Instructions for Assembly and Use

Instructions for Assembly and Use 1” Wrench Screwdriver Mallet Tools Needed:

Transcript of Instructions for Assembly and Use

Instructionsfor Assembly

and Use

1” Wrench Screwdriver Mallet

Tools Needed:

1. Align mechanical clamp with articu-lated tubing at wrist joint. Secure with lynch pin using mal-let as necessary to tap gently into place.

2. Repeat step 1 with longer articulated tubing and foot piece using mallet as nec-essary.

3. Ensure proper placement of internal mechanisms before connecting front and back halves of chas-sis. Screw together.

4. Connect legs, arms, and head to body via magnetic plugs. Tighten arm and leg cuffs using wrench.

5. Tiptoe around in excitment while waiting for complete charge.

6. When charge reach-es 100%, flip main switch to “on” posi-tion. Stand back.

7. Say hello to your new robotic compan-ion.

8. Introduce yourself. Give your new friend a name.

9.a. Your robot may be disoriented, so it is best to leave it plenty of room initially.

I’m going to call you Friendbot!


10.b. A variety of batteries comprise a healthy robotic diet.

9.b. As it becomes used to its environment, you may move a bit closer.

10.a. Keep your home well stocked with a robot’s prefered food, batteries.

I got these for you in case you get hungry!

Do you have any 9-volts?

11. Ask your robot about itself. Bots are programmed to have personal interests.

12.a. Try not to be too clingy or your robot might think you’re weird.

12.b. Showing some interest is ok...but try to be a bit aloof.

So...Do you like...robots? ...They’re


Do you want something?

I’m good.

13.b. Remember, inter-ested, but aloof.

13.a. It is important to spend quality time with your bot. Don’t just stay home every night.

Hey, I was thinking uh...maybe later, if

you want--

I’ve got a thing later actually...

Oh. Cool...Is it like--

It’s like, a thing for robots...You wouldn’t

be into it.


14. Ouch.

15. Ask yourself why this kind of thing always happens to you.

16.a. It’s because you’re boring.

So, uh...did you hear about that--

Yeah, I think I’m gonna bail, actually...

I’ll see you later.

Why does this kind of thing always happen to me?

Well, what the hell would you know about it?

18.a. Look. I’m sorry I said you’re boring. That was mean of me. And it’s really not your problem anyway.

17. ...

16.b. What? Do you think you’re the first guy to ever build himself a robotic friend?

18.b. I mean, take a look at yourself. You are made up of the same stuff as every-one else who ever lived. As a result you face the same prob-lems everyone else has for all time, the same fundamental aloneness.

18.c. No one has really figured it out yet. There is not going to be some solution you can buy. There is no “step 1, step 2, step 3,” you can follow. It’s just not that simple.

Yeah. I dono, man.

Well I wish I would have known that

before I spent 200 bucks on

that kit.

They should put a disclaimer on the box or something!

Oh, uh...tonight? Yeah, I’ve got like, a thing tonight...It’s like...this thing for instruc-tion manuals...some other time for sure, though! I’ll hit you up, man!

Hey, you know, if you’re free later, like, I don’t have any plans tonight. Maybe we

could like...

Yeah. Ok.