Institute of educational engineering and pedagogical technologies


Transcript of Institute of educational engineering and pedagogical technologies

Institute of Educational Engineering and Pedagogical Technologies is one of the leading institutes of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

Activity of the Institute is directed on realization of social demand of society in relation to preparation of engineering and pedagogical staff, highly qualified specialists of the European orientation, competitive and adapted to market transformations specialists.

The director of the institute of Educational engineering and pedagogical technologies is Khomenko V.G., candidate of technical sciences, professor.

Educational process in the Institute is provided by professional departments: • Department of Economy of Enterprises• Department of Management of Organizations• Department of Professional Pedagogics and Methods of Professional Studies• Department of Computer Technologies in Management and Studies• Department of Computer Systems and Networks• Department of Fundamental and Engineering Disciplines

The preparation of specialists at the institute is carried out on fulltime and part-time department according to educational and qualifying

levels: bachelor, specialists, and master’s degree.

Students are mastering standardization and technique of measuring

The base of economical theories


Professional education. Computer technologies.- Computer technologies in management and teaching;- Computer systems and nets;- Processing and protection information in computer systems and nets;Professional education. Economics.- Economics if enterprises, marketing and management.Economics and entrepreneurship.- Economics of enterprises.

The institute is provided with necessary material and technical base which create all terms for realization of valuable educational process on due levels.

The students of the Institute are actively engaged in research work in problem groups and scientific groups, take part in student international and all-Ukrainian scientific and research conferences and Olympiads.

In the Institute all necessary terms for physical and spiritual development of students are created, the student self-government works