InnaPeace Guidelines



InnaPeace Guide

Transcript of InnaPeace Guidelines

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InnaPeace Program guidelines

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The InnaPeace program is designed to give you an intense, profound meditation experience that will enhance your personal growth. Please read the following Program Guidelines to ensure that you get the most from the program, and so that you understand the changes you may undergo. You will receive in-depth documentation along with each progressive step in the program. And, you can always contact one of our friendly, knowledgeable support coaches if you have any questions!

You will learn:

» How to listen to InnaPeace for optimal results » What to expect from the technology » What to expect in your personal growth

These Guidelines are meant as a general overview of the program, as well as a foray into meditation and personal growth. I want you to be confident going into the program that you are doing something that is for your higher good, and that the process will be fun and exciting, while at the same time challenging. The program is designed with steady progress, and ultimately your success, in mind.

Welcome to the InnaPeace experience!

I want to congratulate you for being curious about your brain and its capabilities; and about the many marvelous benefits of meditation. This is an exciting time for you, and our goal is to make you comfortable by educating you on the program and the process.

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The #1 question most people have is, “what am I going to get out of the program?” so let’s address that question before we get into the Guidelines. You are a unique individual, so your progress, and your experience, should not be compared to anyone else’s.

Remember that as you undertake this adventure of the mind, you may have some unique and interesting experiences as the marble of your past conditioning, false beliefs and limited perceptions is carved away to reveal the authentic YOU.

But don’t expect that this is going to be difficult. It may very well be one of the most pleasant, exciting experiences you’ve ever had! Quite a few people come into personal growth believing that change is hard. But... not all change is easy; and not all change is hard. A lot of it has to do with your attitude toward the process.

Many personal development courses teach you to “become a better version of yourself,” or to “become the person you are meant to be,” or to “become the person who is capable of achieving (something).”

Agreeing with these statements means that you agree that you are not good enough as you are. On the surface, “I’m not good enough” may seem to be the case. There are behaviors and personality traits that you may want to change because you don’t like them. There may be beliefs you hold that are keeping you stuck in a negative pattern. And yes, these are valid points; personality traits, behaviors, thoughts, beliefs and actions can all be improved.

But are they really YOU? Or are they “what you do?” This is a really important distinction. So let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of those statements that urge you to become someone else. Trying to become someone else means you believe you aren’t good enough and that by becoming someone else, you’ll be better. Well, you can’t become someone else.

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You are YOU - read on and you’ll see why this is so awesome!

The Brainwave Research Institute takes a different approach to personal growth. We encourage and guide you not to become someone else, but to reveal the real YOU... to release all of the limitations that shackle you and keep you from being your authentic self. This is done through the introspection of meditation, where you become aware of how you perceive yourself and your world, what you believe about yourself and the world, and how some of these beliefs hold you back. And then, the process of releasing that mental and emotional garbage begins.

At the core, you are perfect. You just need to set yourself free.

I would like to refer to the quote by Michelangelo that I mentioned in the Welcome Letter you received. I encourage you to keep this quote in mind as you progress through the program.

“I saw an angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”

This quote is evocative of the ability to see through to the real you... the you that will be revealed through your InnaPeace meditation practice.

This is based on the ancient teachings of all traditions of meditation. The source of all physical and non-physical matter is intelligent, aware energy or consciousness. Consciousness is both the creator and the created; it is perfect as it is and lacks nothing. We are all this energy; not “part of” this energy - we ARE this energy. We are consciousness; and we are also what consciousness has created.

Our sense of self, our separation from everything else, is an ego-based illusion; and because of this pervasive illusion, we build mental, emotional and physical walls around ourselves to protect what we believe is fragile and impermanent... when in fact, we are eternal and infinite, since we are Consciousness. The essence of meditation is to return to this state of one-ness and love.

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As we guide you on this journey, our aim is to empower you to carve away the marble that is holding you down; not to recreate yourself as a “better version” or to become someone else. That is daunting to say the least - and absolutely impossible. Visualize the angel in the marble analogy for a moment...

At our core, the basic human needs are love and freedom.

Picture yourself encased in many layers of marble that you have come to believe are you (your beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and occupations).

They are not you.But it’s so hard to move freely and think clearly underneath all that stone!

Imagine yourself carving away that crushing weight. All that heaviness and stiffness falls away until the real you -

- the joyous, loving, unlimited YOU -


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There is no technique to master. Find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed. Sit in a comfortable position. You don’t need to sit in the traditional lotus if you don’t want to. A chair, couch or even lying down is okay, and so is walking. And because the technology doesn’t require the use of headphones, you can practice yoga or stretching.

We recommend you immerse yourself fully, with your complete attention, to the main tracks.

You may listen with headphones, or without. The InnaPeace technology is effective through the open air or through headphones. Both have their advantages, and you can use headphones one day and no headphones the next, if you like.

WITH HEADPHONES: » It’s easier to tune out environmental distractions (especially good when you are feeling

scattered and pulled in a hundred different directions. » It’s easier to focus on the sounds of the track (helps silence mind chatter)

WITHOUT HEADPHONES » You get the feeling that the sound is permeating every cell in your entire body, including the “heart center” - this is very therapeutic and soothing. You may want to listen to the tracks without headphones when you are particularly stressed, for the soothing whole-body-resonance feeling.

» You enjoy greater comfort and flexibility if you are lying in bed or practicing yoga or walking meditation while listening.

IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT drive, operate machinery or engage in any activity that requires your full attention and focus.

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The InnaPeace program is designed much like any training program. Resist the urge to focus on wanting to move ahead with it and hurry things along, especially if you feel like you’re making a lot of progress quickly. Instead, focus on the process. Enjoy the journey.

Enjoy each aspect of you as it is revealed. Take the time to savor the changes in the way your brain is working. Take the time to be fully present and aware. Be delighted with the process and the progress you’re making. Life is meant to be lived NOW - not some time in the future. Live it, now, and let InnaPeace enhance your experience.

IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR MAXIMUM BENEFITS Give yourself a break! Don’t sit at your workspace or your computer unless you can *promise* yourself that you will not touch the keyboard even once and you will not do anything except relax and fully experience the dramatic effects of the tracks. The point of meditation is to unplug from your worldly worries.

All you need is quiet time alone, and a willingness to let go of stress. Before starting, get comfortable, close your eyes, take several deep breaths. Then, push PLAY. The technology will quickly transport you into a tranquil, meditative state.

Important: To achieve optimal results with your InnaPeace tracks, don’t use audio equipment that has extra bass or graphic equalizers, or the tracks will not be effective. Also, please do not drive, operate machinery or engage in any activity that requires your full attention, while listening to brainwave entrainment tracks.

Although the use of headphones is not required, you may wish to alternate listening to the tracks with and without headphones to experience the tracks’ benefits both ways. Keep the volume quiet enough to create and maintain a tranquil atmosphere.

Your main tracks arrive at regular intervals - one per month. If you wish to extend your listening of a particular month’s track, you can do so, if you are still receiving benefits from it. Some months, you may experience rapid growth; others, you may plateau for a while.

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1. Stay consistent with your meditation practice. Daily practice gives the best results.2. Keep a journal. You will gain a lot of valuable insight by journaling. You can take advantage of

the free, private expanded journaling tool on the BRI website!3. There is no “should” in meditation or your own personal growth journey. It’s your journey.

Whatever happens is right for you4. Don’t get discouraged if you feel nothing, if you think you’re regressing or if you’re going

through a difficult period. These are all normal. It took a long time to build up those hard layers of emotional/mental marble; it’s going to take time to carve them away. Remember... “I saw an angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”

5. The Brainwave Research Institute’s caring, experienced support coaches are here for YOU, to help you get the most from the program and to answer questions you may have about your experiences with InnaPeace. In the coming months, we will explore meditation more deeply, as well as the benefits and growth you can expect as you progress through the program.

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THE INNAPEACE PROGRAMThe InnaPeace program consists of eight progressively deeper audio tracks. Each step of the program is meant to be listened to for approximately one month, to give your brain time to adapt to the stimulus level and evolve to a higher level of thinking.

THE MAIN TRACKS: During the first month, you will listen to the main track (Step 1 - 12Hz) alone for 30 minutes.

During the second month, you will listen to the main track (Step 2 - 10Hz) and add the 10-minute Tesla Terra Tone track to your meditation session. Listen to the Tesla track first followed by the main 30 minute track or simply use the Tesla Terra Tone track as a stand-alone quick meditation when you are strapped for time.

The progression of the program is straightforward: during the third month, you again use the Tesla track as preparatory to the main track (Step 3 - 8Hz), which is a deeper level of meditation. The remaining months are similarly designed. Each month gives you a progressively higher level of meditation than the previous month, steadily building your brain’s threshold for the stimulus and giving it ample time to evolve.

You can listen to the main tracks in a very traditional way: sitting with the eyes closed and spine erect (with or without headphones); or you can take advantage of many options since you’re not tied down with headphones:

» you can sit comfortably in a chair on a couch » you can do moving meditation such as yoga or walking » you can lie down

THE BONUS TRACKS:We are deeply indebted to the marvelous minds of three great inventors: Nikola Tesla (inventor of wireless technology), Dr. Royal Rife (inventor of the high-powered microscope and one of

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the leading researchers of frequencies and their effects on human health and well-being) and Winifred Otto Schumann, who discovered the global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon. Inspired by their research, we have created several free bonus tracks that will greatly enrich your InnaPeace experience.

You can play the bonus tracks that you receive throughout the program, anytime: when you’re working, learning, relaxing, around the home, going to sleep, when in need of creative flare or even as additional time spent meditating.

Again, you are not tied to headphones; although we do recommend that you try alternating listening with and without headphones for a different experience.

The InnaPeace Schumann Protection KitEMF (electromagentic field) radiation is a harmful by-product of the electronic age. Computers, household appliances, cell phones, TVs and every electronic gizmo you have, emit this harmful radiation. Researchers have linked EMF radiation to cancer, Alzheimers’s and a host of other diseases. We are pleased to offer the Schumann Protection Kit to help combat the harmful effects of EMF as a bonus to your free InnaPeace trial package.

The 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance is the frequency that is naturally produced by the Earth. The two tracks in the kit are layered with the Schumann Resonance frequency. You can listen to them after your regular meditation session (to extend it), or anytime you are in the vicinity of electronics such as your computer.

People pay hundreds of dollars for devices that combat EMF radiation; these tracks are yours for FREE. The InnaPeace Effortless Learning & Instant Creativity PackageThe Instant Creativity audio immerses your brain in the precise frequency proven to stimulate peak levels of creative thinking, problem-solving and “ah-ha” revelations.

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The Effortless Learning audio is engineered to stimulate your brain’s capacity to take in, process and remember large amounts of information. With regular use, your learning curve will shorten, and your increased focus will help you easily retain new knowledge.

Both audios in this package can be used while working or studying, as you prepare for sleep and contemplate a problem, or anytime you need to boost your “high-intelligence” thinking. You can also add them to the end of your regular meditation session.

The InnaPeace Tesla Terra Tone AudioThe Tesla track enhances the brainwave entrainment properties of the main tracks in the program. Use as a prelude to the main tracks (Step 1 > Step 8), or as an extremely powerful stand-alone quick meditation when you’re short on time.

The Tesla track contains a 40 Hz frequency that cannot be reproduced by brainwave entrainment technologies that use Binaural Beats alone. It is the frequency called Gamma, associated with ecstasy or euphoria, known as Nirvana, Samadhi, and Oneness. This elusive state is highly coveted by experienced meditators. But you don’t have to spend a lifetime in devoted meditation practice.

Simply by pressing PLAY, you can enter this state of higher consciousness in minutes.

You will receive the Tesla Terra Tone track with Step 2 of the InnaPeace program (30 days after you have received your free trial package).

The InnaPeace Rife Healing Tones TrackPossibly the most valuable track in the entire series, it is yours with track 8 (Step 8 - 1Hz), the final track in the series. This frequency stimulates the brain’s natural healing systems (even beyond the effects of meditation), promoting well-being and mind and body balance every time you listen. You can listen to the Healing track anytime; either as a stand-alone while you work, or as additional time during meditation.

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Please forgive the repetition, but for the sake of safety, it is important that none of the InnaPeace tracks are listened to while driving, operating machinery or while you’re engaged in any task that requires your full attention. Also, don’t forget that bass boosters and graphic equalizers make the tracks ineffective, so please disable these features on your audio system.


Once you receive your bonus tracks, you can use them to enhance your experience and to constantly stimulate your brain by using a different bonus track every day in conjunction with the main tracks to achieve additional benefits to the main program tracks.

What is important is that you enjoy the experience. There are no “shoulds” with InnaPeace so we encourage you to practice meditation in a way that is most meaningful for you. As you progress through the program, you will be introduced to very effective techniques that enhance your InnaPeace experience. You are always free to use these techniques if they feel right to you - or bypass them and just enjoy listening to the InnaPeace tracks.

Please forgive the repetition, but for the sake of safety, it is important that none of the InnaPeace tracks are listened to while driving, operating machinery or while you’re engaged in any task that requires your full attention. Also, don’t forget that bass boosters and graphic equalizers make the tracks ineffective, so please disable these features on your audio system.

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PROFOUND MEDITATION WITH INNAPEACEThe InnaPeace technology quickly elicits a very deep meditative state, where real stress relief happens and transformation begins in your thinking and perception. The same brainwave patterns you experience during deep meditation are induced by the technology: within minutes after starting to listen to the audio tracks, your brain entrains, or synchronizes, to that frequency... and you are meditating.

Meditation is exercise for the brain, just like sports are exercise for the body. When you exercise, your muscle fibers are pushed to their limits. When you rest, your muscles repair themselves and they become stronger and more resilient every time. With exercise, your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood and your lungs develop a greater capacity to move oxygen.

When you first exercise, the muscles protest, and the lungs and heart labor. But with consistency and time, the body improves. In time, muscles become larger and stronger and the capacity of the cardiovascular system increases with the repeated stimulus of exercise. Your body has rebuilt itself at a higher, more efficient and effective level of operation.

When you first start meditating, you are probably under a load of stress. Your threshold for stress is low. You may be anxious or depressed and you may be quick to anger. You may be having trouble sleeping. You may find it impossible to let go. You may have a very bleak outlook on life.

As the technology increases the stimulus to your nervous system, it gradually raises your stress threshold - probably far higher than it’s ever been. With consistency and time, the brain’s physical structures and communications improve and result in a higher level of functioning - more efficient and effective, just like an athlete’s body. You may find it fascinating that as your coping mechanisms

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for stress (anger, anxiety and depression) simply fade from your life since they are no longer needed.


Do you remember when you were learning to drive a car? In the beginning, it took a tremendous amount of mental effort. You had to think about the mechanics of pushing on the pedals and the best way to turn the steering wheel - and at the same time, look where you wanted the car to go, pay attention to traffic, try to tune out your parents’ nervous gasping... you get the picture. It was difficult and stressful.

After some time, with practice, driving became automatic. The necessary thoughts and actions became automatic through repetition and consistency. They were relegated to the subconscious - which is why now, when you’re driving somewhere familiar, you can almost completely disengage from the “how” of driving a car.

The repetition of thoughts and actions resulted in new neural pathways in the brain - making the thoughts and actions of driving a car more efficient every time you performed them (it became easier and more streamlined every time) and more effective (you achieved the desired results of navigating safely on the roads).


It’s the same with your brain. With the stimulation and discipline of meditation with InnaPeace, your brain improves its capacity, efficiency, communication and processing speed, and starts operating at a higher level of functioning.

What does this “higher level of functioning” mean?

After a very short time meditating with brainwave entrainment, your brain will develop new neural pathways resulting in enhanced communication between different areas of the brain - particularly between the two brain hemispheres.

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This communication between the two hemispheres means you use more of the right brain hemisphere and gain a new perspective of yourself and the world that is less constrained by the usual left-brain thinking.

This new perspective you achieve during meditation helps you choose a better way to deal with life. Little by little, you stop being stressed about events in your life. First the little things don’t matter anymore. Eventually the bigger things stop sending you into a panic and you see life in a completely new, better way. And your personal growth will accelerate too. Making positive changes in your thought patterns can only happen when you use a whole-brain approach (more on that shortly).

What can you expect from the InnaPeace technology? Since the effects of meditation are enhanced and accelerated, you may begin feeling the benefits almost immediately.

Your stress levels and anxiety will plummet. If you are depressed, you will feel happier. If you are angry, you will feel calmer. If you are longing for spiritual unity, you will be experiencing it more and more often. If you are unhealthy, you will begin to feel a renewed vitality. If you are healing an emotional trauma, you will be feeling better and better every day. You will experience mental clarity that you’ve probably never had before. Your learning ability, intuition, creativity and yes, your intelligence, will increase.

These are the same benefits that you would expect to have from a lifetime of dedicated meditation practice.


You may have a question about whether the technology is “good for you” or safe. This is a great question.

The brainwave states that you enter as a result of brainwave entrainment are the same natural brainwave states that you would achieve during meditation - but the technology takes you there consistently and precisely, every time.

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It’s important at this stage to mention again that your journey is completely unique to you, and you cannot compare your growth or any results to those of someone else. It is difficult to predict exactly what changes will occur in your thinking and perceiving (or when they will occur).

Meditation is an art as well as a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual discipline. In the supporting documentation you receive with each InnaPeace progressive step, I will introduce you to the more advanced - yet deceptively simple - meditation techniques that will accelerate your growth even more. I am confident that as you progress through the InnaPeace program, you will come to treasure the time you meditate, as well as the results you experience!

Most people can attest to the following experiences; but please remember you’re not “most people.” You’re you... and you may or may not share in these common experiences. “Different” is not “worse.” It’s just different.

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What can you expect during meditation with InnaPeace?

» You experience healing, restorative and even rejuvenating relaxation that permeates every cell in your body.

» Your mind becomes free of the incessant chatter that keeps you stuck in negative loops of thought patterns. In time you will develop the highly coveted “quiet mind” of long-time meditators. This is something that must be experienced in order to be understood - and we will provide you with support to help you achieve this wonderfully peaceful and clear state of being.

» You develop the mental mastery to take control of your thoughts and emotions - and by doing so, you become the conscious creator of your experience.

» You become attuned to your intuitive, creative, limitless right-brain self as the two brain hemispheres synchronize and reorganize at a more powerful, higher level of cognition: this synchronicity promotes whole-brain “genius thinking” that will allow you to reach any goal you desire and achieve the success of your wildest dreams.

» You release the stress that causes you to react instead of respond; causes you to make rash decisions; causes strained relationships, poor health and mental chaos. Meditation also raises your stress threshold. With the development of a higher stress threshold comes grace under fire, the ability to see other perspectives, feel more compassion toward others and yourself, and to live life with greater happiness and contentment.

» You develop the ability to be more aware of yourself. You become aware of beliefs and thought habits (and the resulting actions) that need to be released. Sometimes awareness is all it takes to release a limiting belief; if the belief is firmly entrenched, awareness lets you carve at it until the limitation is released completely. Our beliefs (limiting and otherwise) reside in the subconscious mind - outside our conscious awareness. If you can’t see it, you can’t change it - so awareness of the subconscious thoughts during meditation lets you see what needs changing.

» You may feel a unity with the energy of the cosmos (with all there is) - and God, if you are spiritual. Some people describe a “lightness of being” or a sensation that they are no longer physical beings but energetic beings; where the sense of separation (the cause of most of humanity’s anxiety) dissipates and is replaced by profound peace and joy.

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And don’t forget, there are no silly questions. Your support coaches are all experienced InnaPeace meditators. We are here for you, to help you understand what may be happening and help you get the most out of the program.

NEUROPLASTICITY: THE BRAIN THAT CHANGES ITSELFThe fascinating thing is, the brain is designed to change. This is called “neuroplasticity” and it is happening constantly; every time you learn or experience something new; when you meditate and achieve altered states of consciousness; and when you develop new neural pathways that correspond to new ideas, thoughts and emotions.

With InnaPeace, you’re just creating these changes faster. Your latent, undeveloped abilities surface as the structure of the brain changes in response to the auditory stimulus and enhanced meditation.

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This is the process of carving away the mental and emotional marble that confines the real YOU.

When you’re carving the marble that surrounds the authentic you, you’ll find that some bits of marble come off easily, and some require effort. Some of it will be emotional or mental material that you’ve held on to for dear life, believing that it made you “who you are.” For example, identification with being a victim, beliefs about your abilities, or attachments to the past are all what you may perceive as an integral part of who you are. This is the excess material that must be removed in order for the real you to come forth. And boy, can it be stubborn! InnaPeace brainwave entrainment is like a precision tool - an especially sharp chisel - that brings the excess material to the surface where it can be swept away.

The sculptor ponders a block of marble, seeing the individual veins and striations that make up the stone’s characteristics, and intuitively feeling which areas need to be removed to make the inner sculpture visible. This is exactly what InnaPeace brainwave entrainment does - it “shows” you the unresolved issues that are holding you back: the drama, anger, sadness, guilt, hurt, self-doubt, self-pity, self-loathing, etc. And once you’re shown what must be carved away, you are empowered to take on the process of self-liberation.

After some time, depending on how dedicated you are to your meditation practice, your mind will reach a plateau, and the emotional/mental “carving” will subside. At that point, you know it’s time to move ahead and go to the next level. You stand before your block of marble, contemplating what to do next...

As you stand there, you realize... you’ve evolved. You’ve stripped away some of the excess marble. Maybe you saw some parts of yourself that were hidden. You may have noticed some beliefs that have been holding you back, or some undesirable behavior that was so automatic you weren’t aware of it. By becoming aware of the beliefs and behaviors, you were able to carve them away and you are curious to see what’s next.

You may have the urge to see what removing just another millimeter of marble will reveal, you have the urge to do more, and sometimes you want to do a lot, fast.

But have patience, grasshopper...

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Just like you can’t go from not knowing how to drive a car to being immediately comfortable driving on a superhighway, you can’t expect that your brain will be capable of change that comes too rapidly. This is why we don’t expose you to the deeper steps of the InnaPeace program right away, but work you into them gradually.

This way, you strengthen and improve your nervous system safely, with a minimum of discomfort, and the changes are more profound when you have the chance to absorb what is happening, and experience the process of release - the process of carving away the marble.

When you learn a new skill, you learn it in stages. Otherwise it’s total overwhelm and you retain next to nothing. It’s the same with InnaPeace meditation. Each subsequent InnaPeace step takes you progressively deeper from the normal waking Beta brainwave state: first to a more peaceful and relaxed-yet-alert Alpha, then deeper into a tranquil, creative and intuitive Theta, and deeper still into the healing, profoundly mystical Delta. Each brainwave level that is induced by the technology has its own benefits.

Although we talk about meditation as a method for promoting personal growth, it can be something else entirely, and we encourage you to allow spontaneity and organic development of your meditation practice.

Meditation doesn’t have to be about fixing anything or solving anything or causing you to grow. It can be, very simply, about just “being” and feeling what it’s like to “be.” Our society is so “doing” oriented that often we forget to just “be.” Even in Nature, the perfect place to just “be,” we often have an agenda - hike from here to there; walk along this path, see that sight...

To “be” means letting go of all that left-brain A-to-B-for-45-minutes stuff that permeates our lives. Sit... until you have the urge to move (not because you have to DO something but because you WANT to move). Move with no agenda. Wander. There are times when it’s perfect to let your meditation be about nothing; not controlling, fixing, changing, monitoring or even deliberate awareness. Just being.

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SYNCHRONICITY AND GENIUS THINKINGAnother question that comes up frequently is, “Why is it so important to synchronize the right and left brain hemispheres?”

Going back again to the ancient spiritual and mystical traditions, the universe is explained in terms of duality, or opposites, that are not separate from each other but different aspects of the same thing. There is yin/yang, male/female, good/bad, hot/cold, up/down, yes/no. It’s impossible to have one side of a coin without the other. Impossible to have right without left. Without one aspect, the other doesn’t make sense.

The brain is also divided into two hemispheres that are very different, yet parts of a whole. The problem lies in that our brains are lateralized, meaning we use one half far more than the other. Most adults are left-brain (hemisphere) dominant. This leads to an unbalanced view of the world. We understand things in terms of what is processed by the physical senses, operates in a linear fashion within the known boundaries of time and space, and is logical.

For example, we see, feel, hear, taste and smell other people and objects and our senses tell us that we are separate from them because of this sensory input: “I see that person is standing over there” (I am here); “I hear the sound of her voice” (mine is different).. and so on. It is this left-brain perception of reality that causes us to feel separate and therefore fearful, distrustful, competitive, and lonely...

And the predominantly left-brain lateralization leaves the vast potential of the “other side of the coin” severely under-utilized. The right brain way of thinking doesn’t understand separation; it knows only unity, since everything is essentially energy and energy has no bounds. It doesn’t understand time or space; its creativity goes beyond the boundaries of physics as we know it. The right brain is intuitive, spontaneous, uninhibited and unafraid.

At times, when we’re engaged in something very creative or when we allow ourselves to listen to our intuition, the right brain hemisphere is more active than the left. But even that is limiting because without the left brain, taking the wildly creative, “out there” ideas of the right brain from the realm of the imagination into physical manifestation is extremely difficult.

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A balanced, whole-brain way of thinking is called “genius thinking.” All of the great inventions, creations and ideas have come as a result of marrying the right and left hemispheres. The genius - the whole-brain thinker - has a different perception and experience of reality than most people. And they are able to take a concept and make it physical reality.

The normal Beta brainwave state of wakefulness is predominantly “left brained” among most people. A small minority is predominantly “right brained.” Beta is characterized by different levels and qualities of brain activity going on simultaneously in each hemisphere. At the normal Beta state, this is part of our waking, alert functioning. But stress can jack us up into the “high Beta” state which is very chaotic and very left-brain dominant. This “out of sync” state causes stress and anxiety because we cannot shift into a mental state of cohesive, holistic functioning and deeper understanding that allows for better problem-solving.

As the InnaPeace technology begins to synchronize the brainwave activity, the brain settles into the Alpha brainwave state, the relaxed-yet-alert, highly focused, “super learning” state of light meditation. Here, the two hemispheres begin communicating more.

As you continue with the program, the synchronization continues into the deep meditative state of Theta: creative, intuitive, insightful and inspired. During Theta, body awareness often disappears and meditators begin to feel that they are energetic beings as opposed to physical beings. This is a deeply peaceful state where you become aware of a lightness of being you may never have experienced before.

Journeying further into deep meditation, you eventually enter the healing, deeply relaxed Delta state. Here, the two brain hemispheres are very tightly synchronized and balanced. Access to the subconscious happens during Delta; as do transcendental experiences of one-ness, harmony, collective consciousness and all-encompassing inner peace.

On the way from Beta to Delta, you access your belief systems that create your version of reality. In other words, you uncover how you see the world and why. “Reality” is as different for me as it is for you. It is based on seeing the world through our own unique background.

We all see the world through layers of life’s events and our interpretation of those events, as well as our conditioned beliefs or programming. We’ll get more in-depth with this concept in the coming

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months but for now, it’s important to understand that “reality” is what each of us experiences according to our perspective on the world.

“Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world.

Same world.”- Inspirational author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer

Deep meditation teaches you to freely explore and adopt alternative perspectives, where you can look at yourself objectively and come to understand the beliefs that make you think and act a certain way. The deeper you go in meditation the more you can spontaneously let go of many of the beliefs that you’ve unconsciously agreed to during the course of your life. Just by becoming aware of them, you can create a whole-brain, more comprehensive perception (and definition) of the world - reality as you see it.

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As you carve away the conditioned beliefs through which you perceive the world, you reveal the essence of who you are.

Essentially, the deeper the level of meditation/brainwave states, the greater the synchronization. And the greater the synchronization, the greater the possibilities...

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality assessment originally developed by Carl Jung. He identified sixteen personality types, among which are the so-called ENTPs; only 2-5% of the population are considered to be ENTPs - also known as the inventors, visionaries and innovators.

» E – Extraversion preferred to introversion: ENTPs gain energy through interactions with people or objects in the outside world. They tend to enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances.

» N – Intuition preferred to sensing: ENTPs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details, and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities.

» T – Thinking preferred to feeling: ENTPs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference. When making decisions, they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.

» P – Perception preferred to judgment: ENTPs tend to withhold judgment and delay important decisions, preferring to “keep their options open” should circumstances change.

(Source - Wikipedia

There is much more fascinating information on these whole-brain thinkers here. I encourage you to read more about the characteristics of ENTPs as you explore your own brain’s “expansion” through the use of InnaPeace technology.

This is “genius thinking” - whole-brain, to-the-max, from-every-angle type of thinking.

You now have the tools, in the InnaPeace program, to think like a genius.

WHOLE-BRAIN THINKING AND YOUR LIFEWhat is truly fascinating that as your learn to operate consciously (that is, with awareness) while you’re in the Alpha state, your perception of the world - and yourself - changes dramatically. But

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don’t worry... you won’t necessarily be compelled to drop out of society to go sit on a mountaintop and contemplate your toes. You’ll still have a job, watch TV, go to parties and shop for groceries, but your life experience will be, in a word, better.

When applied to your life, whole-brain thinking brings richness, color, objectivity, fearlessness, unity, compassion, sense of limitless abundance and high self-esteem and self-confidence because you have come to understand on both an intellectual and spiritual level, the interconnectedness of everything/everyone, and the timeless, infinite quality of Consciousness. This is the state in which you reach your peak potential and release the conditioned programming of inhibitions and fears that have kept you from reaching your highest potential.

Initially, the feelings of synchronized whole-brain “genius thinking” as well as the endorphin-induced feeling of well-being, will begin to dissipate shortly after you stop meditating. The brain quickly re-lateralizes itself - only because it’s used to thinking in this way - and the old patterns of thinking and behavior reassert themselves. Every time you meditate, though, the brain returns less and less to its old ways; every time, this new path you walk is clearer and easier.

The curious thing is, the more you meditate, the more you are able to enter the Alpha brainwave state outside of meditation, for immediate access to creativity and “high intelligence.” Meditation allows you to be in a super-learning state where any information command is more easily accepted. This is the state in which you can reprogram yourself to think in ways that benefit you, rather than hold you back (we’ll get deeper into this process in the support documents you receive with your InnaPeace progressive steps every month).

InnaPeace technology intensifies your ability to reprogram yourself and consciously create your life experience.

It’s important to note that InnaPeace is not for everyone. That is, it’s not for people who are not willing to release their hold on their beliefs of “how things are.” The technology works on everyone, but unless you are ready to undertake a journey of discovery where you may uncover aspects of yourself you may not like (on the way to releasing them), we suggest you wait until you feel it is time to begin making serious positive changes in your life before commencing with the program.

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Peace and tranquility,

JarmilaHead Support CoachBrainwave Research Institute


InnaPeace is helping many thousands of people around the globe. We are all part of a community of people who have come together for a common goal - to bring out the best in ourselves. We have experienced dramatic transformations, going from shapeless blocks of granite, having the courage to take the chisel to our outer shell, and gradually revealing the beauty that is inside.

Many of us have taken the personal leap into a life spent living our dream: doing what we love, and sharing our gifts with the world in profoundly meaningful ways. We welcome you to the community, and look forward to an exciting journey ahead!

I encourage you to keep these Guidelines so you can refer to them at any time should you have questions or just need some peace of mind about what’s happening.

We offer personalized, free support for all program participants, so if you don’t find the answers to your questions in these Guidelines, contact us.