Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL...

34736 Inlernational Centre Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes - . .iIL 11!. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Transcript of Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL...

Page 1: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering


Inlernational CentreIor Settlement OfInvestment Disputes

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Page 2: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

September 6, 1977

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Pursuant to Administrative and Financial Regulation 4(4), I herebysubmit to the Administrative Council for its approval the Annual Re-port on the operation of the International Centre for Settlement ofInvestment Disputes required by Article 6(1)(g) of the Convention onthe Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationalsof Other States. This Eleventh Annual Report covers the fiscal yearJuly 1,1976 to June 30, 1977.

The report includes the audited financial statement of the Centre,presented pursuant to Administrative and Financial Regulation 18.

Sincerely yours,

A. BrochesSecretary-General

Mr. Robert S. McNamaraChairmanAdministrative CouncilInternational Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes


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Introduction a clear mandate of strict impartiality whichDuring the year under review interest in it has scrupulously striven to carry out.

use of proceedings under the auspices of A proposal taking into account govern-the Centre continued to grow. The Centre mental comments will be submitted to thenoted among other things the conclusion of Administrative Council for discussion at itsadditional bilateral agreements between Eleventh Annual exporting and capital importingStates providing for recourse to the Centre Signatures and Ratificationsfor disputes that might arise between one As of July 1, 1977, seventy-three Statesof these States and nationals of the other. had signed the Convention, Fiji being the

Further to a suggestion of the Secretary- most recent signatory. Sixty-seven StatesGeneral at the Tenth Annual Meeting, the had taken the final step toward becomingSecretariat prepared a tentative proposal for Contracting States by depositing instru-the administration by the Centre, at the re- ments of ratification. A tabulation of thequest of interested parties, of certain types Contracting States and other signatories ofof proceedings which are not within its the Convention appears in Annex 1.1formal jurisdiction as defined in Article 25of the Convention. The draft was circulated Designations of Panel Members andto the members of the Administrative Coun- Other Actions Taken by Contracting Statescil for comments which were being received Pursuant to the Conventionby the end of the fiscal year. The members of the Panel of Conciliators

The proceedings envisaged by the Secre- and of the Panel of Arbitrators are desig-tariat draft are conciliation and arbitration nated by the Contracting States and by theproceedings which do not meet all the re- Chairman of the Administrative Council.quirements of the Convention, for instance Pursuant to Article 13(1) of the Conventionthose relating to nationality, and proceed- Contracting States may designate to eachings limited to pure fact finding. Such pro- Panel four persons who may, but need not,ceedings would not be governed by the be its nationals. Pursuant to Article 13(2)Convention, even if administered by the the Chairman may designate ten persons toCentre, but could nevertheless perform a each Panel. The persons so designated to auseful service. It is believed that proceed- Panel by the Chairman shall each have aings between governments and foreign non- different nationality. The Panel of Concili-governmental entities would be facilitated ators now contains 146 names, and theby the existence of institutional arrange- Panel of Arbitrators 146 names.'ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering authority. Also, the Centre, created tion each Contracting State is required tounder a Convention whose broad aim is to notify the Secretary-General of the designa-oster international cooperation for eco- tion of the competent court or other author-

nomic development, is the only institution ity to which requests for the recognition andealing exclusively with proceedings be- enforcement of arbitral awards are to be

ween such parties. Finally, the creation of furnished. The requirements concerning thehe Centre under the auspices of the Worldank has given it both moral authority and Also available ad document ICSD/10.

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enforceability of arbitral awards rendered by a Government against a private party;

pursuant to the Convention are among the the Government of Gabon instituted arbitra-

key provisions of that instrument, and, tion proceedings against Societ6 SERETE,

therefore, States which have not yet done a French corporation.

so are urged to notify the Centre of such The summary information provided below

designations as soon as possible. Fifty-one regarding procedural developments in the

states have as of this date made such six arbitration cases which were submitted

designations.' to the Centre is supplemented by Annex 6

which contains detailed data relating to pastAdvance Acceptance of the Jurisdiction years as well as the present fiscal year.

Of the CentreAn increasing number of bilateral treaties

for the protection and promotion of foreign (1) Holiday Inns/Occidental Petroleum vs.

investments, and also investment laws of Government of Morocco

host countries, provide for the acceptance In September 1976 the arbitrator ap-

of the jurisdiction of the Centre as a means pointed by the Claimants resigned and a

of settling disputes. A list of such treaties successor was appointed in October. Before

and laws is set forth in Annex 4.4 the proceedings could make any progress

To assist member governments and in- they were once again suspended in Decem-

vestors in setting up provisions for consent ber 1976 upon the unexpected and deeply

to conciliation and arbitration in such a way regretted death of the Tribunal's President

as to fulfill all necessary jurisdictional re- Sture Petren. His successor accepted his

quirements of the Convention, the Centre nomination in April 1977 and the recon-

has prepared a set of model clauses for use stituted Tribunal is expected to take up the

in international investment agreements.s At proceedings shortly after the close of this

the suggestion of one of the Contracting fiscal year.

States, an additional model clause is beingdrafted which could be used by parties to (2) Adriano Gardella SpA vs. Government

an investment agreement wishing to have of Ivory Coastcomplex technical questions resolved by an

J ~~~~~~The Tribunal met several times during theexpedited arbitral procedure. fiscal year to hear witnesses and oral argu-

Tenth Annual Meeting of the ment on the question of liability, and for

Administration Council deliberations. A decision is expected to be

The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Admin- rendered in September 1977.

istrative Council was held in Manila, Philip-pines, on October 7, 1976, in conjunction (3) Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica, Inc. vs.

with the Annual Meeting of the Board of Government of Jamaica

Governors of the World Bank. At this meet- On Februar 27 1977 the Arbitral Tr-

ing the Council approved the Tenth Annual bunal issued a Procedural Order, pursuant

Report on the operation of the Centre and to Arbitration Rule 43(l), noting the dis-

the budget for Fiscal Year 1977. The rele- Continuance of the proceeding at the joint

vant resolutions are reproduced in Annex 5. continuance ofrtheparequest of the parties.

Disputes Submitted to the CentreThe past year saw the termination of two (4) Kaiser Bauxite Company vs.

arbitration proceedings between bauxite Government of Jamaica

companies and the Government of Jamaica On February 27, 1977, the Arbitral Tri-

(the Alcoa and Kaiser cases), and the regis- bunal issued a Procedural Order, pursuant

tration of a new case, the first one brought to Arbitration Rule 44, noting the discon-

3 See document ICSID/8. tinuance of the proceeding at the request of4 The list is also set forth in document ICSID/9.

4 5 Document ICSID/5, available from the Centre on request. the Claimant.

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(5) Reynolds Jamaica Mines, Ltd. and parties from time to time to make advance

Reynolds Metals Company vs. deposits to defray the expenses of theGovernment of Jamaica proceedings.

On February 11, 1977, the memorial onthe merits from Reynolds was received by Publicationsthe Centre. On February 27, 1977, the Annex 8 sets forth an addition to theArbitral Tribunal issued a Procedural Order bibliography of legal studies on the Conven-

setting September 8, 1977, as the time-limit tion and the Centre presented in thefor filing of a counter-memorial by the Gov- previous Annual Reports. A consolidated

ernment of Jamaica. bibliography, which includes publicationscontaining the official texts of the Conven-

(6) Government of Gabon vs. tion and unofficial translations; the Institu-

Societe SERETE S.A. tion, Conciliation and Arbitration Rules; and

On June 7, 1976, the Centre received a books, articles and reports concerning the

request for arbitration from the Government Convention and the Centre, is available fromthe Centre on request.

of Gabon. The case was registered onOctober 5, 1976, and the Arbitral Tribunal Annex 9 gives a list of publications pre-O ctober t5,t19 an te Abirar Tribunal pared by the Centre and available, for the

was constituted on February 28, t977. most part, free of charge.

Neither party has taken any step in the pro- The Centre prepared this past year two

ceedings. The Centre has been informed new volumes for the loose-leaf service

that the parties have reached an agreement, 'Investment Laws of the World-Developing

but has not yet received a request for dis- Countries". The laws of 43 countries have

continuance of the proceedings. now been published (Afghanistan, Benin,Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Central

Finance African Empire, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Gabon,

The Financial Statement of the Centre for Ghana, Greece, Guyana, Indonesia, Ivory

Fiscal Year 1977 is set forth in Annex 7. The Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Korea,

expenditures of the Centre were again cov- Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia,

ered entirely by the value of the services Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria,and facilities made available by the Bank Pakistan, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sri

Lanka, Swaziland, Taiwan, Togo, Trinidadfree of charge pursuant to the Memorandum and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Upper Volta,

of Administrative Arrangements concluded Yugoslavia, Zaire, and Zambia).

between the Bank and the Centre in Febru- The service is being published and sold

ary 1967,6 and by income from the sale of commerciallY by Oceana Publications, Inc.publications. Thus it was not necessary to of Dobbs Ferry, New York. It deals on aassess any excess expenditures to the Con- coby-counry basis It ieal latracting States pursuant to Article 17 of the anuntrnational ag ms affecing for

Convention. ~~~~~~and international agreements affecting for-Convention.The Centre's expenses which are attribut- eign investment, and consists of a compila-

able to the pending arbitration proceedings tion of constitutional, legislative, regulatoryare borne by the parties in accordance with and treaty materials. It is periodically up-

the Centre's Administrative and Financial dated and supplemented as necessary. ARegulations. In accordance with these Reg- brochure concerning the service is availableulations, the Secretary-General calls on the from the publisher or the Centre on request.

' The text of which is set forth in Annex 5 of the FirstAnnual Report, in relation to AC(IM)/RES/3. 5

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Annex 1

List of Contracting States and Other Signatories of the Convention(As of June 30, 1977)

The 731 States listed below have signed the Convention on the dates indicated. The names of the 67States that have deposited instruments of ratification are capitalized, and the dates of such depositand of the attainment of the status of Contracting State by the entry into force of the Convention foreach of them are also indicated.

Deposit of Entry into ForceState Signature Ratification of Convention

AFGHANISTAN Sep 30,1966 Jun 25,1968 Jul 25,1968Australia Mar 24,1975AUSTRIA May 17, 1966 May 25, 1971 Jun 24, 1971BELGIUM Dec 15, 1965 Aug 27,1970 Sep 26,1970BENIN, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Sep 10, 1965 Sep 6,1966 Oct 14,1966

BOTSWANA Jan 15,1970 Jan 15,1970 Feb 14,1970BURUNDI Feb 17,1967 Nov 5,1969 Dec 5,1969CAMEROON Sep 23,1965 Jan 3,1967 Feb 2,1967CENTRAL AFRICAN EMPIRE Aug 26,1965 Feb 23,1966 Oct 14,1966CHAD May 12,1966 Aug 29,1966 Oct 14,1966

CHINA Jan 13, 1966 Dec 10,1968 Jan 9,1969CONGO, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Dec27,1965 Jun 23, 1966 Oct 14, 1966CYPRUS Mar 9,1966 Nov 25,1966 Dec 25, 1966DENMARK Oct 11, 1965 Apr 24,1968 May24,1968'EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Feb 11, 1972 May 3,1972 Jun 2,1972

Ethiopia Sep 21,1965Fiji Jul 1, 1977FINLAND Jul 14,1967 Jan 9,1969 Feb 8,1969FRANCE Dec 22,1965 Aug 21,1967 Sep 20,1967GABON Sep 21,1965 Apr 4,1966 Oct 14,1966GAMBIA, THE Oct 1,1974 Dec 27,1974 Jan 26,1975GERMANY Jan 27,1966 Apr 18,1969 May 18, 19693

GHANA Nov 26, 1965 Jul 13,1966 Oct 14, 1966GREECE Mar 16,1966 Apr 21,1969 May21,1969GUINEA Aug 27,1968 Nov 4,1968 Dec 4,1968GUYANA Jul 3,1969 Jul 11,1969 Aug 10,1969ICELAND Jul 25,1966 Jul 25,1966 Oct 14,1966INDONESIA Feb 16,1968 Sep 28,1968 Oct 28,1968Ireland Aug 30,1966ITALY Nov 18,1965 Mar 29,1971 Apr 28,1971IVORY COAST Jun 30, 1965 Feb 16,1966 Oct 14,1966JAMAICA Jun 23,1965 Sep 9,1966 Oct 14,1966JAPAN Sep 23,1965 Aug 17,1967 Sep 16,1967JORDAN Jul 14,1972 Oct 30,1972 Nov29, 1972KENYA May 24, 1966 Jan 3,1967 Feb 2,1967KOREA Apr 18,1966 Feb 21,1967 Mar23, 1967LESOTHO Sep 19,1968 Jul 8,1969 Aug 7,1969LIBERIA Sep 3,1965 Jun 16, 1970 Jul 16, 1970LUXEMBOURG Sep 28,1965 Jul 30,1970 Aug 29,1970MADAGASCAR Jun 1,1966 Sep 6,1966 Oct 14,1966

lIncludes Fiji which became a signatory State after June 30, 1977.Denmark excluded, by a notification received on May 15, 1968, the Faroe Islands; by a notifica-tion received on October 30, 1968, Denmark extended the application of the Convention to theFaroe Islands as of January 1, 1969.

3 Germany declared, on depositing its instrument of ratification, that the Convention would also

6 apply to the Land Berlin.

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Deposit of Entry into ForceState Signature Ratification of Convention

MALAWI Jun 9,1966 Aug 23,1966 Oct 14,1966MALAYSIA Oct 22,1965 Aug 8,1966 Oct 14,1966Mali Apr 9,1976MAURITANIA Jul 30,1965 Jan 11,1966 Oct 14,1966MAURITIUS Jun 2,1969 Jun 2,1969 Jul 2,1969'

MOROCCO Oct 11, 1965 May 11, 1967 Jun 10,1967NEPAL Sep 28, 1965 Jan 7,1969 Feb 6,1969NETHERLANDS May25,1966 Sep 14,1966 Oct 14,19665New Zealand Sep 2,1970NIGER Aug 23,1965 Nov 14,1966 Dec 14,1966

NIGERIA Jul 13,1965 Aug 23,1965 Oct 14,1966NORWAY Jun 24,1966 Aug 16,1967 Sep 15,1967PAKISTAN Jul 6,1965 Sep 15,1966 Oct 15,1966ROMANIA Sep 6,1974 Sep 12, 1975 Oct 12,1975SENEGAL Sep 26,1966 Apr 21, 1967 May21, 1967

SIERRA LEONE Sep 27, 1965 Aug 2,1966 Oct 14,1966SINGAPORE Feb 2,1968 Oct 14,1968 Nov13,1968SOMALIA Sep 27,1965 Feb 29,1968 Mar30,1968SRI LANKA Aug 30,1967 Oct 12,1967 Nov1, 1967SUDAN Mar 15,1967 Apr 9,1973 May 9,1973

SWAZILAND Nov 3, 1970 Jun 14, 1971 Jul 14, 1971'SWEDEN Sep 25,1965 Dec 29,1966 Jan 28, 1967SWITZERLAND Sep 22,1967 May 15,1968 Jun 14,1968TOGO Jan 24,1966 Aug 11, 1967 Sep 10,1967TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Oct 5, 1966 Jan 3,1967 Feb 2,1967

TUNISIA May 5,1965 Jun 22,1966 Oct 14,1966UGANDA Jun 7,1966 Jun 7,1966 Oct 14,1966UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT

BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND May 26,1965 Dec 19,1966 Jan 18,1967'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Aug 27, 1965 Jun 10, 1966 Oct 14,1966UPPER VOLTA Sep 16,1965 Aug 29,1966 Oct 14,1966

YUGOSLAVIA Mar 21,1967 Mar 21,1967 Apr 20,1967ZAIRE Oct 29,1968 Apr 29,1970 May29,1970ZAMBIA Jun 17,1970 Jun 17,1970 Jul 17,1970

4 Until Mauritius attained its independence on March 12, 1968, it was covered by the ratificationof the United Kingdom.

5 On depositing its instrument of ratification, the Netherlands restricted the application of theConvention to the Kingdom In Europe; by a notification received on May 22, 1970, the Nether-lands withdrew that restriction and thus extended the application of the Convention to Surinamand the Netherlands Antilles; Surinam having attained its independence on November 25, 1975,the Convention ceased to be applicable to Surinam as of that date.

6 Until Swaziland attained its independence on September 6, 1968, it was covered by the ratifi-cation of the United Kingdom.

7 The United Kingdom has, pursuant to Article 70 of the Convention, excluded from its coveragethe following territories for whose international relations it is responsible: Jersey * Isle ofMan * Southern Rhodesia * Brunei * British Indian Ocean Territory * Pitcairn Islands * BritishAntarctic Territory * Sovereign Base Areas of Cyprus * New Hebrides. 7

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AmneK 2M1111 f *A Am*Wei aft Campo ad O116.1 of So Comm

(As ef June 30,1977)Cha4rrna. of *Re P t S. McNemwra, ex o#Aico asA lffinistrative Council President, international Bank for

Reconstruction and Development

Contracting State Representative' Alternate'

Afghanistan Said Abdul lllah Zir GulAustria Hannes Androsch Walter NeudorferBelgium Gaston Geens 2 Cecil de StryckerBenin, People's Republic of Francois Dossou Abou Baba-MoussaBotswana M. D. Mokama Q. K. J. Masire*Burundi Dominique Shiramanga Jean NdimurukundoCameroon Youssouffa Daouda Ahmadou BelloCentral African Empire Jean Paul Mokodopo Joseph Moutou-MondziaouChad Ahmed Kerim Togoi Blayo NgartandoChina W. H. Fei Chun-Heng TuCongo, People's Republic of Francois Bita Daniel ObelaCyprus Andreas C. Patsalides A. C. AfxentiouDenmark K. B. Andersen Wilhelm UlrichsenEgypt, Arab Republic of A. M. Kaissouni Hamed El-SayehFinland Esko Rekola Osmo KallialaFrance Bernard Clappier Marcel TheronGabon Michel Anchouey J. Felix MamalepotGambia, The Mohamadu Cadi Cham 2 T. G. G. SenghoreGermany Hans Apel Marie SchleiGhana Anthony Kwesi Appiah 2 K. Anane-BinfohGreece Panayiotis Papaligouras Evangelos DevletoglouGuinea Momory Camara Saikou BarryGuyana F. E. Hope Harold E. WilkinsonIceland Olafur Johannesson Matthias A. MathiesenIndonesia Rachmat Saleh Julianto MoeliodihardjoItaly Paolo Baffi Ferdinando VentrigliaIvory Coast Henri Konan Bedie Kouame N'Dri KpatchiboJamaica David H. Coore Richard FletcherJapan Hideo Boh Teiichiro MorinagaJordan Hanna Odeh Hashim DabbasKenya Mwai Kibaki Leonard 0. KibingeKorea Yong Hwan Kim Sung Whan KimLesotho E. R. Sekhonyana A. M. MonyakeLiberia James T. Phillips, Jr. D. Franklin NealLuxembourg Jacques F. Poos Raymond KirschMadagascar Rakotovao Razakaboana Rajaona AndriamananjaraMalawi D. T. Matenje Alfred A. UpindiMalaysia Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Tan Sri Dato Abdullah bin AyubMauritania Ibrahima A. BaMauritius Rabindrah Ghurburrun Bramduth GhoorahMorocco Abdelkader Benslimane Mustapha FarisNepal Bhekh B. Thapa Narakant AdhikaryNetherlands W. F. Duisenberg J. P. PronkNiger Abderrahmane Alfidja Mahaman AnnouNigeria G. U. Osakwe* Musa BelloNorway Per Kleppe Hailvard BakkePakistan Abdul Hafeez Pirzada A. G. N. KaziRomania Florea Dumitrescu Mihai DiamandopolSenegal Ousmane Seck Famara Ibrahima SagnaSierra Leone A. B. Kamara B. M. Strasser-KingSingapore Hon Sui Sen Howe Yoon ChongSomalia Abdurahman Nur Herzi Mohamud Jama AhmedSri Lanka Ronnie de Mel 2 Lal JayawardenaSudan Nasr Eldin Mustafa Abdel Rahman Abdel WahabSwaziland James Nxumalo V. E. SikhondzeSweden G6sta Bohman Ola UllstenSwitzerland Raymond Probst* Roger Grossenbacher*Togo Koudjolou Dogo Akuete Eklu-NateyTrinidad and Tobago Eric Williams F. BarsottiTunisia Mustapha Zaanouni Rachid SfarUganda Brigadier Moses Ali Jino GeriaUnited Kingdom Gordon Richardson Sir Douglas WassUnited States of America Maxwell M. Rabb* Margaret C. ScottUpper Volta Patrice Ouattara Pierre TahitaYugoslavia Momcilo Cemovid Miodrag StojiljkovidZaire Bofossa w'Amb'ea Nkoso Asal B. IdzumbuirZambia John M. Mwanakatwe Francis M. Walusiku

Secretary-General A. Broches

I Except for the persons indicated by an asterisk (1), the Representatives and Alternates named8 are, respectively, Governors or Alternate Governors of the Bank, serving ex officio on the Ad-

ministrative Council, pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Convention.2Appointment effective after June 30, 1977.

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Amiex 3List of the Nemobers of the Panel of Con ciialrs and Arbitats

(As of June 30, 1977)

PART 1. Designatng Authority: Contracting StateCONTRACTING

STATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title of Designation--

AUSTRIAC Dr. Ladislaus BLASCHEK Jul 3, 1978

Bundeskammer der gewerbilichen WirtschaftC Dr. Helmut HASCHEK Jul 3, 1978

Chairman, Board of Executive Directors,Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

A Dr. Demetre KALUSSIS Jul 3, 1978Em. Professor, Wirtschaftsuniversitat

C Dr. Werner MELIS Jul 3, 1978Director, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

of CommerceC Dr. Wolfgang OEHLER Jul 3, 1978

Chief Manager, International Division,Oesterreichische Landerbank AG

A Dr. Philipp RIEGER Jul 3, 1978Board of Directors, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

A Dr. Nikolaus SCHMIDT-CHIARI Jul 3, 1978Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

A Dr. Fritz SCHOENHERR Jul 3, 1978Professor, University of Vienna

BELGIUMA Baron H. J. N. ANSIAUX Jun 6, 1983

Gouverneur honoraire de la Banque Nationale de BelgiqueC M. Paul H. F. CALLEBAUT Dec 28, 1978

President de la Societ6 Nationale de Credit A l'lndustrieC M. Andre DEQUAE Dec 28, 1978

Ancien Ministre, President de la Chambre des RepresentantsA M. Franz DE VOGHEL Jun 17, 1983

President de l'Institut de Reescompte et de GarantieA M. Robert P. HENRION Jun 6, 1983

Professor d'UniversiteC M. Maurits NAESSENS Dec 28, 1978

President honoraire de la Banque de Paris et desPays-Bas, Belgique

C Professeur F. ROGIERS Jun 17, 1983Professeur A l'Universit6 de Gand

A Baron J. VAN HOUTTE Jun 6, 1983Ministre d'Etat et Ancien Premier Ministre


Administrateur civil en retraiteC M. Pierre A. M. FOURN Nov 30, 1981

President honoraire de la Chambre de Commerceet d'lndustrie du R.P.B.

A Me Louis IGNATIO-PINTO Nov 30, 1981Juge A la Cour Internationale de Justice

A M. Idelphonse W. LEMON Nov 30, 1981

C = Conciliator A = ArbitratorExcept as otherwise indicated by a footnote, each Panel Member Is a national of theContracting State which designated him.

* Panel members whose terms have expired shall, in accordance with Article 15(3) of the Con-vention, continue in office until their successors have been designated. 9

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Annex 3 (continued)

CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title ot Designation-


A M. Victor BOUCHER Aug 28, 1980

Directeur General du Commerce et de l'lndustrieA M. Celestin GAOMBALET Aug 28, 1980

Directeur au Commissariat au Tresor PublicC M. Michel GRISS-BEMBE Aug 28, 1980

Procureur General pres de la Cour SupremeC M. Fidele MANDABA-BORNOU Aug 28, 1980

President de la Cour SupremeC M. Joseph MANDE-DJAPOU Aug 28, 1980

Conseiller A la Cour SupremeC M. SOBANGUE LEVY Aug 28, 1980

Conseiller a la Cour d'Appel

CHINAC Mr. Hsioh-kwen SHAO May 20, 1981

Deputy Director-General, Board of Foreign Trade,Ministry of Economic Affairs

A Mr. Paul Chung-Tseng TSAI May 20, 1981

Attorney-at-lawA Dr. Joseph K. TWANMOH May 20, 1981

Attorney-at-lawC Mr. Philip WANG May 20, 1981

Representative of Taiwan Investment Services


C A Mr. Nicos G. DIMITRIOU Jul 9, 1979

Chairman, Electricity Authority of CyprusC A Mr. Paschalis L. PASCHALIDES Jul 9, 1979

Executive Chairman, Hellenic Mining Co., Ltd.C A Mr. Criton G. TORNARITIS Jul 9, 1979

Attorney-GeneralC A Mr. Michael A. TRIANTAFYLLIDES Jul 9, 1979

President, Supreme Court

DENMARKC A Mr. I. FOIGHEL Aug 20, 1979

Professor, LL.D.C A Mr. Henning KROG Aug 20, 1979

High Court JudgeC A Mr. Hans TOPSOE-JENSEN Aug 20, 1979

President, Maritime and Commercial CourtC A Mr. Jorgen TROLLE Aug 20, 1979

Retired President of the Supreme Court


C A Dr. Bengt H. G. A. BROMS Dec 6, 1980Professor of International and Constitutional Law,

University of Helsinki

FRANCEC A M. Jean-Jacques DE BRESSON Jun 17, 1980

Conseiller d'EtatA M. Ren6 Jean DUPUY Jun 17, 1980

Professeur, Faculte de Droit et des Sciences

10 Economiques de Nice (continued)

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CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel- Title of Designation'-

FRANCE (continued)

C M. Jean PORTEMER Jun 17, 1980Conseiller a la Cour de Cassation

C A M. Paul J. M. REUTER Jun 17, 1980Professeur, Universite de Droit, d'Economie et de

Sciences Sociales de ParisC M. Henry TOUBAS Jun 17, 1980

Avocat General A la Cour de CassationA M. Michel VIRALLY Jun 17, 1980

Professeur A l'Universite de Droit, d'Economie et deSciences Sociales de Paris

GABONC A M. Leon AUGE Jun 24, 1978

Ministre delegue A la Presidence de la RepubliqueC A M. Jean-Pierre LEMBOUMBA Jun 24, 1978

Commissaire au PlanC A M. Marc MBA-NDONG Jun 24, 1978

Secretaire General du Ministere des AffairesEconomiques, du Commerce et de I'Economie Rurale

C A M. Jean Francois NTOUTOUME Jun 24, 1978Secretaire General du Conseil Gabonais des Chargeurs


C Dr. Ernst G. BROEDER Apr 14, 1982Vorstandsmitglied Kfw

A Dr. Ottoarndt GLOSSNER Jul 29, 1982Chief Corporation Lawyer, AEG-Telefunken

A Dr. Theodor HEINSIUS Jul 29, 1982Chief Corporation Lawyer, Dresdner Bank AG

A Prof. Dr. Gunther JAENICKE Apr 14, 1982C Dr. Paul KREBS Apr 14, 1982

Generalbevollmachtigter Deutsche Bank AGA Dr. Guenther SCHMIDT-RAENTSCH Jul 29, 1982

Director, Dept. for Civil Law, Federal Ministry of JusticeC Mr. Rudiger VON TRESCKOW Apr 14, 1982

Geschaftsinhaber der Berliner Handels-und Frankfurter Bank

C Dr. Hans A. WUTTKE Apr 14, 1982Member, Management Board, Dresdner Bank AG


C Mr. A. E. ANIN Jun 30, 1983Managing Director, Ghana Commercial Bank

C Mr. J. ARTHUR Jun 30, 1983Barrister-at-Law

C The Hon. Mr. Justice G. R. M. FRANCOIS Jun 30, 1983Judge of the Supreme Court

C Mr. T. A. TOTOE Jun 30, 1983Barrister-at-Law

A The Hon. Mr. Justice I. K. ABBAN Jun 30, 1983High Court Judge

A Dr. S. K. B. ASANTE Jun 30, 1983Deputy Attorney-General

A Dr. G. KORANTENG-ADDOW Jun 30, 1983Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice (Ghana) (continued)

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ABRx 3 (continued)

CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title of Designation"'

GHANA (continued)A Mr. C. B. K. ZWENNES Jun 30, 1983


GUINEAC A M. Mamba SANO Feb 10, 1975

Assistant, Institut National des RecherchesC A Me Sy Savane SOULEYMANE Feb 10, 1975

Inspecteur General des Services d'Etata la Pr6sidence de la Republique de Guin6e

GUYANAC Mr. Hubert Oswald Earle BARKER, A.A. Jun 17, 1980

Retired Secretary to the TreasuryA Mr. Brynmor T. I. POLLARD, A.A., S.C. Jun 17, 190

Chief Parliamertary Counsel


Retired Senior Official, Miniatry of FinanceC A Mr. Byanti KHARMAWAN Dec 31, 1975

Executive Director, Lnternational Monetary FundC A Prof. Dr. Mochtar KUSUIAATMADJA Doe 31, 1 S75

Prefes&m of Interna4ionaM LawC A Prof. R. SUSEKTI Dec 31, 1975

Chiief Justice, SuporeFne Court of Justice

JAMAICAA Mr. Harvey L. DA COSTA Jul 10, 1973

Barrister and Attorney-at-LawC Mr. Oswald H. DUNN Jul 10, 1973

Attorney-at-LawC Mr. Felix Malcolm FOX Jul 10, 1973C Norman HILL, Esq., Q.C. Apr 16, 1981

Attorney-at-LawC Mr. Mayer Michael MATALON Jul 10, 1973

Director, Industrial Commercial DevelopmentsA David M. MUIRHEAD, Esq., Q.C., LL.B. Apr 16, 1981

Barrister-at-LawA Dr. Kenneth 0. RATTRAY Jul 10, 1973

Privy CouncillorA Mr. Deryck H. F. STONE Apr 16, 1981


JAPANC Mr. Morihisa EMORI Dec 17, 1980

Executive Vice-President, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.A Mr. Junji HIRAGA Dec 17, 1980

President, Showa Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.A Mr. Ichiro KATO Dec 17, 1980

Professor, Faculty of Law, University of TokyoA Mr. Ichiro MATSUDAIRA Dec 17, 1980

Adviser, Board of Directors, Bank of TokyoA Mr. Taiichiro MATSUO Dec 17, 1980

President of Marubeni CorporationC Mr. Hisashi MURATA Dec 17, 1980

Executive Vice-President, Mitsui and Co., Ltd.C Mr. Naokado NISHIHARA Dec 17, 1980

President, Dai-lchi Mutual Fire and Marine12 Insurance Company (continued)

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CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title of Designation ..

JAPAN (continued)

C Mr. Kumao NISHIMURA Dec 17, 1980Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration

JORDANC A Mr. Ahmad T. AL-KHALIL Jun 20, 1979

AdvocateC A Mr. Faiq Farah HALAZUN Jun 20, 1979

Retired Judge, Supreme Court and High Court of JusticeC A Dr. Hishafm R. HASHEM Jun 20, 1979


KENYAA Mr. S. hlareka GECAGA Jul 25, 1973

ChaoirwAw antd Gonerail Manager, 3.A.T. Kenya Ltd.A Mr. James F. H. HAMLTON Jul 25, 1173

AdvocainC Mir. kina H. HBON J4 25, 1973

Ma#iNg D ctWr, East Aftrican Dreweri. LtW.C Wr. Samuol N. WAftL*H JM 25, 1973


KOREAC Wr. Kyounl Me CHCELUG Jun 36, 1373

Aittorney-at-lawC MT. Won Hooni CW4UtG Jtne 30, 1973

Director and Deputy Pres"dont, Korea Excha4e BankA Mr. Chong Dai KIM Jun 30, 1973

Executive Vice-President, Korea Chamber ofComerce a.R4 Industry

C Mr. lp Sam KIM Jun 30, 1973Deputy Chairman,

The Federation of Korean IndustriesC Mr. Suk Yoon KOH Jun 30, 1973

Attorney-at-lawA Mr. Chang Soo LEE Jun 30, 1973A Mr. Chung Soo OH Jun 30, 1973

Chairman, Board of Directors,Korean Arrowroot Fibre Craft Company, Ltd.

A Mr. Pom Sik OH Jun 30, 1973President, Honam Power Co., Ltd.

LESOTHOC A The Hon. Mr. Justice J. T. MAPETLA Aug 16, 1980

Chief Justice of LesothoC A The Hon. Mr. Justice M. P. MOFOKENG May 2, 1983

Puisne JudgeC Mr. T. T. THAHANE Aug 16, 1980

Executive Director, World Bank Group

LUXEMBOURGC A Dr. jur. Ernest ARENDT Dec 30, 1981

Avocat-avoueC A M. Alex BONN Dec 30, 1981

Avocat-avoueC A M. Joseph KAUFFMAN Dec 30, 1981

Docteur en DroitC A M. Fernand ZURN Dec 30, 1981

Avocat-avoue 13

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Annex 3 (continued)


Panel Title of Designation -


Magistrat-Avocat generalC M. Zafimahery RAFAMATANANTSOA May 28, 1981

Avocat general a la Cour SupremeA M. Henri RAHARIJAONA May 28, 1981

AmbassadeurC M. Honore RAKOTOMANANA Jun 8, 1983

Directeur General des Finances au Ministere desFinances et du Plan

A M. Justin RAKOTONIAINA May 28, 1981Professeur de Droit des Affaires a la Faculte

de Droit de TananariveC M. Raymond RANJEVA May 28, 1981

Professeur Agrege a l'Universite de MadagascarA M. Edilbert RAZAFINDRALAMBO May 28, 1981

Premier President de la Cour SupremeC M.TOAZARA May 28, 1981

President du Conseil Superieur des Institutions


Professeur a la Faculte de Droit et des Sciences Economiquesde Paris

C A M. Pierre LAMPUE' Jul 11, 1973Professeur honoraire a la Faculte de Droit et des

Sciences Economiques de ParisC A M. Henry SOLUSI Jul 11, 1973

Professeur honoraire A la Faculte de Droit et desSciences Economiques de Paris

C A M. Georges E. H. VEDEL' Jul 11, 1973Professeur & l'Universite de Droit, d'Economie

et de Sciences Sociales de Paris

MAURITIUSC A Mr. Jean Marc DAVID, Q.C. Jun 9, 1982

BarristerC A Mr. A. Hamid MOOLLAN Jun 9, 1982


MOROCCOC A M. Bensalem AHMED Aug 22, 1980

Tresorier Gbneral, Ministere des FinancesC A Mr. Abdellaziz A. FILALI Aug 22, 1980

Premier President de la Cour d'Appel de CasablancaC A M. Othmane SLIMANI Aug 22, 1980

Secretaire General du Ministere des FinancesC A M. Ahmed ZEGHARI Aug 22, 1980

Premier President de la Cour Speciale de Justice

NETHERLANDSC Prof. Mr. H. J. HOFSTRA Jun 2, 1981

Em. Professor of Law, University of LeydenC Dr. Marius W. HOLTROP Jun 2, 1981

Retired President, De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.C Prof. Dr. P. KUIN Jun 2, 1981

Professor of General Management at theErasmus University


14 I Nationality: French.

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Panel * Title of Designation -

NETHERLANDS (continued)C A Prof. Mr. P. LIEFTINCK Jun 2, 1981

A Prof. Dr. Pieter SANDERS Jun 2, 1981

Professor at the Law Faculty of the ErasmusUniversity

A Prof. Dr. J. C. SCHULTSZ Jun 2, 1981

Professor at the Erasmus UniversityA Mr. C. R. C. WIJCKERHELD BISDOM Jun 2, 1981


NIGERIAC Mr. Musa BELLO Jun 21, 1983

Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance

C Mr. Adamu CIROMA Jun 21, 1983

Governor of Central Bank of NigeriaA Mr. H. F. DAVID-WEST Jun 21, 1983

Legal Adviser, Federal Ministry of JusticeA Mr. Justice S. J. ECOMA Jun 21, 1983

Judge of the Cross River StateC Mr. Anofi S. GUOBADIA Jun 21, 1983

Chairman/Managing Director, Maiden ElectronicsWorks Ltd.

A Mr. 0. JEMIYO Jun 21, 1983

Principal State CounselC Dr. Michael OMOLAYOLE Jun 21, 1983

Chairman, Lever Brothers Nigeria LimitedA Mr. Kehinde SOFOLA Jun 21, 1983

Private Legal Practitioner

NORWAYC A Mr. Per BRUNSVIG May 22, 1980

Doctor juris, Barrister of the Supreme CourtC A Mr. Oscar C. GUNDERSEN May 22, 1980

Supreme Court JudgeC A Mr. Jens Chr. HAUGE May 22, 1980

Barrister of the Supreme CourtC A Mr. Axel HEIBERG May 22, 1980

Judge of the Supreme Court

PAKISTANA Mr. Malik Abdul HAMID Jul 4, 1979

Retired High Court JudgeC Mr. Quazi Mohammad ISA Jul 4, 1979

Barrister-at-LawC Mr. Malik Mohammad JAFFAR Aug 18, 1981

AdvocateC Mr. Mohammad Afzal KHAN Jul 4, 1979

Retired High Court JudgeA Justice Feroze NANA Aug 9, 1979

Retired JudgeA Mrs. Rashida PATEL Aug 18, 1981

AdvocateC Mr. A. A. ZARI Aug 18, 1981

AdvocateA Mr. Mian ZIAUD-DIN Aug 18, 1981


ROMANIAA Mrs. Florica ANDREI Dec 4, 1981

Member of the Supreme Court (continued) 15

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Annex 3 (continued)

CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title of Designation-^^

ROMANIA (continued)

A Mr. Virgil ANTON Dec 4, 1981Member of the Supreme Court

C Mr. Constantin BEJENARU Dec 4, 1981Counsellor at the Legislative Council

C Mr. Nicolae DUTA Dec 4, 1981Deputy Director, Ministry of Finance

A Mr. loan FILIP Dec 4, 1981Counsellor at the Legislative Council

A Mr. Teodor PETRESCU Dec 4, 1981Chief Justice, Constantza County Court

C Mr. Teofil POP Dec 4, 1981Deputy Director, Ministry of Justice

C Mr. Romul VONICA Dec 4, 1981Chief Justice, Jassy County Court


A M. Hamet DIOP May 21, 1973Directeur General de la Banque Nationale de Developpement

A M. Keba M'BAYE May 21, 1973Premier President de la Cour Supreme

A M. Amadou Tidiane NDIAYE Mar 8, 1983Directeur du Financement du Plan

A M. Amadou SOW May 21, 1973Directeur Gen6ral de l'Union Senegalaise de Banque


A Mr. Hector ABHAYAVARDHANA Jun 10, 1974Chairman, People's Bank

C Mr. R. H. DE MEL Jun 10, 1974C Mr. Tilak E. GOONERATNE Jun 10, 1974

Ambassador for Sri Lanka to the EEC and BeneluxC Mr. Chelliah LOGANATHAN Jun 10, 1974

Retired General Manager, Development FinanceCorporation of Sri Lanka

A Mr. Miliani C. SANSONI Jun 10, 1974Retired Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Sri Lanka

A Mr. N. SINNETAMBY Jun 10, 1974Retired Justice, Supreme Court of Sri Lanka

C Mr. Lionel A. WEERASINGHE Jun 10, 1974Retired Auditor General of Sri Lanka

A Mr. H. W. R. WEERASOORIYA Jun 10, 1974Retired Justice, Supreme Court of Sri Lanka

SWEDENC Mr. Gunnar GLIMSTEDT Sep 6, 1979

General Counsel and Director of AktiebolagetSvenska Kullagerfabriken

C Mr. Ove KJELLGREN Sep 6, 1979Vice-President Administration, Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB

A H. E. Gunnar LAGERGREN Sep 6, 1979Marshal of the Realm

C Mr. Erik LEIJONHUFVUD (LIONHEAD) Sep 6, 1979Adviser

A Mr. Sten RUDHOLM Sep 6, 197916 (continued)

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CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel ' Title of Designation-

SWEDEN (continued)

C Mr. Sten SILJESTROM Sep 6, 1979Corporate General Counsel and Vice-President

of ASEA ABA Mr. Ivan WALLENBERG Sep 6, 1979

President, Supreme Restitution Court for Berlin


C M. Gbrard BAUER Jul 31, 1983Prbsident de la Fbdbration horlogere suisse

A M. I'Ambassadeur R. L. BINDSCHEDLER Nov 27, 1980Jurisconsulte du Dbpartement Politique Fedbral

A M. Pierre CAVIN Jul 31, 1983Juge fedbral

A M. Pierre A. LALIVE Nov 27, 1980Professeur a l'Universitb de Geneve et & l'Institut Universitaire

de Hautes Etudes InternationalesC M. Guido G. LEPORI Nov 27, 1980

Ancien Ambassadeur de SuisseC M. Pierre Jean POINTET Nov 27, 1980

Professeur a l'Universite de NeuchAtelC M. Eberhard REINHARDT Nov 27, 1980

Membre du Conseil d'Administration du Crbdit SuisseA M. Alfred E. VON OVERBECK Nov 27, 1980

Professeur et Recteur de l'Universitb de Fribourg


C A Me Ayitb D'ALMEIDA Sep 18, 1973Avocat Dbfenseur

C A Me Lucien OLYMPIO May 17, 1978Magistrat

C A Me Lbonidas QUASHIE Sep 18, 1973Magistrat

C A Me Anani Ignacio SANTOS Sep 18, 1973Avocat Defenseur

TUNISIAA M. Moncef BEL HADJ AMOR Jan 29, 1979

Ministre Chargb des Relations avec l'Assembie Nationaleet Secrbtaire Gbnbral du Gouvernement

C M. Hassen BELKHODJA Jan 29, 1979President Directeur Gbnbral de la Socibtb Tunisienne de Banque

C M. Moncef BELKHODJA Jan 29, 1979Prbsident Directeur Gbnbral de la Banque

Nationale de TunisieC M. Mohamed BOUSBIA Jan 29, 1979

Directeur Genbral de la Banque Centrale de TunisieC M. Khaled CHAABOUNI Jan 29, 1979

Directeur des Investissements au Ministere du PlanA M. Mohamed Hbdi ENNIFER Jan 29, 1979

President Directeur Gbnbral de laSocibte Tunisienne d'Assurance et de Rbassurance

A M. Kamel GORDAH Jan 29, 1979Directeur des Conventions et du Contentieux de l'Etat

A M. Mohamed SNOUSSI Jan 29, 1979Conseiller Juridique et de Lbgislation au Premier Ministere 17

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Annex 3 (continued)

CONTRACTINGSTATE NAME Terminal DatePanel Title of Designation-


A Mr. Godfrey L. BINAISA, Q.C. Oct 30, 1973

BarristerA Mr. Tom Walter BURUKU Mar 28, 1979

Leaf Manager, B.A.T. (Uganda) Ltd.

C Mr. Y. KYESIMIRA Oct 30, 1973Lecturer in Economics, Makerere University

A Mr. C. MBOIJANA Oct 30, 1973

BarristerC Mr. D. J. K. NABETA Oct 30, 1973

Chairman/Managing Director, National InsuranceCorporation

C Mr. Semei NYANZI Oct 30, 1973

Chairman of Uganda Development Corporation

C Dr. J. J. OLOYA Oct 30, 1973

Special Lecturer in Agricultural Economics


A Mr. Maurice E. BATHURST, C.M.G., C.B.E., Q.C. Aug 1, 1980

BarristerA The Hon. Sir Robert L. A. GOFF, D.C.L. Aug 1, 1980

High Court JudgeC Lord GREENWOOD OF ROSSENDALE, P.C., J.P. Aug 9, 1980

Pro-Chancellor, University of Lancaster;Chairman, Local Government Staff Commission

A Mr. Charles Eliot JAUNCEY, Q.C. Aug 1, 1980

AdvocateC The Rt. Hon. Aubrey JONES, P.C. Aug 9, 1980

Economist; ConsultantA Mr. Elihu LAUTERPACHT, Q.C. Aug 1, 1980

Legal AdviserC Sir Frederick (Cecil) MASON, K.C.V.O., C.M.G. Aug 9, 1980

Director, New Court Natural Resources Ltd.

C The Hon. A. Maxwell STAMP Aug 9, 1980

Chairman, Maxwell Stamp Associates Ltd.


C Mr. Nathaniel J. ELY Aug 2, 1980

Attorney and Counselor-at-LawC Mr. William H. G. FITZGERALD Aug 2, 1980

First Vice-President, Hornblower andWeeks-Hemphill, Noyes, Inc.

A Mr. Dixon HARWIN Aug 2, 1980Professor of Economics, Glendale College

A Mr. John Finlay HOTCHKIS Aug 2, 1980

Vice-President, Everett Harris and Co.

C Mr. Gilbert L. MATON Aug 2, 1980

C The Hon. Betty Southard MURPHY Aug 2, 1980

Chairman, National Labor Relations Board

A Mr. Henry SALVATORI Aug 2, 1980

Chairman of the Board, Grant Oil Tool Co.A Mr. Henry E. SEYFARTH Aug 2, 1980

IS Attorney

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Panel- Title of Designation-


C A M. James LECARDEUR May 31, 1973Inspecteur General d'Etat

C A M. Hyacinthe OUEDRAOGO May 31, 1973Directeur, Sopixolta Piles Wonder

C A M. K. Lazara SORE May 31, 1973Directeur du Commerce, Ministbre des Finances et du

CommerceC A M. Charles S. TRAORE May 31, 1973

President de la Cour Supreme


C A Prof. Dr. Ksente BOGOEV Jan 15, 1974Professor, Faculty of Economics, Skopje University

C A Prof. Dr. Stojan CIGOJ Jan 15, 1974Professor, Faculty of Law, Ljubljana University

C A Prof. Dr. Aleksandar GOLDSTAJN Jan 15, 1974Professor, Faculty of Laws, Zagreb University

C A Prof. Dr. Vladimir JOVANOVIC Jan 15, 1974Professor, Faculty of Laws, Belgrade University

PART 11. Designating Authority: Chairman of the Administrative CouncilNAME" Terminal Date

Panel Title of Designation -

A Mr. Fuad ROUHANI 2 Nov 19, 1980Ambassador

I Nationality: French.2 Nationality: Iranian. 19

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Annex 4Provisions Relating to ICSID in International Agreements and National Investment Laws

(As of June 30, 1977)

PART 1: Provisions Relating to ICSID in International Agreements

Parties to Treaty Dates Short Title Language of Reference' Provisions Relatingof Treaty Original Text to ICSID

Signature Provisional Entry intoApplication Force

Austria/Romania Sept. 30, Reciprocal German l.L.W. (Romania) (to be published)1976 Promotion, Romanian

Protection and (not yet published Art. 5Guarantee of in Official Gazette)Investments

Belgium/Indonesia Jan. 15, Jan. 15, June 17, Encouragement English I.L.W. (Indonesia) Section 1:4C-4.11970 1970 1972 and Reciprocal

Protection of Moniteur Belge Art. 10Investments (Belgium) Aug. 31,

1972, p. 9449

Belgium/Zaire Mar. 28, Jan. 1, Reciprocal French l.L.W. (Zaire) Section 9:4E-4.11976 1977 Encouragement

of Investments Moniteur Beige Art. 8(Belgium) Aug. 28,1976, p. 10752

Belgo-Luxembourg Dec. 20, Dec. 20, Sept. 3, Encouragement English I.L.W. (Korea) Section 12:4G-4.2Economic Union/ 1974 1974 1976 and ReciprocalKorea Protection of Moniteur Belge Art. 8

Investments (Belgium) Sept. 24,1976, p. 12018

Cameroon/Netherlands Feb. 26, June 23, Exchange of French I.L.W. (Cameroon) Appendix to Part1971 1973 Letters, 4C of Title 29

Mar. 12, addition to the Tractatenblad Art. 6 ter1971 Agreement on (Netherlands)

Economic and 1971, No. 108TechnicalCooperation

Chad/Italy June 11, Protection and French I.L.W. (Chad) (to be published)1969 Promotion of Italian

Capital (not yet published Art. 7Investments in Official Gazette)

Page 21: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

Egypt/France Dec. 22, Dec. 22, Oct. 1, Encouragement French I.L.W. (Egypt) Section 14:4F-4.11974 1974 1975 and Reciprocal Section 14:4F-5.1

Protection ofInvestments Official Gazette Art. 7

(France) Nov. 8, Art. 81975, p. 11486 Art. 9

Egypt/Romania May 10, Jan. 22, Reciprocal Arab I.L.W. (Romania) (to be published)1976 1977 Promotion and English

Guarantee of Romanian Official Bulletin Art. 3Investments (Romania) No. 93

of Nov. 4,1976

Egypt/United Kingdom June11, June 11, Feb. 24, Promotion and English I.L.W. (Egypt) Section 14:4E-4.11975 1975 1976 Protection of

Investments U.K. Doc.- Art. 8Egypt No. 3(1975) CMND 6141

France/ Egypt(see Egypt/France)

France/Indonesia June 14, June 14, April 29, Encouragement English I.L.W. (Indonesia) Section 1:4H-3.21973 1973 1975 and Protection French Section 1:4H-5.2

of FrenchInvestments in Official Gazette Art. 3Indonesia (France) Aug. 1, Art. 5

1975, p. 7820

France/Korea Jan. 22, Jan. 22, Encouragement French I.L.W. (Korea) Section 12:4F-4.11975 1975 and Protection Korean

of French Official Gazette Art. 2Investments in (France) May 7,Korea 1975, p. 4628

France/Malaysia April 24, Sept. 1, Guaranty of Bahasa- I.L.W. (Malaysia) Section 5:4E-4.11975 1976 Investments Malaysia Section 5:4E-5.1

French(not yet published Art. 5in Official Gazette) Art. 6

France/Mauritius Mar. 22, Mar. 1, Protection of French I.L.W. (Mauritius) (to be published)1973 1974 Investments

Official Gazette Art. 9(France) May 18,1974, p. 5367

*I.L;W. refers to "Investment Laws of the World", in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis withlaws and international agreements affecting investments.

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Annex 4 (continued)

Parties to Treaty Dates Short Title Language of Reference* Provisions Relatingof Treaty Original Text to ICSID

Signature Provisional Entry intoApplication Force

France/Morocco July 15, Reciprocal Arab l.L.W. (Morocco) Section 23:4E-4.11975 Protection, French

Encouragement (not yet published Art. 10and Guaranty in Official Gazette)of Investments

France/Romania Dec. 16, Reciprocal French I.L.W. (Romania) (to be published)

1976 Encouragement, RomanianProtection and (not yet published Art. 8Guarantee of in Official Gazette)Investments

France/Singapore Sept. 8 Oct. 18, Promotion English I.L.W. (Singapore) Section 36:4E-4.2

1975 1976 and Protection Frenchof Investments Government Art. 6

Gazette Art. 7(2)(Singapore) Nov. 7,1975, No. 31, p. 17

France/Tunisia June 30, June 30, Protection of French l.L.W. (Tunisia) Section 3:4D-5.1

1972 1972 InvestmentsOfficial Gazette Art. 2(France) Oct. 28, Art. 31972, No. 253p. 11309

France/Yugoslavia Mar. 28, Mar. 3, Protection of French I.L.W. (Yugoslavia) Section 7:4B-5.1

1974 1975 Investments Section 7:4B-5.2

Official Gazette Art. 2(Yugoslavia) 1975, Art. 7No. 4Official Gazette(France)May 12-13,1975,p. 481359

France/Zaire Oct. 5, Mar. 1, Protection of French l.L.W. (Zaire) Section 9:4D-4.1

1972 1975 InvestmentsOfficial Gazette Art. 9(Zaire)Sept. 16, 1975,p. 9507

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Germany/Ivory Coast Oct. 27, June 10, Encouragement French I.L.W. (Ivory Coast) Section 10:4D-4.11966 1968 and Mutual German

Protection of B.G.B. (Germany) Art.11(6)Capital 1-1968-l1-p. 61Investments

Indonesia/Belgium(see Belgium/Indonesia)

Indonesia/ France(see France/Indonesia)

Indonesia/Netherlands July 7, July 7, July 17, Economic English I.L.W. (Indonesia) Section 1:4D-4.11968 1968 1971 Cooperation

Tractatenblad Art. 11(Netherlands) Protocol1968, No. 88

Indonesia/United Apr. 27, Promotion and English I.L.W. (Indonesia) Section 1:41-4.1Kingdom 1976 Protection of

Investments U.K. Doc.- Art. 7Indonesia No. 1(1976) CMND 6490

Italy/Chad(see Chad/Italy)

Italy/Ivory Coast July 23, Protect and French I.L.W. (Ivory Coast) Section 10:4E-4.11969 Promote Capital

Investments Official Gazette Art. 7(Ivory Coast)Sept. 23,1971,p. 1389

Italy/Romania Jan. 14, Reciprocal Italian I.L.W. (Romania) (to be published)1977 Promotion and Romanian

Guarantee of (not yet published Art. 4Investments in Official Gazette)

Ivory Coast/Germany(see Germany/Ivory Coast)

Ivory Coast/Italy(see Italy/Ivory Coast)

*I.L.W. refers to 'Investment Laws of the World', in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis withlaws and international agreements affecting investments.

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Annex 4 (continued)

Parties to Treaty Dates Short Title Language of Reference* Provisions Relatingof Treaty Original Text to ICSID

Signature Provisional Entry intoApplication Force

Ivory Coast/Netherlands Dec. 31, Additional French l.L.W. (Ivory Coast) Appendix to Part1971 Protocol to the 4C of Title 10

Agreement onEconomic and Tractatenblad Art. 2Technical (Netherlands)Cooperation 1972, No. 21

Kenya/Netherlands Sept.11, Economic English I.L.W. (Kenya) Section 11:4C-4.11970 Cooperation

Tractatenblad Art. 11(Netherlands)1970, No.166

Korea/Belgo-LuxemburgEconomic Union(see Belgo-LuxemburgEconomic Union/Korea)

Korea/France(see France/Korea)

Korea/Netherlands Oct.16, July 1, Promotion of English l.L.W. (Korea) Section 12:4D-4.11974 1975 Investments

Tractatenblad Art. 6(Netherlands)1974, No. 220

Korea/United Kingdom Mar. 4, Mar. 4, Promotion and English l.L.W (Korea) Section 12:4E-4.11976 1976 Protection of Korean

Investments Treaty Series Art. 8(U.K.) No. 45(1976) CMND 6510

Malaysia/France(see France/Malaysia)

Malaysia/Netherlands June 15, Sept. 13, Economic Bahasa- I.L.W. (Malaysia) Section 5:4D-4.21971 1972 Cooperation Malaysia

Dutch Tractatenblad Art. 12English (Netherlands)

1971, No. 152Mauritius/ France

(see France/Mauritius)

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Morocco/France(see France/Morocco)

Morocco/Netherlands Dec. 23, Dec. 23, Economic French l.L.W. (Morocco) Section 23:4D-4.11971 1971 Cooperation

Tractatenblad Art. 13(Netherlands)1972, No. 14

Netherlands/Cameroon(see Cameroon/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Indonesia(see Indonesia/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Ivory Coast(see Ivory Coast/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Kenya(see Kenya/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Korea(see Korea/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Malaysia(see Malaysia/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Morocco(see Morocco/Netherlands)

Netherlands/Senegal July 1, Oct. 5, Exchange of French I.L.W. (Senegal) Appendix to Part1970 1972 Letters, 4D of Title 21

Feb. 15, addition to the1971 Agreement on Tractatenblad Art. 5 ter

Economic and (Netherlands)Technical 1971, No. 44Cooperation

Netherlands/Singapore May 16, Sept. 7, Economic English l.L.W. (Singapore) Section 36:4C-4.11972 1973 Cooperation

Tractatenblad Art. 11(Netherlands)1972, No. 124

*I.L.W. refers to "Investment Laws of the World", in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis withlaws and international agreements affecting investments.

Page 26: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

Annex 4 (continued)

Parties to Treaty Dates Short Title Language of Reference' Provisions Relatingof Treaty Original Text to ICSID

Signature Provisional Entry intoApplication Force

Netherlands/Tunisia April 26, July 6, Exchange of French I.L.W. (Tunisia) Appendix to Part

1971 1972 Letters, 4C of Title 3

July 16, addition to the1971 Treaty on Tractatenblad Art. 3 ter

Encouragement (Netherlands)of Capital 1971, No. 156Investments andProtection ofProperty

Netherlands/Uganda April 24, Economic English l.L.W. (Uganda) Section 15:4C-4.1

1970 CooperationTractatenblad Art. 12(Netherlands)1970, No. 87

Netherlands/Yugoslavia Feb. 16, Protection of English I.L.W. (Yugoslavia) Section 7:4C-4.1

1976 InvestmentsTractatenblad Art. 6(Netherlands)1976, No. 40

Romania/Austria(see Austria/Romania)

Romania/Egypt(see Egypt/Romania)

Romania/ France(see France/Romania)

Romania/Italy(see Italy/Romania)

Romania/United Kingdom Mar. 19, Nov. 22, Reciprocal English I.L.W. (Romania) (to be published)

1976 1976 Promotion and RomanianProtection of Official Bulletin Art. 4Investments (Romania) No. 70

of July 14,1976

Senegal / Netherlands(see Netherlands/SPn,oai)

Page 27: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

Singapore/France(see France/Singapore

Singapore/Netherlands(see Netherlands/Singapore)

Singapore/ July 22, July 22, Promotion and English l.L.W. (Singapore) Section 36:4D-4.1United Kingdom 1975 1975 Protection ofInvestments Treaty Series Art. 8

(U.K.) No. 151(1975) CMND 6300

Tunisia/France(see France/Tunisia)

Tunisia/Netherlands(see Netherlands/Tunisia)

Uganda/Netherlands(see Netherlands/Uganda)

United Kingdom/Egypt(see Egypt/United Kingdom)

United Kingdom/Indonesia(see Indonesia/UnitedKingdom)

United Kingdom/Korea(see Korea/UnitedKingdom)

United Kingdom/Romania(see Romania/United Kingdom)

United Kingdom/Singapore(see Singapore/United Kingdom)

*I.L.W. refers to "Investment Laws of the World", in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis withlaws and international agreements affecting investments.

Page 28: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

x0 Annex 4 (continued)

Parties to Treaty Dates Short Title Language of Reference* Provisions Relatingof Treaty Original Text to ICSID

Signature Provisional Entry intoApplication Force

Yugoslavia/France(see France/Yugoslavia)

Yugoslavia/Netherlands(see Netherlands/Yugoslavia)

Zaire/Belgium(see Belgium/Zaire)

Zaire/France(see France/Zaire)

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Annex 4PART II: Provisions Relating to ICSID in National Investment Laws

Country Title Date Lagaeo eeec*Provisions RelatingOriginal Text Reference to ICSIDAfghanistan Foreign and Domestic Private Feb. 20, Dari l.L.W. (Afghanistan) Section 16:2A-10.1Investment Law 1967

Official Gazette Art. 19(Afghanistan) Feb. 20,1967, No. 72

Benin, People's Order No. 72-1 of January 8, Jan. 8, French l.L.W. (Dahomey) Section 30:2A-10.1Republic of 1972, Relating to the 1972Investment Code Official Gazette Art. 51

(Benin) March 1, 1972Congo, People's Order No. 11/73 ofApril 26, April 26, French l.L.W. (Congo) Section 38:2A-10.2Republic of the 1973, Relating to the 1973

Investment Code Official Gazette (Congo) Art. 47May 1, 1973

Egypt, Arab Republic Law No. 43 of 1974 Concern- June 19, Arab l.L.W. (Egypt) Section 14:2A-10.1of ing the Investment of Arab 1974and Foreign Funds and the Official Gazette (Egypt) Art. 8Free Zones June 27, 1974, No. 26

Ghana Capital Investments Decree, Jan. 9, English I.L.W. (Ghana) Section 4:2A-10.11973 1973N.R.C.D. (Ghana) No. 141 Art. 11

Madagascar Order No. 73-057 Relating to Sept. 19, French I.L.W. (Malagasy Rep.) Section 26:2A-12.1the Investments Code 1973 MalagasyOfficial Gazette Preamble(Malagasy Rep.)Sept. 21, 1973, p. 3022

Niger Law No. 74-18 of March 11, March 11, French I.L.W. (Niger) Section 25:2B-10.11974, Amending Laws No. 197468-24 of July 31, 1968, and Official Gazette Art. 27No. 71-2 of January 29, 1971, (Niger) March 15, 1974Relating to the InvestmentCode of Niger

*I.L.W. reters to "Investment Laws of the World", in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis withlaws and international agreements affecting investments.

Page 30: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

PART II: Provisions Relating to ICSID in National lnventment Laws (continued)

Country Title Date Language of Reference' Provisions Relatingoriginal Text to ICSlD

Senegal Law No. 74-06 of April 22, April 22, French l.L.W. (Senegal) Section 21 :2C-10.1

1974, Concerning the 1974Industrial Free Zone of Official Gazette Art. 31

Dakar (Senegal) May 18,1974,No. 4356, pp. 740-745

Tunisia Law No. 69-35 of June 26, June 26, Arab l.L.W. (Tunisia) Section 3:2A-10.1

1969, Relating to the 1969Investment Code Official Gazette (Tunisia) Art. 20

June 27, 1969, No. 24, p. 766

Upper Volta Order No. 70-74 PRES.PL.TP. Dec. 31, French I.L.W. (Upper Volta) Section 49:2A-10.1

of December 31, 1970, 1970Relating to the Investment Official Gazette (Upper Volta) Art. 21

Code of the Republic of Jan.14,1971, p.32

Upper Volta

Zaire Law No. 69-032 of June 26, June 26, French I.L.W. (Zaire) Section 9:2A-10.2

1969, Relating to the 1969Investment Code Moniteur Congolais (Zaire) Art. 30

Nov. 1, 1969, No. 21 ExplanatoryStatement

*I.L.W. refers to "Investment Laws of the World", in English and French, prepared by ICSID, pub-

lished by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and dealing on a country-by-country basis with

laws and international agreements affecting investments.

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Annex 5

Resolutions of the Administrative Council

The following resolutions were adopted by the Administrative Council at itsTenth Annual Meeting on October 7, 1976:


To approve the Tenth Annual Report on the Operation of the Centre as setforth in the attachment to document AC/76/3.


To adopt, for the period July 1, 1976, to June 30, 1977, the budget of revenuesand expenditures set forth in paragraph 1 of document AC/76/1.


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Annex 6Arbitration Proceeding6

(As of June 30, 1977)


Procedural Data

The Request

December 27,1971 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Govern-

ment of Morocco, submitted by Holiday Inns, S.A., a national of Switzerland,

and Occidental Petroleum Corporation, a national of the United States, acting

in their own name and in the name and on behalf of Holiday Inns, Inc., as

well as of Occidental Hotels of Morocco Inc., and HISA Marrakech, HISA

Fes, HISA Tanger, and HISA Casablanca, is received at the Centre.


January 13,1972 The Secretary-General registers the request as having been made by Holiday

Inns, S.A. and Occidental Petroleum Corporation, with a notation that these

cwnpa-nies stated that they were acting in their own name and in the name

and on behalf of certain other companies.

Constitution of the Tribunal

Warch 15, 1972 ProFessor Paul Reuter (French), appointed by the Respondent, accepts his

appointment as arbitrator.

Maerch 23,1972 Sir John Foster (British), appointed by the Claimants, accepts his appoint-

ment as arbitrator.

Mwrh 28,1972 Judge Sture Petren (Swedish), appointed by the two other arbitrators, ac-

cepts his appointment as President of the Tribunal.


April 16,1972 Preliminary session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present).

April 20,1972 Opening session of the Tribunal at the seat of the Permanent Court of

Arbitration in The Hague. The Tribunal fixed as time-limits for the written

pleadings June 20, 1972 for the memorial of the Claimants and August 20,

1972 for the counter-memorial of the Respondent. The Claimants having an-

nounced their intention to submit a request for provisional measures pursuant

to Article 47 of the Convention, the Tribunal granted the parties equal time

for the submission of the request and the reply thereto.

May 16,1972 The request for provisional measures having been received by the Respond-

ent on that date, the reply became due on June 11, 1972.

June 2, 1972 At the request of the Respondent the President extends the time-limit for the

reply to June 23, 1972. (The Respondent did not submit a written reply.)

June 15, 1972 Upon a request of the Claimants for an extension of the time-limit for their

memorial, the President fixes new time-limits for the deposit of the memorial

and counter-memorial at July 20, 1972 and October 20, 1972, respectively.

July 1-2,1972 Session of the Tribunal in Paris at the European Office of the World Bank.

After oral argument by the parties the Tribunal, on July 2, 1972, recom-

mended provisional measures to both parties. At the request of the Claimant,

the Tribunal fixed new time-limits for the written pleadings: until August 30

1972 for the filing of the memorial and until January 1, 1973 for the counter


September 1, 1972 Claimants' memorial delivered to the Centre.

32 December 29,1972 Respondent's counter-memorial delivered to the Centre. In its counter

Page 33: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

memorial the Respondent raised an objection to jurisdiction pursuant toRule 41(1) of the Arbitration Rules.

January 22,1973 Procedural order by the Tribunal suspending the proceedings on the meritsin accordance with Rule 41(3) of the Arbitration Rules and fixing March 1,1973 as the time-limit within which the Claimants could file observations onthe objection to jurisdiction.

March 2,1973 At the request of the Claimants, the time-limit for their observations on theobjection to jurisdiction is extended to April 13, 1973.

April 13, 1973 Claimants' observations en the objectieo te juriseiction dolivered to theCentre.

May 19-20,1973 Session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). On May 29, 1973the Tribtnal made an Order, denying a req%est by the Reopordnt for oralaf9umernt, and aWewing the parties te mebe htrtier written swbissions, thel espond,ent by Jwuie 6, 1973 and the Climaifs by Jun. 25, 1973.

June 39-July 1, 1973 The p.rt4es havifg made tlteir a4ditie4 swbieoons within the fixed time-limits, the Tribul coewenes in ardor to decide an te objectin to jrisdic-tikm. On Jiy 1, 1973 the Triblnal decide (4 that it wa oemp~t withrespect to t*e uIs"te su*Rd te it; (ii3 tat Ieliday linf, S.A., OocidentalPetroleum Corporation and Mei$dq lens, loc. wre .nt-ifld to be parties tolthe proceeigs; (iii) that H14A Marrkehoel, lHSA Fee, HtSA Tawer ad HISACasWanca wore not "tiod te be partie to the p eeoingo; (iv that thequesten whete Oecide*W l Itbes of Mroeeo, Inc. was etkl to be aparty to the procee4ings was joined to Fe rmits; and (v) that the partiesshould s-it a reply and rejeiiedw, respectively, on the me'i4s by Septem-ber 14, 1973 for the Claimants arn November 30, 1973 for t*e Reepondent.

September 17, 1973 Claimnants' reply on the merits delivered to the Centre.

November 15,1973 At the request of the Respondent, the time-limit for t*e rejoinder on themerits is extended to December 14, 1973.

December 14,1973 Respondent's rejoinder on the merits delivered to the Centre.

January 3, 1974 The President agrees to a joint request by the parties to postpone the open-ing of the oral procedure in Grder to permit them to explore the possibility ofan amicable settlement.

March 14,1974 A further postponement of oral hearings is granted by the President uponrequest of the Claimants and in the absence of opposition by the Respondent.

May 11-12, 1974 Session of the Tribunal in Paris. A hearing is held on certain preliminarylegal issues and a decision is rendered thereon on May 12, 1974. The partiesare expected to agree on a joint statement of questions to be presented tothe Tribunal.

August 22-25, 1974; Sessions of the Tribunal in Paris to hear oral argument on three sets ofNovember 16-17,1974; issues, followed by interim decisions of September 23, 1974, January 19,February 19-22,1975; 1975 and July 27, 1975, respectively. In the last decision the Tribunal invitedApril 9,12, and 13,1975 the parties to examine, prior to December 31, 1975, the possibility of con-cluding certain supplemental agreements required to permit their reciprocalcontractual obligations to be performed.

December 30, 1975 In response to requests from both parties, the President extends the abovetime-limit to February 28, 1976.

March 16,1976 The parties having informed the Tribunal that the supplemental agreementscould not be concluded, the Tribunal renders a further interim decision dis-solving certain contractual bonds between the parties and invites the parties,if they wish to modify their submissions in view of the decision, to submitthem to the Centre before June 16, 1976. 33

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Annex 6 (continued)

June 14 and 15,1976 Modified submissions of the Respondent and the Claimants, respectively,

delivered to the Centre.

July 27, 1976 The Secretary-General informs the parties that the President has learned

from Sir John Foster that the latter had accepted an appointment as "outside

director" on the Board of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, one of the


September 27,1976 Messrs. Sture Petren and Paul Reuter meet to consider Sir John Foster's

resignation which was submitted subject to the condition that the Claimants

appoint his successor. They decided (i) that the condition attached to the

resignation was not a proper one and should be disregarded, and (ii) to

withhold the Tribunal's consent to the resignation. As a result the proceed-

ings were suspended and the vacancy was to be filled pursuant to Article

56(3) of the Convention by the Chairman of the Administrative Council. The

Claimants objected to the Tribunal's decision and reserved their rights with

respect thereto.

October 28, 1976 Professor J. C. Schultsz (Dutch), appointed by the Chairman of the Admin-

istrative Council to fill the vacancy created by Sir John Foster's resignation,

accepts his appointment and the proceedings are resumed.

November 9,1976 The Tribunal, by a procedural order, permits the parties to submit additional

written observations on each other's modified submissions not later than

December 31, 1976.

December 14, 1976 Suspension of the proceedings upon the death of the President of the

Tribunal, Mr. Sture Petren.

December 31,1976 The parties' additional written observations on each other's modified sub-

missions delivered to the Centre.

April 14, 1977 Resumption of the proceedings upon the acceptance by H. E. Gunnar Lager-

gren (Swedish) of his appointment as President of the Tribunal by the

Chairman of the Administrative Council pursuant to Arbitration Rule 11.

June 20, 1977 Meeting of H. E. Gunnar Lagergren with the Secretary-General to prepare thE

further conduct of the proceedings.


Procedural Data

The Request

March 6, 1974 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Govern

ment of Ivory Coast, submitted by Adriano Gardella SpA, a national of Italy

is received at the Centre.


March 6, 1974 The Secretary-General registers the request.

Constitution of the Tribunal

June11,1974 Mr. Dominique Poncet (Swiss), appointed by the Respondent, accepts hi

appointment as arbitrator.

September 10,1974 Mr. Edouard Zellweger (Swiss), appointed by the Claimant, accepts hi

appointment as arbitrator.

October 4, 1974 Mr. Andre Panchaud (Swiss), appointed by the two parties, accepts his al

pointment as President of the Tribunal.


34 October 21,1974 Preliminary meeting of the Tribunal (without the parties being present).

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November 25, 1974 Session of the Tribunal in Geneva with the parties for purposes of prelimi-nary procedural consultations under Arbitration Rule 20. The Tribunal de-cides that the Claimant will deposit its memorial by December 30, 1974 andthat the Respondent will deposit its counter-memorial within two monthsof the receipt of the memorial.

December 24, 1974 Receipt by the Centre of Claimant's memorial.

March 4, 1975 The time-limit for the counter-memorial is extended at the Respondent'srequest to March 31, 1975.

March 21, 1975 Receipt by the Centre of Respondent's counter-memorial, which contains acounter-claim and an objection to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal over certainclaims of the Claimant.

April 17, 1975 The Tribunal meets and decides to deal first with the questions of liabilityraised by the respective submissions of the parties, and requests the partiesto limit their reply and rejoinder to these questions. The Tribunal sets June 5,1975 for submission of Claimant's reply and September 15, 1975 for submis-sion of Respondent's rejoinder. In view of the technical aspects of the case,the Tribunal decides to avail itself of the services of a technical advisor.

June 3, 1975 At the Claimant's request, the President postpones the time-limit for the replyto July 10, 1975.

July 7, 1975 Receipt by the Centre of Claimant's reply.

July 8, 1975 Suspension of the proceedings upon the death of Mr. Zellweger.

August 7, 1975 Resumption of the proceedings upon the acceptance by Mr. Jacques MichelGrossen (Swiss) of his appointment by the Claimant in replacement ofMr. Zellweger.

September 10, 1975 At the Respondent's request, the President postpones the time-limit for therejoinder to October 15, 1975.

October 14, 1975 Receipt by the Centre of Respondent's rejoinder.

November 19,1975 The Tribunal authorizes the Claimant, at its request, to submit a short noteon new documents produced by the Respondent with its rejoinder, byDecember 20, 1975.

December20, 1975 Receipt by the Centre of the short note of the Claimant on new documentsproduced by the Respondent.

January 14-16,1976 The Tribunal meets in Geneva to hear witnesses and sets March 3-5, 1976 asthe dates on which it will hear those witnesses who could not be heardduring the January session.

February 17, 1976 The session of the Tribunal set for March 3-5, 1976 is postponed to a laterdate because of the illness of the President of the Tribunal.

March 11, 1976 Suspension of the proceedings upon the death of Mr. Andre Panchaud.

April 28, 1976 Resumption of the proceedings upon the acceptance by Mr. Pierre Cavin(Swiss) of his appointment by the parties to replace Mr. Panchaud.

November 29-30, 1976 The Tribunal meets in Geneva to hear witnesses and decides to hold itsnext session in Geneva on February 4, 5, and 7, 1977 to hear oral argumentby the parties on the issue of liability.

February 4 and 7, 1977 Session of the Tribunal in Geneva to hear oral argument.

March 3-4, May 5, and Deliberations of the Tribunal after consultations with the parties. The Presi-June 22,1977 dent indicates that he expects that the Tribunal will render its decision on

the question of liability by the beginning of September 1977. 35

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Amnbu 6 (con4inued)


(Case ARB/74/2)

Procedural Data

The Request

June 17,1974 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Govern-

ment of Jamaica, submitted by Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica, Inc., a national of

the United States of America, is received at the Centre.


June 21,1974 The Secretary-General registers the request.

Constitution of the Tribunal

October 25, 1974 Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, 0.C. (British), appointed by the Claimant, accepts his

appointment as arbitrator.

November 11, 1974 The Government of Jamaica having failed to appoint an arbitrator, the

Claimant requests that the Chairman of the Administrative Council, pursuantto Article 38 of the Convention and Arbitration Rule 4, appoint two arbitratorsand designate one of these arbitrators to be the President of the Tribunal.

December 13,1974 Mr. Jorgen Trolle (Danish), appointed by the Chairman of the AdministrativeCouncil, accepts his appointment as President of the Tribunal.

December 14,1974 Mr. Fuad Rouhani (Iranian), appointed by the Chairman of the AdministrativeCouncil, accepts his appointment as arbitrator.

February 3, 1975 The Tribunal consents to Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht's resignation.

February 27, 1975 Sir Michael Kerr (British), appointed by the Claimant, accepts his appoint-

ment as arbitrator.


April 1, 1975 Preliminary session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present).

April 2-3, 1975 First session of the Tribunal in Washington, D.C. in the presence of theClaimant. The Respondent does not appear. The Tribunal orders the Claimantto file, by May 4, 1975, a memorial as to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and

the competence of the Centre, together with a statement of the nature of the

claim and the relief sought; and the Respondent to file a counter-memorialby June 11, 1975.

May 5,1975 Claimant's memorial is delivered to the Centre.

June11,1975 The time-limit for the counter-memorial expires without the Centre having

received any documents from the Respondent.

July 5-6,1975 Second session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). TheTribunal decides that the Centre has jurisdiction and that the Tribunal ij

competent. It fixes time-limits for pleadings on the merits: Claimant to file Ememorial by October 12, 1975; Respondent to file a counter-memorial b)

January 19, 1976.

September 9,1975 The Claimant files with the Centre a request for procedural orders.

September 29,1975 Third session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The Tribunagives preliminary consideration to Claimant's request for procedural orders

36 October 13,1975 Claimant's memorial is delivered to the Centre.

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November 12, 1975 The Tribunal decides on the Claimant's request for procedural orders.

January 19,1976 The time-limit for the counter-memorial expires without the Centre havingreceived any documents from the Respondent.

January 24-25, 1976 Fourth session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). TheTribunal decides, as requested by the Claimant, to deal with the questionssubmitted to it pursuant to Article 45 of the Convention. It further decides toinvite the Claimant to file replies to and comments on questions formulatedby the Tribunal.

March 12,1976 The Centre receives from the Claimant replies to the Tribunal's questions,and a request for oral hearings to be held in Washington, D.C. on April 19,1976.

March 19,1976 Claimant requests postponement of the oral hearings.

March 27-28,1976 Fifth session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The Tribunalinvites the Claimant to file replies to further questions from the Tribunal, andorders oral hearings to begin in Washington, D.C. on September 7,1976.

July 16,1976 The Centre receives from the Claimant replies to the Tribunal's questions,and a request for postponement of the oral hearings.

July 26,1976 The President grants the request for postponement of the oral hearings.A new date is to be set later.

August 10,1976 The Centre receives further replies to the Tribunal's questions from theClaimant.

September 3, 1976 Oral hearings are set for April 11, 1977, in Washington, D.C.

Discontinuance of Proceedings

February 22, 1977 The Centre receives a joint request by the parties to note discontinuance ofthe proceedings in the following terms:

"WHEREAS, proceedings were instituted by Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica,Inc. against the Government of Jamaica on the 17th day of June, 1974; and

WHEREAS, the Tribunal, by its Decision adopted on the 6th day of July,1975, found that it had jurisdiction and competence over the subject matterof the proceedings; and

WHEREAS, the parties have agreed on the settlement of the dispute andfurther to discontinue the proceedings herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica, Inc. and the Governmentof Jamaica do hereby request this Honorable Tribunal to take note, in ac-cordance with Arbitration Rule 43(1), of the discontinuance of the proceed-ings and to have the same entered of record and published."

February 26-27,1977 Sixth session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The Tribunalissues an order noting the discontinuance of the proceedings pursuant toArbitration Rule 43(1).


Procedural Data

The Request

June 17,1974 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Govern-of Jamaica, submitted by Kaiser Bauxite Company, a national of the UnitedStates of America, is received at the Centre. 37

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Annex 6 (continued)


June 21,1974 The Secretary-General registers the request.

Constitution of the Tribunal

October 25, 1974 Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, 0.C. (British), appointed by the Claimant, accepts his

appointment as arbitrator.

November 8, 1974 The Government of Jamaica having failed to appoint an arbitrator, the

Claimant requests that the Chairman of the Administrative Council, pursuant

to Article 38 of the Convention and Arbitration Rule 4, appoint two arbitrators

and designate one of these arbitrators to be the President of the Tribunal.

December 13,1974 Mr. Jorgen Trolle (Danish), appointed by the Chairman of the Administrative

Council, accepts his appointment as President of the Tribunal.

December 14,1974 Mr. Fuad Rouhani (Iranian), appointed by the Chairman of the Administrative

Council, accepts his appointment as arbitrator.

February 3,1975 The Tribunal consents to Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht's resignation.

February 27,1975 Sir Michael Kerr (British), appointed by the Claimant, accepts his appoint-

ment as arbitrator.


April 1,1975 Preliminary session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present).

April 2-3,1975 First session of the Tribunal in Washington, D.C. in the presence of the

Claimant. The Respondent does not appear. The Tribunal orders the Claimant

to file, by May 4, 1974, a memorial as to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and

the competence of the Centre, together with a statement of the nature of the

claim and the relief sought; and the Respondent to file a counter-memorial

by June 11, 1975.

May 5,1975 Claimant's memorial is delivered to the Centre.

June11,1975 The time-limit for the counter-memorial expires without the Centre having

received any documents from the Respondent.

July 5-6, 1975 Second session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The

Tribunal decides that the Centre has jurisdiction and that the Tribunal iE

competent. It fixes time-limits for pleadings on the merits: Claimant to file E

memorial by October 12, 1975; Respondent to file a counter-memorial b)

January 19, 1976.

August 6,1975 At the Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing tht

memorial from October 12, 1975 to January 12, 1976.

January 2,1976 At the Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing tht

memorial from January 12, 1976 to April 12, 1976.

March 29,1976 At the Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing th,

memorial from April 12, 1976 to October 12, 1976.

September 16,1976 At the Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing th,

memorial from October 12, 1976 to November 1,1976.

October 12,1976 At the Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing th,

memorial from November 1,1976 to February 12, 1977.

Discontinuance of Proceedings

February 10, 1977 The Claimant notifies the Tribunal that on February 2, 1977 it has conclude

an agreement with Jamaica which provides a basis for final settlement of th

38 dispute between the parties, and requests discontinuance of the proceeding:

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February 26-27, 1977 Third session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The Tribunalissues a procedural order pursuant to Arbitration Rule 44 noting the dis-continuance of the proceedings.


(Case ARB/74/4)

Procedural Data

The Request

June 17, 1974 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against the Govern-ment of Jamaica, submitted by Reynolds Jamaica Mines, Ltd. and ReynoldsMetals Company, nationals of the United States of America, is received at theCentre.


June 21,1974 The Secretary-General registers the request.

Constitution of the Tribunal

October 25, 1974 Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, Q.C. (British), appointed by the Claimants, accepts hisappointment as arbitrator.

November 11, 1974 The Government of Jamaica having failed to appoint an arbitrator, theClaimants request that the Chairman of the Administrative Council, pursuantto Article 38 of the Convention and Arbitration Rule 4, appoint two arbitratorsand designate one of these arbitrators to be the President of the Tribunal.

December 13,1974 Mr. Jorgen Trolle (Danish), appointed by the Chairman of the AdministrativeCouncil, accepts his appointment as President of the Tribunal.

December 14,1974 Mr. Fuad Rouhani (Iranian), appointed by the Chairman of the AdministrativeCouncil, accepts his appointment as arbitrator.

February 3,1975 The Tribunal consents to Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht's resignation.

February 27,1975 Sir Michael Kerr (British), appointed by the Claimants, accepts his appoint-ment as arbitrator.


April 1, 1975 Preliminary session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present).

April 2-3, 1975 First session of the Tribunal in Washington, D.C. in the presence of theClaimants. The Respondent does not appear. The Tribunal orders theClaimants to file, by May 4, 1974, a memorial as to the jurisdiction of theTribunal and the competence of the Centre, together with a statement of thenature of the claim and the relief sought; and the Respondent to file acounter-memorial by June 11, 1975.

May 5,1975 Claimants' memorial is delivered to the Centre.

June11,1975 The time-limit for the counter-memorial expires without the Centre havingreceived any documents from the Respondent.

July 5-6, 1975 Second session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). TheTribunal fixes time-limits for further pleadings on the jurisdiction of theCentre and the competence of the Tribunal: Claimants to file a memorial byAugust 9, 1975; Respondent to file a counter-memorial by September 13,1975.

August9,1975 The Claimants' memorial is delivered to the Centre. 39

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Annex 6 (continued)

September 13, 1975 The time-limit for the counter-memorial expires without the Centre havingreceived any documents from the Respondent.

September 29-30, 1975 Third session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The Tribunaldecides that the Centre has jurisdiction and that the Tribunal is competent.It fixes time-limits for pleadings on the merits: Claimants to file a memorialby December 5, 1975; Respondent to file a counter-memorial by February 8,


November 19, 1975 At Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing the

memorial from December 5, 1975 to March 5, 1976.

February 25, 1976 At Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing thememorial from March 5, 1976 to June 5, 1976.

June 1,1976 At Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing thememorial from June 5, 1976 to September 15, 1976.

September 16,1976 At Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing thememorial from September 15, 1976 to November 1, 1976.

October 12,1976 At Claimant's request the President extends the time-limit for filing the

memorial from November 1, 1976 to February 12, 1977.

February 11, 1977 Claimants' memorial is delivered to the Centre.

February 26-27, 1977 Fourth session of the Tribunal (without the parties being present). The

Tribunal orders the Respondent to file a counter-memorial on the merits by

September 8, 1977.


Procedural Data

The Request

June 7, 1976 A request for the institution of arbitration proceedings against SocieteSERETE S.A., a national of France, submitted by the Government of Gabon,is received at the Centre.


October 5, 1976 The Secretary-General registers the request.

Constitution of the Tribunal

November 17,1976 Mr. Victor-Gaston Martiny (Belgian), appointed by the Claimant, accepts hiz

appointment as arbitrator.

November 24, 1976 Mr. Hans Spitznagel (Swiss), appointed by the Respondent, accepts his ap

pointment as arbitrator.

February 18, 1977 Mr. Pierre Tercier (Swiss), appointed by the two parties, accepts his appointment as President of the Tribunal.


(Neither party has taken any step in the proceedings. The Centre has beeinformed that an agreement has been reached but has not yet received

40 request for discontinuance of the proceedings.)

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Annex 7

Financial StatementExpressed in United States dollars

YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1977Expenditures on behalf of Centre by International Bank

for Reconstruction and Development:Staff personal services .----------------- . $ 51,900Contractual services and travel ------- -----------------------------------... - 109,959Printing -------------------------- 20,760

$182,619Less: Reimbursements by Centre from sale of

publications and registration fees ................ ....... - (1,209)$181,410

Contribution of services to Centre by International Bankfor Reconstruction and Development ............................................. (181,410)

Advances to Centre from parties to arbitration proceedingsand International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - .. $121,142

Disbursements by Centre for fees and expenses for arbitration proceedings - (85,322)Excess of receipts over disbursements ------------------ ... ................. _ . ... . $ 35,820

Fund balance, beginning of year ---------- ...... - - - 34,696Fund balance, end of year ---------------------- ......... ----.....-....- $ 70,516Fund balance represented by cash advances from:

Parties to arbitration proceedings ---- -----------. .... .... ------------ ----------- $ 68,521International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - 1,995

$ 70,516Note

The Memorandum of Administrative Arrangements between the Centre and the Interna-tional Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) which became effective as ofOctober 14, 1966, provides, inter alia, that, except to the extent that the Centre may bereimbursed by the parties to proceedings for fees and expenses of members of ConciliationCommissions, Arbitral Tribunals or Committees of Arbitrators, the Bank shall provide thefollowing services and facilities to the Centre without charge:

(1) The services of staff members and consultants;(2) Other administrative services and facilities, such as travel, communication facilities,

office accommodations, furniture, equipment, supplies and printing.The reported expenditures on behalf of the Centre represent the value of the services

provided by the Bank and include only those amounts identified by the Bank as being directlyrelated to the Centre and, accordingly, do not include any indirect or overhead costs ofthe Bank.

The Bank has not made a direct cash contribution to the Centre. The reported contributionof $181,410 is equal to the value of services provided by the Bank on behalf of the Centre,less reimbursements by the Centre from its sale of publications and registration fees.

The Centre's expenses which are attributable to arbitration proceedings are borne by theparties in accordance with the Centre's Administrative and Financial Regulations. In accord-ance with these Regulations, the Secretary-General calls on the parties to make advancedeposits with the Centre from time to time to defray these expenses. At June 30, 1977there were five such arbitration procedings for which the Centre held advance depositsfrom the parties involved to cover expenses, including approximately $2,400 held for twoof these proceedings which were discontinued during the year and which will be refundedto the parties. In addition, there was one other proceeding for which no advance deposithad been received.


In our opinion, the accompanying financial statement presents fairly the information showntherein for the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes for the year endedJune 30, 1977, in conformity with the Administrative Arrangements between the InternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Centre for Settlement ofInvestment Disputes, as discussed in the Note to the accompanying statement. Our examina-tion of this statement was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standardsand accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing pro-cedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.1801 K Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006 PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO.July 29, 1977 41

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Annex 8

Legal Bibliography Relating to the Centre

The following publications concerning theCentre, in addition to those listed in the firstten Annual Reports, have come to the at-tention of the Secretariat:

Amerasinghe, C. F."The International Centre for Settlementof Investment Disputes and DevelopmentThrough the Multinational Corporation"9 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law,No. 4 (Fall 1976)

Amerasinghe, C. F."Dispute Settlement Machinery in RelationsBetween States and Multinational Enter-prises-With Particular Reference to theInternational Centre for Settlement of In-vestment Disputes"The International Lawyer, Vol. 11, No. 1,pp. 45-59 (Winter 1977)

Baker, James C. and Ryans, John K."The International Centre for Settlement ofInvestment Disputes (ICSID)"Journal of World Trade Law, Vol. 10, No. 1,pp. 65-79 (Jan./Feb. 1976)


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Annex 9

Publications of ICSID

ICSID/1 Provisional Regulations and Rules(Superseded by ICSID14/Rev. 1)

ICSID/2 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes betweenStates and Nationals of Other States, and Accompanying Re-port of the Executive Directors of the International Bank forReconstruction and Development(English, French, Spanish)

ICSID/3/Rev. 22 List of Contracting States and Other Signatories of theConvention(English, French)

ICSID/4/Rev. 1 Regulations and Rules(English, French)

ICSID/5 Model Clauses Recording Consent to the Jurisdiction of theInternational Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes(English, French)

ICSID/6 Model Clauses Relating to the Convention on the Settlement ofInvestment Disputes Designed for Bilateral Investment Treaties(English, French)

ICSID/7/Rev. 2 Publications of ICSID(English, French)

ICSID/8/Rev. 5 Contracting States and Actions Taken by Them Pursuant to theConvention(English, French)

ICSID/9/Rev. 4 Provisions Relating to ICSID in International Agreements andNational Investment Laws(English, French)-

ICSID/10 List of the Members of the Panels of Conciliators and Arbitrators(English, French)


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L-SD WB / ICSIID Bcux- 976/77 Eno:1r,terriatXnal Centre for

Sett 1eierit ofAnnual reoort /

I nt errnt ioa Cent refrcr- Qmit 4- I. s i -L

Page 46: Inlernational Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes · Ior Settlement Of Investment Disputes-..iIL ... ments in the form of rules and an admin- Pursuant to Article 54(2) of the Conven-istering

SEA-1818 H Street, N.N

Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S./

Telephone: (202) 477-20fCable Address: ICSI