Inotropes and Vasopressors.ppt

Inotropes & Vasopressor s management of various types of shock. DR.MUHAMMAD ALI YOUSUF


Inotropes and Vasopressors.ppt

Transcript of Inotropes and Vasopressors.ppt

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Vasopressorsmanagement of various types of



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• Inotropes:• Agents administered to increase

myocardial contractility and therefore cardiac index

• Vasopressor• Agents are administered to increase

vascular tone and thereby elevate mean arterial pressure (MAP).

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Inotropes Vs. Vasopressors

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Inotropes• Drugs that affect the

force of contraction of myocardial muscle

• Positive or negative

• Term “inotrope” generally used to describe positive effect

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• Drugs that stimulates smooth muscle contraction of the capillaries & arteries

• Cause vasoconstriction & a consequent rise in blood pressure

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Main Goal

Tissue perfusion & oxygenation

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Physiological Principles


CO = HR x SV

Preload Contractility Afterload

~ 1


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Basic principles - Vasopressors


CO = HR x SV

Preload Contractility Afterload

~ 1


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Basic principles - Inotropes


CO = HR x SV

Preload Contractility Afterload

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Mixed action drugs

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Use of inotropes & vasopressors

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Drug Classification• Sympathomimetics

• Naturally occurring• Synthetic

• Other inotropes• cAMP dependent• cAMP independent

• Other vasopressors

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Sympathomimetics• Drugs that stimulate adrenergic receptors

• G-protein coupled receptors

G - ProteinActivation of intermediate messenger

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Main classes of Adrenoceptor receptors


• Located in vascular smooth muscle• Mediate vasoconstriction


• Located throughout the CNS, platelets• Mediate sedation, analgesia & platelet


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Main classes of Adrenoceptor receptors


• Located in vascular smooth muscle• Mediate vasoconstriction


• Located throughout the CNS, platelets• Mediate sedation, analgesia & platelet aggregation

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Main classes of Adrenoceptor


• Located in the heart• Mediate increased contractility & HR


• Located mainly in the smooth muscle of bronchi

• Mediate bronchodilatation

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Main classes of Adrenoceptor


• Located in the heart• Mediate increased contractility & HR


• Located mainly in the smooth muscle of bronchi• Mediate bronchodilatation• Located in blood vessels

• Dilatation of coronary vessels• Dilatation of arteries supplying skeletal muscle

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β1 Adrenoceptor

G - Protein Adenyl cyclase

ATP cAMPIncreased

heart muscle contractility


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• Naturally occuring• Epinephrine• Norepinephrine• Dopamine

• Synthetic• Dobutamine• Dopexamine• Phenylephrine• Metaraminol• Ephedrine

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Uses• Are used in critically ill patients with

profound hemodynamic impairment to such extent that tissue perfusion is not sufficient to meet metabolic requirements.

• They are administered via a large central vein .

• To explore the evidence for their use in clinical practice.

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Common Inotropes and Vasopressors

• Catecholamines:• Dopamine• Adrenaline• Noradrenaline• Dobutamine• Isoprenaline• Phenylephrine

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Common Inotropes and Vasopressors

• Vasopressin

• Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

• Calcium sensitizing agents

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• Endogenous:(adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine)

• Synthetic:(dobutamine, Isoprenaline, phenylephrine)

• mediate their cardiovascular actions predominantlythrough α1, β1, β2 and dopaminergic receptors.

• The density and proportion of these receptors modulates the physiological responses of inotropes and vasopressors in individual tissues.

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Catecholamines:• β1 receptor is found predominantly on myocardium and

stimulation of which results inenhanced myocardial contractility through Ca2+ mediated facilitation of the actin-myosin complex binding with troponin C and enhanced chronicity through Ca2+ channel activation

• β2 receptor stimulation on vascular smooth muscle cells through a different intracellular mechanism results in increased Ca2+ uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and vasodilation

• Activation of α1 receptors on arterial vascular smooth muscle cells results in smooth muscle contraction and increase in systemic vascular resistance.

• Stimulation of dopaminergic receptors (D1 and D2) in the kidney and splanchnic vasculature results in renal and mesenteric vasodilatation

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• Effect dose dependent• Direct

• Low dose - 1

• High dose - 1

• Indirect• Stimulates norepinephrine release

• D1 receptors• Vasodilatation of mesenteric & renal circulation

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• Acts on both dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors

• At low doses (0.5-3.0 μg/kg/min), dopamine acts predominantly on D1 receptors in the renal, mesenteric, cerebral and coronary beds resulting in selective vasodilation.

• Some reports suggest that dopamine increases urine output by augmenting renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate and natriuresis by inhibiting aldosterone and renal tubular transport

• But the clinical significance of “renal-dose” dopamine is somewhat controversial because a renal protective effect has not been demonstrated

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Dopamine• At intermediate doses (3-10 μg/kg/min), also

stimulates β1 receptor and increases cardiac output (CO), predominantly by increasing stroke volume with variable effect on heart rate.

• At higher dose (10-20 μg/kg/min), the predominant effect is to stimulate α1-adrenergic receptors and produce vasoconstriction with an increased systemic vascular resistance (SVR),and the sum of these effects is an increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP).

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• Stimulates & receptors• Predominantly effects at low doses

and effects at high doses

• Clinical uses• Cardiac arrest• Anaphylaxis• Low cardiac output states• Upper airway obstruction• Combination with local anaesthetics

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Low Dose Adrenaline

• Adrenaline is a potent agonist for β1, β2 and α receptors present in cardiac and vascular smooth muscle.

• Low dose of adrenaline increases cardiac output because of β1 receptor mediated inotropic and chronotropic effects.

• The α-receptor mediated vasoconstriction is often offset by the β-2 receptor mediated vasodilation.

• The result is an increased cardiac output with decreased SVR and variable effect on the MAP.

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Higher dose • α-receptor mediated vasoconstriction predominates

which results increased SVR in addition to increased CO.

• Arterial and venous pulmonary pressure are increased through direct pulmonary vasoconstriction and increased pulmonary blood flow and hence right ventricular after load.

• Adrenaline has been shown to increase lactate concentration especially in severe infection and increases oxygen consumption.

• The rise in lactate is of clinical importance as lactate is utilized as a marker of tissue hypo-perfusion.

• The increase in serum lactate induced by adrenaline does not associated with harm.

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• Predominantly stimulates 1 receptors

• Most commonly used vasopressor in critical care

• Very potent• Administered by infusion into a central vein

• Uses• Hypotension due to

vasodilatation• Septic shock

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• Noradrenaline is a potent α1-adrenergic receptor agonist with modest β-agonist activity.

• However, it has shown effects on contractility in critical illness.

• It primarily increases systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure and has a minimal net impact on CO.

• It has minimal chronotropic effects because of which it is a drug of choice in settings where heart rate stimulation is undesirable.

• Coronary flow is maintained to certain extent because of its vasoconstrictor effects.

• High doses of noradrenaline can be safely used to maintain cerebral perfusion pressure without significantly compromising the circulatory flow.

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• Synthetic

• Predominantly 1

• Small effect at 2

• Uses• Low cardiac output

states• Cardiogenic shock

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• Dobutamine is a synthetic analogue of dopamine, binding in a 3:1 ratio to β1 and β2 receptor respectively.

• It is a potent inotrope with weaker chronotropic activity.

• Combined α1 receptor agonsim and antagonism as well as β2 stimulation such that the net vascular effect is often mild vasodilation, particularly at lower dose (≤5 μg/kg/min).

• Dose up to 15 μg/kg/min increase cardiac contractility without greatly affecting peripheral resistance.

• Vasoconstriction progressively dominates at higher perfusion rates.

• Significantly increases myocardial oxygen consumption. Based on this exercise mimicking behaviour, it is used as a pharmacological stress agent for diagnostic perfusion imaging .

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• Isoprenaline is a potent, relatively pure β-receptor stimulant.

• It has powerful chronotropic and inotropic properties, with potent systemic vasodilator effect.

• Its stimulatory effect on stroke volume is counterbalanced by drop in SVR, which results in a net neutral impact on CO.

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• Phenylephrine is a potent α1 receptor agonist with virtually no affinity for β-receptors.

• It is used primarily as a rapid bolus for immediate correction of sudden severe hypotension.

• It has no direct effect on heart rate, although it can induce significant baroreceptor mediated reflex rate responses after rapid alterations in MAP.

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Adrenoceptor dynamicsAdrenoceptor dynamics

• Desensitisation / down-regulation

• Chronic heart failure

• Prolonged use of inotrope / vasopressor

• Sespis / acidosis

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Other Vasopressors

• Vasopressin• Exogenous form of ADH• Acts on kidney to retain water & on

peripheral blood vessels to cause intense vasoconstriction

• V1 receptors

• Used in severe shock• Used in cardiac arrest in USA

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• Vasopressin also known as “antidiuretic hormone” is stored primarily in granules in the posterior pituitary gland and is released in response to osmotic, chemoreceptor and baroreceptor stimuli.

• It exerts its effects through V1 receptor on vascular smooth muscle and oxytocin receptors causing vasoconstriction whereas stimulation of V2 receptors mediates water reabsorption by enhancing renal collecting duct permeability.

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EffectsEffects• vasopressin stimulation tends to cause constriction and

increase in SVR.

• Vasopressin modulated increase in vascular sensitivity to noradrenaline further augments its vasopressor effect.

• Briefly, exogenously administered vasopressin may counteract its relative deficiency which is seen in established sepsis.

• It may also directly influence the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of vasodilation through inhibition of ATP-activated K+ channel, attenuation of nitrous oxide production and reversal of adrenergic receptor down regulation.

• Vasopressor effect of vasopressin is not affected by hypoxia and acidosis which commonly develop in shock of any origin.

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Other InotropesOther Inotropes

• cAMP dependent• Phosphodiesterase inhibitors• Glucagon

• cAMP independent• Digoxin• Calcium• levosimendan

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Phosphodiesterase InhibitorsPhosphodiesterase Inhibitors

G - Protein Adenyl cyclase

ATP cAMPIncreased

heart muscle contractility





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Phosphodiesterase inhibitorsPhosphodiesterase inhibitors• Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDI), such as

amrinone and milrinone are non-adrenergic drugs with inotropic and vasodilator actions.

• their effects are similar to those of dobutamine but with a lower incidence of arrhythmias.

• PDI are most often used to treat patients with impaired cardiac function and medically refractory heart failure

• These agents act by inhibiting breakdown of cAMP in cardiac and vascular smooth muscles resulting in increased myocardial contractility and peripheral vascular dilation.

• Milrinone has a longer half-life (2-4 hours) than any other inotropic medications.

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Calcium sensitizing agentsCalcium sensitizing agents

• Calcium sensitizers are a recently developed class of inotropic agents

• Levosimendan is the most well known drug among this class

• It increase calcium binding to contractile proteins and also activates ATP sensitive K+ channels. Calcium dependent binding to contractile protein enhances ventricular contractility without increasing intracellular calcium concentration.

• The opening of K+channel leads to arteriolar and venous vasodilation. The combination of improved contractile performance and vasodilation is particularly beneficial during acute and chronic HF.

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Primary mechanism: In diastole the binding pocket is not exposed.

In systole Ca2+ binds to troponin C and exposes a hydrophobic binding pocket. Levosimendan stabilizes troponin C and prolongs the binding of Ca2+ .

Dual mechanism:Also has ‘anti-ischaemic’ effect via ATP-dependent K+ channel activation in cardiac myocytes.

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Use of Inotropes and Vasopressors in Use of Inotropes and Vasopressors in Various Types of ShockVarious Types of Shock

• Non-cardiogenic shock

• Septic Shock:

• Impaired ventricular function,• Pathological vasodilation,• Deranged micro-vascular flow, • Increased capillary permeability and


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Septic ShockSeptic Shock

• Vasopressor and inotropic agents remain the cornerstone for the management of septic shock after fluid administration.

• There is no standard dosing regimen for vasopressor and inotropic agents.

• Human and animal studies suggest some advantage of noradrenaline and dopamine over adrenaline.

• dopamine administration is associated with greater mortality and a higher incidence of arrhythmic events

• noradrenaline is more potent than dopamine and may be more effective at reversing hypotension in septic shock.

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Septic Shock:Septic Shock:

• VASST trial:• A randomized, controlled trial comparing

norepinephrine alone to norepinephrine plus vasopressin at 0.03 units/min,

• patients receiving <15 μg/min norepinephrine at the time of randomization was better with vasopressin.

• dobutamine is the first choice inotropic agent for patients with measured or suspected low cardiac output in the presence of adequate left ventricular filling pressure

• Septic patients who remain hypotensive after fluid resuscitation may have low, normal, or increased cardiac outputs.

• Therefore, treatment with a combined inotrope/vasopressor, such as noradrenaline or dopamine, is recommended if cardiac output is not measured.

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Anaphylactic shockAnaphylactic shock

• The treatment of choice for anaphylaxis is adrenaline.

• The recommended dose is 0.3 to 0.5 mg intramuscularly (IM) every 5 to 10 minutes for adults

• Intravenous epinephrine is reserved for cases of cardiovascular collapse,refractory to IM therapy

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Hemorrhagic shockHemorrhagic shock

• Vasopressors are rarely indicated and should be considered only when volume replacement is complete, haemorrhage is arrested and hypotension continues .

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Cardiogenic shock complicating Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarctionacute myocardial infarction

• These agents increase myocardial oxygen consumption.

• However,critical hypotension itself compromises myocardial perfusion, leading to elevated left ventricular (LV) filling pressures, increased myocardial oxygen requirements, and further reduction in the coronary perfusion gradient.

• The lowest possible doses of inotropic and vasopressor agents should be used to adequately support vital tissue perfusion while limiting the adverse effects.

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Cardiogenic shock complicating Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarctionacute myocardial infarction

• Dobutamine should be used as a first line agent if systolic blood pressure ranges in between 70-100 mm Hg without signs and symptoms of shock

• In patients with,hypotension along with sign of shock, Dopamine is the preferred agent

• Moderate doses of combination of medications may be more effective than maximal doses of any individual medication.

• In patients with systolic blood pressure <70 mm Hg and sign/symptoms suggestive of shock, use of noradrenaline is recommended

• Vasopressin therapy may thus be effective in norepinephrine resistant shock

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Cardiogenic shock complicating Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarctionacute myocardial infarction

• During early cardiogenic shock, endogenous vasopressin levels are increased significantly to maintain end organ perfusion.

• As the shock continues, falling plasma vasopressin level contributes to a loss of vascular tone and worsening hypotension.

• Vasopressin therapy may thus be effective in norepinephrine resistant shock.

• this agent increase MAP without adversely impacting cardiac index and wedge pressure.

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Congestive heart failureCongestive heart failure• Inotropic therapy is used in the management of

decompensated heart failure to lower end-diastolic pressure and improve dieresis.

• The most commonly recommended initial inotropic therapies (dobutamine, dopamine and milrinone) for refractory HF are used to improve cardiac output, enhance diuresis by improving renal perfusion and decreasing SVR.

• use of levosimendan is significantly associated with improved symptoms but not survival.

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Cardiopulmonary arrestCardiopulmonary arrest

• Inotropic and vasopressor agents are a mainstay of resuscitation therapy during cardiopulmonary arrest.

• Epinephrine, with its potent vasopressor and inotropic properties, can rapidly increase diastolic blood pressure to facilitate coronary perfusion and help restore organised myocardial contractility.

• The current AHA guideline have incorporated vasopressin (single bolus of 40 U) as a one-time alternative to the first or second dose of adrenaline with pulse-less electrical activity or asystole and for pulse-less ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation

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