Internet marketing for baby booomers and beyond.key

Internet Marketing for Baby Boomers and Beyond #thinkdoreview @minetmarketing @mahoneyinternet Think. Do. Review. The Internet made simple. First we will talk about you; Who this webinar is for, what it is about, how to get started, what questions are still unanswered. Then I will try to talk even less about me; why I choose this as my next industry focus, what I hope you will learn in the next 45-60 min, and what I think the hidden opportunity is

Transcript of Internet marketing for baby booomers and beyond.key

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Internet Marketing for Baby Boomers and Beyond


Think. Do. Review.The Internet made simple.

First we will talk about you; Who this webinar is for, what it is about, how to get started, what questions are still unanswered.Then I will try to talk even less about me; why I choose this as my next industry focus, what I hope you will learn in the next 45-60 min, and what I think the hidden opportunity is

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What do you have in common?

• retirement communities

• medical rehabilitation center

• an assisted living facility

• in-home care company or individual professional

• Seniors only communities

• Travel and recreation

• Financial services

• medical centers and offices

• hospitals

Who are you?

I will try to be as relative and specific in my examples as possible, but it is always a possibility that someone here will think of a way to apply what I am saying in ways I could not have even imagined. For that reason, if you don’t think you have commonalities with either this industry, or your role in it- stick around, you might be surprised, at the very least entertained, or even know someone else who could benefit from this.But the one thing that all of these types of businesses have in common is that either their customers are seniors and their families AND their caregivers. Whether or not the actual decision maker in your audience is the senior, the family, or their caregivers- each will most likely play a role in the decision making process. In other words- a group consensus.1- Retirement communities 2- medical rehabilitation center3- an assisted living facility4- in-home care company or individual professional5- Seniors only communities6- Travel and recreation 7-Financial services8- medical centers and offices9- hospitals

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Feeling a little...

lost, overwhelmed?

One thing that you may have in common with nearly every business out there right now: Overwhelmed.Last year I attended a lot of conferences and talked to a lot of marketers and business owners. I also talked to a lot of internet marketing industry experts. What I learned is that there is a lot of lingo flying about the marketing and sales world these days. None of which makes much of any sense to the people who could really benefit from it. Looking around at those who came to the conferences for some help and guidance, I see the bewildered look and started to wonder...Why doesn’t anyone use simple plain English anymore?

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Or perhaps have just too much on your plate?

Also like many business owners and professionals, you likely have multiple responsibilities to juggle and simply don’t have the time to do it all. You might even be worried that you are already too late to get started, or that you will spend a lot of time and money, with no results.

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What is this about?

• searches done locally last month in relation to hospice care providers: 324,000

• number of results when searching for ‘hospice care providers’: 9,210,000

IN the US only:

• 40% of Facebook users are over 35

• 23,939,880 between 35-44

• 17,865,100 between 45-54

• 10,838 between 55-64

• 6,450,360 over 65

What it is about. The opportunity. Be in the right place at the right time. Advertising 101. The need is out there, the hunt for information and education is happening. Are you getting found?

Things to think about: 20% of the searches that are done on Google are new- not been done before. people are thinking of new ways to describe their need all the time.

As I see it, this is one of the greatest needs facing this industry, and one of the greatest opportunities.

Question is: how are you getting found? Are you at all?

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How to Get Startedin 3 Basic Steps

Now, while how each of these steps will play out and to what extent will vary from business to business (every business is unique after all- even if you are in the same industry). But everything you do for inbound internet marketing will fall under one of these 3 steps. What is great about this process is that it helps you to break the elephant into smaller more digestible pieces for easier project management. It will also help you to prioritize and scale your efforts.

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Why am I focusing on this industry now? When did I see this as an opportunity for you?

SImple answer. My Nana. Recently moved to a retirement community. Caused a big uproar, was a stressful time. What we needed was transitionary services- none were really offered. They existed yes, but they were not easy to find and navigate and choose. And it happened really fast.

There is a need for professionals to educate and raise the standard of service. I know you are out there, so why is it so difficult for seniors and their families to find you? A lot of the research is done by the senior, and it is stressful to them to be the go-between with children and doctors. Any business that has this audience is in a position to be an expert advocate and resource- which in the world of internet marketing- is your biggest asset.

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Step 1• What are your goals? How will

you measure the success of those goals?(increased revenue, lower cost per lead, higher conversion rate)

• What are the consequences of not reaching those goals? (layoffs, out of business, cut in pay)

• What is happening in your industry?

• What resources do you have? (time, money, people)

• Who is your best customer?

about where your audience is online, what they are interested in, why they would want to interact with you, what key words they use, what your goals are and how you will measure success.

We call it: Business Discovery. Customer Uncovery, Sales & Marketing Alignment

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Some Examples:

1. Raise visibility and awareness in the overall market by increasing social media reach by X

2. Drive X more traffic to the website3. Generate X # of leads for sales4. Increase new sales by XXX%5. Cross sell XXX% current XYZ

customers 6. Reduce overhead costs by

streamlining and automate sales and marketing tasks to maximize sales representatives time.

What are the


Notice I am not listing have a facebook page, get X twitter followers. What are the goals for your business?

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Goals and Consequences

Really, it all comes down to revenue right? What other reason do you have to go to work?Remember SMART. Specific. Measurable. Actionable. Realistic. Timely.Just as important as setting your goals is setting how you will measure those goals. What metrics do you need from your analytics to make a decision on what is working and what is not? What metrics can be combined with sales metrics to get closed loop reporting? What action will you take on the results you get? Can you realistically meet those goals and when?

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• What changes are happening in your industry?

• Is it more or less competitive?

• How is the competition attracting customers?

• Where do you stand?

Also think about how your industry affects your whole audience and what their perspective is.

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Resources? • Budget= $1500- 5000 per month

• Software tools: $250-2000

• Ad spend: $500-1000

• Outside Services= $1000 and up

• Time= min 5 hours per week

• People= who has the knowledge, experience, or ability to learn within the organization? Who can you collaborate with in sales to align the marketing messaging and report results with?

No man builds a house without first sitting down to calculate the costs. Cost means more than $$$$. Inbound internet marketing will cost you in proportion, a certain amount of time and money. Remember also that your time is worth something. How much do you get paid or charge per hour? Calculate those costs as well. Training people also takes time and money. Untapped marketing resource= SALES. in the field, talking to customers, they should know the customer best.

No such thing as free!

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Your BEST customers(It’s not everyone.)

Personas= buying modes. Not just a profile or customer segment, modes are a fictional characteristic of the frame of mind people are in when looking for information to make a decision. Ex: how the daughter of a hospice patient views you and your services may vary greatly from the patient’s doctor or spouse. How each will base their decision is also going to be very different. If you don’t account for that, you could be missing out.

This is a tool to enable your marketing and sales to:

1- speak the same language and agree

2- set a framework for testing and optimization for continued improvement

3- enable your designers, developers, copywriters to have a guidebook to your customers.

Some hard questions you will need to answer:

First: who do you most want as a customer and why? is it because that is the biggest profit margin? (it’s ok, you are a still a business, you have to ensure that you will be around for a while) who is the easiest to close, to work with?

Why should they buy from you? What is your unique selling proposition? What do you do better than anyone?

How do they describe their need? What keywords do THEY use? (not your industry lingo)

How will they find you? Google? Facebook? Twitter? Forums? Blogs?

How will they interact with you online? Conversion mapping- plan their experience from beginning to end.

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Step 2• Wireframe

• Design

• Development

• Content Creation

• Social Media

• E-commerce

• Campaign Creation and launch

Step 1 should result in a plan to execute theseWireframe before design. Determine how the site will function and flow. What pages are needed to drive traffic to? What additional info will your customers need? What keywords will be used on those pages for SEO? Then bring in design with images and color. Function before form. = less design changesDevelopment= according to the wireframe. Less mistakes, less redo.Content creation= Assign keywords to pages. List blog topics with corresponding long tail keywords. (specific) Write whitepapers. Story board video, etc.Social media- share your content- set it free!E-Commerce- will you allow customers to get quotes, pay online?Campaign creation and launch= events, promotions, lead nurturing. Email, PPC, Video

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Tools & Tactics for Step 2

CMS, SEO, Social Media monitoring & response, Lead Nurturing, Blogging, Marketing Analytics

PPC Advertising

Forums, Advertising, Networking, SEO

Video Plays, Advertising

Interactive Video

SEO, Networking, Customer Service


Some of the tools available.

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How will you use the tools?• Online Advertising. Capture immediate low-hanging fruit with

targeted online PPC campaigns while building the SEO and social media presence.

• SEO. Optimize the current site for target keyword phrases to appear to Google search.

• Social Media. Not many are engaging effectively on social media. Social media will enable you to find new customers, connect with current ones, and increase SEO. (Search is now more based on social)

• Blogs. Educate consumers with expert advice. Regular blog articles drives traffic with SEO and social media.

• Email marketing. Cross sell current customers and nurture new leads with timely follow-up.

• Online Video. Convert more traffic with short video to raise awareness and connect with audience.

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Step 3• Web Traffic Sources

• Blog Analytics

• SEO Ranking

• Social Media Reach

• (Campaign) Click Through Rate (CTR)

• Conversion Rate (CR)

• Cost per Lead (CPL)

• Lead to Customer Rate (LCR)

• Average Order Value (AOV)

• Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

some examples of metrics to look at and measure. How will you measure success? How will you improve on results? What info is needed to make these decisions?

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Tools for Step 3

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Testing & Optimization

• A/B testing

• Multivariate testing

(What’s bad can be good, what’s good can be great...)The goal of education is not just knowledge, but action. It is only through experience that we go from knowledge to understanding.

What copy converts? Which color attracts the most attention? What image and placement gets more clicks?

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What now?

Start with step 1, item 1.Can be hard when so much else pressing for you attention. Make the time. Those of you who have attended, start by talking to a professional who is experienced. Not a fly by night social media guru, but seasoned internet marketers.

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Think. Do. Review.The Internet made simple.

You can start today.Email me at [email protected]

for an initial marketing audit and consult. Or ask about our private training programs for

you, your staff, or your association group.

Visit my online calendar and pick a time to chat that works with your schedule:

Questions that you might be asking yourself:How does your business do all of this and do it right? What will it cost us? What are the hidden costs like time? What about ‘abc’ that is unique about our business? When should we expect to see results? What do I do first?