Integrated Risk Management for Africa (IRMA)

Integrated Risk Management for Africa 1


Disaster risk reduction policies and institutional mechanisms exist at various degrees of completeness in the African countries represented in the IRMA Consortium. Their effectiveness is however limited when dealing with major disasters and complex emergencies. Risk management is often limited to specific hazard monitoring with limited or no consideration of the vulnerabilities of the area at risk neither to the systemic nature and possible domino effect between risks of different kinds. It is the vulnerability of the population and or the infrastructure at risk that may transform a hazard into a major disaster. It is nowadays largely recognized that an efficient response to these situations must rely upon Information and Communications Systems, which will offer the stakeholders reliable, comprehensive information to anticipate risks and to respond to emergencies. An innovative use of state-of-the-art ICT is part of the solution. In industrialized countries disaster risk reduction is based on high tech expensive solutions which require coordination of a wide range of actors each with a set of functions and responsibilities for which they are accountable and a specific infrastructure that is designed to resist most disasters. Private mobile radio systems are just an example of telecom infrastructure for public safety. None of this is or will be available in developing countries in a foreseeable future. In this context, the IRMA project intends to build a reference platform suitable for the management of natural and environmental risks in Africa. The platform must allow the stakeholders in risk management to develop and use tailored risk management models and tools; therefore, the platform will be build upon the achievements of former EU projects such as WIN, ORCHESTRA, SSE, SANY and u-2010, as there are interoperable components, information infrastructure architectures and solutions, as well as clients and management tools and frameworks that allow to set up an efficient and sustainable multi-risks management.

Transcript of Integrated Risk Management for Africa (IRMA)

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Integrated Risk Management for Africa


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IRMA key data• Collaborative project• 3 years• € 3.5M total budget - € 2.5M EC contribution• Started in June 2008: the kick-off meeting was held in

Luxembourg on 3-5 June 2008

• 16 partners including major players in the IP business the governments of Luxembourg, Mozambique and Morocco

participate to support the emergency service trials


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IRMA KEY DATA The consortium




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• University of Luxembourg (UL), Luxembourg

• Centre de Communication du Gouvernement (CCG), Luxembourg

• Technologies Sans Frontières (TSF), Luxembourg

• Spacebel S.A. (SPB), Belgium

• Thales Alenia Space France (TAS-F), France


• Cisco Systems International B.V. (Cisco), The Netherlands

• Réseau National de Télécommunication pour la Technologie, l’enseignement et la Recherche (RENATER), France

• Universiteit Van Tilburg (KUB), The Netherlands

IRMA Project - Participants


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• Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

• Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE), Senegal

• Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS), Morocco

• Agence Nationale de Réglémentation des Télécommunications (ANRT), Morocco

• Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de l’Université de Yaoundé I (ENSP), Cameroon

• Unidade Técnica de Implementação da Politica de Informática (ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit) (UTICT), Mozambique

IRMA Project – Participants


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IRMA Project vision

• To provide the most capable communication tools

• To provide the most effective access to information…

… to everybody required to swiftly act in case of accident, incident, catastrophe or crisis

… whilst using existing and/or future (tele)communication infrastructures

based on IP communication.


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IRMA Project goals


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IRMA Project goals (continued)

• Create solutions that are as universal as possible

• Interworking with existing networks is a wish but not in the focus of the project

• Trial and validation activities will show the application of the results in the real life crisis scenarios

• Results of u-2010 project as showcase for other countries


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IRMA Expected Achievements

• A coherent suite of architectural concepts and methodologies applicable to multi-risks management situations in Africa, including advanced multiple vulnerability assessment to cope with complex emergencies.

• An integrated set of tools, compliant with the above mentioned concepts and methodologies and with current and emerging international standards.

• A pre-operational infrastructure and access-platform, assessed by end-users through operational scenarios serving as reference for future larger scale deployment and providing

the facilities for prototyping risk management systems and for supporting

a rapid development of applications services.


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• Specific applications (bushfire, flood, desertification and urban risks) dedicated to the demonstration of multi-risks management in Africa.

• A versatile communications system enabling high and/or low rates Internet transfer.

• A reliable, low cost communications system enabling alert messages and possibly emergency communications in any location of Africa (i.e. even where no electricity is supplied)

• A management concept to monitor and automatically control the functions of services and networks shown as critical through the dependability and vulnerability analysis.

IRMA Expected Achievements


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IRMA Contribution to EC policies• DG Development: the EU strategy for Disaster Risk

Reduction (DRR) in Developing Countries, whose objective is to contribute to sustainable development by reducing the burden of disaster in the most vulnerable countries and by the integration of DRR into development and humanitarian policies and into crisis response.

• DG Environment: to contribute to the creation of a Single Environment Information Space and to INSPIRE

• DG Information and Society: advancing the Internet by deploying IPv6, especially in Africa

• DG Research: to contribute to the validation of the SICA approach to international cooperation

with developing countries

DG Enterprise: to integrate upcoming GMES downstream services 11

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IRMA Communication Network











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IRMA: the South African Integrated Risk Scenarios (Flood, Bush fire, Urban Risk)



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IRMA Project Functional Structure


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IRMA Project Structure


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WP0: Project ManagementWP Leader: UL, CCG

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D0.1 Project presentation T0+3

D0.2 Project procedures: project management plan, reporting procedures, reporting templates, quality assurance plan, website.

T0+3, T0+4

D0.3. 1 - 4 Periodic reports T0+10, T0+19, T0+28, T0+38

D0.4 Publishable Final Project Report T0+38

WP objectives: to provide the internal project management and the overall co-ordination of activities, financial and technical planning and control.

• to establish the project management procedures• to perform the management duties (reports)• to establish the project website


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WP1: Requirements analysisWP Leader: UL, CCG

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D1.1 Methodology and questionnaire for risk management analysis


D1.2 Best practices and needs for risk management in Africa T0+6

D1.3 Report on the existing services and applications T0+6



Scenarios definition report

Users requirements document

T0+9, T0+12

T0+9, T0+12

D1.5 Scientific report on multi-risk methodologies T0+12

WP objectives: to identify the major needs and issues that IRMA must address in order to be able to implement scenarios targeted by the project

• to provide a status of the current practices and resources available • to provide a plan for the improvement of risk management in African context: users requirements, methodology to represent multiple vulnerabilities• to evaluate the past and on-going activities (IST projects, GEO…)• to define detailed scenarios


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WP2: System Definition and ArchitectureWP Leader: TAS-F

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D2.1 Technical Requirement Document T0+9, T0+18

D2.2 Report on the potential use of background and open source components T0+12

D2.3 Global Architecture Design Document T0+12, T0+18

D2.4 Specifications of the Data Acquisition sub-systems T0+6, T0+16, T0+30

D2.5 Specifications of Risk Management Applications T0+15

D2.6 Specifications of the Telecommunication sub-systems T0+15, T0+30

D2.7 Test and Validation Plan T0+18

D2.8 Methodology and development handbook T0+10

WP objectives: to design a service oriented architecture

• to provide the technical requirements based on WP1 results• to study the technologies resulting from previous and on-going projects• to analyse and select open source components applicable to IRMA• to design a cost-effective, sustainable global architecture• to produce technical specifications for the core IRMA platform sub-systems• to provide a test and validation plan for the sub-systems• to provide a methodology and development handbook


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WP 3.1: Implementation and Integration of IRMA Core Services

WP Leader: TAS-F

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D3.1 Generic IRMA platformTest and Validation Report for the Generic IRMA platformIRMA generic platform "installation kit and deployment guidelines"


WP objectives: to develop the ready-to-use generic set of tools

• to integrate and test the IRMA generic platform • to provide an installation kit of the IRMA generic platform• to deploy it to the countries involved in the experimentations


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WP 3.2: Implementation and Integration of IRMA Communications Layer

WP Leader: Cisco

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D3.2 Specification of the IRMA communications scenarios and preliminary architectureReport on IRMA mobility solution Report on IRMA recommended security and privacy protocols Report on IRMA survivability of networks in crisis situationsReport on sensors/RFID solutions for disaster risk managementSpecification of the collaborative emergency platformGuidelines for the deployment of Telecommunications infrastructure


WP objectives: to research and develop networking solutions in order to configure a virtual common domain over heterogeneous large-scale networks

• to research the alert and communication sub-system• to ensure interoperability of the communications networks• to investigate the location-based services• to integrate and test the communications systems• to integrate and test the Early Warning and Alerting system


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WP 4.0: Tests, trials, validation and final demoWP Leader: Spacebel

WP objectives:

• to develop, implement, test, and demonstrate the pilots and to co-ordinate the implementation of the three pilots in Senegal, Mozambique, and Morocco

• to perform the global demonstration


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WP 4.1: Implementation and demonstration of the risk management in Senegal

WP Leader: CSE

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D4.1.1 Software componentT0+25

D4.1.2 Integration test and validation planT0+25

D4.1.3 Integration test and validation report (thematic platform)T0+27

D4.1.4 Test report for the communications infrastructureT0+27

D4.1.5 Integration test and validation report (full scenario)T0+28

D4.1.6 Evaluation report for the demonstration T0+31


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WP 4.2: Implementation and demonstration of the risk management in Cameroon

WP Leader: ENSP

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D4.2.1 Software componentT0+26

D4.2.2 Integration test and validation planT0+26

D4.2.3 Integration test and validation report (thematic platform)T0+28

D4.2.4 Test report for the communications infrastructureT0+28

D4.2.5 Integration test and validation report (full scenario)T0+29

D4.2.6 Evaluation report for the demonstration T0+32


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WP 4.3: Implementation and demonstration of the risk management in Mozambique

WP Leader: UTICT

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D4.3.1 Software componentT0+27

D4.3.2 Integration test and validation planT0+27

D4.3.3 Integration test and validation report (thematic platform)T0+29

D4.3.4 Test report for the communications infrastructureT0+29

D4.3.5 Integration test and validation report (full scenario)T0+30

D4.3.6 Evaluation report for the demonstration T0+33


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WP5: Dissemination, Standardisation, Exploitation and Technical Update

WP Leader: UL, CCG

Deliverable N° Deliverable name Deadline

D5.1 Dissemination and Use plan

T0+6, T0+18, T0+30

D5.2 Report on standardization activities T0+12, T0+24


Technical update needs of African partners and targeted countries Technical material (general topics)Technical material (implementation oriented) Technical sessions report



WP objectives: to manage support activities to the project

• to disseminate the results of the project as widely as possible• to provide an exploitation plan for the most significant IRMA results• to ensure that the IRMA developments are fully compliant with existing and emerging standards • to propose the IRMA architecture to standardisation bodies as a best practice in the field• to organise train-the-trainer workshop


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IRMA Work Plan


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More information on

Contact details: Prof. Dr. Thomas Engel

[email protected]

+ 352 4666 44 5263