Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.

Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox


1. Run Installer 3 Login as root and run the installer script as shown above. You can also run this script as ‘ sudo ’

Transcript of Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.

Page 1: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.

Installing 9.6 BDE binarieson hadoop data nodes

Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox

Page 2: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Installation on Single node

Page 3: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


1. Run Installer

Login as root and run the installer script as shown above. You can also run this

script as ‘sudo’

Page 4: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


2. Choose Installation type

Login as root and run the installer script as shown above. You can also run this

script as ‘sudo’

Page 5: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


3. Install completes

Page 6: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.



Page 7: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


1. Run Installer

Login as root and run the installer script as shown above. You can also run this

script as ‘sudo’

Page 8: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


2. Choose Uninstallation

Page 9: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


3. Choose local/remote. Installer completes

Page 10: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Installation on remote nodesIncomplete section

Page 11: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


1. Run Installer

Login as root and run the installer script as shown above. You can also run this

script as ‘sudo’

Page 12: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


2. Choose installation on remote nodes

Page 13: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


3. Invoking from name node ?

Page 14: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


4. Provide hadoop installation path

Page 15: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


DIS ConfigurationPost installation activity

Page 16: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Configure DIS properties in DIS Processes

Page 17: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Hadoop node setupPost installation activity

Page 18: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Check the map reduce site XML

Page 19: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Check for

if this parameter is present, remove the -Djava.library.path Java option from it

Page 20: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Modify it to be the following -XX:GCTimeRatio=34

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -

XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:NewRatio=2 -




amd64-64:/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native/:/mylib/ -

Page 21: Installing 9.6 BDE binaries on hadoop data nodes Snapshots captured from Cloudera sandbox.


Edit hive-site.xml

Edit the file <BDE directory>/Informatica/services/shared/hadoop/ <Hadoop_distribution_name>/conf/hive-site.xml