INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012

ALJON MARIANO Tiger out of the cage page 3 Ang lagay ng puso, career at bulsa mo malalaman na sa Bilog ang Bola page 7 MICHELLE GUMABAO Leaving it all up to God Nico Elorde From Green Grass to Blue Skies —Page 4 VOL. 1 NO. 6 • AUGUST 30-SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 page 6 UE’s Kristela Cruz ‘Adobo ni Inay’ —Page 5 ROMEO barrels his way to the basket. AUGUST DELA CRUZ AUGUST DELA CRUZ


INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action is a special edition of the No. 1 free newspaper in Metro Manila specially dedicated to collegiate sports. We are a media partner of the UAAP, NCAA and the National Cherrleading Championships.

Transcript of INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012

Page 1: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012

•ALJON MARIANO Tigerout of the cage page 3

•Ang lagay ng puso, careerat bulsa mo malalaman na saBilog ang Bola page 7

•MICHELLEGUMABAOLeaving it allup to God

Nico ElordeFrom Green Grassto Blue Skies

—Page 4

VOL. 1 NO. 6 • AUGUST 30-SEPTEMBER 6, 2012

page 6

UE’s Kristela Cruz‘Adobo ni Inay’

—Page 5

ROMEO barrels hisway to the basket.








Page 2: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012


Romeo breaksthe hearts ofFEU’s rivalsBy Michael Angelo Jugado

F ROM being the scoring machine he was in hishigh school heydays for the FEU-Diliman (for-merly known as the FEU-FERN) Baby Tamaraws,

Terrence Bill Romeo has gone a long way.Now a year older and wiser,

the sweet-shooting comboguard is leading the Far EasternUniversity Tamaraws’ charge onits quest to finally capture theelusive title they last brought tothe streets of Morayta in 2005when Arwind Santos, DenokMiranda, Mark Isip, among oth-ers, donned FEU’s colors.

After bridesmaid finishes inthe last two seasons, the wardsof head coach Bert Flores, whosteered FEU to its last title in2005, were not picked by pun-dits this year to have a strongshowing after losing reed-thinbig man Aldrech Ramos, JRCawaling, Jens Knuttel andlockdown defensive ace PingExciminiano to graduation.

But the Morayta five is prov-ing naysayers wrong withtheir stellar showing thusfar—thanks to Romeo.

“Ang plano talaga aykung sino ang mainit sascoring ay susuportahan

namin,” said the soft-spoken Romeo, down-

playing FEU’s vaunt-ed backcourt tri-

umvirate that in-cludes former


Garcia and sophomore MikeTolomia, which is unarguably

the most dreaded back-court in the UAAP today.

The 5’10” ju-nior—who once scored83 points in a high

school game against UP-IS en route to bag the

UAAP Season 72 JuniorsMVP plum—is putting up MVP-

like numbers of 18.0 ppg, 7.0rpg and 4.6 aspg this seasonwhile also maturing and em-bracing the role as one of the

leaders of the rampaging Tama-raws this season.

With his backcourt buddyGarcia having abysmal perfor-mances the last two games forthe Tamaraws, Romeo is morethan making up for the slackwith his inspired play that evenearned him a UAAP Press CorpsPlayer of the Week honor aftersteering the Green and Gold toan erstwhile 4-0 slate beforedropping a close setback to theNational University Bulldogslast week.

“Ibang Terrence Romeo angnakikita ng tao this season,”said Romeo, who idolizes LosAngeles Clippers playmaker andNBA superstar Chris Paul andformer two-time PBA MVP,Willie Miller.

“Mas focused ako sa pag-in-volve sa teammates ko, everygame ipinapaalala ni coach ’yune.”

And the 2010 UAAP Rookieof the Year is proving to oneand sundry that he is not a one-dimensional player.

FEARLESSTHE former high schoolstandout (right) looks forthe open teammate. AUGUST


OUT OF HARM’S WAYROMEO dribbles out of trouble.


Page 3: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012


Tiger out of the cageBy Patrick Leonard Mayo

O F ALL the perennial Final Four contenders inthe UAAP, the UST Growling Tigers wereagain under the radar leading to the UAAP

season as they have always been. That is until theystrung up six straight victories which included hair-line wins.

Thanks to the heroics ofcomebacking forward, AljonMariano, UST ended up on topof the team standings surprisingnot only the league but theteam itself.

The return of Mariano tothis year’s lineup of UST didmake some noise as he led histeam in scoring in the FiloilFlying V Preseason Cup. Butthis was still not enough toearn the Tigers the spotlightas sports scribes kept theireyes on UAAP contenders—the De La Salle GreenArchers, National UniversityBulldogs and the five-peat-

seeking Ateneo Blue Eagles.But this is not something

new to UST and the hard-nosedforward who was aching tomake up for lost time.

After being sidelined thewhole of last season due to afractured ankle, the 6-3 Mari-ano was raring to show what hecan do on court.

“Sobrang down ako last yearkasi gusto ko talagang maglarobut I realized that I had tomove on. Inisip ko na lang nadapat paghandaan ko yung pag-babalik ko, dapat may impactagad,” said the 20-year-old mar-keting major.

He didn’t wait too long tomake an impact as the Tigers,who were playing in their sec-ond game and were still reel-ing from an opening day set-back to the FEU Tamaraws,again faced adversity as theystared at a 19-point first halfdeficit against no less thanthe defending champion Ate-neo Blue Eagles. The Tigersescaped with a 71-70 squeak-er.

Mariano also starred in UST’s58-57 overtime nailbiter overthe NU Bulldogs in the secondround.

Mariano points to his changeof attitude inside the court andtowards the game as the reasonfor his recent success in theUAAP.

“Nagbago talaga yung atti-tude ko, dahil na din siguro sainjury. Nagpalakas ako at tala-gang pinaghandaan itong sea-son kaya lumalabas yung tunaykong laro.”


Mixing basketball with studiesBy Randolph B. Leongson

THE last man to walk insidethe newly finished USTQuadricentennial Pavillion inthe Growling Tigers practice isliterally the biggest man forthe España-based crew.

But as some coaches wouldsee this attitude as tardiness,the coaching staff understandshim.

With a green file case inone hand and a backpack inone arm, the towering KarimAbdul enters the court witha gleeful smile, off from hislessons and on to his com-fort zone—the basketballcourt.

“I play here as a means ofstudy,” the 6-foot-6 studentsaid. “I just try to do my best.”

As an irregular InformationTechnology student after shift-ing from his old engineeringcourse, Abdul knows the taskis a tough one.

“You have to practice andstudy hard. People look up toyou,” he said. “It’s an addedpressure, but thankfully, I amable to manage it.”

But if there is one thing theCameroonian is still furiousabout, it’s the “unfair treat-ment” he had last season,eliminating him from the MVPrace.

In every game, Abdul is de-fended by guys the same sizeas he. He is grounded andpounded in the post in a seri-ous effort to negate his domi-nating presence.

Abdul disregards the nega-tive criticism fired at him bycritics. “I don’t consider my-self an import. I’m not tryingto prove anything to any-body,” Abdul said. “We’re ateam and I’m comfortablewith them.”

At times, he still misses hishomeland.

“Nothing feels like home,”

he said.“Back in Cameroon, we

play basketball for fun. Buthere, there is more pressure toplay given all of the thingsconcerned. There is morepressure to win.”

Above all this, he rises tothe occasion.

This season, Abdul is theleading MVP candidate, gar-nering a league-best 81.71statistical points over reigningMVP Bobby Ray Parks of theNU Bulldogs at the end of thefirst round.

But across the scintillatingnumbers he has been postingconsistently, Abdul knows theyare up for the big one.

“We feel like we can bechampions this season,” hesaid. “We’ve been together fora number of years now. In or-der for us to be a champion,we have to feel like a champi-on, to play like a champion.”

“All for UST.”




Sun Cellular empowers the youth

in 2012 Stratmark ConferenceAs part of its commitment to empower the youth of today, Sun Cellular supported the 2012 Strat-

mark Conference, an annual student marketing conference organized by Philippine Marketing As-

sociation, at SM Mall of Asia Arena last July 31, 2012.

Stratmark Conference aims to lead marketing excellence and promote deeper learning among

youth. With the theme “Marketing Mash-up” which is combining new innovations with the old result-

ing to bigger and better marketing executions, this year’s Stratmark Conference was successfully

attended by over 5,500 students and professionals, represented by more than 80 schools and uni-


Keynote speaker for this year, among invited guest speakers, was Mr. Ricky Peňa, Sun Cellular

Senior Vice President for Marketing. Peňa started his talk with words of encouragement for stu-

dents. “Anybody can do Marketing”, he said. As they will graduate soon, students will market their

own brand which is their selves, he added.

In his talk, Peňa said that today’s market has become more complex given all the information

and technologies easily accessible to consumers these days. With this, the challenge remains for

anybody in Marketing, “How do we differentiate ourselves to gain a sustainable advantage?” he

stated. Peňa shared what businesses need in order to survive the challenge and stay ahead of

competition despite the chaos.

Sun Cellular was given the privilege to play a major role in this year’s Stratmark Conference, as

students will work on a case study about one of the network’s brands through this year’s nationwide

marketing plan competition.

Unlike previous years, students are now given the opportunity to choose which case study to work

on, among four brands, in their marketing plan – a first opportunity from Sun Cellular. To choose,

students simply need to text Sun <space> number of case study to 2222. Case study 1 is Sun Call

and Text Unlimited, 2 is Sun Postpaid, 3 is Sun Broadband, and 4 is Sun Todo IDD Combo. Voting is

open until August 31, 2012. Winning case study will be announced on September 1, 2012.

Sun Cellular is true to its testament of empowering the youth of today by supporting activities like

2012 Stratmark Conference, the biggest annual student marketing conference. As a reliable com-

munication partner of the youth, Sun Cellular continuously provides products and services that are

well-suited to the needs and means of young people.

Page 4: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012


From Green Grassto Blue SkiesBy Patrick Leonard Mayo

H OMEGROWN varsity basketball players whoplay ball and spend their entire lives in a sin-gle academic institution are relatively rare

nowadays, with all the jumping and switching happen-ing from one school to another.

In what was supposed to bean entire basketball varsity ca-reer spent under the green andwhite banner, the journey oflong-time La Sallian Nico Elordeturned drastically in favor ofthe blue and white when hemoved from Taft to Katipunan.

Elorde now wears the colorsof rival Ateneo after spendinghis prep, grade school, highschool and freshman year incollege at De La Salle.

Career moveMaking the jump to another

school, much more to La Salle’srival, was not an easy decision

to make for the 5-foot-9 pointguard but one that is necessaryin order for his career as a var-sity player to blossom.

With the Green Archers line-up in 2010 overflowing in pointguards with the likes of SimonAtkins, LA Revilla and AlmondVosotros, Elorde’s playing min-utes dwindled.

“My friends from La Salleand the community really hadno problems with me transfer-ring. Alam naman nila yung sit-uation ko and nagpaalam na-man ako nang maayos saschool,” said Elorde who traces

his lineage to the reveredElorde boxing clan, having thelegendary Gabriel “Flash”Elorde for a grandfather.

The Blue Eagles were look-ing to build their backcourt in2011 which prompted them torecruit the Green Archer whowas in floating status.

Warmly embraced“Nagulat ako kasi madali

yung pag-accept nila sa kin,” re-ferring to the Ateneo communi-ty. “Napansin ko kaagad na wel-come ako sa team na ito, myteammates were all friendlyconsidering I came from a rivalschool.”

But the transition on courtwas not as easy as he thoughthaving been immersed in the LaSalle brand of basketball his en-tire playing career but his oneyear residency in 2011 helped alot as far as adjusting to a new

system is concerned.“The entire coaching staff re-

ally helped me a lot kasi lagi ni-la akong kinakausap at tinutu-ruan,” he added.

Facing his old teamDuring the first meeting of

the Blue Eagles and the GreenArchers in the UAAP this sea-son last July, it was like a bit-tersweet homecoming forElorde after seeing his oldteammates and playing withthem in the UAAP but only thistime, he was wearing a differ-ent uniform.

“Kahit papaano may pressuredin since dun ako nanggalingsince prep but I just tried toplay my role and coach (Nor-man Black) told me to just en-joy the game.”

And by the end of the game,Elorde’s respect for his old almamater still showed as he raisedhis fist as the defeated De LaSalle crowd sang their schoolhymn. Things may havechanged and allegiances haveshifted but his heart as a truecompetitor on the court will al-ways be the same.


GUTSYTHE youngElorde draws afoul from UP’sMike Silungan.


SALUTEELORDE salutes the DLSU crowd after besting theGreen Archers in the first round.


Page 5: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012




UP’s Riki Flores andDLSU’s MartinReyes are hot items.Steph Sy (right) isback as courtsidereporter.

By Ruth Navarra

I T came as a surprisewhen Boom Gonzalesrecently introduced

Steph Sy as the “come-backing” courtside re-porter (CSR) of the Na-tional University. She re-placed the Cebuana beau-ty queen Muriel Orais.Muriel has gained admir-ers for her beauty but shehas also received flak forher courtside reporting af-ter six games.

Some netizens complainabout her VOICE. This mayseem a petty excuse to kicksomeone out, especially sincethere were CSRs in the pastwhose voices were not exactlythe kind you’d love to hear fortwo hours.

But it seems it is her actualreporting style that got her boot-ed out. Most netizens say that itis hard to understand what sheis saying on television. This isthe second time NU has lost itsCSR. In Season 73, the soft-spo-ken Karen Ruzol was also re-placed before the first roundended.


Now that we are on the topic

of CSRs, we know that they getthe inside scoop on the teamthat they report on. They are al-lowed inside the locker roomsduring halftimes. The diligentones even follow the team evenon their practices to get someinformation. It is almost expect-ed that they become friendswith the team members thatthey report on.

It is also not surprising to seeromance bloom between CSRsand basketball players. We’veseen it in the past and we’ll seeit again in the future. Some areopen about it like UP’s Riki Flo-res and Martin Reyes. Somewe’re left to wonder about.

Here’s one we love to specu-late on. Questions are oftenasked whether a CSR beautyand a hotshot cager are flirting,dating or maybe just really goodfriends. They seem to be unusu-ally close the way she is almostalways seen next to him beforeand after games.

On one of the post-gamepress conferences, their eyeswould meet and the two wouldsmile simultaneously. He wouldmouth some words to her andshe would laugh silently. All ofthese were happening while themembers of the press were busyfiring questions at their coach.

Of course, this could just be a

result of our overactive imagina-tion and maybe even wishfulthinking but they do look goodtogether. So if they are still con-sidering if it’s right to go out,we’ll be cheering on the side-lines with our, “Go! Go! Go!”


Whether you love him or hatehim, there will always be aquotable quote from coach PidoJarencio. He would give meaning-ful statements to the press, oftenabout how his team has been un-derestimated. But he never leavesthe room without cracking a joke.

When reporters asked aboutAljon Mariano’s injury that side-lined him the previous season,he answered, “Bago na ang paaniyan ngayon. Pinalitan na nam-ing ng bago. Paa na ng baka yanngayon.”

There was a lot of excitementsurrounding the first round clashbetween the UST Growling Tigersand the De La Salle GreenArchers. It was the first time thebrothers Jeric and Jeron Tengfaced each other in collegiate bas-ketball. Coach Pido openly sharedhis advice to the older Teng.

“Sabi ko kay Jeric lagyanniya ng vetsin yungpagkain ni Jeronpara antukin,”he said.


‘Adobo ni Inay’By Ruth Navarra

WE’VE spotted Ella withher pompoms. She wasdoing a splendid job ofrousing the crowd intocheering for her team, theUE Red Warriors. We wereable to pull her aside inone of the timeouts tomake her smile for ourcamera and answer someof our questions.

Name: Kristela Joy B. CruzAge: 16Nickname: Ella, Joy , KristelaCourse and Year: BSBA major inBusiness ManagementMotto: Do what makes you happyand do not care what others think.(As long as hindi ka nakakasakit sakapwa mo.)I want to be a: modelI am good at: posing for picturesI can beat you in: I don’t know butI’m sure I can do what others can.I am happy when: I’m with my spe-cial friends and family.I hate it when: I’m bored .My favorite singer/band is: DemiLovato

My favorite song at the momentis: Call Me MaybeMy favorite movie: A Big FishMy favorite food is: Adobo ni InayMy hobbies include: Texting,singing, dancing, and taking photos.If you visit our school, you shouldeat at: Trina’sI usually hang out in: house of afriend and mall.My usual get-up for school is:School uniform. Pumapasok akominsan sa school na ’di nagsusuklayHindi ako nagmamake-up sa schoolTo win me over, you can: IDK. Si-guro Gawin mo din yung mga gina-gawa ko.











Page 6: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012



DLSU’S GUMABAOLeaving it all up to GodFull name: Michelle Theresa Imperial Gumabao

Nickname: Michelle

Age: 19Height: 5’9”Year and course: 3rd year, BS Marketing Management

Self description: I love God, I love my family and my friends. I

am passionate about playing volleyball and I enjoy studying. I

am a proud member of the history makers of the Jesus Christ

Lifegiver Ministries.

Q: When did you start playing volleyball? Where?

I started playing volleyball when I was in grade school. Joined

intramurals every year in the School of the Holy Spirit of QC.

Since my two older sisters were already playing I would tag

along with them and they would teach me.

Q: How did you end up playing for La Salle? What are the

other schools you applied for, if there were any and why

choose DLSU?

A: Since I was in HS I already wanted to go to La Salle, never

really imagined I would play college volleyball until my eldest

sister told mo to try out for the team since she played with the

team for more than a year or so. I said I had nothing to lose

and so I showed up at try outs one summer day and the rest is

history. It was only La Salle or Ateneo for me. La Salle had

more courses in the field of business so choosing between

those two schools was very easy for me.

Q: How is your stay in the team so far?

I had my ups and downs with the team, but nothing beats being

with people whom I consider family already. The team is very

close, our managers are very very supportive and caring, the

school as well supports us very well and our coaches are al-

ways there to guide us. It’s been a good first 3 years playing

with this team, I learned a lot, not only about volleyball but also

in life.Q: What motivates you the most when you play?

Inspiring others. I know that a lot of people are watching and

supporting UAAP and whenever I play with my teammates I

DEFENSE SPECIALISTGUMABAO (left) sizzled as a defensive specialistduring DLSU’s triumphant title-run last season inthe UAAP. AUGUST DELA CRUZ

know we are inspiring others to pursue their dreams and reach

their goals. When I play inside that court, it’s a way for me to

thank God for everything he has given me. Not only for me but for

the rest of the team, we see to it that every game we offer to God

because he enables and strengthens us to play each and every

day.Q: Give some of the things that your coach says to you and

your teammates.Mahina, malakas kalaban, give it your best. He would always tell

us to respect our opponent, put up a good fight and never give

up.Q: What is your most unforgettable experience as a player?

Championship game season 72. I didn’t get to play that much in

my first year but I was already part of the line up for the team.

Our coach used me in the championship game and we were los-

ing and my heart was beating so fast. It was my first time to play

in such an intense game and it was my longest playing time the

whole year as well.Q: How do you discipline yourself when it comes to practice?

See to it that you eat right, of course you treat yourself once in a

while but I try to eat as healthy as possible. Get adequate rest,

with school work and volleyball it’s difficult to balance but proper

time management will help.Q: What is your goal this season and what is the one thing

you can promise everyone?My only goal is the championship and what I can promise is that

our team will glorify God all throughout.Q: How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I would be 29 by then and hopefully be settled down and be hap-

pily married. I really want to be in the field of agriculture. That’s

my mindset for now. Soon I would graduate and help my family

with business.Q: What is your message to all of supporters of the team?

Thank you for supporting our team and the UAAP competition. It

feels good that our team inspires so many people both here and

abroad. For everyone who are aspiring athletes, work hard and

set your goals high! Nothing is impossible with God, prayer and

determination. In all your work, do it all for the Lord and you will

succeed. Never stop trying at something until you’ve given it your


Page 7: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012













Love: Y Career: PMoney:‘

YYHindi sapat na

pagbintangan mo siya

‘‘‘‘Tanggapin mo na, walanang tanung-tanong pa

PPPPPPerfect ang iyong

magiging pagganap

YYYYTitingnan ka lang,

blush ka naman agad

‘‘‘‘Baduy makiusokahit may pera

PPPConstructive criticism

kaya huwag masamain

YYYDi ka man pumayag,di ka rin makatanggi

‘‘‘‘Kunin mo kung sincerenaman na inabot sa iyo

PP’Di na aabot pasensiyamo sa susunod na pisi

YYYYYMasarap lumaban,

basta may inspirasyon

‘‘‘Makuntento ka munasa kung anong meron

PPPKung kailangang

mangyari, mangyayari

YYYAkala niya puwet nglalaki yang puwet mo

‘‘Magbayad ng buwis

bago mabuking ng BIR

PPBad trip ka kapag hindika papasahan ng bola

YYMas maganda kilay ng

BF mo sa kilay mo

‘‘‘Huwag ubusin ang rice,

para sa lahat yan

PMasisira concentration,

kaya malulusutan ka

YYYAbnormal man siya,

at least, naiiba

‘‘‘Mag-alcohol matapos

humawak ng pera

PPBakit ka uupo sa

upuang may nakaupo

YDi ka makakapasok,

ang galing dumipensa

‘‘‘‘Swerte mo, major

sponsor mo bading

PPPKalaban ng kalaban mo

pero ’di mo kakampi

YYMahahalata niya na

kulang ka sa stamina

‘Tinulungan mo na,nanakawan ka pa

PPMas mabait sila sa iyo

noong buntis ka pa

YYBalingan agad angsusunod na laban

‘‘Ihahatid mo sana perowala kang panghatid

PPUnforced errors

ang yayari sa inyo

YYHmm, malaki masyadomuscles niya sa mukha

‘‘‘Patawarin mo kapagnakabayad na siya

PPPLabo mata ni coach,

pero matalas pandinig

YYYYPag natumba ka,sasaluhin ka niya

‘‘‘‘Bukas na bukas rin,i-deposito mo na yan

PPSuspisyoso masyado,

praning ka na ya

Bilog ang Bola Ni Hormel Delata

Editor in ChiefChito dF. dela Vega

Desk editorsDennis U. EroaFrancis Ochoa

Romel M. LalataGraphic artist

Ritche S. SabadoTelephone No.:(632) 897-8808

connecting all departments

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E-mail:[email protected]

Advertising:(632) 897-8808 loc. 530/532/534

All rights reserved. Subject to thecondi-tions provided for by law, no article

or photograph published byINQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action may bereprinted or reproduced, in whole or in

part, without its prior consent.


New gal on the blockBy Danielle Nakpil

S ANS the shiningarmor andsword, the re-

tooled Lady Knightsof Colegio de SanJuan de Letranpromise to exactpayback this com-ing season-clad innothing but biki-nis.

This time though, theywill sport a different lookas new addition SarahJane Espelita suits up forin the beach volleyballevent of the NCAA.

With Gena Andaya-graduating and now outof the picture andMarinelle Carolino onher last playing year,Espelita serves as new-found hope for the Le-tran faithfuls.

“Kakayanin namingmag champion para sapride ng Letran,” said Es-pelita, a product of Cal-abarzon’s grassroots meet,the Southern Tagalog Region-al Athletic Association.

After coming close tobringing home the trophy inSeason 87, Letran will beleaning on the duo of Espeli-ta and veteran Carolino thisseason.

Although adjustments areneeded after long-time part-ners Andaya and Carolinoparted ways, Lady KnightsCoach Brian Esquibel is confi-dent with his new tandem.

Espelita can contribute wellon both ends of the court,said coach Esquibel.

“Ang contribution ni Sarahis yung pagiging malakasmag serve, tsaka confidentsiya maglaro sa actual game,”said Esquibel.

Still, Espelita, a third yearFinancial Management stu-

dent,admits that she stillfinds it unusual to wear abikini suit.

From being a setter in in-door volleyball, the five-

foot-five Espelita nowtakes the role of

spiker in thebeach volleyballteam, a bigchange in hergame, to give

way to Carolino.Carol ino was

t h e y o u n g e s tamong sisters who

played volleyball forCSJL during their re-spective college ca-reers.

When asked aboutthe changes she en-countered on sand,she said it was moredifficult to playbeach than indoor

volleyball because itrequired more effortand coordination sincethere are only twoplayers in each team.Good thing Espelita fitswell because of her

high leaping abilitywhich is a key factor in beachvolley.

“Mataas tumalon si Sarah.Advantage niya ’yun,” saidAthletics Officer BernieRamos of Espelita.

True enough, this provesthat Espelita is the best re-placement to Andaya. Espeli-ta’s aerial plays made her theace of her former high schoolsquad, Palahanan NationalHigh School in Batangas.




NCAA BEACH VOLLEYBALLOFFICIALS and athletes strike a pose during the opening of the NCAA beach volleyball at theBoardwalk inside the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority. NCAA.ORG.PH/JAN DIZON

Page 8: INQUIRER LIBRE Varsity Action Aug. 30, 2012


Love at ‘second’ sightBy Alexx Esponga S OME people fall for what we call ‘love at first

sight’ but for Archand Bagsit, it is just another fa-mous cliche.

“Nakiki-traininglang ako sa track andfield pero baskeballtalaga ang gusto atmahal kong sport.”said Bagsit.

When he took an-

other glance at thesport, Bagsit felt a dif-ferent heartbeat, onethat said: “This iswhere you truly be-long.”

The 21-year oldBagsit was torn be-tween two lovers,basketball and trackand field, but he sud-denly knew what todo.

“Napagisip-isip kona i-try, wala namangmawawala kungsusubukan ko,” saidBagsit. “Tapos nakitako yung sarili ko nanag-e-excel sa trackand field kaya ito na.Bigla ko na siya na-gustuhan kaysa bas-ketball.”

Though Bagsitdidn’t fell for trackand field the firsttime he laid eyes onthe sport, he is con-vinced now that thereis a second chance foreverything and it issometimes more pow-erful than the first en-counter.Love at ’second’sight

Bagsit made hisdebut as a runner andnot as a basketballplayer in the NationalCollegiate Athletic As-sociation and tookhome a silver and

gold medal for Cole-gio de San Juan deLetran.

In his last year inthe league, he is veryeager to add more tohis all-in-all 17 NCAAmedals and leave alegacy to the school.

Though Bagsit wastrained in jumping,he was determined tobe flexible and in amatter of time, coach-es found more talentin him that they nev-er saw in any ath-letes.

A 5th year FinanceMarketing student,Bagsit has more to beproud of than hisNCAA achievementsbecause aside fromrepresenting Letran invarious competitionshe is also a memberof the Philippine na-tional team.

Bagsit said hismost unforgettableexperience as a mem-ber of Team Pilipinaswas during his debutin the 2011 SEAGames where he alsobrought honor to thecountry.

“Nanalo ako ng sil-ver ’nun,” he saidBagsit, who dreams ofcompeting in the2016 Rio de JanieroOlympics.

PROMISINGArchand Bagsitwill rule PHathletics in thenear future.