INTERVIEW WITH PAUL M. SWEEZYPaul M. Sweezy (PMS): Well, ofcourse, the period offifty years that you...

REVIEW OF THE MONTH INTERVIEW WITH PAUL M. SWEEZY The following interview was conducted by Sungar Savran, visiting scholar in economics, and E. Ahmet Tonak, professor of economics at Simon's Rock of Bard College, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on March 20, 1986. The interview previously appeared in Onbirinci Te; (Eleven Thesis), a Marxist theoretical journal published quarterly in Istanbul, Turkey since November 1985. The interviewers, who are the members of the editorial collective of Onbirinci Tez; thank Derek Link for his contribution to the transcription of this interview. E. Ahmet Tonak (EAT): We would like to start out by discussing your lifelong activities as a socialist intellectual and author before turning to questions of theory and politics. You have, on various occasions, made clear that you turned to socialism and were convinced of its relevance for the contempo- rary world at the beginning of the 1930s, which means that you have been active developing and defending socialist views for more than half a century. Now it seems obvious that at least until the mid-seventies, this period was not really marked by a vitality of the socialist movement in the United States. During the Cold War period, in particular, socialism was to be down- graded and vilified by the political establishment, the mass media, the intelligentsia, etc. How would you characterize the experience of being in an extremely small minority as a social- ist? Are there any significant and interesting instances of the pressures you were submitted to that you would like to evoke? Paul M. Sweezy (PMS): Well, of course, the period of fifty years that you mentioned has been one of great variety. The reason I first became interested in Marxism and radical ideas was because of the state of the world in the early thirties, the financial collapse, and the Great Depression, the international situation which was prelude to the Second World War. And during that decade, particularly in the United States-well not particularly, but certainly markedly in the United States- there was an upsurge of radical activity and radical thought.

Transcript of INTERVIEW WITH PAUL M. SWEEZYPaul M. Sweezy (PMS): Well, ofcourse, the period offifty years that you...



    The following interview was conducted by Sungar Savran, visiting scholar ineconomics, and E. Ahmet Tonak, professor of economics at Simon's Rock of BardCollege, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on March 20, 1986. The interviewpreviously appeared in Onbirinci Te; (Eleven Thesis), a Marxist theoretical journalpublished quarterly in Istanbul, Turkey since November 1985. The interviewers, whoare the members of the editorial collective of Onbirinci Tez; thank Derek Link for hiscontribution to the transcription of this interview.

    E. Ahmet Tonak (EAT): We would like to start out bydiscussing your lifelong activities as a socialist intellectual andauthor before turning to questions of theory and politics. Youhave, on various occasions, made clear that you turned tosocialism and were convinced of its relevance for the contempo-rary world at the beginning of the 1930s,which means that youhave been active developing and defending socialist views formore than half a century. Now it seems obvious that at leastuntil the mid-seventies, this period was not really marked by avitality of the socialist movement in the United States. Duringthe Cold War period, in particular, socialism was to be down-graded and vilified by the political establishment, the massmedia, the intelligentsia, etc. How would you characterize theexperience of being in an extremely small minority as a social-ist? Are there any significant and interesting instances of thepressures you were submitted to that you would like to evoke?

    Paul M. Sweezy (PMS): Well, of course, the period of fiftyyears that you mentioned has been one of great variety. Thereason I first became interested in Marxism and radical ideaswas because of the state of the world in the early thirties, thefinancial collapse, and the Great Depression, the internationalsituation which was prelude to the Second World War. Andduring that decade, particularly in the United States-well notparticularly, but certainly markedly in the United States-there was an upsurge of radical activity and radical thought.


    Up to then, I would say, there was virtually no Marxism in theUnited States.

    You may be familiar with the work of Thorstein Veblen.He was one of the original faculty at the New School. He wasnot a Marxist, but he was very strongly influenced by Marxism,and he wasjust about the only important U.S. social scientist ofthe time, of the 1920s,who had really taken Marxism seriously.There was the old Socialist Party which had developed a fewinteresting thinkers, particularly Louis Boudin, who was moreor less in the mold of Kautsky and the social democratictheories of the German party. But he was also an originalthinker. And there were a few others. But by and large, inacademia anyway, Marxism was nothing of any influencewhatever, and whatever was known about it or written about itwas a caricature, was not serious. There was no serious Marxisttradition. When I came back from England in the fall of 1933, ithad already begun to change. There was a good deal ofquestioning and thinking around the big universities. I was atHarvard at the time, but this was true ofvarious other universi-ties too. Particularly in New York, New York University, CityCollege. During the 1930s, the Communist Party, of course,grew rapidly, and took a leading role in the organization of theworking class, and the CIO, the breakaway federation from theAmerican Federation of Labor. And generally speaking it was aperiod of a great deal of not very sophisticated theoretical work,but a good deal of ferment and interest. And that was thecontext in which I became a self-educated Marxist. I had had anormal neoclassical training, but as a Marxist I had a problemof mostly teaching myself, and of course in conjunction withtrying to absorb traditions, German particularly, and theEuropean tradition. It was during that period that I graduallywrote, over several years, The Theory of Capitalist Development,which was started more or less as an effort of self-clarification. Iwas teaching from about 1935 or 1936 a course on the econo-mics of socialism, which we interpreted in two ways. One, asthe economics of a socialist society. And two, as the economictheories of socialist movements. And in the latter, of course


    there were many socialist traditions, Christian socialism, Fabi-an socialism and so on, and Marxist. And I tried to raise thelevel of treatment of Marxism in that course, and in graduatecourses and seminars, and found that it was a long hardstruggle to overcome the traditions and inhibitions of aneoclassical training. I don't know. I can't say I was terriblysuccessful in the early stages. It took me a long, long time beforeI could accept the Marxist labor value theory because I wastotally accustomed to the type of thinking of marginal utilityprice theory, and so on. And I couldn't for a long time, Icouldn't see how there could be another kind of value theorywith totally different purposes. That took years. The Theory ofCapitalist Development was finished soon after the war started,and was publishedjust a few months before I went into the Now by that time, I think I could call myself a Marxist,with a reasonable background in the modes of theoreticalreasoning and a grounding in the classical texts. But it didn'tcome quickly by any means.

    EA T: You wrote somewhere that after the Second WorldWar you were "duly ushered out of Harvard." It is also knownthat, despite student demands, you were never granted a stableposition at other American universities. Would you say a fewwords on the Harvard experience and other similar incidents?

    PMS: Well there is a certain misconception, fairly wide-spread I think, that I was fired by Harvard. That is not true.When I left Harvard in 1942, I went into the army and the ass(I was taken from the army into the intelligence apparatus,that's the predecessor of the CIA, of course). I spent most of thewar years in Europe-England, France, and Germany. Thefact was that I was on military leave from Harvard at that time.I was an Assistant Professor, and had a five-year contract whenI left; and when I returned to the United States in 1945, the fallof 1945, I had two years more on the contract, two and a halfyears I think, but I decided not to go back to academicteaching. I talked with my friends at Harvard and discoveredthat there was no possibility of the department agreeing on mybeing retained with tenure, so I didn't wait. I didn't want to go


    back for just a couple of years at that time, and Ijust resigned.So it's not true that I was ever fired, though it certainly is truethat I wouldn't have been given tenure if I had stayed.

    Sungur Savran (SS): Was it made obvious that, well atleast did you know that their reasons were political?

    PMS: Yeah, ideological.SS: Yes, that's what I mean.PMS: The department was sharply divided. Not between

    radicals and conservatives, but between those who were ada-mantly opposed to having any radicals in the department andthose, like Schumpeter for example, who were very friendly. Infact during the war, there was an opening that came up, apermanent tenure position came up in the economics depart-ment, and they had to appoint somebody immediately. And Iwas one of the two candidates who were considered for the job.The other was John Dunlop, who subsequently became a verywell known labor economist. Schumpeter was a very strongsupporter of my candidacy. I was told about that later, I wasaway at the time in England. But partly because they neededsomebody who was there and could teach during the war,Dunlop was given the job. After that, there was never anychance that they would take a Marxist.

    EAT: We know that, among others, you were a student ofSchumpeter. It is even said that the title of your now classic TheTheory if Capitalist Development, (TeD) was designed so as todistinguish your approach from that of Schumpeter, one ofwhose more important works having as title, The Theory ifEconomic Development. How would you characterize your rela-tionship to Schumpeter, and could you evoke any personalreminiscences you have of him that may be of intellectual orpolitical interest? In particular, what was his reaction whenyou were "ushered out of Harvard"?

    PMS: Personally, we were very close friends, although wewere at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Any economistwho has studied the history of economic thought in the twenti-eth century, will realize that Schumpeter was a unique figure.He understood the importance ofMarxism. As a matter offact,


    he was a contemporary of a group in Vienna which includedHilferding, Otto Bauer, and Max Adler, the leading lights ofthe Austro-Marxist school. He understood their intellectualsignificance, their importance. His own attempt at a compre-hensive theory of capitalism was deliberately architected as analternative to Marxism. In other words, he paid Marxism thecompliment of understanding and recognizing that it was themost important intellectual trend of the time. That's totallydifferent from anything in the Anglo-Saxon world, whereMarxism was simply not taken seriously. It was regarded aspart of something like what Keynes called an intellectualunderworld, which he didn't take seriously. So personally, Iwas very fond of Schum peter, and he ofme, I think. Actually, Iwasn't really a student of Schum peter's. But personally, I wasvery much influenced by him.

    EAT: You didn't take any formal course with him?PMS: Well, when I came back from England, there was a

    small graduate seminar. Very small seminar, about four or fivepeople, including Oscar Lange.

    EAT: He was there?PMS: Leontief used to come to it, and myself, and the

    woman to whom Schumpeter was later married. But it was verysmall. I never took anything else of his. Later on in the mid-thirties, for two years, I think it was twoyears, I was Schumpeter'sassistant in his introductory graduate course in economictheory. I would assist in reading papers, consulting with thestudents, and the like.

    EAT: How about Samuelson and Solow who as studentsattended your postgraduate seminars?

    PMS: No, Solow took the course I mentioned earlier, theeconomics of socialism. He was one of the best students I everhad, very bright and very left to begin with.

    SS: Oh, that's interesting.EAT: Yes, he said so. I listened to him at one point.PMS: Oh yeah, very left for a couple of years. And then

    after, I don't know quite what his trajectory was, whether hedid his graduate work at Harvard, but maybe he didn't. I kept


    in touch with Solow a little bit right after I left in the early yearsof the war, but he drifted very rapidly to the mainstream, andbecame, well, you know Solow. I think he could be calledsomewhat opportunistic.

    EAT: What about Samuelson, who took the course?PMS: He was never left.EAT: But he was in your seminar, right?PMS: Not that particular one. He wasn't yet in Cam-

    bridge at that time in 1933. He came about 1936. And he tookSchumpeter's course when I was Schumpeter's assistant.

    EAT: I see.PMS: We used to have informal discussion groups from

    time to time. Schumpeter would be involved, but not necessari-ly. Visiting economists from all over the world would come toCambridge in the 1930s, very largely because of Schum peter'sbeing there. He was the drawing card. Hansen was anotherwell known person. Lange was one of the visiting scholars andGeorgescu-Roegen, you probably know were a lotof visiting economists who came on Rockefeller Fellowshipsand spent half a year, even a year, or in Lange's case, two years,at Cambridge. Another was Eric Roll, whose specialty was thehistory of economic thought, and with whom you are probablyfamiliar. The first edition of Eric Roll's History of EconomicThought is still, I think, a very good book. He changed it a lot inlater editions. And as you know, he became a prominent civilservant in Britain. Now he is Lord Roll, head of one of the bigLondon banking houses. He also moved to the right, but neveras much as some of the others. I see Eric Roll occasionally,when he is in the United States. While he's not a radical anymore, he's not unfriendly. I mean he's not a Thatcherite or aReaganite or anything like that. He's too sensible for that. He'sa very able person, too. For a lot of these people, and you canunderstand it, there was no real career to be made in the leftmovement. And there were many other careers to be made, theattractions were enormous, the possibilities in academia, thepossibilities in government. Solow and Roll were almost para-digms of the kind of careers that were open to them. Veryintelligent, bright radicals, who adjusted their politics to their


    jobs. It's a kind of opportunism in a way, and yet in these casesit wasn't crass or vicious. It was the kind of thing that thepressures of U.S. society make it extraordinarily difficult for aperson to resist, especially if he doesn't have some independentmeans. You have to understand that I probably would havegone that way, too. I was fortunate in not having to depend onan academic salary. My father was a banker; as a matter of afact, he was the vice president of the First National Bank, whichwas one of the predecessor corporations to the Citibank now. Inits day, under the leadership of George F. Baker, it was one ofthe leading forces in United States finance capital. Baker andJ.P. Morgan were very close partners in effect.And at that timethe First National Bank had only five vice presidents. Today,the Citibank probably has a hundred or more. The old FirstNational was a corporate bank, I don't think it took deposits ofless than a million dollars. It had very few personal accounts,and that's one of the reasons it couldn't survive in the laterperiod. It had to merge with the National City Bank in order tosurvive at all. But there was a time when it was sort of anadjunct to the Morgan empire, a part of it. And my father wasupper-level management, a vice president, of the First Nation-al. He wasn't very rich. He could have been but for the crash of1929. He was heavily involved in many of the things that wentbust in 1929. So it was not as though he had a big fortune, butenough to live on. That was necessary. In the United States, ifyou don't have access to a little surplus value, you know, you'renot going to be able to playa really independent role in theintellectual environment. So I don't blame these people in anypersonal sense. I try to explain it and thank my lucky stars thatI was able to escape those pressures, to which so many peoplesuccumbed.

    SS:Monthly Review has rightly been called an "institution"of the American left. You started to publish it in 1949, at thedawn of the McCarthy era. Then came Monthly Review Press(MRP) in 1952. I would like to ask you two questions concern-ing MR: One, was it ever subjected to judicial or politicalrepression?

    PMS: Well, both. The co-founder was Leo Huberman,


    whose books I think you are familiar with. He was a popularizerin the very best sense of the word. He wrote marvelously lucidand clear, well-informed books on the history of Americandemocracy, We The People, and a history of capitalism, Man'sWorldly Goods. He and I were the co-founders ofMonthly Review.And both of us were subjected to a certain amount of harass-ment, by what is usually called the witch hunt aspects of theMcCarthy period. Leo, I think, was called once before theMcCarthy Committee, and once before the Un-AmericanActivities Committee. I was the object of a state subversiveactivities witch hunt in New Hampshire, where I was living atthe time, which went on for four years. In 1953 I was ques-tioned by this local state inquisition, you might call it, andactually was-well the details don't need to bother you. I wasfound guilty of contempt of court, and sentenced to jail. It wasin 1953-54. It was immediately appealed, and the case went onuntil the summer of '57, when it was finally decided by theUnited States Supreme Court in my favor. So all that period Iwas out ofjail on bail. The year 1957was the peak of the liberalphase of the Earl Warren court. And on that day in June of1957, they handed down six or eight decisions overturningseveral of the worst McCarthyite excesses. My case was one ofthem. But these had nothing to do with Monthly Review. I mean,except indirectly, there was no attack on the journal as such.

    Neither Leo nor I had, fortunately, happened ever tojointhe Communist Party, although it could have happened easilyenough at one stage or another. Many people joined the partyin the 30s just because it seemed to be the most effective leftorganization of the period. They never thought of it as anythingterribly important, and maybe didn't stay very long. Lots ofthem went through the party, and that became later on ahandle which could be used to persecute people in very viciousways. We were lucky in that they didn't have that available. Ofcourse people were very careful about subscribing to MonthlyReview, or being seen with it. For years we had to mail it in aplain wrapper, so that folks wouldn't see it. But that kind ofthing is different from a direct attack. As a matter of fact, the


    United States legal system has been, I would say, meticulouslycareful: there is a certain bias against any sort of directcensorship in the system. They don't need it. Our publicationsare so small, they do not pose a threat to anybody.

    SS: Second: How do you now, after close to forty years ofpublication, evaluate the contribution of MR to socialism inAmerica and, of course, in the world at large?

    PMS: Well, I would think it has had much more influenceoutside the United States than in the United States. There iswhat is called a Monthly Review "school," which includes,besides Huberman and myself, Paul Baran, who was at Stan-ford University with tenure. Fortunately he got tenure in 1948.

    EAT: He was the first American Marxist to get tenure at abig university. Is that right?

    PMS: Well, no, there were others, but perhaps in econo-mICS,yes.

    EAT: Yes, that's what I mean.PMS: But there were quite a lot of Marxists, more likely

    mathematicians and physicists. Marxism didn't interfere withtheir work or get them in trouble. Baran was very close to us.And Harry Magdoff, and then Harry Braverman. The mainworks, I suppose, are my Theory if Capitalist Development, Mo-nopoly Capital by Paul Baran and me, Harry Braverman's Laborand Monopoly Capital and, Harry Magdoffs The Age if Imperial-ism. There is a recognizable tendency in American Marxism,which can be, in a rough way, said to be the Monthly Reviewschool. I don't think it's predominant. My guess is that itdefinitely isn't. In the URPE, for instance, the Union forRadical Political Economics, I would say the Monthly Reviewtendency is a minority, a definite minority. There are manyothers. Anwar Shaikh's tendency is another minority tendency,and one could mention Bowles and Gintis, and others as well.

    EAT: But they are getting to be the majority, in a way.PMS: Could be, I don't know. I am not really closely

    associated with the URPE and its inner politics. But in any'ease, I think it's been useful. As you know, the U.S. Marxistmovement is small, very small. Nobody can claim that it has


    had a major impact on American intellectual life. There's acold war mentality. But Marxism has a certain toehold. It'smuch more serious than it used to be. We take it as it comes.

    SS: One final question concerning your career as a social-ist intellectual: It is striking that a socialist of your influenceand commitment should not have been involved in practicalsocialist politics, i.e., organizational political work. Would youtell us the reasons for this and how you feel about it when youlook back over the years?

    PMS: Well, that's not altogether true. I was involved in alot of things in the thirties. I was very active in the Teacher'sUnion, and one of the founders of the Harvard Teacher'sUnion.

    SS: No, what I meant to say had to do with workingtowards the formation of a political party. And you in factyourself, in the piece that you wrote for the twenty-fifthanniversary of Monthly Review, did mention this sort of thing.You never went into organizational politics, especially in thesixties, when the movement was on the rise. How do you viewthat looking back on it?

    PMS: I view it as sort of inevitable, because I think to havetried to join in in the sixties would have been difficult. It was ayoung movement in the sixties, they didn't think they neededold people like us. But they did need something that couldestablish some continuity with the radical past, because thesixties movement had little sense of history, very little sense ofits own place intellectually or politically in the development ofthe country. And we always saw our role as trying to maintaincertain radical traditions, a certain sense of history, whichcould not be done in any of the available existing partyformations, sectarian formations. And so we tried to producesomething which would be useful to all of them, if they wantedto place themselves in the historical development. And reallythe only serious political party was the Communist Party, plusthe Trotskyists, who are a variant of the Communist Party: theparties that came out ofthe Third International. And they wereabsolutely impossible from the point of view of any intellectualcreativity. I remember when I wrote the Theory if Capitalist


    Development.] ust when it came out, friends ofmine said we don'tknow what to think of it because Moscow hasn't said anythingabout it yet. Well in that kind of an atmosphere, you can't carryon serious work. Perhaps you could in England. I meanMaurice Dobb was always a member of the Communist Party,for example. And I think they left him alone. He could say whathe wanted. As a matter of fact, he was a creative writer duringthe whole period. But that wasn't possible in the United States.That's a very complicated set of questions, and I don't reallyknow enough about it to have a definitive opinion. I would bedelighted if I thought there was a movement with a possibilityfor the future, to join it and playa role in it. But I don't see it.We have friends who are in the DSA. The DSA is the Demo-cratic Socialists of America. And I can see the point of somepeople who find that a community, an intellectual community,is something they need. But I don't think they take it veryseriously as a whole movement.

    As far as the community part is concerned, Monthly Reviewgives us a kind of base.

    We, Harry and I, come into the office normally once aweek on Tuesdays. And there is a kind of an informal traditionnow of the Tuesday lunch, a brown-bag lunch (people bringtheir own sandwich or coffee or whatever), which attractspeople from all over the world. They come in, sit down, anddiscuss. This last Tuesday, for example, Eduardo Galeano,very well known in Latin America, a Uruguayan, who wroteThe Open Veins of Latin America, published by Monthly ReviewPress. He was in New York. He came to lunch. And there wassomebody else, oh, our longtime colleague, Bobbye Ortiz. Shejust came back from the Dominican Republic, where she hadbeen a delegate to a Women's conference there. We get peoplefrom all over. And this establishes relationships when we goabroad. We can usually find people who have been in to see uswhen they have been in New York at the UN or the NewSchool, or something like that. John Eatwell is one who comesregularly. Eric Hobsbawm comes when he's in New York, notregularly, but two or three times. MR is a kind of center in itsown right, of a very informal sort, which gives us some contacts.


    We don't have many, I wish we had more, of a grass-rootsvariety. There really isn't a movement that provides suchcontacts. Harry Braverman, had he lived, might have estab-lished a close relationship with the trends and tendencies in theworking-class movement. I don't know. We don't have realcontacts of that kind.

    SS: Now I suppose you chose a conscious path of carryingon an intellectual tradition. Was that it?

    PMS: Really, I think that's the way I would say it.

    * * *

    EAT: Moving over to your contributions to Marxist theo-ry, can we start out by discussing some aspects of your firstmajor contribution, Theory of Capitalist Development, which datesfrom 1942. That book was firmly rooted, it seems to me, in thetheoretical debates that went on among European Marxistssuch as Grossmann, Luxemburg, Hilferding, etc., and present-ed in fact a synthetic view of their theories (the most obviousexample being your discussion of the controversy surroundingcrisis theory). Postwar American Marxism, on the other hand,seemed to have isolated itselffrom this sort of tradition, at leastuntil recently. Do you agree with this judgment? And if so,don't you think that this state of things is to be deplored?

    PMS: Yes, I think there is a sort of parochialism orisolationism in the American movement. But that's alwaysbeen true organizationally, theoretically, and intellectually.It's always been true. I was simply trying to tie into the onlyintellectual tradition that existed at the time, which was the onecoming down from the Second International to the ThirdInternational, and to pick out the most important thinkers likeHilferding, and Lenin of course. Lenin plays an important partas a theorist in the Theory rif Capitalist Development and so doLuxemburg and the English to a certain extent. Dobb wasprobably the only really important English thinker in thistradition. I don't think of anybody else. In other words, thatwas the tradition which had to be brought over here and madeavailable. Now the fact is that it hasn't been followed up, except


    sort of sporadically and in my opinion in a superficial way. TheFrench fashions have a tendency to catch on from time to time.And there is a serious group at the University of Massachu-setts, the Wolff/Resnick tendency. That's a kind of develop-ment I'm not too sure that I understand. It's a development ofAlthusserianism, French. But it's a bit of a sect in an intellectu-al sense, not in an organizational sense. They have followersspread around at various universities, usually very intelligentand brilliant people.

    But the New Left movement of the 60s was pretty muchanti-intellectual, attempting to develop its own theories, itsown niche in the stream ofradical thought and radical organi-zation. I'm sure you know this as well as I do. In fact, in recentyears, you've had more opportunity to relate to younger peoplethan we've had.

    SS: One of the outstanding aspects of Theory of CapitalistDevelopment is that it was there that you first introduced into theEnglish-language Marxist literature the debate on the so-called "transformation problem." It would not be wrong to seethe subsequent discussion in English as deeply influenced byyour manner of casting the problem. We know, on the otherhand, that since the 70s there has been a new current which,basing its economic analysis on the work of Sraffa, has deniedany validity whatsoever to Marx's labor theory of value. Howdo you personally view the debate between the so-called "neo-Ricardians" and the defenders of Marx's theory of value?

    PMS: Well, let me say first-and I think it's very impor-tant to understand this-that Sraffa himself did not see whathe was doing as an alternative to Marxism, or in any way anegation ofMarxism. From his point of view, this was a critiqueof neoclassical orthodoxy. And he made that very clear. JoanRobinson was very explicit, saying that Sraffa never aban-doned Marxism. He always was a loyal Marxist, in the sense ofhimself adhering to the labor theory of value. But he didn'twrite about that. Now that was Sraffa's peculiarity. He startedas a critic ofMarshall ian economics. You remember his famousarticle in the 1920s. He was in the Cambridge group. He foughtthese ideological struggles which had their center in Cam-


    bridge. He took a certain side in them, but he didn't take it as aMarxist, but he took it as a critic of the orthodoxy of the time.Now that's a peculiar position, but it doesn't entitle anybody totake Sraffa and counterpose him to Marxism, as Ian Steedmandoes. To make out ofSraffa a whole alternative theory, in myopinion, is quite wrong and has nothing whatever to do with thereal intentions ofSraffa, or certainly nothing to do with the realpurposes of Marxist analysis. There is no dynamic, no develop-ment in Steedman that I can see. Thinking that it is possible toget along without a value theory (using the term in a broadsense to include accumulation theory and so on) seems to me tobe almost total bankruptcy. It's no good at all. And I don'tthink anything has come of it. It was good to show thelimitations, the fallacies, the internal inconsistenciesof neoclassicaltheory, that was fine, that was important. But to think that onthat basis a theory with anything like the scope and purposes ofMarxism can be developed is quite wrong.

    * * *

    EAT: Your joint work with Baran, Monopoly Capital (MC),published in 1966,was immensely influential and could be saidto have given rise to a whole school of thought. It has also beenthe object of much controversy. One of the points made bycritics is that MC is based on a theoretical structure which is atodds with the labor theory of value. In a preface written for aGreek edition of MC you explicitly state that the theory putforth in MC is not in contradiction with the labor theory ofvalue. However, you would perhaps concede that it is based ona conception of monopoly capitalism where the competitivebattle among capitals recedes to the background, to say theleast. What would you have to say about this aspect of MC,especially given that the world economic crisis has once againexacerbated competition among capitalists and tended to breakdown every cartel and agreement that existed before?

    PMS: The first thing I would say there is that you have toremember the context within which Monopoly Capital was writ-ten. We started it in 1956, but it didn't actually get published


    until 1966. So it was in the process of development for 10years.But the atmosphere in the mid-50swas full-fledgedMcCarthyism,and it was practically impossible for Marxist dialogue to existwithin the U.S. academy. Baran and I were trying to introduceideas at a level and in a language which could be effective withyounger, perhaps radically inclined, economists who had noreal education in Marxism, no prior acquaintance with Marx'swritings. So we did use quite a lot of Keynesian and neoclassicaland monopoly theory concepts like marginal revenue curves,Keynesian ideas of savings and investment as a way of analyz-ing the accumulation process, things of that sort. Perhaps thatwas a mistake. We had originally planned a couple of otherchapters for Monopoly Capital which would have done more byway of explaining the relations between our conceptual frame-work and the Marxian value analysis. These chapters were invery rough draft, not publishable in the book or in any otherform when Baran died, so there was no possibility of includingthem in the book. And I don't know whether they would havesucceeded, or whether they were worth the attempt. But thepoint was that the problem of monopoly in our view was nothow the surplus got produced and how it got squeezed out ofthe producers, the workers, but how it got divided up. And inMarxist theory in Volume III of Capital, there is the wholemechanism turning around the average rate of profit andcompetition among capitalists of roughly co-equal status as faras their power and their control in the market was concerned.All of that, following on in the classical tradition of AdamSmith. And we wanted to argue that the distribution of thesurplus was affected by the changes in the structural character-istics of capitalism beginning around the 1880sor 1890s,wherethe market situations were altered and the big corporationsrose to dominance. We felt that these developments could beeffectively analyzed without in any way implying that capital isproductive of value. It was simply that the surplus was distrib-uted according to different rules. And as a matter of fact, ourargument was that the changed rules, the laws of distribution ofsurplus under monopoly capitalism, exacerbated rather thanalleviated the contradictions of capitalism, as Hilferding and

  • 16 MONTHLY REVIEW / APRil 1987

    some of the social democratic economists had argued, conclud-ing that the more organized capitalist society was less prone tocrises. We argued on the contrary that it was more prone tocrises and to stagnation tendencies than the more competitivemodels of the earlier period. So the purpose of that littleintroduction to the Greek edition was simply to get on therecord that we really weren't abandoning Marxism by talkingabout surplus instead of surplus value. I have subsequently, insome instances, touched on that. You know that "Value andPrices" essay which was published in 1982, wasn't it in theElson volume?

    SS: No, The Value Controversy.PMS: Yes, The Value Controversy. So, I think that that

    criticism is very misguided on the whole; it doesn't get to theheart of the matter. Now, the second point you raised as towhether the internationalization of the economy has basicallyaltered the tendencies which we found to be present in MonopolyCapital. I don't think so. Let's put it in a very extreme form. Ifyou had a real complete multinationalization, a completeelimination of all trade barriers, there would be a relativelylong period during which many monopolistic positions wouldbe destroyed, and a new pattern of monopolistically competi-tive relations would be established on an international scale.But basically the laws of the concentration and centralization ofcapital would be unchanged, whether operating on a national,multinational, or regional scale; and you would once againhave the building up of a structure similar to the one we talkedabout in Monopoly Capital.

    EAT: Me also gives the impression that at that time youattributed great importance to Keynesian techniques of de-mand management. The theory of the absorption of the risingsurplus through wasteful state expenditure seems to be anattempt at explaining the nature of Keynesian economic poli-cies in Marxist terms. It is true that you later explicitlycriticized the shortcomings of Keynesian policies. However, ithas been said many times that you viewed Marx's contributionto crisis theory as a precursor of Keynesian analysis. Would


    you tell us how you would characterize your relationship toKeynes or, for that matter, the relationship of Marxist econo-mics to Keynesianism?

    PMS: Yeah, this is a very complicated problem, of course.I was very much influenced, as I think was my whole genera-tion, by Keynes, by the General Theory. And I think that theGeneral Theory is a much more important book than mostKeynesians realize. I don't know if you have read it recently,most people haven't. In their student days, they read it and gotcertain things out of it that were mostly pretty formal, like themarginal efficiency of capital, the multiplier, the propensity toconsume, all of those formal concepts. Actually there is a lot ofwhat you might call economic sociology in the General Theory. Irecently had occasion to read again chapter 16 of the GeneralTheory, called "The State of Long-Run Expectations." It's amarvelous piece, sort of psycho-economic history. It's extraor-dinary. And once you read that, you cannot for a momentbelieve that the marginal efficiency of capital is anything but amush. There's no reality to it, no reality whatever. It's all basedon expectations, on the general climate of opinion, on the waypeople react to the historical context. All those things enter intoit. When it gets into a formal model, you know, it's like there is adefinite schedule of what various amounts of capital investedtoday will yield over a period of years, and what interest rateyou can apply to this, and from these data you get a definiteresult. But there is nothing like that in what you might call afuller development of a Keynesian set of ideas. He was alsoquite aware that private enterprise and the distribution whicharises from the private ownership of capital was not a viablesystem. To be sure, he thought it would be easy to reform thesystem-not easy perhaps, but that it would be possible,because he didn't have any theory of the state, any theory ofpower relations. He was completely blank on that. But in hisperception of the problems of capitalism, Say's Law for exam-ple, and the primacy of profit-making over use values. All ofthat is, at least, implicitly recognized in Keynes. The thing thatirritates me about Marxists is that they want to throw that all


    out, and the thing that irritates me about Keynesians is thatthey want to reduce Keynes to simple formulas. I think that isto misunderstand the importance of a very important figure.He didn't understand Marx at all, he was not at all attracted byhim. But now, I think you know that at one stage, his eye wascaught by the M-C-M' formula. And he immediately recog-nized it as a conceptual way of seeing the business world whichdiffered from that of the C-M-C formula.

    EAT: You recently wrote about that.PMS: I wrote about that in a footnote to the review of the

    Heilbroner book. [MR, January 1986] That just shows thatKeynes's mind was working differently from the normalneoclassical economist's. He was not normal; he was a muchmore brilliant and more seminal thinker whom one should notbe afraid to learn from. I think that Marxists have a certaindefensiveness about Keynes: we mustn't take seriously a bour-geois thinker because it may infect us and maybe we'll turn outto be revisionists without wanting to be, you know. I don'tthink that's such a danger as long as you internalize the basicstructure of Marxism, which is, of course, embodied in andsummed up in the value theory and the accumulation theory,surplus-value theory, all of that. That's absolutely crucial. Andmost of the valuable Keynesian insights can be added to that, atleast in my view. There is no need to lose these basic insightswhich are based on a very intimate knowledge of the realbusiness world-which of course, Marx also had in his day.But which Marxists taking their stuff out of Capital, can't havein our day. This whole business of finance which I was talkingabout last night. The present financial explosion which isunprecedented can't be handled in terms of the hints in VolumeIII about finance. Although, they are not unuseful, not withoutconsiderable value. The whole notion of an abbreviated accu-mulation formula, M-M', without any production element M-C, is a very fruitful way of thinking about finance, how it ispossible for M' to relate only to M without the system ofproduction in the middle. But that's what's happening all thetime now. Ifwe don't think about this, ifwe assume that finance


    is only an aspect of the circulation of commodities, we're notgoing to understand a lot of what goes on in the world today. Imust say, my own feeling is that this is an area where nobodyhas done really very well. I sometimes have the feeling thateconomics now is in need of a general theory, in the sense thatphysics seems to be in need of a general theory, i.e., that thereare a lot of things that are going on that don't fit into thestandard physical theories. And they are looking for a generalfield theory which would unify all of it. They don't have it yet.In economics, we need a theory which integrates finance andproduction, the circuits of capital of a financial and a realproductive character much more effectively than our tradition-al theories do. I don't see that anyone is actually producing it.Some people are beginning to become aware of the need for it,but it's terribly complicated. And I'm sure that I'm too old tobe able to think of those things. I can get snatches, insights hereand there, but I can't put it together into a comprehensivetheoretical framework. I think it will take somebody who startsdifferently and isn't so totally dominated by M-C-M', theindustrial circuit, with the financial circuits always beingtreated as epiphenomenal, not part of the essential reality. Idon't know if you are familiar with the book The FalteringEconomy, edited by Foster and Szlajfer?

    EAT: No, I am not.PMS: Published two years ago by MR Press. The subtitle

    is The Problem of Accumulation Under Monopoly Capital. It's acollection of essays basically, but there are also some originalcontributions. And the ones by the young Polish economist,Henryk Szlajfer, which take off from certain ideas of surplusand surplus value as put forth in Monopoly Capital, are particu-larly interesting. He has some very stimulating thoughts, butthey are not terribly clear. He's a Marxist, basically. He gotinterested in American thought and he's been working inWarsaw, which is quite remarkable. He certainly doesn't getmuch stimulation there. He's done work on Latin Americanunderdevelopment theory, too. I think he's an important think-er. You should look at the Foster-Szlajfer book. It has a


    collection of useful essays by Steindl and Kalecki and some ofthe most important works on the development of monopolycapital theory.

    * * *

    SS: I wish to go into another subject. One of the pillars ofyour characterization of the world situation since 1945 is yourassessment concerning the center of revolutionary struggles inthis period. You have time and again put forth two closelyrelated judgments: that the working classes of the advancedcapitalist countries were, so to speak, integrated into the systemand that the principal contradiction, to use your term, was thatbetween imperialism and national liberation movements. Youdid certainly emphasize in the early 70s that the apathy of theworking classes of the West was to be regarded as a transitoryphenomenon. Nevertheless, it is striking, when one goes throughthe issues ofMR in the early to mid-70s, that workers' strugglesin France and Italy, in the late 60s and early 70s, the Britishminers' strike of 1974 which brought down a Conservativegovernment, the Portuguese revolution of 1974--75, and thestruggles of Spanish workers against the Francoist and post-Francoist state received very insufficient coverage. Would youagreexthat the earlier orientation of the journal acted to obstructsufficient attention to these very significant social struggles?And how do you characterize the world situation now?

    PMS: Well, I haven't changed my mind basically. I thinkthe traditional Marxist theory was overoptimistic in its out-look. I think it underestimated, not only the integration of theworking class into the system, but also the fragmentation of theworking class, the breaking up of its component parts, whichdon't really relate to each other in the way that Marxists used tothink of as normal. They used to think the capitalist processitself tended to homogenize the working class, bring togetherworkers and give them certain common ways ofIooking at theworld, a common psychology, a common class consciousness.It doesn't seem to be happening anywhere. In those places likeFrance and Italy where it seemed maybe that the traditional


    model had more relevance, there the fragmentation is takingplace too, the break-up ofthe unified working-class unions andparties seems to be advancing just as it is in Britain and theUnited States. I don't see any integrating tendencies. I wouldsay there is only one place in the world today where you canspeak of a capitalist development yielding a capital-laborconfrontation of the classical Marxist kind, and that's SouthAfrica, for very special historical reasons. I can see the possi-bility of a real proletarian revolution in South Africa, with theblack working class posed against the white monopoly capitalruling class in a confrontation that would have been veryfamiliar to Marx and Engels in their way of looking at theworld. On the other hand, I think that if they woke up todayand saw the United States and Britain and the other advancedcapitalist countries, they would be very surprised.

    SS: Do you think the rather advanced countries of LatinAmerica would be close to South Africa?

    PMS: Brazil, for example. Brazil is obviously the key toLatin America. It is so much the most important, and the mostdeveloped. Perhaps. I don't know enough to be sure.

    SS: To follow on from the last question and to talk furtherabout Western Europe, one of the more heated debates of themid-70s in the pages of MR was the discussion on what youcalled "the new revisionism," i.e., Eurocommunism, especiallyItalian style. Would you say a few words on this politicalcurrent?

    PMS: Well, as you know, we were very skeptical about theimportance ofEurocommunism as a new movement. We saw itmore as an advance of the countries that so far didn't havesocial democratic parties, towards catching up with the North-ern countries. Well, the United States doesn't have a socialdemocratic party either, but in a way the Democratic Party is akind of bad substitute for a social democratic party, a kind ofwelfare-state party. Eurocommunism is an abandonment ofmost ofthe really important insights, the principles of Marxistanalysis of capitalism. And the Italian party today is a sham-bles. I don't even know if there is a faction in the Italian partythat could be called Marxist in any real sense of the word.

  • 22 MONTHLY REVIEW f APRil 1987

    There are individuals, of course. But my perception of it now isthat it has gone way beyond the original, you might say,intentions of Eurocommunism. Spain, what's left in Spain ofthe old Communist party where Eurocommunism got it's start?There are several little parties now; the French party hasdisintegrated, 10 percent of the vote against 25 percent; theItalian party has become reformist in the purest sense. The"historic compromise," that was supposed to be the big Italianinnovation. Compromise with what? With Christian Democra-cy, with capitalism. They've now carried that further, and theywant to compromise with the United States, with the leader-ship of imperialism. They passed a resolution in the recentcongress of the Italian Communist Party which, in effect, is akind of conciliation of imperialism. Left-wing people wanted tointroduce an amendment to, at least, strengthen the thingsomewhat, but it was rejected at the Central Committee level.It's a shambles. Eurocommunism can't be taken seriously as aradical movement. Now whether the advanced countries aregoing to be capable of regaining ground, I don't know. I don'tsee any significant developments yet. The strength of Reaganismand Thatcherism seems to be waning: they have their owninternal contradictions which are leading to their relativedecline compared to what they promised, or what they mighthave seemed to be at one stage. But nothing is coming up in theopposition. The most recent issue of the New Lift Review has along article by Raphael Samuel on the Communist movementin Britain. It's a very sad story, and it is very moving to me. Butthere's nothing left.

    SS: In a more recent issue of New Lift Review, RalphMiliband characterized a similar political and intellectual driftaway from Marxism in Britain (and France) in exactly thesame terms as you talked about Eurocommunism, that is, healso referred to a "new revisionism." Have you seen that articleof Miliband's? Have you been following these debates inBritain?

    PMS: I don't know. My own feeling is that the best, themost important thing that can be done in the advanced coun-tries now is to oppose the implacable drive ofU .S. Imperialism,


    ofU .S. monopoly capitalism, to prevent any change in the thirdworld. That is the dynamics of the world conflict. That is thearea where the danger of nuclear war is germinating. Andwithout being socialist or even consciously left, we can at leastsay no to that. And a lot of people are doing that and becomingconscious, at least at that very elementary level. Now thatdoesn't imply any great optimism about the post-revolutionarysocieties. But I must say that they have more potential thanthey have yet been able to realize, whether they are calledsocialist or not. I don't think it's very useful to call themsocialist.

    EAT: That's exactly my next question. Ifwe move furthereast in Europe, we could perhaps discuss your characterizationof the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. How do you viewthese societies? Has there been any significant change in youranalysis over the years?

    PMS: I think it's significant in the sense that they have,the Soviet Union, in the first place, of course, and China, inspite of all their disappointing developments, repellent fea-tures, they have achieved a certain relative if tenuous andinsecure independence of capitalism. It's not complete inde-pendence by any means. And the Wallerstein school whichtries to make it out still as a world capitalist system has a littlegoing for it, but it isn't really useful. In fact it obscures the realtendencies.

    EAT: I agree with you.PMS: The Soviet Union is not operating under the laws of

    capitalism. China isn't either, really. There the central authori-ty can still call a halt to present policies. It may find it useful fornow to use these market incentives, capitalist incentives, butthat doesn't change the whole system into one of capitalism.That is a view which some of the extreme Maoists, in myopinion quite wrongly, deduce from the present situation. TheEastern European countries, some of them are quite successful,Hungary, for example, East Germany. East Germany, I don'tknow too much about it, but what I do hear from people whosejudgment I respect is that it works a hell of a lot better than theU.S. and the Western press would like you to believe. Czecho-


    slovakia, I don't know. I haven't seen or heard much aboutwhat is going on there. They are not third world countries, andthey have a certain relative independence from capitalism.They have certain potentials which, of course, the UnitedStates is doing its very best to suppress, in the sense of makingthem spend all their energies on military defense. The morerational elements of the U.S. right, I think, want to believe thatthey can force the Soviet leaders into submission through anarms race which will become too burdensome for the SovietUnion to sustain. I think it's crazy. It's a totally incorrectperception. Nevertheless it does great damage. What can acountry like Nicaragua do if it has to spend 60 percent of itsgross national product on war? A very poor country to beginwith. What kind of development can they generate unless theyget a lot of help from outside, which they don't get of course.Even so, they don't do too badly in some respects. it's remark-able how well they do. And Cuba is another example. It's donesome very remarkable things under extraordinarily difficultcircumstances. If-an absolutely impossible if, of course-youcould get the ruling classes of the advanced capitalist countriesthat are in the saddle in their own countries, to layoff and leavethem alone, then perhaps those post-revolutionary societieswould have more of a potential than most people think they do.I myself do not believe in the theory which is put forth by E.P.Thompson, for example, that the cold war, the arms race, isessentially a two-sided affair.

    EAT: Stretching the argument a little bit.PMS: I think it's false. I think it's false. You can see it now.

    Gorbachev has had the good sense to expose the United States.The offer of complete elimination of nuclear weapons-wellobviously he realizes it isn't going to be accepted-but theactual moratorium on testing is a real factor of unilateralinitiative, of stopping testing and saying, "All right, you stoptesting too and it'll be permanent." That's a real step. Thepeace movement in this country hasn't understood its impor-tance, I think. I am surprised. I think the Soviet Union hasshown more capacity to respond to a very difficult situation and


    to do it in a positive rather than a negative way much betterthan I had feared. My feeling about the Soviet Union is not asnegative as it was a couple years ago. That was partly under theinfluence of Maoism, which I think was always wrong in its"three worlds" theory. I don't think it was ever a three-worlduniverse. There is capitalism and then there are those whomanage to get a bit of independence of capitalism, and not twosystems. There is no socialist system. There are societies whichcall themselves socialist that are not under the regime ofcapital. That's all to the good, and it has possibilities. But someof us went too far in our analysis. I was very much influenced byMao because I think he was a very great man and I think hedeserved to have influence. But sometimes it's hard to knowjust how far to go. Take enthusiasm for the Cultural Revolu-tion, for example. It seemed to be such a right thing to do. Itseemed in an abstract sense to have all the rationality on itsside. But obviously the Chinese people were not ready for that.

    SS: Aren't present developments proof of the fact that theMaoist leadership had not really laid the basis for a healthyworkers' state? Otherwise, how could the Deng leadershipfollow such policies without a forcible destruction of previouslyexisting structures and without facing serious opposition. Thisis, in fact, an argument which you have also used, but incriticizing the Maoist characterization of the Soviet Union?

    PMS: I agree with you, I totally agree with you. I thinkvery likely, we were all living in a bit of a dream world when weimagined that the Communist movement in China had devel-oped in the masses to the point of changing popular conscious-ness and class consciousness and so on. That came from othermodels and not from reality, I think. Mao, himself, recognizedit in some of his more candid moments-in that last collectionof his talks (I forget what it was called when it was finallypublished. The preliminary title was Mao Unrehearsed, and itcontained speeches, letters, documents from the Cultural Revolu-tion period). In some of those, he comes on understanding verywell, I think, how skin-deep the Cultural Revolution reallywas, how it really didn't get into the masses and didn't change


    the masses. I don't think the failure can be blamed on Mao.What else could he do?

    * * *

    SS: Can we speak finally about the future prospects forsocialism in the world and in the United States? You saidsomething on South Africa which was very important. There isalso the case of Nicaragua. It seems best to start out withNicaragua. You have always been a close observer of theCuban experience. In the light of this, what is your evaluationof the Nicaraguan revolution? Do you think that the U.S.government will try to crush the Nicaraguan revolution throughdirect intervention?

    PMS: You know I think the Nicaraguan revolution has tobe distinguished from the Cuban revolution very clearly. TheUnited States got caught off guard in Cuba. The Cubanrevolution managed to consolidate itself with Soviet assistancebefore the United States understood what was happening. Andfrom then on it meant definitely that full-scale intervention byUnited States armed forces would be necessary ifit were to beoverthrown. And the Soviet position, the dangers of nuclearwar, were such that the United States, fortunately, didn't havethe foolishness or the rashness to try such an adventure. Nowthe Nicaraguan revolution is not a socialist revolution; even bythe standards of the Soviet Union, or the so-called socialistcountries, it's not a socialist revolution. It has a leadership thatis certainly inclined in that direction, but still 60 percent of theeconomy is under private ownership. All the same, from thepoint of view of the U.S. ruling class, it's a great danger, it's agreat danger. Hit survives, it's bound to have imitators not onlyin Central America but in South America and various otherplaces. In that sense the "domino theory" is a realistic theory.It doesn't mean they're all going to flop into the arms of theSoviet Union, it means they're going to flop out of the arms ofthe United States. And that the United States won't tolerate. Ithink the United States is very, very wary ofdirect intervention,however.


    The so-called "Vietnam syndrome" is not dead. It's notdead not only in the wide masses of the people, particularlyreligious people (church people are playing a wonderful rolenow in many areas). It's not dead in the U.S. military either.The U.S. military, the top brass, the chiefs of staff, were verybadly burned by Vietnam. They don't want to get into amilitary adventure which will have a chance of developing intoanother Vietnam. Unless it has popular support, unless it isbacked by the country, the minute you get into a CentralAmerican war, you're going to have a draft again. That turns awhole section of the middle class against it. In other words, thisis not a simple business where we send in some troops and cleanup Nicaragua. And the U.S. tactic now is to do it another way,by means of so-called "low intensity" war, which could last fora long time. And I think they will continue to pursue thatoption. What the outcome will be, I don't know. They're in astruggle right now in Washington, which is another chapter inthis story. But it's not going to be the last chapter, by anymeans.

    What is happening in South Africa now is just the begin-ning; it's just the beginning. That will be a very decisivestruggle. I think that has the potential to become the keystruggle for the rest of the century, maybe even into the nextcentury. It could be of world significance, comparable to theChinese Revolution in its day, tipping the balance in favor ofworld revolutionary struggle, if the revolution should win inSouth Africa. I don't know exactly what "win" means, but atleast basic change in social relations, which would necessarilymean a post-revolutionary black republic. Socialist, I don'tknow. I don't care too much whether they call it socialist or not.Hit isn't capitalist, that's the important thing to me. The worldhas got to get out of capitalism, before we can really begin todiscuss socialism. That's the big struggle, revolution versuscounter-revolution. And South Africa is, in my opinion, a verykey element in that struggle. I hope, let me say this, I hope thatyour country [Turkey] is going to become another one some-time in the not too far future.

    EAT: We know that the United States is the only ad-


    vanced capitalist country where there is no working-classpolitical movement with a mass basis. Given this fact, as well asthe search for a meaningful left agenda, what strategy in youropinion is most likely to prove fruitful and promising?

    PMS: Well, I can only think now that the whole left shouldconcentrate on defensive struggles. The working class, and theleft in general, is being very strongly attacked. As you know, theunion movement is disintegrating, and the standard ofliving ofworkers is being attacked. And the first necessity to get some-thing started is to fight against that. I think it should not only beon the union front, although that's important, too, but on thepolitical front. Harry and I have thought for a long time thatthe main thing should be struggles for job creation and elemen-tary protection of the rights not only of working people but ofwomen and minorities, blacks and so on. What is needed is amilitant defensive struggle that in the course of time can take onan offensive character. Many more opportunities of a politicalkind will open up when the next recession comes. This I think isthe only way it can be done.

    SS: Well, thank you very much.EAT: Thank you.


    Women are the creatures of an organized tyranny of men, as the workers are thecreatures of an organized tyranny of idlers. Even where this much is grasped, we mustnever be weary of insisting on the understanding that for women, as for the laboringclasses, no solution of the difficulties and problems that present themselves is reallypossible in the present condition of society. All that is done, heralded with no matterwhat flourish of trumpets, is palliative, not remedial. Both the oppressed classes,women and the immediate producers, must understand that their emancipation willcome from themselves. Women will find allies in the better sort of men, as the laborersare finding allies among the philosophers, artists, and poets. But the one has nothing tohope from man as a whole, and the other has nothing to hope from the middle class as awhole.

    -The WomanQuestion,Eleanor Marx and Edward Aveling