International Project on Technical and Vocational...

Proj et international pour l'ensei gnement techni que et professionnel International Project on Technical and Vocational Education U N EVO C Di rec tory R éperto ire UN EVO C as of 22 October 1999

Transcript of International Project on Technical and Vocational...

  • Projet international pour l'enseignement technique et professionnelInternational Project on Technical and Vocational Education




    e UNEVO


    as of 22 October 1999

  • The UNEVOC Directory has been prepared within the framework of the International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC) by UNESCO's UNEVOC Implementation Unit in Berlin.

    It is produced in the following formats:

    Printed version A new printed version will be produced whenever a sub-stantial amount of information has been updated. For a free copy of the latest version, please contact: UNESCO-UNEVOC Fehrbelliner Platz 3 D-10707 Berlin Germany Fax [+49] (30) 86 49 15 41, Electronic Mail: [email protected]

    World Wide Web The UNEVOC Directory is also available on Internet (WorldWideWeb):

    The printed version in Adobe Acrobat Portable Print Format (PDF format) can also de downloaded from the UNEVOC web site:

    For more information, please contact: UNESCO-UNEVOC Fehrbelliner Platz 3 D-10707 Berlin Germany Fax [+49] (30) 86 49 15 41 Electronic Mail: [email protected]

    Le Rpertoire UNEVOC a t labor dans le cadre du Projet international pour l'enseignement technique et professionnel (UNEVOC) par l'unit de mise en uvre du projet UNEVOC de l'UNESCO Berlin.

    Il est produit dans les formats suivants:

    Version imprime Une nouvelle version imprime sera produite chaque fois que les mises jour atteindront un volume important. Pour obtenir un exemplaire gratuit de la version la plus rcente, prire de s'adresser : UNESCO-UNEVOC Fehrbelliner Platz 3 D-10707 Berlin Allemagne Fax [+49] (30) 86 49 15 41, Courrier lectronique: [email protected]

    Rseau mondial sur Internet Le Rpertoire UNEVOC est aussi disponible au rseau mondial Internet (WorldWideWeb):

    La version imprime peut galement tre rcupre, sous Adobe Acrobat Portable Print Format (PDF format), du site web de l'UNEVOC:

    Pour de plus amples renseignements, prire de s'adresser : UNESCO-UNEVOC Fehrbelliner Platz 3 D-10707 Berlin Allemagne Fax [+49] (30) 86 49 15 41 Courrier lectronique: [email protected]

    UNESCO 1999

    Document Nr. ED/IUG/001 Version of 22 October 1999


  • Page 1 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 1

    Preface Prface The world of work has changed dramatically over the past decade. For some people it has become technologically complex, demanding highly sophisticated work skills. For others, as a result of unemployment, it has denied them the satisfaction that comes from the challenge of work, and the sense of achievement gained therefrom. As a result, the world of work is increasingly requiring continuing education and training.

    UNESCO has recognised this reality in a number of different ways. One of these has been to expand and develop its role in the area of technical and vocational education. A part of this expansion has been to support a network of institutions that are significantly related to technical and vocational education and to the world of work.

    To develop and support this network, UNESCO established, under its Education Programme, the UNEVOC Project. It invited its Member States to nominate relevant national institutions to become UNEVOC Centres. These Centres are expected to assume the responsibility of giving leadership and thrust to the education and development of skills relating to the world of work.

    This Directory provides information on UNEVOC Centres and related organisations and institutions. It has been compiled by the UNEVOC Implemen-tation Unit in Berlin with a view to strengthening the UNEVOC network and encouraging inter-relationship and effective communication among the members of the network.

    I commend it to you. I would encourage you to support the effectiveness and efficiency of this Directory by ensuring that its information is up to date and relevant. Please do not hesitate to contact UNESCO-UNEVOC Berlin for any question and further information.

    Le monde du travail a connu au cours de la dernire dcennie d'normes changements. Il est devenu pour certains technologiquement complexe, exigeant des comptences professionnelles ultra-sophistiques. Quant d'autres, frapps par le chmage, il leur a refus la satisfaction de relever le dfi du travail et l'panouissement qu'il procure. Ainsi, l'enseigne-ment et la formation continus constituent de plus en plus des impratifs pour le monde du travail.

    Cette ralit, l'UNESCO en tient compte de bien des manires, parmi lesquelles l'extension et le dve-loppement de son rle dans le domaine de l'ensei-gnement technique et professionnel. Un lment de cette extension a consist soutenir un rseau des institutions significativement lies l'enseignement technique et professionnel et au monde du travail.

    Pour dvelopper et soutenir ce rseau, l'UNESCO a mis en place au sein de son programme de l'duca-tion le projet UNEVOC, invitant ses tats membres dsigner des institutions nationales appropries qui, en tant que Centres UNEVOC, seront appeles assumer la responsabilit de guider et d'impulser l'enseignement et le dveloppement de comptences lies au monde du travail.

    Ce Rpertoire rassemble des informations sur ces Centres UNEVOC et d'autres organisations et insti-tutions. Il a t labor par l'unit de mise en oeuvre du projet UNEVOC Berlin pour renforcer le rseau UNEVOC et favoriser les contacts directs et la communication efficace entre les membres du rseau.

    Je vous le recommande. Je vous encourage sou-tenir l'efficacit et l'impact de ce Rpertoire en veillant l'actualit et la pertinence des informa-tions qu'il contient. N'hsitez pas contacter UNESCO-UNEVOC Berlin si vous avez des questions ou vous dsirez plus dinformation.

    Colin N. Power

    Assistant Director General for Education Sous-Directeur gnral pour l'ducation


  • Page 2 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 2

  • Page 3 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 3

    Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5 How to read the Directory ........................................................................................................................ 7 UNEVOC Centres & UNEVOC Associate Centres ............................................................................... 9 Addresses at UNESCO............................................................................................................................ 61 Other Addresses ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Other Directories ..................................................................................................................................... 73 Nomination Form .................................................................................................................................... 75 Definition of Regions............................................................................................................................... 79 Country Index.......................................................................................................................................... 85

    Table des matires Prface ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Comment lire le rpertoire ....................................................................................................................... 7 Centres UNEVOC & Centres UNEVOC associs .................................................................................. 9 Adresses l'UNESCO............................................................................................................................. 61 Autres adresses ........................................................................................................................................ 65 Autres rpertoires.................................................................................................................................... 73 Fiche de nomination ................................................................................................................................ 75 Dfinition des rgions.............................................................................................................................. 79 Index des pays.......................................................................................................................................... 85

  • Page 4 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 4

  • Page 5 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 5

    Introduction Introduction The International Project on Technical and Voca-tional Education (UNEVOC) is a project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the devel-opment and improvement of technical and voca-tional education in Member States. Following a resolution of UNESCOs General Conference in 1991, the UNEVOC Project was launched in 1992.

    UNEVOC works in three programme areas:

    Programme Area A deals with the international exchange of experience and the promotion of studies on policy issues. It is devoted to system development in technical and vocational education.

    Programme Area B is devoted to strengthening national research and development capabilities, that is to the development of infrastructures.

    Programme Area C concerns access to data bases and documentation in its broadest sense, in other words, with information, communi-cation and networking.

    Le Projet international pour l'enseignement techni-que et professionnel (UNEVOC) est un projet de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'ducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) visant au dve-loppement et l'amlioration de l'enseignement technique et professionnel dans les tats membres. Le projet UNEVOC a t lanc en 1992 la suite d'une rsolution de la Confrence gnrale de 1991 de l'UNESCO.

    L'UNEVOC opre dans trois champs de programme:

    Le champ de programme A a pour objet l'change international d'exprience et la promotion d'tudes sur des questions de politique gnrale. Il est consacr au dveloppement des systmes d'ensei-gnement technique et professionnel.

    Le champ de programme B est consacr au ren-forcement des capacits nationales de recherche et dveloppement, c'est--dire au dveloppement des infrastructures.

    Le champ de programme C porte sur l'accs aux bases de donnes et la documentation au sens le plus large du terme, c'est--dire sur l'information, la communication et le rseau agissant.

    One of the major activities of UNEVOC is the establishment of an international network of leading national and regional institutions active in the planning, research and development of tech-nical and vocational education.

    L'une des principales activits de l'UNEVOC est la mise en place d'un rseau international d'institutions nationales et rgionales de pointe intervenant dans la planification, la recherche et le dveloppement de l'enseignement technique et professionnel.

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    Member States of UNESCO were invited, through their National Commissions for UNESCO, to nominate a UNEVOC Centre to act as a focal point for the UNEVOC international network. Where appropriate, the National Commission for UNESCO can appoint up to three UNEVOC Associate Centres.

    The responsibilities of the UNEVOC Centres include:

    developing and leading a national network;

    ensuring information flow to and from UNESCO and other UNEVOC Centres;

    ensuring that expertise is shared among UNEVOC Network members;

    providing research as requested by the UNESCO Secretariat;

    contributing to UNESCO publications and data bases;

    updating the data of the UNEVOC Directory.

    This present version (22 October 1999) of the UNEVOC Directory includes data of 198 national institutions, among them 135 UNEVOC Centres and 63 UNEVOC Associate Centres, from 135 Member States of UNESCO. In addition, data of 5 international, 8 regional and 4 further national institutions have been included. Since these data are subject to frequent change, this Directory will be constantly updated.

    UNESCO-UNEVOC Berlin would appreciate receiving your comments, suggestions or any amendments to this present version, which will be taken into consideration in future editions.

    Les tats membres de l'UNESCO ont t invits, par leurs Commissions nationales pour l'UNESCO, dsigner un Centre UNEVOC devant servir de point focal pour le rseau international UNEVOC. En cas de besoin, la Commission nationale pour l'UNESCO peut dsigner jusqu' trois Centres UNEVOC associs.

    Les Centres UNEVOC assument notamment les missions suivantes:

    dvelopper et grer un rseau national;

    assurer le flux d'information en direction et en provenance de l'UNESCO et des autres Centres UNEVOC;

    assurer la diffusion des informations parmi les membres du rseau UNEVOC;

    assurer les recherches demandes par le Secrtariat de l'UNESCO;

    contribuer aux publications et bases de donnes de l'UNESCO;

    actualiser les donnes du Rpertoire UNEVOC.

    La prsente version (22 octobre 1999) du Rpertoire UNEVOC contient les donnes de 198 institutions nationales, dont 135 Centres UNEOC et 63 Centres UNEVOC associs, de 135 tats membres de l'UNESCO. Les donnes de 5 institutions internatio-nales, 8 institutions rgionales et 4 autres institutions nationales figurent galement. Ces donnes tant soumises de frquentes modifications, le Rper-toire fera l'objet d'une remise jour permanente.

    UNESCO-UNEVOC Berlin se rjouira de recevoir tous commentaires, suggestions et corrections que vous voudrez bien lui soumettre sur la prsente ver-sion, et en tiendra compte pour la prochaine dition.

  • Page 7 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 7

    How to read the Directory Comment lire le rpertoire

    Explanation in English Symbol Example Explication en franais Country (English name - French name, if different)

    Germany - Allemagne Pays (nom anglais - nom franais, s'il diffre)

    UNESCO Region to which the country belongs

    ! Europe Rgion UNESCO

    Status of the institution with UNEVOC (UNEVOC Centre, UNEVOC Associate Centre)

    UNEVOC Centre Etat UNEVOC (Centre UNEVOC, Centre UNEVOC associ)

    Name of the institution o = in local language

    o: Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung (BIBB) Nom de ltablissement o = langue locale

    Name of the institution e = in English

    e: Federal Institute for Vocational Training Nom de ltablissement e = en anglais

    Name of the institution f = in French

    f: Institut fdral de la Formation professionnelle Nom de ltablissement f = en franais

    Street address of the institution (name of country to be added)

    " Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10 D-53113 Bonn Adresse maison (ajoutez le nom du pays)

    Mailing address of the institution (name of country to be added)

    ! Postfach D-53043 Bonn Adresse postale (ajoutez le nom du pays)

    Head of the institution, function " Mr Dr Helmut PTZ, Secretary General Nom du chef de ltablissement, fonction Professional staff


    386 (140 prof.) Nombre de spcialistes Year of foundation # 1970 Anne de cration de ltablissement Normal working language/languages $ German Langues de travail principales Other UNESCO languages that are being understood; CAPITALS: Preferred communication language in UNEVOC (ENGLISH)

    % ENGLISH; French; Russian, Spanish outre langue(s) officielles de l'UNESCO comprises (French, Spanish); MAJUSCULES: Langue de communication prfr au sein du rseau UNEVOC (ENGLISH)

    Type of institution i The BIBB carries out research and development activities in the field of in-company vocational training. It provides services and counsel for the Federal Government and all parties engaged in the practical side of vocational training.

    Type dtablissement

    Periodicals & Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (BWP) incl. "BIBB aktuell", bi-monthly, German; "LEO-News" 4 times a year, German; "LEO-Pilot" twice a year, German

    Priodiques publis

    Internet: Web Home Page $ Internet: Site du serveur Web Information Technology Facilities

    IT Facilities Matriel de communication et quipement informatiques

    [Country code] (city code) phone number

    ' [49] (228) 107-0 [Pays] (ville) tlphone

    [Country code] (city code) fax number ( [49] (228) 107-2968 [Pays] (ville) tlcopie Telex nr x Numro de tlex Cable address % Adresse tlgraphique Electronic mail @ [email protected] Courrier lectronique Personal computers ) IBM compatible; Apple Macintosh Micro-ordinateurs Operating system(s) * DOS; Windows; Apple Systmes dexploitation Floppy formats 3" used + 3 inch/1.2 MB; 3 inch/720 KB Disquettes 3" utilises Word processing software , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows Logiciels de traitement de texte

    UNESCOs documentation software CDS/ISIS available

    - CDS/ISIS Logiciel documentaire de l'UNESCO CDS/ISIS

    Modem & communication software available

    . Modem & communication Software Modem & logiciels de communication

    Unit or person in charge of UNEVOC

    In charge of UNEVOC Unit ou personne responsable de l'UNEVOC

    Name of department / Department 1 Nom du dpartement Name and title of person " Ms Dr Gisela DYBOWSKI, Head of Department Nom et titre de la personne [Country code] (city code) phone number

    ' [49] (228) 107-1921, -1923 [Pays] (ville) tlphone

    [Country code] (city code) fax number ( [49] (228) 107-2969 [Pays] (ville) tlcopie Electronic mail @ [email protected] Courrier lectronique

  • Page 8 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 8

  • Page 9 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 9

    UNEVOC Centres &

    UNEVOC Associate Centres

    Centres UNEVOC &

    Centres UNEVOC associs

  • Page 10 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 10

  • Page 11 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 11

    Albania Albanie ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Instituti i Studimeve Pedagogjike e: Institute of Pedagogical Researches f: Institute des Recherches Pdagogiques " Rr. Naim Frasheri Nr. 37 Tirana " Mr Ass. Prof. Bujar BASHA, Director # 23 # 1970 $ Albanian % ENGLISH; FRENCH; Russian i The Institute of Pedagogical Researches is the unique

    national institution engaged in researches about preuniversity education. The main areas of activity are as follows: Research and development in education, curriculum development, in-service training of teachers and principals, evaluation of the system, curriculum and student's performance, documentation, publication and information in service of specialists, decision-makers, teachers and other people involved in education.

    & Bulletin "Revista Pedagogjike"

    IT Facilities ' [355] (42) 23860 ( [355] (42) 23860 ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Department of Vocational and Technical Education " Mr Prof. Dr Pajtim BEJTJA, Head of Department

    Algeria Algrie ! Africa, Arab States UNEVOC Centre: e: Ministry of Education Directorate of Secondary

    Technical Education f: Ministere de l'Education Nationale Direction de

    l'Enseignement Secondaire Technique " 8, Avenue de Pekin Alger " Mr Mohamed ABDELALI, Directeur $ Arabic % Arabic; FRENCH i Il s'agit d'une structure faisant partie du Ministre de

    l'Education Nationale, qui est charge du pilotage de la conception de l'laboration et du suivi des programmes d'enseignement qui serrant excuts au niveau des tablissements scolaires.

    IT Facilities ' [213] (2) 593964 ( [213] (2) 591170

    Algeria Algrie ! Africa, Arab States UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: National Institute of Vocational Education

    f: Institut National de la Formation Professionnelle (I.N.F.P.)

    " 9, Chemin d'Hydra El Biar Alger ! BP 83 El Biar Alger " Mr Novar BOUROUBA, Directeur $ Arabic; French % Arabic; ENGLISH; FRENCH

    IT Facilities ' [213] (2) 922800, 929427, 922435 ( [213] (2) 922318 x 61555

    Argentina Argentine ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Ministerio de Cultura y Educacin Instituto

    Nacional de Educacin Tcnolgica " Avenida Independencia 2625 - 4 Piso 1225 Buenos

    Aires " Mr Lic. Daniel HERNNDEZ, Director Ejecutivo $ Spanish % ENGLISH; FRENCH; Spanish

    IT Facilities ( [54] (11) 4943-0532, -2517 @ [email protected]

    Australia Australie ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Adelaide Institute of TAFE " 120 Currie Street Adelaide, S.A., 5000 ! G.P.O. Box 1872 Adelaide, S.A., 5001 " Ms Madeleine WOOLLEY, Director # 450 # 1984 $ English % ENGLISH i Adelaide Institute of TAFE is one of the largest

    vocational education Institutions in Australia. It is widely regarded an innovative and successful teaching organisation. Education and training is flexible, innovative and designed to meet the needs of students, the community and industry. Delivery methods are diverse and adaptable and include traditional classroom format, correspondence, online delivery using the Internet and intensive delivery. The Institute also includes a quality endorsed centre for the development and production of learning materials. Highly qualified and experienced learning staff are committed to facilitating the learning process and drawing on students' practical experience and knowledge. The delivery of international programs and participation in range of international projects is a major focus of the Institute.

    $ & "Inform Stop Press"- 2 weekly bulletin "Learn"-

    monthly newsletter on Learning Resources. All in English

    IT Facilities ' [61] (8) 82078220 ( [61] (8) 82078249


  • Page 12 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 12

    ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows - CDS/ISIS . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / International " Ms Di BOOKER, Executive Manager ' [61] (8) 82078239 @ [email protected]

    Australia Australie ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Moreton Institute of TAFE " 1030 Cavendish Road Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 ! P.O. Box 2614 Mansfield QLD 4122 " Mr John SWETE KELLY, Institute Director # 601 # 1979 $ English % ENGLISH i Moreton Institute of TAFE is the second largest TAFE

    Institute in Queensland and has long been acknowledged as a leader in the provision of quality education and training. Moreton Institute is committed to the development and delivery of programmes that are flexible and relevant to needs of our local and international clients. The Institute is well recognised by industry as a key Centre of Excellence in Fashion, Engineering and Automotive Training.

    IT Facilities ' [61] (7) 32151300 ( [61] (7) 33432874 @ [email protected] ??? ) IBM compatible Windows

    Australia Australie ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) " 124 La Trobe Street Melbourne VIC 3000 ! G.P.O. Box 2476V Melbourne VIC 3001 " Mr Prof. David BEANLAND, Vice-Chancellor # 450 # 1887 $ English % Arabic; Chinese; ENGLISH; French; Russian; Spanish i RMIT is a multi-disciplinary post secondary educational

    institution having technical and vocational education, and higher education programmes to PhD levels. RMIT TVE programmes are mainly in the fields of air pilot training, engineering, construction, information technology, business studies, art and design, printing, health and community services. Total RMIT enrolment is about 45,000 students of which 15,000 are taking TVE programmes, including 1700 off-campus TVE students. 1500 students from abroad study TVE programmes at RMIT. TVE courses range from skilled worker to the paraprofessional level. RMIT acts as a adviser in the

    field of TVE as well as conducting training programmes, undertaking TVE teacher training and upgrading programmes, developing curriculum, devising flexible delivery arrangements, and research into TVE, for private companies, government bodies and aid projects, with a focus on South East Asia and the Pacific.

    $ & "RMIT Annual Report", annually "RMIT Open Line",

    monthly (during academic term) all in English

    IT Facilities ' [61] (3) 99253790 ( [61] (3) 99253786 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS

    . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / International Programs " Mr Dr Adrian HAAS, Associate Director " 449 Swanston Street Melbourne VIC 3000 ! G.P.O. Box 2476V Melbourne VIC 3001 ' [61] (3) 99255023

    Austria Autriche ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Bundesministerium fr Unterricht und kulturelle

    Angelegenheiten Sektion II, Berufsbildende Schulen

    e: Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs General Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education

    f: Ministre de l' Education et des Affaires Culturelles Direction Gnrale de l' Enseignement Technique et Professionnel

    " Minoritenplatz 5 A-1014 Wien ! Postfach 65 A-1014 Wien " Mr Walter HEURITSCH, Director General # 50 $ German % ENGLISH; French i Administration, planning and development in TVE. $ & "ABC Berufsbildende Schulen" (Directory of courses and

    colleges in the TVE sector), German, annual

    IT Facilities ' [43] (1) 531204428 ( [43] (1) 531204130 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Department 25, Department for Information and

    International Co-operation

  • Page 13 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 13

    " Ms Mag. Eleonora SCHMID ' [43] (1) 531204107 ( [43] (1) 53120994107 @ [email protected]

    Azerbaijan Azerbadjan ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Azerbaycan Bas Pedaqoji Kadrlarin Institutu e: Azerbaijan Advanced Teacher Training Institute " Alishir Navai (new K. Rahimov), 874 kv. 370110

    Baku " Mr Prof. Mirjafar HASSANOV, Rector # 330-390 # 1929 $ Azerbaijanian % ENGLISH; Russian i The head institute is busy with re-qualification and re-

    training of personnel. Approximately 30% of work share is spent on scientific research work. Education programmes are prepared by education departments of the institute. 60% of training hours are realised by the staff of the institute and 40% by the invited teachers. Listeners are highly and secondarily qualified teachers, instructors and masters of profession.

    & "Scientific Works"

    IT Facilities ' [994] (12) 906502 ( [994] (12) 906502 @ [email protected] ??? ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Foreign Languages Department " Ms Firangiz KARIMOVA

    Bahamas ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: e: The College of The Bahamas f: Le Collge des Bahamas " Thompson Boulevard and Poinciana Drive Oakes

    Field Nassau ! P.O. Box N-4912 Nassau " Ms Keva M. BETHEL Ph.D., C.M.G., President # 1 # 1974 $ English % ENGLISH i The College of The Bahamas is a publicly supported

    tertiary level educational institution. Through seven teaching divisions it offers a wide range of programmes in arts and sciences and in professional studies to nearly 4000 full-time and part-time students. Historically the institution has placed emphasis on teaching, but recently it has begun to develop a strong research capacity. It is primarily a two-year institution but is now adding four-year programmes leading to bachelor's degree credentials.

    & "At Random", "College Forum", The Business Challenge", "The Banker's Magazine", "COBIA Journal"

    IT Facilities @ [email protected]

    Bahrain Bahren ! Arab States UNEVOC Centre: e: Ministry of Education " Madinat Essa ! P.O. Box 43 Manama " Mr Abdul Aziz AL-FADHEL, Minister of Education # 145 $ Arabic % Arabic; ENGLISH i Responsible of General, Technical and Vocational

    Education in Bahrain

    IT Facilities ' [973] 781391, 78074 ( [973] 681104 x 9094 tarbia bn ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / General, and Technical- Vocational Education " Mr Dr Ebrahim Yousef AL-ABDULLAH, Assistant

    Undersecretary ' [973] 680102 ( [973] 680156

    Bahrain Bahren ! Arab States UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: University of Bahrain College of Engineering ! P. O. Box 32038 Isa Town " Mr Dr Mohammed Jassim AL-GHATTAM, President # 133 $ Arabic; English % Arabic; ENGLISH

    IT Facilities ' [973] 449611 ( [973] 449900 x 9552 BN % University of Bahrain

    Bangladesh ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Bangladesh Technical Education Board " Sher-E-Bangla Nagar Dhaka - 1207 " Mr Prof. M. M. R. SIDDIQI, Chairman # 13 # 1967 $ Bengali

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    IT Facilities ' [880] (2) 882054, 813345 ( [880] (2) 813345 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Curriculum " Mr Saiful HAQUE, Director ' [880] (2) 329071

    Belarus Blarus ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: Institute of Vocational Education f: L'Institut de l'enseigement professionnel " Uliza K. Liebknechta 32 220004 Minsk " Mr Arkadij SHKLYAR, Recteur # 240 # 1993 $ Russian % ENGLISH; FRENCH; Russian; Spanish i L'institut s'occupe du dveloppement de la politique de

    l'enseignement professionnel. On tudie ici le march du travail en Blarusse, le contenu du travail d'aprs les professions, on labore des standards de l'enseignement professionnel, on tudie aussi le contenu et la technologie de l'enseignement professionnel, on prpare des documents normatifs, on fait des programmes de l'enseignement professionnel. On s'occupe du perfectionnement professionnel.

    & Magazine "Masterstvo", 1 fois par trimestre, en Blarusse

    IT Facilities ' [375] (17) 200066 ( [375] (17) 200992 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; WordPerfect for DOS;

    WordStar for DOS . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Secteur des recherches scientifiques " Mr Edouarde KALITSKY, Premier vice-recteur ' [375] (17) 207446 ( [375] (17) 201180 @ [email protected]

    Belize Blize ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: e: Vocational Technical Training Unit (VTTU)

    Ministry of Education " Education Development Centre Bld. West Landivar

    Drive Belize City ! P.O. Box 369 Belize City

    " Mr David ECK, Director # 3 # 1986 $ English; Spanish % ENGLISH; Spanish i The Vocational Technical Training Unit (VTTU) is

    charged with the responsibility of developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating vocational technical education programmes at 10 government secondary high schools countrywide. This unit ensures that vocational technical education is closely related to occupations or jobs that are realistic in light of actual or anticipated opportunities for gainful employment.

    IT Facilities ' [501] (2) 31389 ( [501] (2) 34532 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS;

    WordPerfect for Windows

    Benin Bnin ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Direction des Enseignements Technique et

    Professionnel (D.E.T.P.) " Maro-Militaire, Immeuble Soglo Cotonou ! B.P. 2416 Cotonou " Mr Dr. Marc Abel AYEDOUN, Directeur $ French % FRENCH i Direction Centrale du Ministre de l'Education Nationale

    et de la Recherche Scientifique, la DETP s'occupe essentiellement de l'administration, de la promotion et du dveloppement de l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel. La DETP applique les programmes nationaux de formation.

    IT Facilities ' [229] 321477 ( [229] 321559

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-

    Herzgovine ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Federalno ministerstvo obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i

    sporta e: Federal Ministry of Education, Science, culture and

    Sports " Obola Maka Dizdara 2 71000 Sarajevo " Mr Prof. Dr Fahrudin RIZVANBEGOVIC Ph.D., Federal

    Minister # 14 # 1992 $ Bosnian % ENGLISH i We are planning education and making programmes for

    all schools elementary, middle, vocational and other secondary schools as well as faculties including research.

    & Scientific magazines, bulletins and newsletters

  • Page 15 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 15

    IT Facilities ' [387] (71) 442068, 664594 ( [387] (71) 443340, 664381 ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Dental school " Ms Prof. Dr Maida GANIBEGOVIC, Head of Department " Kralja Tvrtka 4 71000 Sarajevo ' [387] (71) 203417 @ [email protected] [email protected]

    Botswana ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: e: Ministry of Education Department of Vocational

    Education and Training ! Private Bag 0062 Gaborone " Director # 55 $ English % ENGLISH

    IT Facilities ' [267] 352589 ( [267] 3600458, 313191 x 2944 @ [email protected] [email protected]

    Brazil Brsil ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Paran

    (CEFET-PR) e: Federal Centre of Technological Education Paran

    (CEFET-PR) f: Centre Fdral d'Education technologique du Paran

    (CEFET-PR) " Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 80230-901 Curitiba,

    Paran " Mr Prof. Atade MOACYR FERRAZZA, Director General # 1626 # 1909 $ Portuguese % ENGLISH; Spanish i Institution connected to the Ministry of Education,

    covering the fields of technological education, aiming at the major objectives stated below: Offering both Industrial Engineering courses and related short-term courses at undergraduate level; other courses at undergraduate level in science and technology for the qualification of teaching staff for high schools and engineering and technology colleges; courses at graduate level in response to specific technological education demands; specialization courses in different sectors of technological education. Developing research activities in fields of interest for industry and technology, as well as participating in joint projects together with public and private corporations.

    & "Nosso Jornal", monthly, Portuguese "Magazine Tecnologia e Humanismo", half-yearly, Portuguese

    IT Facilities ' [55] (41) 3224544, ext. 119 ( [55] (41) 2245170, 2252951 x 5562 CEFET PR ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows , Word for Windows; WordStar for Windows - CDS/ISIS . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Department of Post-Graduation in Technology " Ms Prof. Sonia Ana CHARCHUT LESZCZYNSKI, Ph.D. ' [55] (41) 3224544, ext. 120 @ [email protected] ???

    Brazil Brsil ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica Celso

    Suckow da Fonseca e: Federal Centre of Technological Education Celso

    Suckow da Fonseca f: Centre Fdral d'Education Technologique Celso

    Suckow da Fonseca " Avenida Maracaa, n 229 20271-110 Ro de

    Janeiro/RJ " Mr Prof. Marco Antonio LUCIDI, Director General # 500 # 1978 $ Portuguese % ENGLISH; French; Spanish i Institution connected to the Ministry of Education,

    covering the fields of technological education, aiming at the major objectives stated below: Offering both Industrial Engineering courses and related short-term courses at undergraduate level; other courses at undergraduate level in science and technology for the qualification of teaching staff for high schools and engineering and technology colleges; courses at graduate level in response to specific technological education demands; specialization courses in different sectors of technological education. Developing research activities in fields of interest for industry and technology, as well as participating in joint projects together with public and private corporations.

    $ & Service Bulletins, monthly, Portuguese

    IT Facilities ' [55] (21) 2844146, 2843022 ramal 114 ( [55] (21) 2040978 x 2139190 CEFT. BR % CEFET/RJ

    In charge of UNEVOC / International Cooperation Office (Coint) " Mr Jos Maria FERNANDES MOREIRA, Head of COINT @ [email protected]

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    Brazil Brsil ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica de Minas

    Gerais (CEFET-MG) e: Federal Centre of Technological Education Minas

    Gerais (CEFET-MG) f: Centre Fdral d'Education Technologique du Minas

    Gerais (CEFET-MG) " Avenida Amazonas n 5253 Nova Suia, Belo

    Horizonte, MG 30480-000 " Mr Prof. Carlos Alexandrino DOS SANTOS, Director

    General # 363 # 1978 $ Portuguese % ENGLISH; Spanish i Institution connected to the Ministry of Education,

    covering the fields of technological education, aiming at the major objectives stated below: Offering both Industrial Engineering courses and related short-term courses at undergraduate level; other courses at undergraduate level in science and technology for the qualification of teaching staff for high schools and engineering and technology colleges; courses at graduate level in response to specific technological education demands; specialization courses in different sectors of technological education. Developing research activities in fields of interest for industry and technology, as well as participating in joint projects together with public and private corporations.

    $ & "CEFET Notcia", monthly, Portuguese Educao e

    Tecnologia-Magazine, semi-annual, Portuguese

    IT Facilities ' [55] (31) 3311522 ( [55] (31) 3345042 x 3863 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC " Mr Prof. Dr Qazi Abdul BAQEE, Secretary for

    International Affairs ' [55] (31) 3195018 ( [55] (31) 3195009 @ [email protected]

    Brazil Brsil ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica da Bahia e: Federal Centre of Technical Education of Bahia " Rua Emidio Santos S/N Barbalho-Centro Salvador,

    Bahia CEP 40.130-010 " Mr Roberto Jos TRIFODI MARCHI, Director General # 1993 $ Portuguese % ENGLISH; Spanish & "Newsletters", monthly, Portuguese, "Bulletins",

    monthly, Portuguese

    IT Facilities ' [55] (71) 2420522 ( [55] (71) 2420621 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC " Mr Reinaldo ROSAS DE SANTANA, Director of Social


    Bulgaria Bulgarie ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: National Institute for Education " Blv. Tzarigradsko Shausse 125, block 5 BG-1113

    Sofia " Mr Dr Stanio STANEV Ph.D. # 11 # 1996 $ Bulgarian % ENGLISH; FRENCH; Russian i Research in the VET field and participation in the design

    of training programmes. & Magazine "Strategies for Education and Science",

    "Innovation", Bulgarian with summaries in English.

    IT Facilities ' [359] (2) 717224 ( [359] (2) 702062 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Centre for Vocational Education and Guidance " Ms Dr Maria MAKEDONSKA, Head of centre ' [359] (2) 710126 @ [email protected]

    Bulgaria Bulgarie ! Europe UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: Bulgarian Observatory for Vocational Education and

    Training and Labour Market f: Observatoire de Bulgarie pour l'ducation et la

    formation professionnelles et le march du travail " Graf Ignatiev St. 15, floor 4 BG-1000 Sofia " Mr Dr Tzako PANTALEEV, Director # 8 # 1997 $ Bulgarian; English % ENGLISH; Russian i The Bulgarian National Observatory in the field of

    vocational education and training and labour market (BNO) is a part of the Phare Observatory Network established by the European Training Foundation. It is planned the BNO to become a self-sustainable, independent Institution by the end of 1998. The BNO is contributing to policy making in VET system in

  • Page 17 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 17

    Bulgaria by collecting information from different sources and updating the country report on VET system and labour market and strengthening the links between different VET institutions. Main activities are: statistics on VET and labour market, consolidation of the Phare National Observatory Network and the dissemination of outputs, production of publications, workshops in VET sector, studies on role of social partners in VET, transparency and mutual recognition of qualifications, regulated professions, Continuing vocational training, teacher/trainer training, regional survey on the needs of VET.

    $ & "Country VET Report", annual, English, Bulgarian

    IT Facilities ' [359] (2) 9808550 ( [359] (2) 9808550 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    Burkina Faso ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Lyce Technique Industriel et Commercial de

    Ouagadougou (L.T.O.) " Sis a Zogona, Zone Universitaire 01 Ouagadougou 01 ! B.P. 98 Ouagadougou 01 " Mr Isidore BOUGOUMA, Proviseur # 108 # 1964 $ French % English; FRENCH i Etablissement Secondaire Technique Public assurant des

    formations techniques et professionnelles principalement des lves titulaires du Brevet d'Etudes du Premier Cycle (BEPC). Les formations sont bases sur la recherche-dveloppement. L'tablissement offre des programmes rguliers prioritairement aux lves. De faon connexe, il assures des formations professionnelles continues pour des apprentis de moniteurs et de travailleurs d'entreprises avec l'appui d'une structure de formation professionnelle continue de son ministre de Tutelle. Il mme galement une vaste action de formation en adaption l'emploi pour les diplmes du technique sans emploi. Des activits productives, transferts de technologie et d'tudes-conseils...(?)

    IT Facilities ' [226] 324588 ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS;

    WordPerfect for Windows

    Burkina Faso ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Collge d'Enseignement Technique de Ouagadougou

    (C.E.T.O.) ! B.P. 1465 Ouagadougou 01 " Ms Fatimata OUEDRAOGO, Directrice # 47 # 1977 $ French % English; FRENCH i Le CET assure des formations techniques

    professionnelles principalement des lves titulaires de Certificat d'Etudes Primaires (CEPE), pour CAP et du Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle, pour le BEP. Avec l'appui d'une structure de formation professionnelle continue (SFPC et le CAET). il assure des actions de formation continue, des activits productives, d'tude concerte de transferts de technologie, d'adaption l'emploi pour les sortants de l'enseignement technique sans emploi et appuie la formation des formateurs techniques en ateliers.

    IT Facilities ' [226] 324541 @ [email protected] ) none

    Burkina Faso ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Collge Priv d'Enseignement Technique " Secteur 4 Koudougou ! B.P. 363 Koudougou " Mr Michel KABRE, Directeur # 12 $ French % English; FRENCH i Le CET de Koudougou est un tablissement priv

    d'enseignement secondaire technique qui recrute les titulaires du (CEPE) pour des formations techniques professionnelles en construction mtallique, menuiserie et en maonnerie. L'intention gnrale est de relever le niveau actuel (CAP) en BEP. De faon connexe le CET Koudougou participe aux actions de formation professionnelle continue.

    IT Facilities ' [226] 440605, direct: 441063 ( [226] 300406 x 5430 BF @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible Windows , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS . Modem & Communication Software

    Burkina Faso ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Collge d'Enseignement Technique Feminin (CETF) ! 01 B.P. 2720 Ouagadougou 01 " Ms Aminata BAYILI-DIALLO, Directrice # 25 # 1978

  • Page 18 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 18

    $ French % FRENCH i Le CETF est un tablissement secondaire d'enseignement

    technique professionnel qui forme des jeunes filles titulaires du Certificat d'Etudes Primaires (CEP). Le diplme prpar en 4 annes dont une prparatoire est le Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) option habillement et fabrications industrielles. Outre les programmes rguliers de formation technique professionnelle, le CETF participe aux actions diverses de formation professionnelle continue (modulaire technique et en pdagogie des adultes).

    IT Facilities ' [226] 307084

    Burundi ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: o: Ishure ryisumbuye ry-imyuga f: Ecole Technique Secondaire de Kamenge " Boulevard du 28 Novembre Bujumbura ! B.P. 351 Bujumbura " Mr Joseph NKESHIMANA, Directeur # 76 # 1950 $ French % FRENCH i L'Ecole Technique Secondaire de Kamenge est un

    tablissement public qui a la mission de donner une formation technique aus lves en particulier. Cet tablissement dispose de deux niveaux de formation cycle A3 et cycle A2. Le cycle A3 comprend six filires savoir: (1) L'Electricit, (2) La Mcanique-automobile, (3) La Menuiserie benisterie, (4) Les Machines outils, (5) Les Poids-lourds, (6) La Tlerie carrosserie. Le cycle A2 comprend 4 sections savoir: (1) L'Electronique, (2) L'Electricit industrielle, (3) L'Electromcanique, (4) La Mcanique gnrale.

    IT Facilities ' [257] 232088 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for DOS

    Burundi ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Ecole des Travaux Publics (E.T.P.) " Gitega ! B.P. 84 Gitega " Mr Jean Berchmans NIYONIZIGIYE, Directeur # 33 # 1967 $ French % FRENCH i L'Ecole des Travaux Publics Gitega est un tablissement

    public qui a la mission de fomer des csdres techniques moyens de niveau A2 dans les domaines de la topographie et du gnie civil (conducteurs des travaux, gnie rural, dessinateurs projecteurs).

    IT Facilities ' [257] (40) 2350 ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for Windows

    Cambodia Cambodge ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Department of Technical and Vocational Education

    and Training (DTVET) " Boulevard: Russian Federation (between University

    Royal of Phnom Penh and Institute de Technologie du Cambodge Phnom Penh

    " Mr Pich SOPHOAN, Director # 20 # 1979 $ Khmer % ENGLISH; FRENCH i Policy, Planning & Management for Technical

    Vocational Education and Training Curriculum Development Staff Development Employment Analysis Gender in Development Standard, Accreditation, Examination Legal and Finance Monitoring and Evaluation.

    IT Facilities ' [855] (23) 362895

    In charge of UNEVOC " Mr Rath BUNLA, Chief of Office ' [855] (23) 884376 @ [email protected]

    Cambodia Cambodge ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: Preah Kossomak Technical and Vocational Training

    Center f: Centre de formation technique et professionnelle

    Preah Kossomak " Boulevard de la Federation de Russie Sangkat Tuk

    Thla-Khan Russey Keo Phnom Penh " Mr Peng Sim HONG, Directeur du centre # 81 # 1981 $ Khmer; Francais; Anglais % ENGLISH; FRENCH; Russian i (A) Formation Niveau de Techniciens -BST- (Dure

    d'tude 2 annes) Niveau d'Ouvriers Qualifis -OQ- (Dure d'tude 1 anne) Cours de courte dure, Projet del'OIT(Dure de formation de 3 a 6 mois) (B) Dveloppement Dveloppement du programme de formation, Dveloppement des modules, Dveloppement des guides pdagogiques et mthodologiques pour les formateurs et les instructeurs, Formation des formateurs, Recyclage des formateurs et des instructeurs, Dveloppement des Matriels didactiques.

    IT Facilities ' [855] (23) 361163 @ [email protected] ???

  • Page 19 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 19

    ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Unit de recherche pour la formation " Mr Tauch CHOEUN

    Cameroon Cameroun ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Lyce Technique Yaound Nkolbisson ! B.P. 3541 Yaound Messa " Mr Frdric NTSAMA, Proviseur # 5 # 1992 $ French; English % English; FRENCH i Le Lyce Technique de Nkolbisson est un tablissement

    de formation technique et professionnel. Il sert de centre dapplication pdagogique aux Elves Professeurs en formation l'ENSET. Il dispense la formation dans seize spcialits industrielles et dispose doutils de travail perfectionns ne ncessitant en le maintenance. Une grande bibliothque permet une bonne imprgnation technologique. D'autres centres associs seront ncessaires.

    IT Facilities ' [237] 225969 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS

    Canada ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: University of Manitoba Faculty of Education f: Universit du Manitoba " Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2 " Ms Dr. Emke SZATHMRY, President # 6000 # 1877 $ English; French % ENGLISH; FRENCH i Established in 1877, the University of Manitoba is

    western Canada's oldest university. It offers instruction to more than 40,000 people annually and employs approximately 6,000 academic and support staff. The University provides an outstanding and diverse range of courses and studies in more than 80 degree, diploma, associateship and certificate programs. These programs are offered in 22 academic units which represent more than 90 disciplines. The Faculty of Graduate Studies offers master's and doctoral programs in various fields. As one of Canada's leading research universities, the University of Manitoba is home to more than 20 research centres and institutes several government research agencies.

    $ & "Bulletin", bi-weekly, English "Manitoban", weekly,


    IT Facilities ' [1] (204) 4749345 ( [1] (204) 2757925 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Adult, Technical and Vocational Teacher Education " Mr Prof. Chris CHINIEN, Ph.D. ' [1] (204) 4748271 ( [1] (204) 4747550 @ [email protected]

    Cape Verde Cap-Vert ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: o: Escuola Secundria Polivalente "Cesaltina Ramos" f: cole Secondaire Polyvalente "Cesaltina Ramos" " Achada Sto. Antnio Praia " Ms Maria Yvette Gomes M. MORAIS, Directrice # 16 # 1995 $ Portuguese % FRENCH i Notre cole propose un enseignemnent avec une forte

    composante technologique dans les branches de Services et Commerce, Construction Civile et Electrotechnie/ Elctronique, donnant aux lves la possiblilit de, aprs deux ans d'tudes, poursuivre des tudes suprieures ou entrer dans le monde du travail, aprs un stage de formation.

    IT Facilities ' [238] 62 27 85/86 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows

    Central African Republic Rpublique

    centrafricaine ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Lyce Technique ! B.P. 960 Bangui " Mr Prof. David YANGOUE, Proviseur # 18 $ French % ENGLISH; FRENCH i Le Lyce Technique avec son sein le Collge

    d'Enseignement Technique, constitue l'unique tablissement dans le pays qui dispense l'enseignement technique, qui y est assur deux niveaux: l'enseignement technique court, sur trois ans partant de la 4e pour le niveau CAP l'enseignement technique long, sur trois ans partir de la Seconde pour le niveau de Technicien, sanctionn par le BAC Technique.

    IT Facilities ' [236] 614077, 612457 ) none

  • Page 20 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 20

    Central African Republic Rpublique

    centrafricaine ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Organisation Nationale Interprofessionnelle de

    Formation et de Perfectionnement (ONIFOP) " Avenue de l'Indpendance, Face Immeuble "Air France"

    Bangui ! B.P. 1744 Bangui " Mr Mada NALIMBI, Directeur Gnral # 46 # 1980 $ French % FRENCH i L'ONIFOP est une Institution de Formation

    Professionnelle dote d'une autonomie de gestion administrative et financire. Sa Mission: Promouvoir la politique permanente du Gouvernement en matire de Formation Professionnelle. Assurer la coopration en la matire avec les Institutions sous-rgionales et internationales comptentes. Ses attributions: Entreprendre des travaux de recherches et des tudes par rapport aux problmes de dveloppement des ressources humaines et particulirement ceux lis la Planification de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle. Collaborer la demande du Gouvernement la prparation et l'excution des plans et programmes de Formation. Faciliter des changes d'ides et d'expriences avec les Organismes nationaux, rgionaux et internationaux. Runir et diffuser l'information et la documentation sur la Formation Professionnelle.

    IT Facilities ' [236] 611255 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; WordPerfect for DOS;

    WordPerfect for Windows

    Central African Republic Rpublique

    centrafricaine ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Centre National de Formation et de Productions

    Artisanales (CNFPA) ! B.P. 14 Bangui " Mr Joseph ALINE, Directeur # 18 $ French % FRENCH i Le CNFPA est un tablissement public. Il reoit les

    jeunes gens des deux sexes gs de 18 25 ans ayant fait la classe de 4e et 3e. Ils reoivent une formation de deux ans. Le redoublement est interdit. Les filires de formation sont les suivantes: ferronnerie, bijouterie, maroquinerie, vannerie sculpture, reliure-dorure. Nous envisageons l'ouverture de la section menuiserie et maonnerie.

    IT Facilities ' [236] 611077, 611522, 614713 ) none

    Central African Republic Rpublique centrafricaine

    ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Collge d'Enseignement Technique Fminin (CETF) ! B.P. 1359 Bangui " Ms Marie-Olive GUERET-M'BATA, Directrice # 17 # 1967 $ French % FRENCH i Le CETF forme des jeunes filles spcialement en

    Economie Familiale et sociale pour l'enseignement de cette discipline dans le primaire et au premier cycle du secondaire certaines titulaires du Brevet des technicienne en Economie Familiale travaillent aux Affaires Sociales avec les Agents de Dveloppement Communautaire et aux Centres Ruraux d'Education et de Formation (CREF).

    IT Facilities ' [236] 614232 ) none

    Chad Tchad ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Lyce Technique Commercial de N'Djamena " Avenue Mobutu N'Djamena ! B.P. 677 N'Djamena " Mr DJIMADOUM Kotidje Fils, Proviseur $ French % FRENCH i Le Lyce Technique commercial est un tablissement

    semi-professionnel car il dispense un enseignement la fois gnral et technique commercial, ce dernier tant bas sur les disciplines comme: l'conomie gnrale, la comptabilit, l'administration, l'entreprise marketing, droit commercial, le (?) secita (?) etc. Grce cette vocation, les laurats de cet tablissement (nantis du bac G) sont aptes soit se placer sur le march de l'emploi soit continuer des tudes de droit, lettres ou de gestion conomique l'universit. Par ailleurs compte tenu de son niveau d'tablissement d'enseignement secondaire technique, le lyce ne dveloppe aucune activit en matire de planification de recherche et de dveloppement technique et professionnel.

    IT Facilities ' [235] 515171 ) IBM compatible DOS , WordPerfect for DOS

    China Chine ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Central Institute for Vocational and Technical

    Education " 40A Damuccang Hutong Xidan Beijing 100032 " Mr YAO Huang, Director General # 28 # 1991 $ Chinese % Chinese; ENGLISH i National Research Institute

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    & "Vocational and Technical Education in China", bi-monthly in Chinese

    IT Facilities ' [86] (1) 6039081, 6097113 ( [86] (1) 6033669 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows

    China Chine ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: China Beijing Professional Teacher Training Centre

    of Chao Yang District " No.15 Dong San Huan Beilu Chao Yang District

    Beijing 100027 " Mr DING Yangsheng, Centre Director $ Chinese % Chinese; ENGLISH

    IT Facilities ' [86] (1) 5004665 ( [86] (1) 5004665

    Colombia Colombie ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Instituto Tcnico Central e: Central Technological Institute " Calle 13 No 16-74 Santaf de Bogot " Mr Hno. Hernando SEB LPEZ, Rector # 150 # 1905 $ Spanish % FRENCH; Spanish i L' Institut technique central dveloppe son activit dans

    la modalit d'ducation technique et professionnelle, offrant une formation pratique intgral ses tudiants, dveloppant dans eux ses valeurs, ses habilits, ses adresses et ses attitudes pour contribuer leur propre ralisation personnelle et au progrs de la socit industrielle Colombienne. Actuellement, l'institut fait des programmes de spcialisation technique, trois programmes de formation technique et professionnelle, une Licence technique avec un convention avec l'universit de La Salle, sept spcialits au Baccalaurat technique industrielle, quelques cours techniques d'ducation continu fin de que les lves peuvent s'actualiser et se perfectionner. L'institut dveloppe des activits de transfrence et d'adaption de la technologie appropri pour l'industrie Colombienne. L'institut dveloppe ses programmes avec la maxime qualit et l'efficace, appuy avec un personnel de professeurs bien prpars dans les sujets ducatives et un bien-tre colier bien organis.

    IT Facilities ' [57] (1) 2824013, 3422489, 2824260, 3416028, 2432658 ( [57] (1) 3420017 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB

    , Word for DOS; Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS

    Congo ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: o: Lyce Agricole Amilcar Cabral f: Lyce Agricole Amilcar Cabral " L.A.A.C.: Km 17 Brazzaville ! B.P. 219 Brazzaville " Mr Bonaventure Eric MOUMBELO, Proviseur # 39 # 1971 $ French % FRENCH i Etablissement vocation agricole, dont les filires de

    formation sont: la Production Sant Animale, vgtale, et machinisme agricole et Economie et gestion. Ces formations recrutant les lves au niveau BEPC ou quivalents aboutissent aux baccalaurats R1, R2, R3, R5. Un projet d'accord a t sign 13.09.94 avec les partenaires Canadiens, intitul Conservation et Transformation des produits agricoles locaux: projet dont la phase excutoire commence en dbut d'anne 1995

    IT Facilities ' [242] 834145 ( [242] 834145 ) none

    Cook Islands Iles Cook ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Ministry of Education " Rarotonga ! P.O. Box 97 Rarotonga " Mr Eric PONIA, Secretary # 30 # 1974 $ English; Maori % ENGLISH i Ministry of Education in the Cook Islands which governs

    administration of all schools and colleges in the Cook Islands offers tutoring in computer studies of software and hardware technology.

    & Education Magazine

    IT Facilities ' [682] 29357 ( [682] 28357 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS; WordStar for Windows

    . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Education Training Unit " Mr Franhein KOTEKA, Head of Department

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    Costa Rica ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Ministerio de Educacin Pblica Departemento de

    Educacin Tcnica e: Ministry of Public Education Department of

    Technical Training " Calle 6, Av. 0-2 1000 San Jos ! Apartado 1087-1000 San Jos " Mr Fernando BOGANTES CRUZ, Director $ Spanish % Spanish

    IT Facilities ' [506] 230157, 231666 Ext. 220-280 ( [506] 2229339

    Costa Rica ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje e: National Institute of Apprenticeship ! Apartado 5200-1000 San Jos " Ms Ing. Clara ZOMER REZLER, Presidenta Ejecutiva $ Spanish % Spanish

    IT Facilities ' [506] 2324027, 2313631, 2234546 ( [506] 2315347

    Costa Rica ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Instituto Tecnolgico de Costa Rica e: Technological Institute of Costa Rica ! Apartado 159-7050 Cartago " Mr Ing. Alejandro CRUZ MOLINA, Rector $ Spanish % ENGLISH; Spanish & "Revista Comunicacin" "Revista Mdulo" (Diseo

    Industrial) "Tecnologa en Marcha" (Editorial Tecnolgica)

    IT Facilities ' [506] 515333 Ext. 2216-2319 ( [506] 515348, 5519603 x 8013 ITCR CR

    Cte d'Ivoire ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Institut Pdagogique National de l'Enseignement

    Technique et Professionnel (IPNETP) ! 08 BP 2098 Abidjan 08 " Mr Souleymane BAH, Directeur Central # 71

    # 1975 % English; FRENCH i Spcialit: Formation Pdagogique de Formateur toutes

    spcialits Activit: Formation, Recherche, Production, Didaction Niveau: Universitaire.

    IT Facilities ' [225] 446769, 449035 ( [225] 449022 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS; WordStar for Windows

    - CDS/ISIS

    Cte d'Ivoire ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Lyce professionnel htelier de la Rivira ! BP V 228 Abidjan " Mr Kouadio AZAGOH, Directeur # 37 # 1980 $ French % English; FRENCH i Spcialit: Hotelerie Activit: Formation Niveau:

    Secondaire (Baccalaurat).

    IT Facilities ' [225] 430073, 432588 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS; WordStar for Windows

    Cte d'Ivoire ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Lyce Professionnel Odienne ! BP 638 Odienne " Mr Denis YAO BROU, Directeur # 34 # 1985 % English; FRENCH i Spcialit: Agro-Industrie Activit: Formation-

    Recherche Niveau: Secondaire (Baccalaurat).

    IT Facilities ' [225] 800064, 800203 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS; WordStar for Windows

  • Page 23 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 23

    Cte d'Ivoire ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: f: Lyce Professionnel de San Pdro ! BP 1212 San Pdro " Mr Daniel TIECOURA, Directeur # 34 # 1984 $ French % English; FRENCH i Spcialit: Genie-Civil Activit: Formation Niveau:

    Secondaire (Baccalaurat).

    IT Facilities ' [225] 712555 ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows; WordStar for DOS; WordStar for Windows

    Croatia Croatie ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Zavod za Unapredenje Skolstva e: Institute of Education Development " Badaliceva 24 10000 Zagreb " Mr Mijo CINDRIC Ph.D., Director # 11 # 1998 $ Croatian % ENGLISH; French i We work on the education development in general:

    Curricula, pedagogical standards, teacher trainings (pre-service and in-service); teacher-promotions, inspection of teaching (various subjects), teaching standards; evaluation and assessment of teaching and knowledge of students

    $ & Prosvjetni Vjesnik (Education bulletin) Croatian

    IT Facilities ' [385] (1) 3820246. 3820244 ( [385] (1) 3820239 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Department of Vocational Education " Mr Stanko PAVNOVIC, Head of Department

    Cuba ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Ministerio de Educacin Direccin de Educacin

    Tcnica y Profesionnal e: Ministry of Education Directorate of Technical and

    Vocational Education

    " Calle Obispo # 160 entre San Ignacio y Mercaderes Habana Vieja Habana 1, Ciudad de La Habana 10100

    " Mr Dr Ingeniero Aker ARAGN CASTRO, Director # 39 # 1959 $ Spanish % ENGLISH; Spanish i La Educacin Tcnica y Profesional tiene como funcin

    social preparar a la fuerza laboral calificada que requiere el desarrollo econmco y social del Pas. Cuenta con un total de 389 centros politcnicos y una matrcula regular ascendente a 218800 alumnos distribuidos en 52 especialidades de Tcnico Medio y 16 Obreros Calificados. De la rama Agropecuaria existen 164 centros, de la Industrial 133 y 92 de Economa y Servicios. As tambien atiende el trabajo con los jvenes de 13 a 17 aos desvinculados del sistema educacional formndolos de acuerdo a los nuevos requerimientos y perspectivas de desarrollo de sus respectivos territorios. Para todo esto se cuenta con planes y programmas de estudios elaborados con rigurosidad cientficada para los alumnos de las distintas especialidades. Existen asimismo cursos para trabajadores en multiples especialidades.

    IT Facilities ' [53] (7) 614523, 628011, ext 216 & 217 ( [53] (7) 622208 x 511188, 511455 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS , WordStar for DOS - CDS/ISIS . Modem & Communication Software

    Cyprus Chypre ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: Higher Technical Institute (HTI) f: Institut Suprieur de Technologie ! P.O. Box 2423 Nicosia " Mr Demetrios LAZARIDES, Director # 100 # 1968 $ English % ENGLISH i The HTI was initially a joint project between UNDP,

    UNESCO, ILO, and the Government . In 1973 the Government alone became responsible for the institute. The HTI offers 3 year full time courses for the "Diploma of Technician Engineer" for secondary school graduates in the following fields: Civil Eng., Electrical Eng., Mechanical Eng., Marine Eng., and Computer Studies. 1978 a "Regional Training Centre" has been established at the HTI offering "Technician Courses in Maintenance and Repair of Medical Equipment". Furthermore the HTI offers"Specialised Short Courses" specially designed for people from local industry and from abroad. Also the HTI is involved in "Research, Testing and Consultancy Services" as well as various "MED-CAMPUS Projects".

    & "HTI Review"

    IT Facilities ' [357] (2) 305030, 494454, 305097 ( [357] (2) 494953 x 4070 rtcenter cy ) IBM compatible

  • Page 24 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 24

    DOS; Windows; Apple; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Civil Engineering Department " Mr Dr Herodotos STAVRIDES, Head of Department ' [357] (2) 306130

    Cyprus Chypre ! Europe UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: Pedagogical Institute f: Institut pdagogique " Makedonias Avenue 2235 Latsia " Mr Adonis CONSTANDINIDES, Director # 4 # 1972 $ Greek % ENGLISH; French i The activities of the Pedagogical Institute include the in-

    service training of teachers of all levels of education, educational research and evaluation, educational technology and educational documentation. Its in-service training programmes include courses for teachers of technical and vocational education.

    IT Facilities ' [357] (2) 305933, 430491 ( [357] (2) 480505 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows - CDS/ISIS . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Teacher Training Programme for Technical and

    Vocational Education Instructors " Mr Nicholas ANDILIOSS, Head @ [email protected]

    Czech Republic Rpublique tchque ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Vzkumn stav odbornho kolstv (VO) e: Research Institute of Technical and Vocational

    Education " Pod Stanic 1144/2 CZ-102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivar " Mr Dipl.-Ing. Bohumil JANY, Director # 51 # 1951 $ Czech % ENGLISH i VO is managed and financed by the Ministry of

    Education, Youth and Sport. VO is engaged in solving problems regarding concept and development of VET in a short- and a long-time horizon. The main objective of its work is to define content of education, external and

    internal structures of VET. VO offers for the ministries, social partners and schools informational and guidance services.

    $ & "Zpravodaj informacnho strediska VO", two weeks,

    Czech, "Technick aktuality a metodick rozhledy, casopis", quarterly, Czech

    IT Facilities ' [420] (2) 7862251/56, 7865249/55 ( [420] (2) 7863380 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows - CDS/ISIS

    In charge of UNEVOC " Mr Dr Frantisek BARTK, Deputy Director ' [420] (2) 7860750 @ [email protected]

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Rpublique dmocratique du Congo ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: f: Institut Suprieur des Arts et Mtiers " Avenue du 24 novembre, ct de la cathedrale Notre-

    Dame Kinshasa I. ! B. P. 15.198 Kinshasa I. " Ms Tshimenga KAZADI, Directeur gnral # 36 # 1968 $ franais % FRENCH i Ecole suprieure formant en trois ans couturires et leur

    confrant le grade de Gradue en Arts et Mtiers, option Coupe et Couture. Activits principales: formation et recherche. Les diplomes (393 en fvrier 1998) sont trs apprcies dans les secteurs suivants: enseignement technique (enseignantes des cours techniques ou directrices); socits textiles: personnel qualifi ans les ateliers de confection; secteur priv: responsables d'un atelier de couture; O.N.G.: gestionnaires. L'ISAM souhaite tre mieux quip afin de monter des ateliers d'auto-financement, d'organiser rgulirement des reyclages pour les enseignants du secondaire, et d'laborer une banque de donnes dans le domaine de l'habillement. Ouverture de l'option "Modliste" prochainement.

    IT Facilities ' [243] (12) 62428

    )))) none; In charge of UNEVOC " Gilbert ODIHO DIMANDJA, Chef de bureau; Assistant du

    Directeur Gnral

    Denmark Danemark ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College " Kultorvet 2 DK-1175 Kbenhavn K " Mr Torben KROGH, Managing Director # 1200

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    # 1880 $ Danish; English % Chinese; ENGLISH; French; Russian; Spanish i Business college; Business Training Programmes,

    Management, Marketing, Economics, Business Languages (Middle management), Consultancy Projects.

    IT Facilities ' [45] 33419465 ( [45] 33419488 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Niels Brock International " Ms Birde BERG, Director " Nrre Voldgade 68 DK-1358 Kbenhaven K @ [email protected]

    Ecuador Equateur ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Centre: o: Direccin Nacional de Educacin Tcnica c/o

    Ministerio de Agricultura " Av. Eloy Alfaro San Salvador " Mr Lcdo. Ivan GUZMAN CASTILLO, Director # 25 # 1979 $ Spanish % ENGLISH; Spanish i Es un organismo Tcnico Administrativo cuyo objetivo

    es apoyar al mejoramiento de la calidad para la Educacin Tcnica dentro de la poltica Educacin, trabajo y Produccin. Para cumplimiento de los objetivos desarrolla 9 programas cualitativos mediante el convenio 792 SF/EC MEC-BID. Los Programas cualitativos se orientan al reforzamiento para implantacin de las oficinas de Planificatin Institucional. (OPI) Capacitacin Tecnolgica y Didctica, Supervisin y Orientacin Especializada, UEP's. Industrial y Agropecuaria. Administracin de colegios tcnicos, Centro de Recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA) y el sistema de Informacin y Documentacin de la Educacin Tcnica (SIDET) cuyas acciones se concretan en Planeamiento, capacitacin e implementacin de los Programas, tambin se atiende en asesoramiento, capacitacin y desarrollo de los colegios de Comercio, Administracin y otras opciones en formacin.

    & "Boletines Informativos", Spanish

    IT Facilities ' [593] 216224, 216232 ( [593] 580116 ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Apple; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB - CDS/ISIS

    In charge of UNEVOC / SIDET " Ms Norma OSEJO

    Ecuador Equateur ! Latin America and the Caribbean UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Universidad Catolica de Cuenca e: Catholic University of Cuenca ! Casilla 01-01-1937 Cuenca " Mr Dr Cesar CORDERO MOSCOSDO, Rector $ Spanish; Portuguese % Spanish

    IT Facilities ' [593] (7) 842606, 827958, 841217 ( [593] (7) 838011, 839166 @ [email protected] ???

    Egypt Egypte ! Africa, Arab States UNEVOC Centre: e: Ministry of National Education Technical

    (Vocational) Education " Mogama El Tahrir 9 Floor Room 86 Cairo " Mr Mohamed Abdelrahman HAMZA, Under Secretary of

    State for Technical Education $ Arabic % Arabic; ENGLISH i Planning and developing courses in technical and

    vocational education. We offer Programmes to students in the fields of agriculture, commerce and industrial education.

    IT Facilities ' [20] (2) 3541608 ( [20] (2) 3549167

    Egypt Egypte ! Africa, Arab States UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: Ministry of Higher Education Sector of Technical

    Education " 30, Mobtadyin Street, Kasr el Ain Cairo " Mr Engineer Hussein EL BADRY, Secretary General of

    Higher Education $ Arabic % Arabic; ENGLISH

    IT Facilities ' [20] (2) 3557926

    Egypt Egypte ! Africa, Arab States UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Al Magless al Aala lel Gameat e: The Supreme Council of Universities (S.C.U.) f: Le Conseil suprme des Universites " Cairo University Buildings Giza " Mr Prof. Dr. Galal Abd El-Hamid ABDALLAH, Secretary


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    # 220 # 1950 $ Arabic % Arabic; ENGLISH i Supreme Council of Universities delineates general

    policy of University education and scientific research in order to attain national objectives in social, economic, cultural and scientific development plans; determines admission numbers, fields of specialisation, equivalencies etc.; the Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) which links university computer centres and research institutes throughout Egypt, is also the Egyptian gateway to internet and TERENA (Trans European Research and Educational Network Association). SCU connects all national networks in all sectors; 19 Members; library of 5.410 Volumes (English and Arabic); 9760 Micro fiches (English and Arabic)

    $ & "Science and Development", non regular periodical,


    IT Facilities ' [20] (2) 5732727, 5728877 ( [20] (2) 5728174, 5728722 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple; Unix . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Central Division for Development of University

    Education Affairs Department of Documentation and Translation

    " $Farida $SHANAN, $ Manager @ $

    Ethiopia thiopie ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: e: Nazareth Technical College (NTC) ! P.O. Box 1888 Nazareth " Mr Mesfin TEREFE, Head $ English % ENGLISH i A technical college mandated to train: a two-year

    technician diploma programme a two-year industrial education diploma programme a four-year technical teacher education programme.

    & "Tech-Link" bi-annual bulletin.

    IT Facilities ' [251] (2) 110494 ( [251] (2) 110480 @ [email protected] ??? ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows

    Ethiopia thiopie ! Africa UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: Faculty of Technology Addis Ababa University ! P.O. Box 385 Addis Ababa " Dr-Ing. Abebe DINKU, Dean $ English

    % ENGLISH & "Zede" (on behalf of Association of Ethiopian Engineers

    and Architects)

    IT Facilities ' [251] (1) 111823 ( [251] (1) 550911 x 21205 % AAUNIV @ [email protected]

    Fiji Fidji ! Asia and the Pacific UNEVOC Centre: e: Fiji Institute of Technology " Ratu Mara Road Samabula Suva ! P.O. Box 3722 Samabula Suva " Mr Bob BUBENDORFER, Director # 220 # 1962 $ English % ENGLISH i The institution is a technical and vocational education

    and training institution which focuses on the training of young people for industries and other walks of life. It offers regular training. Every year is divided into 2 semesters. Learners/students are post secondary school students and include apprentices and private students.


    IT Facilities ' [679] 381044 ( [679] 370915 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for DOS . Modem & Communication Software

    Finland Finlande ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Espoon-Vantaan Teknillinen Ammattikorkeakoulu e: Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology (EVITech) " Vanha maantie 6 FIN-02600 Espoo " Mr Dr Pertti TORMALA, President # 170 # 1985 $ Finnish; Swedish % ENGLISH i Institute of Technology (Engineering education) $

    IT Facilities ' [358] (9) 511961 ( [358] (9) 5119988 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple; Unix + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS

  • Page 27 UNEVOC Directory Rpertoire UNEVOC Page 27

    In charge of UNEVOC / International Office EVItech " Ms Liisa VEHKAOJA, International Coordinator ' [358] (9) 5119826 @ [email protected]

    France ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: f: Association Franaise pour le Dveloppement de

    l'Enseignement Technique (AFDET) " 178, rue du Temple F-75003 Paris # 25 # 1902 $ French % FRENCH i A pour objectif le perfectionnement et le dveloppement

    des enseignements technologiques et professionnels, de l'orientation et de la formation continue dans le cadre de l'ducation permanente. Dans ce but, elle s'appuie sur un partenariat entre les divers milieux conomiques, d'une part, et les institutions de formation d'autre part, en vue d'une meilleure insertion sociale et professionnelle. Les actes des diffrentes manifestations organises par l'association. Association reconnue d'utilit publique qui.

    & "l'Enseignement Technique", three times a year, French

    IT Facilities ' [33] (1) 42740064 ( [33] (1) 42740369 ) IBM compatible DOS + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS

    France ! Europe UNEVOC Associate Centre: e: A.F.P.A. National Association for Vocational

    Training of Adults f: A.F.P.A. Association Nationale pour la Formation

    Professionnelle des Adultes " 13, place du Gnral de Gaulle F-93108 Montreuil

    Cedex " Mr HYVERNAT, Directeur Gnral $ French % English; FRENCH; Spanish $ & L'Enseignement Technique, quarterly, French

    IT Facilities ' [33] (1) 48705000 ( [33] (1) 48583432 x 233787 f @ [email protected]

    Georgia Gorgie ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: National Observatory of Georgia f: L'Observatoire Nationale de la Georgie

    " 72 B, St. Iosebidze 380060 Tbilisi " Mr Kote GLONTI, Team Leader # 2 # 1997 $ English; Russian % ENGLISH; Russian i Georgian National Observatory has been established with

    the support of ETF and the consortium. The key objective is to help the unemployed individuals to be trained or retrained, in order to find suitable jobs; prepare the draft laws and legislative bases for the authority in the field of VET and employment. GNO works out and publishes "Stocktaking Report". In the report the latest data on VET, labour market and other socio-economic situation of the country are available. It is disseminated not only throughout the network of National Observatories. The data are used by some national and international organisations, working in these fields. The recommendations and comments of GNO have been taken into account and have been included in the laws, and other legislative acts, approved by the Parliament.

    $ & "Stocktaking Report"

    IT Facilities ' [995] (32) 965167 ( [995] (32) 965176 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB , Word for Windows; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    Germany Allemagne ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Bundesinstitut fr Berufsbildung (BIBB) e: Federal Institute for Vocational Training f: Institut fdral de la Formation professionnelle " Hermann-Ehlers-Strae 10 D-53113 Bonn ! Postfach D-53043 Bonn " Mr Dr Helmut PTZ, Secretary General/President # 386 (140 prof.) # 1970 $ German % ENGLISH; French; Russian; Spanish i The BIBB carries out research and development activities

    in the field of vocational training. It provides services and counsel for the Federal Government and all parties engaged in the political, scientifical and practical side of vocational training. It does national and international research and development. Its main aim is to develop principles to govern initial and continuing training for skilled workers, skilled employees, journeymen and master craftsmen in the majority of economic sectors and also to modernise and improve training provision to keep abreast of technical, economic and social change. One important element in this respect is close co-operation with practitioners: Experts from all sectors of the economy work together with the Institute's professionals to develop training ordinances and innovative learning concepts which allow for up-to-date and forward-looking vocational training

    $ & Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (BWP) incl.

    "BIBB aktuell", bi-monthly, German; "LEO-News" 4 times a year, German; "LEO-Pilot" twice a year, German


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    IT Facilities ' [49] (228) 107-0 ( [49] (228) 107-2968 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible; Macintosh DOS; Windows; Apple + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for DOS; Word for Windows;

    WordPerfect for DOS; WordPerfect for Windows . Modem & Communication Software

    In charge of UNEVOC / Department 1 Research and Service Development /

    International Vocational Training " Ms Dr Gisela DYBOWSKI, Head of Department ' [49] (228) 1071921, 1071923 ( [49] (228) 1072969 @ [email protected]

    Greece Grce ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: e: Organisation for Vocational Education and Training

    (O.E.E.K.) f: Organisation pour l'Education et Formation

    Professionnelle " 1, Ave. Ilioupoleos GR-17236 Imittos Athens " Mr Dr Gerassimos SAPOUNTZOGLOU, President # 120 # 1992 $ Greek % ENGLISH; French i The O.E.E.K is monitored by the Ministry of National

    Education and Religious Affairs and has the responsibility of the planning, management and supervision of the Institutes of Vocational Training. In the IVTs the graduates of the Lycea may acquire not only substantial qualifications for their absorption in the labour market but also certificate of Vocational Training recognized in in the country and the EEC as well.


    IT Facilities ' [30] (1) 9710502, 9709763 ( [30] (1) 9730245 @ [email protected] ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows

    In charge of UNEVOC / Direction des Rlations Europennes et Internationales " Mr Haralambos LOUKISSAS, Directeur ' [30] (1) 9764487

    Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bissau ! Africa UNEVOC Centre: e: National Institute for Vocational Education and

    Technical Training ! Caixa Postal No. 18 Bissau " Mr Jos VIERRA, Directeur Gnral

    # 30 # 1980 $ Portuguese % FRENCH; Spanish

    IT Facilities ' [245] 214664

    Hungary Hongrie ! Europe UNEVOC Centre: o: Mechwart Andrs Vastkzlekedsi Szakkzpiskola e: Railway Transportation, Technical Secondary School " Rimaszombati t 2-4 H-1118 Budapest ! Pf. 328 H-1519 Budapest 112 " Mr Dr BARTAL Sndor Ph.D.Tech., Director # 30 # 1975 $ Hungarian % ENGLISH; French; Russian i Vocational Secondary School, 3 years; Technical

    Secondary School with final examination, 4 years Secondary Grammar School with final examination, 4 years; Professional Career Studies, 6 years. Furthermore, the school gives profession for young railway technicians and dispatchers.

    & "Mi lapunk" (The Schools Newspaper), Hungarian

    IT Facilities ' [36] (1) 4665638; 4665355; 3102948 ( [36] (1) 3102947 @ [email protected] ??? ) IBM compatible DOS; Windows + 3 inch/1.44 MB; 3 inch/720 KB , Word for Windows

    Hungary Hongrie ! Europe UNEVOC Associate Centre: o: Baross Gbor Kzlekedsi s Postaforgalmi

    Szakkzpiskola e: Baross Gbor Secondary Technical School for

    Transport and Postal Service f: Lyce professionnel de la poste et de la circulation

    nomm Baross Gbor " Rcz dm u. 54-56 H-3532 Miskolc ! Pf. 556 H-3510 Miskolc " Mr HORVTH Zoltn, Director # 30 # 1964 $ Hungarian % ENGLISH; French i Our technical School has got a training workshop. The

    number of students: 850. They are trained in a 4+1- year system (classes 9-12 + 13). At the end of the 12th year all the students take a final examination (GCSE). There is vocational training before or after GCSE in the following fields: car-mechanic, vehicle technician, traffic technician (highway and railway), locomotive-mechanic, post-office clerk. The system of vocational training is going to be changed. Before GCSE the emphasis will be on general education so the vocational training after the final

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    examination will take 1,5-3 years. The professions trained in our school help the people to avoid unemployment and to develop our region.

    IT Facilities ' [36] (46) 332545, 332629, 370968 ( [36] (46) 370863 ) IBM compatible DOS