International Police Association - 2015/4 International Police Association...

Volume 2015/4 International Police Association National Newsletter Journal National C A N A D A Autumn in Oxford Mills, ON, Region 6 L’Automne dans Oxford Mills, ON, la région 6 Rideau River at Burritts Rapids, ON, Region 6 La Rivière Rideau à Burrits Rapids, ON, la région 6

Transcript of International Police Association - 2015/4 International Police Association...

Page 1: International Police Association - 2015/4 International Police Association National Newsletter Journal National C A N A D A Autumn in Oxford Mills, ON, Region

Volume 2015/4

International Police Association National Newsletter Journal National







Autumn in Oxford Mills, ON, Region 6

L’Automne dans Oxford Mills, ON, la région 6

Rideau River at Burritts Rapids, ON, Region 6

La Rivière Rideau à Burrits Rapids, ON, la région 6

Page 2: International Police Association - 2015/4 International Police Association National Newsletter Journal National C A N A D A Autumn in Oxford Mills, ON, Region

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Secretary General /

National Supply Officer:


[email protected]

Vice Pres. - Central:


[email protected]

Region 2

Pres: Chris BARRATT

[email protected]

Region 6

Pres: Len MacPHERSON

[email protected]

Region 10


[email protected]

Region 15

Pres: Christian PARENT

[email protected]

National Travel

Secretary Assistant:


[email protected]



[email protected]

Vice Pres. - West /

Newsletter Editor:

Barry BOS

[email protected]

Region 1


[email protected]

Region 5


[email protected]

Region 9

Pres: Jack RAE

[email protected]

Region 14

Pres: John REGIER

[email protected]

National Travel



[email protected]

Region 11


[email protected]

Region 16

Pres: Bernie BERGEVIN

[email protected]

National Historian:


[email protected]

I.P.A. Canada Founder:

Rev. Charles WRIGHT

[email protected]

Member International

Internal Commission:


[email protected]

Region 4

Pres: Steve SMEDLEY

[email protected]







Current National and Regional Information is maintained on the I.P.A. Canada Homepage:

L'information nationale et régionale se retrouve sur la page d'accueil d'I.P.A. Canada:

This newsletter may not be linked to any other web site without the expressed permission of

I.P.A. Canada.

Please contact: [email protected] for information.

Ce bulletin ne pourrait pas être relié au Website sans la permission exprimée d'IPA Canada.

S'il vous plaît contacter: [email protected] pour les informations.

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Aide traduction en français : Claudia COUTURE, Christine Marie GLADU et Bernie BERGEVIN

Visit our website: Visitez-nous sur le web

National Treasurer:


[email protected]

Vice Pres. - East /

National Liaison Rep. :

Christian PARENT

[email protected]

Region 3


[email protected]

Region 7

Pres: Gilles THÉBERGE

[email protected]

Region 8

Pres: Gilles DROLET

[email protected]

Region 13

Pres: Kevin WORTH

president @

National Webmaster:

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International Police Association (IPA)

NGO in Consultative (Special) Status with the Economic

and Social Council of the United Nations;

in Consultative Status with the Council of Europe and the

Organisation of the American States;

International NGO maintaining operational relations within

UNESCO and Europol

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Group picture at the 2015 IPA World Congress in Limassol, Cyprus

President Denis Nadeau receiving

the IPA Silver Medal for 12 years

of service on the WC on 4 Com-



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National Editor- Éditeur National: Barry Bos [email protected]

In this edition:

Dans cette édition:

IPA Canada National Executives 2

IPA Canada Exécutifs National President Message

Message du Président 4,5 RapportSecr. General 6,7

Rapport Secrétaire général Message from World Congress 8 Message du Congrès Mondial

Region 6 re-activated 9,10 Région 6 ré-activé

2016 Friendship Week Region 15 12 2016 Semaine d'amitié région 15

VP West travels East 13

IYG SPAIN 2015 14 Poetry competition 16 Concours de poésie

Police Memorial in Ottawa 17, 18 Monument commémoratif de la po-

lice d'Ottawa News from regions 9,13,15,16 19-24

Actualités de Régions 9,13,15,16

Memorial Services Ottawa and Regina

Des services commémoratifs à Otta-

wa et Regina 25-26

News Region 3,13 27-29

Actualités de Région 3,13

IPA Travel Information 31,32

IPA Information de Voyage

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I.P.A. Canada

Official address - Adresse officielle Secretary General:

Secrétaire Général: Larry Sheppard 179 Great Oak Trail

Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0 Ph: (289) 286-0141

[email protected]

President’s message

Election time! Yes again...but don’t worry, I

am not campaigning, we have had enough in

our country in the recent months. I just

came back from Limassol, Cyprus where

the 2015 World Congress was held Oct 12-

18. Some 63 Sections were present and

International elections were held for a new International Execu-

tive Board (IEB) which is the new name for the PEB. It was

again a constructive exercise of democracy, done by electronic

voting for a first time, preceded by an intensive updating ses-

sion for our IPA family. I will not repeat all that will appear in the next Internation-

al Newsletter or already spread out on different social media. I do want to con-

gratulate Pierre Martin Moulin (a.k.a. Mouline) and his new team elected for the

next term of four (4) years. IEB will now sit for terms of 4 years rather than previ-

ous exercises of three (3) years. May it be a great leap for IPA Tomorrow. IPA is

in good hands.

I also want to thank our friend Koji Nakamura, President of Section Japan, his doc-

tor did not approve of his travel plans to Cyprus. Koji gave me a proxy to repre-

sent him and his Section at the WC hence for the election process. This made me

‘very popular’ as I now had two (2) votes in Limassol. It was also a great sign of

confidence and friendship. I was honoured to represent IPA Japan and Koji to

whom I wish good health. We hope to see you at our IPA Friendship week in May

2016 following our next AGM in Longueuil Qc, event organized by Region 15 Mon-

térégie who will celebrate their 15th anniversary in the IPA Canada family. It is im-

portant to remind you all that we will host our good friends and neighbours, the

US Section, for their National Delegates’ Conference (NDC) for a joint meeting

(AGM-NDC) as we do every five (5) years since 2005. The organising committee

from Region 15 is doing a great job and I wish them success for this important land-

mark. This next AGM will also include national elections to choose the next Na-

tional Executive Board. I encourage all members and all regional executive to really

consider getting good candidates to renew our NEB. IPA needs new blood, let’s

consider getting the best people for the team that will lead IPA Canada for the next

three (3) years. All positions are open, let’s exercise our democratic right.

On a more sombre note, IPA lost approximately 38,000 members last year from

Section Turkey. Because of a particularly troubled political situation, IPA Turkey

had to close its offices in 97 regions and stop all activities in that Section. However

a few good members are trying to save IPA as they are in the process of registering

IPA with a new NGO status. They hope to keep IPA alive and to see our banner

and values still present in their country. Turkey has over 200,000 active policemen,

let’s wish that our colleagues get the opportunity to be recognized again.

This season brings us a colorful panorama, it is also time for annual meetings in

most regions of our Section with many that will host regional elections. I wish you

all a productive season while we get ready for the upcoming holidays and a new

year. It is again time to think of our future, let’s bring a friend to join our great or-

ganisation, let’s identify potential leaders for our Association, for it to grow with

young members to eventually take charge. Let’s appreciate our freedom and enjoy

our quality of life.

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will undergo important surgery at the end of October. May this intervention be a positive event in your

life Larry, good health and quick recovery to you mon ami.

Servo Per Amikeco!

Denis Nadeau

National President IPA Canada

October 22nd, 2015

Message du Président

Le temps des élections est venu! Ne vous en faites pas, je ne fais pas campagne, nous en avons eu assez

ces derniers mois au Canada. Je reviens de Limassol, Chypre où j’ai participé au dernier Congrès mondial

IPA qui y eu lieu du 12 au 18 octobre 2015. Soixante-trois (63) Sections étaient représentées et des élec-

tions au niveau international étaient au programme. Un nouveau Bureau Exécutif International (IEB) fut

élu dans un processus clair et démocratique avec un vote électronique utilisé pour la première fois. IEB

est en fait la nouvelle appellation pour le PEB et le mandat sera dorénavant de 4 ans plutôt que trois (3)

pour nos futurs leaders. Les élections ont suivi un agenda très chargé et important pour l’IPA de demain.

Je ne répèterai pas ici ce qui sera écrit dans la prochaine parution du bulletin international qui suivra sous

peu ou ce qui fut déjà annoncé sur les médias sociaux. Je veux féliciter, au nom d’IPA Canada, Pierre Mar-

tin Moulin (a.k.a. Mouline) et sa nouvelle équipe. Je sais que l’avenir d’IPA est entre bonnes mains.

Je veux ici remercier notre ami, Koji Nakamura, Président de la Section japonaise, son toubib lui a défendu

de voyager vers l’Europe à la dernière minute. Koji m’a donc donné une procuration afin que je le repré-

sente à ce congrès mondial incluant les élections. Ce geste m’a rendu très populaire car j’avais dorénavant

deux (2) voix à Limassol. Ce signe de grande confiance et d’amitié est très apprécié Koji. Je te souhaite un

prompt retour à la santé et espère aussi que tu pourras participer à notre semaine de l’amitié en mai 2016.

En effet, la prochaine AGA nationale est organisée par la Région 15 Montérégie qui célèbrera ses 15 ans au

sein de la famille IPA canadienne. Cet événement coïncidera avec notre rencontre conjointe quinquennale

avec nos voisins et amis de la Section américaine (AGM-NDC) que nos Sections organisent en alternance

depuis 2005. Le comité organisateur travaille fort pour signaler cet anniversaire de façon digne d’IPA et je

leur souhaite bonne chance tout en leur offrant mon support total. Notre AGA inclura aussi des élections

triennales pour choisir le nouveau bureau de direction IPA au Canada, décidément c’est une période

d’élections et nous devons chercher du sang nouveau pour combler tous les postes qui sont automatique-

ment ouverts à tous les membres en règle. J’encourage donc tous les membres et toutes les régions à re-

garder pour une bonne relève à la tête de notre belle Association. Profitons de cette chance que notre

démocratie nous offre.

Sur une note un peu plus triste, je dois vous informer qu’IPA a perdu quelques 38,000 membres en 2014

en Turquie.

En raison d’une situation politique particulièrement troublée, l’IPA a dû fermer ses bureaux dans 97 ré-

gions et cesser toute activité. Mais nous y avons quelques collègues, très motivés, qui veulent sauver IPA

en Turquie, ils sont à enregistrer l’IPA comme ONG (Organisme non-gouvernementale). Ils souhaitent

conserver leur statut de Section turque au sein de notre organisation et y conserver nos valeurs et notre

bannière. La Turquie compte plus de 200,000 policiers actifs. Souhaitons bonne chance à ces quelques

collègues qui travaillent à la survie d’IPA dans ce pays.

La saison en cours nous apporte des décors magnifiques, c’est aussi la période ou plusieurs régions tien-

dront leurs assemblées annuelles et les élections pertinentes. Je vous souhaite un bel automne et un re-

gain de vie au sein de vos régions respectives, en préparation à la période des fêtes et une nouvelle an-

née. Il est encore temps de penser à notre avenir, amenez un ami qui se joindra à nous, essayons d’iden-

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de nouveaux ‘leaders’ pour notre belle organisation. Nous avons besoin de jeunes pour assurer la relève

et nous permettre de survivre. Apprécions notre belle qualité de vie et notre liberté

En terminant, je veux souhaiter bonne chance à notre secrétaire général, M. Larry Sheppard, qui subira une

opération chirurgicale en fin d’octobre. Je souhaite que cette intervention lui assure une meilleure qualité

de vie et un prompt rétablissement. Good luck my friend Larry.

Servo per Amikeco!

Denis Nadeau

Président national

IPA Canada

22 octobre 2015

Report of Secretary General Larry Sheppard

Another year is coming to an end. It won’t be long until our 2016 AGM will be

upon us. It is scheduled for Fri. May 20 and Sat. May 21 in Monteregie. This will

also include elections for the N.E.B. positions for the next three year term.

To keep you all informed on the election procedures, you can go Appendix “D” of

our Constitution. To save you some time, I will now briefly go over the rules.

It basically states that to qualify for nomination you must have served a minimum of

two (2) years on a National or Regional Executive. If you qualify, you may only be

nominated for one (1) position.

The Secretary General will prepare a standard nomination form and send it out to

the N.E.B. members and Regional Secretaries four months prior to the date of the

AGM. The completed nomination forms must be returned to the Secretary Gen-

eral within six (6) weeks from the date they were sent out.

The Secretary General will then prepare the ballot’s and a list of members nominated and send them out

to the N.E.B. members and Regional Secretaries three (3) weeks after receiving the completed nomination

forms. All completed ballots will be hand delivered to the “Returning Officer” prior to 0900 hrs on the

first morning of the AGM.

Just to inform you that four of the six N.E.B. members will be running for another term. The V.P. West

(Barry Bos) and Secretary General (Larry Sheppard) will not be seeking re-election. We have also learned

that our Historian (Linda Birtwistle) will also be giving up her position effective after the 2016 AGM. This is

not an elected position but we will need someone to step forward and offer to take over this position.

Finally, I would like to personally say, that I have whole heartedly enjoyed my nine (9) years as Secretary

General and three (3) years as our National President. The support and communication I received from

fellow N.E.B. members and Regional Executives was greatly appreciated and made the job so much easier!

It is time for some “new blood” to step forward and I can sit back and enjoy my retirement. Thank you

one and all!!!!


Une autre année s’achève ! L’Assemblée générale annuelle 2016 n’est pas très loin. Elle est prévue pour les

vendredi et samedi 20 et 21 mai en Montérégie. À ce moment, nous procéderons à des élections afin de

combler des postes au Bureau de direction pour des termes de trois ans.

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Pour connaître les procédures de l’élection, référez-vous à l’Article « D » de la Constitution. Pour vous

rafraîchir la mémoire, je passerai brièvement sur les règles.

Il est statué que pour qualifier votre candidature, vous devez avoir servi au moins deux ans sur le Bureau

national ou régional de direction (Exécutif). Si vous vous qualifiez, vous pouvez soumettre votre candida-

ture à un seul poste.

Le Secrétaire général préparera ensuite les bulletins de vote et une liste des membres mis en candidature,

et les fera suivre aux membres du BND (Bureau national de direction) et aux Secrétaires régionaux, trois

semaines après la réception des formulaires de mise en candidature complétés. Tous les bulletins de vote

seront remis en main propre au Directeur du scrutin avant 09H00 le matin de l’AGA.

Pour votre information, quatre des six membres du Bureau de direction solliciteront un nouveau mandat.

Le vice-président Ouest Barry Bos et le secrétaire général Larry Sheppard ne souhaitent pas renouveler

leur mandat. Nous avons aussi appris que notre historienne Linda Birtwistle laissera son siège après

l’AGA. Ce poste en est un de non-élu et nous devrons le combler par une personne disposé à le prendre

en charge.

Finalement, j’aimerais ajouter que, personnellement, j’ai vraiment apprécié mes neuf ans en qualité de

secrétaire général et trois ans en tant que Président national. La collaboration et les bons échanges de la

part de mes collègues des membres du BND et les administrateurs nationaux furent grandement appréciés

et ont facilité mon travail. Le moment est venu d’amener du sang neuf à l’organisation et pour moi, de

prendre du recul et bien profiter de ma retraite. Un grand merci à tous !

Hamilton Police Service Recruit Ceremony The latest plaque presentation from Region 10 to the top recruit (as selected by his peers) at a Hamilton Police Ceremony was held on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015. The recipient was Mark Shaw.

In the first photo you will see the head table guests

Chief Glenn De Caire, Mayor of Hamilton – Fred Eisenberger,

Chair of the Hamilton Police Service Board – Lloyd Ferguson.

The second photo shows the V.P. of Region 10 (Allan Blackbor-

row), recruit winner (Mark Shaw), and Chief Glenn De

Caire. Also in attendance was the Secretary General for IPA

Canada (Larry Sheppard) and V.P. of Region 10 (Pieter Cierre).

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To my colleagues from the NEB and dear friend Koji, President of Section Japan.

We have just concluded the Elections and I send you the results attached. All went well. I must congratu-

late the new International Executive Board (IEB) starting with President Pierre Martin Moulin, re-elected

unanimously, who did again a super job in the spirit of friendship.

This new team is now in place for a term of 4 years.

The members of the Commissions will be chosen hereafter. My name is amongst about 20 candidates for

the new ISCC.

Thank you goes to Laurie Langlois, observer from R-11 who did not miss a single minute of this World

Congress. I am sure it was a learning experience. I appreciate her dedication and interest.

Servo per Amikeco!

Denis Nadeau

National President

IPA Canada xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

À tous mes collègues de l’exécutif national et

cher ami Koji, Président de IPA section du Ja-

pon, Nous venons de clore le processus électoral et je vous en-

voie les résultats en document joint. Tout s’est bien dérou-

lé. Je suis heureux de féliciter les membres du nouvel exé-

cutif international avec, à sa tête le Président réélu à l’unani-

mité, Monsieur Pierre Martin Moulin, qui a accompli à nou-

veau un travail de grande qualité, dans un esprit d’amitié au-


Ces élus feront équipe pour les 4 prochaines années.

Les membres des différentes Commissions seront désignés.

Ma candidature figure parmi 20 autres candidats pour le

nouveau ISCC.

Chaleureux remerciements à Laurie Langlois, observatrice

de la Région 11. Elle n’a pas manqué une seule minute de ce

congrès international. J’ai la certitude qu’il a s’agit pour elle d’une expérience enrichissante. J’apprécie sin-

cèrement son intérêt et son dévouement.

Servo per Amikeco !

Denis Nadeau

Président national

IPA Canada

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2015 World Congress in Cyprus

National President Denis Nadeau represent-

ing Canada and Japan

On his right Laurie Langlois Region 11

attending the congress as observer

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IPA Region 6, covering eastern Ontario and Ottawa, gets reactivated.

Anecdotal The former IPA Region 6 in eastern Ontario has been a subject of interest with IPA National and Region 2

in the Toronto area for more than 30 years. Region 2 has overseen eastern Ontario’s affairs during all this

time. To better serve the members and given our geography, numerous attempts were made to reactivate

the region. Even IPA members located in western Quebec and belonging to Region 7, made a suggestion in

the early 1990s to create a new region around the National Capital Region (NCR).

Looking back to 1972, eastern Ontario’s Region 6 began with 33 members and the membership eventually

rose to 60. After a few years, Region 6 even hosted a successful National Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Due to a number of factors in the early 1980s, such as a lack of new executive committee members, Re-

gion 6 activities eventually waned. After a final

attempt to link up with a proposed region for

the Kingston area, it finally closed down during

May 1981.

Even without a regional organization close at

hand, members continued on with the IPA, but

under Region 2. Although participation at meet-

ings and functions in and around Toronto was

almost impossible, given the long travel distanc-

es required to attend, members were neverthe-

less available, and any visitors to the Ottawa

area were always taken care of. Hosting the Ca-

nadian Section’s 40th Anniversary event in May-

June 2001 is a case in point. Out of the 10-day

IPA central Canada coach tour, two days were

spent in the NCR. The 45 IPA members and

guests were treated to special tours including

Rideau Hall, RCMP Stables and National HQ,

Ottawa Police display, Parliament Hill and the

adjacent National Police Memorial. Represent-

ing numerous countries, a 12-member IPA

Honour Guard in dress uniforms disembarked

from the coach and formed up for an IPA

wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial. To

the visitors’ amazement, a lone Ottawa Police

piper appeared and began playing “Going

Home”, while standing between two RCMP

motorcyclists at the salute for the brief, yet solemn ceremony. That evening a surprise side trip to pictur-

esque Prescott, Ontario had also been arranged. The Anniversary tour guests were given front row seating

to watch the famous RCMP “Musical Ride” perform in a grassy meadow alongside the 19th century Fort

Wellington, with its imposing wooden palisades forming the backdrop. This was followed by dinner at a

private golf club before returning to their Ottawa hotel.

Being what the IPA is all about, members in eastern Ontario were invited to participate in other events,

even in neighbouring regions such as 7 and 15 in the Montreal area.

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Reactivation The latest move to bring new life to Region 2’s eastern outpost began in November 2014 where Vice Pres-

ident Central, Al Welke circulated an e-mail to existing members located east of Kingston, Ontario, to

gauge interest for a revived Region 6. Results were overwhelmingly in favour to begin anew, and an interim

Executive Committee was readily identified. Leonard MacPherson, William Murrell, and Daniel Husband

stepped forward as President, Secretary, and Treasurer respectively. With the official support of the mem-

bers of the National Executive Bureau (NEB) and the National Executive Committee (NEC) received over

the summer of 2015, the reactivation of Region 6 was formally approved.

With some anticipation, the first meeting for

Region 6 was set for September 12, 2015 in

the boardroom of the Ottawa Police Services

(OPS) station on Greenbank Road. OPS were

kind enough to provide this interim facility.

Along with more than 40 existing members—

most of whom were meeting for the first

time—were IPA Canada National President

Denis Nadeau, Secretary General Larry Shep-

pard, Vice President Central Region Allen

Welke, National Treasurer Stuart Rinaldo and

Region 2 President Chris Barratt were also

present and welcomed the members to Re-

gion 6. Also in attendance were serving and

retired law enforcement officers who were

new to the IPA. All decided to join at the

conclusion of the well-organized initial meet-

ing but not before existing Region 2 members

signed off to join Region 6 officially. During

the meeting, National President Denis

Nadeau pointed out during the question and

answer period that, although Region 6 has

now reformed and have an agreed-to bounda-

ry formed around eastern Ontario, a member in neighbouring Region 7 (Montreal) living in the Outaouais

for example, can join the meetings and events in this, or any another region. I recall during an earlier trip

to Sydney, Australia, I had the opportunity to

join a local IPA region’s monthly meeting held

at the Botany Bay Yacht Club. This was fol-

lowed by an impressive tour of Sydney’s har-

bour and noted beaches, given by a serving

New South Wales (NSW) detective and his

wife. IPA is all about friendship through equali-

ty and equity.

At the conclusion of Region 6’s meeting, group

photos were taken and an informal gathering

was held at a nearby restaurant. The location

of the next meeting will be announced shortly.

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Considering that it took more than 30 years to reform the Region, it was done in an efficient manner with

little delay. The National Capital Region shared by both Gatineau, Quebec and Ottawa, Ontario, has al-

ways been a popular retirement location for law enforcement personnel, not to mention the heavier than

normal police presence in the region. Advertising for new IPA members and the promotion of this unique

association is in the works and it would not be surprising to reach 100 members by this time next year.

For those new to the IPA, or those who are considering joining it, I can say without hesitation that it is a

special organization, which is focused on friendship, while maintaining impartiality from law enforcement

organizations. Opportunities for travel and camaraderie, which often includes spous-

es, are very many. With instant communications and more than 400,000 IPA mem-

bers in 63 countries, assistance is never far away to also help those in need while


Jacques Brunelle is a serving police officer in the NCR for almost 30 years and has been a

member of the IPA for 25 years.

House for Rent by IPA member in ITALY.

Associated partner of IPA Italia, Francesco Carbone, section of Agrigento/ Sicily, wants to invite IPA mem-

bers , who wish to come to Sicily to spend their holidays. His

house is available for rent. "MY HOUSE IN SICILY IS RESERVED


The house is authorized by the italian national secretariat 7/2012

and published in the website:




[email protected] Mob. Phone: +39 338 8699606

Exclusively rented to IPA Members only.

July and August: 50.00 Euro for the entire apartment up to 4 people, incl. costs. All other month: 40.00

Euro for the entire apartment up to 4 people, incl. costs.

Member Francesco Carbone has his apartment available in the centre of Potro Emped-

ocle (Agrigento). The apartment consists of a fully furnished kitchen, complete with all accessories,

an air-conditioned double-bed bedroom, a two single-bed bedroom, a bathroom (with shower and

washing machine) and a living room.

The house has all the comforts; all rooms have TV, ceiling fans and air-conditioner. It is situated

close to the famous Turkish Stairs, a white limestone cliff sit-

uated along the seacoast.

Servo Per Amikeco

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20th MAY – 31st MAY 2016

15th Anniversary of the Monteregie Region (Region 15) in 2016

Including visits to Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec City



20 MAI – 31 MAI 2016

15e anniversaire de la région de la Montérégie (région 15) en 2016

Y compris visites à Montréal, Toronto, Ottawa et Québec

For all Booking forms / Enquiries please contact:

Formulaire d'inscription / questions Veuillez contacter


Mr. Christian Parent, President IPA MONTEREGIE

[email protected]

Registration deadline : December 20, 2015 Date limite d'inscription : 20 décembre 2015

Please visit the website for additional information / Veuillez visiter le site web pour plus


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VP West traveling East

During our visit in October 2015 to our son

and his family, we were invited by the presi-

dent of Region 6, Len MacPherson, to meet

for coffee, somewhere inside his region.

Len suggested and was willing to drive from

Ottawa to Kemptville (close to the center of

Region 6) to meet us, so after dropping off

our grandson at the school nearby, Ria, our

son Marcel and I had a positive conversation

and a great cup of coffee with Len and Pat


For the next day we planned a visit to Region

15, where the three of us enjoyed a nice lunch

at the Casa Greque in Brossard with several

members of the Monteregie region. We were

surprised that even one of our region 7 friends

took time out to visit…….

We enjoyed this great lunch and all said good

bye with the promise to meet again next May.

Later that afternoon we had the pleasure to

meet for coffee with our good friend ,

Gilles THÉBERGE, president of Region 7.

After a nice conversation with Gilles we re-

turned home that afternoon; just in time to

encounter a nasty thunderstorm after a perfect


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Left to right: Len MacPherson, Ria Bos, Barry Bos

and Pat MacPherson

Enjoying Lunch in Brossard with Region 15 mem-

bers (including 1 member from Region 7)

Left to right: Claudia Couture and Ria Bos

Left to right: Gilles Theberge

and Barry Bos

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IYG Spain 2015!

“A multicultural journey without borders”

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The International Youth Gathering in Spain was an

amazing experience.

We travalled to Catalunya, Euskadi, Galicia, Castillia y

Leon, Madrid and Aragon.

Kayaking, rock climbing, a bike tour of Barcelona and

days on the beach were all part of the busy itinerary.

As well, we learned about Spain’s rich and interesting

history through many walking tours of various cities and

churches, including San Sebastian, Bilbao, Madrid and

the Sagrada Familia.

There were some days we had to wake up at 5am to

travel to our next destination after staying up late, but

the unique bonds we forged made it all worth while.

Some of the highlights for me were renting a paddle-

boat when we went to the beach, a walking tour of

Madrid and exploring the hostels and residences that

we stayed at.

Everyone on this tour was very kind and welcoming.

I made a lot of friends from places around the world

and memories that I’ll keep forever!

Thank you to the IPA for the opportunity to go on this

unique trip!

Claire Zurawell

Region 5

IPA Canada

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A travel note from our president….

On October 5th, I visited IPA Greece HQ in Athens to convey

IPA Canada's best wishes for their 50th anniversary within the

IPA family. Met with President Ioannis Karapatakis (see photo)

and some members of his executive. Section Greece has over

10,000 members and is very proactive. Long life to Section

Greece. Kali Tyhi!

Le 5 octobre, je visitais le QG de la Section grecque à Athènes

pour leur transmettre nos bons souhaits pour un 50ième anni-

versaire au sein de la famille IPA. J'y ai rencontré le président

Ioannis Karapatakis (voir la photo) et quelques membres de son

exécutif. La Section héllinique est très proactive et compte plus

de 10,000 membres. Longue vie à la Section grecque. Kali Tyhi!

Denis Nadeau

Président national

IPA Canada

Results of Region 9 AGM elections

IPA Region 9 held its Annual General Meeting on 17th Oct, 2015 from 10am to 12noon in Honour House,

509 St George St, New Westminster, BC. ( ).

The Executive and Board were elected by acclamation, there being none

challenging the incumbents.

They are:

President: Jack Rae

Vice-President: Karen Frost

Secretary: Karen Frost

Treasurer: Jack Rae

Travel Coordinator: Larry Yip

Supplies: James Tong

Membership: Jack Rae

RCMP Liaison: Ron Budd

Director Upper Fraser Valley: James Tong

Director Interior South: Dan Willis

Director Interior North: Dale Marino

Honour House operates on contributions and volunteers and is available free of charge to families and

members of the military, police, firefighters, all first responders. It was moved, seconded and approved by

all present that Region 9 donate $500.00 to Honour House.

A cheque was presented following the meeting.

Jack RAE

President Region 9

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National and International Poetry Competition

Compétition nationale et internationale de poésie

In mid October 2014, it was learned that I.P.A. International was going to run an International Poetry


From this, Region 2 President, Mr. Chris Barratt decided to hold a National poetry competition and the

winners would be entered into the International competition.

At the May 2015 AGM, it was announced that first place went to Steve Gibson of Region 9 and the runner-

up was John Luckanuck of Region 10. (see summer issue of our National newsletter)

Both of our winners were then entered into the International Competition through the International Cul-

tural Commission.

At this year’s IPA World Congress held in Cyprus in October, the International winners were announced.

Our National President, Denis Nadeau, was presented with a certificate to honour Steve Gibson’s 3rd place

finish in the ‘Traditional Style’ category with his poem entitled ‘Once’.

Congratulations Steve!! (see poem attached) and thank you to John for participating.

À la mi-octobre 2014, nous apprenions qu’IPA

International ouvrait une compétition de poésie

à tous les membres de toutes les Sections de


Le président de la Région 2, M. Chris Barratt,

décida alors d’organiser une telle compétition

au niveau canadien d’où les gagnants seraient

inscrits au niveau international. En mai 2015,

lors de notre AGA, les gagnants furent annon-

cés, M. Steve Gibson de la R9 en première

place et John Luckanuck de la R-10 en deu-

xième (voir le bulletin national de cet été). Les

deux furent ensuite inscrits à auprès de la Com-

mission culturelle internationale pour leur com-


Les gagnants furent annoncés au congrès mon-

dial de Chypre en octobre et notre président

Denis Nadeau a reçu le certificat honorant

Steve Gibson de la R-9 pour son poème

‘ONCE’ qui a gagné une troisième place dans la

catégorie dite ‘traditionnelle’ (voir poème ci-

bàs). Félicitations à Steve et merci à John pour

sa participation.

Larry Sheppard

Secretary general/secrétaire général

IPA Canada

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Once I stood where you stand now

I wore the uniform you wear now

Once I walked the lonely beat

In the rain and in the heat

Once I held the torch in my hand

To fight the darkness in our land

And since I am no longer here

It is up to you to fight the fear

Fear of darkness and of crime

To keep us safe in this time

And now this torch I pass to you

Fight the darkness is what you must do

Although my body may be gone

Inside of you my spirit lives on

Beside you when you walk the beat

In the rain and in the heat

Once I stood where you stand now

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Site commémoratif des policiers et agents de la paix à Ottawa C’est le 22 mars 1994, en compagnie de plus de 700 officiers de police et de membres de leur famille, que

le Premier ministre Jean Chrétien a inauguré le

Pavillon commémoratif de la police du Canada à

la mémoire des officiers morts dans l’exercice

de leurs fonctions sur la colline parlementaire à

Ottawa. L’Association canadienne de police

(ACP) et l’Association canadienne des Chefs de

police (ACCP) dont dédié ce Pavillon à leur mé-

moire, et sur la pierre de granit, sont gravé les

noms des officiers tués dans l’exercice de leurs


Le 24 septembre 1998, le gouvernement du Ca-

nada proclamait officiellement que le dernier

dimanche de septembre de chaque année, serait

désormais reconnu comme Jour national de la

Commémoration des policiers et agents de la

paix canadiens. En annonçant la célébration, le

Solliciteur général du Canada déclara : « Cette journée commémorative nationale donne chaque année aux

Canadiens et Canadiennes l'occasion de témoigner officiellement leur reconnaissance pour le dévouement

des policiers, des policières et agents de la paix qui font le sacrifice de leur vie pour maintenir la sécurité

des collectivités. »

Le service commémoratif est un dernier tribut honorant le sacrifice de ces braves hommes et femmes

morts en devoir. Il nous rappelle que « Ils sont nos héros. On ne les oubliera jamais. »

Historique du mémorial Le meurtre, à Ottawa, du jeune constable David Kirkwoood, le 11 juillet 1977 fut l’élément déclencheur

qui a donné lieu à la reconnaissance nationale des officiers et agents de la paix qui ont laissé leur vie dans le

cours de leurs fonctions. Et c’est sur la Colline Parlementaire que l’hommage leur serait désormais rendu.

Depuis, ce service a évolué pour inclure tous les membres de la grande famille des policiers et agents de la

paix. Et, de manière rétroactive depuis 1995, on y retrouve tous les noms de ceux et celles qui ont perdu

la vie alors qu’au début on n’y retrouvait que ceux des policiers et agents des services correctionnels.

Lors de la cérémonie de 1984, un livre commémoratif fut introduit par le bureau du Solliciteur général et

l’Association canadienne des Chefs de police.

Lorsque la pierre de granit fut initialement dévoilée il y avait le nom de 227 officiers de police tués en de-

voir depuis 1879. À l’automne 1994, deux autres pierres ont été érigées -- l’une est consacrée aux agents

de la paix morts dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions et accueille les noms d’agents d’autres forces de l’ordre

du Canada, tués dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions au sein de certains organismes canadiens, nommément

les Services correctionnels, les Ressources naturelles, Douanes et Accises, Pêches et Océans

(Conservation et Protection) -- et l’autre explique l’historique du Pavillon.

Depuis la mise en place de la cérémonie en 1977, les noms de plus de 850 policiers et agents de la paix

sont inscrits au Tableau d’honneur, le long du mur de périmètre de la Colline du Parlement donnant sur la

rivière des Outaouais et la Cour suprême du Canada.

The Police Memorial in Ottawa. On March 22, 1994, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien joined the more than 700 police officers and relatives of

slain officers to inaugurate the new Memorial site behind the Parliament buildings. The Canadian Police As-

sociation (CPA) and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) dedicated the new Canadian Po-

lice Memorial Pavilion, and the granite stone at the base of the pavilion that displays the names of officers

killed while on duty.

On September 24, 1998, the Government of Canada officially proclaimed the last Sunday of September of

every year as Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day.

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In announcing the commemorative day on Sep-

tember 27, 1998, the Solicitor general of Cana-

da stated that "A formal, national Memorial Day

gives Canadians an opportunity each year to

formally express appreciation for the dedication

of police and peace officers, who make the ulti-

mate, tragic sacrifice to keep communities safe."

The Canadian Police and Peace Officers' Memo-

rial Service is a lasting tribute to the sacrifice of

those brave men and women killed during the

performance of duty. As the Memorial reminds

us, "They are our heroes. We shall not

forget them."

History of the Memorial:

The murder of Ottawa rookie Cst. David Kirkwood, on July 11, 1977, launched a response that, today, has

become a nationally recognized ceremony, honouring police and peace officers killed in the line of duty.

The site selected for the ceremony was Parliament Hill.

Following that first ceremony, a number of features have become tradition and, at the same time, some

modifications to the event have occurred as well. The ceremony was expanded to honour other police

officers murdered in the line of duty and this criterion of inclusion was itself modified years later to include

all officers killed in the line of duty. This current criterion has been applied retroactively, and names of of-

ficers killed in the line of duty, from years gone by, are now being added to the Memorial stone. The origi-

nal ceremonies were limited to police and correctional officers killed but that criterion was expanded,

in 1995, to include all peace officers so that all areas of law enforcement are now included in one single


During the 1984 service in Ottawa, a Memorial book of remembrance for police and correctional officers

killed, while on duty, was introduced by the Office of the Solicitor General and the Canadian Association

of Chiefs of Police (CACP).

When the granite stone was unveiled in 1994, it

displayed the names of 227 police officers killed

in the line of duty since 1879. Two other stones

were also erected; one for peace officers who

died in the line of duty and another explaining the

pavilion's history. In 1995, the memorial honour

roll was expanded to include the names of slain

officers from other Canadian law enforcement

agencies, including, Ministry of Natural Re-

sources, Customs and Excise, Fisheries and

Oceans, and Conservation.

Since the establishment of the ceremony in 1977,

the names of more than 850 police officers and peace officers are enrolled in the table of honor, along the

perimeter wall of the Parliament Hill overlooking the Ottawa River and the Supreme Court of Canada.

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I'm a member of IPA France for 3 years. In march 2015, I contacted

my bureau of the delegation IPA Val de Marne 94 in order to get in

touch with IPA members in West Canada. This was how I corre-

sponded with Mr Larry Yip and Constable Janine Ziani

from Vancouver.

On 2015, June 2nd, my husband and I, both French Constables, were

warmly welcomed by Mrs Ziani at Vancouver Police Station, 2120 Cambie Street.

She intoduced us to her Unit. We patrolled with her among the streets of Vancouver and, among other

things, attended at a project briefing concerning handicapped people assaults.

We exchanged with Vancouver Police Department Policemen information concerning our job in our two

countries. During the day, we met M. Adam Palmer, Deputy-Chief Constable of Vancouver Police Depart-

ment with whom we had an interview before he gave us a medal of the Police of Vancouver.

I would like to thank Val de Marne section of IPA and M. Larry Yip for their logistic assistance.

I thank Mrs Janine Ziani and her colleagues for their wonderful welcome and M. Adam Palmer to having

authorized us to patrol with Vancouver Policemen.

Visite à Vancouver de membres de l'IPA France (Juin 2015) Je suis un membre de l'IPA France depuis 3 ans. En mars 2015, je contacté mon bureau de la délégation

IPA Val de Marne afin d'entrer en contact avec les membres de l'IPA dans l'Ouest Canadien. Ce fut ainsi

que j’ai commencé à correspondre avec M. Larry Yip et le gendarme Janine Ziani de Vancouver.

Le 2 juin 2015, mon mari et moi, tous deux des gendarmes français, ont été chaleureusement accueillis

par Madame Ziani au poste de police de Vancouver situé au 2120, rue Cambie.

Elle nous a fait rencontrer le personnel de son unité. Nous sommes allé en patrouille avec elle dans les

rues de Vancouver et eu même l’occasion d’assisté à une séance d'information concernant les personnes

handicapées qui sont victimes d’agressions.

Nous avons échangé des informations avec les policiers du poste de police de Vancouver concernant la

nature de notre travail dans nos deux pays. Au cours de la journée, nous avons eu l’opportunité de ren-

contrer M. Adam Palmer, chef-adjoint de la police de Vancouver, avec qui nous avons eu un entretien

avant qu'il nous offre comme souvenir une médaille de la police de Vancouver.

Je tiens à remercier la section Val de Marne de l'IPA et M. Larry Yip pour leur aide logistique.

Je remercie également Madame Janine Ziani et ses collègues pour leur accueil et M. Adam Palmer de nous

avoir donné la permission de patrouiller avec des policiers de Vancouver.

Elodie Bonnet,

IPA Paris, France

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Elodie (L) and Janine patrolled in Vancouver’s False Creek Adam Palmer, Elodie Bonnet Xavier Delvincourt,

and Janine Ziani.

Member IPA France visiting Region 9

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International Police Association

Canadian Section

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Truro Police Department

Town of Truro

695 Prince Street

Truro, N.S.

B2N 1G5

Dear Chief Dave MacNeil,

The members of Region 16 of the International Police Association (IPA) wish to express our pro-

found sympathies for your community’s loss of Cst. Campbell. This is truly a shocking and tragic

story that has us all following developments closely.

At times like this, the law enforcement community come together to provide comfort and sup-

port. This is because we are a family, and that is what families do.

In the coming days, there will be many challenges for you and your team, both on professional and

personal levels. In the spirit of family, some of our members have expressed a desire to help out

in whatever capacity that we can. Many of our members are retired police officers and can volun-

teer their services if you can identify roles that we can fill.

If the Town of Truro is planning a reception for the public to attend, we can identify members of

the IPA R16 who would be willing to assist as volunteer ushers, or drivers, whatever need that

you can identify.

Do not hesitate to reach out to your IPA colleagues, and we will make arrangements to travel to

Truro to lend a hand.

Please pass on our deepest condolences to Cst. Campbell’s family, friends and colleagues in Tru-


In Friendship,

Bernie Bergevin


I.P.A. Canada – Atlantic Region

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The Dog Days of Summer on Vancouver Island We get a lot of IPA visitors here on Vancouver Island and it is our pleasure to “put on the dog” for them.

We know from experience that the door swings both ways, and that we in turn will be welcomed with open

arms by our IPA colleagues around the world. But even if we never leave the Island, we enjoy meeting new

friends and showing off the City of Victoria and the attractions of the surrounding area. Our Travel VP, Bill

Rothery and his wife Marg are so welcoming to our guests, it’s a surprise when they leave!

Bill makes sure our visitors know in advance about Discount Car Rental and the four local hotels with which

we have arranged preferred rates for IPA members. He will often pick them up from the airport or the fer-

ry and bring them into town. On other occasions, he and Marg will take our IPA visitors to the Butchart

Gardens, where he arranges discounted admission for them and accompanies them on their tour of this

world-famous attraction.

Often, we will take folks for breakfast at the dining room in the provincial legislative buildings. Our guests

are very impressed with this venue, and well they should be, given the historically significant building that it is.

The fact that the BC Government’s elected representatives may be in attendance does not seem to deter


September was interesting and fun in that we hosted IPA visitors from Section Germany for breakfast and

then a week later hosted a couple from Section Belgium for dinner.

Marius and Erna Hess enjoyed breakfast with 15 R13 members and had the added pleasure of celebrating Bill

Rothery’s birthday with a piece of cake and a round of ‘Happy Birthday.” The Hesses were hosted by R13

member Hans-Gunter Bergen and his wife Renate at their home. Hans-Gunter and Renate even learned

German to ensure their guests would feel more at home.

Then we had the unusual pleasure of hosting Peter and Katrien DeBacker from Belgium. They declined

breakfast at the legislature and insisted they would cook for us! On September 25, they arrived at Kevin &

Kathy Worth’s house with armloads of groceries and Belgian beer.

They spent two hours in Kathy’s kitchen preparing a delectable Belgian dish of meatballs with two different

sauces – one savoury, the other sweet. Seventeen grateful R13 members wolfed this down (politely, to be

sure), then waited patiently for dessert. Peter and Katrien prepared a delicious dish of crepes, stuffed with

apple, raisin, cinnamon and ice cream for each of their guests, then started doing the dishes!

After prying them away from the sink, they sat and continued a nice chat with various R13 members, who

also enjoyed each other’s company on this splendid occasion. And splendid it was, as Peter and Katrien had

just been married two weeks before. This was their honeymoon trip.

Peter is a dog-handler in Belgium, a country he described as half the size of Vancouver Island with a popula-

tion of nine million. Vancouver Island is slightly less populated with 760,000.

Bill Rothery had arranged with R13 member and Victoria PD Sgt. Derek Tolmie for Peter and Katrien to

spend the day with local dog-handler Calvin Ewer. Cst. Ewer worked his dog Bondo, and he and Peter dis-

cussed respective training and deployment practices. Peter was grateful for this introduction and opportuni-

ty and described the day as very enjoyable and instructive.

So, when we say R13 likes to “put on the dog” for its IPA visitors, we mean it!

What a pleasure it is to be a part of this worldwide fraternal organization, where The Golden Rule is not just

an ideal, but a practice.

R13 Vancouver Island has 67 members, the majority of whom are retired. The connection to

working members is proving to be an important, though challenging aspect to IPA membership.

Kevin Worth

President – R13

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New IPA Canada website coming soon.

At the last AGM held in Niagara Falls, Region 16 accepted

the challenge of building a revamped website for IPA Cana-

da. Today’s website‘ builders’ are a breeze to master and

we did not see the need to hire a web design company to

build an improved website and have them update the site

on a weekly basis. Region 16 is fortunate enough to have Gerry Lamkin, a retired officer who worked

with the National Child Exploitation Center - Undercover Section and Victim Identification unit where he

was involved in IT work and learned how to design /publish websites, ethical hacking to gain intelligence

and evidence from illegal on-line. Gerry graciously volunteered to take on the role of building our new

website and become our new IPA National Webmaster.

In consultation with NEB, we have purchased the domain name and will be using it as

our new website address. We are currently using to build our new website as it is one of the

most established website builders on the Internet, and is among the market leaders. It is easy to use, of-

fers many interesting features and one desirable aspect of their software is that it will automatically create

a mobile-friendly version of our site. This application permits visitors who browse our pages from

smartphones or tablets the ability to easily view our content.

In recent weeks, Gerry has given a lot of his time building the site. Members of NEC and NEB have had an

opportunity to see the draft design of our new site. They are providing regular feedback and suggestions

on how to make it very attractive to IPA members from around the world. We are doing everything pos-

sible to make sure that all qualified law enforcement personnel become attracted to the IPA through our

new website.

We hope to be able to launch the new site by December 1st, 2015 and want to thank Gerry Lamkin for all

of his work thus far. Stay tuned for more information on this initiative.

Nouveau site web d’IPA Canada à venir ! Lors de la dernière assemblée générale annuelle tenue à Niagara Falls, la Région 16 a accepté de relever le

défi de concevoir un nouveau site Web pour IPA Canada. Créer un site web aujourd'hui, est presqu’un

jeu d'enfant à maîtriser et nous ne voyons pas la nécessité d'embaucher une entreprise de conception de

sites Web pour construire un nouveau site et pour faire les mises à jour sur une base hebdomadaire. La

région 16 est assez chanceuse d’avoir une personne comme Gerry Lamkin, un officier à la retraite qui a

travaillé avec l’unité d’agent double du Centre National sur l'exploitation des enfants ainsi qu’au sein de

l'unité d'identification des victimes, où il a été impliqué dans le milieu de l'informatique et a appris comment

concevoir / publier des sites web, le piratage éthique pour obtenir des renseignements et preuves. Gerry

s’est gracieusement porté volontaire pour assumer le rôle de la construction de notre nouveau site Web

et de devenir le nouveau Webmaster du site d’IPA Canada.

En consultation avec le CEN, nous avons acheté le nom de domaine et allons l'utiliser

comme notre nouvelle adresse de site Web d’IPA Canada. Nous utilisons actuellement pour

construire notre nouveau site puisque qu’il s’agit de l'un des constructeurs de site Web les plus établies sur

l'Internet, et figure parmi les leaders du marché. Il est facile à utiliser, offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités

intéressantes et un aspect attirant de leur logiciel est qu'il va automatiquement créer une version mobile

conviviale de notre site. Cette application permettra aux visiteurs de naviguer sur notre site à partir de

téléphone intelligents ou tablettes et leur offrira la possibilité de consulter facilement notre contenu.

Au cours des dernières semaines, Gerry a donné beaucoup de son temps à la construction du site. Les

membres du CEN et l'BND ont déjà eu l'occasion de voir le projet de conception de notre nouveau site.

Ils ont fourni leurs commentaires et suggestions sur une base régulière sur la façon de le rendre très at-

trayant pour les membres de l'IPA à travers le monde. Nous faisons tout notre possible pour assurer que

tous ceux qui travaillent dans le milieu de l’application de la loi soient attiré par l'IPA à tra-

vers notre nouveau site.

Bernie Bergevin - Region 16

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IPA Travel experience to the United Kingdom

In the spring of this year I retired from the RCMP after 35 plus

years. To celebrate, Cate, my bride of 32 years and I planned

to celebrate the new chapter of our lives by travelling to the

United Kingdom to take in several matches at the Rugby

World Cup.

Many months in advance I attempted to secure lodgings in Car-

diff, Wales where we had secured tickets for two match-

es. We very quickly discovered that commercial accommoda-

tions were either completely booked or that the rates offered

were simply out of our budgetary reach.

By happenstance I had the name of IPA Region

4, Wales Secretary Denis Hunt and reached out to him to

seek guidance on where we might find commercial accommo-

dations within commuting distance to Millennium Stadium in

Cardiff. In very short order Denis replied that his home was

open to us and we would be most welcome to stay with him

for the weekend in question. After some friendly but unsuc-

cessful negotiations on our part, we gratefully accepted his kind


On September 18th Denis met us at the train station and gave us a brief tour enroute to his residence on

the outskirts of Cardiff. That evening we dined at a very nice and “police-friendly” Italian restaurant

where we were met by fellow IPA members Paul and Liz Waters and Ken and Suzie Davies.

At the conclusion of a lovely meal which included great story telling and toastings of ones health, several

very nice gifts were presented to us, including a Welsh music CD,

a lovely police themed IPA commissioned print, an IPA Wales

pennant and other very nice keepsakes.

The following day we attended a Canada versus Ireland match at

Millennium Stadium which is a magnificent venue for Rugby which

of course is a pass time the Welsh absolutely live for. That even-

ing we enjoyed a tasting of several excellent Welsh whiskies and

Denis shared a number of interesting tales about his career in

England and Wales. We also were introduced to some lovely

Welsh musical entertainment.

The following day Denis was our quest at Millennium Stadium as

we watched the Welsh side “school" the outclassed Uruguayans

in a lopsided but entertaining win before 62000 predominately

Welsh supporters The Welsh national anthem as sung by thou-

sands of patriotic fans was an exciting moment indeed. That

evening Denis continued our cultural education by bringing us to

a rural Welsh pub where we sampled lovely fare and sampled

several traditional ales.

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With a British Bobby….

Cardiff Castle-

England missed the conversion kick

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Our weekend in Wales concluded as we joined a

group of Welsh IPA members in a coach ride to Lon-

don where we were given a private guided tour of the

Houses of Parliament. So while the security measures

at this historic landmark were significant, they were

not problematic and it was reassuring to see the the

British pride in their institutions was not to be com-

promised by the ever present threat of a terrorist or

some other thereat. The stories and the history of

this seat of British rule was both interesting and

quite entertaining. We capped our tour off with tea

and snacks in the Parliament cafeteria and a group

photo of the Welsh IPA members and their very

fortunate guests.

In looking back on this weekend visit Cate and I continue to be both amazed and gratified at the kind-

ness and fellowship displayed by Denis, Paul, Ken and other members of Wales IPA Region 4. The kind-

ness and hospitality displayed certainly made us proud to be part of such a wonderful organization. We

were left with very fond memories and found new friends who I strongly suspect and hope we will meet


Submitted by Jack and Cate MacNeill

IPA Region13

France IPA member visits Canada /L'IPA Membre de la France en visite

au Canada

Philippe Bastie, IPA member and sergeant at

the National Police, Department of Immigra-

tion and Régine Bastie, his wife, from Tou-

louse, France were in Montreal from Sep-

tember 4 to 9. They were visiting

Shawinigan, St-Tite and La Mauricie National

Park from September 9 to 15, from the 15

to the 17, they were visiting Quebec City

and from September 17 to 21, they were at

Chicoutimi and from September 21 to 25,

they visited Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara

Falls. On September 9, they came to our

breakfast held at “Station des Sports”

Brossard where 12 members and 4 guests


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La LUPA Restaurant

Left to right: Liz, Cate, Susie, Ken, Jack, Denis and Paul

IPA South Wales Branch, Section UK

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Philippe Bastie, membre IPA et sergent à la police nationale, département de l’Immigration et de Régine

Bastie, son épouse, de Toulouse, France étaient à Montréal du 4 au 9 septembre. Ils ont visité Shawinigan,

St-Tite et le parc de la Mauricie du 9 au 15 septembre, du 15 au 17 ils ont visité Québec et du 17 au 21

septembre ils étaient à Chicoutimi et du 21 au 25 septembre ils ont visité Ottawa, Toronto et Niagara

Falls. Le 9 septembre, ils sont venus à notre petit-déjeuner amical tenu à la Station des Sport, Brossard où

12 membres IPA et 4 invités ont participé.

RCMP Memorial in Regina Sunday, September 13, 2015

Two more names have been inscribed on the Cenotaph, Honour Roll and Memorial

Wall Plaques following the annual RCMP National Memorial Service on Sunday.

Veterans, dignitaries, cadets and RCMP members from across the country gathered at

the RCMP Academy Depot Division to honour those who have fallen in the line of duty.

Corporal George Ronald Hawkins and Constable David Matthew Wynn are the two Mounties whose

names were added at the ceremony. According

to a press release, the numbers of fallen members

now total 236 since the creation of the North-

West Mounted Police in 1873.

Corporal Hawkins served from January 4th, 1957

until June 6th, 1968 and Constable Wynn served

from July 20th, 2009 until January 21st, 2015.

Wynn died from a gunshot would he suffered

while attempting to apprehend a suspect in a sto-

len vehicle investigation in St. Albert, Alta., in Jan-


Hawkins died in 1968 from encephalitis related to a tick bite he suffered while on duty.

He was tracking a suspect in the Turtle Mountains in southwestern Manitoba at the time.

“As we take the time to remember those memorialized on the wall, also remember that what you do eve-

ry day in the field or in the office in service to Canadians honours the uniform and the country these he-

roes died for. Every time you take a criminal off the streets, every time you help a child, every time you

help someone feel safe in their home, you honour these heroes," RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson said in

a press release.

The annual ceremony dates back to the mid-1930s when RCMP members would gather in Depot’s Sleigh

Square every second Sunday in September to honour fallen members.

Fallen police officers honoured at Parliament Hill memorial service

300 officers ran from Toronto to Ottawa for the service

Four officers who died in the line of duty this year were honoured at the annual Canadian Police And

Peace Officers' Memorial on Parliament Hill on Sunday,September 27, 2015.

Close to 300 officers spent three days running from Toronto to Ottawa for the event.

Of those, 11 were from the Ottawa Police Service.

One of the officers being remembered Sunday is Const. David Wynn. He was shot in the head during a

routine license checking operation in January. (RCMP )

Among those in the crowd was Erin Ochakovsky, who lost her husband in 2010. He was a constable with

the Peel Regional Police.

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"We have given the ultimate sacrifice, the sur-

vivors live the ultimate sacrifice," she said.

Ochakovsky says the ceremony helps families

of the deceased officers cope with their loss.

"It lets you know that you're still a part of the

police family. They have each other's backs

and they have the family's back, whether the

officer is deceased or not. "

Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau says

security was bolstered for the event after the

Parliament Hill shooting in October 2014.

"Because of the events of last year, it was im-

portant for us to ensure that the safety and security of all our people, the community and our members,

was assured.

We worked closely with the RCMP and the Ontario Provincial Police just to add another layer of security,"

he said.

The National Peace Officer’s Memorial Run was estab-

lished in 2005 when the Peel Regional Policerunning

team, The Pacers, decided to raise awareness of the

annual Police and Peace Officer’s Memorial Service held

annually on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The running team

wanted to create a way of raising awareness of the an-

nual service and at the same time pay tribute to those

officers who had so valiantly given their lives in service

of their Community and Country. (Submitted by CBC).

Police Cadet Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremonies of the 2015 Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) and Canadian Pacific Police

Service (CPPS) Cadet Training program took place on Friday, August 28, 2015 in the Esplanade Arts and

Heritage Centre, in Medicine Hat, Alta.

Nineteen cadets graduated from the 17-week training program, including 11 MHPS cadets and eight CPPS

recruits, all of whom met or exceeded provincial standards in the areas of police recruit training. The ca-

dets also received academic accreditation through Lethbridge College for the knowledge and skills they

have acquired through this

competency-based education-

al program.

The training program is the

first of its kind in Alberta and

is the result of a collaborative

partnership between the

MHPS, CPPS and Lethbridge

College. The training program

is unique as although a tradi-

tional classroom environment

played an important role,

much of the learning and as-

sessment took place in real-

life settings throughout the


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In addition, the MHPS cadets enrolled in the program were required to successfully demonstrate the

knowledge and skills they acquired in training before being offered a policing position.

“As a college, we value the opportunity to partner with the MHPS and CPPS to train their officers and

contribute to their lifelong learning as we lead and transform police recruit training in Alberta,” said Leth-

bridge College’s Centre for Justice and Human Services Program Administrator Erica Cormack.

“It has been a great organizational learning experience from so many perspectives,” explained MHPS Chief

Andy McGrogan. “The high quality of recruits has made this innovative and collaborative approach to train-

ing such a pleasure. So many talented professionals have worked very hard to provide a learning experi-

ence that will prepare the cadets for the challenges that lay before them.”

“Our new recruits have been very fortunate to participate in this joint training opportunity with the MHPS

and Lethbridge College,” says CPPS Chief Ken Marchant. “Partnering with other police agencies and educa-

tional institutions provides the best overall training possible. I am confident these officers are now pre-

pared to meet the many demands and challenges they will face as they protect and serve throughout the

communities in which we operate.”

The CPPS recruits will be provided with additional training at their headquarters in Calgary specific to their

duties with the railway before reporting to various locations to take up their new roles. The MHPS will

engage in an evaluation and selection process which will see many of their cadets’ transition to positions as

front line officers in Medicine Hat.

Although the cadet model of recruit training is new, Lethbridge College has been delivering police recruit

training for more than 15 years, and is committed to meeting the needs of industry by helping them move

towards cost-effective and sustainable models of training.

From Hate to Hope march honoured slain Edmonton police officer

Sunday. August 2, 2015

An annual march against hate honoured Const. Daniel Woodall, murdered in June

while working for the Edmonton Police Service hate crimes unit.

This is fourth year From Hate to Hope has been held in Edmonton. Its founder, Chevi

Rabbit, created the campaign and event after being verbally and physically attacked in

2012 on the University of Alberta campus. He said the attack was motivated by preju-

dice against his sexuality. Rabbit was awarded the Hate Crimes Awareness Youth

Award by the Alberta Justice Minister in 2014.

That Sunday participants marched at 110th Street and 84th Avenue to Alberta’s legisla-

ture. The march was followed by several speeches.

Participants were asked to wear blue to honour Woodall. Donations were collected for The Pride Centre

of Edmonton.

Calgary Police Service mental health program drawing

international attention

The Calgary Police Service says its mental health program is

making a difference in reducing stigma and building resilien-

cy within the force, and has now attracted the attention of

law enforcement agencies from around the world.

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Representatives from Scotland, the Netherlands and California attended a symposium held in Calgary in late

September to learn about the service’s Road to Mental Readiness or R2MR program and are now looking to

adopt a similar initiative, after hearing about the successes within the city’s police force.

And the facilitators who brought R2MR to the Calgary Police Service — the first municipal police organiza-

tion in Canada to offer the program — are hop-

ing the program’s reach will continue to grow.

“There have been some life-altering cases and

game-changers for certain people,” said Kyle

Clapperton, manager of the health, safety and

wellness section at the Calgary Police Service.

“We’re seeing a reduction in stigma and an up-

tick in seeking resources early. That’s a great

positive of the program.”

City police first learned of the Department of

National Defence’s R2MR program, used by

members of the Canadian Armed Forces, in

2012, and started researching how they could

reconfigure the program to fit a law enforce-

ment context.

Sgt. Sergio Falzi, the Calgary Police Service’s

peer support co-ordinator at the time, and The-

resa Shaw, wellness co-ordinator, worked with

the Mental Health Commission of Canada and

Alberta Health Services to adapt R2MR as a

pilot project. The program was later adopted by

the police service in late 2014.

“What was really important for us was, the program needed to build resiliency and be taught at a peer level

so that it became something that really became rooted and grounded into the Calgary Police culture,” Clap-

perton said.

Andrew Szeto, a researcher and associate professor with the University of Calgary’s department of psychol-

ogy, said R2MR is geared toward stigma reduction, building resiliency, and teaching people to be more aware

of the state of their mental health.

Members are trained to use evidence-based skills, including positive self-talk, smart goal-setting, visualization,

and diaphragmatic breathing to help manage stress and increase performance. The skills are meant to be ap-

plied to work and personal life scenarios, he added.

“Obviously, policing is a stressful job. There are tragic events that happen, they have to deal with life or

death situations,” Szeto said. “But really, the program is an excellent resource that helps police members

increase their skills so they can deal with those stressors, the demands they experience in a policing environ-


Clapperton couldn’t give specific examples, but says the tools can help officers when they attend calls.

“They can visualize some of the possibilities that are going to occur in the call and think about how they can

respond to them. They can use diaphragmatic breathing to calm themselves, and be able to perform at a high

level. It’s about controlling arousal and being ready to perform at their best.”

Szeto said he’s also noticed, through focus groups and interviews, that members are accessing resources ear-

lier and more frequently.

To date, nearly 2,000 members of the Calgary Police Service — about three-quarters of the force — have

received the training, and more than 50 members have been coached to be peer trainers. The program is

part of regular training for new recruits, and facilitators are currently testing a family version of the program.

Overall, about 8,000 members within law enforcement agencies across Canada — including in Edmonton,

Vancouver, Quebec and the Maritimes — have received the training.

“We’re getting quite a bit of interest,” Szeto said. “We’re looking to further spread the program internation-


submitted by Clara Ho –Calgary Herald

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Kyle Clipperton with the Calgary Police health, safety and well-

ness section manager and Andrew Szeto, researcher and assis-

tant professor at the U of C talked about the mental health of

police in Calgary on Sept. 29, 2015.

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Victoria PD Unveils Hall of Honour

I’m approaching the 10th anniversary of my retirement from the Victoria Police De-

partment on November 30, 2005. I enjoyed a great career there and I’m grateful

for the many opportunities I was afforded during my service. One of these was

working on the Recognition Committee, which sought to identify extraordinary

service by sworn and non-sworn members of the department so that they could be

acknowledged for their work. There was after all, a very effective complaints pro-

cess in place, so the Recognition Committee provided some necessary balance.

So it was with great pleasure that I attended on September 29, 2015, the grand

opening of the Victoria Police Department Hall of Honour. A section of the lobby at police headquarters

was adorned with glass panels upon which were inscribed the names of award recipients and the dates the

awards were received. These included internal recognition, such as those originating with the Recognition

Committee, Provincial awards for meritorious and valourous service, and federal awards for courage and


Chief Constable Frank Elsner and Police Board Chair Barb Dejardins spoke about the importance of re-

membering and acknowledging the good work of police employees, who mostly toil away anonymously in

sometimes dangerous but always stressful circumstances. They noted the stakes are high in policing and

the people whose names were displayed in the Hall had demonstrated exceptional service in a variety of

ways. None more so than the five constables who, over the 158 year history of the department had given

their life in the line of duty.

A special panel on the wall was devoted to the memory of Constables Johnston Cochrane, shot in 1859;

John Curry, shot in 1864; Robert Forster in a traffic collision with his motorcycle in 1920; Albert Wells in

a Hit & Run crash with his motorcycle in 1927; and Earl Doyle in a traffic collision with his motorcycle in


I recognized the names of many of my former colleagues and recalled the reasons their names were there.

This one for dodging shotgun blasts while chasing on his motorcycle a shotgun-wielding bank robbery sus-

pect; that one for dragging a man to safety after a collision caused his car to burst into flames; the other

one for talking a suicidal man off the edge of a building, and many more.

It was gratifying to see the many awards for service to non-sworn staff. Former colleagues who worked in

Records, and in Communications. This one recognized a pattern in reports she read and resulted in the

arrest of suspects on more than one occasion, not an analyst – a data entry clerk. That one whose cool

911 demeanour calmed a hysterical caller and provided responding officers with necessary information that

kept them out danger. Others too – including civilian jail guards and crime prevention staff.

A big deal was made when these awards were presented. Presentations were made at the public sessions

of Police Board meetings. Recipients would often invite their families and get all dressed up. The Hall of

Honour ensures their service will continue to be recognized and will serve as an inspiration to current and

future employees of the Victoria Police Department.

R13 Vancouver Island counts among its 68 members several serving and retired members of the Victoria Police De-


Kevin Worth

Region 13

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Travel Experience from a Vancouver IPA member…...

"My young son and I travelled to Scotland this summer. We spent about a day and a half on either side of

the trip in the beautiful city of Halifax. I was a little startled at the high cost of taxi fare (we are blessed

with rapid transit in Vancouver to courier us to and from the airport for next to nothing). The cost

would have been close to $80 with a tip!

I had touched base with Richard (Rick) Irving my IPA contact in Halifax. I asked if he had time to drive us

to the airport and he did not hesitate. He walked us both into the airport and introduced us to a group of

his friends who were also travelling to Scotland.

Rick was extremely friendly and I really enjoyed chatting with him. He took down our flight information

and also picked us up on our way home. He gave us a brief tour of town and aided us in finding accom-


Thanks to Rick for the wonderful gifts he gave to my son; Ben. And for him taking time away from his

family to drive strangers to and from the airport."

Wendy Sinclair


Vancouver Police Department

Dear IPA friends,

I would like to introduce you German IPA friend Katrin MÜLBERGER. The membership number is D-

70.9676. She adheres to the branch Speyer which is located in the region Rhineland-Palatinate. Her

daughter Vivian SCHELL would be glad to make contact to daughters of IPA friends in the U.S.A., Austral-

ia, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Spain and Mexico.

Please kindly support her and contact her at [email protected]

Kind regards

Yours in friendship

Servo per Amikeco

Christa Hock

(German Section - Administrative Centre)


my name is Vivian Schell, I´m 16 years old and live in Speyer (Germany; Rheinland-

Pfalz). I am looking for

an exchange student in the age between 15 and 19 years. I´d like to chat with her,

with the aim of visiting each other.

I´m currently attending the eleventh class at the Edith-Stein institute.

In my free time I enjoy playing basketball, listening to music and going out with


If you are interested to have contact with me, please text me. ([email protected])

I would be glad to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Vivian Schell

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Wendy Sinclair

Co-Owner Eastside Fitness

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International Police Association USA Section


International Youth Gathering

Los Angeles - California from July16th - 30th.

Open to children or grandchildren of current IPA members in good

standing. Each IPA section (country) may send two (2) applicants with

the option of a third IF there are openings available.

Registration started August 1, 2015. Please note that we will not ac-

cept any registration forms before this date. The number of applicants is limited to 50 (two per

country/section) and will be on a first-come-first-served basis.


Participants must have reached their 16th birthday but not their 18th birthday on 17th July 2016

(Beginning of IYG 2016).

This event will be spoken entirely in English (there will not be interpreters).

The cost is $800.00 USD per participant inclusive of accommodation, meals, transport and all venues

within California. This price excludes air travel costs.

Participant must have travel/health insurance that covers sports activities.

A deposit of $250.00 USD should be paid to bank account or on-line prior to February 1,

2016. The balance of $550.00 USD is due March 24, 2016.

For application or information please contact:


Secr. General IPA Canada

BEFORE DECEMBER 31,2015 email: [email protected]

Please visit

Fall 2015 ARIZONA CONDO AVAILABILITY Newer 3 bedroom Condo for Rent in Mesa (Phoenix), Arizona.

Main floor unit Fully furnished

Community pool Single detached garage

Hot Tub & small gym Close to Golf Courses

Private BBQ & Patio Wireless Internet

November 22 - December 22 ……. $700/week


($75 US cleaning fee is extra) (Absolutely no smoking)

(Rental rates in Cad. Dollars)

Gerry Vercammen IPA Region 5 780-499-4958 [email protected]

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Image of the clubhouse

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Travel Information IPA Informations de Voyage P A G E 2 5

Updated and complete information regarding the following events is available at:

Mises à jour et des informations complètes concernant les événements suivants est disponible à

l'adresse suivante : or / ou:

National Travel Secretary : Harry SUMMERTON ([email protected])

National Travel Secretary Assistant: Guy BABIN ([email protected])

or by contacting your regional Travel Officer / ou en contactant votre Assistance Voyage Régionale.

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Please share your copy

of the IPA Canada newsletter with

friends and members of all

Law Enforcement Agencies.

Membership forms can be filled out through

the national website of I.P.A. Canada at:

Membership dues are $35.00 per year.

IPA Events Worldwide… IPA manifestations dans le monde

01-11-2015 - 06-11-2015, U.S.A. Alamo Texas , National Delegate Conference.

08-11-2015 - GREECE, Athens, 33rd Classic Marathon.

07-11-2015 - 08-11-2015 GERMANY, IPARC Contest

17-11-2015 - 20-11-2015, FRANCE, Paris North Villepinte, 19th World Exhibition of Internal State Security.

28-11-2015 - SPAIN, Barcelona , XV International Trader Show.

04-12-2015 - 06-12-2015, AUSTRIA, 27. IPA Krampuskranchen.

23-01-2016 - 30-01-2016, AUSTRIA, Nassfeld, AUSTRIA Skiweek 2016.

03-02-2016 - 09-02-2016, GERMANY, Cologne, 49th IPA Carnival

03-04-2016 - 10-04-2016, USA, IPA Trip Pacific Northwest and California.

10-04-2016 - 18-04-2016, USA, IPA Trip, Train, Wineries and Treasurers of Northern California.

20-05-2016 - 31-05-2016, CANADA, IPA Friendship Week 2016

23-05-2016 - 29-05-2016, ITALY, Chianciano Therme, 40th Anniversary of IPA Toscana Est.

09-06-2016 - 12-06-2016, AUSTRIA, Ellmau, 40 Years Verbindungsstelle Worgl-Kufstein-Kitzbuhel

11-06-2016 - 19-06-2016, SPAIN, Huelva, VI European Police and Fire Games.

01-09-2016 - 04-09-2016, SPAIN, Salou, Taragona, Xiii 7-aside Football championship for Police

IPA Facebook Sites



Region 1

Region 2


Region 3

Region 15

Region 16

Please forward submissions for the IPA Canada newsletter

before January 25th, 2016 in MS Word format

to the editor: [email protected]

Till next and enjoy, Servo Per Amikeco

Barry Bos