Interview with Bruce Lipton October 20, 2011 The …...You know your family. You know your...

Copyright © 2011 Om Freely Presents. All rights reserved. Interview with Bruce Lipton October 20, 2011 The Beliefs Behind your Parenting, and How they Affect Your Children

Transcript of Interview with Bruce Lipton October 20, 2011 The …...You know your family. You know your...

Page 1: Interview with Bruce Lipton October 20, 2011 The …...You know your family. You know your situation, so take what resonates with you. Take what you know will work with your family

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Interview with Bruce Lipton October 20, 2011

The Beliefs Behind your Parenting, and How they Affect Your Children

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Jacqueline: Hello, everyone and thanks for joining us today. I'm Jacqueline Green and I'm the host of The Great Parenting Show. Today is the start of week five of our 12-week program. I want to start by acknowledging you and the thousands of parents across the world who are listening to these interviews and I want you, if you haven't already, to submit your live questions. Go to find the question and answer box where you can submit a question to parenting expert and psychologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton. Once again, that's

So, just before we start I want to reiterate that I encourage you to realize that you are

your child's best expert. You know your family. You know your situation, so take what resonates with you. Take what you know will work with your family and leave the rest. You will hear…some of our experts will have somewhat different opinions and that's fine. It's up to you to share and to use what's going to work in your family. I also encourage you on that live event page,, after you have written your top question for Dr. Bruce Lipton, please also share in the Facebook application. It's a great place to share some information about yourself, your family, what you're most wanting to hear Dr. Lipton talk about today and anything else that you want to share with our community.

I will talk again at the end of the show about the contest we are running, as well. So

today we have the pleasure of talking to Dr. Lipton about The Beliefs Behind Your Parenting and How They Affect Your Children.  He…basically, his topic is on conscious parenting, which I know is a topic that resonates with so many people and as a scientist; he brings a very powerful perspective. So to introduce him. Dr. Lipton is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He's a stem-cell biologist, best-selling author of The Biology of Belief and the recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award. He has been a guest speaker on hundreds of radio and TV shows, as well as the keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his PhD from the

University of Virginia at Charlottesville, before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1973. His research on Muscular Dystrophy studied employing cloned human cells focused on the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transportation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and his colleague, Dr. Ed Schultz, was published in the Journal of Science and was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. In 1982 Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that the outer layer of the cell was an organic homolog of a computer chip – the cell's equivalent of a brain.

His research at Stanford University School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992,

revealed that the environment, operated through the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which were encountered to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, passaged one of today's most important fields of study – the science of Epigenetics.

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Bruce: That's a lot of stuff we could get onto the show. Jacqueline: Okay, well. I wanted to add, too, that I think one of your wonderful credentials, as well,

is that you are a father. So you are coming at this both as a scientist as well as a father. Bruce: Well, boy, I sure learned a lot between the science and the parenting part and it's really

profoundly changed the whole vision of what parenting is all about, and the importance of parenting. And I mean we've just been so misled about the role of parenting and the future of our civilization, which is hand in hand. They're connected. That's why it's so important for people to understand now the nature of the new insights about how environment and perception of the environment is what controls our genetics and our health and what happens to us in life. So I get so excited, obviously…is that parents, they don't even recognize it. Parents, by definition, which we can talk about, are genetic engineers. They are shaping the genetics and behavior of their children and their grandchildren by the way they raise their kids. So it's like it's extremely and profoundly important for the future of our civilization on this planet to understand conscious parenting.

Jacqueline: Well, it's fascinating and please excuse me for the long introduction, but you have such

an extensive and fascinating background and I really want the thousands of parents listening to understand what a profound rooting and thorough rooting you have in science and yet, you also almost have a rooting in anthropology as well and spirituality because I know you talk in your lectures and in your work about how, historically, you know, we talk about us being genetic engineers and how we used to have more of an intuitive understanding of the importance of when our children are in utero of the mothers  and  father's  attitudes,  the  environment…

Bruce: Involvement…involvement…they  are  totally  involved,  and  because…it was very

interesting because, historically, if we look at what most people have learned in their education and that means most all of us have learned that genes, whatever they are, apparently control our traits and as a result of  that…think  about  it  this  way.  As far as we know, we didn't pick the genes we came with. If we don't like the traits we have, we can't change the genes and then you look at your life in that respect and you say, "Well, my God, I'm a victim – a victim of my heredity. Look at the family. Look at the genes I got from this family. Oh my God, there's cancer and Alzheimer's, diabetes, blah, blah, blah," and, it's like, "I'm a recipient of this and I can't do anything about it." It turns out that belief system is completely wrong. It's been turned upside down by a whole new understanding of science and the difference is this. What I was talking about was what I was actually teaching back in medical school in those days was called genetic control, which simply means controlled by genes.

The new science is called epigenetic control and you go, "Well, it sounds like the same

thing." I go,  "No,  that  little  prefix  ‘epi,’ it  profoundly  changes  the  world  because  ‘epi’ means above, like when you say the word epidermis, which is skin. The skin is above the dermis – epidermis. So you say epigenetic control and I go, "Yeah, literally controlled above the genes." Well, all of a sudden, it turns out that the genes control nothing. The genes are like blueprints and the system, the biological system, which in ‘epi,’  what's  above  the  genes  is  the  perception  or the nervous system of the

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organism…is  above  the  genes.   So it says as the nervous system responds to the world, in its response, its function is to

control the genetic activity of the system. So you say, "Well, wow. That's really interesting." I go, "It's not just interesting. It goes like this. It says that genetic control, where the genes control you, you're a victim, but if it turns out how the nervous system responds to the  environment  is  the  control,  which  it  is.”  Then he says, "Well, wait a minute. I'm the one that can change the environment. I can change my perception. I can change my responses." I go, "Absolutely." Why is that important? Because we're not victims of our genes, we're masters of our genes. We control our genetic expression, whether it's in health or disease.

So, for example, we've looked for almost 100 years for cancer genes and it turns out

there  aren't  any  cancer  genes.  It  turns  out  that  cancer  is  actually…to  get  it  off  the  ground…takes  12  or  14  different genes to get it going. So it's not like one gene went crazy and then I got cancer. No, it's a concerted effort to create a cancer and it turns out now that up to 90% of cancer is solely environmentally related to lifestyle and the person's response in their world. Interesting. Studies have revealed that when children are adopted into families with cancer, the adopted child will get the same family cancer, with the same propensity as any of the normal siblings and yet, realize that child came from  totally  different  genetics.  What  we're  beginning  to  realize  is…oh my goodness…  How we respond to the world creates our biology and our behavior in our lives and how we respond to the world was programmed into us during the first six years of our existence, and why this becomes important is, well, my God. That programming was how parents, in the first six years, shaped the whole life of that next individual, the whole generation, and influenced the generation after, as well.

It's very interesting. I was thinking before the phone call, this concept of the first six

years of programming is not new. Five hundred years ago, the Jesuits would say – are still saying – since 500 years…give  me  a  child  until  it's  six and it will belong to the church for the rest of its life.  What  they  knew…another  way  they  also  said  it  is,  "Give me a child and I will show you the man." What they meant by that is they already knew. If I control the first six years of programming, I control the rest of your life. That's been known 500 years.

Biologically, now, there's a realistic, mechanistic biological connection to show exactly

how this works and then all of a sudden he says, "Oh my God. You know what the difference is? When I was teaching in medical school and genes control life…”  You'd say,  “What  makes  a  good  mother,”  and you'd say, "Well, you know in gestation as the child is developing,  how  can  I  be  the  best  mother,”  and  you'd  say,  “Well, since we thought the nutrition is what the mother provided through the placenta to grow the baby and we said at those  days  of  genetic  determinism,  ‘Oh, the baby…it's development is controlled by the genes, so the mother's only  role  is  to  provide  nutrition.’” So you'd say, "Well, what makes a good mother," and you'd say, "Well, eat well, take vitamins and minerals, exercise." All these things to boost the nutritional quality and that's all we thought that the mother's were doing.

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Now, we know, through the science of epigenetics that the information in the mother's blood, which is the emotional chemistry of the blood – which that's where you get your feelings of love or anger or stress or whatever – these are chemicals in the blood. These chemicals which regulate the mother's biology and the genetics of the mother cross the placenta, so whatever the mother is experiencing, the chemistry of that crosses the placenta and the fetus has the exact same experience. The significance about that is when patterns of behavior play and repeat themselves, the fetus learns the patterns of the chemistry of emotions and what happens is – now we recognize – that 50% of a child's personality is developed even before it's born, based on memorizing the patterns of emotional flow in the mother. This doesn't mean the father is not at fault because, obviously, if the father screws up it certainly changes the mother's emotional flow and so it's  the  parents'  response  to  the  world  that  sends  signals  that  the…from  the mother's blood to the fetus, that adjust the genetics of the fetus to respond to the mother's perception of the world.

So, if the world is a loving, happy, supportive place for a mother, then the information

that crosses the placenta develops a child that is going to be more at ease in the environment…it's  going  to  be  more  intelligent  because  the…when  there's  a  supportive  environment, the nutrition really encourages the development of the brain and the nervous  system…as  compared  to  a  mother  who  is  in  a  place  where  she  feels  unsupported,  and  that  life  is  hard  or  a  struggle…whatever  is  going  on  is  not  really  encouraging. The relevance about that is that the mother's blood now contains stress hormones in it. When the stress hormones cross into the placenta, they change the genetic readout of the child to prepare it for a stress environment. So, a child born to a woman who is living in a stressful environment, the genetic changes that result from the stress hormones cause the child to get bigger arms and legs, and a bigger hindbrain, and  the  reason  for  that  is…that's  a  character  of  a  street  fighter.  So,  nature  is  saying,  if  life is a struggle and the mother perceives that, to give the best advantage to her child for  the  child's  survival…if  the  child  is  a  street  fighter  in  a  world  of  struggle…it  has  a  greater chance of survival.

So, you change the genetic readout of this child and make it a street fighter, and there's

a cause for that, you can reduce the intelligence of a child up to 52% by environmental information. So, all of a sudden, it's like, "Yes, I can make a street fighter, but I made a less intelligent person, as well." Now the question is, well, what world is this individual going to be born in to and does it match the image of the mother or not? Because the way the mother perceives the world, she's molding the genetic stages of this fetus development so that the child will be best fit to survive in that world and all of a sudden he says, "Well, wait. Then the mother's attitudes and beliefs, and responses to the world are not just a passing thing in her life. They are a programming mechanism that programs the behavior and genetics of her own child.”

So it's very interesting that now we recognize that 50% of the child's personality, which

is modeled from recording the behavioral patterns of the mother through the chemistry, these changes influence the genetics and the behavior of the child for the rest of its life. So like when it comes to adopted children, some people say, "Well, I adopted this little infant and so it's like this blank slate. So if I adopt an infant, then as I parent it, I'll be the primary person who is involved in shaping their lives." As it turns out, that's unfortunate

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because 50% of this personality, this baby's personality, was already created before the child was born, so the child is not a blank slate. It's already been preprogrammed before it was born. So this becomes fundamental in recognizing, “My God, the mother's role is not just nutrition. She's shaping the genetics and the fate of this child, and that's why for…that  these  behaviors  come  in  and  they're  passed  from  generation  to  generation.”

So you say, "Oh, there's cancer running in the family." The belief we've had for so long

was,  “Oh, if anything runs in a family, by definition, it must be genetics.” Now, we recognize the concept of epigenetics says that behavior is turned into genetics. So that repetitive behavior passed from parent to child to parent to child down the line, that behavior becomes programmed and so why is it important? Because, well, most of the time we blame things on genetics and  then  it  turns  out…like  the  genes  caused  it…now  we recognize the genes are just little blueprints. It's the behavior that's imprinted on the genes that determines the actions of the genes and that's related to the parenting. So all of a sudden I go, "Oh, my God. We didn't know that." We are so fundamentally important in creating a child's life and shaping what will happen to that child by how we interact  with  it.  So  the  role  of  parenting  is  like,  “Oh  my  God.  It's the most important step of growth of human civilization on this planet is based on how we raise this child because it determines the future of our civilization.”

Jacqueline: That's both a very exciting thing and I know for parents, it's also a scary thing because

parents  are  really  concerned…most  people  listening…there  certainly are some expectant mothers and families, parents and grandparents, who have children still arriving in the world, but what about those first six years and then I know later we'll get into what happens if your children are already passed that first six years, but do you want to talk a little bit more about that stage and what happens then?

Bruce: Okay. So here's what happens. Let's put it in context here. Here's how it works. The

behavior of the cells and that means their functional behavior, and what they're doing, and how they respond to the world as well as their genetics are controlled by the environment, which is represented by the blood in the human body. So the  blood…it's  like when I grow cells in a tissue culture. I feed it what's called growth medium, which is our trying to manifest an equivalent of blood. That's what the blood does. It nourishes the cells. So in a tissue culture lab we call it growth medium. In the human body we call it blood. The blood is what nourishes the cells and provides information.

I say, "So the chemistry of the blood is the factor that determines the behavior and the

genetics of the child." And I go, "Yes," and I say, "Okay. What determines the chemistry of the blood?" And I go, "The brain is the device that releases all these hormones and chemicals, which are the controlling factors that are in the blood, so that when you have an  emotional…”

Jacqueline: Sorry, Dr. Lipton. You left for a minute. So  you  were  talking  about  the  brain  and  how… Bruce: Okay. Well, let's see. We were talking about the chemistry of the blood controls the cells

and then I said the brain releases chemicals into the blood and these chemicals, which are the hormones and emotional chemistry of the body, organize and regulate the function of the person's body. So your brain releases chemistry that gives you emotions

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and controls your behavior and your genetics and I go, "Okay, but what causes the brain to release different chemicals at different times?" And I go, "The mind. The mind – how you perceive and interpret the world – is determining what kind of chemicals are going to be released by the brain." So it's very interesting because two people can respond to the exact same stimuli and have totally different responses and so it's not so much the stimulus, it's more the interpretation of the stimulus. Let's say, if you like hot, spicy food, you eat these things with peppers and it makes you all excited and you love the food and the person sitting next to you with the exact same plate eats the exact same pepper and  they  are  going  to  have  the  same…the  pepper  and  the body is going to have the same information, but it's the interpretation and let's say the other person has never really eaten spicy food and they eat that pepper thing and they go, "Oh my God. That's so scary," or whatever and it's like here's one person eating the pepper and enjoying it and here's one person eating the pepper who's freaked out. It's like it's not the pepper. It's the interpretation of the pepper.

So the mind is the device that makes an interpretation and the mind's response to the

world changes the chemistry. Very simply, let's say, I open up my eyes and my loved one is here and I'm living here in this beautiful place. My mind really says…neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin and nerve growth factor, vasopressin, these are chemicals that are the experience of pleasure, joy, love, and harmony and when your body receives these chemicals from the brain, it nourishes the body and makes it very healthy and that's why people who fall in love are exuberantly healthy and filled with energy because the chemistry released from the brain encouraged them in the body.

Then I say, but what if you open up your eyes and you're living in a stressful

environment?  I  go,  “Well, you don't release the chemicals I just said. The brain now releases a different set of chemicals like stress hormones – cortisol, histamine, inflammatory agents. Those things shut down the body's function to conserve energy for protection.”  So basically says, as you open your eyes and see the world, it changes which chemistry comes out of your body. Your perception of the world is translated into chemistry, which controls the behavior and genetics. Your mind and your interpretation is what's really responsible here.

Well, where do you get the interpretations from? This is the interesting part. The last

trimester in pregnancy you get it from the pregnancy of your mother and what your mother is feeling and experiencing, but once you're born, how do you interpret the world? Where do you get the information from? It's very important because when I talk about the mind and I have to talk about there is a conscious mind and a subconscious mind, and they are two different pieces that are not the same thing. The conscious mind is the seed of your personal identity, your spirit, your source. That's you. The subconscious mind is more like a tape recorder. What I mean by that is the subconscious mind records experiences like little programs and then when you push the button, the program plays again and again and again. So the subconscious mind creates habits from experiences. The conscious mind is creative. The conscious mind is you. The conscious mind has your wishes and desires.

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So I say, "Jacqueline, what do you want from your life?" And you can envision all of these things. I say, "Well, that vision came from the conscious mind, which is creative, which can create any images it wants." Okay? Then I say and what about the subconscious mind? No, that's habit. Now, here's the crux of the issue. Imagine the mind like an iPod where you have a play button where you can select the program and select the music and press play. So I say the play button is like the conscious mind, okay? Now, here's the interesting fact. I buy you a brand new iPod. You take it out of the box and I say, "Push the play button." And you say, "Nothing plays," and you say, "Well, why not?" And the thing is, well, you can't play anything until you put some programs  in  there  first  and  I  go,  “Ah,  the  hard  drive  of  the  iPod  where  the  programs  are  stored is the equivalent of the subconscious mind. “

The point is very simply this. When a child is born, it can't be conscious for a very

simple reason. Think about it this way. A child, if it could speak, a child could speak the moment it comes out of the birth canal. The baby's head breaks through and the baby is looking out at the world, and then you say to the baby, "Tell me something." The baby will look up at you  like,  "I  don't  know  anything.  I  just  got  here.  I  don’t  have  any  idea."  So  the point is the conscious brain does not kick into its conscious level activity in EEG electrical activity, which can read this, until about six years of life.

The first six years, the brain is in a lower vibrational frequency theta. Theta is like a

state of imagination and that's why children, especially between two and six, can mix the imaginary and the real world seamlessly because their brain is operating in that theta imagination state, but there's another factor. Theta is also hypnagogic trance – hypnosis – and so why is this important? The answer is this. For a child to use consciousness, it has to have programs, but to get programs, it has to have them downloaded first, like into the iPod first, before I can select a program. So the brain of an infant from zero to six is in a recording hypnagogic trance. It means it observes every movement and action. It records every word and response of their parents, their family, their community, their culture, and downloads it straight into the subconscious mind just like a video recorder. A child records everything. From this data, it interprets and responds to life. So whatever the child is experiencing in the first six years, it's recording that and that becomes the subconscious behaviors.

Now, why is this important? Because the conscious mind, the one that has your identity

and spirit in it, the one that has your wishes and your desires, it acts to use the programs that are in the subconscious, but here is the other story that neuroscience now reveals. The conscious mind is the one that can travel. So I say to you, "Jacqueline, what are you doing next week?" And you can conceive or create an answer of what you might do and I say, "Okay, what did you do last week?" And your conscious mind can go back and go to the files, and say, "Oh, yeah. I did this last week," or your conscious mind can daydream and then all these cases, going forwards, backwards, or daydreaming, that means the conscious mind is not paying attention to the current moment.

The subconscious' job is the default. Meaning that when the conscious mind isn't paying

attention then all of the habits of activities, jobs, work, communications, are just coming from the program. So like if you are driving a car and you've driven a car for a long time

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and  you  know  how  to  drive  a  car…of course, which is why you practice. It's now a program and you have a conversation with a passenger. You can get so involved with that conversation that one moment you look out the window and it dawns on you that you really haven't paid attention to the road for the last five minutes and then I say, "Well, understand what happened here is that your conscious mind was focused on the conversation and the subconscious mind was driving the car.”

It's a very powerful mind. It's a million more powerful than the conscious mind, the

subconscious is and so while your consciousness was focused on the conversation, your subconscious was driving the car and then I go, "Now, here's the point. You can tell me what happened in the conversation, but can you tell me what happened on the road during that five minutes while you were having a conversation?" The answer is "no." You weren't paying attention. You were in conversation. I go, "Yeah, you see, when the subconscious is running the show, you don't even see it." Because your conscious mind wasn't even paying attention. That's why the subconscious is running the show.

Now, you say, "What does this mean in my life?" Here's the final conclusion of what it

means. It means that we now understand that the conscious mind travels so much thinking and daydreaming, and whatever that we only run our lives 5% of the time with our conscious mind and, therefore, by definition and default 95% of our life comes from the behaviors programmed in the subconscious mind. So what does that mean? It means the first thing is this. You're only a moving in the direction you want to go 5% of the time with your conscious wishes and desires and 95% of the time you're responding to the downloaded programs. And I go, "Aha, but the downloaded programs came mainly from other people that you observed." Why that's important is you're living your life 5% of the time and 95% of the time you're living a life programmed by other people. That's what,  like  I  said,  the  Jesuits  said.  “Give me the first six years, I'll put the program in and that's  going  to  be  your  life,”  and  it's  like,  “Yes, exactly. That's how it works.”

Then it's like, "Oh, my God." We go through life with these great wishes and desires and

struggle a lot to get what we want and you think, well, the universe is against me and it's like,  “No,  no,  what  you  didn't  see  was  you were only moving 5% towards where you wanted to go and 95% to where the programs you got in the first six years want you to go.” Then you say, "What does that mean?" And I say, "Well, your beliefs about life and your responses to life and all that kind of stuff come from the hypnagogic state where you were observing your parents and your family and your community. You observed their behavior, recorded it and then put that into your program. So you become that."

That's why it's very interesting. You go back and I say, "You have a friend sometime in

your life, a close friend, you know your friend's behavior very, very well and you happen to know your friend's parents and you recognize one day that your friend has some of the same  behavior  as  their  parents.”  So you make a little casual volunteer thing like, “Hey,  you  know,  Bill,  you're  just  like  your  dad.”  And  you  back  away  from  Bill  because Bill is the first person to go ballistic and say,  “How can you compare me to my  dad,”  and there's a profound joke in here. The profound joke is everyone else can see that Bill behaves like his dad. The only one who doesn't see it is Bill and I say, "Well, explain that." The answer is he says, "Yeah. Bill observed his father's behavior, downloaded it

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in his subconscious mind. He plays that behavior when his conscious mind's not paying attention and therefore, when he's playing his father's behavior, he doesn't see he's doing it and as a result, he's not living his life. He's living the life that his father programmed into him."

The joke about it is that everybody else can see this except for Bill and then here's the

other joke for all of us is that every one of us is Bill. That's the truth. Every one of us got programmed in that first six years and when we're not paying attention, that's the program that automatically – the default program – that we play.

So our behavior is not what we really think it might be, but it's really what the recording

is. Most importantly and this is really involving parenting, we get an identity of who we are. How? Well, in the first six years the only way you get an identity of who you are is what people tell you who you are – what kind of person you are or what they describe about you – because remember, you're not thinking. You're recording.

So…and  you  hear  parents  a  lot  trying  to  goad their kids into doing something better, so

they say something negative like, "You don't deserve that." I mean they don't mean that you really don't deserve it. What they're trying to say is, "Look, if you do better, then you would deserve it." So they're really trying to encourage the child by saying, "You don't deserve that." Meaning you could be better, but a child is recording that just as it is. So when a child hears from a parent, "You don't deserve that," that is a recording that goes straight into the subconscious mind and I say, "Well, why is that important?" And I go, "Well, now the child is 40 years old or something like that. 5% of the time he's operating from his personal beliefs, or whatever it is and 95% of the time he's operating from the program and if the program says, 'I do not deserve,' then the nature of the behavior of that individual will be a behavior that will support that belief. So if I have a program "I do not deserve," I will unconsciously sabotage myself to conform to the program because if I succeed, then I'm conflicting with the program. So we become the program.

And then this is really critical because I say, "Well, I want to be a conscious parent."

Then I go, "Then listen to being a conscious parent." Five percent of the time that's your wish and your desire. Oh, yeah. That's conscious mind. So it says 5% of your time you are constantly thinking, "I'm going to be a conscious parent. I'm going to do all the right things." I go, "That's really great." Then I go, "But, unfortunately, 95% of the time, we're operating from the subconscious." I go, "Yeah, but that's not you. That was your family and your history, and why is that important?"

Because the child picks up the 5% of you that you were living in consciousness the way

you wanted to live and the child also records the 95% of your behavior that's invisible to you and I say, "Yeah, but who's behavior is it then?" And I go, "Well, that's your family's, your parents," and I go, "Yeah, but where'd they get that?" From their parents and you realize,  “Oh,  my  God.  A lineage of behavior is passed from generation to generation, unconsciously, and that is why things run in the family lineage whether it's a cancer, which is not the genes, it's a behavior that's in there.”

Cardiovascular disease is a stress response to life, which is programmed by the

behavior. Conclusion: it's very simple. Medicine now has recognized as a fact that the

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fundamental diseases we have as adults – cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s,  obesity  – I don't care. You can list it, that the seeds for these diseases that we experience in adulthood were set in the first six years in a child's life based on the programming that was passed from generation to generation. That's why there is a lineage of disease in a family. Not because of the genetics. There's a lineage of disease from passing the behavior that causes disease from family to family. Did I talk a lot right there, Jacqueline?

Jacqueline: Oh, it's fantastic. Thank you. Thank you. The questions, though, are pouring in from

people…a  few  – Donna, Jewel, Susan and Amy - have all asked. They are hearing you, hearing how profound those first six years are and they've all got older children. One of the  people  has  said…Donna  said,  "What  can  an  adult  do  if  they  know  their  own  six years wasn't beneficial?" But what do we do to change that subconscious?

Bruce: The whole critical understanding is this. You’re running your life 95% from your

subconscious. Now, your subconscious is not an evil, bad thing like people have talked about over history. The subconscious  has…is  like  a  tape  recorder.  Is this tape recorder good or bad? A tape recorder is not good or bad. How about the program? Oh, well. The program is not the tape recorder, so the subconscious is the tape recorder. The programs are in the subconscious. Now, the question is, well, if I got programmed during the last trimester and the first six years, how the heck do I know what the heck the programs are because consciousness didn't begin until around six?

So, it's like how do you know what the programs are? Here's the fun part because it's

very simple. Ninety-five percent of your life is from the subconscious. What's the point? It goes like this. Whatever works for you and makes you happy and you've got it in your life and it's really wonderful, you have programs that encourage that in your life, but then look at it this way. Anything you struggle with, anything you find hard, anything you have to put an effort into to make it work for you – why are you struggling? Why do you have to put an effort into it and the answer is very simple. Because you have beliefs in your subconscious that don't support that. So you're struggling not against the world, you're struggling against your own limiting programs.

The first thing that makes sense then is simple. You don't have to go back with a

psychoanalyst to figure out what the hell happened to your life. That's irrelevant. The beliefs that you acquired are now playing from your subconscious, so you can look at your life and say that the things that work for you, great. I don't have to work with those things. The things I struggle with, those are things I want to change.

Now, I say, "Can you change them?" And the answer is absolutely and yet, here's the

big problem. For years, we've connected the conscious mind and the subconscious mind with the belief that, well, if my conscious mind becomes aware of something then, of course, my subconscious mind should know it, too. The fact is uh, uh. Here's the reason why. They learn in different ways. I said the conscious mind is creative because, Jacqueline, when you give me an idea of what you're going to do next weekend and next weekend isn't even  here  yet,  so  you're  creating.  So  I  say,  “The  conscious  mind  is  creative.  It  learns  creatively.”

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Why is that important? Because I say, let's say you read a self-help book and all of us have read self-help books. I go, "Really cool." And I can say this. I know you know the content of the book because if I gave you a test after you read the book, you'd pass the test, which means you know the contents of the self-help book. Then I say, "Yeah, but did knowing the contents of the self-help book actually change your life?" The answer is, almost inevitably "no." I say, "What do you mean? I read all of these books and I have a great awareness of all this wonderful stuff, but my life is still exactly the same." And I go, "Here's the reason why. The conscious mind can learn creatively. It can learn from reading the book. The conscious mind can learn from going to a lecture. The conscious mind can learn by going back over your history and reviewing your story. It can learn all that."

The question is, well, now that the conscious mind learned that, does it enter into the

subconscious mind? I go, "No." The reason is this. Because the subconscious mind learns in a different way and they say, "Well, how does the subconscious mind learn?" And I go, "Well, the first learning, which is the first six years of our lives, the subconscious mind learned because it was in a state of hypnosis. It was just downloading data, bypassing consciousness and recording straight onto the disk.” I go, "Well, okay, so hypnosis is one way of programming." And they say, "What's another way?" And I say, "Ah, after you're born, how do you learn? After the first six years, actually, how do you learn after the hypnosis stage is over?" The answer is repetition.

Habit. That's how the subconscious mind learns. You have to repeat things. How many

times did you say ABCD to the end until you learned it? You had to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and I go, "How'd you learn how to drive a car?" You had to get in there and practice and practice and practice. How did you learn to do any job? You had to get on  there  and  do  it  and  to  repeat  it  and  repeat  it.  It's  like,  “Ah!”  Repetition.  Habit. That's how the subconscious mind learns. So you can educate yourself with a self-help book. It has absolutely no help on the program in the subconscious mind. You know, you go to the lecture, exact same thing.

So if you want to change the subconscious programming then there's two fundamental

ways and there's actually three, but the two fundamental ways now are 1) hypnosis and 2) creating habit. So, hypnosis. Well, you can go to a person who does hypnosis, but you can do self-hypnosis and you say, "Well, how do I do that?" And I go, "Remember, the brain frequency called theta, the EEG frequency? Theta is the hypnagogic trance state that you're in for the first zero to six, essentially,  well  about  two  to  six.”  And I say, "Well, how do you get into theta?" And I go, "Here's an interesting part."

There's a whole level of vibrational frequencies when we're alert and working, that's like

beta – high vibration – and then as we calm down, there's alpha, which is a lower vibrational frequency, and we go down a little bit below alpha. Then we're into that zone called theta, which is a lower, hypnagogic state and then one step lower than theta is delta, which is sleep. Why is that important? The answer is when you are awake and working, you are in the high frequency state, but as you start to calm down and as you start to go to bed, you're going down to alpha, which is slowing you and calming you down. And as you're just going to bed, you slip from alpha to theta and then into delta, which is sleep. Well, what's the point? The point is every day when you go to sleep at

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night and when you awake in the morning, by definition, you have to go through theta. So what if you put on a subliminal tape. Put earphones on and listen to subliminal tapes as you go to bed every night for a number of nights. What will happen is as you are going into theta and you are actually…you're  conscious  mind  is  slipping away because conscious mind is not working then the subconscious mind is recording. So if you have earphones on, you can record new behaviors. So that's one of the classic ways of doing it.

Once you're past six, the primary way of learning is habit. That becomes very critical

because when you repeat something and a habit, remember, is not a sticky note on the refrigerator that says, "Don't eat the donut." That's not a habit. That's a suggestion or a wish, more or less. A habit is based on total repetition – repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, repeating it and that's how the subconscious mind learns. So if you want to change something, you have to make a habit. Over a period of time, the habit will rewrite the existing…the  previously  existing  program.  

We can create habits. Here's an interesting way and it's not easy because our brains

are being flooded with so much information in the world. It's very hard to keep your brain focused in the current moment. I said, "Why is the subconscious running our life?" And I said, "Because the conscious mind is moving all over the place thinking about tomorrow, solving problems, whatever." And I say, "How can you make the conscious mind stay in the current moment?" It's called mindfulness. It's a practice.

Buddhist mindfulness – be here now. Be present. Whatever these words are saying, if

you keep your conscious mind from traveling – and this is an exercise now – if you keep your conscious mind from traveling, then that means you're always in the moment of making a decision with your personal wishes and desires rather than having your conscious mind traveling with a thought and then your desires being controlled by your program in the subconscious mind.

So it says, "Oh, my God. If you stay present, you control your life with your conscious

mind." Now,  here's…listen  to  this.  All  of  your  people  out  there  listen  to  this.  What would life be like if you actually left your mind in the present moment and didn't have your conscious mind travel? What would it be like? I'll give you the exact answer because you've experienced it. It was when you fell head over heels in love with somebody and we  call  it…I  call  it  the honeymoon effect. I say, "Go back to that time in your life when you just went crazy in love with somebody." And I say, "Were you healthy at that time?" Almost everyone says, "Exuberantly healthy." And I'd say, "Did you have energy?" It's like, "Oh, my God. We stayed up for days, had energy all over the place." I said, "Was life so beautiful in that honeymoon that you couldn't wait for the next day to have more of that wonderfulness?" And he says, "Yeah," and I go, "Okay, wait. Is that not like heaven on earth? Come on, tell me. Was that not like heaven on earth? You were healthy, energized, life was going your way. It was so beautiful." And  then  people  go…I  hope you say, "Yeah, it surely was." And I go, "Not an accident. Not a coincidence. A total creation that you did."

You know why? Because science has recognized that when you fall in love like that,

your conscious mind stays in the present  moment  because…think  of  it.  It's  like  this  is  

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everything you wanted. Why would you let your mind travel when you've got everything you want? You were creating from your conscious mind, which is your wishes and your desires. You were manifesting a life of your wishes and desires. The other person you were having your honeymoon with was doing the exact same thing and then they say, "Well, why is that relevant?" And I say, "My God. When you took over control of your mind and didn't let the program run, you created heaven on earth."

So the simple reality is how can you sustain that. The answer is keep your conscious

mind present. If you practice keeping your conscious mind present, that means that every time you make a decision where your conscious mind is present, you're making it from your wishes and desires. If you keep your conscious mind present long enough, then what is your mind going to do? From the repetition of making decisions from that point, you will rewrite the subconscious programs to be the same beliefs that you have in your conscious mind. Relevant? If you have the same beliefs in your subconscious that you have carry with the wishes and desires in your conscious. That means when you're not paying attention, you're still living the honeymoon experience.

Then  all  of  a  sudden  you  realize,  “Oh  my  God.  You could have a honeymoon every day

of your life for the rest of your life on this planet, but the only way to do that is you have to go back and change those limiting programs that were passed down. Because you go back,” and I say, "Think of the things that  parents  say  to  their  kids.”  You're  not  smart  enough. You're not good enough. You're a sickly child. You're not good at sports. You're not good at this. You're not loveable. Who do you think you are? The big one, of course – you do not deserve. And I say, "All of these things that parents have said, they were trying to encourage their kids. They weren't trying to kick them down. They were using that to like stick them with a needle. Like, 'Come on, jump. Do better.’ That's why I want you to do it." But it's like, yeah, but if those were done during that first six years, the child doesn't have the consciousness to make sense of that. It just recorded it.

So think about it. A child in the carriage, the Wal-Mart, the parents push by the toy part.

The kid sees the toys. He's under six years old. He loves it. He wants that toy. He's going to throw a tantrum and everything and the parents are going to be all upset and they just want the kid to quite down, so they make a scene, an emotional outburst from the parent like, "You don't deserve that." Well, the kid is under six. The kid just records, "I don't deserve." Okay? Now, I say, "But what happens when consciousness comes in?" Now, the kid is eight years old. Oh, eight years old – consciousness is working. Same scene. Drive by the toy part. The kid throws a tantrum at eight.

Now, the father yells, but by eight consciousness has kicked in and the kid can say,

"Oh, my dad's upset because he wants to leave. I'm throwing a tantrum. That's why he's yelling at me." Oh, that makes conscious sense. Okay? But if it's before six, it's just a recording.  It's  just,  "I  don’t'  deserve."  I  go  back and say, "Look, go back in your life and you won't realize it, but your issues were driven in the first zero, before the last trimester to the first six years. You were programmed and your life is a manifestation of your program.”

That's the function of the mind. To take your beliefs and manifest the life to correspond

to those beliefs. If you believe you are successful, healthy, and in privilege then you will

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end up with all the things that you are looking for. If you believe that you don't deserve things, you're not worthy, you're not loveable, then you're going to end up exactly with that.

There's a book called, Rich Dad, Poor Dad and it basically says the same thing. Why do kids from rich families grow up and stay rich, and why do kids from poor families grow up and stay poor? The answer is it was the programming that they got of what poverty and rich meant. The...all of a sudden it's like, “Oh, we're not controlled by outside, invisible marionette strings.” We're controlled by the beliefs that were programmed into our lives and if parents recognize this, you can change the beliefs. That was the question a long time ago. Sure, you can change the belief and as the child gets older, you can change the belief.

It's a lot easier, of course, to change it while they're young because all you have to do is model the behavior and the child will just download the behavior. That's all, but the problem is in our conventional life, we only model our conscious parenting belief 5% of the time because that's the wish of the conscious mind. So, unfortunately, the child sees us 5% of the time being conscious parents and the other 95% of the time, it sees us doing the behavior that we don't see and records that just the same. So this is the issue and yes, we can change the belief through hypnosis. We can change the belief through creating new habits and there's actually a third, and very exciting new breakthrough called energy psychology.

You can see a number of them on my web page There's a resource page and it talks about energy psychology mechanisms. This is an advance and an understanding that's so fabulous because it offers techniques by which we can generate a super learning response. Meaning you can download new beliefs in your subconscious, rewrite, super learning. This is a fabulous new insight and it's so easy and simple, and it's necessary because civilization is facing...we're facing it right this moment an evolutionary upheaval. The structure of the world is changing and it's time for us to acquire new beliefs and rewrite our programs to create harmony in our lives, and in the world around us. So I'm very excited about the energy psychology processes because they can make changes in minutes. So that's the way we can do it.

Well, let's just see if we can get a few of the questions, if I can make short answers, which is difficult because I run off at the mouth, as you hear. So I'll try to find short answers.

Jacqueline: No, you've got fabulous information. Okay, yeah. I'd like to ask you a couple of questions.

One of the many questions...Katiana from London has said, “What tips to stay present moment to moment? As a stay at home parent with kids who are totally present in old paradigm terms,” she says, “They're demanding, not totally present with you.”

Bruce: What was the beginning of the question, Jacqueline?


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Jacqueline: She says, "What are your tips to stay present, moment to moment?" Bruce: Okay, tips to stay present. It's very difficult to stay present. That's the first thing and

that's why I say it's a very difficult process because our minds have been programmed to just think about things and the conscious mind, the moment it's thinking, means it's not paying attention. So the hardest part about staying present is fighting that tendency. That's why I suggest the easiest thing is to change the subconscious program then whether you're present or not, you're still going to be behaving in the way you want to behave.

Staying present is a very difficult. It's an exercise. That's why it's called, like Buddhist

mindfulness, there are processes of staying present, but it's an exercise and it really has to be learned. So there's no simple thing about it, except the moment you fall in love, the mind will automatically stay present, so keeping the love, keeping the joy, is what keeps the mind in the present moment. So it's really fighting the resistance of that mind that wants to travel and just keeping it with the joy and wonder. You see, children stay present all the time because they don't have a lot of thought going on where their minds are thinking about paying the rent and stuff like that. It's the wonder of that child. If the parent can keep the wonder of the child and we can, but again, it's a habit, it's an exercise. You've got to program it. Unfortunately, I wish I could say, "Here, take this pill and now you'll be present." But we actually have to work on it.

Jacqueline: So, is one of the techniques that you suggest then, to do something as simple as

breathing? Bruce: Well, breathing, if nothing else, gives you a moment of thought. Anything that stops the

automatic "play" button is anything that brings you back to the present moment. So there are all different kinds of exercises  to  do  that,  but  it's  really…it's  a  pattern  interrupt.  You want to get out of a pattern because the pattern plays automatically – the habit. That's why it's a pattern. It's a habit and the only way to break a habit is to catch it. It's very critical and I just want to make a suggestions about this very much because I want you to know the subconscious mind has a little bit of creativity to it, but it's basically like a precocious five year old. That's what the programs of subconscious mind are like.

Why is that relevant? Because there's something to learn about ourselves in dealing

with the subconscious mind and that is this. We generally find…sometimes  we  can  see,  all of a sudden, our behavior goes off track. It's not what we wanted, but I said – like the donut on the note, on the sticky note on the refrigerator – I could give myself a good lecture about why I shouldn't eat this donut and then I give myself a good, intelligent, "Don’t eat this donut. We're going to be healthy, healthy, healthy, etc.," and then five minutes later there I am with a donut in my hand. Habit, right? Immediately, I get mad at myself. We're like, "Oh my God. You're so stupid. You're still eating the donut after I gave you this big…"  And  I  start  yelling  at  myself  and then I get angry at myself for violating my own desire. It turns out that is the hardest way to reprogram the subconscious.

The recognition that I said I gave myself a lecture and then a few minutes later I found

the donut in my hand was the subconscious mind drawing my attention to the fact that I

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had the donut in my hand. The subconscious  mind  is  sort  of  like  the  kid.  “Look.  See  what  you’ve  got.  Look at the  donut.” The concept was, as a good parent, you'd say, "Oh, thank you for showing me the donut because it means I can now put it down. I don't have to eat it." Then you  thank  the  child  for…"Oh,  that  was  so  wonderful."  Guess  what? The child quickly learns that every time you get near the donut it's like, "Oh, oh. There's that donut. You don't want that." It will get ahead of the game by avoiding the donut.

How did the child learn that? Not because you yelled at the child every time the donut

was in its hand. You encouraged the child. You'd say, "Oh, that was good that you caught it, that you got it." Why is this important? Because the tendency for ourselves is to get mad at ourselves when we find ourselves going off on tangents that we're not really happy with and it turns out that is not as effective as just stopping and saying, "Oh my God. I'm actually noticing it." That's what the subconscious' job was, was to get you to notice it. That's then the moment of your conscious mind has notice of it. That moment is where you have personal power because the conscious mind is your mind. Now, you look at the donut in your hand and you can say, "I have personal power. Do I want to finish this donut because I've already started it and it was so good? Or do I want to follow my new understanding and put the donut down?"

So basically, be nice to yourself as much as you want to be nice to a child because

being nice to your subconscious or being nice to a child is a much more effective way of programming than anger is. That actually causes a child to rebel against that and causes your subconscious mind to rebel against that. You'll be eating donuts the rest of your life, but if you start to say, "Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Now, that's it's in my attention I have power – conscious mind power. Do I want to finish this or not?"

When you encourage the subconscious mind, every time you encourage it, it will

respond faster than it did before, so that's an important way of recognizing your own behavior and also influencing your child's behavior. Anger is like the worst way of trying to deal with your subconscious or the child because now it'll rebel against that.

Jacqueline: So, in the case of Katiana and all these other parents who are writing in who are

conscious that they are not always parenting the way they want and they want help staying present, part of the help is to just congratulate themselves and acknowledge the fact that  they  have  set  that  intention…

Bruce: What do you mean that you have to congratulate it? That's what the whole idea of the

subconscious mind. I mean, let's say I didn't make the comment to myself about the donut and  I  was  having  a  habit.  I  would  eat  the  donut  without  even…until  probably about ten minutes after I'd say, "Oh, geez. I just ate the donut." But the fact is, what the function of subconscious mind is, is I'm showing you the donut. What do you want to do with it? If you get mad at yourself, you'll probably end up eating the donut and if you're very nice to yourself, you'll say, "Oh, thanks for showing me that donut and let's put it down right now."

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Moment of choice and as I said, your subconscious or your child at that moment will recognize, "Oh, I got a reward for showing the donut. Sure I'll show you the donut next time faster." That's the way it works.

Jacqueline: Yeah. That's so powerful.

Bruce: Can I do one more question?

Jacqueline: Oh, I'd absolutely love to. Here's an interesting one. Maggie from Lake Country says that she is very conscious of her thoughts, but they still keep coming and she says this is especially intense for her at night when she's awake, which is often. What do you suggest for her?

Bruce: Okay. Here's a very interesting thing, especially, I presume we're talking her thought set or a parenting thought telling us, “Oh, you were good, or bad, or not, or whatever. You know, the one on your shoulder, that voice. I'm presuming it's something like that, where these thoughts of doubt come in and just...we lose trust in ourselves and the voice. And I say, "Where's the voice coming from?" Well, the voice is subconscious. The subconscious program that like when you were a child and your parents were very critical. That critical program is what plays at night. When you are hearing this stuff and there's a critical program going on. It's really interesting because, personally, I'd have to say, although I wasn't analyzed psychoanalytically, I would have to say that there was an earlier part of my life when I was still part of the academic world that I would consider myself a manic depressive. Close to that or something and I would say...I would get into this depressive part where that voice on my shoulder, that critical voice from my programming and my childhood, would keep accusing me of “Well, you're not good enough at this, blah, blah, blah,” and I remember...because once I would start that, that voice didn't shut up. It would just drive me into the ground.

I was in the middle of one of these things and I know I was like, "Here we go again," because this is not going to go uphill from this point and right in the middle of this, “Oh my God. Being scolded by my subconscious mind, a voice like from a third place.” I don't know where the hell it came from, but it was like it just was overlooking me and my argument or discussion with myself and I hear this voice. I said, "Don't you have anything better to do than to listen to this stuff?" I started to laugh for a moment because in that moment of being aware of my conscious and my subconscious going into this, my conscious mind started laughing, thinking, “Well, of course. I could go to the movies. I'd rather do that than listen to this,” and immediately took the power of my conscious mind and I said, "Go get the newspaper and look up a movie and let's go to a movie." I started to move into that. I went to the movie. Of course. In going through that process, I totally disconnected from that inner personal discussion, which was actually an argument at some level.

Basically, what I had recognized was when I became conscious of what was going on, it's the power of that moment of consciousness when you have a choice. That's why I said, "You want to continue talking about this this way or don't you have something that's more fun to do?" The joke about it was because every time I started to start that depressive moment, immediately, I'd get a flashback because I'd laugh with that

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because I actually laughed when I just heard that, "Don't you have anything better that you can do than listen to this?" It was like funny and yet, you know what? Every time I started to go down that image came right up, faster and faster, to the point that I don't ever go there anymore. I have a habit. The habit is anytime a thought starts to even come up like that, my new habit is to immediately redirect and go someplace else.

So, it's so totally amazing. I may have been manic-depressive. Now, I say I'm manic all the time because the depressive part is gone, but it's really exciting. It's a moment of choice. That's what you...the only moment you have is when your conscious mind is there, alert, looking at it, reviewing it. That's when you are in your power place.

It's your power place to decide what you want to do with that moment. If you succumb to the program then you're just going to play the repetitious program over and over and over again or every time you come to that point, if your consciousness is alert and says, "Wait, I don't want to do this. I could do something else." Well, that's a new habit. That habit will then, essentially, stop that dialogue from occurring because at some point, the moment it comes up, the new habit will kick it back down again. So it's a great thing.

Jacqueline: So just a quick clarification then. When you talked about self-hypnosis, is creating new that self-hypnosis?

Bruce: Well, no. That's not hypnosis. That's a repetition pattern. That’s why I'm saying the subconscious mind primarily learns from those two. Hypnosis, which is a passive event. A child is passive. It's not out doing anything. It's not making a habit. It's just like a television video recorder when the red light is on. It's just recording. The child is not really doing anything. After the hypnosis state, then habit means you actually have to do a repetitive act, so that's an active process. Hypnosis is passive. Habit is active.

Jacqueline: Okay. Well, wonderful. Thank you again. I could happily interview you for hours, but I've been told that you do have to go quickly and so thank you on behalf of thousands of parents listening and I just know that you have such a passion for sharing this work because it is how we treat peace in this world and I know that's why won that Goi award was for your work in promoting peace.

Bruce: Well, it's also this part. Just think about it, so...and I can leave with this because is the fun part because most people out there have had the honeymoon effect. What I want them – I'll just leave with this – that was not an accident. You created that. The important part in understanding that you created that...people...I can't leave now without saying the second part of the honeymoon effect, Jacqueline. I've got to extend this just one more minute, okay?

Jacqueline: Great.

Bruce: It goes like this. Yes, it was the conscious minds of both partners. Remember, conscious mind with your wishes and desires that generate what the honeymoon effect is and I say, "Yeah, but the honeymoon fades." The question is why did the honeymoon fade?" The answer is because, at some point, life is still busy and you still have to deal with the issues of paying the rent and taking care of whatever has to be taken care of

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and so if life starts to come back in on you because look, the honeymoon was almost like a vacation. You were on that, but life starts coming back in and I say, "What happens when life comes back in?" The answer is that's when my conscious mind starts to wander and think about things. I go, "Yeah, but what happens then?" I say, "Oh, when my conscious mind starts wandering, that's when I start playing the subconscious programs." And I go, "Well, what's different about that?" And I said, "I didn't play them when I was in the honeymoon and once they start to play, they throw a monkey wrench in the honeymoon for a simple reason because when the subconscious programs are playing, they're not you. They're other people. So it's like that's when one partner looks at the other at some event happening and says, “Who are you? What kind of behavior is that?'" Meaning it was never part of the honeymoon and now it shows up. I say, "Yeah, but that's like...that's my parents, my family, and my community, that behavior I'm just playing automatically now."

So the honeymoon works when two conscious minds are totally engaged with each other and the honeymoon fades when the two subconscious minds are introduced into the relationship when their behaviors, which are not necessarily great, all of a sudden start showing up in the relationship and they were never there before. Then the question is, well, how I the relationship going to manage here when the subconscious comes up? I go, "That's where you start stretching the bonds of a relationship because now you have to compromise." You really liked all the positive things that happened during the honeymoon. Now, all these other stupid behaviors show up because they were in the subconscious, and they start manifesting and the question is, well, how much of that will I put up with? I say, "Well, that's the stretch point where a relationship is made or broken based on the degree of problems that the subconscious mind behaviors are introducing in the relationship that weren't there when the relationship was created."

Then you say, "Well, how can I make a honeymoon forever?" I go, "Well, then the simple part was this. If you understand that you can reprogram the subconscious mind, then you put it back in so that your behaviors in the subconscious mind match your wishes and desires in your conscious mind and that's all of a sudden the foundation of a honeymoon for life."

Jacqueline: I've heard you say that you and your wife, Margaret, have been able to live in that state.

Bruce: Fifteen years of waking up every day like, "Oh my God. Look where we are. Aren't we the luckiest people?"

Jacqueline: Isn't that fantastic.

Bruce: Yeah and that was after a long period of where I thought, “I'll never get married. Never,” and then I changed my belief system. Wonderful.

Jacqueline: Well, if I can ask you a follow-up question, please? One last question. What do you do then, as the parent of an older child or a parent who learns how to be conscious and your spouse or your child isn't? What do you do in that case?

Bruce: This is when it's really time to sit down. It was interesting because I was married, got two kids, I was living the personality of a married person, not who I really was during that

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time period. When the divorce happened, I really had to re-establish a relationship with my kids and at first, I did like any divorced parent. I was like babysitting my kids. Then I realized, “This is work. This is not really...this isn't working out,” and I day I realized, “Look, let me talk to my kids like person to person, not parent to child.” I said, "Let's be friends. We're going to honest with each other and we're going to talk to each another straight up, straight level. I'm not talking down to you." We opened up a dialogue with my kids and now they're 40 years old and it's so amazing because anytime they have an issue in their life, they actually call me up and ask me for my advice.

It's funny because, personally, I would never have called my parents and ever asked them for advice in my personal life and I realize all of this stemmed from the fact that we created a different relationship. You can talk honestly and openly, explain the situation, look...I had to explain to them, "Look, my behaviors, I don't see them sometimes. We have to change how we have a dialogue. I can't be the upper arm and you are the lower thing. This doesn't work this way.” I started to realize, by talking straight, as if they're adults because they are in their conscious creative minds able to do this stuff. When you talk straight and also represent, "Look, I was in the same situation so I understand where you're coming from and we can work this out." That is creating and creating a habit of a dialogue of straight, level communication, which is really what the child wants in the first place. Our efforts are, "Oh, they're the child and I'm the one who knows," and stuff like that. And that, actually, makes things worse.

It's basically learning to have a heart to heart with your child and also recognizing we are like Bill, ourselves. We are playing our parents' behaviors when we don't see it and we didn't like it then. Why would our kids like it? Basically, it gave an option for dialogue and it's so amazing because they are very receptive to that and yet, our programming is, "Oh no. They're kids. What do they know?" It's like, "No, no. Change that."

They're extremely intelligent and bright, and they can figure this out, and it just requires us to be honest about who we are.

Jacqueline: Which is and so you led by example, by being a conscious parent with them. Well, I don't know if you want to say any last things. I'm just honored and delighted to have you be on.

Bruce: If I did say the last thing, Jacqueline, it's basically this. I really so appreciate any of the people listening to this program because you're open to a new insight, a new world, a new way of creating a better civilization. We are, indeed, on the edge of an evolutionary upheaval and it's very scary for a lot of people and I just want people to understand this is not a scary time. This is a time to generate a new way of life. That's what the whole message is. The way we have been living is not sustainable. So as you see the world going through this upheaval, my main point is do not be afraid of what's happening because this is a process of redoing the structure of our civilization because very simply, science has revealed we are going extinct because of our behavior, the way we treat the planet...the way we treat each other. So we're rebuilding that and it means tearing down much of the fundamental structure, which is responsible for the world the way it is today and I want people to recognize that parenting is the most important step in the evolution

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of human civilization. It's not a job to be taken lightly. It is so profoundly important because you're not just affecting your own child's future. Actually, science has revealed what... the way you were raising your child is actually influencing the next generation, as well.

So parents are doing the most important job in this world and we've been doing it without an awareness of what was really going on, but a new awareness is now manifesting about how important your role is and that's why I wanted to acknowledge how important you're doing and how appreciative I am of people listening to this phone call because it's time to take an active step into the future and it'll begin with parenting.

Jacqueline: Well, on that fantastic note, we will let you go and I will certainly invite you back on this show. Thanks so much.

Bruce: I appreciate it. Thank you, Jacqueline.

Jacqueline: Okay. Have a great day. Bye-bye.