219 INTEGRATIVE COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN METHODOLOGIES FOR MODULAR ARCHITECTURAL FIBER COMPOSITE MORPHOLOGIES Moritz Dörstelmann Stefana Parascho Marshall Prado Achim Menges Jan Knippers University of Stuttgart A. Custom developed fabrication setup for core- less filament winding with collaborating robots; B. Resulting demonstrator structure: ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14 ABSTRACT How can design computation work as an interface between the virtual design space and the physical realization space, while forming a point of confluence within a multidisciplinary design and construction methodology? In an integrated design process for fiber composite structures in architecture (one based on morphogenesis of fibrous structures in nature), form generation and materialization are highly interrelated thereby leading to a synergy of form and materiality. This paper examines the framework of integrative computational design methodologies incorporating material, structure, fabrication and morphogenetic principles for the design development and dig- ital fabrication of lightweight fiber-reinforced composite components. This process is discussed through the case study, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, including project-specific applica- tions and the implementation of computational tools. 1

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Page 1: INTEGRATIVE COMPUTATIONAL Moritz Dörstelmann DESIGN … · 2014-10-02 · Integrative design methodologies seek to establish



Moritz DörstelmannStefana Parascho Marshall PradoAchim MengesJan Knippers University of Stuttgart

A. Custom developed fabrication setup for core-less filament winding with collaborating robots; B. Resulting demonstrator structure: ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14


How can design computation work as an interface between the virtual design space and the

physical realization space, while forming a point of confluence within a multidisciplinary design

and construction methodology? In an integrated design process for fiber composite structures in

architecture (one based on morphogenesis of fibrous structures in nature), form generation and

materialization are highly interrelated thereby leading to a synergy of form and materiality. This

paper examines the framework of integrative computational design methodologies incorporating

material, structure, fabrication and morphogenetic principles for the design development and dig-

ital fabrication of lightweight fiber-reinforced composite components. This process is discussed

through the case study, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, including project-specific applica-

tions and the implementation of computational tools.


Page 2: INTEGRATIVE COMPUTATIONAL Moritz Dörstelmann DESIGN … · 2014-10-02 · Integrative design methodologies seek to establish



Natural morphogenesis is characterized by the capacity of an or-

ganism to develop a form in response to multiple, often contradic-

tory intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. The resultant form synthesizes

these conditions into one of many possible robust, adaptive out-

comes rather than a unique optimization solution (Webster 1996).

Classical architectural planning processes work entirely different,

as they are often performed as a linear sequence of architectural

design, engineering and implementation. This can either lead to

discrepancies between initial design intentions and build results

or requires multiple iterations of the linear process. Integrative

design methodologies seek to establish processes in architecture

which bear resemblance to natural morphogenesis, where intrin-

sic material and fabrication logics are generative design drivers

rather than inert receptors of form. This creates a bottom-up mor-

phogenetic design approach, synthesizing material and fabrication

constraints through the development of integrative computational

design tools.

In recent years several developments in material, fabrication and

computation have made this methodology possible. Composite

materials, such as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), have been

used in performance based, engineering application since they

were developed in the 1930s. These performative materials

have found their way into architectural applications due to a high

strength to weight ratio (Voigt 2007). The formability of FRP pro-

vides a wider spectrum of geometric freedom than that of stan-

dard construction materials (such as plywood sheets or timber

framing), allowing the system to adapt more effortlessly to various

design criteria. This is especially important in an integrative design

process, where form is not predefined as in traditional top-down

design methodologies. Instead, highly differentiated global and

local morphologies are generated as a result of multiple design

criteria. Fiber-reinforced composites provide the opportunity to

determine material behavior through the controlled fabrication

of heterogeneous, anisotropic fiber arrangements. This allows

design processes to expand beyond the traditional scope of archi-

tectural design incorporating the scale of material organization.

Fabrication processes for geometrically complex and performa-

tive composite structures have evolved beyond labor intensive

hand-laying methods to the use of numerically controlled winding

tools. This allows seamless flow of information from complex

computationally generated fiber layouts into precisely fabricated

fiber composite parts. Industrial robotic arms, with their multiple

degrees of freedom and controlled precision, are well-suited

for the task of winding complex geometries. These “generic

machines” are adaptable to a wide range of potential operations

which become specialized through various tools, effectors or

tasks (Menges 2012). The versatility of these machines makes fabri-

cation techniques possible that were previously prohibitive due to

costs or complexity.

The intricacy of natural morphogenesis, which inherently deals

with complex interrelated systems, can now be explored architec-

turally through developing computational design techniques. This

equips architects and designers with the tools to negotiate large

data sets of information, propelling digital explorations into previ-

ously unknown territory (Terzidis 2003). Data-embodied architecture

is, however, not a new concept in design. The notion of building

information modeling (BIM) has existed for several decades and is

a popular methodology in the architecture industry. A BIM model

serves as a virtual database tool for storing and accessing of build-

ing information. BIM is a streamlined building delivery system capa-

ble of coordinating large building data sets. Yet it remains based on

a traditional top-down approach to design, demanding the supply

of information (such as building form) during the design process.

In digital morphogenesis, this initial information is unknown, thus a

bottom-up computational design process is required.

Research at the ICD/ITKE has explored several integrated design

methodologies through the design and fabrication of full scale

architectural demonstrators. In the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion

2012, a single monocoque shell was developed, that integrated

the structural capacity of FRP with the fabrication constraints

of a 7-axis robotic setup including a rotational positioner. The

formwork was minimized to allow the wrapped fibers to interact

in a core-less winding process (Reichert et al. 2014). The wrapped

geometry was therefore a direct result of the relationship between

the material behavior and the machinic morphospace (Menges 2012).

The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14 continues this research

on integrated design and fabrication processes while focusing on

the development of a modular FRP structural system for a proto-

typical pavilion (Figure 1B). This requires the synthesis of a new set

of design constraints and the deployment of novel design strate-

gies. This paper focuses on the integrated design methodology

that was developed for the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14,

including the integration of the morphological rules derived from

biomimetic principles, material characteristics for the core-less

winding of FRP building components, robotic fabrication limita-

tions, structural performance, architectural framework and orga-

nizational constraints into a single generative process, creating a

continuous and reciprocal exchange of information.

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Generic integrative design process diagram

the conceptualization of a structural system. The integration of

structural design into a multidisciplinary design process through

novel simulation tools permits engineers and architects to

explore structural systems beyond predetermined typologies,

as well as enabling them to include precise and meaningful

structural analysis into the formally decoupled design process

(Knippers 2013).

Recent developments of computational and fabrication pro-

cesses allow for the generation and materialization of complex

information driven geometries. This opens up greater potentials

for the transfer of functional principles from biology to novel

material and structural systems within a multidisciplinary pro-

cess, while generating potential biological insight through the

use of cross-disciplinary methodologies within a reverse biomi-

metic process. The convergence of material and materialization

allows fabrication technology and material behavior to push

new architectural possibilities as creative inputs.




In order to orchestrate the complex network of interrelations

within a multidisciplinary design and construction process, design

computation is used to translate various process inputs into tool

parameters and encoding the interrelations into an algorithmic

framework (Figure 2). Setting up a robust tool is not merely to digi-

tize or automate the design process (Bechthold 2010), but allows for

the production and evaluation of multiple design iterations which

can be used to navigate the design space in an explorative way.

This is an excellent usage of digital design processes, where the

computational capacity to negotiate complex interrelationships

works as a tool for the interface and expansion of design thinking.

By serving as a point of confluence computational design meth-

odologies allow an interdisciplinary information exchange which

drastically changes the way each field operates.

Traditionally, structural engineers have been trained to identify and

think in typologies of structures. This was necessary to identify

the right set of formulas for calculation or to provide guidance in

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Functional morphologies and material organization processes in

biology are highly relevant within an architectural context. They

achieve fundamental architectural tasks like materialization of

form and functional integration in a materially efficient manner.

As part of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, various natu-

ral fiber composite structures were investigated. The structural

morphology of beetle elytra, particularly those in flying beetles,

served as a versatile role model for the abstraction of light weight

construction principles, since it is both the rigid protection for the

beetle and has a minimized weight for flight (Figure 3A). The struc-

tural capacity of the elytra is based on the complex geometry and

anisotropic organization of the natural chitin fiber composite ma-

terial. From this biological role model the double layered shell with

internal hyperbolically shaped interconnections (Trabeculae, Figure

3B), was abstracted into a modular arrangement of components.

Both the structural morphology of the elytra and the distribution of

trabeculae provided guiding principles for efficient material usage

and geometric differentiation of FRP building components.


In an integrated design methodology materiality is regarded as an

intrinsic part of the design process, rather than playing a subordi-

nated role to a predetermined geometric form. Subsequently, the

relationship between material behavior and the form generation

process results in a design outcome which is strongly informed

by material potentials and constraints.

While topologically and conceptually informed by the biomimetic

investigation, the specific materialized geometries of the compo-

nents are defined by the core-less filament winding process, a

fabrication system that requires no positive mold for the genera-

tion of double-curved geometries (Waimer 2013) and the winding

syntax, the systematic sequence of fiber placement. The structur-

ally and materially informed winding syntax is intended to create

adequate fiber-fiber interaction in order to achieve a structurally

active composite surface.

Several winding syntax codes were developed in order to cover

the various material functions of the fiber-based system. The

winding syntax of the initial glass fiber layer describes heli-

coidal fiber arrangements which ensure forming of anticlastic

geometry. This is the result of the system deforming under the

tension applied by the subsequent layers of fibers. There is an

Leptinotarsa decemlineata: A. Top view, light microscopy by Dr. Thomas van de Kamp; B. Section view into elytron’s internal trabecel bracing struc-ture, SEM by Prof. Oliver Betz

interdependency between the geometric variation of each com-

ponent and the winding syntax, which must be resolved to trans-

late the differentiated geometry into the hyperbolic column-like

structures. The glass fiber layer acts as scaffolding for the car-

bon fiber layers, which structurally reinforces each component

and the global geometry. For this purpose, two winding syntaxes

were developed. The first is a layer of carbon fiber that transfers

generic, omni-directional structural forces in each component;

the second reinforces the components in regard to predominant

global structural force flows.

Structural input occurs through all hierarchical levels, influencing

material placement and properties, components local geometries

and the global design system. The process is accompanied by

structural FE simulations (Figure 5), which lead to results that were

then interpreted into parameters for the design process. The

differentiated carbon fiber layer integrates both geometric require-

ments and variable boundary conditions such as possible com-

ponent to component connection points and structural analysis

information. This enables the position and direction of the carbon

fiber to be differentiated according to the load distribution along

the global structure, and allows for the effective transfer of loads

through adjoining components. Through simulating the global

structure, high forces occurring in the system are identified and

translated into fiber directions. This results in carbon fibers which

are specifically placed according to the force vector orientations

and fiber density that is defined by the amplitude of the vector


Carbon and glass fiber building component: A. Front view; B. Differentiated carbon fiber reinforcement; C. Omni-directional carbon fiber reinforcement


Page 5: INTEGRATIVE COMPUTATIONAL Moritz Dörstelmann DESIGN … · 2014-10-02 · Integrative design methodologies seek to establish


(Figure 6). Both carbon fiber layers are strongly informed by the

geometric constraints of the glass fibers, since they must ne-

gotiate the double curved surface geometry and ensure a proper

fiber-to-fiber bond on each component. The algorithm used to cre-

ate the adaptive winding syntaxes bridges the gap between the

structural simulation and the geometric environment, while being

informed by the other conditioning factors (the global constraints

and fabrication requirements).


Bottom-up design strategies often result in complex geometries

which explore the potentials of an open-ended system. This pos-

es a difficult challenge for implementation as standard methods

of fabrication are not always suitable. In an integrated design

process, in which fabrication is intrinsically linked, materialization

is inseparable from material and form. This requires the develop-

ment of novel fabrication strategies in parallel to computational

techniques in order to negotiate the expression of form and

materialization. The geometric outcome is then charged with fab-

rication constraints, and therefore limiting what is buildable to the

machinic morphospace (Menges 2012). In the ICD/ITKE Research

Pavilion 2013-14, the fabrication strategy is closely tied to the

component and system geometry as well as the fiber syntax. The

general size and complexity of the components determine the

approximate fabrication setup needed, for example, two robots,

their distance from each other and the size of their effectors

(Prado 2014) (Figure1A). This setup, in turn, plays a crucial role in

determining the limitations of the components geometry such as

the degree of non-planarity, maximum component size and angle

between components, thus defining the design domain of the

overall project (Figure7). The fiber syntax, which was hand-modeled

with a scaled version of the fabrication process, was incrementally

optimized to streamline winding. The fiber syntax also formed the

basis for the robotic winding code which was generated from the

integrated data using custom scripted computational processes.

Computation played a vital role in integrating fabrication into the

design process. Not only does it create opportunities to mitigate

design and fabrication challenges, but also allows for the coordi-

nation of the digital model and fabrication setup. Custom scripts

were developed to translate component geometry from the

digital information model to the robotic assembly code for each

effector frame. The robot assisted assembly of the effectors was

not only intended to automate the process, but to compensate

for manual inaccuracies through robotic precision. Digitally fab-

ricated guides are used to secure the effector frame geometry,

which has a high degree of geometric freedom, to the correct

orientation for fabrication. Defining the geometry of these guides


Finite element analysis of the global structural system5

Structurally differentiated winding syntax development diagram: A. Finite Element simulation; B. Force vectors; C. Traced force directions; D. Differentiated Fiber reinforcements


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required the integration of multiple, potentially conflicting, fab-

rication criteria (attachment points, angles of rotation, support

planarity and fiber interference). This digital design tool allowed

for the control of multiple parameters and the visual feedback of

underperforming criteria for quick evaluation and iteration.

Since the interrelationship between the robotics setup, winding

syntax and component geometry all jointly contributed to the

fabrication limitations, it becomes increasingly important to

optimize the fabrication process and simulate potential prob-

lems virtually in order to utilize the extents of the fabrication

setups geometric possibilities. Genetic algorithms are used to

determine the tool planes for each effector and base rotation

for winding. These cannot be determined geometrically from

the component center point or column axis, but rather require

cross-referencing all the robot orientation planes with the robot-

ic limitations of the twelve axis setup in order to determine if any

orientations are out of reach. A robotic simulation and adaptive

base plane are used to avoid collisions. These computational

processes demonstrate the dependency between form genera-

tion and fabrication as well as the need for integrative tools for

the design of both.


The design space encompasses the domain of all possible out-

comes which can be generated by computational design tools.

To achieve meaningful results within a certain target zone, a

well-defined design domain is required.

Component morphologic parameters and Global system variations7

Within an integrated computational design process, the design

space is an outcome of the reciprocal constraints between the

various integrated process parameters. It serves as a purposeful

truncation of the design outcomes. Over- or under-constraining

of the solution space can either lead to predefined results or

unfeasible outcomes.

To maintain the explorative character of the computational

design process and diversity of results while still generating

feasible designs, the design space needs to serve as a boundary

within which manifold solutions can emerge through the inter-

play of the various integrated process parameters.

In the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, a project-specific solu-

tion space is defined in order to maintain a feasible scope of the

project for full scale implementation. Therefore basic boundary

conditions regarding size and covered area, as well as the overall

spatial layout, are defined to serve as the architectural domain for

the bottom up computational design process. Based on these

boundary conditions, an initial network of component arrange-

ments is determined by principles regarding the distribution of

trabeculae which is found in various beetle elytra. This initial com-

ponent layout served as a starting point for the more complex

negotiation of other process parameters. The integration of fabri-

cation constraints, such as the general range in size of producible

components and geometric rules for component distribution

based on biomimetic principles, led to meaningful constraints of

the solution space for the computational design process.

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The computational strategy defining the initial component layout

is based on interaction between the boundary conditions utilized

in the architectural framework and a bottom-up behavioral integra-

tion method. The component layout emerges through an iterative

process of cellular arrangement, which is based on simple rules for

neighboring cell interactions (Figure 8). Biomimetic design principles

and fabrication processes are integrated into the computational

design process from the beginning, thereby informing the initial cel-

lular layout and contributing to the definition of the design space.


Within the design space defined by this initial component to-

pology, a morphogenetic design process unfolds which instru-

mentalizes process constraints as active drivers for variation and

adaptation of structural morphologies on a global and component

level. The integrative design methodology does not rely on linear

optimization strategies, but utilizes a flexible design exploration

tool that navigates through the solution space by negotiating

potentially antagonistic constraints. The system resolves itself

through a non-linear open-ended process into one of many states

of equilibrium (Attar 2010).

In order to establish the interrelationships between different fields,

the influences of each must be represented systematically. A phys-

ics simulation forms the framework for the synthesis of both phys-

ical forces (such as gravity) and non-physical “forces” (fabrication

constraints) (Piker 2013). The components morphology is represent-

ed by particles connected with springs. Forces are employed as

abstract representations of extrinsic and intrinsic process require-

ments. This allows the components morphology to adjust within a

cyclical interaction of a particles spring system ensuring the emer-

gence of a global morphology through local interactions.

Information gathered during hand and robotic test winding was

formulated as geometric rules to ensure proper fiber-fiber inter-

action, and encoded into forces or constraints acting onto the

spring system. This includes component polygon angles, edge

length relations or the overall components diameter to height ratio

(Figure 7). Other forces are informed by constraints derived from

the specific robotic setup and certain effector characteristics in

order to avoid out of reach errors or collisions within the wind-

ing process. This applies for example to the allowable range of

non-planarity for each component polygon and the overall compo-

nent diameter. The structural principles which were abstracted by

biomimetic investigation of the beetle elytra structural morpholo-

gy were transferred into the design process through the definition

of forces, affecting the components global distribution as well as

their local morphologic differentiation.

Various methods of evaluating criteria are applied to the system

within the process. Geometric relationships are verified, for each

iteration of the computational solver, and are used to activate or

deactivate adaptive parameters. Some forces are controlled by

gradual falloffs or soft transitions, while other evaluation criteria

rely on rigid constraints to override other forces. The differentiated

effects of the design drivers allow for the hierarchical control and

evaluation of each process parameters impact. A finite element

solver calculated information from the structural performance of

each iteration, creating a morphologic response to specific loading

scenarios in order to implement the biological lightweight construc-

tion principles (Figure 9). Evaluation processes are integrated into the

system which allow for the monitoring and adjustment of critical

design or fabrication criteria (component sizes, overall enclosed

volume and area) which lead to an online estimation of required

resources (winding time and material requirements).


The design methodology discussed here, through the case

study of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, highlights

the potential for design computation to serve as a common

language within a multidisciplinary process (Figure 10). The

non-linear design process allows for parallel bottom up devel-

opments and exploration of solutions which emerge through

the instrumentalization of process constraints as design drivers.

Ultimately, this leads to novel possibilities in design exploration

and materialization of architectural structures.

The project-specific development of a computational design

framework within the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14 led

to the implementation of structural principles derived from bi-

ological role models, and to a parallel bottom up exploration of

Behavior based cell arrangements8

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Iterative physics based simulation with integrated FE feedback9

material capacities and fabrication strategies. This enabled the

materialization of an architectural prototype that is built from 36

fiber composite components with individually differentiated fiber

layouts, and adapted morphologies resulting in a double layered,

highly efficient lightweight structure (Figure 11, 12). The complex-

ity in the components geometric articulation and the high level

of detail in its material arrangement showcase how novel ex-

periential qualities arise through the application of novel design

and fabrication processes in architecture. The research pavilion

covers an area of 50.3 m² and encloses a volume of 122 m³ with

an overall weight of 594 kg.

Future challenges include expanding integrative design method-

ologies to include the use of sensor data and real time robotic

control, allowing for design adaptability during the materialization

process. Such an approach would require a shift from instruction

based fabrication, in which robots follow preprogrammed move-

ments, towards flexible fabrication strategies, where movements

can respond to changing fabrication conditions.

The main outcome of the presented research is the development

of the integrated design methodology, whose full potential is yet

to be explored. The inherent capacity of this design methodology

is to generate form as the direct outcome of the underlying pro-

cesses of material organization and functional integration. While

the case study achieved morphological variation of a modular

lightweight construction based on material capacity and fabrica-

tion processes, functional integration should be further explored.

In architectural terms that may include climate adaptation (weath-

er proofing, insulation and thermal regulation); thus, a fully devel-

oped building construction system could be developed through

the integration of further architectural aspects. Project specific integrative design process diagram10

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe work presented in this paper is part of a joint project between the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen. The authors would like to express their gratitude towards their fellow investigators: Prof. Oliver Betz, Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates, University of Tübingen; Prof. James Nebelsick, Department of Geosciences, Paleontology of Invertebrates, University of Tübingen; Dr. Thomas van de Kamp; Tomy dos Santos Rolo; Prof. Dr. Tilo Baumbach, ANKA/Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Dr.-Ing. Thomas Stehle, Rolf Bauer, Michael Reichersdörfer, Institute for Machine Tools, Universität Stuttgart; Dr. Markus Milwich, Institute of Textile Technology and Process Engineering, ITV Denkendorf. The project was partially funded by: Competence Network Biomimetics, KUKA Roboter GmbH, SGL Group, Sika AG and AFBW—Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg.

REFERENCESAttar, Ramtin, Robert Aish, Jos Stam, Duncan Brinsmead, Alex Tessier, Michael Glueck, and Azam Khan. 2011. “Embedded Rationality: A Unified Simulation Framework for Interactive Form Finding.” International Journal of Architectural Computing. doi:10.1260/1478-0771.8.4.399.

Bechthold, Martin. 2010. “The Return of the Future: A Second Go at Robotic Construction.” Architectural Design 80: 116–121. doi:10.1002/ad.1115.

Menges, Achim. 2013. “Morphospaces of Robotic Fabrication.” In Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design: Proceedings of the Robots in Architecture Conference 2012, 28–47.

Piker, Daniel. 2013. “Kangaroo: Form Finding with Computational Physics.” Architectural Design. doi:10.1002/ad.1569.

Prado, Marshall, Moritz Dörstelmann, Tobias Schwinn, Achim Menges, and Jan Knippers. 2014. “Core-Less Filament Winding.” In Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014 SE - 19, edited by Wes McGee and Monica Ponce de Leon, 275–289. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04663-1_19.

Pavilion: Interior image11a Pavilion: Overhang image11b

Pavilion: Component system12a

Pavilion: Exterior image12b

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Reichert, Steffen, Tobias Schwinn, Riccardo La Magna, Frederic Waimer, Jan Knippers, and Achim Menges. 2014. “Fibrous Structures: An Integrative Approach to Design Computation, Simulation and Fabrication for Lightweight, Glass and Carbon Fibre Composite Structures in Architecture Based on Biomimetic Design Principles.” CAD Computer Aided Design 52: 27–39. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2014.02.005.

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IMAGE CREDITSFigure 1A, 1B, 2. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 3A. Dr.Thomas van de Kamp (2013)

Figure 3B. Prof. Oliver Betz, Anne Buhl, University of Tübingen (2013)

Figure 4A, 4B, 4C. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 5. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 6A–6D. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 7–10. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 11A and 11B. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

Figure 12A and 12B. ICD/ITKE University of Stuttgart (2014)

MORITZ DÖRSTELMANN is a Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart. He started his architecture studies at the RWTH Aachen University in 2005. In 2011 he graduated with distinction from University of Applied Arts in Vienna where he studied in the master class of Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher. The focus of Moritz’s research is the investigation of biological fiber based structures, regarding functional integration, structural performance and material organization strategies, and trans-fer of their underlying principles into architecture by an integrative design processes employing computational design strategies and digital fabrication.

STEFANA PARASCHO is a research assistant at the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart. She has worked in DesignToProduction Stuttgart focusing on geometrical problems and construction prin-ciples for complex geometries. She graduated in 2012 from the University of Stuttgart with the Diploma Thesis “Integrative Design Methods for the Development of Freeform Geometries.” She has taught at the Institute of Computational Design (ICD) and worked in Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering Stuttgart. Her main research interest lies in integrative design methods implemented through computational models, such as Agent-Based Systems or Evolutionary Algorithms.

MARSHALL PRADO is a Research Associate for the Institute for Computational Design at the University of Stuttgart. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from North Carolina State University and advanced degrees as a Master of Architecture and a Master of Design Studies in Technology from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. His current research interests include the integra-tion of computation and fabrication techniques into material systems and spatial design strategies.

ACHIM MENGES is a registered architect and professor at the University of Stuttgart where he is the founding director of the Institute for Computational Design. Currently he also is Visiting Professor in Architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and Visiting Professor of the Emergent Technologies and Design Graduate Program at the Architectural Association, London.

JAN KNIPPERS specialises in complex parametrical generated structures, as well as the use of innovative materials. Since 2000 Jan Knippers is head of the Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design (itke) at the University of Stuttgart and involved in many re-search projects on fiber-based materials and biomimetics in architec-ture. He is also partner and co-founder of Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering The focus of their work is on efficient structural design for international and architecturally demanding projects. Jan Knippers completed his studies of engineering at the Technical University of Berlin in 1992 with the award of a PhD.