International Spotlight

Spotlight International


Highlighting exemplary international students at the University of South Carolina.

Transcript of International Spotlight

Page 1: International Spotlight


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Anton Dereventsov // Russia

Anton Dereventsov is a graduate student cur-rently studying a greedy approximation in uni-formly smooth Banach spaces. More specifi-cally, he is researching the Approximate Weak Chebyshev Greedy Algorithm, which allows us to make controlled errors in calculating the ap-proximants. Such permission is natural for the nu-merical applications and simplifies realization of the algorithm.

Anton came to USC wanting to broaden his cul-tural horizons. The amazing campus in Colum-bia, the great climate of South Carolina, and a fantastic program for research in his area of studies are reasons why he chose USC. He’s also been excited to work alongside a pioneer in the field, Dr. Temlyakov.

Anton is extremely knowledgeable, and a great teacher according to the students he has helped, whether it is the weekly meetings for Math homework or writing recommendations to study abroad in Russia.

Rachel Harrison, a USC student shared, “Anton has been an incredible help in my Russian stud-ies. He is currently serving as the second reader for my Honors College thesis. Though his special-ty is mathematics, he still takes time each week to review my Russian work, which has greatly benefited my language skills and research.”

Major: MathematicsHome Country: RussiaNative Language: RussianThree Words to Describe Anton:Eat, Sleep, MathBiggest Life Goal: To find an actual application for his math in the real world.Most proud of: Waking up before noon almost every day.Favorite Place in Columbia: The HorsehoeBest Kept Secret About USC:SquirrelsIn the future: Anton would like to con-tinue his research in greedy type ap-proximation, which can be applied in image processing and signal trans-fer.

April 2015

At A Glance

Page 3: International Spotlight


Yingru Han // China

Yingru fell in love with the South Carolina’s cli-mate and culture after spending two and a half years in an American high school in Greenville. She then decided to attend the best Interna-tional Business program in the country at the Darla Moore School of Business.

During her freshman year at USC, Yingru be-came a Think Globally ambassador, where she represents China through many presentations in local high school as well as on campus. She is also a peer leader in the Global Carolina Schol-ar program for EPI students, where she shares her knowledge of cultural transition and of the school with other international students.

At the beginning of last semester, she was se-lected as a member of Freshman Council un-der Student Government. Throughout the year, she dedicated herself to the Culture & Diversi-ty Committee and initiated the Holiday Home Exchange program. With other members of the Council, she also did some community service projects, such as visiting Agape seniors’ home. Yingru is also very devoted to contributing her time and effort in spearheading the Dance Mar-athon team for the entire Student Government.

Yingru wants to work in international business between China and the U.S., specifically in the field of film or green energy. In the future, she is hoping to start her own business.

Major: International Business, FinanceHome Country: ChinaNative Language: MandarinThree Words to Describe Yingru:Passionate, dedicated, ambitiousBiggest Life Goal: To be helpful to the society and be happy with herself.Most proud of: The Chinese culture that she grew up with.Favorite Place in Columbia: DMSB BuildingBest Kept Secret About USC:The ghost tour held by the Student Government every Halloween re-veals a lot of “scary secrets” about USC.

March 2015

At A Glance

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Sina Moeinzadeh // Iran

Iranian Sina Moeinzadeh is a top PhD student in the Chemical Engineering Department. In coming to USC, he has discovered excellent re-search opportunities that align with his interests.

Throughout the previous four years, Sina has maintained a perfect GPA of 4.0 and has writ-ten seventeen publications (fourteen peer-re-viewed scientific papers and three book chap-ters). Furthermore, he has presented fifteen times at both national and international conferences. His publications have been cited eighty times by other researchers in less than four years. Sina is a reviewer of very well-known journals such as Biomacromolecules and Biomed Research In-ternational.

On top of Sina’s academic achievements, he has served as the Entrepreneurial Lead in a Na-tional Science Foundation funded I-Corps proj-ect. He was also named the president of the USC Iranian Student Association twice.

According to Dr. Esmaiele Jabbari, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, “Sina is the best doctoral student I have had in my research group in the last ten years.”

In the future, Sina would like to pursue further research as well as the development and com-mercialization of innovative tissue engineered products.

Major: Chemical EngineeringHome Country: IranNative Language: Farsi (Persian)Three Words to Describe Sina:Diligent, smart, competitiveBiggest Life Goal:Winning a Nobel Prize!Most proud of: Family and friendsFavorite Place in Columbia: USC campusBest Kept Secret About USC:It is an ideal place for research.

December 2014

At A Glance

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Mehdi Famouri // Iran

Mehdi Famouri came from Iran to continue his graduate studies in mechanical engineering. Between the U.S., Canada and Australia, he came to the U.S. to challenge himself whether he can be successful or not. He received admission and full financial aids from USC, UMBC and USASK and chose South Carolina because of the state of the art research facilities and his wise adviser.

Mehdi is most proud of himself because he earned his bachelor’s degree from Persian Gulf University (Iran) in Mechanical Engineering. His most significant academic accomplishments include publishing 15 papers in prestigious mechanical engineering journals, having his work cited 200 times by other academic papers, journals, and books. He is also actively engaged in extracurricular activities on campus, specifically in the international community. He is one of the four founding members of the Iranian Student Association at USC, for which he has served as treasurer in 2011-2012, and currently as president for 2013-2014.

In the future, Mehdi would like to join an industrial company, gain some experience in the field of mechanical engineering, and eventually, come back to the university as a professor because he loves teaching and the university environment.

Major: Mechanical EngineeringHome Country: IranNative Language: Farsi (Persian)

Three Words to Describe Sungtak:Competitive, Hard-working, PatientBiggest Life Goal:To become a full-time professor in mechanical engineering.Favorite Place in Columbia: William-Brice StadiumBest Kept Secret About USC:It is a diverse campus.

April 2014

At A Glance

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International Student Association

The International Student Association (ISA) is the most diverse student organization on campus and has members from all around the world. “We make it easier for American and international students to come together, hang out, learn from one another, and form lasting friendships” says an exec member.

ISA’s goal is to promote different cultures along with teaching people from different places about the American culture. Its mission is to bring international students together and help aid them in different possible ways. ISA reminds them that they are not here alone, and that as internationals at USC, they are part of one global community. The association teams up with different student organizations, both International and professional, in ways to learn about different cultures, connect with people

April 2014

email: [email protected]

from around the world and have fun. World Night has been ISA’s greatest achievement. Every year in the spring, ISA along with ISS host World Night, USC’s biggest international on-campus event. This annual event hosts over 600 attendees, serving them internationally themed food, and showcasing performances from different cultures around the world. This year, for the first time, World Night was free, making it ever more successful. “We are proud to be part of this great university and to be the organization hosting USC’s biggest international event. Our future plan is to have more internationals within our circle, and work on service and community outreach. Many thanks to International Student Services, the six students running the organization, along with our two amazing advisors, Sylvain & Frauke. Without their help, ISA would not be as great as it is today.” –ISA President, Sultan Almasroori

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Sungtak Kim // South Korea

Sungtak Kim is a fourth year graduate student from Pusan, South Korea. In 2006, he graduated from Soongsil University in Seoul, and then gained indus-trial experience at Dongjin Semichem Company, a pioneer in the Korean fine chemicals industry.

Sungtak came to the University of South Car-olina to be with You Jung Song, a fifth year graduate student in the same department. After Sungtak came to USC, they got mar-ried. They now have a six-month old baby.

This year, Sungtak’s research group founded the company SAGE Energy Solutions, LLC. The com-pany developed technology to convert common liquid fuel such as jet fuel, gasoline, diesel into liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for portable pow-er and auxiliary power application. SAGE won the 2012 Fuel Cell Innovation Challenge, and the 2013 Proving Ground Entrepreneurial challenge.

Sungtak says that his biggest challenge with the startup of SAGE was networking, and learn-ing a very new and different field which is busi-ness and marketing. Furthermore, finding po-tential customers, forecasting future profits, and filing for patents have also been a challenge.

In the future, Sungtak would like to do more research and have more achievements in the catalyst and energy conversion field. Additionally, he would like for his company to continue to develop and grow. Though his work ambitions are important, above all, he would like to be a good father and husband.

Major: Chemical EngineeringHome Country: South KoreaNative Language: Korean

Three Words to Describe Sungtak:Challenge, Effort, LoveFavorite Place in Columbia: Carolina CafeBest Kept Secret About USC:It is young and energetic

November 2013

At A Glance

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Iranian Student Association

The mission of the Iranian Student Association is to help the local Iranian Community and host campus-wide multicultural events to broaden students’ perspectives about Iran’s rich culture. Their goals are to represent the diversity of the Iranian brothers and sisters to the rest of the USC family through different Persian holidays, gatherings and festivities in hopes of in-forming others about who the Iranian students are, where they come from, and what they represent as an exotic nation.

This year, the Iranian students have been involved in multiple events and programs including the International 5K, the ISS window display, intramural soccer, and the International Student Organizations Soccer League. The Iranian Student Association has also participated in Inter-national Education Week, the International Bazaar, and World Night hosted by the Interna-tional Student Association.

“Our future plans include hosting our 2nd annual Nowruz, Persian New Year celebration in the spring of 2014, as well as participating in World Night, and hosting our 3rd annual Persian Food Night event during International Education Week of Fall 2014. We also hope to partici-pate in a volunteer run event, such as Dance Marathon.” -Iranian Student Association Exec

November 2013

email: [email protected]

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Jing Zhou // ChinaJing Zhou is an undergraduate student from Chang-sha, in the Hunan province of China. She started her studies at the English Program for Internation-als (EPI) at the University of South Carolina. She took intensive English classes for about a year, and after completing the program, she entered the Moore School of Business in the Fall 2010 semes-ter as a freshman student in the International Busi-ness & Chinese Enterprise (IBCE) program. This pres-tigious program only admits 20 students per year.

Jing is triple majoring in International Business, Ac-counting, and Global Supply Chain & Operations Management (GSCOM). During her sophomore year, Jing studied abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition to that, she is a dedicat-ed member of Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity. The community service and fundraising activities are what interest Jing the most about Del-ta Sigma Pi. In her own words, Jing states, “The fra-ternity inspires me to be a better version of myself.”

Jing came to the United States to receive a bet-ter college education as well as gain a unique life experience. She believes that the U.S. has the most diverse culture. In particular, Amer-ica’s unique business culture is very interest-ing to Jing, especially as it relates to her major. In the future, Jing plans to gain more global experience by working for an in-ternational company. She aspires to eventually work for a Non-Governmental Organi-zation in order to “service more people in need.”

Major: International Business, Ac-counting, and GSCOMHome Country: ChinaNative Language: Mandarin

Three Words to Describe Jing:Friendly, Optimistic, DedicatedBiggest Goal:To be a better version of myself.Most Proud of:The ability to adapt to different envi-ronments and cultures.

Favorite Place in Columbia: Cool Beans, The HorseshoeBest Kept Secret About USC:On the top floor of Capstone, you can see all of Columbia.

October 28, 2013

At A Glance

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Omani Student AssociationThe Omani Student Association’s goal is to intro-duce Omani culture to the American and interna-tional students at the University of South Carolina, as well as to help and assist new Omani students adjust to their new lives in the United States. OSA has been hosting various events that relate to Omani culture such as Arabic corner, Henna Night, and Omani Culture Night. They also coor-dinate events with other associations, such as the International Student Association, and participate in World Night annually. Their plan for the future is to get more involved in volunteer work, especially Service Saturdays. OSA hopes to grow bigger on campus and attract more people.

Oman is an Arab state that shares a border with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Ye-men. It has an estimated population of 3,869,873. There are approximately 27 Omani students cur-rently enrolled at the University of South Carolina. USC is very happy to welcome these students to Columbia and have valuable cultural exchanges with the OSA!

“The Omani Student Associ-ation is a wonderful group of students and a good ex-ample of a successful stu-dent organization. They are so helpful and supportive of new Omani students who are adjusting to life here in Columbia, and they also work very hard to organize fun and meaningful oppor-tunities for USC students to learn more about Omani culture. They’ve all inspired me to go to Oman, so I hope

to get there someday!” - Rachel Hardison OSA Advisor

October, 2013

email: [email protected]

Page 11: International Spotlight


Abdul Talukdar // Bangladesh

Abdul, a graduate student from Bangladesh, is pursuing his Ph.D. in electrical engineering. His primary academic

focus is to develop microelectronic sensors to detect trace gas and explosives, and characterize biomole-

cules. He has a perfect 4.0 GPA and has been published in 7 peer-reviewed journals, as well as

multiple conference proceedings both nationally and internationally. He was granted the Travel Award 2012

to present his work at Penn State University, and was also invited by the National Institute of Nanotechnology (NINT) to be a visiting research scholar. He is a graduate

research assistant and a teaching assistant for the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Abdul is also very active on campus, serving as the vice president of the Bangladesh Student Association (BSA),

where he organizes various activities by Bangladeshi students to represent the history, culture, and events

of his home country. He also volunteers as an ambassador in USC’s Thinking Globally (TG) Program to represent Bangladesh and USC to the community,

local high schools and colleges around Columbia.

Abdul came to the University of South Carolina because he found that the electrical engineering program at

USC has excellent research opportunities focusing sensors, especially with the NESL Lab.

In the future, Abdul would like to work as a researcher

in a company or academic institute. His ultimate goal is to start his own company, where he will commercialize

inexpensive micro/nano electronic sensors for the betterment of human health and to secure

innocent human lives.

Major: Electrical EngineeringHome Country: BangladeshNative Language: BanglaThree words to describe Abdul:friendly, attentive, travelerBiggest Goal:To start his own company that manufactures tiny electronic micro-sensors that detect cancer and explosives.Most proud of:His country, Bangladesh; his language, Bangla; his religion, Islam; his family; and his current research.Favorite Place in Columbia: Starbucks outlet, Russell House, Five Points fountainBest kept secret about USC:The fountain in front of Thomas Cooper Library, to relax and energize.

April 2, 2013

At A Glance

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Indian Student Organization

April 2, 2013

email: [email protected]

The Indian Student Organization’s primary mission is to provide a support system for current and incoming Indian students at the University of South Carolina. The organization knows that traveling to a new country can be daunting, so its members offer assistance to make the transition easier with airport pick-up and accommodation to new students, and information through their listerv, Facebook page and website. The Indian Student Organzation’s goal is to provide a home away from home to its members through social events and interaction which can ultimately lead to long-term friendships. In addition, it represents India’s culture, customs and traditions with the aim of sharing those with both American and international students, and the community at large via various cultural and educational programs throughout the year.

The organization stays busy with a number of events throughout the year: ice-breakers such as dance night or picnics to welcome all students; community service as part of Service Saturday, visiting the arboretum, Lexington inter-faith community and Habitat Restore. Their biggest fall event is a cultural show demonstrating dance, music and fashion that is consistently sold-out. Spring semester witnesses participation in talent shows such as World Night and the Columbia International Festival.

The organization’s future ambitions include involving more of the local community when it comes to all things India. The members plan to be part of a year long USC-India Initiative, set to begin in the fall of 2013. This will present a great opportunity to showcase some more of India’s rich culture, move beyond popular notions about India, and hopefully help the organization grow bigger and better.

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Lingling Zhang // ChinaLingling is a graduate student from China pursuing her degree in mechanical engineering. She is selected as

one of the 2013 Distinguished Graduate Scholars at the university, and her works have been published many

times. In total, she has published 16 authored peer-reviewed journal papers, four conference

proceedings, and two applied patents.

She is a teaching assistant in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for the core undergraduate

course (EMCH 362), and is also a volunteer with the Thinking Globally (TG) program, where she introduces

China and Chinese culture to incoming freshman in University 101 classes.

Lingling came to Carolina because she wanted to work in an energy related area. The Solid Oxide Fuel

Cell Center for Economic Excellence at USC, lead by Kenneth Reifsnider, is the most competitive institute in the area. She knows the research experience here at

USC will benefit her in the future.

One day Lingling hopes to become a faculty member at Carolina, working in an energy related area. She

hopes her little efforts will make a world difference, and wants to pass on what she knows to others.

“The biggest goal in my life is to become a teacher, passing on what I know to

others. I hope my little efforts will make a world difference.”

- Lingling Zhang

Major: Mechanical EngineeringHome Country: ChinaNative Language: ChineseThree words to describe Lingling:cheerful, optimistic, creativeBiggest Goal:To become a teacher, passing on what I know to others.Most proud of:Becoming a part of USC and having a chance to introduce Chinese culture to students from other countries.Favorite Place in Columbia: Horizon I BuildingBest kept secret about USC:I always like go to the Blatt Physical Education Center with my friends. After doing exercises, I’ll have a clear head, fresh feeling and more energy to work.

February 26, 2013

At A Glance

Page 14: International Spotlight


Intercultural Dialogue Student OrganizationIntercultural Dialogue seeks out and creates

opportunities for dialogue between individuals and communities. Its goal as an organization is to promote dialogue among students at USC about

issues that pertain to their lives by bringing together people across ethnic lines and cultural

backgrounds. The members of Intercultual Dialogue engage in humanitarian works and

educational activities about social and cultural matters.

The ultimate mission of the organization is to contribute to the local and global peace by

promoting values such as respect, acceptance, dialogue, love, and richness of culture over

centuries of time. The members approach the world with realistic optimism and believe that

small positive actions can make significant changes in the world.

The organization is involved in organizing the

annual Future Leaders Dialogue Dinner in cooperation with the SC Dialogue Foundation. It

has also been involved in humanitarian works like Adopt-a-Highway, as well as donating around 300 pounds of meat to Harvest Hope food bank each

year. In the future, the organization hopes to plan a Turkish Day at the Columbia State House and open a Turkish Culture House to have more

representation of Turkish culture in Columbia.

February 26, 2013

email: [email protected]

Intercultural Dialogue annually organizes the Future Leaders Dialogue Dinner with the SC Dialogue Foundation. One of their signature events, it brings together students of different communities and religions who are leaders in their departments.

Page 15: International Spotlight


Suchit Sahai // India

Suchit is a Ph.D. candidate working with Professor James Blanchette’s laboratory. His

research accomplishments have been exemplary. He developed a marker which can track the cells of

the body which are under hypoxic (low oxygen) stress. Furthermore, he is investigating

novel techniques for environmental control of stem cell behavior towards repair of bone defects. This is a

major medical challenge facing wounded soldiers, victims of automobile accidents and

cancer survivors. Suchit’s work has already led to a pair of research publications and he will give a

podium presentation at the premier national conference in his research area next month.

What sets Suchit apart from his peers is his growth curve over the years. Through his hard work, patience,

perseverance and innovation he used his abilities to the hilt. Apart from his

academic accomplishments, Suchit has excelled in intercollegiate racquetball tournaments. He is also

playing in the Cricket team organized by the Indian Student Organization.

As a biomedical engineering graduate student, he has mentored several undergraduates, teaching them cell culture techniques, assays, and

other laboratory protocols.

Suchit has distinguished himself as an exemplary student, mentor, and ambassador of his

country. Suchit says: “In the future, I would like to be useful to the society in more ways than I have been.”

“In the future, I would like to be useful to the society in more ways than I have been.”- Suchit Sahai

November 9, 2012

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Bangladesh Student Association (BSA)

The primary mission of BSA is to raise awareness of Bangladesh’s culture and heritage as well as to help new Bangladeshi students to adapt to life in the United States.

Since its establishment in August 2009, the Bangladesh Student Association has been growing rapidly. Currently, BSA has almost 60 student members and most of them are in a graduate

program. The organization offers a variety of cultural, social, and recreational activities. International Mother Language day is one of BSA’s signature events. The day, declared by

UNESCO, is annually observed worldwide as a day to celebrate native languages and cultural heritage. In addition, BSA is the founder of the five nation soccer tournament, known as Inter

Student Friendship Soccer League (ISFSL). BSA also participates in diverse events across the campus, of them International Education Week, World Night,

Jashn and the South Carolina State Fair.

In the future, BSA plans to expand community outreach and represent Bangladeshi culture across the campus.

November 9, 2012

email: [email protected]

International Mother Language day is one of

BSA’s signature events. The day, declared by UNESCO,

is annually observed worldwide as a day to

celebrate native languages and cultural


Page 17: International Spotlight


Upoma Guha // Bangladesh

“I had always wanted to work in the field of dental health. USC gave me the opportunity

to become a part of the ongoing high quality research opportunities in this area.”

- Upoma Guha

Major: EpidemiologyHome Country: BangladeshNative Language: BengaliThree words to describe Upoma:Innovative, Enthusisastic, AnimalBiggest Goal:Biggest goal is to make a difference in the dental health services in the community.Most proud of:Proud of being able to connect with people across the nations and make most of my dreams come true irrespective of the adversities I face.Favorite Place in Columbia: The Riverfront ParkBest kept secret about USC:The swimming pool at Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center is the best place to make myself relaxed. The spa and sauna helps me to bring out all the fatigue and centralize the mind for my upcoming works.

April 9, 2012

At A Glance

Upoma, a dentist from Bangladesh, works as a Graduate Assistant with Dr. Anwar Merchant in a research study that

focuses on the effect of periodontal microorganisms on the adverse pregnancy outcomes. The practical impact of the research is to detect the oral bacteria affecting pregnancy

in order to propose new prevention methodologies and protect the pregnant mothers as well as the future babies

from increased health risk.At the university, she serves as the Secretary of the Dean’s

Student Advisory Council (DSAC). This committee is comprised of students who act as departmental

representatives to the administrative authority of the Arnold School of Public Health & to the Association of Schools of

Public Health. DSAC is a student-run organization for networking, collaborating, and promoting public health at

the University of South Carolina.Her contribution to community service in South Carolina

include volunteering for the South Carolina Dental Center; working with the Columbia’s Cooking program initiated to

increase the awareness about healthy eating; and helping Cullen’s Archangel Rescue team to save the abandoned

animals across the state.She enjoys working closely with the International Student

Services as a Thinking Globally Ambassador. The opportunity to share the history and cultural heritage of

Bangladesh with high school as well as USC Freshmen students makes her honored and proud of her background.

She is actively participates in cultural events around campus including performing songs and hosting “World

Night,” the biggest cultural event of the year.

Page 18: International Spotlight


Omani Student Association The primary mission of the organization is

to introduce the Omani culture to the University of South Carolina and to assist in the transition of

new Omani students as they adjust to life in the US.

The organization was founded in September 2011 and has since participated in varied

campus activities such as: co-hosting events with other organizations, International Education Week,

World Night 2012, and Islamic Awareness Week. Furthermore, OSA coordinated Omani Welcome Event, Omani National Day Celebration, Arabic Corner, and the most successful attracting over

300 attendees was Omani Cultural Night (OCN). In addition, OSA participated in various community service events organized by USC such as Service

Saturday. A soccer tournament among the members of OSA was also on this year’s list

of accomplishments!

For the future, OSA plans to continue to achieve its mission by co-hosting events and

creating more opportunities that showcase the Omani culture on our campus and

USC community.

“This association has been helping new Omani students with the process of applying to universities, finding them apartments, and helping them with all the essential needs.” - OSA member

April 6, 2012

email: [email protected]

Page 19: International Spotlight


Alice Valdetaro // BrazilAlice is from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and she is a graduate

student in the Masters of Mass Communications. She has a B.A. in Journalism and a B.S. in Psychology

from USC Upstate. While at Upstate, Alice was inducted as member of the Gamma Beta Phi, Psi

Chi and Phi Kappa Phi, honor societies.

Always interested in the value of a global perspective, as an undergraduate, Alice

conducted research to investigate the effects of previous exposure to international cultures on

intercultural communication processes. The successful study was presented at multiple

research conferences and received best poster award at the Georgia Undergraduate Research in

Psychology Conference in 2009. Alice currently works for ISS as the coordinator

of the Thinking Globally program, which is a program devised to engage American and

international students in an intercultural dialogue. In addition to being involved in cultural affairs she

enjoys meeting new people and hanging out with her friends and co-workers.

“My mom and I have sacrificed a lot to invest in my academic career

and I can’t wait to put all this hard work to the test.”

- Alice Valdetaro

Major: Mass CommunicationsHome Country: BrazilNative Language: Portuguese Three words to describe Alice:Friendly, Passionate, OutgoingBiggest Goal:Short Term – adopt a puppy and take it for walks around the horseshoe!Long Term – to be successful professionallyMost proud of:My ability to adapt to new environments, people and situations.Favorite Place in Columbia: Hunter GathererBest kept secret about USC:The River Walk is a beautiful place to go for a walk or run; not quite a secret, but you experience something different every visit.

February 3, 2012

At A Glance

Page 20: International Spotlight


Naveed Sadiq // PakistanNaveed Sadiq is a Fulbright student pursuing a PhD

in Health Services Policy and Management at Arnold School of Public Health. Prior to being selected as a Fulbright grantee, Naveed was

involved in several health care activities in Pakistan. Naveed’s community contributions are numerous,

including volunteering for the “United Way of the Midlands,” Columbia, SC, and regularly

donating blood. More recently, he led a team of Fulbright students from across the U.S. to victory in a

competition coordinated by the Department of State. The media coverage was extensive, spanning

from the ASPH website to the weekly newsletter of the Association of Schools of Public Health.

At the University, Naveed was selected to serve on the Deans Student Advisory Committee (DSAC), the

purpose of which is to provide departmental representation to the ASPH administration in order to address student concerns, promote volunteer,

social, and networking opportunities, and to aid in gaining and retaining top tier students. In addition

to all of his involvement, Naveed enjoys participating in different cultural activities.

“As an insider of the Carolina community, I love to share my wonderful experiences through meetings, talks, and social networking websites by

posting pictures and giving comments. I love sharing views of my country with the Americans and of America with the Pakistani people. I feel like an ambassador to both the countries and bring the people from across

the oceans closer to each other.” – Naveed Sadiq

Major: Public HealthHome Country: PakistanFavorite Pasttime: watching moviesFavorite Place in Columbia: Five Points


At A Glance

Page 21: International Spotlight


Shamaita Shithi Shetu // Bangladesh

Shamaita Shithi Shetu is an international student from Bangladesh who decided to pursue her

PhD in electrical engineering at USC. Shamaita is working closely with Dr. MVS Chandrashekhar on Graphene and Dye sensitized solar cells. She

got the first prize in the poster presentation competition on Graduate Student Day 2010 for

her poster “Charge transport mechanism at sensitizer semi-conductor interface in a 4H-sic

dye sensitized solar cell.”

Shamaita is also a traditional dancer and performed a traditional Bangladeshi dance in

World Night 2010 at USC. She is involved with several organizations on campus including

International Student Organization, Bangladesh Student Association and Bangladesh

Educational Initiative. The Bangladesh Education Initiative helps fund brilliant

Bangladesh students in their studies.

Major: Electrical EngineeringHome Country: BangladeshFavorite Pasttimes: reading, web browsing, gardening, dancingFavorite Place in Columbia: Lake Murray


At A Glance

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Frauke Becker // Germany

Frauke is a Criminal Justice and Psychology major from Germany. After graduation from high school, she first came to the U.S. to work

as a nanny for a family with three children, living in Manhattan, NY. Meanwhile, she

attended Borough of Manhattan Community College and worked as Assistant Coach for a

girl’s basketball team. Later, she decided to attend South Carolina and dedicate herself

full-time to studies. In her free time, she volunteers with Thinking Globally, Big Brothers

Big Sisters of Columbia, and is a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. She

also enjoys reading and writing her own stories and hanging out in her favorite

place in Columbia: SpeakEasy.

Major: Criminal Justice and PsychologyHome Country: GermanyNative Language: GermanThree words to describe Frauke:dependable, impulsive, passionateFavorite Pasttimes:reading and writing her own storiesFavorite Place in Columbia: SpeakEasy


At A Glance

Page 23: International Spotlight


Christopher Peter Aluah // Ghana

Mr. Christopher Peter Aluah is an international student from the northern part of Ghana, specifically from Navrongo in

the Upper East Region (UER). In addition to a teaching certificate, he earned both a three-year diploma in Theatre

Arts (Drama) and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Theater Arts from the University of Ghana. He is currently in

his second year of the dual degree in Social Work and Public Health (MSW/MPH) program.

Mr. Aluah has a varied work history. A teacher by profession, he also has experience working with the Navrongo Health

Research Centre (NHRC) in the UER. Additionally, Mr. Aluah helped cofound Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana (YHFG),

a local NGO active in north-eastern Ghana. He is currently a senior advisor of YHFGÕs Sunuga Project, which

assists farming cooperatives in the production of organic peanuts and peanut products. With his colleagues at YHFG,

he continues to work on securing organic and Fair Trade certifications for the project, and to gain access to niche

markets in the European Union.

Mr. Aluah is also actively involved in student groups and organizations here at USC. He is a member of Global Voice,

an advisory group advocating for the improvement of services for international students. He is also the

co-founder and president of the Pan-African Student Association (PANASA), which exists to foster unity among

students from Africa, give them a strong voice, and to support education in Africa.


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Ikechukwu & Chinelo Ogbuano // Nigeria

Ikechukwu and Chinelo Ogbuanu are two successful young alums of the University! Both

from Nigeria, they both were sponsored by the prestigious World Bank scholarship to study at

South Carolina for their Masters in Public Health degrees.

Ikechukwu, completed his MPH and also went on to graduate with his PhD in Epidemiology in under

three years with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Ike was awarded a position with the 2009 class of the

Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Disease Control based in Atlanta, GA after graduation. In

his spare time, Ike enjoys listening to Christian music and audio messages.

Chinelo completed her MPH and then went on to complete her PhD in Health Service Policy and Management in under three years with a perfect

4.0 GPA. Chinelo is currently employed as the Senior MCH/PRAMS Epidemiologist at the

Georgia State Health Department in Atlanta. In her free time, she enjoys cooking

and relaxing with her family.


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