Intervista dirigente

Your motto? Don’t discourage and go on to achieve an objective. Interview to Mrs Maria Antonella Angerilli, IPIA Headmistress since September 2007. IPIA E. ROSA SARNANO MC


L'intervista al dirigente della scuola.

Transcript of Intervista dirigente

Your motto?

Don’t discourage and go on to achieve an objective.

Interview to Mrs Maria Antonella Angerilli, IPIA Headmistress since September 2007.


What’s the main feature of your character?I don’t like to depend on someone else.The best quality in a man? HonestyYour main fault?Frankness, I’m often too direct.Your dream?I wish I could speak three languages fluently.A regret?I regret the little time spent with my mother in a specific momentA recurrent dream?Living in a seaside city.The happiest day in your life?When my two daughters were born.What’s your favourite cities?Rome and Paris.And your favourite colour?Green.

Do you like animals?Oh, yes. I haven’t got any pets but I like dogs very much.What’s your favourite dish?“Vincisgrassi” which I can cook very well.

And your favourite book?“ The life of Galileo” by Bertold Brecht.The last novel you read?“ A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini.The best film you watched? “ Dead Poets Society” by Peter Weir.Your favourite actor/ actors?Raoul Bova , Alessandro GassmanYour hero/heroine?I agree with the quotationtaken from the book “ The Life of Galileo” which says: “Unlucky the land that has need of heroes”.Who are your favorite painters?Botticelli, Giorgione and the Impressionists in general.What’s your favourite TV program?I don’t watch TV.And what about singers?I like Battiato, Fioriella Mannoia, Raf…A beloved historical figure?Alexander the Great.What natural gift would you have?Being a bit taller.What would you have done if you hadn’t become a Head mistress?I would have become a doctor and worked in a mission to help peopleHow do you feel in this moment?

Tired and worried about the unclear school reforms.What about undisciplined students in your school? How would you punish them?I wish there weren’t naughty students , so I didn’t have to take any disciplinary measures….anyway I think these students have personal/ social problems.How would you award the best students?A single praise will do.Which subject at school did you have a low mark in?In Latin , at Secondary School, I got a 4 in a written test.What’s your favourite hobby?Reading.And your favourite sport?Swimming.Which season do you like? Why?I like autumn for its colours , but I love spring because nature wakes up after.Which historical period would you live in ?In the Renaissance but I’m happy to live our age as well.What’s your most beautiful memory?My first journey with a friend in Puglia, after my graduation

P.S.We thank her for the collaboration, and we tell her that she has brightly overcome the test to "full votes."By Diletta Pacetti, Silvia Monini e Gloria Pacazocchi (4^TCB)