Intellectual property rights & online accommodations for students

Intellectual Property Rights &Universal Design Tammy Stephens, Ed.D. AKLN 2012

Transcript of Intellectual property rights & online accommodations for students

Page 1: Intellectual property rights & online accommodations for students

Intellectual Property Rights &Universal Design

Tammy Stephens, Ed.D.

AKLN 2012

Page 2: Intellectual property rights & online accommodations for students

AKLN 2012

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."

~ Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and Inventor of the World Wide Web

Page 3: Intellectual property rights & online accommodations for students

Physical disability & online learning: Some issues students face: Physical access to the computer Physical manipulation of texts and other

course materials Timing of synchronous components of the

course, especially chat rooms Activities to fulfill assignments if they require

the student to work outside of the course environment

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Learning disability & online learning:Some issues for students: Accessing textbooks and printed course materials Clarification of misunderstood (written) points “Chunking” of text heavy and lengthy material Timing and organization of synchronous

components, especially chat rooms Extra time to take online exams and other

assessments Clearly outlined expectations/assignments in

syllabus Getting timely feedback

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Visual impairment & online learning:Some issues for students: Interaction of course management system

and assistive technology used by the student Course materials in accessible alternative

formats Video components Graphics, photos & charts Activities to fulfill assignments if they require

the student to work outside of the course environment

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Can text be highlighted, copied and pasted?

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Considerations When possible post as pdf files Make sure PowerPoint Presentations are

high/low in contrast? Make sure activities are not color dependent

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Hearing impairment & online learning:Some issues for students: Audio/Video components and

transcripts/captions Language issues if ASL is the first language Timing and organization of any synchronous

components, especially chat rooms Activities to fulfill assignments if they require

the student to work outside of the course environment

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Chat Log C:\Documents and Settings\Tammy Stephens\My Documents\ChatLog Moodle Course Support Ongoing 2011_09_28 21_09.rtf

  Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): once we start screen sharing we will be recording this session :) Sue (to All - Entire Audience): You can type a message here for all to see or select an individual to send a message to. Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): the other option is to call in using the phone cj (to All - Entire Audience): Louise can you hear us? Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): unfortunately she didn't fill in the phone number on form Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): however, if the recording works we can post this Sue (to All - Entire Audience): Tammy, do you mean change to a different theme or change the color of a theme Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): both really sue Sue (to All - Entire Audience): Then the answer varies. If you change the color as an admin you will also change how that theme looks

for everyone. cj (to All - Entire Audience): can you hear us louise? Sue (to All - Entire Audience): Connie try editing in Marcia's course. Sue (to All - Entire Audience): Connie I want to see if the html editor is working Sue (to All - Entire Audience): There are times when you want to use basic web features! Sue (to All - Entire Audience): You need to type in any html tags Sue (to All - Entire Audience): URL display options (the number available to you) also depends on admin settings. We have a setting in-

frame available to us at the hosting site. Sue (to All - Entire Audience): What I've read about Moodle 2.2 is that there will be an option to provide a description after the URL

rather than needing to use a separate label. Sue (to All - Entire Audience): You must type in the page description; however, the display of both the title and description are optional Sue (to All - Entire Audience): Let me recommend in the Workshop reviewing the page "Screenshots of editing page" in The Page

Feature section for understanding building a page. Sue (to All - Entire Audience): I like to not display the page name because I often prefer to put the title at the top of the Page content

box. Then I can control font size, etc. cj (to All - Entire Audience): Louise can you hear us? Louise Weber (to All - Entire Audience): I can hear Louise Weber (to All - Entire Audience): General discussion tonight was fine. One quick there a way to disable messaging

between students in my course? Louise Weber (to All - Entire Audience): I keep losing the audio. Is this a problem with Go to Meeting? Louise Weber (to All - Entire Audience): Ok...the message I get is I am losing connection to Go to Meeting. Also, audio cuts in and out Tammy Stephens (to All - Entire Audience): thanks! Louise Weber (to All - Entire Audience): Thanks.

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Psychological/Emotional impairment & online learning:Some issues for students: Timing issues due to the side effects of medications

taken or due to flare up of condition Processing of text heavy courses Increase of triggers of impairment: stress & anxiety Need to increase phone/email contact with instructor

to clarify misunderstood points Social skills needed (i.e. chats & discussion posts) Inappropriate behavior may be sign of distress Clearly outlined expectations/assignments in

syllabus Extra time to take online exams and other

assessments Getting timely feedback

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Intellectual Property Rights

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Copyright and Electronic Publishing

The same copyright protections exist for the author of a work regardless of whether the work is in print, in a library research database, a blog, an online discussion board or comment space, or any social media formats.

Note that the Internet IS NOT the public domain. There are both copyrighted and uncopyrighted materials online. Always assume a work online is copyrighted.

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Tips for Using Online Information

Always credit the source of your information. If you do not see an individual named as the author, do not forget that the author may in fact be the organization responsible for the Web site. Credit the organization.

Find out if the author of a work (e.g., text, video, audio, graphic, etc.) provides information on how to use his or her work. If the author provides explicit guidelines, follow them.

Whenever feasible, ask the copyright holder for permission. If no copyright holder is specifically named, do not assume that the material is in the public domain. Assume that the copyright holder is the author, whether it be an individual or an organization. Keep a copy of your request for permission and the permission received.

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Student and Faculty Guidelines Students may incorporate portions of copyrighted

materials when producing a project for a specific course.

Faculty may include portions of copyrighted works when producing their own multimedia project for their teaching in support of curriculum-based instructional activities at educational institutions.

For online instruction provided that the network is secure and is designed to prevent unlawful copying

The fair use of copyrighted material in multimedia projects lasts for two years only. After two years, obtain permission before using the project again

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Type of Media

Permissible Amount

Movies Up to 10% or up to 3 min. whichever is less

Text Material Up to 10% or a total of 1,000 words whichever is less

Poetry An entire poem of less than 250 words may be used, but no more than three poems by one poet or five poems by different authors in an anthology. For poems exceeding 250 words, 250 words should be used but no more than three excerpts from one poet or five excerpts from different poets in the same work.

Music, lyrics, and music video

10% but no more than 30 sec.

llustrations or photographs

No more than five images from one artist or photographer. No more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less, from a collection.

Numerical data sets:

10% or 2,500 fields or cell entries, whichever is less

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References Callahan, B. (2010, March 18). Students with

Disabilities in Online Learning. PowerPoing, CWU Westside Operations Center for Disability Services. Retrieved from

Chris. (2010, March 1). Taking advantage of creative commons content for your blog « Blogging Tips « Taking advantage of creative commons content for your blog. Retrieved from

Student Services, U. of M. (2011, January 28). Copyright and Fair Use - UMUC Library. Retrieved April 19, 2012, from

AKLN 2012