Intercultural Collaboration Experiment ICE 2002 Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University...

tercultural Collaboration Experimen ICE 2002 Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University Japan Science and Technology Corporation NTT Communication Science Laboratories

Transcript of Intercultural Collaboration Experiment ICE 2002 Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University...

Intercultural Collaboration Experiment ICE 2002

Department of Social Informatics, Kyoto University

Japan Science and Technology Corporation

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

Asian Internet Population will Surpass US and Europe in 2003 • Asian Internet Population in 2000

– 78 million• Japan with 24.4 million, South Korea with 16.7 million, China

(14.6 million) and Taiwan (4.6 million)

• 65% increase over the 1999

• Estimated Asian Internet Population in 2003– 183.3 million – 162.8 million in the United States – 162.2 million in Western European Countries

(,,5911_ 861481,00.html)

Internet Diffusion Promotes Intercultural Collaboration in Asia

– Accessible to various regional information on the WEB

– Increase of opportunity for intercultural

communications via email, BBS, etc.

Distinct possibilities for building true

partnerships among Asian countries.Responding to the rapid alliances being formed in North America and

European Countries…

Barriers for the Intercultural Collaboration

– Language difference and cultural diversity

Regional Alliances with Cultural Heterogeneity

• Phase of globalization– The first phase: Standardization of platforms

• E.g. English as a world common language

– The second phase: Respects different cultures and seeks harmony among them through intercultural (multilingual) communications.

Translation Services Remove Language Barriers

Multilanguage translation services on the Web promote intercultural communications on the Net.

arcnet/sangenjaya by J-server by

NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation

JapaneseFamous news

WWW translation

by arcnetTM

Malaysian people canaccess to Japanese News Site in Malay

Web site of Siti Nurhaliza

by arcnetTM

Malay English

We can enjoy Malaysianpop cultures in Japanese!!

English Japanese

TransWEBCommunication Space in the experiment

Copyright (C) 2002 Japan Science and Technology Corporation.

The WEB site incorporating the translation tool among

Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay, and English.

NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation

TransBBS Communication Space in the experiment

Copyright (C) 2002 Japan Science and Technology Corporation.

The bulletin board systemwhich covers translation

among Japanese, Korean, Chinese,

Malay, and English.

NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation

Intercultural Collaboration Experiment 2002

Open Source Software Development Experiment by students in Asian Countries– Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) – Seoul National University, Handong University (Korea)

– Malaya University (Malaysia) – Kyoto University (Japan)

Goal of the Experiment– Release the Intercultural Collaboration Software

• Extend the function of multilingual communication tools (TransWEB and TransBBS).

The Unique Characteristics of the ICE2002

Open Source Software Development in Your MOTHER Language!– Multinational software development team in East Asia!

– Team members never see in person, and complete software in collaboration with each other!

• Communication Space and Style– TransWEB and TransBBS, multilingual

Communication tools

– Basically communication is held in each one’s native language.

Team and Group Compositionin the ICE2002

• Team Composition– 1 group each from Korea, China, Malaysia, and


• Group Composition (in each country) – One advisor: probably a faculty member.– One leader: a graduate student or a young faculty

member.– Two or more members: Senior undergraduate

students or graduate students in Computer Science/Engineering. Or, graduate students from Social Sciences.

Two Phases of the ICE2002

• Phase 1: The Software Design Phase– Design intercultural collaboration software based on

the source codes of TransWEB and TransBBS.

– The goal: Submit a system design proposal.

• Phase 2: The Software Implementation Phase– Implement software based on the design proposal.

– The goal: Complete and release intercultural collaboration software .

Schedule for the ICE2002

• Phase 1: 4 weeks from the May 20, 2002

(Adjustment period: 2 weeks)

• Phase2: 4 weeks from the June 19, 2002

• Phase 1: 4 weeks from the October 6, 2002

(Adjustment period: 2 weeks)

• Phase2: 4 weeks from the November 17, 2002

Publication Methods ofthe ICE2002 Outcomes

• Intercultural Collaboration Software developed in this experiment Open to the public through the Web in


• The whole result of this experiment

Publish in international conferences and journals

Application Procedures for the ICE2002

• Submit the URL of original Web site– Profiles of the advisor, leader, and members

to [email protected]

• example of a profile:– gender, age, major, academic year, picture etc.– research interests– language ability– programming language ability

First TrackParticipants

We hope your join to the Intercultural Collaboration

[email protected]