Integrated Reading North Star

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  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    222 TOEFLiBT Practice


    For this task,you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listento a lecture about the same topic.Then you w ill write a response to a questionthat asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and thereading passage. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage.Then listen tothe lecture.Then allow 20 m inutes to plan and write your response.


    Read the passage.

    pace Tourism1Soon there w ill be som ething new for the tourist who has been everyw hereand seen everything on Earth. Spacecraft being developed by privatecommercial companies will soon enable private citizens to buy their own ticketsto travel into space thereby creating a space tourism industry. So far spacetravel has been undertaken only by governm ents but the new privatizedspaceflight industry will bring great benefits to both science and the public.2First, private space travel will benefit serious space exploration by m akingspaceflight cheaper. Privatization of space technology will bring technologicalcosts down very fast because it will allow competition@and competition isone of the strongest m otivators to cut costs.Thus lowering the cost of spacetravel will benefit not only space tourists but also scientists, who will be able touse private space flights for research purposes.3Furtherm ore privatization of space travel will accelerate the rate at w hichimportant scientific discoveries occur.The aerospace industry a lready sponsorsa lot of groundbreaking scientific research, and adding private spaceflightcompanies to it will make the industry as a whole grow in size, therebyem ploying mo re scientists than it does now .That increased number of w orkingscientists means not only that more discoveries are likely to be made but alsothat those discoveries are likely to be made m ore quickly than in the past.4Finally w hen governm ents are the sole providers of space travel the costsare paid for by the whole taxpaying public, but with privatization, the expensesof space travel will be borne by the customers of the industry.The fact thatprivate spaceflight operators will be able to raise funds through ticket salesmeans that the financial burden on taxpayers will be eased significantly.

    LISTENINGN ow listen to part of a lecture on the same topic.

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    TOEFLiBT Practice

    WRITINGSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain howthey cast doubt on points made in the reading passage.


    READINGRead the passage.

    chool Uniforms

    1Educators have long recognized that high school can be a difficultexperience for many students. Along with the stress of challenging academicwork, high school can also be a source of social, emotional, and even financialstress. On e effective w ay of decreasing these n onacade m ic kinds of stress is torequire students to we ar a school uniform so that all students w ear basicallythe same clothing.2One o f the most obvious benefits of such a policy is that it makes highschool more affordable for both students and their parents.Clothing, especiallytrendy,fashionable clothing, is very expen sive, and teenagers usually wan t tohave several different outfits in their wardrobes@ for som e, the m ore thebetter. When there is no possibility of dressing fashionably at school, astudent s clothing bill will go down drastically.3Furtherm ore, wearing the sam e school uniform as everyon e else eliminatesa significant source of discom fort and self-consciousness for m any teenagers:the uncertainty that wh at they are wea ring is right. Such anxiety interfereswith a student s ability to act in ways that show his or her personality toadvantage.4Finally, a mandatory school-uniform policy will reduce the amount ofteasing and bullying am ong students. Currently, many students are teased or

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    224 TOEFLiBT Practice

    they can t afford to dress like the majority. Once all students wear the sameuniform, there will be much less opportunity for these kinds of intimidatingbehaviors

    LIST NINNow listen to part of a lectureon the sametopjc ::

    WRITINWrite a response to the topic, @.@ . @li r

    Summ arize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain howthey cast doubt on points made in the reading passage

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    220 TOEFL iBT Practice



    For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listento a lecture about the sam e topic.Then yo u w ill write a response to a questionthat asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and thereading passage. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage.Then listen tothe lecture.Then allow 20 minu tes to plan and write your response.


    Read the passage.

    Changes in Charitable Giving1D onat ing part of one s income to pu bl ic causes, know n as chari tablegiving, used to be a com mon practice. But, in the U nited States charitablegiving has declined substantially in recent years,and,for several reasons, it isunlikely to increase in the future.2One reason that charitable giving has fallen is simply that there is less needfor charitable giving, because the Un ited States governm ent now prov idesm ost of the important public services.The go vernm ent assumes m uch of theresponsibility for feeding the poor, providing health care, and tak ing care ofthe victims of natural disasters@ functions that charities used to perform .Th ese governm ent institutions of social welfare are permanen t, and so thediminished need for private charitable giving will also be permanent.3Ano ther reason people are, and w ill be, giving less to charities is that in thepast few years there have been highly publicized disclosures that them anagers of som e prom inent national charities were receiving huge salariesand o ther benefits as large or larger than salaries of heads of m ajor for-profitcorporations.These salaries and expenses for travel, fancy offices, andadvertising significantly reduced the percentage of donated m oney that wentto charitable purposes. Naturally people have been turned off by theseexcesses and inefficiencies.* Finally, beyond the shortcomings of legitimate charities, there has been anincreasing number of fraudulent solicitations by organizations or individualswh o m erely pose as charities. As a result, people are now b ecoming skepticaleven about what are in fact legitimate appeals for support. So potential donorsare starting to give less and give less frequently. And since the incidence ofcharity fraud seem s to be increasing, we can ex pect further declines incharitable giving as people becom e mo re concerned that they are being takenadvantage of.

    LISTENINGNow listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    TOEFUB T P ractice 2

    WRITINGSumm arize the points made in the lecture being sure to specifically explain howthey cast doubt on points made in the reading passage.


    Read the passage.

    School year Vacations1It used to be that parents took their children on v acation during thesumm er, when school was out of session. But today, much m ore of ten than inthe past many parents take their children on vacation during the school year.A lthough these children are away from sch ool, sometimes for several weeks,traveling itself serves a valuable educational function.2The m ost important educational benefit of taking children on vacation isthat traveling exposes children to new places and cultures. It is good forchildren to read about distant countries, but it is even better to take themthere. What students learn by meeting the peop le and absorbing the culture ofthese places is something they could no t learn in their classrooms.3Moreover, the benefits to the children who have been away from theclassroom fo r several weeks traveling continue after they have returned totheir classes. Students who are in school every day of the school year can easilylose enthusiasm for their studies. But students invigorated by time away returnwith heightened excitement.4The trend of students taking vacations during the school year also hasbenefits for teachers. W hen these students return to schoo l, their know ledgeand en thusiasm co ntribute positively to the entire class.Teachers can ask thechildren to share stories of their travels with their peers and can incorporatewhat they have learned from traveling into writing and reading projects.Thism akes lesson developm ent easier for teachers because the returning studentsexperiences provide a ready basis for classroom discussions and projects.

    LISTENINGNow listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

    WRITINGSumm arize the points made in the lecture being sure to specifically explain howthey oppose points made in the reading passage.

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    256 TOEFLiBT Practice

    For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you w ill listento a lecture about the same topic.Then you w ill write a response to a questionthat asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and thereading passage. You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage.Then listen tothe lecture.Then allow 20 minu tes to plan and write your response.


    Read the passage.

    aster Island

    1Easter Island, a small , remote island in the Pacific Ocean, w as once ho m e toa flourishing culture. But about 500 years ago (a.d. 1500), its society went into asteep decline. History teaches us that events like this are often caused byoutside influences. So it is not unreasonab le to consider wh ether there arefacts about the decline of Easter island s society that would be explained by ahypothesis of an invasion.2One such fact has to do with trees. Most Pacific island societies havemanaged to find an ecologically balanced way of living by using@but notoverexp loiting@ natural resources such as trees. Most Pacific islands, therefore,remain lush@ but not Easter Island. Although it was once densely forested,most of its trees had disappeared by about 500 years ago. Environmentaldestruction of this sort has often been caused by invaders w ho deplete anarea's natural resources without any concern for the future.3Facts about the large stone statues on E aster Island could also sup port theidea of an invasion.There are about 900 of these statues on the island; thelargest is over 20 meters tall.The native society clearly placed a great dea l ofimportance on their production. Yet at about the same time that the islandbecam e deforested, islanders stopped m aking these huge statues. An invasionwould help exp lain why this traditional practice came to a sudden end.4Fur therm ore , we know that a round the t ime these o ther changes w eretaking place, a new religion developed on Easter Island: the Birdm an worship.There is no convincing evidence that the Birdman religion existed before 1500,which suggests that this new religious practice may have been introduced byoutsiders.

    LISTENINGNo w listen to an excerpt on the same topic.

  • 8/14/2019 Integrated Reading North Star


    , TOEFL iBT Practice


    WRITINGSumm arize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically indicate howthey challenge explanations offered in the reading passage.

    INTEGRATED WRITING TASK 2READINGRead the passage. ; ,; ; , :@ ;; I

    External versus Internal Hiring1W hen a com pany needs to hi re som eone for a m anager ial pos it ion, there isoften a choice between promoting an em ployee who is already working insidethe company or bringing in a person from outside. Hiring a qualified outsider isoften to a comp any's advantage for several reasons.2An im portant reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they bring anew perspective.This contributes to the diversity of ideas and allows companypractices to be seen in a new light. O ften, an outside hire will ask, W hat's thereason for doing things this way? This question may lead to a reevaluation ofpractices that are actually inefficient but have become so much a part of theroutine that it's difficult for insiders to question them .3A nother m ajor factor to be considered is the cost of on-the-job training.Hiring outsiders allows a company to look for people w ho already have theparticular skills and experience required for the job.The company will not haveto spend t ime and m oney t raining an internal employee for the new job@som ething that has to be don e wh en, for example,an employee is promo tedfrom a technical position to a m anagerial one. In such a case, usually theemployee would be sent to classes to help learn needed managerial skills.* Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contactswith suppliers,customers, and technicians that they have developed in theirprevious job. Clearly these contacts can be a valuable asset for the companythat hires m anagers from the outside.

    LISTENINGNo w listen to an excerpt on the same topic.

    WRITINGSummarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain howthey cast doubt on points mad e in the reading passage.