International Women's Day

International Women’s Day “God’s” men have tried to fulfill their mission of subduing women by performing all sorts of acts of war against her, including the mutilation of their clitoris without anesthesia. However, they have failed for women have proved that the energy that animates them is indestructible. Impelled by the force of their will, they resuscitated from the pyre of terror, where the Soldiers of the Inquisition burnt them, to ensure the continuation of their existence as the procreators of the human race and sensible pivot of the awareness of the world. A woman is the event generated by the irrepressible nature of her stellar being. Her mind and body are the pillars of the temple of her imagination. She is the sap of the fallopian tree that produces the seed of life. Her clitoris is the root of the penis and her womb is the transporter of humanity’s dreams across the universe. —Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS March 8, 2015


Today is the day women celebrate their lives and contributions to the evolution of the social brain to altruism as survivors of the war of "God's" men — popes, pimps, politicians, dictators, generals, and bankers — against them.

Transcript of International Women's Day

Page 1: International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

“God’s” men have tried to fulfill their mission of subduing women by performing all sorts of acts of

war against her, including the mutilation of their clitoris without anesthesia. However, they have

failed for women have proved that the energy that animates them is indestructible. Impelled by the

force of their will, they resuscitated from the pyre of terror, where the Soldiers of the Inquisition

burnt them, to ensure the continuation of their existence as the procreators of the human race and

sensible pivot of the awareness of the world.

A woman is the event generated by the irrepressible nature of her stellar being. Her mind and body

are the pillars of the temple of her imagination. She is the sap of the fallopian tree that produces the

seed of life. Her clitoris is the root of the penis and her womb is the transporter of humanity’s dreams

across the universe.

—Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS

March 8, 2015