiving Parade, 2005

Santa brings the parade to an end.

Sale! Sale! Sale!Sale! Sale! Sale!The day after

Thanksgiving Day, Friday, that is. There would be a BIG sale in almost every store.

It is called the Black Friday Sale.

Things can go up to 80-90% off.

Americans are crazy about the Black Friday.

This is how crazy they can This is how crazy they can bebe


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