Intro to Mythology Study Outline – Midterm II 1. Visions of Death – the underworld - M&L pp....

Intro to Mythology Study Outline – Midterm II 1. Visions of Death – the underworld - M&L pp. 349-376 - descent into underworld of Odysseus (M&L pp. 349 – 355) - descent of Aeneas into underworld by Virgil (M&L pp. 361-371) - Plato’s myth of ER (M&L pp.355 – 361) Know the stories of the punishments of Tantalus, Sisyphus and Tityus.

Transcript of Intro to Mythology Study Outline – Midterm II 1. Visions of Death – the underworld - M&L pp....

Page 1: Intro to Mythology Study Outline – Midterm II 1. Visions of Death – the underworld - M&L pp. 349-376 - descent into underworld of Odysseus (M&L pp. 349.

Intro to Mythology Study Outline – Midterm II

1. Visions of Death – the underworld - M&L pp. 349-376

- descent into underworld of Odysseus (M&L pp. 349 – 355)- descent of Aeneas into underworld by Virgil (M&L pp. 361-371)- Plato’s myth of ER (M&L pp.355 – 361)

Know the stories of the punishments of Tantalus, Sisyphusand Tityus.

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2. Orpheus

Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice (M&L pp. 377-381)Orpheus as poet and musician (M&L pp. 381-385)

3. The Trojan War

Be familiar with the causes of the Trojan war and the account of the war in the Iliad in the books assigned. In particular you must know who the following characters are (see M&L 466-485):

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• Helen, Clytemnestra, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Priam, Hecuba, Andromache, Astyanax, Paris, Hector, Achilles, Epeus, Diomedes, Protesilaus, Diomedes, Nestor, Ajax the Great, Ajax the Less, Odysseus, Patroclus, Cassandra, Aeneas, Glaucus, Sarpedon, Antenor, Chryses, Chryseis, Briseis

• I also expect you to be particularly aware of the myth of the judgement of Paris, leading up to the Trojan war. Consider also the following questions in reviewing material about the Trojan saga:

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• Why does Achilles become angry with Agamemnon?• What happens during Glaucus’ meeting with Diomedes in Book 6 (Fagles

pg.200)?• What happens during the meeting of Hector with his wife Andromache and son

Astyanax in book 6 (Fagles pg. 211)?• Who is part of the embassy to Achilles in book 9, and what is the outcome of the

battle?• How does Patroclus end of entering battle and what happens to him (Book 16)?• What does Achilles do to Hector?• What happens during the duel between Menelaus and Paris?• How does the Iliad end?• How is Troy eventually sacked?• Which of the Trojans survive the sack of Troy?• How does Achilles die?• What is the role of the gods in the Iliad?

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4. Odysseus – Nostoi (Returns), M&L pp. 522-544

• Know what ‘nostoi’ means, and be familiar with the return stories of the following:

• Agamemnon, Nestor, Menelaus, Diomedes, Idomeneus, Philoctetes, Neoptolemus

• Be familiar with the myth of the contest of Odysseus and Ajax for Achilles’ arms.

• Be able to describe the adventures which Odysseus has on his way home: the Cicones, Lotus Eaters, Cyclopes, Aeolus, Laestrygonians, Circe, journey to the underworld, Sirens, Wandering Rocks – Charybdis and Scylla, Cattle of the Sun, Calypso and the Phaecians.

• Know what happens on his return to Ithaca. How does he kill the suitors and reveal himself to Penelope?

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5. Heracles – M&L pp. 564-582)

• Be able to describe in order and in detail the 12 labours of Heracles. (M&L 564-575)

• Know the story of Heracles’ marriage to Deianeira and his death/apotheosis (becoming immortal) – M&L 578-582.

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6. Mycenaean Saga – M&L pp. 433 – 446

• Know the myths surrounding Pelops, Tantalus, Atreus, Thyestes, Agamemnon, Clytemnestra and Aegisthus, Electra, Iphigenia and Orestes.

Consider the following:

• Why is the house of Atreus cursed?• Why does Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?• Why is Aegisthus involved?• Who are Electra and Orestes and why do they murder Aegisthus and


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7. Perseus and Theseus – M&L pp. 547 – 558, 600-608

• Know the myth of the birth of Perseus, by Danae and Zeus, and the actions of Danae’s father Acrisius.

• Learn the myth of the arrival of Perseus and Danae on Seriphos, and their interaction with Dictys and Polydectes.

• Know in detail the myth of Perseus’ journey to the Gorgons, his slaying of Medusa, his return to Seriphos, and his eventual killing of Acrisius.

• Know the story of Theseus’ birth and be able to list the 6 labours of Theseus on his return from Troezen to Athens.

• Know the story of Theseus’ arrival and recognition by his father in Athens, his journey to Crete and killing of the Minotaur, his interaction with Ariadne, and his return to Athens.

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8. The Theban Saga – M&L pp.402-428

• Know the story of the foundation of Thebes by Cadmus. • Know the names of the ten kings of Thebes (listed M&L p. 405).• Know in detail the stories surrounding Lycus, Antiope and Laius,

father of Oedipus.• Know the story of Oedipus’ birth, his interaction with the sphinx, his

incest and eventual (self-)recognition, and the end of his life.• Know the story of the attack of the Seven against Thebes (M&L 421-

428). Be familiar with Antigone, and the plight she suffers after her brothers Eteocles and Polynices die.

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CadmusFounder of Thebes

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Origins in the EastAbduction of Europa

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• He is white as the untrampled snow before the south wind turns it into slush. The muscles stand out bulging on his neck, and the dewlap dangles on his ample chest; his horns are crooked, but appear handmade, and flawless as a pair of matching gems. His brow is quite unthreatening, his eye excites no terror, and his countenance is calm. The daughter of King Agenor admires him, astonished by the presence of peacefulness and beauty in the beast; yet even though he seems a gentle creature, at first she fears to get too close to him, but soon approaching, reaches out her hand and pushes flowers into his white mouth. The lover, quite beside himself, rejoices, and as a preview of delights to come, kisses her fingers, getting so excited that he can scarcely keep from doing it!

Ovid, Metamorphoses pp.85-7, Melville pp.49-50See also M&L pp.401-3.

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Cadmus is the brother of Europa. When Europa is abducted, his father Agenor sends Cadmus in search of his sister. He went to Delphi to seek the advice of the oracle of Apollo, which told him to forget about Europa but to follow a bull and, wherever it should lie down, to found a city. The cow lead him to Boeotia, where he found Cadmeia, which later became Thebes.

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Born of the Earth

When Cadmus had arrived at the location of Thebes, he had to sacrifice the cow. In order to do so, he tried to draw water from a spring in the vicinity, but a snake of Ares guarded the water. It killed many of Cadmus’ men, but he eventually killed the snake. Athena advised him to sow the teeth of the serpent. When he did so, armed men (called Spartoi) grew up out of the earth and fought each other until only 5 were left. From these descended the Thebans. After serving Ares for 8 years as a slave, as recompense for having slain the dragon, Cadmus is given Harmonia, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite as a bride. Cadmus and Harmonia have four daugthers - Ino, Semele, Agave and Autonoe. At the end of their lives, both Cadmus and Harmonia are turned into serpents.

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Kings of Thebes

CadmusPentheusLabdacusLycusZethus and AmphionLaiusOedipusEteoclesCreon Laodamas

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Labdacus, Lycus and Antiope

Pentheus, the grandson of Cadmus is the next king of Thebes. When he died, at the hands of his mother, Labdacus became king, who also died because of his disregard for Dionysus. His son was Laius, the father of Oedipus. Laius, however, was an infant when Labdacus died and therefore Lycus, a great-great-uncle of Laius became king for twenty years.

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Lycus was descendend from the five Spartoi, the warriors who grew from the earth at Thebes. Lycus’ niece Antiope was a lover of Zeus. She became pregnant and fled to Sicyon to escape the anger of her father Nycteus, who eventually committed suicide. Lycus attacked Sicyon and recovered his niece, whom he and his wife Dirce kept imprisoned. However, Antiope had given birth to two sons in Boeotia, Amphion and Zethus, who were found and raised by a shepherd. They later met their mother, who had escaped from her confinement, recognized her, and killed Lycus and Dirce in revenge; the latter was tied to the horns of a bull and dragged until she died.

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Amphion and Zethus then took control of Thebes and banished Laius. Amphion married Niobe and Zethus married Thebe, after whom the city (then Cadmeia) was renamed Thebes. After Amphion and Zethus die, Laius returns from his exile in Elis, where he had been taken in by Pelops. However, Laius cursed his lineage by abducting Pelops’ son Chrysippus, with whom he was in love. Lais learned of the curse from the oracle of Apollo, which told him that he was destined to be killed by his son, Oedipus.

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OedipusLaius and his wife Jocasta have a son, which they expose on Mt. Cithaeron, having pierced his ankles so that he couldn’t walk. A servant was made to take the baby to the mountains, but he pitied Oedipus and gave him to a Corinthian shepherd, who brought Oedipus back to the rulers of Corinth Polybus and Merope. They named him Oedipus (swell-foot) and brought him up as their son. However, when grown, Oedipus is made to suspect that he is not their real son, having been taunted by another. He goes to Delphi to learn the truth and was told that he was destined to murder his father and lie with his mother. For this reason he does not return to Corinth but goes onto Thebes; where he will fulfill the prophecy. On his way there, he was blocked by a man, Laius - in anger Oedipus slew him.

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Oedipus and the Sphinx

When he finally arrives at Thebes, he delivers it from a curse. The Sphinx (the strangler), a monster which had the face of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird, had been sent by Hera. The Sphinx came to Thebes and asked all Thebans a riddle it had learned from the Muses.

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The Riddle of the Sphinx

'What creature walks upon four feet in the morning, upon two feet at noon, and upon three feet in the evening'?

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Whoever could not answer the riddle was eaten by the Sphinx. When Oedipus arrives he confronts the Sphinx and solves the riddle. Creon, Jocasta’s brother, had offered to throne to whomever could solve the riddle and Oedipus becomes the king of Thebes, and take his mother Jocasta as his wife.

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Oedipus’ Blindness

Oedipus lives at Thebes in ignorance for some time, and has two sons, Polynices and Eteocles, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene, with Jocasta. However, a plague comes upon Thebes. Oedipus sends Creon to consult the oracle at Delphi, which tells him that he must rid the land of a pollution. Oedipus vows to do so, unaware that he is the pollution. The truth is revealed by the death of Oedipus’ ‘father’ in Corinth, Polybus. A messenger, the same shepherd to whom Oedipus was given long ago, comes to give the news. He reveals that Oedipus was not the real son of Polybus, and it is discovered that he is the son of Jocasta. When Jocasta realizes this, she hangs herself. Oedipus is a bit slower to understand, but he in turn blinds himself by poking out his eyes with pins.

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Oedipus, wandering beggar

Oedipus, once blinded, wanders the earth as a beggar. He eventually comes to Colonus, accompanied by his daughters Antigone and Ismene, who are loyal to him to the end. Creon tries to get him to return to Thebes, but he refuses and has protection from the Athenian king Theseus. Oedipus dies blessing Theseus and Athens - Zeus thunders, calling Oedipus by name. Oedipus disappears and becomes a hero.

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Creon Reports the Oracle

Creon, line 106 - ‘The God commanded clearly: let some one punish with force this dead man’s murderers’

Jocasta, line 714ff. - ‘But, see now, he, the king, was killed by foreign highway robbers’

Oedipus to Jocasta, line 843ff. - ‘You said that he spoke of highway robbers who killed Laius. Now if he uses the same number, it was not I who killed him. One man cannot be the same as many.

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Luke 23.43

‘Verily, I say unto thee, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise’

‘Verily I say unto thee this day, Thou shalt be with me in Paradise’

‘Now, huge doctrinal differences hang on the placing of this comma. The first version, which is how Protestants interpret the passage, lightly skips over the whole unpleasant business of Purgatory and takes the crucified thief straight to heaven. The second promises Paradise at some later date (to be confirmed, as it were) and leaves Purgatory nicely in the picture for Catholics, who believe in it.’

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A woman, without her man, is nothing.

A woman: without her, man is nothing.

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Oedipus Rex - To the Tune of American Pie

A long, long time ago, I can still remember how I saved Thebes from that awful Sphinx.

And I knew that if I had my chance, I could be a king at last,

And maybe I’d be happy for a while.

But all my past lies made me shiver

With the thought of what my mom delivered.

Bad news on the porch step.

Couldn’t take one more step.

I can’t remember if I cried, when I heard about my past of lies,

But something touched me deep inside

The day I knew the lies.


Bye, bye my oblivious nights

Killed my daddy, court my mommy,

Had our children at night.

Those good ol’ prophets were all telling it right

Sayin’ this will be the day I go blind,

This will be the day I go blind.

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Seven Against Thebes

Before Oedipus dies, his two sons Polynices and Eteocles come into conflict with each other. Oedipus himself lays a curse upon them for having disobeyed him when they used a golden cup and silver table of Laius to serve him, and again when they kept the best portion of meat from him. He prayed that there would “always be war and battle between them.”

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Polynices and Eteocles

The two brothers argued over who should rule, and eventually decided that they would take turns each year, while the other would go into exile. Eteocles ruled first, and Polynices went into exile to Argos, where he married a daughter of Adrastus. Adrasusts promised to help Polynices regain Thebes from Eteocles.

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The Seven








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Polynices and Eteocles

Each leader attacked one of the seven gates at Thebes. Amphiaraus, a prophet, had foreseen the death of all seven but Adrastus would be killed. But Polynices was stubborn and bribed Amphiaraus’ wife Eripyhle with the necklace of Harmonia, which Hephaestus himself had made for Cadmus to give to his wife. Eteocles and Polynices meet in battle and they both kill each other. Thebes does not fall to the Seven. Adrastus escaped back to Argus, and Amphiaraus was swallowed up into the earth, explaining his later being worshipped as a hero.

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Antigone and Aftermath

After the death of her brothers, Antigone faces a difficult dilemma. Creon, who is now king, refuses burial to Polynices, because he had attacked Thebes, but gave full honours to Eteocles. Antigone defies Creon’s law, and buries her brother. As a result, Creon condemns Antigone to death, barricading her in a tomb to die. Antigone hangs herself, but Creon will pay. For his son Haemon, who had been engaged to Antigone, finds Antigone dead in the tomb and turns his sword on himself. Creon had repented of his sentence, after warnings by the prophet Tiresias, but too late. When she discovers the fate of her son, Creon’s wife, Eurydice, kills herself.

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