Interviewing Benjamin Franklin Interviewer- Rayka Devaprasad.

Interviewing Benjamin Franklin Interviewer- Rayka Devaprasad

Transcript of Interviewing Benjamin Franklin Interviewer- Rayka Devaprasad.

Interviewing Benjamin Franklin

Interviewer- Rayka Devaprasad


Rayka- What inventions did you invent? Was there any invention that you liked a lot?

Benjamin- I invented the bifocals, catheter, Franklin stove, glass armonica, lighting rod, and the odometer. "Of all my inventions, the glass armonica has given me the greatest personal satisfaction." Also I was the founder of the first public lending library in America. And was the founder of the first fire department in Pennsylvania.

Personal Life Rayka- Looks like you have invented quite a lot. Can you tell

me some of your personal life? Benjamin- My personal life… I have 3 kids. They are very nice. My

father had many wives. With all the wives my father had produced 17 children. I was the fifteenth child and the youngest son. My mom really wanted me to go to school, but only had enough money for me two go to school for two years. Ahhh… I still remember what that school was called Boston Latin School. Also when I couldn’t afford to go to school I used to read all the time. I also remember when I was sixteen I experimented with vegetarianism to save some money. We weren’t the richest people. I remember in Puritan times it was a sin to be born on Sundays. And I was born on Sunday. Right away my father baptized me on my birthday. I was an author, printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic, activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat.


Rayka-That is really good that you read books even though you couldn’t afford to go to school. I’ve heard that you really like electricity. I’ve also heard that you say electricity and lightning are the same thing. Can you give me examples on this?

Benjamin- Ah… I love electricity a lot. Examples of why electricity and lightning are the same are that both create light, they both make loud crashes when they explode, both are attracted to metal, both have a particular smell, and more. Electricity is a spectacular thing.

Lightning Rod

Rayka-I’m very interested on one of your inventions, the lighting rod. Can you please tell me how a lightning rod works?

Benjamin-The lightning rod… well basically a lightning rod provides a way for the negative charge built up along the bottom of the cloud to become grounded. Therefore the lightning is attracted to the lightning rod since the negative charge is constantly trying to find a way to disperse into either the ground or a positive charge.


Rayka- I have also heard that you were getting old and you didn’t like changing your glasses all the time. So you invented?

Benjamin-I invented the bifocals. I was getting old and was having trouble seeing with both up-close and at a distance. I was getting tired of switching between two types of glasses, so I thought about how to devised a way to have both types of lenses fit into the frame. So then I came up with the bifocals. The distance lens was placed at the top and the up-close lens was placed at the bottom.


Rayka-Wow you are very smart. I have heard that you like music. Did you play any music of your own?

Benjamin-Well yes I did. I played the guitar, harp, and violin. I just loved music.

Lightning and Electricity Experiment

Rayka-You played a lot of music. Can you tell me about the experiment with electricity and lightning?

Benjamin-Well I first needed something tall like a tall building or a tall hill. But Philadelphia didn’t have any hills or tall buildings. I only had a silk handkerchief a couple sticks and some string. Since there wasn’t any tall buildings or hills I had to think a way to get that key up there. So then I build a kite and flew it up there. A few scientists and I proved that electricity and lightning were the same thing.