Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with...

6 605-337-3881 [email protected] T RINITY L UTHERAN C HURCH From the Desk of the Pastor accuser dilemma! In fact “all” of the recipients of the miracles we read in the Bible, faced the exact same dilemma we are discussing right here! Their needs were all bigger than their abilities! They all needed God to step into their situation and come through for them, didn’t they? If we want to receive the full benefit and blessing of what God wants to do in our lives! By faith, we must follow His instructions and wait or rest for His perfect timing of deliverance! To keep the faith, keep believing, resting in His most capable hands until God provides! When we do that, God is duty bound and held accountable to accomplish what we ask by His Word, which never fails! Otherwise if we do not, we end up settling for less than we deserve, called mediocrity! Mediocrity is easy...Normal is easy! Resting in the easiness of Gods instruction is not easy! Because our human nature wants to impose degrees of difficulty, self-effort continually thinks its labor can bring to the table! Here is what God thinks and I am inclined as you should be also to think! We deserve so much better than what we can bring to the table! With man, nothing is possible! With God, all things are Possible! Walk by Faith and not by sight, Trust God! - Pastor Ron (772) 480-7042 cell (605) 337-3294 parsonage May 2020 Newsletter Interim Pastor Ron Hughes 500 S Pennsylvania Ave PO Box 427 Platte, SD 57369 I came upon a great post on Facebook the other Day. So true, that I actually asked Wendy to put it in the bulletin. I do not know if you had the time to notice or read it but it went something like: “Faith does not always take you out of the problem; Faith takes you through the problem. Faith does not always take away the pain; Faith gives you the ability to handle the pain. Faith does not always take you out of the storm; Faith calms you in the midst of the storm.” We as Christians have said for a long time that we walk by Faith and not by Sight, and now this is the time for us to put our faith into action. We must continue to trust our God that He will deliver us through this difficult time Philippians 4:6, 7 do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and do not forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus. 100% of the time resting in someone else’s abilities is hard to do! Because Warriors, want to do something valiant! Singers want to sing a song the whole world will want to sing! Composers want to write the score for something so compelling every musician will long to play their work! Everyone wants to do something! We are not alone in both this self-imposed, and continually reminded Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

Transcript of Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with...

Page 1: Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with Monte Wagner at Bank of the West to start the process of applying for an SBA PPP loan,

lllllkhhjkhbgjhgvhyfjhnnnnnnnguuyu7uuuuuuuuuu 605-337-3881

[email protected]


From the Desk of the Pastor

accuser dilemma! In fact “all” of the recipients of the miracles we read in the Bible, faced the exact same dilemma we are discussing right here!

Their needs were all bigger than their abilities! They all needed God to step into their situation and come through for them, didn’t they? If we want to receive the full benefit and blessing of what God wants to do in our lives! By faith, we must follow His instructions and wait or rest for His perfect timing of deliverance! To keep the faith, keep believing, resting in His most capable hands until

God provides! When we do that, God is duty bound and held accountable to accomplish what we ask by His Word, which never fails! Otherwise if we do not, we end up settling for less than we deserve, called mediocrity! Mediocrity is easy...Normal is easy! Resting in the easiness of Gods instruction is not easy! Because our human nature wants to impose degrees of difficulty, self-effort continually thinks its labor can bring to the table!

Here is what God thinks and I am inclined as you should be also to think! We deserve so much better than what we can bring to the table! With man, nothing is possible! With God, all things are Possible! Walk by Faith and not by sight, Trust God! - Pastor Ron

(772) 480-7042 cell

(605) 337-3294 parsonage

May 2020 Newsletter

Interim Pastor Ron Hughes

500 S Pennsylvania Ave PO Box 427 Platte, SD 57369

I came upon a great post on Facebook the other Day. So true, that I actually asked Wendy to put it in the bulletin. I do not know if you had the time to notice or read it but it went something like: “Faith does not always take you out of the problem; Faith takes you through the problem. Faith does not always take away the pain; Faith gives you the ability to handle the pain. Faith does not always take you out of the storm; Faith calms you in the midst of the storm.” We as Christians have said for a long time that we walk by Faith and not by Sight, and now this is the time for us to put our faith into action. We must continue to trust our God that He will deliver us through this difficult time Philippians 4:6, 7 do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and do not forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.

His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus. 100% of the time resting in someone else’s abilities is hard to do! Because Warriors, want to do something valiant! Singers want to sing a song the whole world will want to sing! Composers want to write the score for something so compelling every musician will long to play their work! Everyone wants to do something! We are not alone in both this self-imposed, and continually reminded

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

Page 2: Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with Monte Wagner at Bank of the West to start the process of applying for an SBA PPP loan,

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Trinity Lutheran Church May 2020 Newsletter

Trinity Lutheran Church Council met Monday, April 6, 2020.

Present: Jerry Dykstra, Jeff Engebretson, Tonya Standy, Randy Tegethoff, Shirley Johnson, Lee Hanten,

Mike Konechne, Spencer DeHaan and Pastor Ron Hughes.

The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Dykstra. Pastor Ron led with devotions.


The secretary’s report was reviewed, Lee Hanten made a motion to approve, Jeff Engebretson seconded it,

the motion carried.


The treasurer’s report was reviewed, Lee Hanten made a motion to approve, Mike Konechne seconded it,

the motion carried.


The deacon’s have been sending out cards and dropping off bulletins.


SEARCH COMMITTEE: Jeff updated, we are just waiting until things get back to normal and Pastor Tom is

able to make it to Platte.


We discussed Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Tonya made a motion that Randy

Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with Monte Wagner at Bank of the West to start the process of applying

for an SBA PPP loan, Mike Konechne seconded it, the motion carried.

Randy Tegethoff and Spencer DeHaan will look into replacing one of the sump pumps that isn’t working.

Lee will take care of getting the garage door opener fixed at the parsonage.

We will continue live streaming church services until further notice. We have been receiving some offering

by mail.


We will be having Easter Sunday services in the parking lot; we will drive in, pick up our bulletin and

communion and drop off offering and will be able to tune our radio to a station that will have the church

service on it.

Jeff Engebretson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Lee Hanten seconded it.

We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Tonya Standy

Church Council Minutes

Page 3: Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with Monte Wagner at Bank of the West to start the process of applying for an SBA PPP loan,

Page 3 May 2020 Newsletter Trinity Lutheran Church

Balance on Hand February 22, 2020 $ 4,320.56

Dividend $ 0.17

Bible Study Offering $ 70.00

Cheri Antonsen - Sr. Tea Supplies $ (227.98)

1517 Media – Christ in Our Home $ (74.55)

Balance on Hand April 10, 2020 $ 4,088.20

From the WOW Co-Presidents


As the coronavirus spreads – many things are changing around the world. How should a Christian respond to all this change? Christianity does not go on hiatus. Day-to-day life may change in a million ways, but Christians don’t get to stop being Christians just because they live in stressful times. In fact, the very core of your Christian faith is reflected in who you are when times get stressful.

1. We should be using our extra time for Bible

study, prayer and meditation. How is your

relationship with God these days? “Time” is the

usual excuse for why we don’t pray and study as

much as we should. We never seem to have enough

of it. The coronavirus may have isolated us from a lot

of things, but it has the potential to move us closer

to God than ever before. Will we use that time


2. We should be using social media to connect,

rather than argue or spread fear. If you’re on social

media, then you know that the coronavirus

pandemic is all anyone can talk about. You can

choose to be a bright spot. You can choose to post

positive, encouraging, uplifting things – and others

might find themselves stopping and listening. Be the

voice that’s singing, not shouting.

3. We should be practicing patience in the face

of a new normal. The world is different than it was

and it’s clear that it will stay different for a while.

Different means change, and change means stress.

People are going to say and do stupid, selfish things.

New laws and restrictions will make life a little more

uncomfortable and a little harder to navigate. In

those moments, your faith will be on display for

everyone to see. What exactly will they be seeing? In

stressful moments, when your faith is tested,

responding with patience brings us one step closer

to where we need to be as Christians.

Connie Kirsch & Gladys Kuipers

Please take note:

We are cancelling the Bible study groups for the month of May. We want everyone to stay home and be safe. WOW is postponing the Mission Project: Purse Project until a later date. We will not be hosting the nursing home birthday party this month.

WOW Treasurer’s Report

4. We should reach out to the lonely and

disconnected. A phone call can mean a lot for

someone who feels cut off from the world around

them. Even with in-person visits off the table, there

are a lot of ways we can be mental and emotional

supports for those who need it.

5. We should be extending grace to those who

are panicking. A lot of people out there are scared.

The problem is that scared people can do scary

things – selfish, unpredictable, foolish, reckless,

hurtful, dangerous things. What will you do when

you find yourself directly affected by the fear and

panic of others?

How we respond to this crisis is going to showcase our faith – or lack thereof. The weeks ahead are going to be filled with ample opportunities to show the values we talk about and the values we live by. Stay safe. Stay healthy. But, most of all, stay Christian. -----Taken from Life, Hope &Truth by Jeremy Lallier

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Trinity Lutheran Church May 2020 Newsletter

Page 5: Interim Pastor Ron Hughes · Tonya made a motion that Randy Tegethoff and Lee Hanten meet with Monte Wagner at Bank of the West to start the process of applying for an SBA PPP loan,

Page 5 May 2020 Newsletter Trinity Lutheran Church

5/1 Howard Severson 5/3 DeLyle Johnson 5/4 Ethan DuFrain 5/4 Susan Holter 5/4 Jerry VanderHam 5/4 Quinn Hanten 5/6 Cheri Antonsen 5/7 Darcie DuFrain 5/12 Larry Kuiper 5/13 Nancy Miller* 5/14 LaVonne Qualm* 5/15 Joshua Ellwanger 5/15 Evelyn Tucker 5/15 Chelsey Schrank 5/15 Mike Erickson 5/15 Thomas Nelson 5/15 Abigail Meyerink

5/16 LouAnn Qualm 5/17 Paula Nelson 5/18 Marshall Ringling 5/18 Tim Mason 5/19 Kara Johnson 5/20 Ella Reiser 5/20 Blake Foxley 5/20 Myles Kott 5/25 Emmie Huizenga 5/25 Carsynn DeHaan 5/26 Maylou Stanforth* 5/26 Hannah Kirsch 5/26 Harper Kirsch 5/26 Doug Chambers 5/28 Xavier Marshall 5/29 Brynn Meyerink

This Month’s Birthdays



Articles At this time, Confirmation has been postponed. Board of Ed will be in touch with the Confirmation students and their parents.

Vacation Bible School

Articles Looking ahead: We haven’t ruled out Vacation Bible School for this summer yet. We are waiting to see what the Governor recommends as the church moves forward and when we will open back up. We will pass along any information as soon as we decide. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Note to 5th Grade Parents

Articles The First Communion classes for our 5th graders will be postponed until fall.

Sunday School Kids

Articles We are sad we aren’t able to finish out the year of Sunday school. We hope you have a great summer and look forward to meeting again in the fall! ~ Sunday school teachers & Board of Education

Pray for Our High School Graduates

Articles Congrats to our High School graduates: Haley Hoffman, Tess Ringling, Austin Severson, Foster Tegethoff & Abby Vanden Berge

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

The senior quilt presentation is postponed until a later time.

*Please remember these special 80+ Birthdays

with a card or phone call

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Trinity Lutheran Church May 2020 Newsletter

We plan to continue our drive-worship services in the parking lot on Sunday mornings for the month of May! We ask you to practice safe social distancing guidelines and stay in your vehicles or bring chairs to sit in the back of pickups. You will be able to tune in your vehicle radios to 96.3 FM to listen.

We will be celebrating Holy Communion – Sunday, May 10 – prepackaged wafers & cups will be available.

Trinity Lutheran Church

500 S Penn Ave, Platte, SD

[email protected]


in the Parking Lot Prayer & Praise