Installing Emc 6 4

Installing Avaya Aura ® Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4 Issue 1 January 2015


Installation Avaya Contact Center Elite Multichannel

Transcript of Installing Emc 6 4

  • Installing Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel

    Release 6.4Issue 1

    January 2015

  • 2015 Avaya Inc.All Rights Reserved.NoticeWhile reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that theinformation in this document is complete and accurate at the time ofprinting, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reservesthe right to make changes and corrections to the information in thisdocument without the obligation to notify any person or organizationof such changes.Documentation disclaimerDocumentation means information published by Avaya in varyingmediums which may include product information, operatinginstructions and performance specifications that Avaya may generallymake available to users of its products and Hosted Services.Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall notbe responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to theoriginal published version of documentation unless suchmodifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. EndUser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents,servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands andjudgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequentmodifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to theextent made by End User.Link disclaimerAvaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linkedwebsites referenced within this site or documentation provided byAvaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information,statement or content provided on these sites and does notnecessarily endorse the products, services, or information describedor offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links willwork all the time and has no control over the availability of the linkedpages.WarrantyAvaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software.Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limitedwarranty. In addition, Avayas standard warranty language, as well asinformation regarding support for this product while under warranty isavailable to Avaya customers and other parties through the AvayaSupport website: or such successor site asdesignated by Avaya. Please note that if You acquired the product(s)from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the UnitedStates and Canada, the warranty is provided to You by said AvayaChannel Partner and not by Avaya.LicensesTHE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYAWEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO ORSUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, AREAPPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/ORINSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC.,ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (ASAPPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITHAVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER. UNLESSOTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOESNOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WASOBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYAAFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYARESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOUAND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWAREWITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING ORUSING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO,YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOMYOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THESOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TOINTERCHANGEABLY AS YOU AND END USER), AGREE TOTHESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDINGCONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THEAPPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (AVAYA).Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license typesdescribed below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, forwhich the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the orderdocumentation does not expressly identify a license type, theapplicable license will be a Designated System License. The

    applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which thelicense is granted will be one (1), unless a different number oflicenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or othermaterials available to You. Software means computer programs inobject code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner,whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed on hardware products,and any upgrades, updates, patches, bug fixes, or modified versionsthereto. Designated Processor means a single stand-alonecomputing device. Server means a Designated Processor thathosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users.Instance means a single copy of the Software executing at aparticular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on one deployedsoftware virtual machine (VM) or similar deployment.License type(s)Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and useeach copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number ofDesignated Processors up to the number indicated in the order.Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified inthe order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location orother specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avayathrough electronic means established by Avaya specifically for thispurpose.Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use theSoftware on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and usingthe Software at any given time. A Unit means the unit on whichAvaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and canbe, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mailaccount in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g.,webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrativedatabase utilized by the Software that permits one user to interfacewith the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Serveror an Instance of the Software.CopyrightExcept where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made ofmaterials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service,or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, thedocumentation, Hosted Service, and the product provided by Avayaincluding the selection, arrangement and design of the content isowned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyrightand other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rightsrelating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy,reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any wayany content, in whole or in part, including any code and softwareunless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction,transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the expresswritten consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offenseunder the applicable law.Third Party ComponentsThird Party Components mean certain software programs orportions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service maycontain software (including open source software) distributed underthird party agreements (Third Party Components), which containterms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software(Third Party Terms). As required, information regarding distributedLinux OS source code (for those products that have distributed LinuxOS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the ThirdParty Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is availablein the products, Documentation or on Avayas website at: or such successor site as designatedby Avaya. You agree to the Third Party Terms for any such ThirdParty Components.Note to Service ProviderThe product or Hosted Service may use Third Party Componentssubject to Third Party Terms that do not allow hosting and require aService Provider to be independently licensed for such purpose. It isyour responsibility to obtain such licensing.Preventing Toll FraudToll Fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunicationssystem by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not acorporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on yourcompany's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraudassociated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can

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  • Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................... 11Purpose................................................................................................................................11Intended audience.................................................................................................................11Related resources................................................................................................................. 12

    Documentation................................................................................................................12Training.......................................................................................................................... 14Viewing Avaya Mentor videos...........................................................................................14

    Support................................................................................................................................ 15Chapter 2: Overview............................................................................................................... 16

    Installation options.................................................................................................................17Supported languages.............................................................................................................17XML server failover................................................................................................................17Upgrade to Release 6.4......................................................................................................... 18Installation requirements........................................................................................................ 18

    Requirements for the Desktop components....................................................................... 18Requirements for the Server components..........................................................................19Requirements for the Developer components.................................................................... 20

    Chapter 3: Supported products.............................................................................................22Supported Avaya products..................................................................................................... 22Supported non-Avaya products.............................................................................................. 23Secure Access Link............................................................................................................... 24

    Chapter 4: Installing and configuring the Desktop components....................................... 26Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop installation................................................................... 26

    Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop silently.....................................................26Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop manually..................................................26

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration................................................................ 28Configuring Media Director...............................................................................................29Configuring Presence...................................................................................................... 30Configuring Session Notes............................................................................................... 31Configuring Telephony.....................................................................................................32Configuring User............................................................................................................. 33Configuring Voice............................................................................................................ 37Configuring IDS View Client............................................................................................. 39Configuring Directory....................................................................................................... 39Configuring Enhanced Dial...............................................................................................40Configuring Quick Dial..................................................................................................... 42Configuring Custom Buttons.............................................................................................44Configuring Email............................................................................................................ 45Configuring Simple Messaging......................................................................................... 46

    4 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Configuring HTML Editor..................................................................................................47Configuring Language..................................................................................................... 47Configuring Wallboard..................................................................................................... 48Configuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM............................................................................... 56Configuring DMCC.......................................................................................................... 60

    .Net Remote Connection........................................................................................................61Language customization........................................................................................................ 61

    Creating a custom language.............................................................................................62Selecting a custom language for an agent......................................................................... 63Customizing a language for Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.....................................64

    Rules management............................................................................................................... 64Creating a rule................................................................................................................ 65Rule storage................................................................................................................... 67

    Device Media Call Control (DMCC).........................................................................................67DMCC overview.............................................................................................................. 67DMCC modes................................................................................................................. 68

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration...................................................................................... 69Integrating IronPython script...................................................................................................70Call Center Elite Multichannel Reporting installation................................................................. 72

    Requirements for Call Center Elite Multichannel Reporting................................................. 72Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Reporting..............................................................72Verifying SQL Server Reporting Services.......................................................................... 74

    Media Proxy installation......................................................................................................... 75Installing Media Proxy......................................................................................................75

    Chapter 5: Installing the Server applications.......................................................................77Requirements for installing the Server applications.................................................................. 77

    Installing and Configuring IIS............................................................................................78Call Center Elite Multichannel core services...................................................................... 81Services for the Voice only configuration........................................................................... 81Services for the Email only configuration........................................................................... 82Services for the Messaging configuration.......................................................................... 82Services for the Call Routing configuration........................................................................ 82Services for the Outbound (Preview or Progressive) configuration.......................................82

    Installation of the Server applications...................................................................................... 83Installing License Director................................................................................................ 83Installing Call Routing Server........................................................................................... 84Installing Configuration Server..........................................................................................86Installing Task Director.................................................................................................... 88Configuring Task Director.................................................................................................89Installing Interaction Data Server...................................................................................... 89Installing Trace System....................................................................................................93Installing Call Recording Config Service............................................................................ 94Installing Experience Portal Config Service........................................................................95


    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 5Comments? [email protected]

  • Installing XML Server.......................................................................................................96Installing Media Director...................................................................................................97Installing Virtual Agent..................................................................................................... 98Installing Media Stores.....................................................................................................99Installing Application Management Service......................................................................101

    Chapter 6: Installing Media Gateways................................................................................ 103Gateways........................................................................................................................... 103Checklist for installing Web Chat Gateway.............................................................................104Installing Web Chat for IIS....................................................................................................104Configuring Web Chat through IIS Manager.......................................................................... 106Installing Media Gateways................................................................................................... 107Configuring Media Gateways................................................................................................108

    Chapter 7: Installing the Developer components.............................................................. 109Requirements for installing the Developer components...........................................................109Call Center Elite Multichannel Developer installation.............................................................. 109

    Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Developer...........................................................110Chapter 8: Installing SQL Server.........................................................................................111

    SQL Server installation........................................................................................................ 111SQL Server configuration..................................................................................................... 111

    Configuring SQL Server................................................................................................. 111Configuring the database settings for SQL Server............................................................ 112

    Chapter 9: Installing utilities................................................................................................113WebLM installation.............................................................................................................. 113

    Prerequisites for WebLM Server..................................................................................... 113Checklist for installing WebLM Server............................................................................. 114

    WebLM configuration...........................................................................................................118Fixing the security vulnerabilities.................................................................................... 120Accessing WebLM Server.............................................................................................. 121

    Installing Application Enablement Services TSAPI client.........................................................122Quick Installer - Server Edition............................................................................................. 123

    Installing the Call Center Elite Multichannel Server components using Quick Installer -Server Edition............................................................................................................... 123

    Experience Portal Application Updater.................................................................................. 124Installing Experience Portal Application Updater.............................................................. 125Installing the Experience Portal applications.................................................................... 126

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server implementation................................................................... 126Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server customization..................................................................... 127

    Installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Phonebook Synchronizer on Microsoft Dynamics CRMServer.......................................................................................................................... 127

    Chapter 10: Inventory of Call Center Elite Multichannel................................................... 128Inventory of Call Center Elite Multichannel.............................................................................128

    Collecting the Call Center Elite Multichannel inventory..................................................... 129Chapter 11: User authentication in Call Center Elite Multichannel..................................131


    6 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Enabling the user authentication in a domain......................................................................... 131Enabling the user authentication for the users........................................................................132

    Chapter 12: Agent event notification.................................................................................. 134Enable the agent event notification....................................................................................... 134

    Requirements for enabling the agent events.................................................................... 134Configuration for enabling agent events.......................................................................... 134Operations for enabling the agent events........................................................................ 135Troubleshooting for enabling the agent events................................................................. 135

    Appendix A: Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration................................ 136Parameter configuration through Configuration Server........................................................... 136Parameter configuration through the configuration file............................................................ 136

    Appendix B: Parameters in the configuration file............................................................. 137General parameters.............................................................................................................137Error Logging parameters.................................................................................................... 138License Director parameters.................................................................................................140Windows layout parameters................................................................................................. 140Plug In Assembly List.......................................................................................................... 141Spell Checker parameters....................................................................................................143Directory parameters........................................................................................................... 144Work Item History parameters.............................................................................................. 145Preview Contact parameters................................................................................................ 146Email parameters................................................................................................................ 147Work Item Notes parameters................................................................................................148Voice parameters................................................................................................................ 149CallInfo.A parameters.......................................................................................................... 150CallInfo.B parameters.......................................................................................................... 151CallInfo.C parameters.......................................................................................................... 151CallInfo.D parameters.......................................................................................................... 151Work Item Alert parameters..................................................................................................152Telephony parameters......................................................................................................... 153User parameters................................................................................................................. 154Media Controller parameters................................................................................................ 154Simple Messaging parameters............................................................................................. 155External Application Container parameters............................................................................ 156External Application 1 and External Application 2 parameters................................................. 157Auto Text parameters.......................................................................................................... 159Printing parameters............................................................................................................. 160External Application Execute parameters.............................................................................. 160Session Notes parameters................................................................................................... 161Presence parameters.......................................................................................................... 162Close Suspend Work Item parameters.................................................................................. 162IDS View Client parameters................................................................................................. 163Rules parameters................................................................................................................ 163


    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 7Comments? [email protected]

  • Desktop Utility parameters................................................................................................... 164Wallboard parameters......................................................................................................... 164GN8120 Headset parameters............................................................................................... 164Customized Forms parameters.............................................................................................165Work Item Creation parameters............................................................................................ 165Time In AUX Display parameters.......................................................................................... 165Enhanced Dial parameters................................................................................................... 166Quick Dial parameters......................................................................................................... 166Contact Management parameters.........................................................................................167Save Close Document Window parameters........................................................................... 168Python Breakout parameters................................................................................................ 168Custom Rules Buttons parameters........................................................................................169Microsoft Dynamics CRM GUI Plugin parameters.................................................................. 169

    Appendix C: Command line parameters.............................................................................170Parameters......................................................................................................................... 170

    Application Name /z.......................................................................................................170Primary Server Name /s.................................................................................................170Primary Server Port /p................................................................................................... 171Secondary Server Name /s2...........................................................................................171Secondary Server Port /p2............................................................................................. 171Configuration Filter /a.................................................................................................... 171File Name /f.................................................................................................................. 172Logging State /t............................................................................................................. 172Password Encryption /pwd............................................................................................. 172Command Line Format.................................................................................................. 172

    Changing Data Source from .ini to Configuration Server......................................................... 173Performing silent install........................................................................................................ 174

    Supported command line parameters to perform silent install............................................175Appendix D: Configuration data commands......................................................................177

    Overview............................................................................................................................ 177Token delimiter............................................................................................................. 177

    Commands......................................................................................................................... 178LOOKUP...................................................................................................................... 178WINENV.......................................................................................................................179ENCRYPT.................................................................................................................... 179ENCRYPTED................................................................................................................180STRCAT.......................................................................................................................180SUBSTR.......................................................................................................................180

    Keywords........................................................................................................................... 181COMPUTERNAME........................................................................................................181IPADDRESS................................................................................................................. 181USERNAME................................................................................................................. 181TIME............................................................................................................................ 181


    8 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • DATE........................................................................................................................... 182CWD............................................................................................................................ 182WINDIR........................................................................................................................ 182WINSYSDIR................................................................................................................. 182WINTEMPDIR...............................................................................................................182

    Literal Data Support.............................................................................................................182Nested Commands..............................................................................................................183Recursive Loop Protection................................................................................................... 183Resolution Precedence/Reentrancy...................................................................................... 183Include Directive..................................................................................................................184INCLUDE_CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................. 184

    Appendix E: Default port numbers......................................................................................185Default Port Numbers.......................................................................................................... 185

    Advanced Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector............................................................... 185AOL-ICQ Instant Messenger Gateway............................................................................ 185Application Management Service....................................................................................185Configuration Server......................................................................................................186Email Media Store......................................................................................................... 186

    Interaction Data Service.......................................................................................................186Interaction Data Server - Voice and Presence..................................................................186Interaction Data Server - Multimedia............................................................................... 186Interaction Data Server - View........................................................................................ 187License Director............................................................................................................ 187Media Director.............................................................................................................. 187Media Proxy..................................................................................................................187Media Proxy (Windows Service)..................................................................................... 188MSN Messenger Gateway............................................................................................. 188Preview Contact Media Store......................................................................................... 188Short Message Service Gateway.................................................................................... 188Simple Messaging Media Store...................................................................................... 188Virtual Agent................................................................................................................. 188Voice Media Store......................................................................................................... 189Web Chat Gateway....................................................................................................... 189XML Server...................................................................................................................189WebLM Server.............................................................................................................. 189Experience Portal Server............................................................................................... 190Call Recording.............................................................................................................. 190TTrace Server............................................................................................................... 190SQL Server...................................................................................................................190

    Appendix F: Configuring Avaya Call Recorder..................................................................191Checklist for configuring Avaya Aura Communication Manager............................................. 191

    Verifying Avaya Aura Communication Manager License..................................................191Obtaining CLAN IP address........................................................................................... 192


    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 9Comments? [email protected]

  • Administering CTI Link for TSAPI....................................................................................192Administering System Parameters Features.................................................................... 192Administering Class of Restriction...................................................................................193Administering Agent Stations..........................................................................................193Administering Codec Set................................................................................................193Administering Network Region........................................................................................194Administering Virtual IP Softphones................................................................................ 194Assigning Virtual IP Softphones to Network Region..........................................................195

    Checklist for configuring Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services.................................. 195Launching Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services Console................................... 195Verifying DMCC and TSAPI Licenses............................................................................. 196Administering TSAPI Link...............................................................................................196Obtaining H.323 Gatekeeper IP Address......................................................................... 197Disabling Security Database...........................................................................................197Restarting TSAPI Service...............................................................................................197Administering Avaya Aura Contact Recorder User for DMCC.......................................... 198Administering Avaya Aura Contact Recorder User for TSAPI...........................................198

    Checklist for configuring Avaya Aura Contact Recorder........................................................ 198Launching Avaya Aura Contact Recorder...................................................................... 199Administering Recorder Information................................................................................ 199Administering Contact Center Information....................................................................... 199Administering Bulk Recording.........................................................................................200Adding EMC server IP address.......................................................................................201Verifying Avaya Aura Contact Recorder Recording Playback...........................................202Configuring Call Center Elite Multichannel Call Recording Server......................................202


    10 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Chapter 1: Introduction

    PurposeThis document provides information about the installation, configuration, and licensing requirementsof Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel. This document also lists the supported products ofCall Center Elite Multichannel.Before you start installing Call Center Elite Multichannel, you must have an understanding of thefollowing components:

    Avaya Communication Manager Application Enablement Services (AES) WebLM Server Microsoft SQL Server Internet Information Services (IIS) Microsoft Exchange Server Avaya Contact Recording (ACR) Server Microsoft Dynamics CRM

    Intended audienceThis document is intended for solution engineers, Avaya Professional Services personnels,business partners, and system administrators who want to install Call Center Elite Multichannel on asystem.

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 11Comments? [email protected]

  • Related resources

    DocumentationThe following table lists the related documents for the Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannelproduct. You can download the documents from the Avaya Support website at Description AudienceAvaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Call Routing ServerUser Guide

    Provides an overview of CallRouting Server that enablesintelligent call routing forinbound calls in Call CenterElite Multichannel.

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers System administrators

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Configuration ClientDeveloper Guide

    Provides information aboutthe Configuration ClientDeveloper application, whichis a control that facilitates anapplication to transparentlyaccess the configurationinformation from any location.


    Administering Avaya Aura CallCenter Elite Multichannel

    Provides information abouthow to manage databases,configure Call Center EliteMultichannel services, andadminister Avaya AuraCommunication Manager.

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers System administrators

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Overview Guide

    Provides an overview of theCall Center Elite Multichannelfeatures.

    Sales engineers Implementation engineers System administrators

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Desktop User Guide

    Provides information aboutCall Center Elite MultichannelDesktop and describes howto use Call Center EliteMultichannel Desktop toreceive, view, and respond tovoice and multimedia workitems.

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers System administrators End users

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel ApplicationManagement Service User Guide

    Provides information abouthow to install and administerApplication ManagementService in Call Center EliteMultichannel.

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers


    12 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Title Description AudienceAvaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Upgrade and MigrationGuide

    Provides information abouthow to upgrade or migrate: Avaya Aura Call Center

    Elite Multichannel Release6.2.x or 6.3.x to Release6.4.

    Avaya Aura Call CenterElite Multichannel Release6.2.3, 6.2.5, 6.3, or 6.3.1 toRelease 6.4 Open VirtualApplication (OVA) usingVMware.

    Avaya Aura Call CenterElite Multichannel Release6.2.5 or 6.3 OVA to Release6.4 OVA using VMware.

    The Upgrade Sequencesection in the respectiveupgrading chapters providesa high-level overview of theprocess.

    Implementation engineers Solution architects

    Deploying Avaya Aura Call CenterElite Multichannel in an AvayaCustomer Experience VirtualizedEnvironment Guide

    Provides information abouthow to deploy the AvayaAura Call Center EliteMultichannel virtualapplication in AvayaCustomer ExperienceVirtualized Environment.This document includesdeployment, configuration,initial administration,troubleshooting, and basicmaintenance checklists andprocedures.

    Implementation engineers

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel Reporting User Guide

    Provides information aboutthe reports for Agents,Customers, Interaction,Program and Schedule,Skills, and VDNs. This guidealso provides informationabout historical reports andreal-time reports.

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers

    Avaya Aura Call Center EliteMultichannel TTrace User Guide

    Provides information aboutTTrace and its components,helps you to understand theTTraceConsole and

    Sales engineers Solution architects Implementation engineers

    Related resources

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 13Comments? [email protected]

  • Title Description AudienceTTraceConfig user interfaces,and explains the operationsthat you can perform usingTTraceConsole andTTraceConfig.

    TrainingThe following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at After logging in to the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Searchfield and press Enter or click > to search for the course.Course code Course title5C00092W Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Overview10C00010E Knowledge Access: Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Implementation10C00094V Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Implementation and Maintenance4302 Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Implementation Test0C00060E Knowledge Collection Access: Avaya Aura Call Center Elite PortfolioE: Self-paced in virtual campusW: Web (online) courseV: Virtual

    Viewing Avaya Mentor videosAvaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avayaproducts.About this taskVideos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and onthe Avaya-run channel on YouTube.Procedure

    To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and perform one of thefollowing actions:- In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos to see a list of the available videos.- In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the

    Content Type column on the left.


    14 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to andperform one of the following actions:- Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or

    topic.- Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos posted

    on the website.Note:Videos are not available for all products.

    SupportGo to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-datedocumentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes,downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a servicerequest. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to asupport team if an issue requires additional expertise.


    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 15Comments? [email protected]

  • Chapter 2: Overview

    Call Center Elite Multichannel is a Microsoft Windows-based software suite. Companies can use thissoftware suite to turn one-dimensional call centers into powerful multimedia contact centers.Call Center Elite Multichannel uses the phantom call capability of Communication Manager andfacilitates customers to make contact through phone, email, text message, or instant message.Whether your customers prefer text messaging on mobile, sending emails, or chatting over theInternet, their method of communication is treated as a phone call. The phone call is placed in apriority queue and distributed to an agent with relevant skills and knowledge. The agent can alsoreply using the same method of communication.Easy to implement and simple to use, Call Center Elite Multichannel also delivers:

    Out-of-the-box desktop applications for supervisors Framework applications including intelligent routing, interaction data, and centralized

    configuration Automated or agent-initiated outbound preview dialing Powerful application development tools for complete customization and integration Simple and fast wizards for desktop screen pops and routing rules

    The following are the major categories of the Call Center Elite Multichannel components: Desktop components: Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop, Call Center Elite Multichannel

    Reporting, and Call Center Elite Multichannel Control Panel. Server components: Application Management Service, Call Routing Server, Configuration

    Server, Email Media Store, License Director, Task Director, Media Director, Media Proxy,Preview Contact Media Store, Voice Media Store, Simple Messaging Media Store (AOL-ICQInstant Messenger Gateway, MSN Messenger Gateway, Short Message Service Gateway,Web Chat Gateway, XMPP Gateway, and Communicator Gateway), Virtual Agent, XMLServer, Experience Portal Config Service, Call Recording Config Service, Trace System,Interaction Data Service (Interaction Data Server - Voice and Presence, Interaction DataServer - Multimedia, and Interaction Data Server - View), and Plug-ins (Rules Plug-in, ScriptPlug-in, SOAP Plug-in, and SQL Plug-in).

    Developer components: Call Center Elite Multichannel Developer.

    16 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Installation optionsInstallation on a physical serverTo install Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4 on a physical server, download the Call CenterElite Multichannel Release 6.4 ISO image from the Avaya Licensing and Delivery System website, in a virtualized environmentTo deploy Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4 in a virtualized environment, see DeployingAvaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel in an Avaya Customer Experience VirtualizedEnvironment Guide.

    Supported languagesIn Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4, all applications are available only in English. Supportfor the following languages will be provided in Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4.1.

    English Chinese (Simplified) French German Italian Portuguese (Brazilian) Russian Spanish (Colombian) Japanese Korean

    In the Call Center Elite Multichannel configuration, if you select a language other than English, someof the labels might display in English. The translations of such labels will be provided in Call CenterElite Multichannel Release 6.4.1.

    XML server failoverThe applications such as Media Director and Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop support theXML server failover.If the primary XML server fails and you have a secondary XML server configured for any of theseapplications, the application automatically connects to the secondary XML server and continues todeliver the work items. This process does not require restarting the application.

    Installation options

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 17Comments? [email protected]

  • The time that the application takes to connect to the secondary XML server depends on the numberof configured phantom stations. For each phantom station, the application takes about 0.1 seconds.If the primary XML server fails and you do not have a secondary XML server configured for any ofthese applications, the application tries to recover the connection with primary XML server afterevery 60 seconds. After the connection recovers, Media Director continues to deliver work items andCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop starts receiving the work items.

    Upgrade to Release 6.4For more information about how to upgrade to Call Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4, seeAvaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Upgrade and Migration Guide.

    Installation requirements

    Requirements for the Desktop componentsHardware

    2.4 GHz processor (32-bit or 64-bit) 2 GB RAM 10 GB free hard disk space DVD drive

    Software One of the following operating systems:

    - Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows 8.0 Pro or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 Business or Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)

    Microsoft Windows Terminal Services (32-bit) Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1


    18 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Note:The installation file for Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is placed in the Utilities\Microsoft .Net Redistributable folder in the installer package of Call CenterElite Multichannel.

    Requirements for the Server componentsHardware

    2.4 GHz processor with minimum 2 processor cores 4 GB RAM 40 GB free disk space DVD drive

    Software One of the following operating systems:

    - Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP1 Enterprise or Standard (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

    Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 with IIS 6 Management Compatibility components Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 Application Enablement Services TSAPI client 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3

    Note:- You must install and configure the AES TSAPI client on the core server. To install the

    AES TSAPI client, see Installing Application Enablement Services TSAPI client.- For Microsoft Windows Server 2012, you must have AES TSAPI Client release 6.3.3.

    One dedicated server to install the following:- License Director- XML Server- Configuration Server- Application Management Director- Media Director- Media Stores and Gateways- Call Routing Server- Virtual Agent- Task Director

    Installation requirements

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 19Comments? [email protected]

  • - Experience Portal Config Service- Call Recording Config Service- Interaction Data Service

    Note:If the agent count is high, it is encouraged that you install Interaction Data Service on aseparate server.

    One server for emails:- Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, or 2013

    Note:Only POP3 and SMTP protocols (secure/unsecure) are supported for emails.

    One dedicated server to deploy the following:- ACS (Configuration Server) Database- ASMSControl Database- ASMSData{x} Database- ASContact Database

    The server must have Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or 2012 Standard, Enterprise, or Expressinstalled with Reporting Services.

    Note:- Interaction Data Server uses ASMSControl Database and ASMSData{x} Database and

    does not support or require Active Interaction Database.- For the limitations of Microsoft SQL Server Express, such as database size, refer to the

    Microsoft website.

    Requirements for the Developer componentsSoftware

    One of the following operating systems:- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows 8.0 Pro and Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise or Standard (32-bit or 64-bit)- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1


    20 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Application Enablement Services TSAPI client software release 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3Note:For Microsoft Windows Server 2012, you must have AES TSAPI Client release 6.3.3.

    Installation requirements

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 21Comments? [email protected]

  • Chapter 3: Supported products

    Supported Avaya productsCall Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4 supports the following Avaya products:Avaya Products Call Center Elite MultichannelAvaya Aura Application Enablement Services 5.2

    Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3Call Center Elite Multichannel supports the following AES HA: Geo-Redundancy Locally Redundant High Availability (LRHA) Alternate TSAPI LinkFor more information, see Avaya Aura Application EnablementServices documentation.

    Note:During the AES Server or TSAPI link failover, the agent cannotget the contacts.

    Call Center Elite 4.0 and 5.0

    Avaya Aura Call Center Elite 5.2, 6.0, 6.2, and 6.3

    Avaya Communication Manager 4.0

    Avaya Aura Communication Manager 5.2 and 5.2.1

    Avaya Aura Communication Manager 6.2 and 6.3

    Call Management System 15.0, 16.1, 16.3, and 17.0

    Voice Portal 5.1 (basic integration)

    22 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Avaya Products Call Center Elite MultichannelAvaya Aura Experience Portal 6.0 and 6.0.2 (basic interaction)

    Avaya Aura Experience Portal 7.0

    Avaya Call Recorder 10, 11, and 12

    Supported non-Avaya productsCall Center Elite Multichannel Release 6.4 supports the following non-Avaya products:Non-Avaya Products Desktop ServerMicrosoft Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)Microsoft Windows 8.0 Pro and Enterprise (32-bit or 64-bit)Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Professional,Enterprise, and Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit)Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 Business andEnterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard

    Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32-bit and64-bit)Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP1 (64-bit)

    Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, and2013Microsoft Office 365 (Exchange only)1

    1 The Use Reply Email Address for Agent Initiated Emails feature is not supported with Microsoft Office 365.For information about this feature, see Administering Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel

    The number of emails polled from Microsoft Office 365 depends on the connection between the Call Center EliteMultichannel server and Microsoft Office 365.

    Call Center Elite Multichannel supports Microsoft Office 365 only with secure connections.

    Supported non-Avaya products

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 23Comments? [email protected]

  • Non-Avaya Products Desktop ServerMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Standard, Express,and Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard, Express,and Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0,and 11.0Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

    Citrix XenApp 6.5 and 7.5

    VMware vMotion 5.0 and 5.1

    VMware software components: ESXi Host 5.0, 5.1, and 5.5 vSphere Client 5.0 and 5.1 vCenter Server 5.0 and 5.1VMware Horizon View 5.3

    Secure Access LinkSecure Access Link (SAL) is the preferred mode for accessing the Avaya services remotely. CallCenter Elite Multichannel leverages the remote access functionality of SAL.SAL uses the existing Internet connectivity of the customer to provide the remote support. The entirecommunication is outbound from the customer environment using encapsulated HTTPS. SALrequires an upload bandwidth of at least 90 KB/s (720 KB/s) with maximum round trip latency of 150ms.For remote access functionality, you can use one of the following methods:

    Web conferencing Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Third Party applications, such as GoTo Meeting

    Customers must deploy SAL in their network.

    Supported products

    24 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • For more information, see the SAL implementation guide.

    Secure Access Link

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 25Comments? [email protected]

  • Chapter 4: Installing and configuring theDesktop components

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop installationCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop runs on various Microsoft Windows operating systems, suchas Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.To install all the features and functionalities of Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop, you must usethe Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.msi installer.The following components are installed when you run this installer:

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop Media Proxy Service

    An administrator can also send this installer to the agent machines using a distribution tool, such asMicrosoft SCCM.

    Note:You must have the administrator privileges to install Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop onMicrosoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8, or Microsoft Windows 8.1.

    Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop silentlyYou can silently install Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop through the command prompt. Formore information, see Performing silent install on page 174.

    Installing Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop manuallyProcedure

    1. Close all open applications.2. Run the Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.msi installer.3. On the Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop welcome screen, click Next.

    26 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • 4. On the License Agreement screen, select the I accept the terms in the license agreementoption and click Next.

    5. On the Edit Data screen, perform one of the following actions: To source the configuration information from the local .ini file, perform the following

    actions:a. Keep the Use default CC Elite Multichannel Desktop INI file for configuration

    information check box selected and click Next.b. On the Configure CC Elite Multichannel Desktop screen, enter appropriate values in

    the fields and click Next.For information about the fields, see Configure CC Elite Multichannel Desktop fielddescriptions on page 28.

    To source the configuration information from Configuration Server, clear the Use defaultCC Elite Multichannel Desktop INI file for configuration information check box, entervalues in the fields, and click Next.For more information about the fields, see Edit Data field descriptions on page 27.

    6. On the Choose Destination Location and Shortcut Option screen, perform the followingactions:

    a. To install Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop without a shortcut on the systemdesktop, clear the Include the Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktopshortcut on the desktop check box.

    b. Select a location for the installation files.c. Click Next.

    7. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.8. Click Finish.

    Edit Data field descriptionsName DescriptionApplication Name The name of the application for which Configuration

    Client requests the configuration information.Server Name or IP Address The name or IP address of Configuration Server

    where Configuration Client connects for theconfiguration information.

    Port Number The port number that must be used forcommunication between Configuration Server andConfiguration Client if you do not want to use theTCP/IP port number. The default port number is29091.

    Configuration Filters The configuration filter works with the applicationname to find a unique user and the configurationinformation of the user from Configuration Server.

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop installation

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 27Comments? [email protected]

  • Name DescriptionYou can use the user name, machine name, or bothas a configuration filter: To use the network login name of the user as a

    configuration filter, type %%U in the User field. To use the name of the system as a configuration

    filter, type %%M in the Machine Name field.

    Configure CC Elite Multichannel Desktop field descriptionsName DescriptionMedia Director IP The IP address for Media Director.Media Director Port The port number for Media Director.

    The default port number for Media Director is 29087.XML Server IP The IP address for XML Server.XML Server Port The port number for XML Server.

    The default port number for XML Server is 29096.License Director IP The IP address for License Director.

    Note:When you enter the IP address for LicenseDirector, the Connect License Directorparameter in the configuration file of theapplication changes from False to True.

    License Director Port The port number for License Director.The default port number for License Director is29095.

    Call Recording Service IP The IP address for Call Recording Service.Call Recording Service Port The port number for Call Recording Service.

    The default port number for Call Recording Serviceis 29120.

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configurationAfter you install Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop, you can start Call Center Elite MultichannelDesktop and configure various parameters through the Options dialog box.Some parameters are unavailable in the Options dialog box and must be configured in theASGUIHost.ini file. The default location of the ASGUIHost.ini file is C:\Program Files

    Installing and configuring the Desktop components

    28 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • \Avaya\Avaya Aura CC Elite Multichannel\Desktop\CC Elite MultichannelDesktop.

    Related LinksCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration on page 136

    Configuring Media DirectorProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the Media Director tab.4. On the Media Director tab, configure the fields.5. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Media Director field descriptions

    Name DescriptionMedia Director IP The IP address for Media Director.Media Director port The port number for Media Director. The default port

    number for Media Director is 29087.Media Proxy IP The IP address for Media Proxy. The default IP

    address for Media Proxy is localhost.Media Proxy port The port number for Media Proxy. The default port

    number for Media Proxy is 29079.Enable connection to Media Director You can select this check box to make the

    multimedia functionality available within Call CenterElite Multichannel Desktop.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, you can useCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop only forreceiving the voice work items.

    Connect to Media Director when agent logs in You can select this check box to connect Call CenterElite Multichannel Desktop to Media Director whenan agent logs into Avaya Communication Manager.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, Call CenterElite Multichannel Desktop automatically

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 29Comments? [email protected]

  • Name Descriptionconnects to Media Director immediately afterCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop starts.

    Login to Media Director If you select this check box, an agent automaticallylogs in to Media Director.

    Channel Type The communication channel that Media Directoruses. The default communication channel is gtcp.

    Configuring PresenceAbout this taskUsing the Presence tab, you can view the activity and work status of an agent. To view the activityof an agent, specify the Station DN and Agent ID of the agent.If you configure the fields on the IDS View Client tab, Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktopautomatically displays a list of stations that Interaction Data Server - View monitors. Call Center EliteMultichannel Desktop also displays the agents logged into the switch that Interaction Data Server -View monitors.Procedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the Presence tab.4. Click the General tab and configure the fields.5. Click the Update Intervals tab and configure the fields.6. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Presence field descriptions

    Name DescriptionGeneral Tab Enable error logging You can select this check box to write the plug-in

    error information to an error log file.Group name The name of the group that you want to monitor. You

    must set the group names in ASContact Database.Presence Display Mode Normal: This mode displays the normal statistical

    data. Supervisor: This mode displays the detailed

    statistical data, which is unrelated to the everydayactivities of an agent.

    Installing and configuring the Desktop components

    30 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Name DescriptionStation DN The station number of the agent.Agent ID The unique identifier of the agent.Maximum tabbed groups The maximum number of tabs that you want to view.

    The default value is 20.Maximum group members The maximum number of group members that you

    want to view. The default value is 50.Alternate line color in display window The display color for the alternate lines in the

    presence window.Time Display Style Seconds only: The time is displayed in seconds.

    Minutes and seconds: The time is displayed inminutes and seconds.

    Update Intervals Tab Update Last State Time Interval The time after which the Presence window must

    refresh the information. This information includes theagent state in the Presence plug-in.

    Contact Synchronize Interval The time after which the contacts in the ASContactdatabase must synchronize with the Presencewindow.

    Configuring Session NotesProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the Session Notes tab.4. On the Session Notes tab, configure the fields.5. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Session Notes field descriptions

    Name DescriptionFile location The path for saving and retrieving the session notes.

    The session notes are .rtf files. The default locationfor saving and retrieving the session notes is the MyDocuments folder of the logged in agent.

    Enable automatic saving The time after which the contents of the sessionnotes are automatically saved to the specified path.

    Spell check as you type You can select this check box to enable the spellingcheck while typing the text.

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 31Comments? [email protected]

  • Name DescriptionEnable error logging You can select this check box to write the plug-in

    error information to an error log file.

    Configuring TelephonyProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the Telephony tab.4. On the Telephony tab, configure the fields.5. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Telephony field descriptions

    Name DescriptionStation DN The phone number of the agent. Call Center Elite

    Multichannel Desktop associates with the phonenumber that you specify in this field.

    Enable error logging You can select this check box to write the plug-inerror information to an error log file.

    XML Server IP The IP address for XML Server.XML Server port The port number for the primary XML Server. The

    default port number for the naming service is 29096.Link The XML interface link that Call Center Elite

    Multichannel Desktop can use to connect to AvayaTelephony Server and Avaya CommunicationManager.You can click the ellipses (...) button next to this fieldand select the XML interface link from a list ofconfigured XML interfaces.

    Poll Agent status You can select this check box to enable polling of theagent status.

    Polling interval The time after which Call Center Elite MultichannelDesktop polls the status of an agent. To reduce thenetwork traffic, you must keep the polling interval ashigh as possible.

    Poll Send All Calls status You can select this check box to enable polling of thestatus of all calls that an agent sends.

    Installing and configuring the Desktop components

    32 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Name DescriptionPoll Call Forward status You can select this check box to enable polling of the

    status of all calls that an agent forwards.Poll Message Waiting status You can select this check box to enable polling of the

    status of the waiting message at an agent station.Polling interval The time after which Call Center Elite Multichannel

    Desktop polls the status of an agent station. Toreduce the network traffic, you must keep the pollinginterval as high as possible.

    Enable trace You can select this check box to send applicationerror information to the Debug window.

    Reconnect interval The time for which the Telephony plug-in waitsbefore retrying to connect to XML Server. Thedefault value for this time is 15 seconds.

    Configuring UserProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the User tab.4. Click the General tab and configure the fields.5. Click the Reason Codes tab and configure the fields.6. Click Apply and then click OK.

    User field descriptions

    Name DescriptionGeneral Tab Toolbar Position Top first: The first toolbar from the top.

    Top second: The second toolbar from the top. Bottom: The toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

    Enable error logging You can select this check box to write the plug-inerror information to an error log file.

    Use advanced login style You can select this check box to force an agent tochange the login from the User toolbar.

    Agent ID The login ID of the agent as configured in AvayaCommunication Manager.

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 33Comments? [email protected]

  • Name DescriptionAgent password The password associated with the login ID of the

    agent.Login mode The work mode that automatically sets to an agent

    after the agent logs into Call Center EliteMultichannel Desktop. Auxiliary: This mode makes an agent unavailable

    to receive calls, so that the agent can complete thework unrelated to a call. For example, tea break.

    After Call Work: This mode makes an agentunavailable to receive calls, so that the agent cancomplete the after call work. For example, filling aform or updating customer details.

    Available: This mode makes an agent available toreceive calls.

    Available mode The mode in which the system puts an agent afterthe current call ends. Auto-In: The system automatically puts an agent in

    the Available mode after the current call ends. Manual-In: The system automatically puts an agent

    in the After Call Work mode after the current callends. To further receive calls, the agent mustmanually change the work mode to Available.

    Voicemail DN The phone number where the system must send allincoming calls when the Send All Calls button onthe User toolbar is enabled.This DN connects the caller to the voice mail of theagent.

    Display ACW button If you select this check box, the After Call Work(ACW) button is displayed on the Call Center EliteMultichannel Desktop interface.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, the agentcannot use the ACW functionality.

    Display AUX button If you select this check box, the AUX button isdisplayed on the Call Center Elite MultichannelDesktop interface.

    Note:If you do not select this option, the agent cannotuse the Auxiliary mode.

    Disable ACW button when in After Call Workmode

    If you select this check box, the ACW button on theCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop interfacedisables when an agent is in the ACW mode. This

    Installing and configuring the Desktop components

    34 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Name Descriptionoption prevents an agent to extend the time spent inthe ACW mode.

    Disable AUX button when in Auxiliary mode If you select this check box, the AUX button on theapplication interface disables when an agent is in theAUX mode. This option prevents an agent fromchanging the reason code selected while changingthe work mode to Auxiliary.

    Allow user-selected work mode If you select this check box, the agent can select theAuto-In or Manual-In work mode while in theAvailable mode.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, Call CenterElite Multichannel Desktop automatically usesthe default work mode that you set on theGeneral tab.

    Force reason code selection when changing toAuxiliary mode

    If you select this check box, an agent is forced toselect a reason code while changing to AUX mode.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, an agent canselect a reason code. The agent can also clickthe AUX button and use the default reasoncode specified in the configuration file of theapplication.

    Force reason code selection when logging out If you select this check box, an agent is forced toselect a reason code while logging out from theapplication.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, an agent canselect a reason code. The agent can also clickthe Logout button and use the default reasoncode specified in the configuration file of theapplication.

    Reason Codes Tab Mode For Logout Reason Codes, this field provides

    options to disable the reason codes or to use thereason codes when logging out.

    For AUX Reason Codes, this field provides optionsto disable the reason codes or to use the reasoncodes when changing to AUX mode.

    Adding Logout reason codes

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 35Comments? [email protected]

  • Procedure1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the User tab.4. Click the Reason Codes tab.5. In the Logout Reason Codes section, click the Mode arrow and select Use reason codes

    when logging out.6. Click Add.7. On the Add Reason Code dialog box, perform the following actions:

    a. In the Reason code ID field, enter a unique identifier for the reason code.b. In the Reason code description field, enter the description for the reason code.c. Click OK.

    8. Repeat the steps 5 to 6 to add more Logout reason codes.Note:You can change a Logout reason code by clicking Edit and remove a Logout reasoncode by clicking Remove.

    Adding Auxiliary reason codesProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the User tab.4. Click the Reason Codes tab.5. In the Auxiliary Reason Codes section, click the Mode arrow and select Use reason

    codes when changing to Auxiliary.6. Click Add.7. On the Add Reason Code dialog box, perform the following actions:

    a. In the Reason code ID field, enter a unique identifier for the reason code.b. In the Reason code description field, enter the description for the reason code.c. Click OK.

    8. Repeat the steps 5 to 6 to add more Auxiliary reason codes.

    Installing and configuring the Desktop components

    36 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel January 2015Comments? [email protected]

  • Note:You can change an Auxiliary reason code by clicking Edit and remove an Auxiliaryreason code by clicking Remove.

    Configuring VoiceProcedure

    1. Start Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.2. Click Tools > Options.3. In the Options dialog box, click the Voice tab.4. On the Voice tab, configure the fields.5. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Voice field descriptions

    Name DescriptionToolbar Position Top first: The first toolbar from the top.

    Top second: The second toolbar from the top. Bottom: The toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

    Enable error logging You can select this check box to write the plug-inerror information to an error log file.

    Make call active when work item tab clicked You can select this check box to activate a voice callwhen you click the tab for a voice work item.If you select this check box, an agent can answer analerting call and resume a call that is on hold.

    Note:If you do not select this check box, an agent canclick the Work Item tab and then click theAnswer or Unhold button on the toolbar.

    Automatically hold active call on dial You can select this check box to automatically putthe current call on hold when an agent dials anothercall.

    Lock window layout You can select this check box to lock the layout ofyour voice work item tabs and restrict an agent tochange the size and position of a tab.

    Bring forward work item if call answered by othermeans

    You can select this check box to make a phone callthat an agent answers from a physical phone or any

    Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop configuration

    January 2015 Installing Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel 37Comments? [email protected]

  • Name Descriptionother method outside this application active withinCall Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.

    Drop phantom call(s) when application closes You can select this check box to drop the phantomcalls from the physical phone of an agent when theagent closes Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop.

    Enable Smart Dial You can select this check box to enable the SmartDial functionality.

    Dial local area code You can select this check box to force Smart Dial touse the local area code specified in the phonenumber.

    Note:Smart Dial uses the local area code specified inthe phone number even when it recognizes thesame code.

    Dial outside line access code You can select this check box to force Smart Dial touse the outside line access code for all externalphone calls.Selecting this option overrides any contradictorybehavior set in a switch.

    International access code The code required to make an international call.Long distance access code The code required to make an international call.Outside line access code The code required to dial an outside line.Minimum length for outside call The minimum number of digits required to make an

    outside call.Local exchange codes that require long distanceaccess code

    The local exchange codes that you want Smart Dialto automatically precede with the long distanceaccess code. You can specify multiple exchangecodes, provided you separate the exchange codesby a comma and a space.For example, 23, 27, 31.

    Local country code Your local country code.Local area codes Your local area code. If applicable, you can specify

    multiple local area codes, provided you separate thearea codes by a comma and a space.For example, 9, 3, 4.

    Call Recording Server IP The host name or IP address for Call Recordin