Insecurity and the Internet OWASP DAY #1 / 2009 – Auckland New Zealand.

Insecurity and the Internet OWASP DAY #1 / 2009 – Auckland New Zealand

Transcript of Insecurity and the Internet OWASP DAY #1 / 2009 – Auckland New Zealand.

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Insecurity and the InternetOWASP DAY #1 / 2009 – Auckland New Zealand

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Who The Heck Am I?

Paul Craig Principle Security Consultant – I lead the penetration testing team. Security author, researcher, devoted hacker!

Your welcome to contact me. [email protected] [email protected]

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My wife commonly asks me this on the way home:“ How was your day today Paul?”

“Oh, we broke into a large critical infrastructure provider, got credit cards, shells, full control on the domain..” This happens regularly. I am not shocked, or surprised, or even excited, just dead pan. 10 years of popping shells, this is just another day in the office.

75% of industries in NZ can be hacked, right now. I have zero faith, or trust in the internet, I would rather not use it.

“Is it me, or is the internet not getting any more secure?” What is the current trend in IT security ? Is technology getting more, or less secure ?

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The history of vulnerabilities Evolution of the internet and its insecurities. How things have changed over the last 10 years.

Comparison of vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities found 5 years ago Vs vulnerabilities found this year. Are developers still making the same mistakes ?

Draw a conclusion: “Is it getting any better?” Is the internet getting more or less secure ?

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“IT security is a new field, we are still working it out…”

Computer security was first outlined in the 80’s Fred T. Grampp and Robert Morris Snr: UNIX Operating System Ssecurity. AT&T Bell Laboratories 1984. Sheila L. Brand: DoD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria. DoD Computer Security Center, 1985.

The first comprehensive security policies released to the public. Account and password management is important. You should force users to choose secure passwords. Privilege separation = really good Encryption is very important, use it whenever possible.

Robert Morris Snr became the NSA’s chief scientist. His son wrote the first ever computer Worm The Morris Worm

Only 10% of the applications we review, today adhere to 80’s standards.

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Core security principals have existed for even longer.

Principal of Least Privilege: “Every program and every user of a system should operate using the least

set of privileges necessary to complete the task. “ The protection of information in computer systems, 1974.

Defense in Depth: “Seeks to delay rather than prevent, the advance of an attacker, buying

time and causing additional casualties.“ Earliest known example at the Battle of Cannae in 216 BC.

Layer upon layer of security, like an onion, makes hackers cry.

Modern technology is often lacking these principals. Principal of least privilege was only fully implemented in Windows in Vista!

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The state of web application security is changing. Technology advancements rapidly change the security landscape. Hacking web apps nine years ago and today, very different.

In the year 2000… Majority of interactive websites ran IIS v4-5 & ASP! Web application security was not really focused on. Security professionals still focused on networks! Hackers hack networks.

Web applications are a novelty. 2000

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By 2004 we were all focused on security. Symantec’s stock price had increased 300% over the previous 3

years. Worms! Worms! Worms! Everyone is buying Firewalls, AV, IDS, IPS.

“Solve the security problem with this silver bullet software” Networks became based on default DENY firewall rules. The only entry point for hackers became web applications.

“Port 80 is the only open port!”

2004 became the year the world started hacking web applications. Huge shift in the industry toward the security of web applications.


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ASP is a highly versatile and powerful language. Used by the majority of Microsoft friendly corporations. Biggest problem with ASP

Very easy to write very insecure ASP applications! Little standardised user input validation.

ASP security relies on the developers own abilities. Bad developers, write insecure code.

ASP Produced: SQL Injection XSS (Cross Site Scripting) XML Injection File path Injection



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Most prolific attack vector: SQL Injection Inject content into a SQL query performed by a database. Execute your own SQL queries on the database.

SELECT ProductName from DB where id = ‘1’‘ ; exec master..xp_cmdshell ‘CMD’

SELECT ProdName from DB where id = ‘’; exec master..xp_cmdshell ‘dir C:\’

Microsoft SQL at the time contained support for executing arbitrary commands through extended stored procedures. (xp_cmdshell)

By default ran as the privileged SYSTEM user.

Obtaining a privileged interactive shell through SQL injection, not hard.

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Estimated that 75% of all web applications were vulnerable to SQL injection in 2005!

Auto-hack SQL tools were released, its too easy! SQL injection became the most widely exploited vulnerability.

Even security vendors have been vulnerable to SQL injection!

Data exposure incidents skyrocketed over 400% from previous years. Credit card fraud increased over 300% SQL injection is perfect for data exposure. Stealing credit card numbers.

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Software vendors took steps to increase the level of security “We should protect against injection vulnerabilities at the framework!” New technologies released.

.NET/Ruby/Python/Java “Injection vulnerabilities should not exist!” Make it hard to write insecure code.

Education has increased! Everyone knows about SQL injection Even high level corporate type! (CIO/CTO)

Everyone knows how vulnerable web applications are.


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Microsoft replaced ASP with .NET Most ASP web applications redeployed in .NET. Modern frameworks try to make application security really easy. Security is implemented for the developer, at the framework.

Standard SQL query method is secure from user input injection.obj.Parameters.Add("@Name", NameTextBox.Text);

obj.Parameters.Add("@Password", PasswordTextBox.Text);

Automatic XSS prevention, in the framework. Blocks many forms of injection through automatic sanitation.

SA reports saw a 50% decrease in the number of findings Typical ASP application = 57 page SA report. Typical .NET application = 25 page SA report.

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So its 2009, and WOW has the internet changed! “Web 2.0” “Rich interactive browser based content” Full client server applications Games in your browser. Capable of complex application logic.

So are we secure?!? It is true that SQL injection is becoming a rare find. The vulnerabilities from 1999, probably do not exist.

However, new technology always = New vulnerabilities


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Comparison of Vulnerabilities2003-2005 vs 2009 perform 3-4 web application reviews a week, every week, and have done so for 5 years.

We work for every sector/industry in New Zealand Practically every large company in New Zealand.

Historic SA reports provide interesting statistical information. Trends of vulnerabilities discovered, common mistakes. Functionality developers can never implement securely.

So I started reading ALOT of reports…

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Number of Vulnerabilities: 2003-2005 I picked 5 large corporate web application reports at random. Clients represented big business. 4 of the applications were developed by outsourced companies. 2 of the 5 applications were written in ASP.


8 1310


Low severity.

Minor severity.Medium severity.

Urgent severity.

Critical severity

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Number of Vulnerabilities: 2009 5 web applications developed in 2009 Mix of Java and C# (.NET)




Low severity.

Minor severity.Medium severity.

Urgent severity.

Critical severity

Less critical severity findings. I only need one! More mediums.

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How did developers fail in 2003-2005? in 2003-2005 web application developers were F$%^&* bad. “Wow these are lame bugs..” Critical, easy bugs, trivial to hack

“Secret Answer Question Kept in Hidden Form Value”

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“Multiple SQL Injection” Over ½ of the Critical findings related to SQL injection. Vulnerabilities allowed complete compromise. Yep no surprise there.

Developers Fail at anything to do with Files. Uploads:

“Application allows arbitrary script content to be uploaded, and subsequently executed on the web server.”

“Application permits directory traversal in File names during upload process”

Viewing Files: File=../../../../../../../../boot.ini

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Very broken access controls Only user Admin can access /admin/main.asp However anyone can access /admin/edituser.asp. POST to /admin/main.asp and Admin rights are not required.

Direct Object Reference Accessing an arbitrary application object, ie: another users. ViewMyProfile.asp?userid=101

“I wonder who is userid 102.. 103.. 104..”

ViewMyProfile.asp?userid=102 ViewMyProfile.asp?userid=103

Most of the Urgent severity findings relate to Direct Object Reference

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Default software credentials Admin/Admin, Manage/manage, tomcat/tomcat Not exactly hard to guess.. Default passwords not changed.

Default Application Samples “Click here to execute a query on the Database” “Samples/viewfile.php?file=../../../../boot.ini”

Vendor best practice not followed. No one reads the manual. Basic security precautions not taken, common sense stuff.

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How do developers fail in 2009. “Same bugs as five years ago, completely different technology”

“Administrative Functionality Accessible Through hidden Control”

admintab = ctl00$MainMenu$ctl02

View based security Restricting your access by removing the “Admin” tab.

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Only 1 SQL injection vulnerability Through JSP, did not result in a command shell.

Developers still don’t know how to deal with files. If its reading, writing, viewing files. Its likely vulnerable.

File/Uploads that store user supplied files, in the web root. Upload cmdshell.aspx, find where its stored, request the page, shell.

“Attach your CV”, “Upload your Avatar”, “Upload your photo” View File directory traversal “../../../../web.config” Exactly the same bugs as 5 years ago

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Broken access controls. Most development frameworks now provide authentication

functionality. .NET Forms Authentication “Any file under a directory, needs a username/password”

When developers implement their own access controls they FAIL. “Unauthorized Access to Administrative AJAX Call “WriteCSS()” Part of the Administrator's CMS application Edit CSS Allowed anyone to write a file, anywhere on the web server.

All other pages required authentication, except the AJAX function!

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Growth in application logic manipulation. All of the new fancy Web 2.0 technology contains complex application

logic. Which can often be manipulated by user supplied input. 10 of the 14 Medium severity findings relate to logic manipulation bugs.

Manipulate how the application works. Accessing hidden controls/menu items. Skipping a sequence of events.

Skip from Stage 1, to Stage 3 Purchasing negative amounts of products.

Bypassing applications requirements. “You may only enter this competition once”

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“Users can skip the “Pay Now” stage, and proceed without payment”

What year is it?

Stage 5 = Confirm order Stage 6 = Pay now Stage 7 = Enter your shipping address Stage 8 = Finalize your order

Dumb Mistakes.

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Direct Object Reference is not going anywhere. Regular occurrence in application reviews. Inconsistent/faulty access controls.

People still don’t read the manual. “Make sure you change the default Admin password from ‘Admin’” Its right there, in black and white. Yet still, no one does it.

The passwords: Password0, Password9, 321, Admin, Manager, CMSADMIN

These are not good passwords. Yet all found in 2009 security reviews!

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Less of the 2009 vulnerabilities resulted a shell. More cases of sensitive information disclosure. Name, address, date of birth, credit card.

What did I learn from reading all of these security reports ? Is it getting more secure?

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We have known how to be secure for 25 years!

Still working on actually being secure. Developers still do dumb things, 2003, 2005, 2009.. Security only works flawlessly when its already implemented in the

framework. Developers don’t have to do it! Security can be challenging to implement correctly.

Education helps security. Everyone knows about SQL injection. SQL injection vulnerabilities decreased significantly.

Fewer Critical Findings = More Secure

The internet IS getting better, but its not there yet!

I only need one critical bug.

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Thanks For Your Time

Questions / Comments ? [email protected]