Instruments of Emerging Market

Emerging Mark et & Instruments In Emerging Market Made by SandhiYA and Hemend chandran

Transcript of Instruments of Emerging Market

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Emerging Market& Instruments In Emerging


Made bySandhiYA

and Hem

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The term “Emerging Markets” appeared in the beginning of the1980’s and was initially used to designate finan ial marketslo ation in de!eloping ountries a ording to world bank"

Emerging markets are sought by in!estors for the prospe t of highreturns# as they often e$perien e faster e onomi growth asmeasured by %&'" (n!estments in emerging markets ome with

mu h greater risk due to politi al instability# domestiinfrastru ture problems# urren y !olatility and limited e)uityopportunities *many large ompanies may still be +state,run+ or

pri!ate-" .lso# lo al sto k e$ hanges may not offer li)uid marketsfor outside in!estors"

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Instruments In Emerging Market

/ 2(3% .4E T5E (36T47ME3T6 (3 EME4%(3% M.4 ET6• .ME4( .3 &E' 6(T 4: 4E E('T6 *.&46-• % ;. &E' 6(T 4: 4E E('T6 *%&46-• / 4E(%3 744E3 : 3<E4T(; E ; &6• / 4E(%3 ; 3&6•

% ;. M7T7. /73&6

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(t is a negotiable se urity representing se urities of a non,

76 ompany trading in the 76 finan ial markets(t is denominated in 76 dollars and may be traded likeregular shares of sto k

6e urities of a foreign ompany that are represented by an.&4 are alled American depositor S!ares *ADSs -

(3/ 6:6 Te hnologies td was the "irst Indiancompan to issue .&4s

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(t is issued by one ountry’s bank as negotiable ertifi ate

and is traded on the sto k e$ hange of another ountryagainst a ertain number of shares held in its ustody"

3ormally 1 %&4 = 10 shares# but not always"

(t is denominated in some freely on!ertible urren y"

%&4s are often listed in $u&em'ourg # $ondon #rank"urt #Singapore and Du'ai Stock E&c!ange

4elian e (ndustries was the "irst Indian compan toissue %&4s"

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They are debt instruments issued in a urren y

different than the issuer’s domesti urren y with anoption to on!ert them in ommon shares of the issuerompany

The interest on / ;s is generally >0? ,@0? lessthan on normal debt paper or foreign urren y loans

Maturity period of / ; is A years but there is norestri tion on time period for on!erting / ; intoshares

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oreign %ond

. bond that is issued in domesti market by a foreignentity# in the domesti market’s urren y" . foreign bond isthe most often issued by a foreign firm to raise apital in adomesti market that would be more interested in

pur hasing the firm’s debts"

/or foreign firms doing a large amount of business in the

domesti market# issuing foreign bonds is a ommon pra ti e" Types of foreign bonds in lude ;ulldog bonds*;ritish apital market-# Matilda bonds*.ustralianapital market- and 6amurai bonds*Bapanese apitalmarket-"

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#,o'a, Mutua, unds

. type of mutual fund# losed,end fund or e$ hange,traded fund that ain!est in ompanies lo ated anywhere in the world# in luding the in!estoown ountry" These funds pro!ide more global opportunities di!ersifi ation and a t as a hedge against inflation and urren y risks"

Bust as buying shares in a domesti e)uity mutual fund is similar to buydomesti sto ks# buying shares in global and international mutual fund

similar to buying shares in the foreign sto ks"The big benefit of buying foreign sto ks through a fund is that the glomutual funds not only spreads money among numerous sto ks# they an spread money among numerous ountries"

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