Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification...

Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly

Transcript of Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification...

Page 1: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly

Page 2: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

The overall approach

High quality services


Good care in the right place at the right time

Health and social care built around people’s needs

…of people at high risk of illness or complications

- Clearly defined pathways- Sufficient capacity and skills- Quality of care information

measures & feedback

- Creating an environment that promotes collaboration between existing services

- Investing in services/roles that promote integrated care

- Contractually incentivising an integrated care approach

- Adequately resourced services responsible for identifying people at high risk

- Training - Maximum use of IT capability

Improved Outcomes

Prevention where possible - Early diagnosis - Consistent quality - Patient consultation - Review and reconfigure if necessary

Integrated Care

Page 3: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly

Page 4: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 1: MDT

Page 5: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 2: LCS for Complex Care

Page 6: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 3: Frailty Education

Page 7: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 4: CIDR

Page 8: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 5: Complex Care Nurses

Page 9: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 6: Community Geriatricians

Page 10: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Platform - Camden Integrated Digital Record (CIDR)

Primary Care Community Care

Secondary Care

Risk Stratification


Community Geriatricians

Case Management

Social Care in Primary Care

Care Navigation

Camden Integrated Care Service (CICS)

Education Module

High Quality Service

Integrated Care


Component 7: Social Care in Primary Care – and Care Navigators

Page 11: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Trends in the observed and expected emergency admissions (all) for those aged 75+ years resident in Camden LA, 2005 to 2013 (Source: Nuffield Trust).

Page 12: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.










0 50 100 150 200

Percentage of time spent at home - MDT patients

Time spent at home pre-MDT Time spent at home post-MDT

Spent more time at home after MDT (59%)

Saw no change (11%) Spent more time at

home before MDT (30%)

Page 13: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.


Financial impact of the MDTThe savings below represent activity removed from acute hospitals in A&E and emergency admissions, in the 12 months following the patient’s first MDT review (or up to the date a patient is no longer registered in the borough, or is deceased).

A&E average monthly saving 2014 is £2,606

Emergency admissions average monthly saving 2014 is £32,988













Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

2012 2013 2014

MDT related A&E savings per monthRow Labels Sum of 12 month QIPP savings

2012Aug -£7,224Sep £3,818Oct £1,993Nov £3,089Dec -£981

2013Jan £3,326Feb £6,387Mar £899Apr -£862May -£94Jun -£1,563Jul £3,046Aug £1,546Sep £4,105Oct £2,539Nov £577Dec £1,524

2014Jan £1,832Feb £2,511Mar £4,069Apr £9,262May £4,496Jun £3,524Jul £1,529Aug -£1,031Sep -£492Oct £358

Grand Total £48,182

Row Labels Sum of 12 month QIPP savings2012

Aug -£125,808Sep £34,405Oct £51,920Nov £76,287Dec -£28,907

2013Jan £90,544Feb £71,174Mar £25,853Apr £12,996May £22,115Jun -£84,088Jul £9,168Aug £34,802Sep £70,564Oct £91,821Nov £40,726Dec -£32,195

2014Jan £50,102Feb £23,351Mar £17,183Apr £134,041May £16,222Jun £52,668Jul £64,978Aug -£9,914Sep -£54,107Oct £35,358

Grand Total £691,258








Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

2012 2013 2014

MDT related emergency admissions savings per month

Page 14: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Next steps – Formalised Frailty Service Model

Level of need: severely frailCare setting: acute/community/home

Level of need:moderately frailCare setting: primary care/community/home

Level of need:mildly frailCare setting: primary care/community/home

Level of need: pre-frailCare setting: primary care/home





Page 15: Integrating Care for Frail and Elderly. The overall approach High quality services Identification Good care in the right place at the right time Health.

Next steps – Formalised Frailty Service Model

Primary Care

Community Care

Hospital Care