Interesting facts about continents in the world




Transcript of Interesting facts about continents in the world

Page 1: Interesting facts about continents in the world



Usama Jawed Siddiqui

Page 2: Interesting facts about continents in the world

• The seven continents are the seven main land areas on the Earth. Some are joined to each other, and some are completely surrounded by water. Some continents have a lot of countries, but others have only a few.

• Interestingly the names of all the continents end with the same letter with which they start. Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Africa!

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1. Asia

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1. Asia It is the largest continent. It has 30% of world land area & 60% of

population It is the birth place of old religions –

Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity It is also the place of great ancient

civilizations- Chinese, Harappa It is the home of the 10 highest

mountain peaks in the world. Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world

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2. Africa

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It is the second largest continent. It is the home of the Nile ,the longest

river in the world. Africa is very rich in minerals. 95%of

the worlds' diamonds and more than 50% of the world’s gold comes from Africa.

Africa is said to be the place where 1st humans lived.

66% of world's chocolate comes from Africa.

2. Africa

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3. Australia

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Australia is the largest island (island is a place which is surrounded by water from all sides). It is also the smallest continent in the world. It is also known as “island continent”.

Australia continent has only one country, which is Australia itself.

Australia‘s sheep population is more than its human population. Its sheep population is 14 times more than its human population. This is why Australia stands first in the production & export of wool in the world.

3. Australia

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4. Antarctica

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Do you know the area of Antarctica continent keeps changing as per seasons! It is approximately 14.2 million square kilometers in summer, but during winter it almost doubles because of large amount of sea ice that forms along its periphery.

Antarctica is a frozen land area around the South Pole. It is also called “Frozen Continent” . Antarctica is the highest, driest, windiest, emptiest, coldest place on earth.

4. Antarctica

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The water of the Antarctica is so cold that nothing can rot here.

The coldest natural temperature ever recorded in the world was in Antarctica. It was as low as –89.2°C (–129°F) .

During the winter period in South Pole (late March to late September) it is dark all the time, means it is always night!

In the summer-time , it is light 24 hours a day !

4. Antarctica (Continued)

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5. Europe

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In Europe, there are no deserts. It is the only continent without any deserts.

Both world wars were largely focused in Europe.

The Vatican city, the world’s smallest country is in Europe .

One of the unusual festival of Europe is the Tomatina Festival, it is celebrated in Spain. In this, every participant is involved in throwing tomatoes at each other.

5. Europe

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6. North America

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6. North America

North America is the only continent that has every kind of climate.

It is also known as “New World” North America is the world's largest

producer of maize, wheat & soybean. Home of Google, Face Book, Apple &

many other world famous technology companies.

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7. South America

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7. South America

South America is also the home of anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes.

Mt. Chimborazo and Mt.Cotopaxi, the world's highest volcanoes are found in South America.

It also has the largest salt lake of the world.

Brazil, a country in South America, is the largest producer of coffee in the world.