Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields -...

! An Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields Ft

Transcript of Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields -...

Page 1: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

! An Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields


Page 2: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

One-Alan 7aiuily By Delle Hunter

12 :13 p.m. Monday Through Friday h F /tr: -Mit tual


N 1934, a soft -spoken, quiet - mannered young man with an idea for a new radio show, arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. He had been work- ing on the idea for years, but was still doubtful of its

merit. Having readied it for an audi- tion, he was finding it difficult to summon enough confidence to give his premiere performance. So he shy- ly renuested a young lady who was living in the next -door apartment to he -his initial "audience."

"You sit here," he instructed her, "and I'll go into the other room and shut the door. Then you tell me truthfully if the voices you hear sound as if one person is trying to sound like three people!"

In that way, Miss Lynn Cooper, a young lady who happened to be liv- ing in a Baltimore, Maryland, apart- ment next door to a man named Jimmy Scribner, was the first person ever to hear the now- famous laugh- able, lovable "Johnson Family."

Ten years later, Miss Cooper, now living in Los Angeles, saw Scribner's name on a local theater marquee and went backstage to say -hello.'

"She didn't think I'd remember her," smiled Scrihner when we talked to him later, "but I'll never forget. If it hadn't been for her vote of confidence, I couldn't have sum- moned the courage to have the show auditioned. I was afraid people would think I was crazy. I thought sure they'd say, 'Come and listen to this guy he's goofy!' "

Instant Reception But once he had presented himself

for an audition at the Baltimore radio station, Scribner and his "John- son Family" made art immediate air debut. The monetary reimbursement was small, however. "I had to pawn my watch every week to see me through," Jimmy told us with a laugh.

When "The Johnson Family" first took to the air ten years ago, there were just three characters -Mama and Papa Johnson, and Lucy. Now Scribner does some twenty -two voices on the show! The cast of characters includes the original three, supple- mented by such names as " PeeWee," "Gorilla Joe," "The Deacon," and "Mr. Phillpots," the lawyer-most of whom are characterizations of people Scrihner has known.

Page 2

"PeeWee," Scrihner informed us "is an exact copy of a little colored boy named 'Shine' who lived with my aunt for seven years or so. Pee -

Wee's expressions, such as his famil- iar 'great day in the mornin',' (Scribner launched into his "PeeWee" dialect at this point) are those Shine always used.

"As for Mama Johnson," Jimmy went on, "I created her in the image of a lovable old Negro mammy who lived with us. The character of 'Gorilla Zoe' was horn in a massive giant of a fellow I once knew. He always went barefoot, even when the ground was thick with icy snow. His feet had soles on them an inch thick. He's never worn shoes."

Loves Colored Folk Scrihner has a great love for the

colored folk, and a rare appreciation of the drama and humor in their lives. "I remember the day I found Mammy chasing a fellow around the yard with a butcher knife," laughed Jimmy then, "She wasn't going to hurt him, but she was plenty mad because he had told her that her feet were big! Oh, they're wonderful people!"

Colored folk, in turn, have formed a great affection for Scribner. He told us of an incident that occurred during his local theater engagement. A "mammy" and her small son came backstage to meet Jimmy. "Ah hopes you won't get angry with me, Mist' Scribner," the mammy drawled, clutching her cute little pickaninny in her arms, "but ah's gonna ask a favor o' yo'." She hung her head bashfully and flashed a shy, white - toothed grin at the genial creator of "The Johnson Family." Then she asked in a hesitating drawl, "Would yo' mind if mah li'1 James Robert kissed yo' on da cheek!"

Jimmy Scribner was horn and brought up in the Southland, near Norfolk, Virginia. Early in life, he took part in amateur minstrel shows and at the age of seventeen, he joined a circus. "It was exciting at first," he related to us, "but it was a hard life, too, and I soon got tired of it." Leaving life under the big top, he became one -half of an act called "Stutter 'n' Whine," a colored comedy duo which inspired him to create his "Johnson Family."

His greatest fear when he first presented the latter show was that he would sound like one man mak- ing an attempt to sound like several

Jimmy Scribner Started "The Johnson Family" With Three Voices, Now Does Twenty -Two; His "Chiekazoola" Folks Are Created In Image Of Real People

"DI AM DE DEACON SPEAKIN'!" -but the voice belongs to Jimmy

Scribner, c'eator, write and one -man cast of "The Johnson Family." Born and brought up in the southland, Scribner has a rare appreciaticn of the humor and drama in

the lies o' lovable cob -ed Folk.

people So he delivere i his dialogue (and still does) at a speed that baf- fles his listeners into believing that it couldn't possibly he one man alone doing all the dialogue. He told us that he writes the dialogue with an ear for a balanced rhythm, much as a compose- does a melody.

Scripts Are Fresh Although he usually keeps an out-

line of the general plot several weeks in advance, Scrihner writes each script on the very day it is to be broadcast. On some occasions, ° he even ad -libs a portion of the dia- logue on :he air. Because he has been doing the show for so many years, - e finds no difficulty in tim-

IPleise turn to l'ape 10) i FIRST PERSON evcr to hear The

Johns,n Family" was Lynn Cooper, the young lady pictured above with Scrib- ner. Lacking the confidence to present his

original radio show for an audition, Scrib- ner asked Miss Cooper, who was living in

the next-door apartment, to be his initial audience That was ten years ago. Recently, when Scribner played a Los Angeles thea- ter engagement, Miss Cooper paid him a

surprise visit. -Otto no isehild Photos

Page 3: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

t'/Ie Sur Inspires the Pen Doris Langford, Chico, Calif.

Sirs: Boy, oh boy, do I agree about that guy on "I Love A Mystery." I stopped listening to it because of him. Say, where is that Texas :goy who was Jack's partner on the show? Boy, what a team! Those two keep things lively, and no fooling!

Another thing: Jack Owens is cer- tainly in a class all by himself. We think he is grand, and would love to know more about him.

Gosh, but your Fan Fare has so many swell things in It Thanks a lot. ,

There has been another replace:nen for the role of "Jack Packard" or. I Love .4 Mystery," and perhaps he is more to your liking. Ills name is John McIntire. "Thal Texas boy" you speak of is Barton rarboronyh. Ile will continue to appear on "I Love .1 Mystery." infrequently in his familiar role of "Doe" if his busy schedule per. ,oils. He's ranking movies note'

It seems Jack Owens has e,mny ad- mirers. Listeners are happy to have him back on the "Breakfast Club.'' where he received his first big radio break. when not singing. Jack is likely doing a bit of composing, Ile is writer o "Hut Sut Song" and The Kid with the Rip in His Pants.': u song inspirer/ by his young son. Owens is married and has three youngsters. *

Plenums Ryerson Clements, Shadow Ranch, Canoga Park, Calif. Sirs: I do wish you would tell us

something about Sam Baiter. We find his news commentary extremely en lightening; in fact. a daily "must."

We would like to know more about his background.

Sarre Halter is a graduate of f'CLA. where he was a letterman in baseball. football and basketball. He was a mem- ber of the All -American Basketball tear, and the C. S. Olympic team which went to Berlin in 1936. Ile has had wide ex- perience in sports broadcasting and is the originator of "One l-or The Book." a progran, of little kn stories about famous sports personalities. *

Julie Allan, Locksley Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: So many of our pronuncia-

tions have been mishandled that the list, like Topsy, just grows.

I fail to find anything like the word "DIScharge," which is what the radio says a service man often re- ceives, medically speaking. The ac- cent is always on the last syllable, disCHARGE.

And we now hear about the YEW - nited States -instead of the uNITed States. These two arg really bother- some, to say nothing of cigarette, which is pronounced so often with

the accent on the first syllable. It is never a CiGarette, always a ciga- RETTE.

But the one which is practically ruining the nervous system is "sac- rifice," which is pronounced "sacri- fis" with a short "i" in the last syl- lable. Last night the individual whose name appears to be Parks ( "Vox Pop ") went so far as to say "sacrifisses." Our good old standby, Noah Webster, offers us no such word. It is just sacrifice, with the last syl- lable a long "i" and givineit its full value. I fear the difficulty is the straining on the part of some radio folk to follow the leader and do something a bit on the English side. Or perhaps it is the result of so many persons teaching that it is clever to slide over the syllables and the "r's." I am still unable to listen to the Lady Esther programs because of the young lady who reads the commer- cial. She likes "necessaree" and "powdah" and has that special some- thing in her voice which gives it such an artificial tinge.

Be that as it may, it is entirely her business and the business of the sponsor and none of mine. And none of us have to listen to a program of which we do not approve * Mrs. Art Pellant, 821 El Rancho D r i y e,

Whittier, Calif. Sirs: I'm an advocate of the "noth-

ing but praise" policy. Why all the beefing and griping about commer- cials? How about some 'praiseworthy plugs for the commercials that are fun!

As for enjoyable commercials, to me, these programs, as well as their commercials, are tops: Tom Brene- man's "Breakfast at Sardi's," Don McNeill's "Breakfast Club," and Andy and Virginia.

. \'Qe altitude. Mrs. Pellant. Those who continually gripe do little good, although constructive criticise, is never out of order. There's always room for improve- ment. it .seems. *

Mrs. Osborn, Inglewood, Calif. Sirs: The Duro -Glass company is to

be congratulated on giving Fred War- ing and his band a hálfhour show. I never missed his former program and always regretted that it lasted only fifteen minutes. His quiet voice, lack of fanfare and ballyhoo, and his courteous recognition of each member of his company as they performed made his program a favorite with everyone. It is a genuine pleasure to have him back on the air.

* * * * RADIO fan fare * * * * November :t. 1944 ;Warne 9. Number 20

Published the first and third Fridays of each month br Coast Publications, de Young Building, SOO Market Street, ram Francisco I. )'hone Sitter 81111. Southern California Affiliate, RADIO LIFE, 11129 Nest M'ashington Mid., Los Angels. 13. Phone Richmond 5205. Distributed throngs leading Independent Grmrrs In Northern l alifornia.

All material used by RADIO FAN FARE is specially prepared by Its own staff writers, and reprinting in whole or In part without publisher's permission ,,trielly forbidden. Publisher, 1'. W. Anderson; Editor-in-Chief of Radio Fan Fare and Radio Life. Etelyn A. Rigsby; Editor Radio Fan Farr. llelane Peters; .rt Director. Allen Ricks; Log Editor, Shirley Gordon. Adtrrtising Rep hstite. RADIO FAN F. %KF: and RAD10 1.1FF: Northern California, W. rn rs, n. O. .I,,k.on ; .nut horn ( nlifornin. I ,,Ihrrth ',idler.

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* * *


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November 3, 194-4 Page 3

Page 4: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

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THREE LITTLE KITTENS, part Persian; the mother cat, a

Chow dog, some prized birds, a few fish and a coopful

of chickens inhabit the spacious grounds at Gracie Fields'

Santa Monica home. The house has a colorful patio and

swimming pool, where the neighborhood children frequently

come in to play at Gracie;s invitation.

Out at

OCAROLING A CATCHY TYNE while she works, Gracie makes

like a harp with the staircase. The British star, herself, does

many of the household chores, since help is so hard to get. We

had a cook," she told us, "and we even bought her a car to induce

her to stay. But it didn't work.'' Now, Gracie whips up hearty

English -style breakfasts, and her European spouse makes spaghetti ,nrl ravioli dinners. Bob Crawford Photo,.

èracie c }hause By Lynn Roberts

Fan Fare Finds the Famous Miss Fields Amid Her Pots and Pans, Making Breakfast for Hubby, While Discussing Hamburger -Eating, Autograph -Collecting

flue. KGO. 9 p.m. Starting Tuesday. Von. 14

RACIE FIELDS' spacious, colorful home in Santa Monica is situated on a s e c l u d ed, comfortable acre and a half of fruit- ful land just an eight -

minute walk from the blue Pacific, making the penetrating rays of the hot noonday sun seem some twenty degrees cooler as we rang the bell at Gracie's front gate. A chow dog answered, followed closely by a capable -looking lady, who, we quick- ly surmised, was one of the English star's pair of secretarial assistants.

"Miss Fields said to bring you right on into the kitchen," she an- nounced, leading us over an obstacle course. The entire front of the house was being remodelled. We waded through stacks of lumber and leaped precariously over bins of wet cement.

Rounding the rear of the house, we could hear Gracie caroling a catchy tune amid the rattle of pots and pans in the kitchen. She greeted us with her familiar cheery "Hello," dangling a plump piece of sausage in the air at the same time.

Page 4

"I'm fixin' a bit of breakfast for me 'usband," she caroled in our di- rection, breaking eggs into a steam- ing frying pan. " 'e likes 'is eggs swimmin', so 'e'll get 'em swimmin'. I got to feed 'im well. 'e's a growin' lad, y'know."

There was an amusing cartoon of friend husband (film director - actor. Monty Banks) hanging on the kitch- en wall. It showed him, togged out in a cook's apron, working with great flourish over a stoveful of steaming kettles.

"'e's a workin' man today," Gracie cheerily chirped on. "'e's doin' the plasterin'." She told us her husband and her father were doing most of the remodelling.

"We're always decidin' on some - thin' new to do to the 'ouse," she chirped again. "Bein' English, I like doors. I've added three to this 'ouse already."

Whereupon, she went over and closed the door to the kitchen, rea- soning, "And what good are they if you don't keep 'em closed."

By that time she had a tray stock- ed full of lush fried tomatoes, golden

toast, succulent brown sausage and "swimmin' " eggs Its fragrant odors floated through the kitchen as she swished out the door with it, sum- moning her husband with a sharp whistle through her teeth.

Viewed as Housewife It seemed a treat for us to view

the genial, flaxen- haired Gracie, who has been heralded as the world's highest - paid entertainer, bustling about her kitchen in the manner of some obscure little housewife. Break- fasts in the English style are her s p e c i a l t y, while husband Monty takes over the stove at dinner time, whipping up prize Italian dishes of spaghetti, ravioli and tasty sauces.

"Y'know what I'm wantin' to do," exclaimed Gracie later, when we had joined the affable Mr. Banks at a table on the patio beside the swim- ming pool. "I'd like to build me a restaurant down at the beach." Friend husband choked on his egg.

Gracie showed us an artist's sketch of an elaborate double - decker restau- rant designed to resemble a pleasure yacht. Her husband voiced an em- phatic verbal protest.

RADIO fan fare

Page 5: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

THE BIGGEST ASPIDESTRA in the World ", chirps Gracie, as she swings to and

fro on the athletic equipment set up in her garden. She works out on the trapeze

and ring set to keep in shape for her radio and movie work.

Gracie inclined an ear to his argu- ment, then shrugged her shoulders philosophically. "All right," she com- mented agreeably, "so we can draw the 'pitchers,' but not build the place. But I still think people would like to eat their hamburgers on a clean tablecloth."

"But it wouldn't stay clean to'g," remarked her husband drily. "Go ahead, however," he added. "and learn your lesson yourself."

"Well, if it didn't work," continued Gracie, undefeated. "I'd change it into a beauty parlor, and go down and fix me own hair there!"

Three tiny kittens sidled up to our chairs at this point. Gracie put a plate of food down for them, then asked if we knew anyone in the market for a kitty or two. "We just

lipr GRACIE'S H U S B A N D, Monte Banks, former actor- director el

British films, isn't taking a n y chances when his Missus sets herself to the task

of spraying the citrus trees. The Banks' victory garden boasts a teeming crop of

fruits and vegetables.

want to keep the mother," she ex- plained..

Pets and Garden In addition to their dog, their cat

and the three - too -many kittens, the Batakses have some prized birds, a few fish, a coopful of chickens, an abun- dance of flowers and a spacious vic- tory garde n. On a tour of the grounds, we took notice of their teeming crop of grapefruit, lemons and apricots, the clusters of large string beans, the towering corn and heavily -laden tomato plants.

We also noticed several plaster busts of Gracie which have been done by her sister. One of them, however, has been placed in a se- cluded spot in the yard where few people will see it. The frank Miss Fields exolained. "It isn't flattering."

On the piano in the Banks' living room stands a portrait of the Queen

HEARD DURING THE SUMMER, Gracie Fields is now returning to

the airlaees as the star of her own Blue

Network variety show. In the accompny- ing article, Radio Fanfare takes you to her

home for an intimate visit with the famed entertainer.

of England, and also on display is an autographed picture of the famed French entertainer, Maurice Che- valier.

Autograph Collector At this point, we queried the blue

Network variety star on her reported prowess as an autograph -collector. "Sure," Gracie acknowledged, "I go up to anybody and ask 'em to sign their names in me book.

"In tact," she went on, "I'm usu- ally carryin' five or six books in me bag."

"Me 'usband's embarrassed when I

go 'round askin' people to put their names in me book," she told us, her eyes twinkling. "But I tell 'fin 'e needn't be. I'm embarrassed enough meself!"

GRACIE'S HOUSE displays many attractive niches and corners that give evidence

of the star's decorative taste. Recently, she had the living room remodelled,

putting gaily -patterned wall paper of a violent yellow on its walls. Then she found the

color clashed loudly with the pink pattern on the love seat. Now the latter's being

recovered. "At least," sighed Gracie, "we'll be rid of one el the colors.' 7741-11

Page 6: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

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Sevellt-Six Fars and Ooe""Book!

By Richard Baker

James Melton's Success Has Given Him Chance to Achieve Childhood Ambition to Be a Flivver Fancier

Jun dup. ti :30 p.ui. I:Hs -KQuw

AMES MELTON, who made a welcome return to the air - lanes this summer, showed up at Hollywood's CBS stu- dios one Sunday afternoon, late for the rehearsal of his weekly "Texaco Star The- a t e r" broadcast. Reason

was, his Stanley Steamer had re- fused to steam!

Owner of the world's largest col- lection of antique motor cars, Mel- ton has seventy-six of the old -time flivvers, and among them, two pic- turesque Stanley Steamers which he brought with him when he came to the West Coast for the making of the new MGM technicolor extrava- ganza, "Ziegfeld Follies ". While here, he drove the Stanley Steamer models to and from the radio and movie studios, saving gasoline, since the ancient jalopies run on mere kerosene and water. In fact, al- though he owns seventy -six auto- mobiles, Melton has just one A- Book!

Page b

All of the singer's cars are in per- fect running condition. "I work on them myself," Melton told us, add- ing that he also employs a crew of mechanics.

The day his 1921 Stanley Steamer balked, making him late for his broadcast rehearsal, he spied a sail- or in the audience who had been a member of his maintenance crew before going into service. During the show's "warm up ". Jimmy shouted to him, "I wish you'd hur- ry up and get out of the Navy, so you could keep an eye on my steam- er prima donnas!"

But Melton's cars as well as his mechanics are currently working for Uncle Sam! The ancient auto originally owned by Atwater Kent has been reconditioned and is now at' Ream Hospital, Florida. taking convalescing war heroes for rides in the Palm Beach sunshine. Other vehicles of the Melton collection have raced in the east, with pro- ceeds going to war charities.

His Prize Conveyance Melton names as the prize convey-

ance of his collection, a horseless stage coach that a millionaire had built to go to the races on Long Is- land in 1893. It is powered by two steam engines and equipped with eight tool boxes, four on each side. He also has a De Dion Motorette, 1898 model, which was the first car registered in Connecticut, and the 1908 Fiat, with plum -colored uphol- stery and sterling silver fittings, that was once owned by the fabu- lous Diamond Jim Brady.

On his lapel, we noted, Melton wears a miniature diamond and platinum replica of Brady's 1906 Lo- comobile that won the Vanderbilt Cup Race.

Jimmy's interest in automobiles dates back to the days of his child' hood, when, as a small boy, he was fascinated by his uncle's "White" automobile. He determined then that he would some day own one.

Born in Moultrie, Georgia, Melton spent his youth in a small Florida lumbering community and made his singing debut in a Citra, Florida, church.

He attended the University of Florida, the University of Georgia and Vanderbilt University, and be- came a dance -hand saxophonist and vocal soloist to help pay for operat- ic studies with Gaetano De Luca. When he finished college, he solic- ited help from Nashville business men to finance a year of musical study in New York. His first break there was with S. L. Rothafel's (Roxy's) Gang in 1927.

Later, came a series of radio RADIO fan fare


Page 7: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

STHIS IS THE FIRST CAR registered in Connecticut -a De

Dion Motorette, 1898 model. Melton also possesses the

1908 Fiat with plum -colored upholstery and sterling silver fittings, originally owned by fabulous Diamond Jim Brady, and a horseless

stage coach that a millionaire had built in 1893.

shows t "Seiberling Singers ", "The Voice of Firestone ". "Sealtest ' Sun- day Night Party ", "Palmolive Beau- ty Box ", "Telephone Hour" and cur rently,. "Texaco Star Theater"), sup- plemented by outstanding success in the varying fields of motion pic- tures, records, the concert and op- era, all of which has made possible his unique hobby of collecting rare and historic automobiles.

His Characteristics Six feet, 'hree inches tall, with

dark brown hair and smiling brown


time during his recent stay in Hollywood. It saved

gasoline! In photo above, he is just returning from giving Shirley Temple a ride in the Ilivver. The Me'tons occupied ZaSu Pitts' home in Brentwood while on the West Coast. iln

return, Miss Pitts was allowed the use of a Melton jalopy in

New York.

eyes, Melton is boyish, friendly, in- formal and likeable. He finds en- joyment in hunting, cooking, col- lecting pewter and antique glass - and taking children for long drives in his fabulous jalopies.

While the Meltons were in Holly- wood this summer, they occupied ZaSu Pitts' home. In exchange, Miss Pitts was given the use of one of the Melton flivvers in New York. The Pitts house is located in Brent- wood, next door to Shirley Temple's, so the famed young film actress was one of Jimmy's frequent jalopy

Apr THE SINGER IS MARRIED to writer, Marjorie McClure, and the family pet is "Randy," the

police dog shown with them below. Their home is a

lovely old farmhouse in Connecticut, where most of

his ancient cars are kept.

I 'c

w. ,..:;;, ., ,


HIS UNIQUE childhood am

"White automobile, over his collection of The license plates for or his name in part.

passengers while they were neigh- bors.

Melton is married to writer Mar- jorie McClure. Their home is a love- ly old Connecticut farmhouse. and it is there that he keeps most of his cars, housed in stables on the grounds.

He has only one sad confession to make concerning his beloved fliv- vers. Last year, he entered his pride and joy, a 1900 Hansom, in a char- ity race against a horse and buggy.

"Yes," admitted Jimmy' sadly. "the horse won!"

HOBBY of collecting rare jalopies is the fullillment of a

bition. As a small boy, he was fascinated by his uncle's and determined some day to own one Here, he is smiling rare original plates bearing symbols of automobile clubs. his cars are especially made, and usually bear his initials.

l:HS -Ted .t llun l'han,.

Page 8: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

Mary had a leg of lamb, She roasted it just so, And knew if she used

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MEN AT WORK: Pringle, who learned to cook as a youngster, encourages his young sons' interest sin culinary activities. The two-year-old is "Pete," sometimes called "Shorty." He's being helped by big brother, Jim, who has already learned how to fry his own eggs and bacon bor breaklast.

Nelson Pringle: Nttistor Chef .41p, AT HOME ON THE RANGE are newscaster Nelson Pringle, and his five-year -old

son, Jimmy, who binds it fun to help his dad whip up a bowl of hidden hash. Tasty side dish is onion rings, in creamy batter, fried.

Page 9: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

igh.CORN STICKS are baked in a

moderate oven twenty minutes. Batter is prepared from corn meal, flour, baking powder, and hot, boiled hominy, to which have been added butter, milk, and a well -beaten egg.

E LSON PRINGLE, popu- lar CBS news commenta- tor more familiarly known around radio row at "Pete," pr oyes his prowess in the kitchen by producing a t a s t e-

tantalizing meal consisting of hidden hash topped by Yorkshire pudding, fried onion rings, corn sticks and a pear salad. "Pete" modestly admits to being a pretty good cook and con- fesses to a love of the art. His skill was acquired as a youngster. His folks had to be away from home a good deal, leaving young Pringle money for his meals. "Pete" proved ingenious in the kitchen so that he could spend the money in other pleas- urable pursuits.

Now Pringle finds his young sons. "Pete" and "Jim," interested onlook- ers upon occasion of his culinary activities. In fact, Jimmy, his five- year-old, already takes delight in frequently frying his own eggs and bacon for breakfast!

Mrs. Pringle smiles on her hus- band's culinary skill. "When he's cooking," she told us, "he won't even let me near the kitchen!"

Herewith are Nelson's pet recipes:

Forest Hall Corn Sticks I cup corn meal

Y. cup flour 3 tsps. bak

V2 tsp. salt egg

powder .

cup hot, boiled hominy cup butter cup milk

Sift together corn meal, flour, bak- ing powder, and salt; then add hom- iny, to which has been added butter. milk, and egg, well beaten. Turn into buttered bread -stick pans and bake in a moderate oven twenty minutes.

Pear Salad 1

Place half of pear on lettuce leaves. Cover with creamed cheese topped by grapes, which have been skinned, seeded, and halved.

rPltuar lute 1r1 ue.r1 puye)

November 3, 1944



PI - ' Show off your jams and ° jellies ata nei hborhood


"TASTING TRAY" Of Jam Jelly Relish

Ritz Crackers 1 c c a right to be proud of the good things you 'put up" thu year! So why not show them otf at a tasting

bee . naybe swap recipes with your neighbors. And to make aure your preserves

caste the'r ter). best serve with Ritz Crackers. For nothing pints up a spread's tine flavo- like wonderful, u onderfr/ Ritz! it's the cracker yowll want on your table - whether it's a party or family meal.

ITS "SOUP TIME" AGAIN and as millions of Americans kn)w that means soup 'n' Ritz! So when you shop for soup, get a package of Ritz too. And whenever you buy crackers or cookies choose the one that carries this red Nabisco seal. Then you'll be sure of freshness, favor- finest 'ualitn BAKED BY NABISCO NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY

Page 10: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

TEMPTING SIGHT when it emerges From the oven is this bowl of hidden hash topped by Yorkshire pudding. Hash is concocted from left -over roast, chopped

onions, diced potatoes, carrots and celery. (:HS -Hrn Polio Photos

Nelson Pringle: Master Chef 'word irum l'apr 9/


Choice of white, green, orchid to harmonize with modern bathrooms

Hidden 1 tbsp. butter

cup chopped onions

h cup diced potatoes cup diced carrots

'/2 cup diced celery tsp. salt


tip. pepper 2 cups water I cup diced

cooked meat

I tbsp. Drifted Snow "Home Perfected" Flour

Brown the onions in butter in a large frying pan. Add vegetables, salt, pepper and water, and simmer until vegetables are barely soft (25 to 30 min.). Add the diced meat. Blend flour with a little cold water and thicken the sauce around the meat and vegetables. Turn into a buttered baking dish, cover with Yorkshire Pudding and bake in a hot oven, at 425 degrees, for 30 min. Four servings.

Yorkshire Pudding I cup Drifted Snow "Home Perfected" Flour

tsp. baking 2 eggs powder I cup milk

'h tsp. salt 2 tbsp. butter

Sift flour and measure; sift again three times with baking powder and salt. Beat eggs well with a rotary beater, add milk, and add to dry in- gredients, and beat with egg beater I minute. Add melted butter last, and pour into well -greased pan un- less directed otherwise (as in Hidden Hash). Bake in a hot oven, 425 de- grees, for 25 to 30 min. Four serv- ings.

(Please turn to next papel

One-Man e Con Iintied from Paw

ing his program or in keeping unc'k of his many voices.

"In fact," he told us, "I've found that I've done the 'Wedding of Lucy and PeeWee' episode on the stage so often, that I can do it subcon- sciously, with my mind a million miles away." When he has a cold, he finds "mama" and "Lucy's" voices difficult to do, and "Gorilla Joe's" easy.

"The Johnson Family," which now originates in Cincinnati, Ohio. is not ordinarily presented before an audi- ence, although onlookers are admit- ted upon request. At the microphone. Scribner airs his show while seated in a chair with his script on a music stand beside him.

To write the show, he shuts him- self away from interruptions in a secluded room where he dashes off each script on a typewriter in the record time of two hours. "The most difficult part of my program to write," Scribner explained, "is the 'Papa Johnson Says' feature at the beginning of the show. I wish I

hadn't started that!" In real life, Scribner is short, dark,

and of rather stocky build. He re- sembles a busy business -man. His recent theater engagement in Los Angeles was his first trip to this part of the country; now, he is hop- ing to bring his show to the west coast. California would also give him a better opportunity to follow his favorite off -mike pursuits -fishing and swimming.

Family Life Jimmy Scribner is married to a

non- professional and they have two small c h i l d r e n - a six -year -old daughter and a five - months -old son. His little daughter, Gail Lee, works with him on a radio show aired for local Ohio audiences. Entitled "Uncle Nappy," it may be released more widely via transcriptions in the near future.

On it, Scribner, in the role of "Uncle Nappy," tells stories to his small daughter, whose spontaneous. unrehearsed reactions provide novel entertainment for listeners. "I think she's wonderful," exclaimed Jimmy proudly.

"She sure keeps me on my toes, too," he laughed. "I have to know all the answers!"

flavor $ecref f i Add a pinch of Morton's Salt

to freshly ground coffee in per- colator, pot or drip maker.


Makes Good Coffee Better RADIO fan Rare

Page 11: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

...and how your family will applaud!

* TASTY DESSERT made of a pear -

lettuce leaves, coveed cheese and topped by gra been skinned, seeded and

is this salad half placed on with creamed

pes, which have halved.

RUBBING NIS HANDS in antici- pation, Pringle seats himself be-

lore a meal lit for a icing. Proud of his prowess in the kitchen, he offers an addi- tional tip for barbecued dinners. When you prepare your hamburger patties, shape them into two thin slices, insert tasty steak sauces and onions between them, then fold the twD halves together to grill.


LpUR !

November 3, 1944




(O15rgA iOH',

WNFA r ! . tremendous VOR! popularity of these golden waffles and tender pan-

cakes! It's that famous "straight- wheat" flavor .. .

the result of using only wheat flour, combined with buttermilk and five other baking ingredients, espe- cially blended for your convenience. For easy, deli- cious pancakes all you do is add milk or water to the ready -mixed Globe "Al" Pancake and Waffle Flour, stir and bake. A -1 waffles are an all -time hit. too ... just try the recipe on the box for breakfast. lunch or supper.



Page 12: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

SUNDAY *Indicates News Broadcasts 0-Music loti Want. K1'0

*News, Blur Jacket ('hoir. KOH. KGDM, KRIS

*Newsna.m, K(:11 Wesley Radio League, KF'KI' .PAF S ymahonlc Flilfht, KN1.

8:15- Service Unlimited, K(4II /1:311-Kadlo Reporter, KPO

Imitation to (.earning. KON Hour of Faith, KG11 Voler of Prophecy. KEW

N:45*News in Advertising. KI't) 9- Chicago Roundtable. KI11 Salt lake l'hoir, ROW

*Wkly. War Journal. KGO. K1111. Pilgrim Hour, KFKC

9:13 *Weekly War Journal. KFRK 9:30- .Stradivari Orchestra KIP

*Transatlantic ('ail, K1L11 1)r. lien Sweetland, KG() Lutheran Hour, KFRC Voire of Prophecy, KFRK

0:45-Ann Holden, KGO

i0 *News, Alt in Wilder. KPO, K31.1 ('hunh of Air, KON

*John K. Kennelly. K1:11, KW(:, KFRK

*News, KFK( 10:15 -NBC Recital, KPO

*(surge Hick*, KGII (onimander Scott, KI Rl' Dr. B. Sweetland, KMJ,



and The Romance of the

Highways M. B. S.

Unreal Realities" 10:15 A. M. Sundays

10:50 -This la Your Home, KI'll *News, KQW

Hookey Hall, KFRC Sunday Serenade, KGO, KFRK Chicago Roundtable, KMJ

10:43 Edward R. Morrow, KIM 111 :55 *Leland Stowe, Comment, K1:11

*News, K 1.0 -Thom. We late, KPO, KMJ 11 Dangerously l'ours, K/tN, KH111 *News, KI'O, KFItK

Band Concert, KFRC 11:15-Unit rrslty Esplorer, K(:0

I1:30 -.loon Chow. Thomas, KPO. KMJ *World News, KOW, KR01

Remember Hour, KG11, KW(., KFBK

Billy Rogers' Orch.. KFH(' 11::5-Songs or America, BOW.


World SYN% Parade. KI'11. KMJ Charlotte Greenwood. K(:1) New York Philharmonic.

KOW, KGDM, KR(.. 12: :01 --Army Hour, KPO, KMJ

Miss Hattie, KG11 Floyd B. Johnson, KFRI' 1 -Darts for Dough. KG11,

KWG. RFRK Your America, KFKC

1 :30- -Music America Loirs, KI'O, KMJ Panse Refreshes, KQW,

KGDM, KROY World of Song, K1:1), KN'G,

KFRK Nance That Song, KFRC

2 NR(' Symphony, KI'O. KMJ Font. Hour, KQW, KGDM, KRIIY Mary Small Recur. KGI, KWG, KFRK Can't Take It, KFRC

2:30-Hoot Cup y, KWG, KFRK The Shadow KFRC

2:44 *Wm. L. Sharer, ROW. KGDM, KR()

To he annooneed, 4((11. KM.I Nall of Fume, K1111, KWG.

KFBK Flash Quick, KFRC

:4:30*Flghting Front, KI11 I Was There, KQW, Kl11311,

J L Ì i li 11 i 1 T


r o



I,t11111i o11t1t1 7i111Iti .1ljIfI1< 1.itt 11 i

500 600 1100 1200 0


*1 plan 1 lose, t . KF'It( 3:43-Music of Stars, KI'O

Dick Brown. KFRC 4-Jack Kenny. KI'()

Kate Smith, KitW. K1.11M. KRO

*Drew Pearson. K1:11 *Newsroom, KG11

San Franciaei. Opera. KFKC .VII -Time Hit Parade, KMJ Sunday I- rapers, KW(.

4:15- Feneman & News. KGO 4:1S- Something for the Girls,

KGO 4:311- Fitch Ronda aeon. KI'll. KMS

Sunday Vespers. K /:11

SMrl'urtIi -Bergen, KI'11. KM.I Margo, KG11 Mediation Board. Kilt( 1.011e hanger, KGDM

5:13 *Kdward Tomlinson, K1.0, KNI. 5:5) --One Man's Famlty, KI'I). RMS

Sunset Inn, RItW Joe E. Brown. KGO, KFRK

*News, KGDM, KN'/: KROI 5:43 *Urea l'eurson, KW(., KFIIK

*Gabriel Headier. KFRC 3:5.1 *Koh Trout . KILN

Hanhattan Mery-Go- Round. KPO, KMJ

Conrad Nagel. 1(11W. KGDM. KR111

*Walter Winched. KG11, KWG. KFRK

Steel Horizons. KFRI 0:IS -1.. 11. Parsons, KGII

Basin Street, KWG, KFRK Hollywood .NVlyyatery Thee, KGII

0 :31- Familiar Mask, KPO, KMJ .lances Melton. KILN. KGDM,

RIMY *Cedric Foster, KFRC

1::43 *.limmIe Fidler. KGO, KWb, KFKK

l'olumbos Boys Choir, KF'H('

7 Hor of Charm, REO, KM.I or Leine, K41N.

KGDM. KROI Life of Riley., KGII, KN1., KFRK Goodwill (lour, KFRC

1:30-Comedy Theater, with Harold Lloyd. KI'O. KMJ

Fanny Brier. KQW. KGDM. KROY

*Keep t p With World. RbI) ::45 -BUI MrCunr'w Ilreh.. K F Kl' 0-Great Glldersleesr, K.1'll, K.MJ

('rime Dr., KIM, KGDM, KRIII Greenfield l'htprl,,KGU.

KWG, KFRR California Melodies. KFKC

14:15 *Iorotliy Thompson, RGO, KWG. KFRK

'RUSS MORGAN Il u.. is it, the .Dorgan Nnnarr'

from the

Hotel Claremont Berkeley, California

Nine Times a Week o .,e,

KGO and the Blue Network 11:15 to 11:45 P. M.

it :23-Song of Week, KIfN, KGDM, K1301

N:30- Standard Hour. Baklrinikoff, K1.11. KMJ

Blondir. K11N. KGDM, KKOI Quiz Kids, K(.1) KW/:, KERK Tonight at Hou Ny'a, KFKI'

9 Bi11 lance. K(1N, KGDM, KN111- Green Hornet, KN(:. KERB

*News. KFRC 11:15 *Res Miller. KN1' 11:MI -Jack Kenny Shaw. KI'll

Romance of Ranchos. KQII. KGDM, KI(()

Sing with Rand Kla) 9:30-California Melodies, KFRI

G. I. l'arieties. KMJ 9:55 -Piano Interlude, KI'O

i0 *Richfield Reporter. 91st. KI'll In F.aua, RGII Roaty of AAF, KFRC Dangerously l'ours, KGDM Kra hval Hour, KNY:, KFRR

111:15 -Tu be announced. K PO 10:30 - Pacific Story. KI'O

Vie Urliter the 1.otida, K/tN Buss Morgan Orch., K1:11 Carl Ratazz.t's Ilr.h, KFRC

11 Prd Weems Web., IMO *News, RQN', K(:0

11:13-Bridge to Dreamland. KI:11, KWG, KFIiK Pacific Story. KM,1

u :43-Music, KGO

MONDAY *Indicates News Broadcasts

8 Ilatr at Eight. KI11 Danny O'Neill, KON Breakfast Chill. K(:1), KW(' Shady Valley Folk KF

*Fleetwood Lawton. *R(' Mol alti -It's Glen Again, KI'()

Valiant Lady. KQW, KGDM. KR111

Rosemary, KM.I Breakfast Club, KFRK


BARBARA LEE's brecz) chatter of Ba)' Aren duings


Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 A. M.





E 10 K r K

II in ii KA I

t1i2 i1 1tt.t! 111 1t

4:311- Barbara Lee, KPO Light of the World, KIM,

KGDM, KNOT *O'/onnrr Moffat, KFK('

Fashions in Music, KMJ N:45-111at id Himont. KPI1, KMJ

aunt Jenny's Storica, KOLA. KGDM, KROY Lanny S Ginger, KI LO e -Voice of it Nation. KI'O Kate Smith, KQW, KGDM.

KROI' Glamour Manor, KG0

*ltoake Carter, KFKC *Voice of Nation, KMJ

9:15 *Larry Smith, KI'O, KMJ Rig Sister, KItW, KGDM.

KROV Music Misers, KFKC

430- Woman's Magazine. KI'O. KMJ Helen Trent. K1111. KGDM,

KROY Breakfast at Sardis. KGO Midland t SA, KFKC

9:45 -Our Gal Sunday. KON. KGDM, KROY

.imaging Jennifer Logan, KFRC Morning Melodies. KM.)

10 Archie'a Almanac, KI'11 1.1fe Can Be Beautiful,

KON, KGDM, KROI *Tony Morse. K1:11, KWG. KFRK *Glenn Hardy. KFRC

World's Best le.trd Muair, KM.) 10:15 --Ma Perkins. K1í11. KGDM

KRIB Jack eII rci, Goya, KGII Terry's house ('arty, KER( Pauline Edwards Junes, KMJ

*Rl" Correspondents Abroad. KWI., KFRK

lo::nN -Tour Albers (lour, KI'11 *Bernadine Flynn. KQW.

KGDM, KRIII My True Story , KG11.

KFRK Luncheon with Lopez, KFRI Altars (lour, KMJ

ili:15*Art Baker News, Kt1W, KGDM


American N oman's Jury, KFRC Aunt Jrmima, K(.11. KW(:

11 Guiding Light, REO. KMJ Joyce Jordan, M.D.. KIM,

KGDM, KROY *Baukhage Talking, KItil,

KWG, KFRK *Cedric Foster. KF'R1'

I1:IS- Today's Children, KI'O. KMJ Two n a Clue. K1111,

KGDM, KROI' Mystery Chef. KIM Need AdtIce!, K FR(

13 0 1400 1500

11::40- N..nnm in White, Kr1), KM.) . Ur. Malone. ROW. KGDM.

KRi/l .lust for You, KGO Jane ('owl, KFRC Glamour Manor. KIV -G

11 :IS -Hymns of Churches, KI'Il, KM.I Perry Mason. BON'. Blotti.

KR111 *News, K(:1)

Skyline, Serenade. KF'R(

12-Woman of America, KI'11

Mary Marlin, KIlW. KI:INI. KRIII

Morton Downey, Songs, KGO *News, KEN(', KM.I, KN1:. RFNR

12:15 -Ma Perkins. REO, KM.) Irene Beasley. KQW. KGDM.

KHIII Hollywood Star Tln.r. K1:11.

KN'(:, KFRK Two Keyboards. KIKI

14::I11- Pepper 'dung.. Fum.. KI'n, KM./ Bright Horizon, KQW,

KGDM, K1101 *Kiernan's Corner, K1.11, KNY.

S ,hies. KEH(' Between the Linea. KFRK

It :45-Blight to Happiness. KPO. KMJ Bachelor's Children. KQN .

KGDM, KH111 sweet I.eilanl Time. K1.11

*George Wright, KW1:

1 -Backstage Wife. KI'O, KM.) This Changing World, 1C101.

KGDM. KROY *Sam Hayes, News, K1:11.

KFRK *Walter Congdon. KFKC

1:IS- Stella Dallua, KPO, KM.I *News, Bob Andersen. KItN.

KGUM, KROY Radio Parade, Huh Nichols.


I:30- Lurenzo Jones, KI'O, K31.1 Sri 1 of Air, KII /W. KGDM.

KR(I *Westbrook l'an 'Voorhis. K(i(l

Comment, KWI:, KFRK I:43-Young Widder Brown, KI'11. KMJ

*News, KI/VI *Blue Newsroom, K/:1) KWG,

KFRK Handy Mun, KFRC

1:311 *Rd Jorgenson. KOH. KNG. KFRK

Afternoon Dance. K11N 2 -When n Girl Marries. KI'O.

KSI.I. KWG, KFRK Potluck Party, K101 What's Dorn' lades, Khi

*Fares and l'haves, KFRC 2:13- Porti,. Fores Life. KPil.

KM.I. KW(.. KFRK Aberdeen Band. KEK1

2:25 *News, K(IN' 2:30-.lust Plain 1íi11, KI'O, KM.,

Meet the Missow, KOK, KGDM, KRO'

Ann Holden Forum. KI:O Political, KFRC What's Dora' Ladies, KNG.

KFRK 2:4: -Front Cage Farrell, KPO. KMJ

Radio Tour, KFRC

3 -Road of Life, KI11. KM.1 Housewl ses l'rutrct I t r

League. K111' *Carlson C Nrww, KGQ *frayer, Griffin Reporting, KEN('

Pacific Highlights, K116 *World %ide News, KERN

3:13- l)rrft Star Playhouse, KI'11, KM) Blurs Correspondent, KGI/ Lynn Murray's Music, KGDM Katherine Kitchen. KWG. KFRK

3:311- R.oseniary. KPO Lynn Murray's Music, KQN Musical Matinee. KFRC Mystery Chef, KFRK Ethel J Albert. KN'(. Frnneman'a Record Sensiun. K1.i)

3:45-Aunt Mary. KI'O, KMJ *World Today, Joseph Harsch,

KOW, KGDM, KH111 .lohnwn Family, KEN('

4 Dr. Kate. KI'O, KM.I Sandra Martin, RQV1,

KGDM, KR(l' *Fulton Lewis, Jr., KFKC

Ladies. lie Seated. KWG Speaking of Glumour, KFRK

4:13 *News of World. KPO, KMJ *Music, News, K1111

4 :1111 -Red t'ross. K1:11 Real Life Stories, KF'NC

4:30- Through Woman's Eyes, KI'O

NBC stations: KPO, KMJ. BLUE stations: KGO, KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOH, KPKC, KENO.


CBS stations: KOW, KARM, KROY, KGDM.

Note: In a few instances, individual stations transcribe network programs for release at a different hour. Since space limitations permit only one listing, the hour given is that of the network release. Program Finder listings were correct at press time; there- fore Fan Fare cannot assume responsibility for inaccuracies due Loo subsequent changes.

Page 12 RADIO fan fare

Page 13: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

Upen House, KOW, KR01 Andy & Virginia. K(:O,

KFRK *World's Front Page, KFRC

Woman of America, KM.1 Lune Ranger, R(:1)M

1:13 *11, V. Kaltrnborn, KI'O, KM.1 Hop Harrigan, K(:O

*News, KWG, KRIM' Seahound, KFRK *(1K for Release. KPO. KMJ

S Fletcher Wiley, KOW. K1:11M, KROI

Terry Jr PIrnlrs, Klal. KNY., KFBK

''hick Carter. KFRC .':I.. -Betty & Hob, KPO

*Nrwsrrrl Theater, KIW. KROI Dick Tracy, ROO

*News Tinte. KMJ, KFRK Know the Answer ?. KGDM

3:30-Noire of Eirenten, Richard (' k.. K1'll, KM.1

*Harry N. Flannery, MON. ROOM, KROI

Jack Armstrong KG0, KNY. KFK

Tam Ñ R

Mix, KFRI' 3:15 *Truman Bradley, K/IN, KROI

Captain Midnight. KGO *Night News Wirr, Krill' *World Newa, RCM!

Dick Tracy. KFISK 3 :55 -1101 Henry, KIIN'. KGDM, KROI

A Song Is Born, KVO, RNLI 6 Loa Radio Thruter. KQN.

ROOM, KROV *Carbons ë New.., KI:O *Gabriel Header, KFRC

Service Unlimited. KW(. 14:13 -I.ou Holtz. KG0

Syrern Test, KFIl(' 0:29 *lien. Malone, Analysis., K/ :11

11:30- information Please, KPO, KM.1 Spotlight Bands, K60, KWI.,

KERR Political, KFRC

a :1.- Political, KFRC Story Teller KWG

a:tit-- l'Is ronrt Tales, KGO II-Carnation Hour, KPO, KMS

Screen Guild Players, HOW. KlD3t KNOT

*Raymond Gram Swing. KWG, KERR

*Henry Gladstone. KFR(' :15 *Trd Malone, Overseas, KGO,

KW(., KFRK *Lowell Thomas. REIM

::4) -11r. I.II., KPO. KMJ Thanks to the Yanks. KOW

KGDM, KROI' Horace Heidt Time, K(.O,

KWG, KFRK Lone Ranger, KFR(

8 Johnny Mercer Music Shop. Kill. KM.)

I Love n Mynter. RQN. ROOM, KROI

*Watch the World Go K. ROO, RW/i, KIRK

Sherlock k Holmes, RiR( ..:1; *F'leetw.r'd Lawton, KPO. KMJ

iledda Hopper, MIN. KGDM, RHO' 'n' Abner. ROO, KM G. KERR

"Its Glen Again' whims cal stags

novelty piano arrangements bits of philosophy

Mon. thru Fri. 8:15 P. M.


14:30- -('as. of America. KPO, KMS Gay Nineties, ROW, K(Ì1)M.

RRIII' Counterspy, ROO, KWG, KFRK Michael Shane, KFRC

a:45 *Wallace Sterling. KGDM *News, KR))

14:55 *Wallace Sterling, KQW

9 Telephone Hour, KPO, KM.' Whistler, KQW, KGDM, KR01 Blind Date, RITO, KW(:, KFISK

*Glenn Hardy, KFRC 9:lí *Cecil Brown, KFR)' 9::41 -Noah Webster Say*, RPO, KMJ

Yo% l'op, KOW, RGIM, KROI Green Hornet, KGO. KWG

*Fulton Lewis. Jr., KFRC *Newa, KFBR

9:4.i- -Sunny Skylar, AVM'

10 *Richfield Reporter, KPO, KMJ

*Newa, ROW, KGDM, KROI *Carlson Newa, ROO

Political, KFR(' Something for the (Arlo, KW). Wings cuter West, KFRK

1a :13 -11n Our Bandstand, KI')) *John l'ohm, KQN *Henr Taylor, KGO

Political, KFRC William Winter, KGDM

la :3o-Sweetheart Swingt: tae, KI'() World's Honored Muair, KQW Fenneman's Site ( lois, KGO Army Air Forces I' t, KFRC Roy, A Girl, A Band, KGDM Baseball Finals, MURK

November 3, 1944

Host Tont Breneman of

"Breakfast at Sardi'c" now bringt you


9:30 P. M. KGO Mondays

11*\rn., Rol, Andersen, RQN *Carleton. News, KG)) *Ramos Final Edition, KM.1

This Moving World, KW). 11 :13 *Nitr Watch, KG0

Listen & Live. KIIN 11:30-Parade of Stars, KI')) 11:30-Radio Fanfare, K P))

Nile Watch, ROO Roh Moore Orch, KR))'

II :15- 11alladette$, Kl'O Milton ('han ca, Organ. KHUI

ti :5.l *News, KPO, K4tW - *World News, KGDM

TUESDAY Indicates. News Rrdad/ast

Date At Eight. RI'O Donny Ryan, KQN Breakfast ('labs KOO, YIN 4.

Shady ''alley Folk, Kilt(' *Fleetwood Lawton. KM.1

14:15 -It's (Alen Again, KI'0 Valiant Lady. RON. K(.1)M,

KROI Rreakfat Cliii,t KFRK

,( :4H- Barbara Lee, Rl'O Light of the World. KIM.


Fashions in Music, 1í51.1 a: if, -David Barton, Kl'O, KMJ

Aunt Jenny's Stories. HOW. Kl)M, RHOS

N'atshop, Lanny & Ginger. K F'Hl'

9 *lulu of a Nation. RI'11 Kate Snsith, KON, K4:OM,

KROI Iaantonr Manor, KOK

*Bonk.. Carter. KF'R/' *Voice of a Nation, KM.)

!s:l: *l.arrt Smith, RPO, KMJ Itig Sister. KIN. KGDM, KROI Music Miters, KFRI

9:30- Woman's Magazine, KI')) Helen 'Trent. KOW. ROOM.

Kltlll Breakfast at Nardi's, KG)) Midland I .S,A KFR(

il:t.S -Oar ).al Sunday, KOW. KL11)1. Kit01

Amazing Jennifer Logan, REH) Morning Melodies. KMJ

ILO-Archie'. dynamo ., K PO Life l'an Be Beautiful.

KQl\, KGDM, KRIIY *Tony Morse. KGII, KWG, KERN *Glenn Hardy. New.., RFR('

Perkins. KI/VV. RGt)M, KK111

Jack Berth Koys, KI:O Terry's House Party KIN/ Pauline Edwards Jones, KM.1

*Blur Correspondents Abroad, KFRK

iu::hs-lour Albers Hour, KI'0 *Bernadine Flynn, RON.

RGUM, KR01' My 'rrue Story, K/:11, Kl11..

KFISK Luncheon with Lopez, KIM(' Albers Hour, KM.1

n.:15*Art linker News, KI'/) KM.1 Goldberg', KQN', KGDM, KitUl Political, RF'Rl' Aunt .Irrni ROO. KWI.

--/.sliding Light. RI'O, KM.1 Joyce Jordan, M.I)., KQN,

' ' I:DM, KROI' *Knukltstge Talking, KGO,

N'/:, KF'ItK *Cedric Foster, KEW'

11:13-Today's Children, RI'11, KMJ Two on a Clue, ROW.

KGDM, KB01' Mystery Chef, 101:0

Advice?, RFR(' II ::NI-N'oman in White, KI'1/, KM.1

Dr. Malone, KII'', RGIM, KROY

Just for Vim, ROO Jane ('owl, KFRC Glamour Manor, KN'1.

11:1i-llymns of All Churches, KI'O Perry Mason, KIM, KI.I)M,

KROY *News. KG))

Skyline Serenade. KFRI' -Woman of America, KI'1)

Mary Marlin, KIM. KI.DyL Kltl)l

Morton Downey. Songs, KGII *New'.,KF'R(', KMJ. KWG, KF'KK

IY:IS-Ma Perkins, KI'(1, KM.) Irene ISreale)'. KI)N'. ROOM.

KRI)1 Star Time, K/:O,

MVO, RHO( Palmer Honor I)rch., RFRI'

12:30-- Pepper Young's ram.. KI')). KMJ



Bright Horizon, KON K(:DM, KRI1

*Kiernan's ('orner, RO0 Smoothies, KF'R(' Between the I,inrr, KF'ItR

IY:IS-Itlght to Happiness, KI'O, K51.1 Bachelor's Children. KIM.

Klatdl, KROl' Sweet l.rilani Time, K/:0 George Wright, KWG

1 Itkatagr Wife, KI'/l, KM.1 acTlrls

Changing World. WOW. KI:DM, Klt01

*Sam linyrs. KI:1), KW(:, KF'I(K *Walter Compton. KF'Rl'

1:15-Stella 1)nlla., KI'O, KM.1 *News, UM) Andersen.

KI:DM, KR111 Rob Nichols Radio Parade,

KI:O. KNY., KF'ISK Ilprn flouse, RFRI'

I::111-Ialrenzll .lone., KI'11, KM.) School of Air. KIM. KGDM.

RIMS ' *Westbrook l'an Yoorhie, Time

News, K(:1), RWI:, KFRK 1:13-''omng Widder Brown, KI'IL KM.1

*News, KIM *Blue KLIL KIVI.,

KFRK Handy an, KF'K('

1:31)-Aftrrmm NO 1ance, KON *General Malone. KGIL KWG.

KFItK 2. hen is Girl Marries, KI'I), KM.1, KNY:, KFRK

Potluck Party. K11N' What'. Ddin' Ladies, RI:O

?:15-Portia Faces I.ifr, KI'O, KNI., KI'KK. KM.1

Aberdeen Rand, KIM(' L':25*Nrws, KQ" 2:3l)-.Ill14t Plain (till, KI'O, KM.I

Meet the Ni.!aln, KQII, KlilM, KHO' Ann Holden Forums, KI.O

Political. KFRI' °:J5-Front Page Farrell. KI'II,

KILO Radio Tour, KF'R(' ond of Lift-, KI'11 KM.)

3 KHousrwIvr. Protective

League. KI)N *Carlson & Neu., KGI) *Prayer. Griffin, KI'H(' *World Wide Nrw., KF'BK

5:1.\--Drrft Star l' KI'1). Blur Correspondent. K1:0 Katherine Kit.hen, KWG, KI Ill:

:t:w)-Rosrmary, KI'1) *News, KIIN. KM.1

Frmrman, KGII Ms1ahal Matinee, Krill Ethel d Albert, KN'1. Mystery ('het, KFISK

:4:43-:1unt Mar), KI'11, Kll.l *World Today, Joseph Ilar.rl.,

KIIN, K(:1ll, KHI11 Johnson F'nmily, KFRI

4 I)r. Kate, KIM. KN.) vstndrss Martin. KISIS,

K/:UM, KIO)1 Frnnrmnn Session, KIM

*Fulton Lewis. Jr., KFRI Imdier, Ile Seated, RN'1.

1:15*World News, RI'1), KM.) *Music, News, MIN

11r. Swwetlnd, K(.11 Nral I.Ife Stdrirs. KFN/

a::4'-Thruugh W '. Eyes, KI',1 lanks in the Orient, KGO l'u Lr dnaonncrd, KI.11

*World's Front Page. KF7tt Woman of America. -KM.I American Melody Hour.

KGDM. KROY 4:13*New., KI'11

Hop Ilarrigan, Klal Seal d. KF'RK

5 *OK for Release. KI'IL KM1 Fletcher Wiley. Newsrerl,

K(IN. KGDM, KROI Terry a Pirates, KI.11, KN1.,

KF'ItK ('hick Carter. KFltl'

3:13-Betty & Bob, KI'O Dick Tracy, K1:0

*Ness's Tinse, KM.) Know the Answer? KGlgl

*Newt.. Kltlll', KFRK 3:311--A Date with Judy, RI'O, KILO

*Harry N. Flannery. KI)N. K(.1)M, Klt()Y

Jack Armstrong, Kf.O, KWI:, KF'RK

Tom Mie, KFRC 3:11*T. Bradley, ROW, RRO'

Captain Midnight. KI:1) *Night New.. Wire, KFRI' *World News, RODM

Dick Tracy, KFBK 5:5.1*R111 Henry, ROOM, KRI)l'

6 Mystery Theater. KI'O, KMJ George Burns, Gracie Allen,

ROW. KGDM, RNOI' *Carlson Jt Newa, ROO *Gabriel Header, KFRC

u c:111 -la Holtz, Kla/ Screen Test KFR('

:u r )-- MtGre, Mollie, KINI, KMJ This In My Beat. KI/VV,

KGDM, KROI Spotlight Rands, KGO. KNG.

KFRK American Forum of Air,

KFR(' (:43- ('ordnet Story Teller, KN).

KERR or -1Sob Hope, KPO, KMJ

Servier to Front. BON. KGDM, KR(Y

*Raymond Gram Swing. KEIL KWG, KFISK

The world's qu'al Symphonic Masi(

presented by


Con /aire' hu or. Serpe F,,,,..,, ,.

5:30 P. M. KGO Saturdays

:15 -To Be announced *George Hicks, KW(:

:::ta- Hildegarde, RITE KMJ Let Yourself Go, KG)).

KWI :, KFRK Iced Ryder. KFRC ('one. Speaks, K(.DM, KROI

8-Johnny Mercer Music Shop. Kr)). KM.)

I Lose a Mystery. KIN. KGDM, KR))'

*Y.ateb World Gu By. KI:O. KN'G. KFRK

fount Monte ('into. RFRI a:Lr. *Roy Maypole, Fleetwood Law

ton. KMJ, John Nesbitt. KOS\. KGDM, Kitl1

John Nesbitt, KNI) 'n' Abner, KG)). KW.. KFRK

14::411- .11'Isnny Presents, KI')) KM.) Theatre of Romance. KIM .

K / :1M. KROI' Alun Young Show, K/:1, Kl\'1.. KFRK Freed of Opportunity


Canadian Quip- Master

.11ä'l Young now star of his new program


"Alan Young Show 8:30 P. M Tuesdays KGO

14:13 *Bristol Meyer... KFRK

9 Fa cry thing tor the Rus KI')), KM.)

Big Town, KQN 9:13 *Re. Miller, Kilt(

Short Story, KGDM, KIN)' to ::a)- I.Ight & Mellow, KI'O

Club Good Cheer, K1:0 *E. C. 11111, KIW, K1:11M, KKlll

Creeps by Night. KG11 *Fulton Lewis, ir., Kilt(

Skipp) Holly. 'cheater, KM.1 *New. at Home. KFRK

9 :4!' -Tape tries of Life, KOW Sunny Sk)lar, KI'R(' Rider. of Purply Sage. K).1)M

10 *Richfield Reporter, K)')I, It M.;

*News. MOW. KROI *Carlson L Newt+, KO))

('orant Monte ('riato. KFR) *John ('cher. KGDM

10:I3 -0n Our Rwndrtand. KI')) *John Collet.. ROW. KGDM

Songs by Sheila, KMJ 10:30-Sweetheart Swingtlme. Kl'o

Sports Review KOW Fenneman's Night flub, KIM Joe Marsala Orrh., KFRI Baseball Finals, KFISK

Iá:1:1- 1.ayle & ''harles. KO% Airhane Trio, Kilt('

*News, B. Andersen, KON *Carlson New., KG)) *Ramos Final Edition. K51.1

Dance Time. ROOM This Moving World. KNY.

*Kill Guymon, KG)) II :25 *Ruas Morgan. Orris, KG1 I I :tn.-Henry Busse Orrh., KIN 11:30-Ted Weems 0nh., KI'll, KM.)

HUM.. Morgan Arch., KG)). ANY:

Manny Strand Orch. KIWI I1 :1S- Llonet Hampton firths KIM

*News, Final, KWI:, KFRK I I:IS*News, KI'I), KQW, Rltlll

*New fork News. KM.) *World New., K/:1M


WEDNESDAY *Indirntes News Broadeaa.

8 Date nt Eight. Kl'O Danny O'Neill, KQN' Breakfast flub, 10:11, Kl\ G, Shed. I alley Folk, KFR/'.

*Flerlwund Lawton, KM.). $ :15 -It's Glen Again. KI'))

S'allant lardy. BON. KGDM. KROI'

I it and Node, KM.1 Kreakfn.t Club. MASK

Page 13

Page 14: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

II:at)- Barbara Lee, KI'll Light of the Word.

KGDM, KR(11' *Newt., KF'R('

F'a,hions in Music, KMJ 'I:41-Dal id Har KP1, KMJ

Wassimp. KFite 9 *'color of a Nation, KI'11

Kate Smith, KQW,KGIIM,K1011 Glamour Manor, K(.11

*Hooke (carter, KFR(' *Voice of n Nation, KM.1

9:13 *Larry Smith, KPO, KM.1 Big Slater, KQW, K(.l)M. KR111

*Music %Ik rn, KFR( 9:711- Wcmtan's Magazine, K1'11, KM)

H. Trent, KQW, K(:IIM, K1011 Breakfast at Sardi'., h(.0,

KWG, KFRK Midland 1 .S.A., KF'R('

9:1N-Our Gal Sunday. KIM. KGDM. KR(11'

Amazing Jennifer Logan. KFKI Morning Melodies, KM)

1. %rhir'a Almnnn . KI'll I,ifr ('an Br Hrautlful,

KQW, KGDM, KR01 *Tony Morse, News K1.11,

KW(.. KFRK Glen (lardy, News, KI''K(' World's Best loyer Mimic, KMJ

rn:13 --11a Perkins, KQW.KGIIM,IRU1 Jack Berch Boys, K(111 Terry'. Hollt.e Party, KF'RI' Pauline Edwards .lone.. KM) *Blur Correspondent. Ahmad.

KW(.. KFRK I0:3I1 -Paar Albers Hour, K Pl)

*Bernadine Flynn, Newt., KQN', KGDM, KR01'

My True Story, KG11. KNY:. KFBK

Luncheon with Lopez. K Hour, KM)

10:15*Art Baker New., KPO, KM) The Goldlwrgs, KIIW.

KGDM, KRIII American N'atronn', Jury, K

.lrminia, KG(Y, KWG i1- Guiding Light, Kru, KMJ

loyer . /urdan, M.I)., KILN, K(:1 /M, KR111.

*Raukhagr Talking. K(:(), KW1:, KFRK

*(*edric Fonder, KF'RI' t1:I5-- Today's (children, KPO KM.) Two on a ('lue, KQ«

KGDM, K1011' Mystery (chef, Kti/ Need Ads ice? KFR/' Il: to- -Woman in White, KPO, KM) Dr. Malone, KQW, K1:1111.

KROI' lust for You, K( () Jane ('owl, KFKC Glamour Mnor, KWG. KFISK II :Cs- -Hymns of All Churches*.

KPO, KMJ Perry M,i.un, KQW, K(iI /M.

KKOI' *New, K6() Skyline Serenade, K FR(' Woman °f .Amrrira. KWI

_ -Mary Marlin, KI)N , 1((.1 /M, KROY

Morton Downey Song., K/:11 *News, KFIt(', KM), KWG. KFKK

l'!:1 5 -Ma Perkin., KPO, KM) Irene Braa.lry, KIIW. K(:IRM.

KR01' Hollywood Star Tinte, K(.11.

KW(. KFKK Palmer Hauar Orrh, KIR)

I4:.t0 -Pepper young's Family, KPO, KMJ

Bright Horizon, KIM. KGDM, KKOY

*Kierntns Karner, Kl:O Right to Happiness, K 1'O, k

l hlldren, K11 1y, KGDM, KR01(

Sweet Lellanl Time. K(.0 -Backstage Wire. KPO, KM.I

At This ('hanging World. K)111. KGDM, KR(11'

*Sant Hayes, (comment, K1.)). KW(:, KINK

*Walter Compton, KF'I)(' I :15-- Mtella Dallas, Kr)), KM,,

*Newt. Bob Ander.en, KQW. K(:1/M, KROV' RAI) .:Ichols, Radio ('u rad ..,

KGO, KW'(:, KIRK Open House, KIR('

1 :)11- Lorenzo .Zones, KI'11. K/I.! Sebum of the Air, KO11

KGDM, KROI' *Westbrook lin loarhis.

KGO. KWG, KFISK I:tl -Young Wielder Brown. KPII,K11,1 *News, KQW *Blur Newsroom, KI:O, WW1:, KFBK

Handy Man, KFKI' 1 :11- Afterm,on Manor. KQW *F'd. Jorgenson, KG11,KW(.KFIBK 2 -When Mserira,

KM), KWG. KFRK Potluck ''arty, KQ %% What'. IAdn Ludic., K1 :11 Farr. Jr ''".cers, KF'R('

4.1.5 - Portia Fares Life, K)'11. KM.), KN(:, KF'IIK

Your Army Kees ice, KF'RI' t::111 -Jass Plain Bill. KPO. KMJ

Meet the Stir.,,., KIEW. KGDM, KR01 Ann Holden'. Forum, KGII What's Drein' Ladle.. KNY.

KFKK '!: 15- Front ''age Farrell, K)'11. KMJ

Radio Tour, ((FR(' Rand of Life, K)'IL KM.! Kurritt 1A heeler. KQtt

P:llt' 14

*Carlson & Newa, KI:O *Prayer, Griffin Reporting. KPH *World Nrws, KF'NK 3:11--I/rrft Star l'Iayhuuar, KI'IL

KM) Fenne nuan's Record Sea., KI: Katherine Kitchen. KWG. CF'ISK

:t : au- Itosrnmary, K l'11 I.ynn Murray'a Mufti.. KI)11 Musir,tl Matinee, KF'RI'

*News, KM) Ethel & Albert, KW): Mystery ('hrf KFBK

:>.:-Aunt Mary, Ifl'11, KM) *World TodaY .luarph Harsrh,

KQW. KGi/.M, KROI .lohnsom Famlly. KFRI' Ilr, Kat,. K1'11. K11.1 4 andra Martin. KQN

K/:IIM, KK111 F'rnnrman Session, KllO *Fulton Lewis, jr.. KFKI' Iamdir. Ile Seated, KWG

I:1R*Nodd New.. KI'11, KM) *Murk, New.. MIN To Be Announced. K1i11 Real iJfr Stories, KF'Kr'

I::)ct-Through V. '. Fars, KI'0 Ens) Are., KI)11. KGi)M, Kltlll :Andy d Virginia. K1:11,

KNY.. KFHK *Norld's Front Page. KFKC

11°man of America. KM.) 1:15*H. 1 . Wdtrnborn, K1'11, KM.1 Hop Harrigan, K(:11 *New.. KWG Srahaund. KFIIK

S*lIK for )trlea.r, KI'(1. KM.1 Fletcher N Ile??., Newarrel,

KQW, K1:1N, KR111. l'rrry. Pirate.. KG)). KN1.,

KF'BK ('hick Carter. KFK(' 5:1.5-Itrtry R Kob, KI'I) Dirk 'I'r,.,y, K1:11

*New. Time. KM.), Kltul. KEPI( Knits. the Answer! , KIJ111 *New., KHIII', KFI)K

5::n1*Fï0r Thirty News. KI'lr *Harry W. F'lanncr., KIM. KGDM, K1011

.lack Armstrong, KL11, K1111, KF'NK

T 'dh, KFKK 5:15*Elmer Peterson, KI'11, KMJ

*Newts, ItQll'. KRIII', KF'lt( l'amptnin Midnight, K):11

*Night New. N'ire, KPH/ *('BS World News, K/:1111

Dick Perry. KFItK 5 ::5*Rill Ilrnry, KIIW

F:chllr 1'nntar, K l'11 Frank Sinatra, KON.

K1:1111, KK111 *('ari.on Newt.. 1(1:11 *Gabriel Hrattrr, KF'R('

.\Ian Young Show. K11.1 6:11-Lon Holtz, K1:11 Serer. Tr... KPH('

*Newt.. KN1. District :Attorney, KI'11. Kll.l

Jack (o.r.on Shuw. MIN. Klil/M, KHIIY spotlight Bnnd., K1:11, KN').,

K F ItK 6:15-1 aronet Story Teller. KI.11.

KN Y:, KI-RK 7-Ky ore. ,Jullrgr, 1(1'11, KM.1 Knowledge, KI'11, KM.)

(:rent Moment. of Mn.i', KQW, K(:1)11. KRIII

*Raymond Gram Swing, KGO. K1% 6, KF'ItK

stunner Welles, KFltl' :13*Ted Malone ll.nrwas. K1.11

KWG, KF'ItK *Iawrll 'l'homua, KFttl' 7::tt1-Nrlt.on Eddy, K/IN, K(:DM. KRIII' Srramby Atnby, KGII, KN)..

KFISK Lone Rttngrr, KF'11(' Lnrky Strike, KM.) )uhnny Mercier Muslr Shop,

KI'O, KM) 1 t.o.r a lly.trry, KQW,

K(iDM. KRIII' *Watch the World (:o By,

AGO. KWG. KIRK Main Linr, KFH('

x:1.5*Flrrtwm,d Lata ton, KI'O, KM.) *1. Nrab)a KNY), KGDM, KK111

Lum 'n' ,Abner, K(NI. KN'(.. KFRK

x::ka-l'arto,n of Cheer. K11, KM) Dr. Christian. Jrnn Her

.bolt. KIM, RL1M, KK111 My lint Girl, 1((,O, INN ti.

K F'ISK Rulldog 1)runnnond, KPH('

Something for the C'ir'a, KWG (' Green Hornet, KFRK

111:15 -Music of the Starr. KPO *John Crater, KQW *Henry Taylor, KGO

11 *William Winter, KG131 Sees ice Unlimited, KM)

In::01- Sweetheart Nw ingtlme, KIM) World's Moat Honored

Music., KQW Frnnrman', Nitr Club, KI:11 Del Courtney's Ilr,h, KF'Kl' Horeb/AI F'inn's. KFKK

10:l! -Magie Hour. KFHK *Bob Andersen. News, ICON *Carlson New.. 1(1:11 *Karoo. Final Edition. KM)

Manor 'Tln.r, KGDM TM. Muting World, KNY. *Hill Guymon. KW)

11 :15 *Rani. Morgan, KG)) 11:211 -Henry Huart Ilrch, KQN 11:01 -Ted Weemr (tech. KIM), KM)

Russ Morgan. KWG, KGO Manny Strand, KR111' II :45-Lionel Hampton Herb, KQN,

KltI) *Newt.. Final, KWG. KFRK

I I : i5 *New,, K!'11, KMJ, KILN. KGDM, KR111'

*New \ ork Nest r. KM.)

x:15*Ilr. N7alhur Sterling, KIM. KGDM, KKOI'

Mr. & Mrs. North, K1'11. KM) QI Jack l'ars,n Show,

K(: DM. KK111' I)unningrr, Mind Header, K1:11, KWG, KF'I)K *New.. KFK('

9:15*('rcll Itrown. KIM(' b::tl,-Who. Dancing Tonight, KLO Money on the Line. FLOW.

KGDM, K1011' *Fulton Lrwia, jr., KF'KI *Henry Taylor, KW(: *Newt. at Home, KEW(

Barbara R Buy., KM) 9:k5-Sunny Skylar". Serenade, KF'K( Ko.eland Ballroom, 1N:

i0*RicIlflelcl Reporter, K1'11, KM) *Ten WI-lock Wire. KI)11. KK111 *('arl.on New.. K/il/

Nine. Ihrr N est (Mkt. KFR( *.lohn /'oh,,, K(:DM

THURSDAY *Indicates Nrwa Itraadcaola

I1ate at F:ight. KI'11 o Danny Ryan, KON, K1:D.M, Breakfast ('Inb, KGI/, KWG Shads 1'allr.r Folk. KF'K('

*Fleetwood Lan ton. KMJ x:I3-1)'a Glen Again, K1'11 1lJiant Lady. RON', KI:DM,

K11111' Breakfast Cloth, K ERE x:MI-Barbara Lee, KI'11 Light of the World. KIIN,

K(:1/M, KK111 ' *Newa, KFR('

Fia.hiona in Mtwir, KM) x:1.S-Da\id Finnan, KI'IL KM.1 Aunt Jenny Storin, K11W.

K/:DM, KK111 1l'avt.hop. KF'RC

HAVEN OF REST Thurs., Sat., 8:00 A.M.



9--- -1111,, of a Nation, KI'u Kate Smith, KQW,K(:1).11.KN111 (,.amour Manor. KG0

*Bonk.. Carter K1'Itl' *Voice of

Smith, Kü'O, KM) Itig Si,tnr, KQW, KGDM. KIt))1. Musk' Miser., KF'R(' .::u,-- Woman'. Magazine. KI'll Helen Trent, KQII,K):DM,KIt111 Breakfast at. Sardis. KGO,

KWG. KFRK .,Midland U.S.A., KFKI' 1:15-11ur Gal Sunday.

KGDM, KR)) .Amazing Jennifer Logan. KFKI

10 Archie', Almanac. 11(1.1) l.ifr l',.n Ile Beautiful.

KILN', K1:DM, KR01 *Tony Mons.:. KGB, KN(:, KFKK *Glenn Hardy, Near. KFKI' runts -Mar Perkin.. KQW,K(:DM,KR)1

Jack Berch hogs, 1(1:0 Terry's house ''arty. KI RI.

*Blue 'correspondents Abroad. KW1:, KFISK

to::to -Sour Albrr't Hour, KI'11. 1(11.1' *Bernadine Flynn, KQW,

K(:1M, KR111' My True Story, 1(11:11, KWG.

K F'BK Luncheon with Lopez, KFR(' 10:15*News, Art Baker. K)'11. KM) The Goldberg., KQW,

KGDM. KKUY .American Naman's Jury, KF'it/' Aunt jrmhna, KGII, KR'(:

11- ):aiding I.igltt, KI'11 KM.1 Joyce Jordan M.1)., KIlN,

K /:DM, KI101 *Raukhagr Talking, 1(1:0,

KW(l, KFRK *Cedric Filmier, KF'R)'

11:15- Talay', IIiiIdrrn, KPO, KM) Two on a .1'Iur. RI/N.

KGDM, KR111. Mystery ('lief, KGB Need Advice, KFKI' II :M! -Woman In White, K1'11, KM.) Dr. Malone, KIM, K... »t,

KR01' Jut.) for l'ou. Jane ('owl, KER(' Glamour Manor, KWG, KFRK r

I I :IS- tlymna of All Churches. KI')), KS).)

Perry Masan. KI)N', K1:11M, KIt01 *Newt.. K1:I1 r

Skyline Serenaadr KI'RI' 12 -Woman

of America. K)')) Mary Marlin. 1(11W,

KROY Morton Downes , Song., K1 :11 *New., KF'Ill'. KM.). KW(..


P1:15 --)Lt Perkins, K)'11, KM) Irene Rraalry, KQW, K61)51.

KKOI' Hollywood Star Tint .', K1:11,

KWI) :. KFRK Palmer House Ilrrh, KEN)'

1 ? :MI- Pepper Poi'ng's Family, KIM), KMJ

Bright horizon, KI)N, KGDM, KROI'

*Kiernan". Karner, , KGO, Smothies.. Kilt(' Between the Lines, KERB It:la -Right to Happiness, KPO, KM) Batchelor.. (children, KQW.

KGDM, KR/Il' Sweet I.ellani Time. 1(60

-Backstage Wife. K)')), KM) ATM. ('hanging World, K011.

K1 :1)M, KR01' *Sam Haye ,,, KG)). KWG, KIRK *Walter Campton, New., RER)' 1:15- Mtrlla Uallaa, 1(I')). KM) *News, Bob Andersen. ROW.

KGDM, KR01' Bob Nichols, Kadl., Parade.

KGO, KWG, KIRK Open House. KF'R('

1:M)- Lorene, Junes, K)'11. KM.) reboot of the Air. KI)N.

K(:I/M, K10111 *Wratbra,k l'an Vourhl.,

K New., KG11, KWG, KIRK I:l5 -l'otang Wilder Brown, KI'O. hat *New,, KQW *Blue Newsroom. K).0, K% ).


I ::N1 *):carra' Malone, (comment. III- RI. 2 -When a Girl Harrier. K)'11, 1(51.1, KW) :. KFKK

Potluck ''arty, KOW What'. IA,in' Ladino. KW!

2:15- fortin Fare. Life. K)'IL K11.1, KWG, MERK

1. s. Na.y Band, KIM' 2:311 -.1u.t ''lain Bill, KI'(L KM.)

Meet the Mi,,u,. KON, 1(111)y1, KRIII'

Ann Holden's Forum, KGU What's I),,in' Ladle., KW 1.,

KFBK ?Alt-Front Page Fiarrrll, KI'o, KS).1

Radio Tour, KFKI' IGwad of Life, K)')), KM.) Nurritt Wheeler, MIN

*Carlson New., KG)) *Prayer, Griffin Reporting, K1.10 *World Wide New., KFBK

ti :15- I)rrft State l'layhoa.r. 1(I')). KSI.) Blur (correspondent, K).11 Onu Munson, KROS

::311-- K.aemary, K)'11 Una Mumo,n. 1(0N Mualral Matinee, KENT

*Newt.. KMJ Mystery Chef. KFRK Frnnrman'. Sn,lun, K).0

3:4:. -.Aunt Marv, KI'11, KM.1 *World 'Today. 10.. Harsh.

KIlN. K/:1/11, KR111 Juhn.on Family, KFKI'

4 11r. Kate. K1'11. 51.1 1(Sandra

Martin. RON. K(:11.11, KR111

Frnnrman's Snanion, K(.11 *Fulton I,rwl,, Jr., KFR /'

1:1.5 *World News, KIM), KM.) Dr. Sweetland. KIN) Real Life Stories. KF'It)

t:11 *War ('heat, KGO Galt- Through Woman'. Lye., K1'11 Mr. Keene. Traver Per

.on , KQW, KGDM, KR111 It's Murder, K1:11, KW):

*World Front ''age, KFRI W n of America. KM.!

I :45*News, KIM) Hop Harrigan, KG11 Seahound, KFBK

S *0K for Rrleure. Krill. KM.)

"'Welter Wiley. Newsreel. KIlN, K1:IIM, KRI11'

Terry A Pirate., 1(1:11, KNY: KFRK

('hick (carter, KFBI' 5:15-Betty & Ituh. 1(19) Muai. Library, KQN 1)1.-k Tracy. KGB

*Newt. Time, KM.1, KR01., KFISK 5:711 *F'i'r Thirty News, KI'11

*Harry N. Flannery, KILN'. K61/M, KRol'

.lark Armstrong. KIM, KWG, Kt:1IK

Tom 11i., KFN(' 5:45 *F :Imrr l'rlrr,un, KPO, K11.)

*'Truman Bradley, :Sews. KQW, KGDM, KROI'

Captain Midnight, K(:0 *Night Nrw. Wire. KFI)

)/irk Tracy, KFRK 5S5*11i11 Henry, Near. KOS

6 Kraft Music Hail, KPO, KM) Major Bower Amateur.,

KILN'. KGDM. KR))5 * Carlson Newt., KG)) *Gabriel Wafter, KPH('

Sunset Serenade, KNY: a )5 -Lou Holtz, 1(1 :11

tic reen Ter). KPH(' *New., KW L, KFRK

11::111 -1toh Burn., 1(I')). KM) Coelho. Archer, KQW.

KGDM, KR111' Spotlight Rands, K1:11.

KWG, KFRK Starlight Serenade, KFR('

x :13-- (coronet Story TNler, 1(1 :11, KWG KFRK

7 Abbott A. (camelle, K)')), KM) The Feral 1.1n.. K tit y,

KGDM, KROY *Ray d /:rant Swing. KG11,

RADIO fan far(

Page 15: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many

KWG, KFBA *Henry Gladntonr, KFM('

7:15*Georgn HitkM, Kl:ll, *Lowell ThomaM, KF'KC

Diamond I)rama, KF'1SK ::10*To be announced, Kd'O, KMJ

Here's to Romane, KQN, KGd)M, K1t01'

Joe E. Brown, KGO,KW(:,KF'BK Red Ryder, KFKr' 8- ,1ohnny Mercer's Muir

Shoo. KPO, KMJ I Late a JlhNtery,

KGDM, KROV *Watch the Vi orl.1 Go Ky.

KGO, KWG, KFItK Tuner Variety, KFRC

x:13 *Night Editor. KPO, KMJ 1. NPMhitt, KQW, KGDM, KROV Lunt- Abner, KG% KWG, KF1tK

N:311 -Frank Moroni KITE KM.' heath Valley Sheriff. KIIN,

KGDM, KKOI' Fred Waring, KGO, KWG, KERK Stop That Villain Kl lU

M:13 *Ur. Wallace Sterling,KQN,KHOI Dinah Shore, KIM) 9 Suspense, KI/W, Kl :lM, KROI Amrriclt'M Town Meeting of

Air. KGI) KW:, KFRK *Newts, KFili'

4:13 *Hex Miller, KFH(' 9:30- Eilrry Quern, KPO, KM.1

*Fulton Lewin, Jr., KIR(' *Henry Taylor, KWI:, KFIIK

9:4'o -Sunny Skylnr'M Serenade, KFM(' *Chester Bowles. O.P.A., KWG

10 *Kichfirltl Reporter, KIM). KM.1 *Ten .i ('luck Wirr. KIN. Kltlll *Carlson & News, K1.11

In: I'. *Eyewitness New., KPO. *John Cohn., KIN' *Bill Gunman, KGO *William Winter, Kl111

141:3ll- Sweetheart Swingtirnr, KPO Baseball Finals, KFRK

Fennentan, KGO 111:1t- 4.iivle S Charles. KI/ %

11 *News. Rob Andrrs.n, ;COW *Carlson Nrwn, KG1 *Ramon Final Edition, Neu.. KW!

Thin Muting N'orlt+, KR I. II :15*RuNS Montan, KG/I 11 ::111-Tel Weems I/rrh, KI'O, KLt

Hum. Montan, K/:11, KN1. II :15*NrwM, Final F:dit'n, KNY., 1:1 RE 11:i5*NetM, KI'/1, K11%1, 11( 11.1.

K(:I)M, KIt11l


Perry Ma..xt, KIIN', KI:I)1I, KKOI

*New., KI:O Skylinr Serenade, KIK('

12-Woman of America. KI'l) Mary Marlin. MOW. KI:INI.

KKOI' Morton I)ownry. Song.. Kt.II

*Ve,t., KF'Itl', Jr WI. Kw t.. K FIiK l'IJ-Mn Perkins, KI'll, KM.'

Irene Krn.lry, K/IN. KG11M, KROV

Hollywood Star Time, K(:11, KNli, KIRK

rainier noose Web.. KFR/' I'':al-1'eppwr Youngs Fam., KI'l), KM.'

Bright Iloriznn, KI)W. KI:1M, KI11)1

*Kierntn'w Kerner, KG/I. KNY thlrM. KFK('

1!:1.i-Right to Ilaappinr%M, KI'O, KM.1 IIPh.r'M l'hildrrn, kIN

*Indicate. New. Broadca.t.

8 i (late ..t EIcht, K1'0 Danny Ryan, KIIN . 111,1111, KP11 Breakfast ('lob. KI.11. NMI. Shady Valley Folk, K1'1í1

*Fleetwood Imwton. KILT M :17, --1t'N Glen Again, K1'O

Valiant Lady , K/tW,K6DM,KIIII Vic and Sad., KM.1

M :3°- Barbara I.r.. K l'u Light of the world. KIM.

KGDM, K11111' HNItPY .doe ,1' Kaiak. KF'R1 Fashion. in Music, KM.1

M: C.-David Hamm, KPO, KM.1 Aunt Jenny, K11W. KGIIM, KKIII Naxtbup, KFRI

9 * %.oire of a Nation. KPO Kate Smith, KIIN'.K(:111.K11111 1:1 Manor, Krill

*IAatkr Carter, KITH(' *Iarr Smith

Notion. KPH, KMJ 4:1 i *Larry

131g Sister, KQW, K(i1)M. KRU\ Music Miser. KF'It('

9:3o- Woman's Magazine, KIM Helen TrR,t, KIW. KGDM.

KROV Breakfast nt Sardi'., KG11.

KWG KI'BK Midland l'. S. A., KF'K('

9:45-Our Gal Sunday. KIIN.' KGDM, KKlll

Amazing Jennifer Logan, KF'III -Tillamook Kitchen. KIM). KM.I

life l'a,n lie Beautiful. MOW. 1(611M, Knt11l

*Tony Morse. KG11, KWG, KFISK *Glen Hardy. New.. KIMC

to I . -Archer's Almanac, KIM) Mu Perkin., KIM', KGDM, Kltu'a .lurk Berri Boys, KG)) Terry's 11ua.e 1 artr. KF'II('

*Blur Correspond, KN'(:, KFKK In :al)lour Albert.. (lour. RPO, KMS

*Rernadlnr Flynn. KIIN'. KGDM, KROV

My True Story, KGO. KW Kl-BR.

Luncheon with Lopez, Kilt(' 10:13 *Art linker New., K111, KM.)

Goldlwrlt., K /)II', KGDM, K1011 Aunt .Irmimn. 111 :11. K'a11. American Woman's .Fury. KItt1

11 Guiding Light, KPII. KM.) -tinkling Jordan. M I)., K11'aI.

KGDM, KROI' *Itaukhuge rniking. K1.11.

KW(:, KFIIK *Cedric Foster, KERI'

II :1.i- Todaty'. Children, KPO, K11.1 Two on at floe. KIM.

K111M, Kltlll" Ml-.frry Chef. KG() Nerd .Ad, ire. K ERI

I I ::to- Woman in White. KPO, K.MJ I)r. Malone, K11 w,1( / :1M,KR1/1 .1 unl for I'.n,, K1.11 Jane Cowl. KIM(

11:15- . /'rocker, K I'll. K

3, 1(x44



Sweet Leihani Time. KG11 iIlackstagr Nife, MIMI. K11.1 This ('bunging World. KIIW.

KI:1)M. KRIM' *Sam Hoye.. Comment, K1:11,

Klll., 11( FMK *Walter ('ontltnn, Arm.

1: i i-SStella Dallas, KI'O, K11.1 *Roh Andersen, New.. Kt/W.

KGDM, KR1111 14011 Ni111111., Kadin l'acntdr,

KGO, KWG, MERK Open Iluu.e, KIM('

1::111-Iworrttzo ,Iones, KI'11, KM.1 School of the .1. ir.

K(:D.M, KR111 *Westbrook Van Voorhis,

Newts, KGO, KWG. KF'ItK I:1.i-loung Widder Brown, KI11, KM.1

*News, MIN' *Blue Nrw.r.Nau,

KFKK Handy Man, KFIt1

I :511*F:d Jorgenson, K WG,KIBK.KGu 2-Nhrn o Girl Marne., Kt11,

KM.), KWG. KF'RK Potluck Party. KON %1'lutt'. Iloin', I.ndirs, Klal

! 1' -- l'nrtiu l'ace. 1.ifr, KI'11. K1LI, KWG. KIRK

: .0 ".lu.t Plain Bill. KI'/l, K11.1 Meet the Mi..°.. MOW.

KG1M. Klt1)1 Ann Holden'. Forum. K/:11 ('ablocgr Careen.. KIM(

t:(-l'ront Page Farrell. KI'O, KM.1 Hardin Tour, KFIt('

3 Nnatl of 1.ifr, Kl'11. K11.1 Itltrritt Wheeler. KIIN

*Carlson Newt.. KIM *Prayer, Griffin Report g. KIRI *World Wide Nero.. KFRK

a:I 3-11rrft Star l'layhuu.e, KI'll, KMJ Blue lorrrqNndrnt.. K/:11

1:3o- Kn.rmary, K I'll Lynn Murray, KIM lfusital Matinee. KFKI

*News, K11.1 Frnnrmnn, Srs' KG/l My.trry Chef. KIRK t 1,-Aunt 11ury, KI'(1, K111

* 1I KII 1 ."dKtÌ:Ì)11,V KtRO1 r~Il .lohnwn Family , K1,111

4 I1r. Katr, KI'11. 11M.1 Sandra Martin, KIN.

KI:I/M, KK/)l Fennrncan. Session, K1:11

*F'tdtnn Lett h. Jr., KI'K( t:li*World New., KI'1), KMJ

Kraal I.ifr Storie., KF'R(' 1:20--SPARS Program, K/:(1

13 :30-l'11roigh W.anan's Eve.. KIM) l'reday on Itrnndi.n, KO%'a.

K(:I/M. Kitlll Andy K Virginia. KG11.

MAC, KFItK *worlds Front Porte. KFR1

1:15*11. %-. Kaltrnhurn, KI'll. KM.1 Ron Harrigan, K1:11 Srahuund, MERK

5*11 K for Release, KI'IL K'a1.1 Flrtrhrr ilry, Newsreel,

WON. K1:1111. K1t111 '

Terry .l` Pirntr.. KG11 K%11., K F'RR

l'hick Carter. K Fit(' i:1 i-Krity á Bob, KI'll

Dirk l'ra.,y, KGO *New. Time, KM,1, KHIII. KF'ISk

::AO*News, KI'I). KMJ *Harry W. Flannrry, KIIN.

K/:UM, KKIII' Jack armstrunK, KW), KI%(.. KFItK

Tom Mix, '.:13*Elmer Peterson, KI'11, KM.1,

*Truman Bradley', KIIN. KGDM, KltOl'

Captain Midnight, K/:0 *Night News Wirr, KF'RI

Dirk l'rnry', KIRK N'aaltz Time. KI'/l de-Waltz Hollywood I1y.srr4 Tl.n.,

ROW, KI:IIM, KRIM *Carlson News, K1:11 *Gabriel Ileatter, K 1'R1

O:15- Lon Holtz. K(:0 Screen Tr.t,

*News, KNY:, KFItK u::k1---People Are Funny. KI'll, KM.)

That Brrty.trr Itot, k1)%1. KGDM. K6111

Spotlight Rond, Kl.u. k%\I.. KFISK

Double . r NCI Ind KFKI .3:13-Coronet .tnry Teller, K1.11.

KN'/:, MASK Imo. 'n' %nth, KI11. N'a1.1

7 /Goo,- Dorante. K11%V.

KGDM, KROV *Earl Godwin, K/:11, KWG, KFRK

7 :I.í *Ted Malone Overea., KIll). KW. *Lowell Thoman, KFK('

-311-Bill Sterns, Sport.. K1'11, KM.! Stage Ih °.r Canteen, KIM ,

KGDM, KROV Happy Island, Ed Wynn.

KGO, KWG, KERK Lone Hanger. KF'KC'

: t ( :,- lto'ulificel, KI'll

8 hnny Mercer Music Shop, KI'IL KM.1

I Loar a My.tery, KNN. KGDM, KROV

*Watch the World Go Ky, KG)), KW(:. KFKK

Md.. Sq. Garden, Fight.. KFR/ hosing limit., KIM('

M:Li *Fleetwood Lawton, KEO, KM,I Preto* flab. KQ'I. KG11M,

K KOl' Parker F'ant., K611, Kw(:, KFRK

M : :tl- 1111ííy'. 'rat, ern, K I.11, K M.1 It Pays ta He Ignorant.

KQW, KGDM, KROV 6.tngbai.trrs, KGI), KNY:. KI'ük Stop That Villain, KIM('

9Furlough lam. KIM). KM.1 - .\Idrich l'au,ilt. II11%V. KGDM, KHI))

l' Brenrncan'. Ilighlighi., K/:1), KWI:. MF'ISK

*New.. KIM(' .4 :1 i *(eril Brown, KERl' 9 t141- Skippy Hollywood Theater, K1'11

Thin Man, KQW. KL1)11, KROI To Iw announced, KG()

*Fulton Lewi' jr., KI'Il(' 111':1 Answer.. KMJ

4:15- Short, Short Storie,,, KIIN Sunny Skylar'M Serenade. KIKI

10 *Richfield Reporter. KIM). 1111.1

*1'..n °'('lock Wirr. KIWI, KROI *Carlson Nrwn, KIM

San Frantisco Opera. KIM) MAI-Mink of Star., K1.11. K11.1

*,John ('°her. KIIN' *Iä11 I:iymnn. KI:O *William Winter, KI:I11

01:30 -Sweetheart Swingtimr, KIM). KMJ

World'. Honored Manic. KIIN Fennentan'. Nitr flub, Kt.O

11 *Nrwn, Bob Andrr.en. KIfil

*('arlnn News, Kb)) *Kanto. Final Edition, 1111.1

Thi. Muting World. KW). I I :I -Iton. Morgan. KI:O 11 :'titi- Midnight Manatee. KIM I

SATURDAY *Indicate. Neu, ItrnadcusiN.

KC .Inl.,.r.. KI'I1, 1111.1 8 m r *NrN"., KIIN. KIi1M. KI1111,

KF'ItK FSrrakfa.t Chili. 111:11, K's'. 1.

s:0'a-1.rt's Pretend. MON M:1 i-Kainla... Ilon.r, IC 1.'11(

*News, KG1111 11:M1-Melody Roundup. K1'11. K11J

Fashion. in Ration., K. Burke. Kltil , 1(1:1111, Kltl rr.irr ll I nlimiteL K/:/1

9*Alrt Drier, News, KIM, /01.1 Theater of Today, KQI%,

KG1M, KI101 Fannie Hur.t Presents. K1:11 Hello Mont, KFRI'

9:15--Consumer l'imr, KI'O ::n.-Atlantir Spotlight, MIMI

Stairs Ihrr Ilullyw.MOd, KOi1, K1:1M, KItOI

Lois Lang. K1.11 Saturday Scrapbook, Kilt(' On Stage F:,rrylaody, /CMG,

KFISK 9:1i-'I'rinM-atlantL Quiz, K111

10 Ad.rntnrr Ahead. KI'11, M'a1.1

Grand Central Station, KIN', KI:I/M, KIt111

Boys inrltand. K1:11 *News, KEW *K.lNort fr London. K,,,N1.,

KF'KK 1°:I3-1 Calling. KGII In::OO*RrpNOrl to Nation. KIM.

K1:D11, 1(1101; I%hot'. t kin', K1:11, KN1,

K I ItK Rabe Huth, KI'O Luncheon with Lopez. Kilt( Rodio Kids' Bible Club. 111.1

1u:10*Itndio Reporter, KI'll , Kitt

11 3.1-Opportunity Thrater, KIM, Ixe 'l'uy'lor. KQII,

KGh'a1, Kltll Mucic, KFRK

*Sewn, KIl'1: Il:an-Feutball, KKOI

George Strrnry'. Orch., K FBI' Stur Parade, 1(1:1/11 How Ila l ou Like It? KI'11

*News, K(:11

12 Barbara and Boy.. KI'11 .

'CI Star., K/:11, KFIIK *Newt.. KF"RI', KM.1, K(:1)'a1.

KN'(:, KHI)l I!:31c--Smilin Ed Mti'unnrll. KI'/l, KM.1

George Barry'. Orch.. K l'ICI The Koster., KI'll

1 Ilrarr Ileitis Sntttrdat Aft. K1.11, K%1/:. KFIIK

Rill) Kogr ' Irclt, KEKI 1 :li-Afhrnnonirlodir., KI'li t au Volt want, KI'11

Itltc.s in the .\ftrrno..n, KI'Iu

2 oil-Colombia Symphony. KO11 Saturday Concert, R1:11,

KF'IiK ?: 15-Football, KFK(', KGIIM Y:311-To he announced-KI'll

Mother r Dad, KROI 1:(5-Mu.ic ROOM, KIM

Ilrllo, Swrethrart, K1.11, KW(:, KFKK

3-l'rgetahlrs for Victory ,

KMJ *Quincy HuwP, Vrw., KIM.

K/:DM, KKIII' *News, KGO

3:15--Flrsta Time, KI'11 People's Platform, KQN .

K(:DM, KRIII' Harry i1'INmrrM Stwrt.

Show, KGO. KWG 1 /1'ing.. 1KM.1

3:30-Curt MaN.ry Co., KI'11, Kyt.l ('untrngN,rary ('umlNOrr., KI:u

a: 11-Something for the Girls, K1'u *World Today, Analy.i.,

AQN'. KGDM Art of 1.iring. KM.1

4 I/atr Moo., KI'l), KMJ 1 ictury FALK. Detroit. KI/V1

*Blue Corre.pondentN Abroad. K/:/1, KN'/:. KF'RK

I :15-Tnmsatlnntic Quiz, KW G, K I Ilk I :30-Hollywood Barn Dance, KIIN

On SMgr Ecerylaldy. Kill 1:13*.lohn l'andrrtaNh, KIM

Floyd R. .lohn%on, K11.1

Know lour Symphony, KIM) 5 Ken Raker, KIIN, K1:1M, KK111

Nrw%room, K611 :1:-1'hrstrr Itow'le., 11.1'.A., KGI)

Music for Remembrance, KFK1 Freddy Martin, KW Ili', KF'ISK

l:IS-Men Who Mnkr Music. KP11 i::111*Nrws, KPO

*Harry W. Flannery, KIM. K/:1111, KRlll

Boston Symphony. K1:11, KFKK

li*Elmer Peterson, KI'O, K11.1 *Truman Bradley, KI/W. KItDI *Night NrwN Wirr, KI'RI' *World

14t11itn Dance, KIKI Ì11.1 0-Nat'l Thb, Is My Story, KGII.

KI:1)M. KKOI' Chit :I, 1'Icettrr of Air. KIM)




ltill 71,., i kW! That's a Good Idea. KIIN,

KGDM, KKOI Spotlight Band.. KGu

7 Pal lita. Party. KIM) Gan I r1111. KG11. KFKI; hair of 'rtvo ('itie,, KIKI' Barry W 1- l'ai %y Kelly, KM.1

7:15-Mayor of l'own, KGDM, KKOI 7:30 -1 :rand Ole 111wga, KI'l1, It 'af.

Man Called Y, K1 :11 Red Ryder, KIR(' .In))) Sen ires Present. KN1.

8 Truth- l'on %garner., 1(141, KM.1 America in the Air. 1(1)1%,

KGDM. KIH)S Early American Dance

Music, KGO, KW KI Ilk Downbeat herby, ki1:, 'Il)'

M :30--Rudy ladder. KI'11, 1111.1 Inner Sanctum Mystery .

K)IW. K1 :1) 'a1, KROI Music. K1:11, Kill:.KF'Itli

9 *Never, 1luyd Farr, KI'Il, K 'al.1

lour Hit Tonale. KO 'a 'a. KlilM, KRUI

Meet lour Natty. K).)). Kitt. *News. KFRC

lo:l -Ku%ineo. Men Look to Fo- lure, Kill

Dream Boat. KIM(' 9:30-Three Won% Pria, KPO

Kum. Morgnn'M Herb., KG11 Three Sow, Trio. KM.1

9:1.1 -Don't d'eu Belies It, Kt /il 10*ltirhfìrld Itrpurirr, KI. ). KM.1 %l'rn,,'I I,.k Nire. Kltll', KKI11

Work Is lour Weapon, Ka.. Dean's Ilrch., KEIt1

to Iti-IM Our handstand, K I'll Rill l..a nutn. KG))

1e:311- Sn'cethearl Swingtime, KI'11 Henry Rumor Oral., KIIN Freddie Martin Ilr.h K 1.0 Harmony HaaIl, REM'

11 *New., K)1N, K1 :11, KMJ l'1e- Mut mg N odd. KW t KRII'a Mu -i, t ',,..r, Kltlll

I I : I. *Ito.- Morgan, K1 :11 Ito.. ,lorgna Ilrrh.. KNI.

K I Irk 1I :an -I a' Lardons, MVO

1.' I Ilurnnton, KI)i1

Page 16: Intimate Glimpse of Gracie Fields - … 'great day in the mornin',' ... Listeners are happy to have ... So many


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