Internet Resource Guide

GUIDE FOR UNDERGRADUATE PENN STATE ENGINEERING STUDENTS Nicholas Brian Muha [email protected] Abstract This document is intended to offer valuable resources that can be helpful to all Penn State engineering students. Resources included in this guide contain information regarding career advice, scholarships, current news, informative articles, etc.



Transcript of Internet Resource Guide



    Nicholas Brian Muha [email protected]

    Abstract This document is intended to offer valuable resources that can be helpful to all Penn State

    engineering students. Resources included in this guide contain information regarding career advice, scholarships, current news, informative articles, etc.

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    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1

    About The Guide ........................................................................................................................................... 2

    Whats in the Guide? ................................................................................................................................ 2

    Who is the guide for? ................................................................................................................................ 2

    What does the Guide assume the user already knows? ........................................................................... 2

    How is the Guide Organized? .................................................................................................................... 3

    Tips for using the Guide ............................................................................................................................ 3

    University Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4

    General Department Information ............................................................................................................. 5

    Penn State Engineering Homepage ...................................................................................................... 5

    Career Help ............................................................................................................................................... 6

    Penn State E-career ............................................................................................................................... 6

    Penn State Career Resources and Employer Relations ......................................................................... 7

    Additional Career Resources ......................................................................................................................... 8

    Glassdoor .............................................................................................................................................. 8

    Research ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

    Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Index to periodical literature .................................................................................................................. 10

    IEEE Explore ......................................................................................................................................... 10

    Professional Journal ................................................................................................................................ 11

    ASME Journal Program........................................................................................................................ 11

    Government Publication ......................................................................................................................... 12

    Catalog of U.S. Government Publications ........................................................................................... 12

    Statistical Reference Tool ....................................................................................................................... 14

    Statistical Abstract of the United States ............................................................................................. 14

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    About The Guide

    Whats in the Guide?

    The Guide for Undergraduate Penn State Engineering Students provides valuable

    resources intended to aid Penn State engineering students throughout their time at Penn State!

    The guide contains resources that can help to solve common problems Penn State engineers

    face on a daily basis. While much of the guide can be beneficial to the general engineering

    student, many parts are tailored specifically to Penn State Students. All of the resources

    outlined in this guide are readily available to all Penn State engineers. The purpose of the guide

    is to give engineering students at Penn State access to resources that they may not have been

    aware of! Insightful tips and potential uses for each resource are also included, ensuring that

    students already familiar with the resources in the guide can also benefit!

    Who is the guide for?

    This guide can be utilized by all Penn State undergraduate engineering students! The

    information contained in the guide can be used throughout the career of a Penn State engineer.

    The guide was compiled by an experienced Penn State engineering student, therefore it

    contains resources deemed essential by a student who has already been through the program!

    Students seeking information in the following areas can especially find this guide useful:

    department information, internships/co-ops, and academic research.

    What does the Guide assume the user already knows?

    The content of this guide will be most useful to students who have already declared

    engineering as their major. The guide assumes that the reader is already enrolled in the Penn

    State engineering curriculum, and therefore is already familiar with the basic aspects of the

    program. The resources in this guide were selected because they can help to solve problems

    faced by nearly all Penn State engineers!

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    How is the Guide Organized?

    The guide contains descriptions for eight different resources. Each description contains

    the title and URL for a resource, along with an abstract summarizing the resources purpose and

    main uses. Insightful tips and other important information for how to effectively utilize each

    resource are also included in the guide. The document is organized based on the relevancy of

    the resource being described. The relevancy of each source is based primarily on the users

    status in the Penn State engineering program. For example, resources in the very beginning of

    the guide are most useful for freshman and sophomore students. The beginning of the guide

    contains resources regarding general engineering department information, and resources for

    students searching for internship or co-op positions. Resources towards the end of the guide

    are most useful for students nearing their final years in the engineering program. These

    resources provide reliable research material, statistical references, and current developments

    in science and engineering. This organizational strategy is intended to make the guide

    comprehensive, and usable for students at different points in their college careers. The order of

    the resources in the guide is an organizational strategy intended to increase usability, however

    it is just a baseline for organization. Students of all experience levels can find valuable resources

    throughout the entire guide. The guide should ultimately be used in such a way that it is helpful

    and convenient for the reader!

    Tips for using the Guide

    The guide contains a very detailed table of contents that can be very helpful when

    seeking information on a specific topic. Each section of the guide contains a brief overview of

    the resources found on the following pages. It is recommended that readers visit each online

    resource while viewing the descriptions in the guide. This will allow readers to gain a full

    understanding of the description, and utilize the tips provided for navigating each resource.

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    University Resources


    The University Resources section of the guide describes Penn State websites that offer

    help for various problems students may run into. The resources in this section are made

    available by Penn State University, and are accessible by all Penn State engineering students.

    The resources provide useful information for Penn State engineers regarding scholarships,

    scheduling courses, and graduation requirements. This section also covers important career

    related resources that are available to Penn State engineering students. These resources can be

    extremely helpful for students attending the career fair, preparing for interviews, or searching

    for internships.

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    General Department Information

    Penn State Engineering Homepage



    The Penn State engineering homepage is the hub for all important department

    information. Information for prospective students, current students, and alumni can all be

    found on this site. The site offers useful information regarding curriculum, research,

    scholarships, and current engineering news. Not only does the department homepage contain a

    vast amount of useful information, it is also a great place to find other useful resources! The

    engineering homepage contains numerous links to other sites for those who are unsuccessful in

    finding their desired information. Current students can utilize this site for many different

    reasons. Under the academics tab, a student can select their specific field of engineering and

    be sent directly to that departments homepage. Information about curriculum, study abroad,

    and research opportunities can all be found on each specific department homepage. Under the

    current students tab, students have easy access to helpful information regarding majors,

    minors, graduation requirements, scholarships, etc. The department homepage is one of the

    first places an engineering student should look when searching for information regarding Penn

    State Engineering.


    When searching for specific information, click on the blue tab at the top of the home

    page containing the label that most closely matches your needs

    The site index at the top of the page allows you to search by clicking key words that may

    help you find what you are looking for

    Useful information such as engineering news and upcoming events are kept visible right

    on the home page!

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    Career Help

    Penn State E-career



    Penn State E-Career is an online job board designed for Penn State engineering students

    searching for full time, internship, and co-op positions. Employers create job postings that can

    be seen by students who are signed up on the E-Career site. Job openings in a variety of

    engineering fields are posted on the site, therefore every student can find a position that

    interests them. Students can explore all of the job opportunities available, and apply to ones

    which they qualify for. Each student can create a personal profile on the site which allows e-

    career to automatically select positions that match the students background! Resumes, cover

    letters, and transcripts can also be uploaded and added to your personal profile. Many of the

    positions posted on this site hold interviews on campus, which are also scheduled directly

    through the site. This service creates a convenient and easy to use environment for Penn State

    engineering students starting their careers!


    On the homepage of the e-career site, you can find customized job matches under the

    News Feed heading

    All documents uploaded to your profile are reviewed by a career services staff member

    prior to being allowed on the site. Be sure to contact the career services center if you

    need help perfecting your resume or cover letter!

    In the jobs section you can select advanced search, and narrow your search results to

    a specific position title, industry, or even geographical location

    If you see a job that you would like to apply for, you can mark it as a favorite and it will

    always be available under your favorites tab

    The site allows you to upload multiple cover letters, that way you can tailor each cover

    letter to the specific position you are applying for

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    Penn State Career Resources and Employer Relations



    The Penn State engineering career resources and employer relations site is the place to

    go if you are in search of any career related information throughout your time at Penn State.

    The site offers information for students, employers, alumni, and even faculty! The site contains

    tons of information for students who are new to the job search, and students who are further

    along in their careers. Information on networking, resumes, interviewing, and accepting and

    declining job offers can all be found on this site. The engineering career resources department

    also holds many helpful events for undergraduate Penn State engineers, including resume

    workshops and company information sessions. Information on all of these events can be found

    on the career resources website! Students attending career fairs can find useful information

    regarding dress codes and participating employers. The site also offers tips for making a great

    impression on employers. Students with multiple job offers can even find helpful advice on how

    to compare and decide between opportunities! Lastly, Statistical information such as

    engineering average salaries can be found on this website.


    Current Students can click on the students tab on the homepage to get specific

    information for current engineering students

    After clicking on the students tab, you can easily search through the topics on the

    sidebar in order to uncover the information that you are seeking!

    The topics included in the sidebar are organized according to their chronological place in

    the job search process! For example, information about preparing for a job search can

    be found at the top, and information regarding success in the workplace can be found

    towards the bottom!

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    Additional Career Resources




    Glassdoor is an extremely useful tool for engineering students who are exploring

    different career opportunities. Glassdoor offers information on a variety of career related

    topics such as jobs, salaries, and interviews. A student can use this site to find information that

    cant be found on a company website! All of the information on glassdoor is provided by other

    users, and companies themselves are not allowed to post on the site. This ensures that

    information displayed on the site is representative of honest opinions of real employees.

    Glassdoor offers anonymous employer reviews that provide information about the atmosphere

    of the workplace, and the culture of the company. The site also provides average salaries for

    specific positions with thousands of companies. A student preparing for an interview can even

    use glassdoor to gain access to past interview questions asked by a company for a specific

    position! Glassdoor is an excellent website for general information on thousands of companies

    around the world!


    You can gain access to locked content by simply creating a free account

    Accounts can be easily and quickly created through Facebook and other social media


    You can unlock additional content by creating your own anonymous posts on the site

    After using the search bar to find a company of interest, utilize the four tabs at the top

    of the screen to navigate between company reviews, salaries, interviews, and jobs

    The site breaks down average salaries into annual income, stock options, cash bonuses,

    and profit sharing

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    The research section of this guide provides resources for Penn State Engineering

    students who are searching for information on a specific topic within their field of study.

    Throughout the engineering program at Penn State, students find themselves continuously

    searching for reliable sources containing relevant engineering information. Whether a student

    is assigned an extra credit assignment, a research paper, or a lab report, a list of reliable

    resources is always a good thing to have. This section of the guide provides websites that

    contain tons of valuable information for undergraduate engineering students!

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    Index to periodical literature IEEE Explore



    IEEE Xplore is an online database containing papers and articles covering a wide range of

    engineering related topics. The site offers both abstracts and full-text versions of over 3 million

    technical documents. All of the material accessible on the site is taken from highly respected

    and reliable publications. The dates of the articles range from the late 1800s to present day.

    Engineering students can find this tool very useful when searching for good research material.

    The database contains articles that can be helpful in all engineering fields, especially computer

    science and electrical engineering. The digital library allows users to search the index using

    specific search criteria. The site then quickly uses the search criteria to display relevant and

    reliable articles. The site also contains the necessary reference information for each article.

    Engineering students in need of sources for an academic project, internship preparation, or a

    research paper will find this index very useful.


    The search bar allows you to search by keyword, author, or publication

    The site provides tabs on the left side of the screen that allow you to print, email, or cite

    each article in the index

    By clicking advanced search a user can further narrow their search criteria

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    Professional Journal ASME Journal Program



    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a professional association that

    offers many valuable resources for those interested in engineering. The ASME journal program

    offers peer reviewed literature for many different engineering disciplines. These journals are free

    online and can be accessed through the link given above. Journal Categories include, but are not

    limited to, journal of applied mechanics, journal of biomechanical engineering, and journal of

    computational and nonlinear dynamics. Each journal contains research papers written about

    current and up to date engineering topics. Research topics discussed in the journals relate very

    closely to material studied by Penn State engineering students. Students can use the journals to

    find addition information and in-depth analysis on topics covered briefly within their coursework.

    The journals can play an integral role in providing students a strong foundation in many important

    fundamental engineering topics!


    The journals are split into categories based on the specific engineering field

    After choosing a category, various issues immediately become available. You can select

    the most current issue, or you can browse previous issues which are categorized by date

    Once you have selected the category and issue, you can then begin to browse the

    collection of available research articles

    Each specific research paper offers an abstract, which reviews the main content covered

    in the article. This extremely useful feature will help to ensure that you have found the

    right article!

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    Government Publication Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)



    The catalog of U.S. government publications (CGP) is an online database containing

    federal publications covering a wide variety of topics. The CGP is a great resource for both

    current and historical information, as it contains publications with dates ranging from the late

    1800s to present day. The CGP is continuously updated, making it a comprehensive and current

    source of information. Both current and historical publications are continuously added to the

    CGP, allowing users to access publications from a large time frame. Engineering students at

    Penn State can find this site extremely useful, since it offers countless publications on

    technology related topics. Students can find information on materials, electronics, energy,

    space, and many more topics that relate closely to the Penn State engineering curriculum. The

    site also allows young engineers to stay up to date on present-day engineering topics! The

    catalog offers access to countless publications regarding current research and advancements in

    science currently taking place!


    Users can search by keywords, title, author, or subject

    The advanced search tool allows users to further narrow their search criteria

    The site keeps a record of previous searches which can be viewed by clicking the

    Previous Searches tab above the search box on the home page


    As stated earlier, the CGP can be very helpful for engineering students looking to gain

    knowledge in their respective field. As an example, I have used the CGP to locate a report

    relevant to all young engineers at Penn State. All engineers at Penn State are given a strong

    foundation on engineering mechanics and material science. The CGP was used to locate an

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    article titled Predicting Materials Behavior: Advancing Multiscale Modeling Techniques. The

    article discusses the importance of learning about specific material properties. Having

    knowledge about material properties can help engineers prepare for failure in situations of

    rigorous use. The article explains how these properties were once determined through manual

    testing, which became expensive and time consuming. With advances in technology we are

    now able to do this testing using scaled models on computers with advanced modeling

    software. This new computerized technique reduces cost, and increases testing efficiency! This

    is great knowledge for a young engineer to have, and a perfect example of how the catalog of

    U.S. Government publications can be useful for Penn State engineering students!

    Bibliographic Data:

    Title: Predicting materials behavior [electronic resource]: advancing multiscale modeling



    Publisher Info: [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway

    Administration, [2012?]

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    Statistical Reference Tool Statistical Abstract of the United States



    The statistical abstract of the United States is a resource offered both in print and

    online, containing statistical information regarding social and economic status in the United

    States. The site can be used as a resource for anyone looking to find statistical data for a

    research paper or an academic project. The site is also a great resource for those interested in

    finding statistical information on numerous topics for their personal leisure. This resource can

    be used in a variety of ways by Penn State engineering students. Young engineering students

    can look for statistical information regarding tuition cost and government funding in their

    prospective field. Students wrapping up their careers at Penn State can find statistics on

    employment such as average starting salaries and graduation rates! If used properly, the

    statistical abstract of the United States can be a valuable resource for those seeking informative

    statistical data.


    Users can begin to narrow down their search by choosing a specific topic in the table of

    contents on the left side of the home screen

    The documents can also be further narrowed down by geographical location

    Once the necessary table is found, all of the bibliographic data for the table can be seen

    at the bottom of the page

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    Average salaries are a topic that many college students think about when choosing a

    major or career path. The statistical abstract of the United States offers tables containing

    average salary data for specific fields of study! The table below depicts average salaries for

    different science and technology fields. This information can be useful to Penn State engineers

    who are currently in the process of making important career decisions!

    Figure 1- Example of a table extracted from the statistical abstract of the U.S. The table contains average salary data.