Interoception and Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders€¦ · microglial activation that spreads...

Review Interoception and Inammation in Psychiatric Disorders Jonathan Savitz and Neil A. Harrison ABSTRACT Despite a historical focus on neurally mediated interoceptive signaling mechanisms, humoral (and even cellular) signals also play an important role in communicating bodily physiological state to the brain. These signaling pathways can perturb neuronal structure, chemistry, and function, leading to discrete changes in behavior. They are also increasingly implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. The importance of these humoral signaling pathways is perhaps most powerfully illustrated in the context of infection and inammation. Here we provide an overview of how interaction of immune activation of neural and humoral interoceptive mechanisms mediates discrete changes in brain and behavior and highlight how activation of these pathways at specic points in neural develop- ment may predispose to psychiatric disorder. As our mechanistic understanding of these interoceptive pathways continues to emerge, it is revealing novel therapeutic targets, potentially heralding an exciting new era of immuno- therapies in psychiatry. Keywords: Autism, Cytokine, Depression, fMRI, Imaging, Inammation, Insula, Interoception, Schizophrenia Inammation is increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of many common psychiatric disorders. Similar to other physio- logical processes, interoceptive pathways play a critical role in communicating immune state to the brain. Within the body, the immune system acts as a distributed chemosensory system using diverse pattern-recognition receptors to detect the pres- ence of pathogen-associated molecular patterns and tissue stress or damage-associated molecular patterns. On activation, immune cells release immune and inammatory mediators, notably cytokines. Parallel neural, humoral, and cellular intero- ceptive pathways then communicate these changes in immune state to the brain to trigger alterations in mood and cognition, motivation, and neurovegetative processes (13). However, im- mune activity is not solely regulated in the periphery. Top-down inuences from the brain can dampen peripheral inammation via hypothalamic release of corticotropin-releasing hormone and the vagus nerve inammatory reex (4). Conversely, sympathetic projections to lymphoid tissue, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen, can prime immune responses to actual or perceived environmental threats (57). Typically, inammation is short lived and these adaptive changes in behavior that serve to reprioritize behavioral re- sponses toward the insult rapidly return to baseline (8). How- ever, when inammation is severe, becomes chronic (9), or occurs during critical developmental windows (10) or on a background of neurodegeneration (11) or chronic severe stress, prolonged activation of interoceptive pathways and consequent neurochemical changes can precipitate long- standing maladaptive neurobiological and behavioral changes that are implicated in the pathophysiology of many common psychiatric disorders. Recent progress in understanding the molecular and cellular processes underlying bidirectional immune-brain interactions is revealing the complex nature of interoceptive signaling of im- munity. For example, it is now recognized that during periods of severe stress, increased sympathetic outow can result in sustained splenic enlargement and production of monocytes with enhanced migratory and proinammatory phenotypes in rodents (7,12). Historically, only the adaptive immune system has been considered capable of retaining a memory of past events. However, these persistent immunological changes appear to provide a peripheral, bodily index of prior stress exposure that accords with recent recognition of wider innate immune system memory (13). Supporting this, subsequent stress exposure (even when subthreshold) results in signicant trafcking of these proinammatory monocytes to the brain, where they then differentiate into tissue macrophages to pro- mote inammatory signaling and amplify behavioral stress re- sponses (7). Findings such as this are highlighting the importance of cellular as well as more conventional humoral and neural pathways and underscore the need to broaden our conceptualization of interoceptive signaling. As we discuss below, these developments are also beginning to reveal novel therapeutic drug targets and allow a reappraisal of how some established therapies may be exerting therapeutic efcacy. HOW IS INFLAMMATION COMMUNICATED TO THE BRAIN? Visceral Afferents Similar to the signaling of other physiological processes, central communication of peripheral inammation appears to be 514 ª 2018 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging June 2018; 3:514524 ISSN: 2451-9022 Biological Psychiatry: CNNI

Transcript of Interoception and Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders€¦ · microglial activation that spreads...

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Interoception and Inflammation in PsychiatricDisorders

Jonathan Savitz and Neil A. Harrison

ABSTRACTDespite a historical focus on neurally mediated interoceptive signaling mechanisms, humoral (and even cellular)signals also play an important role in communicating bodily physiological state to the brain. These signaling pathwayscan perturb neuronal structure, chemistry, and function, leading to discrete changes in behavior. They are alsoincreasingly implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. The importance of these humoral signalingpathways is perhaps most powerfully illustrated in the context of infection and inflammation. Here we provide anoverview of how interaction of immune activation of neural and humoral interoceptive mechanisms mediates discretechanges in brain and behavior and highlight how activation of these pathways at specific points in neural develop-ment may predispose to psychiatric disorder. As our mechanistic understanding of these interoceptive pathwayscontinues to emerge, it is revealing novel therapeutic targets, potentially heralding an exciting new era of immuno-therapies in psychiatry.

Keywords: Autism, Cytokine, Depression, fMRI, Imaging, Inflammation, Insula, Interoception, Schizophrenia

Inflammation is increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis ofmany common psychiatric disorders. Similar to other physio-logical processes, interoceptive pathways play a critical role incommunicating immune state to the brain. Within the body, theimmune system acts as a distributed chemosensory systemusing diverse pattern-recognition receptors to detect the pres-ence of pathogen-associated molecular patterns and tissuestress or damage-associated molecular patterns. On activation,immune cells release immune and inflammatory mediators,notably cytokines. Parallel neural, humoral, and cellular intero-ceptive pathways then communicate these changes in immunestate to the brain to trigger alterations in mood and cognition,motivation, and neurovegetative processes (1–3). However, im-mune activity is not solely regulated in the periphery. Top-downinfluences from the brain can dampen peripheral inflammationvia hypothalamic releaseof corticotropin-releasinghormoneandthe vagus nerve inflammatory reflex (4). Conversely, sympatheticprojections to lymphoid tissue, including the bone marrow,lymphnodes, andspleen, canprime immune responses toactualor perceived environmental threats (5–7).

Typically, inflammation is short lived and these adaptivechanges in behavior that serve to reprioritize behavioral re-sponses toward the insult rapidly return to baseline (8). How-ever, when inflammation is severe, becomes chronic (9), oroccurs during critical developmental windows (10) or on abackground of neurodegeneration (11) or chronic severestress, prolonged activation of interoceptive pathways andconsequent neurochemical changes can precipitate long-standing maladaptive neurobiological and behavioralchanges that are implicated in the pathophysiology of manycommon psychiatric disorders.

ª 2018 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc.ical Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging June 201

Recent progress in understanding the molecular and cellularprocesses underlying bidirectional immune-brain interactions isrevealing the complex nature of interoceptive signaling of im-munity. For example, it is now recognized that during periods ofsevere stress, increased sympathetic outflow can result insustained splenic enlargement and production of monocyteswith enhanced migratory and proinflammatory phenotypes inrodents (7,12). Historically, only the adaptive immune systemhas been considered capable of retaining a memory of pastevents. However, these persistent immunological changesappear to provide a peripheral, bodily index of prior stressexposure that accords with recent recognition of wider innateimmune system memory (13). Supporting this, subsequentstress exposure (even when subthreshold) results in significanttrafficking of these proinflammatory monocytes to the brain,where they then differentiate into tissue macrophages to pro-mote inflammatory signaling and amplify behavioral stress re-sponses (7). Findings such as this are highlighting theimportance of cellular as well as more conventional humoraland neural pathways and underscore the need to broaden ourconceptualization of interoceptive signaling. As we discussbelow, these developments are also beginning to reveal noveltherapeutic drug targets and allow a reappraisal of how someestablished therapies may be exerting therapeutic efficacy.


Visceral Afferents

Similar to the signaling of other physiological processes, centralcommunication of peripheral inflammation appears to be

All rights reserved.8; 3:514–524 ISSN: 2451-9022

Page 2: Interoception and Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders€¦ · microglial activation that spreads across the brain (36). Trans-locator protein positron emission tomography (a marker

Figure 1. Convergent data from diverse imagingtechniques show that peripheral inflammation activatesa neurallymediated interoceptive pathwayprojecting tothe insula. (A)Mild proinflammatory challenge using thetyphoid vaccine model increases blood oxygen level–dependent signal within the human interoceptive brainregions, including the lateral thalamus (encompassingthe basal and posterior ventromedial nuclei [basalventromedial nucleus and posterior ventromedialnucleus]), and cortical projections to the dorsalmid/posterior and anterior insula within 3 hours ofchallenge. [Modified with permission from Harrisonet al. (19).] (B) Lipopolysaccharide-induced peripheralinflammation increases fluorodeoxyglucose uptakewith ventrolateral thalamus and posterior and anteriorinsula within 2 hours of inflammatory challenge.[Modified with permission from Hannestad et al. (18).ª by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and MolecularImaging, Inc.] (C) Mild inflammation (induced usingtyphoid vaccination) increases mid/posterior insulafluorodeoxyglucose-glucose uptake (lower figure) andmagnetization transfer from molecular-bound to freewater (upper figure) within 4 hours of inflammatorychallenge. [Modified with permission from Harrisonet al. (20).]

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dependent on interoceptive visceral afferents traveling in thevagus and other autonomic nerves (14). These afferents expresscytokine-binding sites (15). Antigen-presenting cells accumulatearound sites of inflammation and then signal to visceral afferentsusing cytokine-dependent (16) and cytokine-independent (17)mechanisms. Signaling via this neural interoceptive pathway israpid, inducing c-Fos expression in the solitary nucleus (theprimary projection nucleus of the vagus nerve) and higher pro-jection regions within an hour of challenge in rats (14). Humanfunctional imaging studies demonstrate activation of a similarneurally mediated interoceptive pathway (projecting to theventromedial posterior thalamus and then the mid/posteriorinsula) within 2 to 3 hours of the inflammatory challenge (18–20)(Figure 1). Projections from the solitary nucleus to the vagaldorsal motor nucleus and nucleus ambiguous initiate reflex re-sponses including the inflammatory reflex, which regulate themagnitude of innate immune responses (4). Conversely, pro-jections to the caudoventral and then rostroventrolateral medullainfluence sympathetic outflow. Ascending projections to thehypothalamus, hippocampus, extended amygdala, striatum,cingulate, insula, and higher cortical areas underpin discretechanges in behavior (17,21) (see Figure 2 for circuit diagram).Though beyond the scope of the current review, a number ofrecent approaches have applied principles of hierarchical pre-dictive coding and/or Bayesian active inference to informationprocessing within these regions to provide a theoretical frame-work linking them to discrete changes in behavior and/or psy-chopathological features (22–24).

Humoral Pathways

Circulating inflammatory mediators also activate humoralinteroceptive pathways. Some mediators can access thebrain directly via the sensory circumventricular organslocated in the walls of the third and fourth ventricles (25). Inthese regions, loops of fenestrated capillaries surrounded bylarge perivascular spaces facilitate a dramatic increase insurface area and permeability (26). This, together with dense

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receptor expression, enables detection of large circulatingmolecules, including those that provide information aboutsystemic inflammation. While the circumventricular organsare specialized for the detection of low concentrations ofcirculating factors, some inflammatory mediators, e.g., inter-leukin (IL)-6, interferon alpha (IFNa), and immune cells (e.g.,stress-induced monocytes), can also enter the central ner-vous system (CNS) in small quantities in other regions toexert direct functional effects (7,27). Perhaps the best illus-tration of humoral interoception is inflammation-inducedpyrexia. Here, cytokines (particularly IL-6) act directly onthe brain endothelium to trigger prostaglandin E2 release,which acts as a pyrogen at the hypothalamic medianpreoptic nucleus (28).

Cellular Pathways: Monocytes and Microglia

As highlighted earlier, direct monocyte trafficking also providesa cellular interoceptive pathway for communicating immunestate to the brain (7). Though typically low during health,monocyte trafficking increases significantly following severestress in rodents and appears to serve as a mechanism foramplifying behavioral stress responses given a history of pre-vious sustained threat (7). Transduction of interoceptivesignaling of inflammation also involves microglia (specializedbrain macrophages with distinct phylogenetic origins) (29). Inhealth, microglia show highly dynamic behavior, expandingand retracting branched ramifications to continuously sampleneighboring cells and extracellular space (30). In this restingstate they are implicated in synaptic pruning (31), a processcritical for neural plasticity and learning. Like peripheral mac-rophages, microglia exist in multiple activated forms associ-ated with distinct changes in morphology and secretory profilethat can alter local neuronal and endothelial function (32).Within the brain, activation of microglia occurs in response todiverse danger-associated homeostatic changes, e.g.,ischemia. However, it is also observed following exposure torepeated environmental stresses, which is likely mediated via

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Figure 2. Circuit diagram illustrating visceral,humoral, and cellular interoceptive signaling path-ways and the major points of interaction. AP, areapostrema; CCL2, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2;CXCL1, chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1; OVLT,organum vasculosum laminae terminalis; SFO,subfornical organ.

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activity-dependent release of adenosine triphosphate inresponse to neuronal glutamate signaling (33).

Important to their role in interoceptive signaling, microglia arealso sensitive to systemic danger signals including peripheralinflammation. In this context, microglial activation likely occursthrough activation of interoceptive pathways that involve pas-sage of cytokines across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) (34),release of prostaglandin E2 by perivascular and endothelial cellsin response to intravascular inflammation (35), or entry of stress-sensitive monocytes into the CNS (33). In rodents, peripheralinflammation results in rapid activation of microglia within thecircumventricular organs, leptomeninges, and choroid plexus,which release tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to trigger a cascadeofmicroglial activation that spreads across the brain (36). Trans-locator protein positron emission tomography (a marker ofactivated microglia) has illustrated a similar pattern of wide-spread microglial activation following lipopolysaccharide-induced peripheral inflammation in humans (37).

Below, we describe how signaling via these pathways canresult in regional disturbances in neuronal metabolism,neurotransmitter release, and brain activity associated withdiscrete features of psychopathology.


Mood Disorders

Arguably the strongest evidence implicating interoceptivesignaling of inflammation to psychiatric illness is in mood

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disorders. Stress, particularly in early life, is a major vulnera-bility factor for mood disorders and has been linked to sus-tained inflammation in human meta-analysis (38). Preclinicalstudies link this stress vulnerability to bidirectional interactionsbetween the brain and immune system. Specifically, repeatexposure to severe social stress (using the repeated socialdefeat model) activates fear-associated neural circuitry. It alsoincreases sympathetic outflow, which acts on the bonemarrow and spleen to bias myeloid precursor cells (particularlymonocytes) toward a glucocorticoid-resistant and primedlineage (33). Sustained glutamatergic activity within brain re-gions mediating fear responses also triggers local microglialpriming, likely through activity-dependent adenosine triphos-phate release from astrocytes binding to microglial P2X puri-noceptor 7 (P2X7) receptors (7).

Interoceptive pathways link these central and peripheralimmune changes and make a powerful contribution to thecumulative effects of repeated stress. For example, in additionto release of inflammatory mediators including IL-1 (whichmodify neuronal function and disrupt monoamine synthesis)(33,39), activated microglia also release chemokines (e.g.,chemokine [C-C motif] ligand 2 [CCL2] and chemokine [C-X3-C motif] ligand 1 [CX3CL1]), which trigger the homing ofmonocytes primed by previous stress exposure from the cir-culation into stress-associated brain regions (33). Proin-flammatory cytokine release from primed monocytes that haveentered the CNS then further contributes to the maladaptiveeffects of chronic stress. This cellular interoceptive signalingpathway also appears to underlie the process of stress

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Figure 3. Role of humoral interoceptive pathwaysin anxiety and depressive-like behavior. (A) Duringhomeostatic conditions neuron-derived regulatoryfactors, such as chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand(CX3CL1) and transforming growth factor-b (TGFb),maintain microglia in a resting state. Low levels ofeffector monocytes circulate in the blood, patrollingfor pathogens or tissue damage, and a small numberof brain macrophages reside in the perivascularspace to sample the brain microenvironment. (B)During severe psychosocial stress microglia respondto damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs)and elevated adenosine triphosphate (ATP) releasedfrom neurons to adopt an activated phenotype.Simultaneous increase in sympathetic output resultsin an increase in circulating monocytes and conse-quently brain macrophages. These monocytes are

believed to traffic to stress-associated brain regions and amplify proinflammatory responses through humoral interoceptive pathways involving vascularendothelial interleukin-1 receptor type 1 (IL-1R1) signaling. Modified with permission from Wohleb and Delpech (145). CX3CR1, CX3 chemokine receptor 1;P2X7R, P2X purinoceptor 7 receptor; TGFbR, transforming growth factor-b receptor; TLR, toll-like receptor; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor alpha.

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sensitization, whereby previously stressed animals show aheightened propensity to maladaptive stress responses to latersubthreshold stressors (12,40) (Figure 3).

Interoceptive signaling of inflammation also plays a role inhuman depression. Cumulative meta-analyses now provideconvincing evidence for raised peripheral inflammatorymarkers, particularly IL-6 and C-reactive protein, in a subset ofdepressed patients (41). Gene expression analyses alsoimplicate IL-6, TNF, and IFNa signaling pathways (42–44). Thisincrease in peripheral inflammatory markers is linked to dis-turbances in brain function. For example, depressed patientswith raised C-reactive protein show impairments in the func-tional connectivity of ventral striatum and medial prefrontalreward- and motivation-processing areas (39). Recently,depression has also been linked to CNS inflammation, withwidespread increases in activated microglia observed usingtranslocator protein positron emission tomography (45).Perhaps the most powerful evidence supporting an etiologicalrole for inflammation comes from patients receiving prolongedIFNa therapy, up to 50% of whom develop major depressiveepisodes (46,47).

Here, IFNa appears to trigger depression-associatedbehavioral changes through activation of humoral and, to alesser extent, neural interoceptive pathways (48). In humans,therapeutically administered IFNa is observed in the cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) (49). In rodents, peripheral IFNa rapidlyupregulates interferon-sensitive gene expression within pre-dominantly subcortical structures (50,51). Together, thesestudies support rapid activation of humoral interoceptivesignaling pathways. Within the brain parenchyma, IFNa showsa marked predilection for subcortical structures, including thebasal ganglia and hippocampus (51,52). This is reflected inimaging studies of patients receiving IFNa for the treatment ofhepatitis C who show changes in striatal glucose metabolism,dopamine uptake, and glutamate (53,54) and microstructuralchanges in striatal water distribution (48,55). The functionalsignificance of these striatal changes is supported by signifi-cant correlations with IFNa-induced changes in motivationand/or fatigue (53,54).

Proinflammatory cytokines also increase expression ofthe enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, which shunts

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tryptophan metabolism away from serotonin synthesis into thekynurenine pathway. This results in the production of a numberof neuroactive metabolites, including the neuroprotectiveN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist kynurenic acid(KynA) and the potentially neurotoxic N-methyl-D-aspartatereceptor agonists 3-hydroxykynurenine and quinolinic acid(QA), both of which can influence glutamatergic signaling.During IFNa treatment, CSF concentrations of each of thesemetabolites increases, with increases in KynA and QA corre-lating with depressive symptoms (56). Under inflammatoryconditions, brain production of QA tends to overshadow that ofKynA (57), such that the ratios KynA/3-hydroxykynurenine andKynA/QA can provide a sensitive index of the competingeffects of these neuroactive metabolites. Several investigatorshave now reported reduced KynA/QA in major depressivedisorder (MDD) as well as bipolar disorder and schizoaffectivedisorder, which is additionally linked to altered hippocampal andmedial prefrontal cortex volume/function (58–61). These studiesillustrate putative mechanisms through which activation ofinteroceptive signaling pathways can lead to neurochemicalchange and shifts in behavior.

Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Like mood disorders, schizophrenia and autism spectrum dis-order (ASD) have been associated with raised circulating proin-flammatory cytokines in cohort studies (62). However, unlikedepression, emerging evidence suggests that this proin-flammatory phenotype may have its origins in early develop-ment. Epidemiological work has long identified in utero infectionasa risk factor for developmentof schizophrenia inoffspring (63).Maternal exposure to infection has also been linkedwith autism,with a recent prospective study reporting a dosage effect, suchthat three or more episodes of fever during the second trimesterraised the risk of having a child with ASD threefold (64).

Preclinical studies of maternal immune activation (typicallymodeled with the viral mimetic polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid)lend support to epidemiological studies by showing sustainedabnormalities in rodent analogs of the repetitive movementsand deficits in social behavior, sensory gating, and cognitionthat characterize autism and/or schizophrenia (65). Postmor-tem and animal imaging studies further show that maternal

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Table 1. Human Imaging Studies Linking Inflammation toRegional Changes in Brain Structure/Function

Publications Participants Technique


Rosenkranz, 2005 (72)Harrison, 2009 (19)Hannestad, 2012 (18)Harrison, 2015 (20)Harrison, 2015 (20)Lekander, 2016 (141)

6 (WS)16 (WS)9 (WS)20 (WS)20 (WS)48 (BS)




Reward: VentralStriatum

Eisenberger, 2010 (73)Capuron, 2012 (53)Haroon, 2014 (54)Harrison, 2016 (77)Felger, 2016 (39)

39 (BS)28 (BS)31 (BS)24 (WS)

48 (correlationa)




Memory: MedialTemporalLobe

Marsland, 2008 (126)Harrison, 2014 (115)Raz, 2014 (142)Satizabal, 2012 (143)Baune, 2012 (144)

76 (correlationa)20 (WS)

80 (correlationa)1841 (correlationa)303 (correlationa)



Brydon, 2008 (88) 16 (WS) fMRI

BS, between subjects; F-DOPA, fluorodopa; FDG,fluorodeoxyglucose; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging;MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PET, positron emissiontomography; qMT, quantitative magnetization transfer magneticresonance imaging; rs-fMRI, resting-state functional magneticresonance imaging; sMRI, structural magnetic resonance imaging;WS, within subjects.

aCorrelational analysis.

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immune activation leads to changes in synaptic connectivityand neuroplasticity that may manifest as changes in corticalthickness and brain volume (65). The mechanisms underpin-ning this dysregulation of neural development remain to befully characterized, though they suggest that even before birthinteroceptive-signaling pathways may play a role in humanpsychopathology.

As most pathogens do not directly infect the fetus, earlyinfection is thought to impair normal brain development viaactivation of the maternal immune system. Preclinical modelsindicate that maternal cytokines are necessary for develop-ment of disease in offspring, though whether cytokines crossthe placenta or act indirectly remains unclear (65). Either way,maternal immune activation appears to initiate changes ingene expression that affect neuronal migration, synapticpruning, and myelination. Here again microglia may play a role,as these cells are involved in multiple aspects of brain devel-opment, especially synaptic pruning (66). Fetal oligodendrogliamay also be impacted: in a recent study, polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid administration resulted in downregulation ofgenes involved in myelination in the medial prefrontal cortexand nucleus accumbens that correlated with spatial memorydeficits in the offspring. Further, the viral mimetic group had agreater myelin water fraction in the cortex (including insula),hippocampus, and cerebellum, potentially indicating changesin the microstructure of the myelin sheath (67). Nonetheless, asmost maternal infections do not directly lead to schizophreniaor ASD, subsequent “hits” taking the form of stress or adult-onset infections may be necessary for the manifestations ofpsychiatric disorders (65,68).

Analogous to what is described in chronic stress, thesesecond hits may dysregulate an already sensitized or primedimmune system, leading to the neural and behavioral abnor-malities characteristic of schizophrenia and ASD. A case inpoint is microglia, which are known to be primed by infection(69), are increased in density in schizophrenia postmortem (70),and show a shift toward a primed morphology in ASD (71).

Linking Interoception to Discrete BehavioralPhenotypes

Most human studies addressing how interoceptive signaling ofinflammation contributes to discrete dimensional psychiatricconstructs have adopted an experimental medicine approachusing a variety of inflammatory challenges (Table 1). Somehave used vaccines (19) or inhaled antigens (72) to induce mildincreases in inflammatory cytokines similar to those observedin depression; others have used low-dose lipopolysaccharideto induce more robust proinflammatory responses (18,73).Despite the variety of inflammation-induction techniques used,increases in insula activity are commonly observed, consistentwith activation of a neurally mediated interoceptive pathway(Figure 1). Interestingly, many of these studies also linkchanges in insula activity to shifts in subjective experience(18–20), particularly fatigue, consistent with the proposed roleof the insula in subjective experiential states (74).


During infection, interoceptive signaling of inflammationrapidly reorients motivation, impairing reward-related behavior

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and increasing sensitivity to punishments, particularly pain (8).This serves to prioritize whole-organism responses towardfighting the infecting agent; however, if sustained they maypredispose to the development of MDD or chronic painsyndromes (25).

A wealth of studies have identified a critical role for theventral striatum in mammalian reward processing and appeti-tive motivation [see (75) and articles cited therein]. Within themidbrain, dopaminergic cells encode a reward prediction error,with their firing rate increasing (or decreasing) if rewards arehigher (or lower) than predicted (76). Projections to the ventralstriatum serve to update value estimates for available optionsand bias behavior to maximize long-term future reward. Recentstudies have started to clarify how interceptive signaling ofinflammation can disrupt these processes. For example,peripheral inflammation results in an acute reduction in ventralstriatal encoding of reward prediction error signal (77). It is alsolinked to disrupted presynaptic dopamine synthesis in humans(53) and reduced CSF concentrations of the dopaminemetabolite homovanillic acid in monkeys (78). Cytokine-associated reduction in dopamine synthesis may also beachieved by reducing CNS concentrations of tetrahy-drobiopterin, an essential dopamine synthesis cofactor (79).Alternatively, dopamine neurotransmission may be reducedeither by activation of the tryptophan-degrading enzymeindoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (leading to the formation ofneurotoxic kynurenine metabolites) (25) or by increasingexpression of reuptake transporters (79–82). Together, theseimplicate humoral interoceptive pathways in the reward-relatedmotivational impairment characteristic of inflammation.

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Though most studies of motivation have focused on reward,some brain areas implicated in neural interoceptive signaling(e.g., insula) are also linked to choices associated with po-tential losses (21,74,83,84). Specifically, the anterior insulacortex appears to encode a punishment prediction error signallinked to learning to avoid punishing outcomes (83). In patientswith selective insula lesions this signal is disrupted and pun-ishment sensitivity impaired (85). Conversely, during inflam-mation, when interoceptive signaling is increased, insulaencoding of punishment prediction error and sensitivity topunishments are enhanced (77). This suggests that relativesensitivity to reward and punishments can be dynamicallymodulated as a function of interoceptive signaling of inflam-mation, flexibly enhancing loss minimization during threats(e.g., infection) but maximizing responses to gains duringhealth. Though potentially beneficial during acute infectionswhen substantial metabolic resources are diverted towardfighting infection, when inflammation is chronic this mecha-nism may underlie the maladaptive motivational changesobserved in depression.

Psychomotor Retardation

Psychomotor retardation is defined as a slowing down ofthought and physical movements. It is ubiquitous during in-fections (86,87) and can be readily induced by even mild in-flammatory challenges (88). It is also a cardinal symptom ofdepression (89) and a notable feature in a subset of patientswith schizophrenia. In rodents, systemic inflammationconsistently suppresses locomotor activity resulting inincreased periods of immobility (90). IL-6 is strongly implicatedin these motor-suppressing effects, which are reduced in IL-6knockout mice (91) and following blockade of IL-6 signaling(92,93).

In humans, low-level inflammation has been shown toselectively modulate substantia nigra reactivity during bothlow-level button-press and more challenging color-wordStroop tasks (88). Corroborating effects in rodents, this studyalso showed a tight correlation between induced changes incirculating IL-6 and motor response slowing across bothcongruent and incongruent Stroop trials, suggesting an actionon low-level precognitive processes. Changes in IL-6 and leftsubstantia nigra responses also predicted individual sensitivityto inflammation-induced motor slowing. This association be-tween IL-6 and poorer performance on simple and choicemovement time tasks has subsequently been replicated inMDD patients (94).

This finding is noteworthy, as the substantia nigra is themajor source of dopamine within the brain. Projections to thestriatum play a critical role in facilitating movement (95) andmodulating motor responses to stimulus salience (96); they arealso linked to inflammation-associated reductions in noveltysalience (97). Lower striatal dopamine transporter activity isalso linked to slower motor responses in the healthy elderly(98), and lower striatal presynaptic dopamine is reported inpatients with depression and psychomotor retardation, but notwith anxiety (99). Recently, psychomotor slowing in depressionhas also been linked to lower left basal ganglia glutamate (theother major neurochemical input to the striatum) and higherplasma and CSF C-reactive protein (100).

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Together, these studies support a central role for ascendingdopaminergic (substantia nigra) and descending glutamatergicinputs into the dorsal striatum in psychomotor retardationassociated with both inflammation and depression. Duringinfection, slowing of psychomotor responses likely facilitatesimmune function by preserving energy and conserving heat.The convergence of findings across depression and inflam-mation suggests that chronic activation of these mechanismsmay differentiate patients presenting with predominantly psy-chomotor or anxiety symptoms.


Proinflammatory cytokines (particularly IL-1 and TNF) are sleepregulatory agents that modulate slow-wave sleep (101). Duringneuronal activity, corelease of adenosine triphosphate, whichacts on microglial P2X7 receptors to induce IL-1 and TNFrelease, is believed to provide a potential mechanism forenabling the brain to track prior usage history (102). Duringsystemic inflammation, dynamic interactions between periph-eral and central cytokines potentiate the effects of IL-1 andTNF on sleepiness, duration of non–rapid eye movement sleep,and slow-wave power (102). Vagotomy attenuates some ofthese actions in rodents, supporting a role for neural intero-ceptive pathways in mediating the effects of inflammation onnon–rapid eye movement sleep (103). Sleepiness and dis-rupted sleep are common features of many human inflamma-tory disorders (101) and are observed following acuteinflammatory challenge (104), demonstrating the importance ofinteroceptive signaling in regulating sleep in response to sys-temic inflammation. Conversely, sleep also mediates suscep-tibility to infection during exposure to airborne respiratoryviruses, further demonstrating the bidirectional nature ofimmune-brain communicatory pathways (105).

Sleep disturbance is also an important risk factor fordepression (106–108), conceivably because it increasesinflammation (109–111), which, as discussed above, likelyplays a causal role in some forms of psychiatric illness.Perhaps because the vagus nerve is involved in the process-ing of sleep signals (112), depressed subjects with sleepdisturbance have interoceptive deficits such as reducedaccuracy in their perception of their heartbeats but increasedsubjective perception of interoceptive sensitivity (113).Conversely, high cardiac vagal control, as evidenced by highresting heart rate variability, has been reported to be associ-ated with better subjective and objective sleep quality inhealthy women (114).


Microglia and inflammatory cytokines influence a number ofprocesses critical to learning and memory including long-termpotentiation, synaptic plasticity, and neurogenesis. In health,these immunological processes support the remodeling ofneural circuits to promote learning and memory (3,31). How-ever, during systemic inflammation, interoceptive signaling candisrupt this positive regulatory function, impairing memory.Typically, this memory impairment is mild and reversible (115);however, when inflammation is chronic or severe it can leadto accelerated age-related cognitive decline (116) or evenpersistent cognitive impairment (117). Medial temporal lobe

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(MTL) structures appear particularly sensitive to systemicinflammation. This may reflect their higher BBB permeability(118) and proinflammatory cytokine receptor expression,leading to heightened humoral interoceptive signaling(119,120), or alternatively their connectivity to insula (121) andconsequent sensitivity to neural interoceptive signaling (115).

In rodents, peripheral inflammation induces IL-1 expressionwithin the MTL (122) and replicates many of the direct actionsof inflammatory cytokines on MTL-dependent memory,including impaired spatial memory (3). In humans, naturalisticand experimental inflammatory challenges are associated withacute (reversible) impairment in spatial, verbal, and nonverbaldeclarative memory (115,123,124). These effects are restrictedto MTL-dependent memory, i.e., they do not perturb proce-dural memory and appear to be mediated via actions ofinflammation on MTL glucose metabolism (115). However,when inflammation is chronic it has been linked to reductionsin hippocampal volume (125,126). This has important impli-cations for psychiatry, particularly the neuropathology ofdepression, which is associated with both raised inflammatorymarkers and reduced hippocampal volume (127,128).Furthermore, MTL-dependent episodic memory impairment isone of the most commonly observed cognitive deficits indepression (129–131). Future studies will need to better un-derstand the molecular mechanisms through which sustainedinteroceptive signaling of peripheral inflammation leads topersistent changes in MTL structure, determine whethermodifiable factors can reverse this process, and clarify thesignificance of this link to the pathophysiology ofinflammation-associated depression.

Treatment Implications

Above, we have highlighted the diverse interoceptive path-ways recruited during the central signaling of inflammation andits subsequent impact on regional neuronal function andbehavior. Identification of the molecular and cellular mecha-nisms that mediate these effects is revealing novel therapeutictargets and leading to a reappraisal of how some establishedtherapies might exert therapeutic efficacy.

Perhaps the clearest example of a therapy directly targetinginteroceptive mechanisms is vagus nerve stimulation, whichexhibits potent predepressant properties (132). Though itsmode of action is still only partially understood, it is nowbelieved that actions on visceral afferent fibers at leastpartially underlie its clinical efficacy. However, vagus nervestimulation also modulates the efferent arm of the inflamma-tory reflex, inhibiting peripheral TNF, IL-1, and IL-6 productionin humans (133). This anti-inflammatory action results in areduction in circulating cytokines and consequently reducessignaling via humoral interoceptive pathways. Prolongedvagus nerve stimulation also increases the firing rate of bothserotoninergic and noradrenergic neurons in the brainstemthat are each implicated in the pathophysiology of depression(134). It remains to be clarified how many of these effects areachieved through modulation of interoceptive signaling ofinflammation.

Another strategy adopted in depression is the use of pre-cytokine therapies to block cytokine signaling across intero-ceptive pathways. These agents (e.g., anti-TNF therapies)powerfully reduce circulating cytokine levels. Despite being

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unable to cross the BBB, they also reduce depressive symp-toms, suggesting an action through inhibition of interoceptivesignaling (135,136). Consistent with this, predepressant effectsappear limited to individuals with raised inflammatory markers,and by extension, interoceptive signaling of inflammation (135).Other approaches, e.g., the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, target specific interoceptive mecha-nisms. During systemic inflammation, cytokines act on thebrain endothelium to trigger release of lipophilic prostaglandinsthat readily diffuse across the BBB to exert central effect (35).By inhibiting prostaglandin production, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs block this interoceptive-signalingpathway. In the context of acute inflammation, they alleviateflu-like symptoms; meta-analyses have also suggested effi-cacy in patients with depression (137), though this remainscontroversial, with some studies even suggesting a worseningof depressive symptoms (138). This will need careful evaluationin future larger-scale clinical trials.

Another strategy is to target microglia, which appear cen-tral to transducing interoceptive signaling of peripheralinflammation into changes in neural function. One example ofa microglial active agent is minocycline, a tetracycline anti-biotic that readily crosses the BBB and inhibits microglialactivation in rodents (77). Minocycline has demonstratedpredepressant properties in preclinical studies in an open-label trial for bipolar depression (78) and in a recent ran-domized controlled trial of adjunctive treatment of MDD (79). Italso has reported efficacy for negative symptoms in schizo-phrenia (80). However, minocycline has many additional ac-tions that limit mechanistic interpretation of these studies(139). An alternative target is microglial P2X7 receptors thatgovern microglial IL-1 release and can modulate CNS che-mokines, glutamate, and nitric oxide (140). In preclinicalstudies P2X7 knockout mice show a protective phenotype inmodels of depression. However, further human in vivo trialsare needed to test its therapeutic effects in depression andcharacterize phenotypes that may be most conducive to thistherapeutic approach.


The immune system is a diffuse sensory organ that usesparallel neural, humoral, and cellular pathways to communicateperipheral immune signals to the brain. However, the immunesystem does not act in isolation. Top-down influences from thebrain can dampen or even prime peripheral immune re-sponses. In the latter case this appears to provide a form ofinnate immune memory for previous stress exposure, whichthen utilizes cellular interoceptive mechanisms to heightenedbehavioral responses in the face of subsequent stress. Thoughadaptive in the short term, when immune activation is pro-longed or severe or occurs in specific neurodevelopmentalcontexts it can give rise to psychiatric disorders such asdepression, schizophrenia, and ASD. Developing understand-ing of the complexity of these interacting communicatorypathways is rapidly forcing a broadening of how we concep-tualize interoception. It is also motivating the development andrepurposing of novel immunotherapeutic agents, potentiallyheralding an exciting new era of immunotherapies for use inpsychiatry.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DISCLOSURESThis work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (NAH), UK MedicalResearch Council (NAH), Arthritis Research UK (NAH), and National Instituteof General Medical Sciences Grant No. P20GM121312 (to JS).

The authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflictsof interest.

ARTICLE INFORMATIONFrom the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (JS) and Oxley College ofHealth Sciences (JS), the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma; and theClinical Imaging Sciences Centre (NAH), Department of Neuroscience,Brighton and Sussex Medical School; and Sackler Centre for Conscious-ness Science (NAH), University of Sussex; and Sussex Partnership NHSFoundation Trust (NAH), Brighton, United Kingdom

Address correspondence to Neil A. Harrison, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., ClinicalImaging Sciences Centre, Department of Neuroscience, Brighton & SussexMedical School, University of Sussex, Falmer, BN1 9RR, United Kingdom;E-mail: [email protected].

Received Aug 30, 2017; revised Nov 28, 2017; accepted Dec 21, 2017.

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