International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants ·  · 2008-03-12Inaugurates International...

Highlights of 10th March , 2008 Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Inaugurates International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants -2008 Inaugurates International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants -2008 The popular biennial international event in downstream hydrocarbon industry, ISFL 2008 (International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants) got off to a glittering start with the inauguration by Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State (MOS), Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MO P&NG) on March 10, 2008 at New Delhi . The programme started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the Chief Guest Shri Dinsha Patel along with senior officials of IndianOil; Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman & Chairman Steering and organizing committee, Shri Anand Kumar, Director (R&D), Dr.R.K Malhotra Executive Director(R&D) and Dr. K. P. Naithani General Manager and secretary ISFL organising committee . While appreciating the context and theme of ISFL- 2008, the Hon’ble MOS outlined the present level of petroleum product consumption in the world and also in our country. According to the estimates the world energy consumption will increase from current level of 200 million barrel per day to about 400 million barrels by 2050. The hydrocarbon contribution will be about 60 percent by that time from the current level of 80 %. The Minister outlined various measures undertaken by Government of India in increasing the indigenous crude oil capacity from 0.25 MMT in 1947-48 to the level of 33.97 MMT in 2006-07. He also briefly mentioned the various initiatives taken under National Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) to increase crude oil and Natural Gas Production in the Country. In this connection , the Minister also highlighted the need for adopting appropriate strategies for controlling GHG emissions and reducing environmental loading as a result of increasing fuel consumption .He hoped that the deliberations during the Symposium would help in better understanding of various dimensions of Lubricants and Fuel usage in the Industry. Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil in his Theme Address said that innovation through sustained Research and Development is the only way for organizations to thrive in today’s competitive environment . In today’s world , dependency on foreign oil supply and the way we use Hydrocarbons is a major strategic vulnerability . As the world’s fastest growing region and the home for second largest population , India faces the challenge in securing the energy it needs to support growth and poverty reduction in responsible and sustainable manner . He said it would take firm commitments by Corporate and the support of political leadership to achieve this daunting task. He reiterated that energy security and sustainable growth were crucial issues for India, and how they are managed would have implications not only for India but for the entire world too. If we are to secure a sustainable approach, we need a renewed engagement with society and a fresh and innovative way of thinking, he added. In his welcome speech , Shri Anand Kumar, Director (R&D) apprised the delegates about the origin and evolution of ISFL, which has the objective of sharing, expanding and enhancing knowledge in the area of fuels and lubricants. He highlighted the importance of aligning R&D initiatives to alter the direction of climate change and hoped that the impact of carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere can be managed with appropriate technological measures. He expressed confidence that the impact of CO emissions can be successfully mitigated by 2 global participations in developing breakthrough technologies for cheaper and cleaner production of hydrogen for use as fuel and for continuous improvement of fossil fuel quality and supplementing it with biofuels. Dr.R.K. Malhotra, in his address briefed the delegates about the highlights of ISFL 2008. He appreciated the participation of delegates from 20 th countries, in the 6 ISFL. During the inaugural programme , ISFL-2008 CD- ROM containing the preprints of the technical papers was also released by the Hon’ble minister . Also an ISFL souvenir containing the messages and greetings from eminent personalities was released by Chairman IndianOil. The inaugural sessions ended with a vote of thanks by organizing secretary Dr.K.P Naithani. Plenary Session 1-A Window to Future Seated on the dais (Left to Right) Dr. R. K. Malhotra, ED (R&D), ;Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil ; Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MO P&NG ;Shri Anand Kumar, Director R&D, IndianOil and Dr. K. P. Naithani, GM, IndianOil & Organizing Secretary ISFL-2008 IndianOil Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG Releasing the CD-ROM Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG inaugurating the exhibition Shri Sarthak Behuria Releasing the Souvenir Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG interacting with an author Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG inaugurating the Poster Session Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG Lighting the Ceremonial Lamp Mr. Thomas Joseph, Air Products, USA Dr. S. Kent Hoekman, DRI, USA Dr. R. K. Malhotra, IndianOil R&D th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants

Transcript of International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants ·  · 2008-03-12Inaugurates International...

Highlights of 10th March , 2008

Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural GasShri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Inaugurates International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants -2008 Inaugurates International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants -2008

The popular biennial international event in downstream hydrocarbon industry, ISFL 2008 (International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants) got off to a glittering start with the inauguration by Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State (MOS), Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MO P&NG) on March 10, 2008 at New Delhi . The programme started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the Chief Guest Shri Dinsha Patel along with senior officials of IndianOil; Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman & Chairman Steering and organizing committee, Shri Anand Kumar, Director (R&D), Dr.R.K Malhotra Executive Director(R&D) and Dr. K. P. Naithani General Manager and secretary ISFL organising committee .

While appreciating the context and theme of ISFL-2008, the Hon’ble MOS outlined the present level of

petroleum product consumption in the world and also in our country. According to the estimates the world energy consumption will increase from current level of 200 million barrel per day to about 400 million barrels by 2050. The hydrocarbon contribution will be about 60 percent by that time from the current level of 80 %. The Minister outlined various measures undertaken by Government of India in increasing the indigenous crude oil capacity from 0.25 MMT in 1947-48 to the level of 33.97 MMT in 2006-07. He also briefly mentioned the various initiatives taken under National Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) to increase crude oil and Natural Gas Production in the Country. In this connection , the Minister also highlighted the need for adopting appropriate strategies for controlling GHG emissions and reducing environmental loading as a

result of increasing fuel consumption .He hoped that the deliberations during the Symposium would help in better understanding of various dimensions of Lubricants and Fuel usage in the Industry.

Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil in his Theme Address said that innovation through sustained Research and Development is the only way for organizations to thrive in today’s competitive environment . In today’s world , dependency on foreign oil supply and the way we use Hydrocarbons is a major strategic vulnerability . As the world’s fastest growing region and the home for second largest population , India faces the challenge in securing the energy it needs to support growth and poverty reduction in responsible and sustainable manner . He said it would take firm commitments by Corporate and the support of political leadership to achieve this daunting task. He reiterated that energy security and sustainable growth were crucial issues for India, and how they are managed would have implications not only for India but for the entire world too. If we are to secure a sustainable approach, we need a renewed engagement with society and a fresh and innovative way of thinking, he added.

In his welcome speech , Shri Anand Kumar, Director (R&D) apprised the delegates about the origin and evolution of ISFL, which has the objective of sharing, expanding and enhancing knowledge in the area of fuels and lubricants. He highlighted the importance of aligning R&D initiatives to alter the direction of climate change and hoped that the impact of carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere can be managed with appropriate technological measures. He expressed confidence that the impact of CO emissions can be successfully mitigated by 2

global participations in developing breakthrough technologies for cheaper and cleaner production of hydrogen for use as fuel and for continuous

improvement of fossil fuel quality and supplementing it with biofuels.

Dr.R.K. Malhotra, in his address briefed the delegates about the highlights of ISFL 2008. He appreciated the participation of delegates from 20

thcountries, in the 6 ISFL.

During the inaugural programme , ISFL-2008 CD-ROM containing the preprints of the technical papers was also released by the Hon’ble minister . Also an ISFL souvenir containing the messages and greetings from eminent personalities was released by Chairman IndianOil. The inaugural sessions ended with a vote of thanks by organizing secretary Dr.K.P Naithani.

Plenary Session 1-A Window to Future

Seated on the dais (Left to Right) Dr. R. K. Malhotra, ED (R&D), ;Shri Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil ; Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MO P&NG ;Shri Anand Kumar, Director R&D, IndianOil and Dr. K. P. Naithani, GM, IndianOil & Organizing Secretary ISFL-2008


Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG Releasing the CD-ROM Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG inaugurating the exhibitionShri Sarthak Behuria Releasing the Souvenir

Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG interacting with an author

Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG inaugurating the Poster Session

Shri Dinsha Patel, MOS, MOPNG Lighting the Ceremonial Lamp

Mr. Thomas Joseph, Air Products, USA Dr. S. Kent Hoekman, DRI, USA Dr. R. K. Malhotra, IndianOil R&D

th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants

th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants

Highlights of 10th March , 2008

Symposium Glimpses...Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam releasing the IndianOil R&D Foundation Day Souvenir Shri Sarthak Behuria presenting a memento to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam delivering the Foundation Day Lecture

“Accelerate R&D Efforts in Bio- fuels “Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Bharat Ratna and Hon’ble former President of India delivered the lecture on

thMarch 10, 2008 at the 36 foundation Day of IndianOil R&D, the premier down stream petroleum research centre. Shri.Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, and Shri. Anand Kumar, Director(R&D), IndianOil also graced the occasion.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Lighting the Lamp

In an inspiring address, he reiterated his vision of energy independence and the status of India as a developed nation. Quoting from his diverse and vast experience in the technology development area, he highlighted various thrust areas for research to achieve energy independence. While Solar energy , nuclear energy and bio-fuels are the main areas to be focused, he exhorted the oil companies to collaborate and jointly invest liberally in the development of bio-fuels. Dr.Kalam also advised IndianOil to aim for a position within 50 top companies of the world by the year 2015! He urged team IndianOil R&D to realign research in alternate fuel area by increasing the R&D investments many fold. He also fielded queries from the delegates. During the occasion the former president released the IndianOil R&D Foundation Day souvenir.

While welcoming the Hon’able Guest, Shri Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil outlined the progress of IndianOil R&D, since its inception in 1972 in the areas of lubricants, refinery processes, bio fuels, bio remediation etc. At the end of the function Shri Ananad kumar delivered the vote of thanks wherein he conveyed his gratitude to Dr.Kalam for his gracious presence and guidance. He assured that all efforts will be made by team IndianOil R&D to realize the dream of energy independence for the country.

A View of the audience

Shri Sarthak Behuria greets Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam with a bouquet

th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants

th 6 International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants

th36 IndianOil R&D Foundation Day Celebrationth36 IndianOil R&D Foundation Day Celebration