Institution of Civil Engineers, the Reviewer's perspective

The Reviewer’s perspective Eur Ing Ian Jenkinson BSc MBA CEng FICE FIMechE MCIM


The Institution of Civil Engineers Professional Review is for those wishing to become a Chartered, Incorporated or Technician Engineer. This is an explanation of the Review process to graduate mentors (SCE & DE) at ICE, London

Transcript of Institution of Civil Engineers, the Reviewer's perspective

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The Reviewer’s perspective

Eur Ing Ian Jenkinson BSc MBA CEng FICE FIMechE MCIM

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If a candidate can do all this ...

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We guess they will clear the bar

So its not about winning ... ... its avoiding a crash

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Match or Mismatch ... ?

Reviewer Candidate

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Sponsor links to Project Report

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What really adds value?

good Reports ...

• Brief project description

• What they personally did

• Problems encountered

• What they learned

... or obscure Appendices?

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Review should confirm the application

• their Reports

• their knowledge

• their understandingns

• good Q&A to cover the ‘Attributes’

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The Presentation

Slow death by bullet point ...

• Blah blah

• Blah blah

• Blah blah

• Etc ......

... or an explanation to colleagues?

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Neither the 3rd degree nor ‘adult to child’

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Questions & Answers

We ask open questions ... ... so explain / show / point

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Draw sketches to explain

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Evidence brought together

• Sponsor reports

• Experience Report

• Project Report

• PDP & CPD records

• Q&A during the review

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Written Exercise

Candidate can almost define it Reviewers usually respond

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How do we decide Pass/Fail ?

PASS because superheros ... ... PASS because of their


FAIL because of B***S**T