Intramolecular Forces and Intermolecular Forces

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  • 7/25/2019 Intramolecular Forces and Intermolecular Forces





    Name Formula Electron dot diagram

    Water H2O

    Carbon dioxide CO2

    Carbon monoxide CO

    Ammonia NH3

    Sulfur dioxide SO2

    *Dierence !etween intramolecular orce" and intermolecular orce"

    Intra = within Inter = between

    Intramolecular orce" #covalent !ond$ Intermolecular orce"

    1. Strong

    2. Within molecules

    3. Determine chemical roerties !reaction"


    $et%een molecules

    Determine h&sical roerties. eg. melting and

    boiling oints.



    'he shae of molecules are determined based on the (alence Shell )lectron *air +eulsion

    'heor& !(S)*+"

    ,t has 2 main rinciles

    1. )lectron airs around the central atom in a molecule reel one another as far as aart as


    2. -one air lone air reulsion / lone air bonding air reulsion

    'his means the shae of a molecule is determined b& the number of bonding airs and lone airs

    around the central atom.

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    Difference of

    atoms in the


    Difference of

    atoms around

    central atom

    Difference of

    lone e around

    central atom

    Difference of

    bonding around

    central atom

    Name of shae )xamle of mo


    02 -inear H2 CO

    0 3 2 4 5 or 6 or 7 -inear CO2 !


    3 2 2 or 5 5 or 6 $ent or ( shaed H2O !


    5 3 4 6 or 7

    'rigonal lanar

    or triangular




    5 3 2 6

    *&ramidal or



    NH3! N

    H H H


    9 5 4 7 'etrahedral


    )& ONDIN+ (OLARIT,


    1. Co:alent bonding in:ol:es sharingof electrons.

    2. 'he atoms in co:alent bonds are nonmetal and semimetalatoms.

    3. 'he atoms ma& be of different or samet&es.

    5. 'he abilit& of an atom to attract electrons to itself in a chemical bond is called


    9. 'he abilit& to attract electrons in a chemical bond increases going across a eriod and

    decreasesgoing do%n a grou.

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    6. 8or co:alent molecules of an element. )g. O2 Cl2 etc. the difference in electronegati:it&

    bet%een the 2 atoms in the molecule iszero.

    * $ond olarit& describes ho% e;uall& bonding electrons are shared bet%een a air of atoms in a

    co:alent bond.

    < ,f the electrons are"-ared e.uall/0 the bond is anon1olar covalent !ond&

    < ,f the electrons are"-ared une.uall/ !one atom has greater attraction" then the bond is a1olar

    covalent !ond&

    We can use electronegati:it& difference !)N" to determine %hether a bond is olar or non olar.

    EN rage ond 1olarit/

    4 4.5 Non olar bond

    4.9 1.6 *olar co:alent bond

    1.= 1.> *olar co:alent if no metal is in:ol:ed but ionic if there is a metal? 2.4 ,onic

    Note@ ,f a bond olar then the more electronegati:e atom becomes artiall& negati:e ! " and the

    less electronegati:e atom becomes artiall& ositi:e !B"


    When a co:alent bond is olar the atoms in:ol:ed %ill ha:e a diole artial ositi:e and artial

    negati:e charge"

    A molecule is olar if it has

    1. *olar co:alent bonds and

    2. ns&mmetrical or non s&mmetrical distribution of charge.

    A molecule is s&mmetrical if it has an e:en distribution of charge.

    'he charge includes the t&e of atom and gi:e of electrons in:ol:ed.


    is s&mmetrical because the Cl atoms are e:enl& distributed around the

    $ atom and there are no lone air electrons.

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    H is uns&mmetrical because the t&es of atoms around the $ atom are

    $ different.

    Cl Cl

    Note@ S&mmetrical@ no lone air electron surround central atom and the same atoms surround

    central atom.

    Symmetrical - non olar Unsymmetrical -olar

    ):en distribution means the charges are at e;ual angles and of the same t&e.

    ,f a molecule has olar co:alent bonds and is uns&mmetrical then it %ill ha:e a net diole

    !similar to a net force" in one direction.

    ,f a molecule has olar bonds but is s&mmetrical then its diole %ill cancel out and the net diole

    %ill be ero. So the molecule %ill be non olar.

    < Some molecules are slightl& olar if the& ha:e nonolar co:alent bonds but are uns&mmetrical.

    3& E4ERCISES

    Determine t-e "-a1e" o t-e ollowing molecule" and t-e 1olarit/ o t-e !ond" !etween

    t-eir atom"&

    Formula Name o t-e "-a1e (olarit/1. NCl3 pyramidal Non polar bond

    2. *H33. $Cl3 !$ Eust need 6 electrons"

    5. CH3Cl

    9. SO26. N2O

    Com1lete t-e ollowing ta!le

    Formula Lewi" "tructure Molecular "-a1e Name o "-a1e (olarit/

    82 N F N -inear Non olar




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    1e o orce(olarit/ o

    molecule"E5am1le o "u!"tance Origin o t-e orce

    Factor t-at determin




    Gain force

    bet%een non olar

    molecules but also

    found bet%eenolar molecules

    'emorar& une:en

    distribution of electron

    cloud around a molecule

    resulting in temorar&dioles in neighbouring

    molecules. 'his results in

    a temorar& attraction.

    1. Ho% closel& the mol

    are ac#ed !the closer

    stronger the force"

    2. 'he sies of the elecclouds !count the total

    difference of electrons



    ole orce

    8ound bet%een

    olar molecules


    *ermanent attraction

    bet%een artial ositi:e

    and artial negati:e ends

    of neighbouring olar


    'he net diole of the

    molecules also determ

    b& ho% olar the bonds



    8ound bet%een

    olar molecules

    %ith HN H8 or

    HO bonds !olar"

    Attraction bet%een highl&

    artial ositi:e H atoms

    and lone electrons on a

    highl& electronegati:e

    %ith a olar molecule.

    'he number of H atom

    lone electrons combina

    a:ailable to form h&dro




    8ound bet%een

    ositi:e or

    negati:e ion andolar molecule

    Attraction bet%een

    oosite charges !artial

    ositi:e atom andnegati:e ion or artial

    negati:e and ositi:e ion".

    1. 'he charge of the ion

    in:ol:ed !the greater th

    charge the stronger theattraction IF ionic sie


    2. 'he olarit& of the

    molecules in:ol:ed !th

    more olar the stronge


  • 7/25/2019 Intramolecular Forces and Intermolecular Forces


    Ion 7 di1ole orce 8 -/drogen !onding 8 di1ole 7 di1ole orce 8 di"1er"ion orce


    T/1e o intermolecular orce E5am1le o "u!"tance wit- t-i" orce

    1. Disersion force CO22. Diole diole force H2S

    3. H&drogen bonding H8

    5. ,on diole force Cl !a;"

    )& (',SICAL (RO(ERTIES

    Melting and !oiling 1oint"

    'he melting oint of H2O is 4oC and its boiling oint is 144 oC.

    'he strength of intermolecular forces in co:alent molecular substances

    determine ho% high their melting and boiling oints are.

    When comaring their melting oints and boiling oints %e must consider@

    1. 'he olarit& of the substances.

    2. 'he t&e of intermolecular forces resent.3. 'he strengths of the forces and amount of energ& needed to brea# them.


    %& E51lain w-/ CO -a" a -ig-er !oiling 1oint t-an CO )&

    CO is a olar co:alent substance %ith diole diole and disersion forces bet%een its


    CO2is a non olar substance %ith disersion forces bet%een its molecules.

    'he combination of diole diole and disersion forces in CO is stronger and need more heat

    energ& to be bro#en than the disersion forces in CO2.

    )& E51lain w-/ Cl)-a" a -ig-er !oiling 1oint t-an O)&

    $oth Cl2and O2are non olar co:alent substances %ith disersion force bet%een their molecules.

    Ho%e:er Cl2has more electrons bet%een its molecules and roduces stronger disersion forces

    than in O2so disersion forces in Cl2need more heat energ& to be bro#en.

    2& E51lain w-/ C%9'))-a" -ig-er !oiling 1oint t-an 'F&

  • 7/25/2019 Intramolecular Forces and Intermolecular Forces


    C14H22 is a non olar substance %ith disersion forces bet%een its molecules.

    H8 is a olar co:alent substance %ith disersion forces diole diole forces and h&drogen

    bond bet%een its molecules.

    'he combination of disersion forces diole diole forces and h&drogen bond in H8 is strongerbut C14H22has much more electrons bet%een its molecules so it %ill roduces much more

    stronger disersion forces so C14H22 need more heat energ& to be bro#en.

    * Possible comparisions between melting and boiling points of substances

    Su!"tance A*olar molecule

    %ith small sie

    Non olar molecule

    %ith small sie

    *olar molecule %ith H


    Su!"tance Non olarmolecule %ith

    small sie

    Non olar molecule

    %ith bigger sie

    Non olar moleculemuch bigger ! about 7

    14 times"

    Su!"tance wit- -ig-er

    !oiling 1oint and melting


    Substance A Substance B Substance B

    * Other difference that may affect melting and boiling points

    1. Golecules %ith the same molecular formula but difference structural formula due to resence

    of branches. 'he less branched has higher boiling oint

    Eg&$utane and meth&l roane

    2. '%o olar substances %ith h&drogen bonding and %ith similar molecular sies but difference

    ossibilities to form h&drogen bonds.

    < 'he substance %ith more h&drogen bonds has higher melting and boiling oints.

    Eg. H2O has higher melting and boiling oints than NH3and H8.


    Solubilit& is the maximum amount of a substance !called a solute" that can dissol:e in a fixed

    amount of another substance !called the sol:ent".

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    'he "olute is the substance in a smaller amount and the "olvent is the substance in larger


    Eg&in a salt %ater the solute is salt and the sol:ent is %ater.

    'he temerature at %hich solubilit& is measured must be stated since solubilit& changes astemerature increase or decreases.

    8or substance to dissol:e in another the follo%ing rocesses must occur.

    1. 'he solute solute bond brea#.2. the sol:ent sol:ent bonds brea#

    3. Ne% solute sol:ent bonds are e;ual.

    ,f solute sol:ent bonds are stronger than or similar to the solute solute and sol:ent sol:ent

    bonds then the solute can dissol:e.

    ,f not then the solute cannot dissol:e.

    'he bonds resonsible for solubilit& co:alent substances are intermolecular forces.

    'o redict if a solute is soluble in another substance %e need to@

    1. Determine the olarit& of the t%o substances.

    2. Determine the solute solute and sol:ent sol:ent intermolecular forces.

    3. Determine the ossible solute sol:ent intermolecular forces.

    5. Comare the strength of the solute sol:ent intermolecular force to the solute solute and

    sol:ent sol:ent intermolecular force.

    'he general rule for solubilit& is that Ili#e dissol:e li#eI. 'his means olar solutes dissol:e in

    olar sol:ents and non olar solutes dissol:e in non olar sol:ent.

    Ho%e:er ionic solutes also dissol:e in olar sol:ents. Some substances are artl& olar and

    artl& non olar sol:ents 'he& cannot as sol:ents for olar and non olar solutes.

    * Summary of solubility outcomes between ionic polar covalent and non polar covalent


    Solute Solvent Solu!ilit/

    1. olar substance *olar substance Soluble2. ionic substance *olar substance Soluble deend on solubilit&

    rules for ionic substances

    3. ionic substance Non olar substance ,nsoluble

    5. olar substance Non olar substance ,nsoluble

    9. non olar substance Non olar substance Soluble

    6. artl& olar and artl& non *olar substance Soluble but solubilit& decrease as

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    olar substance the non olar art gets bigger

    =. artl& olar and artl& non

    olar substance

    Non olar substance Soluble but solubilit& decrease as

    the non olar art gets smaller

    * !"ample of polar covalent non polar covalent and ionic substances

    T/1e o "u!"tance E5am1le"

    1. *olar co:alent sol:ent Water !H2O"

    )thanol !CH3CH2OH"

    Carbox&lic acids !CnH2nB1COOH"

    2. Non olar co:alent sol:ents erosene

    *etrol Oils


    3. *artl& olar and artl& non olar sol:ents )thanol !CH3CH2OH"

    Alcohol !CnH2nB1OH"

    5. ,onic solutes NaCl Cl Gg$r 2 CuSO5

    * !"planation chec#list

    1. Which is the more suitable sol:entJ

    2. What is the olarit& of each substanceJ

    3. What t&e of intermolecular forces are found in each substanceJ

    5. What forces are formed %hen the substances are mixedJ

    9. Ho% strong are the ne% forces formed comared to forces in each substance.

    :a1our 1re""ure

    (aour is the gaseous state of a substance that is normall& li;uid at room temerature.

    *ressure is the force of collision bet%een articles and the %alls of their container.

    (aour ressure or e;uilibrium :aour ressure is a measure of the tendenc& or abilit& of

    substance to e:aorate !change from li.uidto ga"".

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    %& ;-at need" to -a11en or a "u!"tance to eva1orate