Intro to Economics - Government II

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  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II


    Government II

    Dr. Katherine Sauer A Citizens Guide to EconomicsECO 1040

  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II



    I. Government and Efficiency

    II. RegulationsIII. The Optimal Size of GovernmentIV. TaxesV. US Government Deficit and Debt

  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II


    There are 3 main roles for government:1. make markets possible2. deal market failures

    - externalities- public goods

    3. do some wealth redistribution

    Keep in mind:There are things the government can do to make things


    There are things the government is likely to do under theinfluence of political incentives and constraints.

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    I. Government and Efficiency

    We do need some government.

    However, more government isnt necessarily better .


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    Governments are often described as being inefficient .

    They actually operate exactly as wed expect, given their incentives .

    -Government has a monopoly in many cases.

    DMV example

    Post Office example

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    Unless the market is failing , there is not a compelling

    reason to have the government provide the good.

    providing the good producing the good itself

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    When the government is controlling the allocation of resources, it is bureaucrats and politicians who aremaking the decision.

    - political considerations

    When the market controls the allocation of resources,they go where theyll earn the highest return .

    - amoral- supply and demand

  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II


    II. Regulations

    Some government regulations may be beneficial tosome parties, but all regulations come with a cost .

    Why did Mil ton F r ied man argue t hat more l aw yers

    should b e a ll owed into t he pract ice? Why did man y exi st ing l aw yers di sagree?

    Why did t he workers in Delhi, I ndia protest t he regu l at ion t hat was im pose d

    in or d er to cl ean u p p oll ut ion?

  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II


    Some regulations are favored by people who have theluxury of caring.

    - DDT Example

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    N ot all regulations are well-written .- striped bass example

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    Often times a certain group pushes for regulations

    in their industry to keep out competition .- interior design licenses

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    Sometimes the government acts like a helping hand

    and sometimes like a grabbing hand.


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    III. The Optimal Size of Government

    Economics can point out the tradeoffs , but youll haveyour own opinion.

    F ramework for thinking about the role of thegovernment in the economy:

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    1. Government has the potential to enhance the productive capacity of the economy and make us better

    off as a result.- legal framework - public goods- externalities

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    2. Some government activity shrinks the size of the pie, but still may be socially desirable .

    - technically inefficient to transfer wealth

    - many people want some sort of social safety net

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    3. Some government involvement in the economy is purely destructive .

    - good intentions arent enough

    - some regulations have costs that outweigh the benefits

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    IV. Taxes

    Even when the government is engaging in goodactivities, it must finance its spending through taxes.

    All taxes exert a cost on the economy.

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    The costs of taxes:

    - fiscal drag

    - deadweight loss

    - discourage investment

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    To minimize the costs of taxes, economists favor taxesthat are:




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    B ureau of Economic Analysis bea.govV. US Government Spending, Deficit, and Debt

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    How your taxes are spent htt p:// / taxrece ipt 1. Federal

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    2. Colorado htt p:// l ora d / taxtracks /

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    To find the amount of the yearly deficit, take totalreceipts minus total expenditures.

    3,982. 5 5,538.8 = -1,556.3

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    When the US government spends more than it collects intaxes, it issues bonds to make up the difference.

    A bond is like an IOU.- People who buy bonds are lending thegovernment money now.

    - The government promises to pay them back later.

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    Issue price: $18.75Maturity date: May 2008Interest over 30 years: $87.92Final value: $106.67

    T reasur

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    U.S. debt is now equal to economyB y Richard Wolf

    USA Today 1/8/2012

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    From the C B O: Projected Outlays and Revenues as %of GDP

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    Governments are often inefficient, due to incentives.

    Regulations can be helpful or harmful, they all comewith costs, and good intentions are not enough.

    Economics gives a framework for considering theoptimal size of government.

    Taxes are necessary but also impose costs.

    The government spends more than it collects.

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  • 8/3/2019 Intro to Economics - Government II


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