Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

1 AlphaTrainer- 3D End User License Agreement IMPORTANT–READ CAREFULLY This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and AlphaTrainer for AlphaTrainer- 3D which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. You must read and agree to this agreement before using AlphaTrainer-3D. AlphaTrainer-3D is a system based upon the X-Plane flight simulator by Laminar Research, Inc. Any use of AlphaTrainer-3D inherently uses X-Plane and is therefore subject to acceptance by the User of the X-Plane EULA which is found in the “Instructions” sub-folder of “AlphaTrainer-3D” folder. By using AlphaTrainer-3D, you agree to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, and agree to be bound by this agreement as a complete and exclusive statement of your agreement with AlphaTrainer. If you do not agree with any or all of this agreement, return the software to the seller for a refund. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to the terms as they appear in this agreement. "AlphaTrainer" means Thomas Shefchunas, a sole proprietor. “Sandy Barbour” means Sandy Barbour, the author of the AlphaTrainer plugin. "Laminar Research" means Laminar Research Corporation. “User” means the person or entity which purchased AlphaTrainer-3D. "Guide" means the enclosed User Guide. "Software" means all computer programs contained in this package. including the AlphaTrainer plugin, and all updates to and copies of the programs. "Product" means the enclosed Guide and Software. “AlphaTrainer-3D” means the basic AlphaTrainer-3D as well as AlphaTrainer- 3D Pro. PROTECTION AlphaTrainer-3D Software is owned by AlphaTrainer and is protected by U.S. Patent 5,607,307. The AlphaTrainer xpl plugin software is protected by copyright owned by Sandy Barbour. The X-Plane Software is owned by Laminar Research and is protected by United States and international copyright laws and international trade provisions. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted or patented material. The User may Only one copy of the Software may be in use at any given time per copy purchased. The User may not: Distribute copies of the Software, either modified or unmodified. Reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or make any other attempt to discover the source code of the Software. Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

Transcript of Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

Page 1: Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

AlphaTrainer-3D End User License Agreement

IMPORTANT–READ CAREFULLYThis End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement betweenyou (either an individual or a single entity) and AlphaTrainer for AlphaTrainer-3D which includes computer software and may include associated media,printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. You must readand agree to this agreement before using AlphaTrainer-3D.

AlphaTrainer-3D is a system based upon the X-Plane flight simulator byLaminar Research, Inc. Any use of AlphaTrainer-3D inherently uses X-Planeand is therefore subject to acceptance by the User of the X-Plane EULAwhich is found in the “Instructions” sub-folder of “AlphaTrainer-3D” folder.

By using AlphaTrainer-3D, you agree to all of the terms and conditions of thisagreement, and agree to be bound by this agreement as a complete andexclusive statement of your agreement with AlphaTrainer. If you do not agreewith any or all of this agreement, return the software to the seller for a refund.

DEFINITIONSThe following definitions apply to the terms as they appear in this agreement.

"AlphaTrainer" means Thomas Shefchunas, a sole proprietor.

“Sandy Barbour” means Sandy Barbour, the author of the AlphaTrainerplugin.

"Laminar Research" means Laminar Research Corporation.

“User” means the person or entity which purchased AlphaTrainer-3D.

"Guide" means the enclosed User Guide.

"Software" means all computer programs contained in this package. includingthe AlphaTrainer plugin, and all updates to and copies of the programs.

"Product" means the enclosed Guide and Software.

“AlphaTrainer-3D” means the basic AlphaTrainer-3D as well as AlphaTrainer-3D Pro.

PROTECTIONAlphaTrainer-3D Software is owned by AlphaTrainer and is protected by U.S.Patent 5,607,307.

The AlphaTrainer xpl plugin software is protected by copyright owned bySandy Barbour.

The X-Plane Software is owned by Laminar Research and is protected byUnited States and international copyright laws and international tradeprovisions.

DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONSYou must treat the Software like any other copyrighted or patented material.The User may

Only one copy of the Software may be in use at any given time per copypurchased.

The User may not:

• Distribute copies of the Software, either modified or unmodified.

• Reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or make any other attemptto discover the source code of the Software.


Page 2: Installing AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

The User may:

• Make copies of the Software for backup purposes only. The Product islicensed, not sold.

• Permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA, provided therecipient agrees to the terms of this EULA.

TERMINATIONWithout prejudice to any other rights, AlphaTrainer may terminate this EULA ifyou fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event,you must destroy all copies of the Product and all of its component parts.

AlphaTrainer warrants the Guide, and disk(s) on which the Software isdistributed to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.

If the Product fails to comply with the warranty set forth above, the entireliability of AlphaTrainer and your exclusive remedy will be replacement of theProduct.


If you acquired this product in the United States, this EULA is governed by thelaws of the State of Pennsylvania. If this product was acquired outside theUnited States, local law may apply.

Should you have any questions concerning this EULA, or if you desire to

contact AlphaTrainer you may visit

LIMITED WARRANTY AlphaTrainer expressly disclaims any warranty for the Product. The Productand any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of anykind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the impliedwarranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ornoninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of theProduct remains with you.

NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGESIn no event shall AlphaTrainer or its suppliers be liable for any damageswhatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniaryloss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this AlphaTrainer Product,even if AlphaTrainer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofliability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may notapply to you.


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Introduction AlphaTrainer 3D PRO is a combination of the X-Plane flight simulator and aplugin developed using the X-Plane Plugin System Developers Kit.AlphaTrainer allows the user to interactively visualize the angle of attack(known as alpha to engineers) and the aerodynamic forces on a plane duringmaneuvers. It is a unique learning tool for student and experienced pilot alike.The PRO version has five special airplane models, and almost any plane canbe modeled and made ready for AlphaTrainer. Visit our web site at .

Those users who do not first have X-Plane 8.xx, must have that set ofprograms installed before using AlphaTrainer. Visit Laminar Research at to obtain a copy. The price is $39 or $49 (subject tochange) depending on amount of scenery desired.

Users who have prior experience with X-Plane should skip Sections 5, 6, 7,10, 11, and 12.

Minimum System Requirements

• Windows .....................................................................2GHz+ Processor

• Macintosh.......................................... G4, G5, or Intel 2GHz+ Processor

• Linux x86.....................................................................2GHz+ Processor

• RAM.................................................................................................1GB

• Disk Space.....................................................................................60GB

• CD/DVD ...........................................................................................DVD

• 3-D CARD..................................................................................OpenGL

• VRAM.............................................................................................32MB

• Monitor ........................................................................ 1024x768 pixels+

• Joystick/Yoke....................................................................................USB

Installing the Files

The AlphaTrainer 3D PRO CD contains a copy of this User’s Guide and thecondensed file used to install the program.

Use the following procedure to load essential programs from the AlphaTrainerCD:

1. Insert the AlphaTrainer CD into the CD-ROM drive.

2. Drag or copy the file “INSTALL AlphaTrainer 3D” to the desk top.


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3. Double click on the file name “INSTALL AlphaTrainer 3D”. Some“unzipping” programs files remember the folder on the hard drive wherethe last file was unzipped. If prompted, ensure the unzip program places afolder named “AlphaTrainer 3D PRO” on the C:\ drive for Windows. ForMacintosh users, unzip to the Applications folder. Several minutes may berequired depending upon the computer processing speed.

4. Delete the “INSTALL AlphaTrainer 3D” file from the desktop.

5. Remove the AlphaTrainer 3D PRO CD at this time. DO NOT RUN X-Plane with this CD in your computer.

AlphaTrainer 3D PRO comes with the X-Plane simulator, the AlphaTrainerplugin, and scenery for the entire United States. Also included are airportsand navigational aids for the entire world, and five special airplanes:

• AlphaTrainer (AT) represents a typical trainer

• AlphaTrainer Sport (ATsport) corresponds to a more powerful, aerobaticplane

• AT Twin depicts a mult-engine trainer

• AT Cub reproduces the famous Piper J-3

• AT Excel is the Cessna Citation XL twin biz-jet

These models have full instrument panels. Included is another set of thesame five planes with names like “ATs” and “ATs Sport” which have shorterpanels so that the plane and panel can more easily be viewed at the sametime. The “s” in the name stands for “short panel”.

Key CD

A second CD is necessary during run time. This is either a pre-owned X-Plane version 7 CD, or a version 7.41 which was purchased withAlphaTrainer. It is used only at run time as a “key” to allow flights out ofSouthern California, and for any flight lasting more than six minutes. Insert the“key” CD into the CD reader before running X-Plane, and close the windowthat appears by clicking on the “X” in the upper right corner. Informationfrom this CD should not be loaded to the hard drive.


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X-Plane Settings

Introduction A “preflight” allows the user to set up the slider controls and buttons on the

joystick or yoke, and optional rudder pedals. Use the following procedures toconfigure the X-Plane to gain the best experience when flying AlphaTrainer3D PRO. Once completed, X-Plane will remember the settings.

NOTE: X-Plane contains a menu bar that is hidden from view, unless themouse’s arrow is close to the top of the screen. Selection of any item onthe menu bar causes a drop-down menu of choices to be displayed.Whenever this document refers to selections from the menu bar, firstplace the mouse’s arrow at the top of the screen.

X-Plane Settings

Use the following procedures to configure the X-Plane settings to allow theuser to gain the best experience when flying AlphaTrainer 3D PRO:

1. Ensure that the joystick (and optional pedals and throttle quadrant) isproperly connected to the computer.

2. Click on “Settings” in the menu bar.

3. Select “Joystick & Equipment” from the Settings menu.


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4. The following screen appears allowing the user to specify the functions ofthe joystick slider controls and buttons.

5. Move the joystick and slider controls, on the hardware controls area, oneat a time, and click on the little arrows to select their functions. The mostcommonly used controls are pitch, roll, and throttle.

6. If a twisting joystick or rudder pedals are used, set the yaw control. Thesimulation will more realistic if you can regulate yaw.

7. Hold the optional joystick buttons down one at time, and click the desiredsetting circle to assign functions to them. The most convenient settings forthe joystick buttons are shown in red, which include: pitch trim up, pitchtrim down, flaps down a notch, flaps up a notch, brakes toggle, andlanding gear toggle.

After completing the preflight, if advancing the joystick’s throttle does notincrease the engine’s RPM, reverse the operation of the throttle by clickingon the “reverse” checkbox next to the “Throttle” field.

Many of these functions, and others, can also be set using keyboardcommands, or with the mouse on the panel display. The Q & A section at theend of this document has a list of keyboard commands for X-Plane.


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8. Click on the Calibrate Joystick Hardware menu selection, at the upper leftcorner of the “Axis” screen. This message will appear:

9. Click on Understood button.

10. To acquaint X-Plane with the hardware, move the stick, throttle, andpedals around over their full range.


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11. Click on the Nullzone tab. There are six slider control settings that can bechanged by dragging the pointers with the mouse:

NOTE: There are slight differences at this point between X-Plane 763and 8xx. Consult the version 8 Instructions in the Resources folder ifyou are using X-Plane 8.

• The sensitivity settings control the percentage of the full controldeflection that X-Plane receives from the joystick. The left end of thescale represents 50% of the control deflection, while the right endindicates a full 100%.

• “Model Realism” controls artificial damping. Adding more dampingmakes the plane easier to fly, and may make the plane more or lessrealistic. The left end of each scale represents full artificial damping andthe right end removes this feature completely.

12. Move the joystick (and optional pedals) a little to make small squares nearthe center of movement.

13. Hold the controls there.

14. Press the Enter key on the keyboard. This will close the window and setthe nullzone. Any time controls are within these small zones, outputs arenot recognized. This makes the stick less sensitive to small movementsnear the center.

The program is now ready for normal flight.

Start with all six slider control settings on the right end. If the planes aredifficult to fly, try reducing stick sensitivity or adding damping, even while inflight. Once selected, X-Plane will use the settings for all planes.


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Running AlphaTrainer 3D PRO

Introduction AlphaTrainer 3D PRO is a combination of the X-Plane flight simulator and a

plugin developed, using the plugin SDK. This simulator allows the user tointeractively visualize the angle of attack (scientifically known as alpha) andthe aerodynamic forces on a plane during maneuvers. It is a unique learningtool for student and experienced pilot alike.

AlphaTrainer Definitions

The following are some definitions used in AlphaTrainer:

The net force on the airplane is the vector sum of L, D, T, and W which takesinto account the directions as well as the values. If this net force is not zero,the aircraft will change speed and/or direction according to the Newton’s lawsof physics.

Term Definition

Vector • A quantity that has both value and direction

IFP (Instantaneous Flight Path

• Direction the plane is moving.• Direction of the velocity, V vector.• Opposite the direction of the relative wind.

Chord Line • An imaginary line from the trailing edge of the wing to the leading edge.

AOA (Angle of Attack) • Angle between IFP and chord line.• AOA is positive if chord line is above IFP.

Lift • Lift increases with speed and with AOA up to the stall point.

• Lift (L) vector and is always perpendicular to the IFP.

• Lift (L) vector can be different on either wing.• Lift (L) vectors also appear on the horizontal

stabilizer; these vectors typically point downward when the wing lift (L) vectors point upward.

Drag • Drag (D) vector is always parallel to IFP, not to thrust.

Thrust • Thrust (T) vector is usually parallel to the chord line.

Weight • Weight (W) vector always points straight down toward the ground.


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The First Run of X-Plane

Use the following procedure to launch AlphaTrainer 3D PRO:

1. Insure the joystick, or yoke, is plugged into the computer.

2. In the AlphaTrainer 3D PRO and folder, double-click on the “X-Plane763.exe” file.

3. Select the language you wish to use for the X-Plane menus, then click onthe “Accept” button. AlphaTrainer and much of the X-Plane dialog use onlyEnglish.

4. X-Plane will load and stop at the next window:

5. It is strongly suggested that you read the X-Plane EULA.


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6. By default, the first flight is in a United Boeing 747 at KSBD, SanBernardino, California.

7. If desired, mute the simulated radio conversations by selecting“Settings/Sound” and unchecking the background radio chatter.

8. To change the airplane, select “File/Open Aircraft/AT” and click on AT.acf.

The AlphaTrainer programmers suggest to begin flying in the leastcomplicated plane, and at Key West International Airport KEYW.

• Since the elevation at KEYW is only 2 feet. The altimeter, whichregisters altitude above mean sea level (MSL), will indicate nearly thesame as the actual altitude above ground level (AGL).


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9. When an AlphaTrainer airplane is opened for the first time, a small windowappears in the upper left corner. Choose to visit the AlphaTrainer webpage, close the window, or decide to never see the window again duringthis session with X-Plane.

10. To change the location, select “Location/Place Aircraft by Airport/”

11. Type in “KEYW” and click on “Go To This Airport”.


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Use the following procedure to takeoff in the AT airplane:

1. If it is still there, in the small window in the upper left corner, choose eitherto visit the AlphaTrainer web page, close the window, or decide to neversee it again during this session with X-Plane. (#1 in above graphic)

2. There are two angle of attack meters. The dial and the LED display maybe moving and flashing because the AOA is not defined when the plane isnot in motion. The AOA indictors will stabilize when the plane begins totaxi. (#2 in above graphic)

3. Use one of the following controls to release the brakes:

• Click on the brake light (#3 in above graphic)

• Press the “B” key on the keyboard (do not press the “Shift” key)

• Press the joystick button previously assigned to the brakes, ifapplicable.

4. Use one of the following controls to advance the throttle:

• Using the mouse, drag the throttle lever located on the instrument panelupwards (#4 in above graphic)

• Advance the joystick throttle lever

5. To compensate for the aircraft’s turning tendency, use some oppositerudder as the airplane begins the takeoff roll.

6. At approximately 65 knots, pull back gently on the yoke or joystick to beginclimbing out.

7. Use one of the following controls to raise the gear:

• Click the mouse button on the gear handle located on the instrumentpanel.

• Press the “G” key on the keyboard (do not press the “Shift” key).

• Press the joystick button previously assigned to the gear, if applicable.


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8. Use one of the following to control the landing flaps:

• Click the mouse button on the flap lever, located on the instrumentpanel, until the desire amount of flaps is set

• Press the “1” and “2” keys located along the upper part of the keyboard

• Press the joystick buttons previously assigned to the flaps, if applicable.

9. X-Plane will warn of possible carburetor icing. To add carburetor heatwhen the engine is operating at low RPM, press the “4” key located alongthe upper part of the keyboard.

Viewing the Flight

X-Plane offers several ways to view the flight. The default view is looking atthe panel and out the windscreen. Opening any of the AlphaTrainer planesautomatically invokes the special program so that the vectors (arrows) arevisible. Vectors are a depiction of direction and magnitude of forces andspeed. During takeoff when viewing the panel (“W” key on the keyboard), theend views of the thrust and velocity vectors are sometimes displayed. Thesesoon vanish as speed builds up. Use the following keys on the keyboard tochange the views:

• Press the “|” (“Shift” and “\” keys) key for a view that is similar to flyingthe airplane by remote control. Then use the arrow keys, or thejoystick’s hat switch (if applicable), to pan the camera around theexterior of the airplane.

• Press the “\” key to view both the panel and the outside of the aircraft.This has been changed to “Ctrl \” in X-Plane 8.xx. Then, use the arrowkeys, or the joystick’s hat switch (if applicable), to pan the cameraaround the exterior of the airplane.

• Use the “=” key at the top of the keyboard to zoom in. Think of this asthe “+” key, but do not push “Shift”. Use the “-” key to zoom out.Zooming in on the AOA protractors during flight brings full meaning toAOA, as the lift vector and AOA gauge movement are simultaneouslyviewable. This is an exclusive feature of AlphaTrainer.

• Use the “O” key (do not press the “Shift” key) to make the history of theflight path visible as a red and white line across the screen.

AT Excel and ATs Excel aircraft are fitted with fire extinguisher handles.When these handles are pulled out completely, the associated engine willshut down.

• On the ground, the engine will completely shut down in about 45seconds. To resume normal operation, close the fire extinguisherhandle, and restart the engine.

• During flight, the engine will slow to approximately 10% N1, and willremain turning caused by "windmilling". To resume normal operation,simply close the fire extinguisher handle.


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Using the Plugin

Use the following procedure to utilize the AlphaTrainer plugin:

1. To display the numeric data window select “Plugins/AlphaTrainer/OpenData Display” from the menu bar. Use the mouse to drag the data windowanywhere on the screen. In the data window,

• AOA = “Angle of Attack” in degrees

• IFP = “Instantaneous Flight Path” which is positive if the plane is goingup

• Lift, Drag, Thrust, and Weight are in pounds

• V (IAS) = “Indicated Air Speed” in knots. The J-3 Cub’s airspeed isindicated in MPH

• VS = “Vertical Speed” in ft per second

2. To close the numeric data window, click the “X” in the corner.

3. To enable, or disable, any of the displayed vectors select“Plugins/AlphaTrainer/Configuration” from the menu bar. Click on any ofthe check boxes to turn any of the vectors on or off. Click the “X” in thecorner to close the window.

Changing Airplanes

Use the following procedure to change the current airplane:

1. From the menu bar, select “File/Open Aircraft”.

2. Select the desired airplane from the pop up window.

3. Choose the corresponding “.acf” file from the next window. The “.acf” filesdefine the airplanes.

The user can click on the “All” or “None” to affect the entire set of vectors.The “Save” button saves the user’s selections for this airplane so that thesame vectors will be used the next time this airplane is flown.

Changing airplanes places the program on the longest runway at the nearestairport. In the event of a crash or shutting down the program, X-Plane willrestart at that same airport.


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Changing Locations

There are several methods used to set the location of the airplane, both in theair and on the ground. Here are two of them:

NOTE: There are some significant differences between X-Plane 763 and8xx. These instructions apply to 763. Consult the version 8 Instructionsin the Resources folder.

• From the menu bar, select “Location/Takeoff”. Select an airport andrunway from the list.

• From the menu bar, select “Location/Place Aircraft by Airport”. Scroll toan airport from the list (there are over 25,000!) OR type in the name of an airport at the bottom of the list OR Enter the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) code forthe airport.

• Finally, click on the “Go To This Airport” button.


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Output/Local Map

This method, and the Plates method, allow the user to place the plane in theair at any desired location, altitude, and speed without having to fly to thatlocale. The procedure for X-Plane 763 and 8xx are basically the same butdiffer in a few details:

1. From the menu bar, select “Output/Local Map”.

2. Shift and zoom the map, as necessary.

3. Set the heading, altitude, and speed by clicking on the indicators aboveand below the numbers. Numbers cannot typed in this field.

4. 4. For X-Plane 763 users, move the mouse to the desired location and leftclick.


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Plates (X-Plane 763 only)

The Plates method works in a manner similar to Output/Local Map, exceptthat the user selects a particular airport, and the map is centered there.

Use the following procedure to display the approach plates view:

1. From the menu bar, select “Plates”.

2. Select an airport from the list of those airports nearest to the currentposition.

NOTE: [H] denotes heliports, and AlphaTrainer does not use helicopters.

3. Set the altitude, heading, and speed values.

4. Move the map up and down, left and right, and zoom in and out asnecessary.

5. Click the mouse over the desired point where the flight is to start.


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Questions and Answers

Q: Why does AlphaTrainer use the X-Plane simulator?

A: X-Plane uses “blade element” technology to determine the movement ofthe plane. The aerodynamic forces are calculated on hundreds of smallpolygons all over the aircraft, and then the laws of physics are used formovement and rotation. This more accurately portrays flight in an unusualattitude--which is what AlphaTrainer stands for. X-Plane also allows theuser to visualize how the plane will fly.

Q: Why do AlphaTrainer airplanes have such abrupt stall characteristics?

A: The AlphaTrainer airplanes are fictional, and are designed specifically todemonstrate stalls and spins.

Q: How do I stop X-Plane?

A: From the menu bar, select “Files/Quit”.

Q: Why do I see a 747?

A: X-Plane uses the United B747-400 as a default airplane. If the 747appears, just change to one of the AT planes.


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Q: What should I do if it is simulated dark or night time when I start X-Plane?

A: Select “Settings/Date & Time”. Then on the next window use the mouse todrag the slider controls to set the time and date. X-Plane represents theseconditions quite realistically, including the effects of latitude.

Q: Is there any way to use more of the functions of X-Plane?

A: Yes. You may fly the United Boeing 747 (located in “Aircraft/Heavy Metal”)and you may download any number of airplane models from places like The full version of X-Plane 763 is available AlphaTrainer uses X-Planewith permission from its author, Austin Meyer, but does not act as an agentso therefore we will not get involved with X-Plane usage or issues. Directspecific questions on X-Plane to [email protected].

Q: Can AlphaTrainer be used with X-Plane 8?

A: Yes. In the first place, you do not need to purchase the X-Plane 7 “RUNTIME ONLY” CD. The AlphaTrainer and AlphaTrainer PRO CDs containself-extracting files that install X-Plane 7.63.exe, the minimum necessaryX-Plane 7 auxiliary files, v7 scenery for either Florida or the whole U.S.,the AlphaTrainer airplane models, and the AlphaTrainer plugin.

Use the following procedure to use AlphaTrainer with X-Plane 8:

1. Copy the AlphaTrainer airplane folders (AT, AT Sport, etc.) fromAlphaTrainer 3D \ Aircraft to X-Plane 8.xx \ Aircraft.

2. Copy a file AlphaTrainer 3D \ Resources \ Plugins \ AlphaTrainerWin.xpl toX-Plane 8.xx \ Resources \ Plugins \ AlphaTrainerWin.xpl

3. Copy a folder AlphaTrainer 3D \ Resources \ Plugins \ AlphaTrainer to X-Plane 8.xx \Resources \ Plugins \ AlphaTrainer

For these instructions “Win” may be “Mac” or “Lin” depending upon theoperating system. Additionally, “X-Plane 8.xx” should be the name used forthe main X-Plane 8 folder.


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Q: Can I use the keyboard to control the plane?

A: Yes. A complete list is located in the following folder: AlphaTrainer- 3DPRO/Instructions\Keys\X-Plane.txt. Please note that using only the keysfor flight will not give the full benefit of AT, as the aggressive movement ofelevator is what normally causes a stall, and this is not clearly depictedwhen using just the keys. The following table lists some of the most used keys. The number keys areat the top of the keyboard not on the keypad. Note that all alphabeticalkeys are lower case (do not use the “Shift” key in conjunction with them).Also note that some keys are different in X-Plane 8xx.

Keyboard Key


1 Flaps up one notch

2 Flaps down one notch

3 Carb heat off

4 Carb heat on

7 Aileron trim left

8 Aileron trim right

9 Rudder trim left

0 Rudder trim right

B Toggle brakes with 2/3 stopping effort. This is used under normal situations

V Toggle brakes with maximum stopping effort

G Toggle gear up or down

[ Elevator trim down

] Elevator trim up

P Toggle pause on and off

W Forward view showing panel

S Slightly toggle view down or up

Q Toggle view left in 45° increments

E Toggle view right in 45° increments

Z Toggle view to rear

; Toggle view to transparent panel. Must be in “W” view

t Tower view

# or C Runway view

A Chase view

| Free-rotate view with no panel (Use “Shift” and “\” keys)

\ Free-rotate view with panel

@ Spot view

+ or _ Full screen view without airplane or panel

; Toggle view to semi-transparent panel

= Zoom in


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Q: Is there any way to get numeric output other than that provided byAlphaTrainer?

A: Yes. From the menu bar, click on “Data Input and Output” at the top of thescreen and check the right most box nest to the items you want.

Q: Is there a way to save a flight or portion thereof and see it again?

A: Yes. Pressing the “,” key will place the program in the replay mode, wherethe user can view the last 16 minutes of flight. Note that X-Plane does notsave enough data to properly replay the numeric data or the vectors, sothese are automatically turned off during replay.

Q: I loaded AlphaTrainer 3D PRO on my Windows 98 computer got thismessage: “A required.DLL. file. Dinput8.DLL was not found”. Whatshould I do?

A: This is Direct X8 by Microsoft. It is now at version 9, but it is backward-compatible. The program is available from the following link:

- Zoom out

/ View X-Plane flight model vectors

, Toggle to replay mode. Changes in airplane or location are ignored

O Toggle 3-D flight path. Shows flight path as a line in space. Press again to display a line dropped to the ground once per second.

CTRL 1 Start engine

CTRL U Retract gear

CTRL D Extend gear

CTRL . Take a screenshot. These are saved as SCREENSHOT_x.BMP in the AlphaTrainer-3D PRO folder.

CTRL Q View left and up in 45° increments

CTRL E View right and up in 45° increments

CTRL W Low-enroute map view

Keyboard Key



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Q: How did AlphaTrainer get started?

A: A few years ago, Tom Shefchunas invented a laminated cardboard sideview of an airplane that could be used to demonstrate the basic idea ofangle of attack, alpha (AOA). He did this because he found that manypilots lacked that fundamental understanding.

Chuck Bodeen, with the help of Tom Wilson, programmed AlphaTrainerwork in two dimensions on the computer screen. The aerodynamic vectors(arrows) for lift, drag, thrust, weight, and velocity are shown as well as theirnumeric values. Angle of attack is shown on a multi-colored “protractor”similar to that on the cardboard version. This system works like a videotape player and is driven by data saved from X-Plane simulator flights. Itdemonstrates a set of 15 different maneuvers. This program is calledAlphaTrainer 2D.

Most recently Sandy Barbour created a plugin for the X-Plane flightsimulator that allows the user to demonstrate these and other maneuversin real time and in three dimensions. AlphaTrainer 3D utilizes the sameprinciples as the previous two versions, but allows the user to flyinteractively and get a more realistic feeling for the effects of AOA. The 3Dversion is particularly useful in studying the three dimensional aspectsfound in procedures such as turning from base to final, spins, and recoveryfrom spins.

Q: Who created AlphaTrainer?

A: Here are the people who have contributed to the AlphaTrainer project:

1. Tom Shefchunas. Franklin, Pennsylvania. Corporate jet pilot, CFI, and originator ofAlphaTrainer.

2. Austin Meyer. Columbia, South Carolina. Pilot, engineer, author of X-Plane, ownerof Laminar Research, Inc.

3. Chuck Bodeen. Las Vegas, Nevada. Student pilot, engineer, programmer, designerof AlphaTrainer programs and planes.

4. Sandy Barbour. Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland. Programmer of the AlphaTrainer “plugin”for X-Plane. Co-author (with Ben Supnik) of the X-Plane Plugin SDK.

5. Don Cramer. Franklin, Pennsylvania. Engineer, pilot, CFI, AlphaTrainer Webmasterand Technical Editor.

6. Tom Wilson. El Cajon, California. Programmer of AlphaTrainer 2D.